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From designing a garment incorporating the latest trends to its complete production and the many

stages involved in-between, Dr. Punam Rani explains the specific processes in detail as well as
managing a clothing factory.

In every clothing factory, the first stage is fashion forecasting and sketching ideas in the design
development process. The next stage is the development of the sample garment, which involves collection
planning, pattern making, grading and production of sample garment and costing of garment based on
the working sketches. The line or the products are then appraised for production the patterns adopted for
the production requirement. For handling these tasks there are specific departments in a clothing factory.

Principle of management
Management, according to one of the most common definitions, is "the accomplishment of desired
objectives establishing an environment favourable to performance by people operating in organised

According to Henry Fayol there are 14 principles of management which are:

1. Division of Work: allows for job specialisation. Work should be divided among individuals and
2. Authority and Responsibility: Right to give orders. Responsibility involves being answerable by
whoever assumes authority assumes responsibility.
3. Discipline: Common efforts of workers.
4. Unity of Command: Employees should have only one boss.
5. Unity of Direction: A single plan of action to guide the organisation.
6. Subordination: Of individual interests to general interests of organisation.
7. Remuneration: An equitable, uniform payment system that motivates and contributes to success.
8. Centralisation: Degree to which authority rests at the top of the organisation.
9. Scalar Chain: Chain-like authority scale.
10. Order: Arrangement of employees where they will be of the most value to the organisation.
11. Equity: Justice and fair dealing
12. Stability: of tenure of personnel
13. Initiative
14. Esprit de corps: Harmony, general good feeling among employees

The management function is essential for all organised activity and at all levels of the organisation from
the managing director down to a supervisor responsible for a small section within the factory. While the
managing director has full executive control and authority for conducting the affairs of the company, the
supervisor has the similar powers on a far smaller scale.

In order to achieve the specified objectives of the company, management has to perform five basic
functions to coordinate group activity:

Inspection of garment
- Packing: - before entering the finished goods warehouse, garments are boxed or bagged.

Packaging of the garments

 Service function- while the service function mainly assists the production
department, they also extend their services to other departments within the
organisation. The main service departments are production engineering (project
planning and development), recruitment of staff and training, machinery and
equipment maintenance (maintenance of building, air conditioning, power supplies)
and technical stores (holds the entire item required for repairs and maintenance).

 Control function- These cover control services (such as quality control) which
provide production management with regular and up-to-date information on the
overall and detailed performance of the factory. It enables those responsible for
production to anticipate and correct deviation from plans. The main control functions
are production planning and control, budgetary control and quality control.

3.6 Operations Department

Operations department is one of the names given to the department that has the overall responsibility for
planning, controlling and coordinating all activities concerned with the logistics of raw material supply
and the production of garments.

The functions of operations department are as follows:-

 Pre-production planning and control:-
Another function of the operations department is the pre-production planning and control, which plans
and controls all the activities leading up to the actual production or garments. In effect, it is pre-
production planning and control which organises and manages the route from the customer to the cutting
room. The overall objective is to ensure that the logistics of supply and production are planned in such a
manner that:
 The sales programme is achieved on time
 Labour, machinery and other sources are utilised to the best
 The pre-production phase for an order is ended when the production order,
graded patterns and all the raw material are issued to the factory.

 Production planning and control (PP & C):-

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3. Textile, Textile Product, and Apparel Manufacturing Industry: Career, Outlook and Education

Textile, Textile Product, and Apparel

Manufacturing Industries
Go to: Nature of the Industry | Working Conditions | Employment | Occupations in the
Industry | Training and Advancement | Outlook | Earnings | Related Careers

