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Scrap miniature art

2. Coin art Coin collecting is the collecting of coins or other forms of minted legal tender. Using coins
various sculptures are made.

3. Feather art Feather are collected from various birds that are available from various zoo are at shops and its
used to according to art work

4. Pencil carving Pencil carving is an art of Carving using tools to shape something from a material by scraping
away portions of that material. Into a good outcome

5. Chalk carving Carving using tools to shape something from a material by scraping away portions of that
material. Chalk are used to carve into a desired format.

6. Wood carving It is a technique of carving woods using a various tools.

7. Soap carving Using soap of various that are available in the market and carved to make a amazing sculpture.

8. Leaf art Leaf painting is the process of painting with dyed leaves. ... Its two main forms are: Cutting and
pasting dry leaf to make leaf paintings or using paint to draw onto the surface of dry leaf to
make leaf paintings

9. Metal statues Metal artworks are creations produced for both practical and aesthetic
purposes; designed purely for decor items, ornamental pieces. These works are
made from metals like bronze, tin, copper, lead, brass, and iron.

10. Wire art Wire sculpture art is a form of dimensional art made by bending, twisting and
shaping wire. ... For the type of wire, you might want to try armature wire, a very
soft, pliable aluminum wire that's made for art uses.

11. Sand art

12. Stone art

13. Portrait

14. Paper cutting

15. Miniature painting

16. Paper craft

17. Other scrap art

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