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1: What Makes Us Happy?

In order to help people create happier lives, it’s essential to understand how happiness is related
to life conditions and your ability to create meaning. Please fill out this first assignment in the
form below. Please note that your responses are confidential.
The purpose is, like a journal, to understand the intervention principles in terms of your personal
experience, and secondarily for Cloe to understand your educational experience.

2. What is an area where you are really happy?

3. Why are you happy in this area?

(Ask this question of yourself and/or whoever you are interested in helping – a client, a family
member, a friend.) We experience happiness whenever our life conditions (what is actually
happening with our career, body, relationships finances, etc.) align with our model of the world
(our view about how things should be). Since there is no gap between our expectations and
reality in this area, we are happy. What is an area where you are not happy?

4. Why are you unhappy in this area?

5. Why are you suffering in this area?

6. What is your biggest strength?

7. Lyndsey discovered how her husband could be her greatest resource in her life. Who or
what in your life can support you in your strength?

Journal 2: The Lyndsey Film

Let’s meet Lyndsey at a Tony Robbins’ event in Australia. She was suffering because what was
happening in her life did not match her model of the world. She felt helpless because she
believed that her problems were permanent, pervasive and personal.

Please watch the film at the left.

Now answer the questions below that will help you remember the concepts, distinctions and
interventions that you just learned. As you answer the questions you will be able to apply what
you learned to your own life as well as to the situations of those you coach.

1. What did you think of the film?

2. What is a metaphor? Give an example of a positive metaphor in a person’s life and an

example of a negative metaphor:

3. What imaginary act could get rid of the negative metaphor and/or change it to a positive

4. What is the difference between pain and suffering?

5. How can love be powerful in easing pain?

6. What is an area where you are suffering?

7. Did Lyndsey have a choice?

8. What was her choice?

9. How did Tony point out Lyndsey’s strengths?

10. Name two ways by which Tony broke Lyndsey’s pattern of suffering

11. How and why did Tony use a confusion technique?

12. Is love about giving or about getting? Why?

13. Why did Tony use explicit, shocking, sexual language?

14. How did Tony explain Lyndsey’s husband’s behavior from a positive point of view?

15. Who was Lyndsey’s most important source of support, strength and happiness?

16. Now think of those you are helping (and also of yourself), are they neglecting or even
rejecting the person that is actually their greatest source of support, strength and
happiness? How will this be turned around?

17. To conclude, describe three of the things that Tony did to lead Lyndsey to see a bright
future for herself and for her children.

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