Significant Points
 Employment is expected to decline rapidly because of technological advances and imports of
apparel and textiles from lower wage countries.
 Most production workers are trained on the job.
 About 44 percent of jobs are in three States—California, North Carolina, and Georgia.
Nature of the Industry[About this section] [To Top]
The textile, textile product, and apparel manufacturing industries include establishments that process
fiber into fabric and fabric into clothing and other textile products. While most apparel manufacturers
worldwide rely on people to cut and sew pieces of fabric together, U.S. manufacturing has become
highly automated. Because the apparel industry has moved mainly to other countries with cheaper
labor costs, that which remains in the United States must be extremely labor efficient to compete
effectively with foreign manufacturers.
Goods and services. The establishments in these industries produce a variety of goods, some of
which are sold to the consumer, while others are sold as inputs to the manufacture of other products.
Natural and synthetic fibers are used to produce threads and yarns—which may be woven, knitted,
or pressed or otherwise bonded into fabrics—as well as rope, cordage, and twine. Coatings and
finishes are applied to the fabrics to enhance the decorative patterns woven into the fabric, or to
make the fabric more durable, stain-resistant, or have other properties. Fabrics are used to make
many products, including awnings, tents, carpets and rugs, as well as a variety of linens—curtains,
tablecloths, towels, and sheets. However, the principal use of fabrics is to make apparel.
Establishments in the apparel manufacturing industry produce many knitted clothing products, such
as hosiery and socks, shirts, sweaters, and underwear. They also produce many cut-and-sew
clothing items like dresses, suits, shirts, and trousers.
Industry organization. There are three individual industries covered—textile mills, textile product
mills, and apparel manufacturing.
Textile mills provide the raw material to make apparel and textile products. They take natural and
synthetic materials, such as cotton and polyester, and transform them into fiber, yarn, and thread.
Yarns are strands of fibers in a form ready for weaving, knitting, or otherwise intertwining to form a
textile fabric. They form the basis for most textile production and commonly are made of cotton,
wool, or a synthetic fiber such as polyester. Yarns also can be made of thin strips of plastic, paper,
or metal. To produce spun yarn, natural fibers such as cotton and wool must first be processed to
remove impurities and give products the desired texture and durability, as well as other
characteristics. After this initial cleaning stage, the fibers are spun into yarn.
Textile mills then go on to produce fabric by means of weaving and knitting. Workers in weaving
mills use complex, automated looms to transform yarns into cloth. Looms weave or interlace two
yarns, so they cross each other at right angles to form fabric. Knitting mills use automated machines
to produce fabric of interlocking loops of one or more yarns.
At any time during the production process, a number of processes, called finishing, may be
performed on the fabric. These processes—which include dyeing, bleaching, and stonewashing,
among others—may be performed by the textile mill or at a separate finishing mill. Finishing
encompasses chemical or mechanical treatments performed on fiber, yarn, or fabric to improve
appearance, texture, or performance.
Textile product mills convert raw textiles into finished products other than apparel. Some of the items
made in this sector include household items, such as carpets and rugs, towels, curtains and sheets,
cord and twine, furniture and automotive upholstery, and industrial belts and fire hoses. Because the
process of converting raw fibers into finished textile products is complex, most textile mills
The apparel manufacturing industry transforms fabrics produced by textile manufacturers into
clothing and accessories. The apparel industry traditionally has consisted mostly of production
workers who performed the cutting and sewing functions in an assembly line. This industry remains
labor-intensive, despite advances in technology and workplace practices. Although many workers
still perform this work in the United States, the industry increasingly contracts out its production work
to foreign suppliers to take advantage of lower labor costs in other countries.
Many of the remaining production workers work in teams. For example, sewing machine operators
are organized into production "modules." Each operator in a module is trained to perform nearly all of
the functions required to assemble a garment. Each module is responsible for its own performance,
and individuals usually receive compensation based on the team's performance.
Recent developments. The textile and apparel manufacturing industries are among the most labor-
intensive manufacturing industries, and therefore an increasing amount of textile products is
produced by foreign suppliers. Nonetheless, some textile manufacturing still takes place in the
United States. To remain competitive, however, domestic manufacturers rely on being extremely
labor-efficient. Advanced machinery is boosting productivity levels in textiles and fundamentally
changing the nature of work for employees. New technology also has led to increasingly technical
training for workers throughout the industry. Computers and computer-controlled equipment aid in
many functions, such as design, patternmaking, and cutting. Other emerging technologies which
improve plant efficiency include wider looms, computerized equipment, and increased use of
robotics to move material within the plant.
The domestic apparel industry also benefits from laws requiring that clothing worn by the Armed
Services be produced in the United States—a law that was recently extended to cover uniforms
worn by Transportation Security Administration officers. Although demand for these uniforms is
greatly outweighed by a much larger consumer goods market, it nonetheless will continue to employ
some textile workers in more labor-intensive segments, such as cut-and-sew apparel manufacturing.
Other domestically produced items tend to be custom or high-end items. One advantage the
domestic industry has is its closeness to the market and its ability to react to changes in fashion
more quickly than its foreign competitors. Also, as retailers consolidate and become more cost
conscious, they require more apparel manufacturers to move toward just-in-time delivery systems, in
which purchased apparel items are quickly replaced by new items directly from the manufacturer,
rather than from a large inventory kept by the retailer. Through electronic data interchange—mainly
using barcodes—information is quickly communicated to the manufacturers, providing information
not only on inventory, but also about the desires of the public for particular fashions.
Some apparel firms have responded to growing competition by merging with other apparel firms and
by moving into the retail market. In addition to the production of garments they also are contracting
out functions—for example, warehousing and order fulfillment—to concentrate on their strengths:
design and marketing. Computer-aided design systems have led to the development of "product life
cycle management," under which potential new fashions can now be transmitted around the planet
over the Internet. Such changes may help the apparel manufacturing industry meet the growing
competition and continue to supply the Nation's consumers with garments at an acceptable cost.

