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Juscelino Chaves Sales *

Departamento de Engenharia Civil (UVA)
Universidade Estadual Vale do Acaraú
Av. Da Universidade S/N, Sobral, Ceará ,Brasil

Keywords: Santo Anastácio dam, Transport of sediment, Environmental degradation

Abstract. The constant transport of sediment to the Santo Anastácio dam has been
decreasing its capacity over the years. The small dam was built in the 1918s and is one of the
oldest reservoirs of the city of Fortaleza, with a water storage capacity of 508000 m³ by the
time of its construction. The present work analyzes the current situation of the dam, showing
mainly the environmental degradation. The dam, which is in the Federal University of Ceará,
Brazil, has a compromised storage capacity as well as a strong environmental impact because
it is in an urban and densely populated area. We have observed problems such as
Eutrophication, fish mortality and a large amount of both solid and liquid waste, which lead
to serious problems for the water resource. With the increase of sediment deposition in the
dam, that is, an increase in siltation, will cause the water resource to collapse in a short time.


Many springs in the world are somehow contaminated, mainly in poor and developing
countries. In Brazil, especially the northern and northeastern regions have serious problems of
contamination by pollutants in their reservoirs, such as dams and lakes, mostly in urban areas
where there is a larger population.
In the world we have the necessity of constructing dams in the rivers for the generation of
energy, human consumption, regulation of the flow of the rivers, pisciculture among others.
There are also tailings dams, which store byproducts of mining. The dams in the state of
Ceará can be called “açude”, as well as in other states of the Brazilian Northeast, which are
used mainly for human consumption. Such barriers can be constructed of earth, concrete and
Several studies of methods to contain the pollutants (physical, chemical) and the sediments
that enter the reservoirs have been done. In addition, the preservation of the riparian forest
and urban sanitation actions should be prioritized to protect the springs from damages.
In 1981, the Santo Anastácio dam had a maximum water storage volume of 440000 m³,
lower than the initial 508000 m³, due to the sedimentation process [1].
By means of a bathymetric mapping, a study of the sedimentation conditions of the
reservoir was performed. In 2011 it reached a maximum water depth of 3.5 m for a maximum

Juscelino Chaves Sales.

water capacity of 306.752 m³. However, in 1918, when the dam was built, it had a maximum
depth of 6 m and had a cumulative volume of water of 508000 m³ [2]. Nowadays, in the year
2018, we can say with certainty that the accumulation capacity of the reservoir has decreased
compared to 2011, but a new bathymetric mapping is necessary.
Farias [3] found that the population living near the dam and the banks along the canal
(river) have low income and no environmental education.
The actions to control eutrophication in the dam are important, since investments must be
made in urban sanitation. Additionally, the preservation of fauna and control of the species of
fish found in the reservoir should also be a priority.
The constant transport of sediment to the reservoir has been decreasing its capacity over
the years. The small dam was built in the 1918s, which makes it one of the oldest reservoirs
in the city of Fortaleza. Studying the process of sedimentation of the Santo Anastácio dam is
now of paramount importance and reversing it should be a priority for public agencies. The
Santo Anastácio dam, in the Federal University of Ceará (UFC), has a compromised capacity
as well as a strong environmental impact because it is in an urban and densely populated area.
The present work makes analyzes the environmental impact that has been taking place in
the Santo Anastácio dam in Fortaleza, the capital city of the Ceará state, Brazil.


The present work was carried out through on-site visits in some parts that constitute the
dam, such as the spillway and areas around the reservoir. A bibliographical research was done
in articles, newspapers, dissertations and monographs. In addition, there were surveys along
the canal restricted to build the reservoir, from its spring (Parangaba lagoon), passing through
some neighborhoods of Fortaleza until arriving inside the Federal University of Ceará (UFC).


The Santo Anastácio dam is in Brazil, in the northeast region, more specifically in the state
of Ceará. Exactly this year (2018), is the 100th anniversary of the construction of the Santo
Anastácio dam, where the water stream coming from the Parangaba lagoon is retained. It is
part of the Maranguapinho river basin, since the water passes through its spillway after about
4 km and drains into the Maranguapinho river. Figure 1 shows the map of the Santo
Anastácio dam, in the Federal University of Ceará, adjacent to highly populated

Figure 1. Map of the Santo Anastácio dam, in the Federal University of Ceará (UFC), next to
the Amadeu Furtado neighborhood in Fortaleza [4].

3.1. Diagnosis of Santo Anastácio dam

Juscelino Chaves Sales.

This year (2018), the Santo Anastácio dam will complete 100 years of its construction
where it dam the spillway creek of the Parangaba lagoon, being part of the Maranguapinho
river basin, because the water passes in its bleeding after about 4km flows into the
Maranguapinho river.
The Santo Anastácio dam receives water from the spillway of the Parangaba lagoon,
which flows along the Pan American canal, through Jose Bastos Avenue and crosses the Bela
Vista neighborhood and then enters the university. The Bela Vista neighborhood is densely
populated, as we can see a great amount of buildings. Thus, the canal is highly polluted and
even so there are many herons that live in the environment around the dam. In that region,
there are also people who enter the university to go fishing (Figure 2).

