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How to Set Up Invoice Approval Using the Supervisory Hierarchy

The following supervisory hierarchy exists.

1. To view this in HCM, log in as HCM_IMPL

2. Navigator > Workforce Management > Person Management > Manage Employment

3. Query each employee to find who his/her manager is.

4. The above diagram shows the approval limits per person.

Note: Invoice Amounts less than $1000 will be Auto-Approved.

• Invoice Amounts > $1K but less than $5K should be routed to Matthew Schnieder or the invoice
creator’s supervisor; in this case, the creator is Edward Mehl.

• Invoice Amounts > $5K but less than $10K should be routed to Kerry Lane or the Level 2

• Invoice Amounts > $10K should be routed to the Casey Brown or the Level 3 supervisor.

Note: It is very important to define the last approver that would approve amounts up to infinity, such as
Casey Brown who needs to approve any invoice greater than $10,000. Otherwise, if you enter an invoice
for $250,000, the invoice will not be routed to anyone and will stay in limbo.
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We will define the following 4 rules where the 2nd rule is used to autoapprove invoices
less than $1000.

Steps to Define Rule #1 for Invoice Amounts Between $1000-5000

1. Login as your Financials User

2. Select Navigator > Setup and Maintenance

3. Query task Define Approval Management for Financials. Expand the task and select the Go to Task icon
for Mange Task Configurations for Financials.

Note: You can also access BPM directly by updating your url and appending it with
“/integration/worklistapp,” like so: https://adc-fap0440-

4. Select FinApInvoiceApproval link.

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5. Leave all defaults.

6. Click the Rules tab. You will see all the rules available for invoice approval. There is no way to know
which one you defined rules for unless you open each one individually. You could uncheck the check box
to disable rules, but you should NOT need to do so because by default they all Ignore any rules.

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• Serial: One after another for approval

• Parallel: All approvers notified at once all and all must approve

• Single: All approvers get notified but only one needs to approve

• FYI: FYI notification only

7. Click Invoice Approvers on the far left. This rule is a serial rule.

You can define rules based on different attributes of the invoices, such as the Invoice Header, Line and
Distribution and even DFF information.

8. Expand the Manager Approval Rule, the default first rule. Rename it to “Inv1Kto5K.”

9. Click the magnifying glass icon for the first IF line

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10. Select Task.payload.getInvoiceHeader1Response.result.invoiceAmount to define rules based on the
Invoice Amount at the Header Level. Just walk down the folder directory starting at Task.

Note: Do not use Line Level Amounts to drive approval rules. It is not available yet.

11. Select the operator Between.

12. Enter from and to amounts 1000.01 – 5000 by selecting the magnifying glass icon.

13. Click OK.

14. In the THEN region, specify the following:

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1. List Builder: Supervisory (Select Green “+” Add Approver > Supervisory.

2. Response Time: Required

3. Number of levels: 1 (This instructs the system to route the invoice up one supervisory level.)

4. Starting Participant: HierarchyBuilder.getManager("supervisory",Task.creator,-1,"","")

To do this, select the magnifying glass, select the following:

• Get Manager option

• List Builder: Supervisory

• Reference User = task.creator

• Hierarchy type “” (double quotes)

15. Click OK to close the popup.

16. Specify the Top Participant: HierarchyBuilder.getPrincipal("casey.brown",-1,"","").

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17. Click OK to close the popup.

18. Specify Auto Action Enabled: False

19. Specify AutoAction: Null

20. Enter Rule Name “Inv1Kto5K” (Must be inside quotes.)

21. Collapse the first rule

Steps to Define Rule #2 for AutoApproval of Invoice < $1000

22. Expand the second rule, this is the AutoApproval rule to automatically approve all invoices less than $1K.

23. Expand the IF region, and select Task.payload.getInvoiceHeader1Response.result.invoiceAmount

less than


24. In the THEN region, specify the following:

25. List Builder: Supervisory (Select Green “+” Add Approver > Supervisory.

26. Response Time: Required

27. Number of levels: 1

28. Starting Participant: HierarchyBuilder.getManager("supervisory",Task.creator,-1,"","")

29. Top Participant: HierarchyBuilder.getPrincipal("casey.brown",-1,"","")

30. Auto Action Enabled: True (This means you want to automatically approve the invoice)

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31. AutoAction: “APPROVE”

32. Rule Name “AutoApprovalRule” (Must be inside quotes.)

33. Collapse the rule

34. Leave the IgnoreInvoiceRequestApprovalRuleSetRule alone. That contains:


Task.payload.invoiceType is “ISP”


IgnoreParticipant ( "IgnoreInvoiceRequestApprovalRuleSetRule", Lists )

This rule simply means to ignore invoice approval for ISP (iSupplier Portal Invoices) that come into AP
become they already have their own approval flow. I don’t think most customers would need to approve
these invoices twice.

Define Approval Rule #2 for Invoice Amounts between $5K and$10K.

35. Click the Green “+” to add a new rule called Inv5Kto10K.

36. Click the magnifying glass icon for the first IF line

37. Select Task.payload.getInvoiceHeader1Response.result.invoiceAmount to define rules based on the

Invoice Amount at the Header Level.

38. Select the operator Between.

39. Enter from and to amounts 5000.01 – 10000 by selecting the magnifying glass icon.

40. Click OK.

41. In the THEN region, specify the following:

42. List Builder: Supervisory (Select Green “+” Add Approver > Supervisory).

43. Response Time: Required

44. Number of levels: 2 (This instructs the system to route the invoice up two levels.)

45. Starting Participant: HierarchyBuilder.getManager("supervisory",Task.creator,-1,"","")

To do this, select the magnifying glass, select Get Manager, List Builder Supervisory, Reference User
= task.creator, Hierarchy type “” (double quotes)

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46. Top Participant: HierarchyBuilder.getPrincipal("casey.brown",-1,"","")

47. Auto Action Enabled: False

48. AutoAction: Null

49. Rule Name “Inv5Kto10K” (Must be inside quotes.)

50. Collapse this rule

Define Approval Rule #4 for Invoice Amounts greater than $10K.

51. Click the Green “+” to add a new rule called Invgreaterthan10K.

52. Click the magnifying glass icon for the first IF line

53. Select Task.payload.getInvoiceHeader1Response.result.invoiceAmount

54. Select the operator More Than.

55. Enter amount 10000.

56. Click OK.

57. In the THEN region, specify the following:

• List Builder: Supervisory (Select Green “+” Add Approver > Supervisory.

• Response Time: Required

• Number of levels: 3 (This instructs the system to route the invoice up three levels.)
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58. Starting Participant: HierarchyBuilder.getManager("supervisory",Task.creator,-1,"","")

59. Top Participant: HierarchyBuilder.getPrincipal("casey.brown",-1,"","")

60. Auto Action Enabled: False

61. AutoAction: Null

62. Rule Name “Invgreaterthan10K” (Must be inside quotes.)

63. Collapse this rule

64. Save your work by pressing the Save icon on the top left.

You are now ready to test your invoice approval rule.

1. You should enable Invoice Approval in the Invoicing Options and then log in as Edward.Mehl.

2. Enter an invoice with a certain amount, such as over $5k.

3. Submit the invoice for approval and then log in as the appropriate supervisor(s) to approve the invoice.

Management Chain: User the Manager OIM hierarchy. And you will need to run a process to suync users from
HCM hierarchy to OIM.

Note: Task Aggregation determines how many notifications the approver receives

• Once per task: Approver will receive multiple notifications

• Once per Stage:

Additional Information:

MOS Doc ID: 1342689.1 Fusion Accounts Payables - Invoice Approval Process

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