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Yaritakatta: want to join you, なさって: What (liên từ), エクササイズ: exercise, 物語: monogatari: story, 暴力:

Bōryoku: violence, 日々: Hibi: days, 心身: Shinshin: Mind and body, ボロボロ: exhausted, 奮闘: Funtō:
Struggle, ムコ多糖症: Mucopolysaccharidosisハンター: Hunter, 症候群: Shōkōgun: syndrome, 難病: Nanbyō:
(nhan biêu) serious disease +抱く: Daku: hold, 果たして: Hatashite: After all, 幼少期: Yōshō-ki: childhood,
生き物: Ikimono: (natural) Creature, ゆえに: therefore, 向: Mukai: Direction, 椅子: Isu: Chair, 振 り上げる:
Furiageru: Swing up, 精いっぱい: Seiippai: Thoroughly, のせいで: because of, 知的: Chiteki: intellectual / know,
後退: Recession, Weaker, 普通学級: Futsū gakkyū: Ordinary class, 特殊学級: Tokushu gakkyū: Special class,
前例: zenrei: Precedent #前代未聞: zendaimimon: unprecedented, 考慮: Kōryo: Consideration, ほぼ: Almost,
配慮: Hairyo: concern, 絶対: zettai, 言い張る: Iiharu: insist, 概念: Gainen: concept, ippanteki: unique, 外れる: be
out: Hazureru, kosei: uniqueness, byoume: loại bệnh, hakken: tìm ra / gọi tên, 余命宣告: Yomei senkoku: life
expectation, 寝たきり: Netakiri: Bedridden, 自発呼吸: Jihatsu kokyū: Spontaneous breathing / breath for
himself, 寿命を延ばす: Jumyōwonobasu: Extend the life, 骨髄移植: Kotsuzui ishoku: Bone marrow
transplantation: ghép tủy, 血液: kẹt chế kin: blood cell, 型: Kata: Type, 移植対象者: recipient(of
transplantation), 一致: Itchi: Match, 拒絶反応: Kyozetsu han'nō: Rejection reaction, 施術: Shijutsu: in time of
Treatment, 極力: Kyokuryoku: As much as possible, 唯一: Yuiitsu: Only, 幸運な: Kōun'na: lucky/ fortunate,
判断を委 ねる: Handan o yudaneru: Entrust judgment, とまどい: Tomorrow, tojisan: the only one, 燃ete: burn,
もどかしく同仕様もなく: modokashikudoushiyoumonaku: Frustratingly without the same specifications/ having
no tactics, 託: Taku: Commission, 懸ける: Kakeru: offer/ hang up, 認める: Shitatameru: recognize, 決断:
Ketsudan: decision

共 (tomo)にしたの: Together, omoi byoki: serious sicknesses, それぞれ: Each, 左向: Hidari-m: left side + kai +
nobeddo datta: on the left of my bed, 年下: Toshishita: younger, 教科書: Kyōkasho: gô kac’ sồ: textbook + wo
hirogete: open / use book, おかないと: I have no choice, ついて いけない: not be left behind, ただただ: just, 偉い:
great (make others impressed), のちに: later, 当たり前: atarimai (obvious), 翌年: Yokunen: following year,
なれば: If it becomes, 概念: gainen: concept, 根本: Konpon: common sense, 覆され: Kutsugaesare: overturned /
shattered (a belief,...), 改める: Aratameru: Change, 何気ない: Nanigenai: casual, 改 めて考 えたこともない何気
ない日常 (everyday): such usual things were actually not so usual, 目 の当 たりにする: see, know, learn,
せっかく: show the regret, きっかけ: trigger, make me think, 運命: unmei: Fate, 手術を終えて: Shujutsu o oete:
After the operation, 背中 にあいた6つの穴 の痛 み: Senaka ni aita muttsu no ana no itami: Pain in the six holes
in the back, 達成感: Tassei-kan: Sense of accomplishment / satisfaction, 安堵: Ando: Relief, 胸: mune: chest,
未来 への 道をがむしゃらに(in vain)歩 き: Mirai e no michi o gamushara ni aruki: take every opportuntity to my
future, 出会い: Deai: encounter, 魅了: mì yo6: fascinated, そもそも: In the first place / At the beginning, 引き合
わせ: Hikiawase: Contact / Give me the key, tano: N hóa, そしてなぜ: And why / and that’s the reason why,
遡る: Sakanoboru: Go back, 超える: Koeru: Exceed, over, oshaberi ga daisuki: never stop talking, ハマリ: điện
từ?, 実写吹 き替え版: Jissha fukikae-ban: Live action dubbed(gắn tên) version, fushigi no kuni: wonderland,
擦 り切 れる: Surikireru: wear out (tơi tả), 鑑賞: Kanshō: watch, セリフ: Dialogue, 丸暗記: Maru anki: Round
memo (lồng tiếng), なりきり: only, 記憶の鍵に: Kioku no kagi ni: ki ô ko6 kaihi ni: To the key of memory, 芝居:
Shibai: play, 優香: Yūka: both acting and singing, 絵画: kaiga: Painting, hikiawase: open, 投げる: Nageru:
throw, 癖: Kuse: habit, たっぷり: plenty, 筆: Fude: Brush, 和紙: Washi: Japanese paper, 調和: Chōwa: Harmony:
trộn màu, 幻想: Gensō: Fantasy, 芸術: Geijutsu: art, 何とも言えない: nanitomoienai: I can not say anything, 描く:
Draw, 当初: Tōsho: At the beginning, 格段: kakudan: Step, 衰え: Otoroe: Decline, siteki + sentaiteki:
physiccally + mentally, 介護: Kaigo: Nursing care, 経過: Keika: Progress, 立派: Rippa: fine, 画家: Gaka: painter
(from 7:52)

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