Figure 2. The Bela Vista neighborhood densely populated on the bank of the reservoir.

Next to the dam were constructed two lanes paved with stones for the circulation of
vehicles such as buses and small cars. There is also a central reservation between the two
lanes, where they planted palm trees, and other trees were also planted downstream of the
dam. On the top of the dam there is an intense flow of vehicles since they built an avenue of
182 m in length over the crest of the dam, which is one of the accesses to the university
campus. We can see that the crest of the dam is much wider than in other dams that store the
same amount of water (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Vehicle traffic on the crest of the dam.

The increase in real estate around the dam is increasing every day, which causes a contrast
between nature and buildings. Buildings have been built at 100 meters from the banks of the
reservoir, where it was detected the existence of sewage dump in the water. Besides, many

Juscelino Chaves Sales.

herons are found in the trees along the banks of the dam (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Buildings being built at the edge of the dam.

The water that flows through the canal, which comes from the Parangaba lagoon, receives
a lot of waste. Household effluents are dumped directly into the canal by the population living
on its bank. Many of the houses still do not have access to a system of sanitation and drainage
of the liquid residues, since these houses were constructed irregularly throughout the years,
deforesting the ciliary forest of the stream. We can see walls built on the right bank of the
canal and a street with houses on the left bank. Trees were planted after the removal of the
riparian forest (Figure 4). It is worth emphasizing that the water of the dam has contaminants
due to the dump of waste in the river in which the dam was built. The river passes through
highly populated districts until reaching the dam (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Channel (stream) coming from the Parangaba lagoon.

In its years of existence, the Santo Anastácio dam has had its landscape changed, since
new buildings have been built. When the dam was built, the area was a farm with a few
houses and the university bought it to be the experimental farm, which became known as the
agronomy school. In 1961, there were few students in the university and the crest width was
smaller, as shown in Figure 6, where we can see upstream and downstream of the dam, with
vehicles passing over the crest, which was bounded by concrete pillars connected by steel
chains (Figure 6). We can see the rocks of the junction dam and vehicles of the time passing
over the crest of the dam.

Juscelino Chaves Sales.

Figure 6. Santo Anastácio dam in 1961 [5].

Figure 7 shows the dam in 1979. By comparing it with Figure 2, we notice that in the year
of 1979 there was little vegetation downstream as well as upstream of the dam. In the center,
trees had been planted, like the palm trees in series throughout the length of the dam crest.
The university central library building can be seen.

Figure 7. Santo Anastácio dam in 1979 [6].

Figure 8 shows the cattle feeding on water hyacinths (Eichhornia, aquatic plants) upstream
of the dam, where we also notice the existence of herons on the water hyacinths and
fishermen near the dam. There is also a dense vegetation on the right bank of the dam, which
is completely inside the university campus.

Figure 8. Cattle feeding on water hyacinths.

Juscelino Chaves Sales.

Due to the large amount of water hyacinths, which increased in the surface of the
reservoir, and without being able to pass through the spillway of the dam, which is a bridge, it
was necessary to use a truck loading crane to remove the plants and put them in a container
that later was taken to the landfill in the municipality of Caucaia, in the metropolitan region
of Fortaleza. That was the only possible way to unclog the spillway and clear the reservoir.
We can also see the hydraulic jump at the entrance of the spillway, and a tree that was cut in
the left bank because its roots were infiltrating the dam, which could cause problems (Figure
9). A large amount of organic matter is thrown into the dam, thus increasing the amount of
nitrogen and phosphorus in the water, which causes eutrophication.

Figure 9. Removal of the water hyacinths from the surface of the reservoir.

In the dam was found a great concentration of aquatic plants due to the eutrophication
phenomenon, which happens because of the excess of nutrients such as nitrogen and
phosphorus. Such nutrients are increased especially because of the pollution by domestic
sewage. In addition, oil was also found in the water of the reservoir, probably coming from a
workshop next to the banks of the stream, which dumps rubbish and debris in the reservoir.
We can see in Figure 10 a man diverting the water hyacinths to the spillway of the dam.

Figure 10. Concentration of aquatic plants due to the eutrophication phenomenon.

A large amount of solid waste (tires, plastic cans, mattresses, bags, boots, styrofoam,
plastics and chairs) passed through the spillway of the dam, as well as plants and non-
biodegradable solid substances. These solid wastes are removed every year, during the
cleaning of the Santo Anastácio dam. The spillway is concreted, as shown in Figure 11.

Juscelino Chaves Sales.

Figure 11. Solid wastes and aquatic plants in the spillway channel.