Working Conditions[About this section] [To Top]

Hours. Most factories run 24 hours a day, causing production workers to work evenings and
weekends. Many operators work on rotating schedules, which can cause sleep disorders and other
stress from constant changes in work hours. Overtime is common for these workers during periods
of peak production. Managerial and administrative support personnel typically work 5-day, 40-hour
weeks in office settings, although some of these employees also may work longer hours. Travel is
an important part of the job for many managers and designers, who oversee the design and
production of apparel. As more production moves abroad, foreign travel is becoming increasingly
Work environment. Working conditions vary greatly. Production workers, including frontline
managers and supervisors, spend most of their shifts on or near the production floor. Some factories
are noisy and can have airborne fibers and odors, but most modern facilities are relatively clean, well
lit, and ventilated.
When appropriate, the use of protective shoes, clothing, facemasks, and earplugs is required. Also,
new machinery is designed with additional protection, such as noise shields. Still, many workers in
textile production occupations must stand for long periods while bending over machinery, and noise
and dust still are a problem in some plants. Apparel manufacturing operators often sit for long
periods and lean over machines. New ergonomically designed chairs and machines that allow
workers to stand during their operation are some of the means that firms use to minimize discomfort
for production workers. Another concern for workers is injury caused by repetitive motions. The
implementation of modular units and specially designed equipment reduces such potential health
problems by lessening the stress of repetitive motions. Workers sometimes are exposed to
hazardous situations that could produce cuts or minor burns if proper safety practices are not
The movement away from traditional piecework systems in apparel manufacturing often results in a
significant change in working conditions. Modular manufacturing involves teamwork, increased
responsibility, and greater interaction among coworkers than on traditional assembly lines.

Employment[To Top]
In 2008, there were 497,100 wage and salary workers in the textile, textile product, and apparel
manufacturing industries. The apparel manufacturing segment, particularly cut and sew apparel
manufacturing, was the largest of the three employing 198,400 workers.

Table 1. Percent distribution of employment and establishments in textile, textile product, and
apparel manufacturing by detailed industry sector, 2008

Industry segment Employment Establishments

Total 100.0 100.0

Textile mills 30.6 17.7

Fabric mills 13.5 6.7

Textile and fabric finishing and fabric coating mills 9.7 8.8

Fiber, yarn, and thread mills 7.4 2.2

Textile product mills 29.6 38.7

Textile furnishings mills 15.0 12.9

Table 1. Percent distribution of employment and establishments in textile, textile product, and
apparel manufacturing by detailed industry sector, 2008

Industry segment Employment Establishments

Other textile product mills 14.5 25.8

Apparel manufacturing 39.8 43.6

Cut and sew apparel manufacturing 31.4 37.7

Apparel knitting mills 5.2 2.3

Apparel accessories and other apparel

3.3 3.5
Most of the wage and salary workers employed in the textile mills, textile product, and apparel
manufacturing industries in 2008 were found in California and in the southeastern States. California,
Georgia, and North Carolina, together accounted for about 44 percent of all workers. While most
apparel and textile establishments are small, employment is concentrated in mills employing 50 or
more persons.

