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Annable France once said, “To accomplish great things, we must

not only act, but also dream, not only dream, but also believe.”

Distinguished guests, our kind and untiring teachers, beloved

parents, fellow completers, visitors, friends, Ladies and
Gentlemen, a pleasant afternoon.

For four years that we have striven in our junior high school days,
those four years can be considered as one of the most fruitful
and challenging events that happened in our lives. Those years
are considered us as neophytes in the arena of learning.

As completers, this moment marks the fulfilment of our cherished

dreams to triumph over the obstacles and we meet the
challenges in our aspirations to finish our junior high school. We
have proved our selves equal to what has been expected to us.

We are so grateful, because in high school, we experienced and

feel how hard the life of being a student, for we know it is a
preparation for us in facing the real world. But despite of
hardness we felt, we conquered them all because we have our
loving and supportive parents. Nanay, Tatay, Mama, Papa,
Mommy, Daddy, a big thanks we offer to you for your endless
support, financially, morally, spiritually, emotionally, and for all
your sacrifices in order to procure us all our needs. No one could
ever replace you in our hearts. We would be nothing without you.
We cannot repay you but we promise to be ever true and sincere
in our studies.

To all my friends, just remember that we are always connected in

one dream we can always say that we are lucky because we met
each other. We found true friends whom we consider as one of
our treasures in life.
To my CNSA family, to the ever radiant and gorgeous Kiara Faye
Cerenado, the beautiful and sexy Milah Grace Muzones, the pretty
and talented Frances Aimee Barrera, the cute and lovely Ashley
Dyn Napilan, the sporty and stunning Ester Faith Silva, the
handsome and attractive Vincent John Fondales, the hunky and
good- looking Janvic Betito and to the charming food lover Carl
Andrei Palomar. I hope our friendships will last till the world ends.
We all wishes that in the future, we will able to meet and laugh
for the memories we created during our “JeJe Days.” I love you
all guys.

We are so lucky to have our own specialty and mark in this school
and that is, we are the experts in “On the Spot”, in times like in
our presentation, dancing, singing or acting in class performance,
reporting and in creating costumes for the school program.

To our Titos and Titas, thank you for the support and being there
always. To our brothers and sisters, you are really good models.
Thank you for guiding us in tracking the right pathway of life.

We express our million thanks to our dear teachers for molding us

intellectually, mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. We
will remember and cherish your bunch of advices to straighten us.
We want you to know that you are heroes and will surely be a
great part of what we are now.

To our dear Alma Mater, our unending gratitude to you will not
be enough to repay you in our growing. We promise that
whatever we will become and wherever we shall be, your name
will be forever etched in our hearts, for you are the force that
pushed us to the top. Whatever glory or distinction we will
achieve, will surely offer them back to you.
To our Almighty God, we praise you by whispering a silent
promise to dedicate our lives to you by serving you with faith and
love. Thank you for showering us wisdom and good health. May
you give us more blessings of knowledge, courage and
willingness to continue our journey to the top of our dreams with
your presence, may your love reign in our hearts, minds and
souls always and forever.

To my fellow completers of batch 2019, whose camaraderie we

enjoyed and will always cherish the warmest congratulations to
us. Whatever happens to us, remember that we make our future.
We have a saying that “Laging nasa huli ang pagsisisi.” Think that
for every action that we have made, there is always an equal and
opposite result. There are some elements in our society that will
destroy our dreams. Remember that we need to become strong
for the sake of our family and our goals. Let us promise to
continue to study hard and to grow with good character so that
we may become worthy citizens of our country.

The big question that faces us, is how can we become productive
in our young age? The answer is very clear and the challenge is
very near. We should work together for the sake of our
motherland. There are lots of solutions to answer these question.
Just always think of what Dr. Jose Rizal said, “We are hopes of
this Land.”

To our guests, teachers and parents, the Batch 2019 completers,

committing ourselves to continue our journey as we find our
better future. Thank you very much and God Bless.

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