Besides mattresses and plastic, were also found biodegradable wastes, bodies of dead
animals such as dogs, goats, etc., along with aquatic plants. Therefore, the water in the
reservoir was contaminated by decaying animals, and the proliferation of the water hyacinths
on the surface of the reservoir is constant (Figure 12).

Figure 12. Biodegradable waste with dead animal.

In Figure 13, a man is located on the upstream side of the dam pushing the waste next to
the bank, so that the waste, which looks like a mud mixed with other solid waste, reaches the
spillway of the dam. On the face of the upstream we can see rocks with grass of the barrage.

Figura 13. Upstream of the dam with waste.

Juscelino Chaves Sales.

Recently, many fish died due to water pollution, which caused the reservoir to run out of
oxygen to the fish. A large quantity of sludge was found as well as a series of solid residues
(cardboard, plastic bottles, etc.), as shown in Figure 14.

Figure 14. Dead fishes due to pollution.

In Figure 15 we can see the palm trees that were planted on top of the dam crest at equal
distance from each other. We can see the two hydraulic jumps of the spillway separated and
the aquatic plants that are not able to pass under the bridge. There is also the downstream face
covered with grass that grew without depending on the pollution of the reservoir. The crest of
the dam is illuminated by the light poles shown in the image.

Figure 15. Palm trees that were planted on top of the dam crest.

It was verified that there is a sewage gallery that is at the upstream of the dam, which
passes under the left abutment. Recently, it was necessary to perform a maintenance to
replace a leaking pipe, and it is worth noting that this damaged pipe dumped organic waste
(sewage) in the water table on the left abutment of the reservoir, thus causing more organic
matter to be thrown into the water. Steel containment walls were placed near the left
abutment of the dam. We also noticed a certain number of vehicles passing over the dam crest
(Figure 16).

Juscelino Chaves Sales.

Figure 16. Gallery that passes under the left abutment of the dam.

We noticed the existence of a cattle herd next to the dam that goes up to the spillway to
feed on the vegetation produced by the water pollution and that passes through the spillway.
We can also see in the downstream of the dam, laboratories of the fishing engineering
program, with tanks for fish farming. In the dam, two dairies were found, one upstream and
another downstream (Figure 17). The dairy cattle is always at the banks of the dam upstream
and at the spillway downstream to feed on the algae and grasses that were generated due to
eutrophication. The animals are in the channel, which was concreted in its margins (Figure
In 2009, there was a dam overtopping due to heavy rains in the metropolitan region of
Fortaleza. The water flooded all the laboratories of the fishing engineering program, which
are downstream of the dam, causing the loss of all the scientific experiments that were being
carried out in laboratories. In figure 17 we can see the construction of the two-storey
laboratories and the fish storage tanks that are used for scientific research by the laboratories.
The dam did not collapse as the rainfall declined, besides, the dam was well designed
(foundation, height, crest, compaction) and has a crest of greater width than other dams that
store the same amount of water.

Figure 17. Cattle raised around the downstream of the dam on the spillway channel.

A large amount of waste resulting from pollution, such as pet bottles and styrofoam, were
found near the dam. We can also see in the right side of the dam the riparian forest that has
never been removed, which is a dense forest with a diverse flora and fauna. There are animals
such as snakes, lizards, possums, herons and waterhens. The dam is also useful for fish
farming. The fishermen who live near the university campus use hooks and nets in the fishery
(Figure 18). Within the university, we find buildings located on the banks of the dam lake,
which are blocks of classrooms and laboratories, next to a virgin ciliary forest and some palm
trees planted.

Juscelino Chaves Sales.

Figure 18. Pisciculture and dense forest on the bank.


By analyzing the Santo Anastácio dam at the Federal University of Ceará (UFC) was
found a decrease in its water storage capacity. The sedimentation and silting processes of the
Santo Anastácio dam is increasing every year due to the deposition of organic and inorganic
matter. With the increase of sediment deposition in the dam, that is, an increase in silting, the
water resource is going to collapse in a short time.


[1] Pereira, A. J. C. Q. “Considerações sobre a sedimentação e processos de assoreamento do

açude Santo Anastácio, em Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil”. Dissertação de Mestrado, Universidade
Federal do Ceará. Fortaleza, 1981.

[2] Lima, F. P. “Avaliação do processo de assoreamento do açude Santo Anastácio-

Fortaleza/CE”. Monografia de Graduação, Universidade Federal do Ceará. Fortaleza. 2011.

[3] Farias, D. B. A. “Monitoramento do açude Santo Anastácio”, Campus do Pici.

Monografia de Graduação. Universidade Federal do Ceará. Fortaleza. 2008.

Pici . Acess in 22/11/2017.

[5] Biblioteca Central da Universidade Federal do Ceará, “Exposição UFC”, 2015.

[6] UFC completa 61anos de fundação, Jornal da UFC, 2016.


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