Occupations in the Industry[To Top]

The textile and apparel industries offer employment opportunities in a variety of occupations, but
production occupations accounted for 66 percent of all jobs; many of which are unique to the
industry (table 2). Additional jobs found at the headquarters of some of these textile and apparel
companies are generally classified in a separate industry.
Production occupations. As in most manufacturing industries, the process of creating finished
products is broken into a number of steps. Workers in these industries usually repeat a small part of
the manufacturing process, using tools and machines where needed. This allows manufacturers to
create textile products from raw materials quickly and efficiently.
Fabric and apparel patternmakers convert clothing designers’ original models of garments into
separate parts that can be produced in mass quantities. They use computers to lay out the parts and
draw in details to indicate the position of pleats, buttonholes, and other features, making adjustments
as needed for different sizes.
Extruding or forming machine operators set up and operate machines that extrude or force liquid
synthetic material, such as rayon, fiberglass, or liquid polymers through small holes and draw out
filaments. Other operators put natural fibers, such as cotton or wool, through carding and combing
machines that clean and align them into short lengths. Textile winding, twisting, and drawing-out
machine operators make yarn from this material, taking care to repair any breaks. Textile bleaching
and dyeing machine operators control machines that wash, bleach, and dye yarn or finished fabrics.
Textile knitting and weaving machine operators place the yarn on machines that weave, knit, loop, or
tuft it.
Textile cutting machine setters, operators, and tenders use patterns to prepare the pieces from
which finished apparel will be made. Sewing machine operators join these pieces together, reinforce
seams, and attach buttons, hooks, zippers, and accessories. In some cases, hand sewers may be
employed to do specialty work and make adjustments.
Shoe machine operators and tenders tend machines used in making footwear. They perform a
variety of functions, such as cutting, joining, and finishing. Shoe and leather workers and
repairers may finish work that cannot be performed by a machine. Others are employed in cobbler
shops, where they repair shoes and other leather products, such as luggage.
Pressers receive a garment after it has been assembled. Pressers eliminate wrinkles and give shape
to finished products. Inspectors, testers, sorters, samplers, and weighers inspect finished products to
ensure consistency and quality.
Other occupations. Industrial machinery mechanics inspect machines to make sure they are
working properly. They clean, oil, and grease parts and tighten belts on a regular basis. When
necessary, they make adjustments or replace worn parts and put the equipment back together.
Mechanics are under pressure to fix equipment quickly because breakdowns usually stop or slow
production. In addition to making repairs, mechanics help install new machines. They may enter
instructions for computer-controlled machinery and demonstrate the equipment to machine
operators. Engineers and engineering technicians account for less than 1 percent of employment in
these industries. Some engineers are textile engineers, who specialize in the design of textile
machinery or new textile production methods, or the study of fibers. The industries also employ other
types of engineers, particularly industrial and mechanical engineers.
Fashion designers are the artists of the apparel industry. They create ideas for a range of products
including coats, suits, dresses, hats, and underwear. Fashion designers begin the process by
making rough sketches of garments or accessories, often using computer-assisted design (CAD)
software. This software prints detailed designs from a computer drawing. It can also store fashion
styles and colors that can be accessed and easily changed. Designers then create the pattern
pieces that will be used to construct the finished garment. They measure and draw pattern pieces to
actual size on paper. Then, they use these pieces to measure and cut pattern pieces in a sample
fabric. Designers sew the pieces together and fit them on a model. They examine the sample
garment and make changes until they get the effect they want. Some designers use assistants to cut
and sew pattern pieces to their specifications.

Table 2. Employment of wage and salary workers in textile, textile product, and apparel
manufacturing, 2008 and projected change, 2008-2018. (Employment in thousands)

Employment, 2008 Percent

Occupation Change,
Number Percent 2008-18

All occupations 497.1 100.0 -47.9

Management, business, and financial occupations 23.1 4.7 -48.0

Top executives 8.3 1.7 -52.5

Table 2. Employment of wage and salary workers in textile, textile product, and apparel
manufacturing, 2008 and projected change, 2008-2018. (Employment in thousands)

Employment, 2008 Percent

Occupation Change,
Number Percent 2008-18

Sales and related occupations 12.8 2.6 -46.0

Sales representatives, wholesale and manufacturing,

9.6 1.9 -45.5
except technical and scientific products

Office and administrative support occupations 53.7 10.8 -48.6

Bookkeeping, accounting, and auditing clerks 5.4 1.1 -45.6

Customer service representatives 6.0 1.2 -40.3

Shipping, receiving, and traffic clerks 9.2 1.8 -51.9

Secretaries and administrative assistants 5.6 1.1 -49.0

Office clerks, general 6.5 1.3 -45.4

Installation, maintenance, and repair occupations 21.7 4.4 -42.7

Industrial machinery mechanics 6.9 1.4 -39.6

Maintenance and repair workers, general 8.1 1.6 -43.8

Production occupations 329.6 66.3 -48.0

First-line supervisors/managers of production and

20.3 4.1 -45.6
operating workers

Team assemblers 7.4 1.5 -37.2

Table 2. Employment of wage and salary workers in textile, textile product, and apparel
manufacturing, 2008 and projected change, 2008-2018. (Employment in thousands)

