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What is Aking Bikolnon

What is Aking Bikolnon?

AKING BIKOLNON is a grassroots movement built

upon the unrelenting strength, pride and rich cultural heritage of the marginalized
majority of the Bicolano people. AKI believes in fostering the oragon spirit – that
is, the determination and perseverance to stand up for principles no matter the
adversity – as a unifying force for genuine social and political transformation.
United, the oragons must actively take charge of their march to progress by
amalgamating their regional experiences and aspirations into a political party that
endeavors to focus on the needs and interests of the poor and the oppressed.

In the midst of various Bicolano dialects and traditions, AKI aims to gather the
best of Bicol's heritage innate in the psyche of each and every Bicolano, from
within the region and across the world. AKI shall forge Bicolano unity that will put
an end to marginalization and domination by the powerful few.

AKING BIKOLNON seeks solutions to the social, economic and political plights
particularly affecting Bicol and its people, not only through representation in
Congress but also through the mass involvement of marginalized Bikolnons to
build a just and progressive society. AKI is therefore the party-list of the Bicolano
workers, farmers, laborers, fishermen, drivers, salaried employees and
professionals, OFWs, street vendors, small entrepreneurs, poor youth and
students, the Bicolanas, including the jobless and the underemployed.
AKI always maintains direct links with the Bicolano masses through its base of
community organizations, cause-oriented groups, sectoral and socio-cultural
organizations and various individuals who believe in and champion the
aspirations of the Bicolanos. This foundation gives AKI its strength, and people’s
participation in governance is ensured through these organizations.

Why AKI for the marginalized Bikolnons?

Despite the trappings of representative government, the vast majority of

Bicolanos remain economically marginalized and politically invisible. The
electoral process in the region is dominated by political clans which have lorded
over the region for generations.

Decades of misrepresentation, traditional and clan politics, foreign and local

abuse and misuse of the region’s natural wealth and its toilers’ produce
exacerbated by both natural and man-made calamities – all these have taken
their toll to make Bicol among the poorest regions of the country.

Elite interests have even permeated the party list system, with the formation and
assumption to power of Bicol-based groups associated with big business and
old-style politicos.

The district representatives and its system of patronage politics are clearly
wanting – the region’s poor economic performance and high incidence of poverty
over the years are proof enough of this. These “representatives” have not
protected and advanced the interest of the Bicolano majority. They have
misrepresented the people and ignored their welfare by relegating their duty of
serving their constituents to mere charitable causes and publicity gimmicks.

AKI believes that it is not only one’s self or the individual - the "I" or the "AKO" -
that should be the center; rather it should be "kita" or the community, the majority
who are most in need, that must always be the focal objective. Bako lang "ako",
kundi kitang mga AKING BIKOLNON.

AKI believes that political power can be reinvested to the people through a
political party organized from the Bicolano masses: industrial and agricultural
workers, employees and professionals, the urban and rural middle class, women,
youth, intellectuals, artists, and small entrepreneurs– who are all marginalized
under present economic circumstances and restrictive political processes.

AKI firmly believes that democratic action from the grassroots can chip away the
influence of the powerful few. Bicolanos have to unite in the struggles against
inequality by extending assistance to each other, especially in times of dire need
and want. It believes that the marginalized Bikolnons must not rely on politicians
and the rich; instead they should invest in their own empowerment to realize the
region's full potential, thus contributing to the nation's upliftment as a whole.

AKI is not a party hastily convened for election purposes, only to disband
between elections. Its chapters and formations would remain active and effective
in order to address issues and concerns affecting the day-to-day and future life of

AKI believes that the interest of Bicolanos can be advanced and defended
through the active involvement of every Bicolano, especially the poor, in all
political, social and economic activities, motivated by a desire not just to help
one’s self but to offer a lending hand to others. AKI relies in the Bicolano’s
selfless motivation to give and share – not only through material things, which
they themselves would be in need for, but in dedicating their time and
effort, their energy, their compassion, and their spirit and grace to help and
encourage others.
Bicolanos, arm in arm with AKI, will help weed out the powerful few
misrepresenting them in Congress and once again continue their involvement in
the region's historical role as a catalyst for change.

Enough of the rule of the few. Together, we must make a stand. Bako lang ako;
kita gabos matarabang sa kauswagan.

