August 2018 Current Affairs

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Current Affairs
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1. विश्ि पर्यटन दििस कब मनार्ा जाता है ?
When is the World Tourism Day celebrated?
A) 25 September
B) 26 September
C) 27 September
D) 28 September

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2. विश्ि जैि-ईंधन दििस हर साल कब मनार्ा जाता है ?
When is the World Bio-Fuel Day observed every year?
a) August 9
b) August 10
c) August 11 BIO
d) August 12

Plant material or animal waste

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Renewable vs Non Renewable
3. विश्ि मानिीर् दििस कब मनार्ा जाता है ?
When is World Humanitarian Day observed?
A) 16 August
B) 17 August
C) 18 August I know it
D) 19 August

19 8

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4. विश्ि मच्छर दििस कब मनार्ा जाता है ?
When is World Mosquito Day observed?
A) 18 August
Sir Ronald Ross (1897)
B) 19 August
C) 20 August Mosquito - Malaria
D) 21 August
Malaria: Female Anopheles
Dengue: Female Aedes

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5. भारत में राष्ट्रीर् खेल दििस कब मनार्ा जाता है ?
When is national Sports Day is celebrated in India?
A) 28 August
B) 29 August Birthday of Hockey legend
C) 30 August Major Dhyan Chand
D) 1 September
Arjuna and Khel Ratna Awards are
conferred by President

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International Day against Nuclear Test
6. ककस तारीख को, 2018 विश्ि हाथी दििस (WED) हाल ही में मनार्ा गर्ा था?
On which date, the 2018 World Elephant Day (WED) was observed
A) August 13 International Youth Day
B) August 14
Kaziranga National Park
C) August 12 Manas National Park
D) August 15

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7. कौन सी कंपनी िनु नर्ा की पहली दरललर्न डॉलर कंपनी बन गई?
Which company became world’s first trillion dollar company?
a) Apple
b) Amazon
c) Alibaba
d) Reliance Industries Ltd.

Market Revenue Richest Man

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World Apple, Amazon Walmart Jeff Bezos
India TCS Indian Oil Corp. Mukesh Ambani
8. "अनेंडडंग गेम" का लेखक कौन है ?
Who is the author of “The Unending Game”?
a) Vikram Seth
b) Vikram Sood
c) Ramachander Guha
d) Akshay Venkatesh

Ex-RAW Chief

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Research & Analysis Wing
Foreign spy agency
Failures and success
9. हाल ही में ननधन हो चुके 'नेहरू के बाि भारत' पुस्तक के लेखक का नाम
बताएं |
Name the writer of ‘India after Nehru’ who passed away recently.
a) Kuldip Nayyar
b) Debu Bose journalist, author and human rights activist
c) Ramnath Goenka 95 years
d) Gurudas Kamat
15 books –
• Beyond the Lines

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• Emergency Retold
10. िीिीएस लक्ष्मण की आत्मकथा का नाम क्र्ा है ?
What is the name of autobiography of VVS Laxman?
a) Playing it my way Sachin Tendulkar
b) Six machine: I don’t like cricket I love it Chris Gayle
c) The test of my life Yuvraj Singh
d) 281 and Beyond Shane Warne

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281 runs – Australia (2001)
11. 'अटल जी ने कहा' ककताब के लेखक कौन हैं?
Who is the author of the book ‘Atal Ji ne kaha’?
A) Brijendra Rehi
B) Kuldeep Nayyar
C) Ramchandra Guha
D) VVS Laxman

Repository of selected speeches

& photographs

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Three interviews by author
12. All you need to know:
•PM for 6 years (3 times): 13 days, 13 months & 5 year
•Bharat Ratna awardee
•1st person to deliver speech in Hindi in UN assembly
•MP for more than 40 years
•25 December (Good Governance day)
•First time PM in 1996
•Pokhran-I: Smiling Buddha 1974

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•Pokhran-II: Operation Shakti 1998
13. कौन सा राज्र् अटल नगर के रूप में अपनी नई राजधानी का नाम बिलने जा
रहा है ?
Which state is going to rename its new capital as Atal Nagar?
a) Chhattisgarh
b) Jharkhand Naya Raipur to 'Atal Nagar'
c) Madhya Pradesh
d) Uttar Pradesh several other government
institutions and projects

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CAF: Pokhran Battalion
Atal Bihari Vajpayee Sushasan award
14. मानि संसाधन विकास मंत्रालर् ने ककन संस्थानों के ललए अटल रैंककंग शुरू
HRD Ministry launches Atal rankings for which institutions?
a) Secondary schools
b) Primary Schools Innovation and research
c) Higher Education Institutions
d) Nursery Atal Ranking of Institutions on
Innovation Achievements (ARIIA)

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Rank institutions on innovation output
15. भारतीर् अंतररक्ष कार्यक्रम के वपता के रूप में कौन जाना जाता है ?
Who is known as father of Indian Space Programme?
A) C V Raman
B) Jagdish Chandra Basu
C) APJ Abdul Kalam
D) Vikram Sarabhai
• 1st chairman of ISRO
• ISRO launched TV channel

