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3 Test B Imię i nazwisko: Klasa:

Listening 4 There are still many parts of the world where

extreme equality / charity / poverty is a real
1 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie dwie wypowiedzi
dotyczące dokuczania. Zaznacz poprawne
odpowiedzi. 5 Parliaments pass / vote / bring laws and
governments put them into practice.
Text 1
1 Text 1 is part of a
A TV debate. 3 Uzupełnij definicje brakującymi literami.
Pierwsze litery wyrazów zostały podane.
B radio programme.
C teachers’ meeting. 1 Political d on TV are a great
idea because you can find out about what
2 The speaker
opinions politicians have on different problems.
A recommends talking to a psychologist.
2 It’s r to believe that your
B gives advice on how to stop bullying.
skin colour makes you better than people
C explains what bullying is. of a different skin colour.
3 According to the speaker, which of the below is 3 The time when people choose someone
an example of social bullying? for an official job, like being the President of
A Telling someone that they have really bad hair. a country or a Member of Parliament, is called
B Hitting someone on the head. an e .
C Making someone feel that they aren’t part 4 When your school b mobile
of a group. phones in class, it means that you can only use
Text 2 them in the corridors or playground.
4 How did the speaker react to being bullied? 5 E is a situation where everyone
A She moved to another town. in a group has the same rights.

B She tried not to treat it seriously. /5

C She often went swimming. Grammar
5 The speaker is
4 Zakreśl właściwą odpowiedź: A, B lub C.
A about 30.
1 Eddie will become a school rep he says
B about 60.
something stupid during the final debate.
C about 20.
A if B when C unless
2 you help me with my maths homework if
Vocabulary I show you how to do your chemistry project?
A Will B Do C If
2 Zakreśl poprawne wyrazy lub wyrażenia.
3 When there’s a school fair, Zoe usually Jenny
1 Unemployed / Homeless / Unemployment
at the cake stall.
increases when companies close down or reduce
A help B helps C will help
the number of people who work for them.
4 If you read books in English, you learn
2 Many of my classmates would never like
a lot of new words.
to become politician / politicians / politics.
A won’t B will C don’t
3 Tim works for an organisation which fights
against society / discrimination / equality 5 If I less busy, I’d have two dogs instead of one.
in the workplace. A will be B am C were

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3 Test B
UNIT Imię i nazwisko: Klasa:

5 Uzupełnij zdania, stosując wyrazy podane Functions

w nawiasach w odpowiednim trybie warunkowym. 7 Uzupełnij luki (1–5) w poniższym dialogu tak,
1 When our English teacher aby był on spójny i logiczny.
(organise) a school debate, all the students X We’re organising a sponsored run at the school fair
in our class take part in it. on Saturday. Why ¹ us?
2 I (be) disappointed if I don’t Y: Err, I’d ² , thank you.
win the swimming competition. I’m not really into running!
3 You’ll be late for your train unless you X: Oh, come on! ³ great!
(hurry up). We’re going to have lots of fun. Plus, we’re
4 We (not have) a house collecting money for the flood victims so it’s
with a garden if we lived in the city centre. for a good cause.
5 What (you / do) if you Y: But what if nobody wants to sponsor us?
became the President of the United States? X: We won’t know ⁴ .
6 I’d paint my room dark green if it
Y: All right then, I ⁵ try.
(not be) so small.

Use of English Reading

6 Przetłumacz fragmenty zdań podane 8 Przeczytaj teksty (A–C). Do każdego zdania

dopasuj odpowiedni tekst. Dwa zdania pasują
w nawiasach na język angielski. W każdą lukę
do jednego tekstu.
możesz wpisać maksymalnie cztery wyrazy.
1 (Gdyby ktoś prowadził zbiórkę pieniędzy) A
Place2Be is a British children’s charity. It was founded
in London in 1994. Since then, it has grown from
for endangered animals, I would definitely
being a small, local project to a big organisation
support it. which has worked with over 600 schools in all parts
2 We won’t be able to leave the house (chyba że of the United Kingdom. Place2Be specialises
znajdziemy) the keys. in helping children who have emotional
and psychological problems which result from things
3 (Kiedy oni zaczynają) like exam stress, bullying, or family trouble. The
making a lot of noise, I find it difficult to concentrate. charity offers workshops where children from five to
4 (Czy przekazałabyś) sixteen years of age can discuss their problems and
anything if your school organised a charity event get useful advice while doing interesting art projects.
to help homeless people? B
Rainbow Trust is a British charity which helps families
5 (Na twoim miejscu) ,
who have a child aged from one day old to eighteen
I would help out at the charity concert.
years old with a very serious illness. There are over
/5 80,000 such children in the UK and this number
grows every year. Rainbow Trust works with around
2,500 families in difficult situations. Its employees
help families with cooking, cleaning, transport,
organising visits to hospital, as well as taking care of
other children in the family. It also offers
psychological support at difficult moments in time.
Everyone can make the organisation grow by making
regular donations of money.

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3 Test B
UNIT Imię i nazwisko: Klasa:

Potential Plus is an organisation which helps talented
children, their families and teachers. Founded over
40 years ago, it currently works with about 15,000
young people in Britain. Many children show unique
abilities in foreign languages, maths, music and art.
Unfortunately, they often have problems at school:
they are bored, bullied, they have few or no friends,
and find it difficult to understand their teachers.
Potential Plus helps them and their families by
organising workshops where they meet other
talented children and learn how to deal with their
problems. The organisation also offers phone advice
to parents and courses for teachers. It is funded
by subscriptions from people who have joined it.

1 People from this organisation will help you

if you call them.
2 This organisation helps families in need
with everyday activities.
3 This organisation will help you if you are
a student who worries about exams. 
4 This organisation has helped a lot of British


9 Twoja koleżanka z Anglii, Emma, martwi się
o swoją przyjaciółkę, która ma problemy z nauką
chemii i bardzo się niepokoi o swoją ocenę
na koniec semestru. Napisz e-mail do Emmy.
W e-mailu:
• wyraź swoje zrozumienie dla sytuacji Emmy
i jej koleżanki;
• zaproponuj jej, jak mogłaby pomóc przyjaciółce;
• poproś o radę w sprawie problemu, z którym
/ 10
sam/sama się zmagasz.
Podpisz się jako XYZ. Użyj od 50 do 120 słów. Total: / 50

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3 Test B
UNIT Imię i nazwisko: Klasa:

Extra task
10 Wykorzystując wyrazy podane drukowanymi literami, uzupełnij każde zdanie z luką tak, aby
zachować sens zdania wyjściowego. Nie zmieniaj formy podanych wyrazów. W każdą lukę możesz
wpisać maksymalnie cztery wyrazy.
1 They will elect the new government in November. BE
The new government .
2 This is the first time we’ve ever been abroad. NEVER
We before.
3 I bought this laptop last Tuesday. HAD
I since last Tuesday.
4 In the past, my parents watched a lot of political programmes on TV. USED
My parents a lot of political programmes on TV.
5 I don’t agree with this party’s ideas and policies so I won’t vote for them. AGREED
this party’s ideas and policies, I would vote for them.

Total : / 55

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