Economic Empowerment for Bicolanos

AKI believes that the Bicolano masses and their representative party can
genuinely work to end the cycle of poverty by advocating and promulgating social
and economic policies that are biased in favor of the poor and most
vulnerable. It will put emphasis on truly utilizing the means to eradicate the root
causes of poverty and helplessness that have made Bicol the second poorest
region in the country.

The powerful few's insatiable drive to accumulate wealth from the region's vast
natural resources has left the marginalized Bicolanos bereft of its benefits. AKI
believes that the Bicolano people should have foremost access to the region’s
resources, and that they must have advantage over other interests.

AKI deems it necessary to educate the Bicolanos about the long term effects of
indiscriminate mining and logging, illegal fishing, and farming inimical to
environmental protection and other destructive practices. Bicolanos themselves
must take a proactive role in upholding their right and duty to protect the region's
bounty against its abuse and overuse by the greedy talons of local politicos and
foreign investors.

AKI fosters genuine economic change in the region by seeing to the upliftment of
the Bicolano’s quality of life. Economic progress for the Bicolanos should be
geared towards a self-reliant and self-sufficient economy. Constraints
accumulated from centuries-old agrarian backwardness must be worked against
to ensure food sufficiency and promote livelihood that can help give rise to
Bicolano-owned industries at the macro and micro levels.

AKI strives to raise productivity in the region alongside agrarian solutions, with
the introduction of appropriate technology via mechanization and a more
scientific approach to agricultural production. For many decades, most of Bicol’s
agricultural technology has been left at an ancient, if not obsolete level. The rich
collection of agricultural practices and experiences in the region and across the
world can be shared and studied through seminars and trainings conducted with
scientists, professionals and the agricultural workers themselves. A progressive
introduction of tools and machines to aid the handicraft industry will also help
lead to a progressive synergy of agriculture and industry in an independent and
self-sustainable economy.

Basic services for the Bicolanos

Corruption is a deeply entrenched practice in traditional politics. This has robbed

the Bicolanos of the various basic social services that they rightfully
deserve. Bicol is not only impoverished as a region but its people are also left to
fend for themselves and to survive with only trickling and sporadic help from the
region's politicos.

AKI shall advocate the rights of Bicolanos to basic services and push for its
improvement. It shall ensure that low-cost housing, abundant potable
water, cheap electricity, adequate health services and infrastructure projects
reaches the Bicolanos not only through legislative funding but also by bringing
together people and organizations from far and wide to support such projects.

Always on the receiving end of nature's brunt, a large part of Bicol is mired in an
unending cycle of destruction and construction. AKI sees it important that the
region prepare and arm itself against disasters. Robust infrastructure must be
built, personnel must be trained, and most of all, Bicolanos must be given quick
access to basic services during and after times of calamity.

The Bicolanos are a people of great potential. However, this potential can only be
realized if Bicolanos have fair access to means of livelihood and continuous
educational and cultural development. AKI shall support the Bikolnons in their
struggles to demand for these rights and provide assistance to individuals and
organizations equally bent on delivering empowerment, education and social
services to the Bikolnons.

AKI will also launch its own programs promoting the rich cultural heritage
of Bikolnons, not solely to attract tourists to come to festivals and town fiestas but
more importantly to inculcate in each Bicolano a passion for the region’s rich
history and culture– a passion that can propel them forward and collectively
combat backwardness, marginalization and subjugation.

Political empowerment for the marginalized Bicolanos

The Bicolanos play a pivotal role in the nation's politics. However, this potential is
staunched by various machinations perfected through the years by traditional
politicians. In effect, the Bikolnons remain doubtful of their own capacity as a
united people.

AKI puts high priority in making sure that the Bicolanos have in hand the right
facilities for their capacity-building. Skills training and community-based
workshops and seminars at the grassroots level, independent from the existing
political machineries of local politicos, are a must in educating and engaging the
people for their own empowerment.
For this to happen, AKI must continuously strive to build and expand its network
of individuals and organizations with a proven and unwavering desire of
furthering interests for social, political, economic and cultural upliftment.

Emphasis on the problems of the work force in agriculture, industry, and services
will be the focal points of unity in organizing and mobilizing
marginalized Bikolnons in their capacity-building development. This will serve as
the political platform of AKI to be trumpeted in and out of Congress, among
Bicolanos living within and beyond the homeland.###

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