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• Chanderyan-2 lander named after him
12 August
International Youth Day
World Elephant Day
16. हाल ही में बीबीसी चुनाि में कौन सा प्रलसद्ध व्र्क्क्त शीर्य पर था?
Which renowned personality topped BBC poll recently?
a) Albert Einstein
b) Thomas Alva Edition
c) Pierre Curie
d) Marie Curie
•1st person to win 2 Nobel prize (Physics +

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•Only woman to win 2 Nobel prize
•1st women to win Nobel prize
•5 Nobel prize by Curie family
•Discovered Radium
17. 15 अगस्त, 2018 को ककस पूिय भारतीर् कक्रकेट कप्तान का ननधन हो गर्ा?
Which former Indian cricket captain passed away on August 15, 2018?
a) Ajit Wadekar
b) Lala Amarnath Test and one-day international captain
c) Vijay Samuel Hazare
d) Vinoo Mankad first ODI captain

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18. ककस भारतीर्-ऑस्रे ललर्ाई गणणतज्ञ को प्रनतक्ष्ट्ित फील्ड पिक
2018 से सम्माननत ककर्ा गर्ा है ?
Which Indian-Australian mathematician has been awarded the
prestigious Fields Medal 2018?
a) Vasanti N. Bhat-Nayak
b) Caucher Birkar
c) Ashutosh Sawarkar
d) Akshay Venkatesh

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Peter Scholze,
Alessio Figalli,
Akshay Venkatesh,
Caucher Birkar
19. हाल ही में ककस भारतीर् को 'लीक्जर्न ऑफ मेररट' पुरस्कार से सम्माननत
ककर्ा गर्ा है ?
Which Indian has been awarded ‘Legion of Merit’ award recently?
A) Vijay Kumar Singh
B) Deepak Kapoor
C) Dalbir Singh Suhag
D) Bipin Rawat

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20. ‘RaKAM' का पूरा रूप क्र्ा है ?
What is the full form of ‘RaKAM’?
A) Rashtriya Kisan Agri Mandi
B) Rashtriya Kisan Agriculture Mandi
C) Rashtriya Kisan Agricultural Mandi
D) Rashtriya Kisan Agri-farming Mandi

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21. कौन से भारत संगिन पुरे भारत में पेमेंट बैंक लॉन्च ककर्े है ?
Which GoI organization launched it Payment bank pan India?
a) Indian Railway
b) India Post
c) Indian Army

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22. दिल्ली उच्च न्र्ार्ालर् के नए मुख्र् न्र्ार्ाधीश के रूप में ककसने शपथ ली
है ?
Who has been sworn in as new Chief Justice of Delhi High Court?
a) Rajendra Menon
b) Anil Baijal
c) Gita Mittal
d) Deepak Mishra

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23. जम्मू-कश्मीर के राज्र्पाल के रूप में ककसे ननर्ुक्त ककर्ा गर्ा है ?
Who was appointed as the Governor of Jammu & Kashmir (J&K)?
a) Tathagata Roy
b) Satya Pal Malik Bihar, Haryana, Uttarakhand,
c) Ganga Prasad Jammu and Kashmir, Sikkim,
d) Kaptan Singh Solanki Meghalaya, and Tripura

• Dachigam National Park

• Wular lake

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24. ककस शहर ने 'ललविंग इंडक्े स की आसानी' 2018 पर शीर्य स्थान
हालसल ककर्ा?
Which city topped the ‘Ease of Living Index’ 2018?
A) Bengaluru
B) Chandigarh
C) Delhi
D) Pune

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25. ककस िे श के िैज्ञाननकों ने िनु नर्ा की पहली 4-डी मुद्रण विकलसत की?
Scientists of which country developed world’s first 4-D printing?
a) Russia
b) Japan 3D and Time as fourth dimension
c) Mauritius
d) China • Hypersonic Missile
• Satellite to study far side of moon
• Satellite for high resolution vision of earth

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• Gaofen satellite series
26. सड़क सुरक्षा के ब्ांड एंबेसडर के रूप में ननर्ुक्त ककर्ा गर्ा है ?
Who has been appointed as Brand Ambassador of Road Safety?
A) Shah Rukh Khan
B) Salman Khan
C) Akshay Kumar
D) Nitin Gadkari

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27. भारत और थाईलैंड के बीच सैन्र् अभ्र्ास का नाम क्र्ा है ?
What is the name of military exercises conducted between India and
a) Pitch Black
b) Indra
c) Surya Kiran
d) Maitree

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28. ककस राज्र् ने 'बबजू स्िास््र् कल्र्ाण र्ोजना' शुरू की है ?
Which state has launched ‘Biju Swasthya Kalyan Yojna’?
a) Haryana
b) Odisha
c) Madhya Pradesh
d) Uttar Pradesh

