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Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

Academic and Research Vice-Rector

Activity guide and evaluation rubric

1. General description of the course

Faculty or Escuela de Ciencias de la Educación

Academic Unit
Academic Level Profesional
Academic Field Formación disciplinar
Course Name Basic English II
Course Code 551009
Course Type Metodológico Retake Si ☐ No ☒
Number of Credits 3

2. Description of the activity

Type of Number
Individual ☐ Collaborative ☒ 4
activity: of weeks
Initial ☐ Intermediate ☒ Final ☐
Environment for the submission
Total score of the activity: 80 of the activity: Collaborative
Starting date of the activity: Deadline of the activity:
March 14th, 2018 April 9th, 2018
Competence to develop:
Oral and written skills.
Topics to develop:
Unit 4: Clothing and Weather; Unit 5 On Sale!; Unit 6 Public life
Step, phase or stage of the learning strategy to develop:
The didactic learning strategy chosen for the course is “Task-Based
Language Learning” TBLL. Task-based language learning (TBLL), also
known as task-based language teaching (TBLT) or task-based
instruction (TBI) focuses on the use of authentic language and on
asking students to do meaningful tasks using the target language. Such
tasks can include visiting a doctor, conducting an interview, or calling
customer service for help. Assessment is primarily based on task
outcome (in other words the appropriate completion of real world tasks)
rather than on accuracy of prescribed language forms. (Wikipedia,
2015). The task-based language learning (TBLL) offers interactive and
enjoyable activities for the students where the foreign language is used
with the aim of achieve a communicative outcome (Willis, 1996).
Activities to develop:


1A. Watch for news out of the following Websites and choose 3 of

International News:

Home News:

Sports News:,,4,00.html

1B. Write the selected News in the forum for your classmates to look
and comment.


Pretend you are a News Anchor (Presenter) and record yourself in a

YouTube video, presenting the 3 News you chose before (try to be
dynamic and avoid just reading a paper).
Warning: You must show yourself in the video, please avoid only
recording your voice and showing images.


Work together with your classmates to write a News Bulletin.

Choose a group leader who will go to, register as

user, create the group Padlet and organize each student’s News with
images and / or videos about the news shown.

Name the Padlet: Bulletin GroupNumber

Share the link in the forum.

Collaborative Learning Environment / Monitoring and
for the
Evaluation Environment.
of the
Participation in the forum by sharing the Task 1B and
the link from Task 2.

The group compiler must prepare and send to the
Monitoring and Evaluation Environment a PDF
document that includes the following information:
Products to
be delivered a. Cover page (names and last names of
by the participants, course info, tutor name, date).
student b. Link to each student’s video recording.
c. Link to the News Bulletin (padlet).
d. References (APA style).

The evaluator and reviser have to check the final

product to make sure it is complete and then inform
the delivery student who will upload the final product
to the link: Task 4 – Speaking Practice. It should
include all the information as requested. Name your
file as follows:

Task 4_GroupNumber.pdf

3. General guidelines for the development of collaborative work

Collaborative learning is a strategy that allows students to

work together in order to achieve a common goal.
Accordingly, the collaborative work proposed for the
course is based on a structured and planned process that
includes individual and group activities, as well as
interaction and socialization in the virtual classroom.

Initial stage:

Course recognition. Individual contributions, forum

interaction, group work, comments and consolidation of
final product, take the Pre-Knowledge Test.
Weeks 1-2
Planning of
activities for Intermediate stage:
development Task 2: Recipe
collaborative Individual contributions, forum interaction, group work,
work comments and consolidation of final product, take Quiz 1.
Weeks 3-6

Task 4: Speaking Practice

Individual contributions, forum interaction, group work,

comments and consolidation of final product, take Quiz 2.
Weeks 7-10

Task 6: Movies

Individual contributions, forum interaction, group work,

comments and consolidation of final product, take Quiz 3.
Weeks 11-14
Final evaluation:
Individual contributions, forum interaction, group work,
comments and consolidation of final product.
Weeks 15-16
Different roles are proposed within the collaborative
environment, which allow an appropriate space for
academic growth and effective interaction that promotes
learning and interpersonal relationships.

Each of the learning moments is divided in an individual

and a group stage. Every student will take up one of these
roles for the development of the course assignments and
can only be changed if decided by the group members.

Facilitator: Makes sure that every voice is heard and

Roles to be focuses work around the learning task. Provides leadership
performed and direction for the group and suggests solutions to team
by the problems.
student in
the Recorder: Keeps a public record of the team's ideas and
collaborative progress. Checks to be sure that ideas are clear and
group accurate.

Time keeper: Encourages the group to stay on task.

Announces when time is halfway through and when time
is nearly up.

Planner: States an action for the completion of the task

at hand according to the instructions and course agenda.