Lake State

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Largest Fresh water Lake Wular Lake J&K
Largest Salt water lake Chilka Lake Odisha
Saltiest Water lake Sambhar Rajasthan
Largest inland salt water lake Sambhar Rajasthan
29. 11 िें विश्ि दहंिी सम्मेलन का उद्घाटन ककस िे श में ककर्ा गर्ा है ?
11th World Hindi Conference has been inaugurated in which country?
A) China
B) India
C) Mauritius Reach of Hindi at a global level
D) Nepal
India, Nepal, Fiji, Pakistan,
Trinidad and Tobago,
Capital: Port Louis Bangladesh, Singapore,

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PM: Pravind Jugnauth South Africa
Currency: Rupee
Panini Language Lab
30. रे ल मंत्रालर् ने भारतीर् रे लिे विरासत के बारे में जागरूकता फैलाने के ललए
कौन सी र्ोजना शरू
ु की?
Ministry of Railways launched which scheme to spread awareness
about Indian Railways Heritage?
A) Digital Silver Screen
B) Digital Jubilee
C) Digital Screens Screens at entrance and important places
D) Digital India 22 stations

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Mission Satyanishtha
31. चौथा बबम्सटे क लशखर सम्मेलन 30 अगस्त, 2018 को शहर में शुरू हुआ?
The 4th BIMSTEC Summit began on August 30, 2018 in which city?
a) Colombo
b) Kathmandu
c) Delhi
d) Bangkok

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Bay of Bengal Initiative
for Multi-Sectoral Regional
Technical and Economic connectivity,
Cooperation terrorism, drug
32. नेता ऐप ककस िे श की प्रणाली से प्रेररत है ?
The NETA app is inspired by which country’s approval system?
A) United States
B) Russia
C) France Rate your political representative
D) Germany Political accountability and transparency

AI + OTP + Aadhaar number

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National Electoral Transformation App
33. गोल्डन मास्टसय को पूरा करने िाला पहला टे ननस णखलाड़ी कौन बन गर्ा है ?
Who has become the first tennis player to complete a Golden Masters?
a) Rafael Nadal
b) Andy Murray
c) Novak Djokovic first man to triumph in singles at all
d) Roger Federer nine Masters events

Canadian Open (Montreal, Toronto),

Cincinnati Masters, Indian Wells

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Masters, Italian Open (Rome), Madrid
Open, Miami Open, Monte-Carlo
Masters, Paris Masters, Shanghai
34. र्ूसीआई जनू नर्र रै क साइकललंग विश्ि चैंवपर्नलशप में भारत का पहला पिक
जीतकर इनतहास ककसने बनार्ा?
Who created history by winning India’s first medal at UCI Junior Track
Cycling World Championship?
a) Amrit Singh 17 Year old – Countries maiden medal
b) Bikram Singh
c) Sreedhar Savanur
d) Esow Alben

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35. भारत का 53 िां ग्रैंडमास्टर कौन बन गर्ा है ?
Who has became the 53rd Grandmaster of India?
A) Nihal Sarin
B) Sahaj Grover
C) Humpy Koneru outstanding chess players by FIDE
D) Saumya Swaminathan 14 years old - Kerala
12th youngest grandmaster
in chess history

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36. एलशर्ा की ओलंवपक पररर्ि ने भारत के ककस स्ििे शी खेल को मान्र्ता िी है ?
The Olympic Council of Asia has given recognition to India’s which
indigenous sport?
A) kancha
B) Gilli-Danda May be introduced in next
C) Pitthu Asian games
D) Kho-Kho
OCA HQ- Kuwait

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37. ककस िे श ने मदहला हॉकी विश्ि कप 2018 जीता है ?
Which country has won Women’s Hockey World cup 2018?
a) Japan
b) Brazil
c) India
d) Netherland

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38. ककस राज्र् ने हॉकी विश्ि कप अलभर्ान लॉन्च ककर्ा?
Which state launched Hockey World Cup campaign?
a) Andhra Pradesh
b) Haryana
c) Odisha
d) Telangana
Hockey World Cup Men:
Bhubaneshwar (1st time)

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CM: Naveen Patnaik
39. ककस िे श ने मदहला कैरम विश्ि कप जीता?
Which country won the Women’s Carom World Cup?
A) India
B) Russia Men 2nd
C) Sri Lanka
D) South Korea
• Mattala airport
• Emergency ambulance service
• Homes for Indian Origin People

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Capital: Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte
Prez: Maithripala Sirisena
Currency: Rupee
40. कौन सा िे श 2019 एलशर्ाई र्ुिा िजन उिाने चैंवपर्नलशप की मेजबानी
करे गा?
Which country will host Asian Youth weight lifting championship 2019?
a) N Korea
b) S Korea
Asian games 2018 - 8 Golds
c) Australia
d) USA

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Capital: Pyongyang
Supreme Leader: Kim Jong Un
Currency: Won
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