Task monitor: Looks for supplies or requests help from

the teacher when group members agree that they do not
have the resources to solve the problem.
Compiler: Puts together the final product and includes the
Roles and
work done only by those who participated on time. Informs
duties for
the student in charge of alerts about people who did not
participate and will not be included in the final product.
of products
Reviser/editor: Makes sure the written work follows all
by students
the criteria established in the activity guide.
Evaluator: Evaluates the final document to ensure it
follows the evaluation criteria of the rubric and informs the
student in charge of alerts about any changes that need to
be made before delivering the product.

Deliveries: Student in charge of informing about the

dates set for presenting each task and delivering the final
product according to the course agenda. Also informs
other students that the final product has been sent.

Alerts: Informs group participants about any news in the

work being done and reports the delivery of the final
product to the course tutor.
Las Normas APA es el estilo de organización y presentación
de información más usado en el área de las ciencias
sociales. Estas se encuentran publicadas bajo un Manual
que permite tener al alcance las formas en que se debe
Use of presentar un artículo científico. Aquí podrás encontrar los
references aspectos más relevantes de la sexta edición del Manual de
las Normas APA, como referencias, citas, elaboración y
presentación de tablas y figuras, encabezados y seriación,
entre otros. Puede consultar como implementarlas
ingresando a la página
¿Qué es el plagio para la UNAD? El plagio está definido por
el diccionario de la Real Academia como la acción de
"copiar en lo sustancial obras ajenas, dándolas como
propias". Por tanto el plagio es una falta grave: es el
equivalente en el ámbito académico, al robo. Un
estudiante que plagia no se toma su educación en serio, y
no respeta el trabajo intelectual ajeno.
policy No existe plagio pequeño. Si un estudiante hace uso de
cualquier porción del trabajo de otra persona, y no
documenta su fuente, está cometiendo un acto de plagio.
Ahora, es evidente que todos contamos con las ideas de
otros a la hora de presentar las nuestras, y que nuestro
conocimiento se basa en el conocimiento de los demás.
Pero cuando nos apoyamos en el trabajo de otros, la
honestidad académica requiere que anunciemos
explícitamente el hecho que estamos usando una fuente
externa, ya sea por medio de una cita o por medio de un
paráfrasis anotado (estos términos serán definidos más
adelante). Cuando hacemos una cita o un paráfrasis,
identificamos claramente nuestra fuente, no sólo para dar
reconocimiento a su autor, sino para que el lector pueda
referirse al original si así lo desea.

Existen circunstancias académicas en las cuales,

excepcionalmente, no es aceptable citar o parafrasear el
trabajo de otros. Por ejemplo, si un docente asigna a sus
estudiantes una tarea en la cual se pide claramente que
los estudiantes respondan utilizando sus ideas y palabras
exclusivamente, en ese caso el estudiante no deberá
apelar a fuentes externas aún, si éstas estuvieran
referenciadas adecuadamente.
4. Evaluation rubric

Evaluation rubric
Individual Collaborative
Activity type: ☐ ☒
Activity Activity
Evaluation moment Initial ☐ Intermediate ☒ Final
Evaluated Performance level of the individual activity
items High score Average score Low score
The student
The student
participated in the
participated in the The student did
Task 1B. forum on time and
forum once or twice not participate in
Forum gave meaningful 10
and the contributions the forum
participation feedback about their
were not meaningful
partners’ work
(Up to 10 points) (Up to 5 points) (Up to 0 points)
The video is
The video is correctly
correctly linked.
linked. Pronunciation
Pronunciation and No video is
Task 2. and fluency are OK.
fluency are very presented. 30
Speak Up Speech is slow and
good. Speech is
effortless and clear.
(Up to 30 points) (Up to 15 points) (Up to 0 points)
The student
participated in The student
almost all the participated in the
The student did
Skype speaking sessions speaking sessions
not participate in
speaking (80%) but did not (50%) but did not
the speaking 20
sessions / attend all of them. attend all of them.
Participation Interaction and Interaction and
participation was participation was low.
(Up to 20 points) (Up to 10 points) (Up to 0 points)
Evaluated Performance level of the collaborative activity
items High score Average score Low score
The group did not
Activity The group The group did a good
follow the
socialization successfully job following the
instructions to 10
and group followed the activity instructions but some
complete the
interaction instructions and elements were
assignment and
interaction is omitted, group there was poor
successful. interaction is OK. interaction.
(Up to 10 points) (Up to 5 points) (Up to 0 points)
The group
The group presents
presented a well-
their News Bulletin on
structured News
Padlet with major
Bulletin on Padlet No News Bulletin
problems in
Task 3. News with minor problems on Padlet is
mechanics, spelling 10
Bulletin in mechanics, presented.
and the document
spelling and the
does not include all
document includes
suggested items.
all suggested items.
(Up to 10 points) (Up to 5 points) (Up to 0 points)
Final score 80

Aspecto evaluado

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