Employment, 2008 Percent

Occupation Change,
Number Percent 2008-18

Printing machine operators 5.3 1.1 -44.2

Pressers, textile, garment, and related materials 7.2 1.5 -55.5

Sewing machine operators 123.9 24.9 -52.5

Tailors, dressmakers, and sewers 7.6 1.5 -45.8

Textile machine setters, operators, and tenders 88.2 17.7 -43.9

Cutters and trimmers, hand 5.7 1.2 -48.3

Inspectors, testers, sorters, samplers, and weighers 16.1 3.2 -48.9

Packaging and filling machine operators and tenders 4.7 1.0 -47.3

Miscellaneous production workers 13.5 2.7 -45.9

Transportation and material moving occupations 37.1 7.5 -50.8

Industrial truck and tractor operators 5.9 1.2 -46.2

Laborers and freight, stock, and material movers, hand 12.3 2.5 -51.6

Packers and packagers, hand 11.8 2.4 -51.9

NOTE: Columns may not add to total due to omission of occupations with small employment.

Training and Advancement[About this section] [To Top]

A high school diploma or GED is sufficient for most entry-level production occupations, although
familiarity with computers and some postsecondary training is needed for more technical jobs and to
operate sophisticated machinery. As the production of textiles and apparel items becomes more
technologically advanced, education and training is playing a larger role in the workplace.
Administrative and professional workers often require more formal postsecondary education.
Production occupations. Most production workers in textile and apparel manufacturing are trained
on the job. Although a high school diploma is not required for many jobs, some employers prefer it.
Extensive on-the-job training has become an integral part of working in today's textile mills. This
training is designed to help workers understand complex automated machinery, recognize problems,
and restart machinery when the problem is solved. Some of this training may be obtained at
technical schools and community colleges. Basic math and computer skills are important for
computer-controlled machine operators so some job applicants are screened through the use of
tests, to ensure that they have the necessary skills.
Increasingly, training is offered to enable people to work well in a team-oriented environment. Many
firms have established training centers or host seminars that encourage employee self-direction and
responsibility and the development of interpersonal skills. Because of the emphasis on teamwork
and the small number of management levels in modern textile mills, firms place a premium on
workers who show initiative and communicate effectively.
Cutters and pressers are trained on the job, while patternmakers and markers usually have technical
or trade school training. All of these workers must understand textile characteristics and have a good
sense of three-dimensional space. Traditional cutters need exceptional hand-eye coordination.
Patternmakers and markers usually design pattern pieces and layouts on a computer screen, so
new entrants seeking these jobs should learn basic computer skills. Those running automatic cutting
machines could need technical training, which is available from vocational schools.
Sewing machine operators must have good hand-eye coordination and dexterity, as well as an
understanding of textile fabrics. They are trained on the job for a period of several weeks to several
months, depending on their previous experience and the function for which they are training.
Operators usually begin by performing simple tasks, working their way up to more difficult
assemblies and fabrics as they gain experience.
Advancement often takes the form of higher wages as workers become more experienced, although
operators who have good people and organizational skills may become supervisors. Operators with
high school diplomas and some vocational school training have better chances for advancement.
Other occupations. Fashion designers create original garments that follow well established fashion
trends. Therefore, they need to have good sense of color, texture, and style. In addition they must
know how to use computer-assisted design and understand the characteristics of specific fabrics,
such as durability and stiffness, and anticipate construction problems. Obtaining a bachelor’s degree
in art or fashion design is preferable, although an associate degree may suffice. Applicants may be
required to submit drawings and other examples of their artistic ability. Graduates of associate
degree programs generally qualify as assistants to designers.
Beginning designers usually receive on-the-job training. They normally need 1 to 3 years of training
before they advance to higher level positions, such as assistant technical designer, pattern designer,
or head designer. Sometimes fashion designers advance by moving to bigger firms. Some designers
choose to move into positions in business or merchandising.
Engineers generally need a bachelor's or advanced degree in a field of engineering or production
management. Degrees in mechanical or industrial engineering are common, but concentrations in
textile-specific areas of engineering are especially useful. For example, many applicants take
classes in textile engineering, textile technology, textile materials, and design. These specialized
programs usually are found in engineering and design schools in the South and Northeast. As in
other industries, a technical degree with an advanced degree in business can lead to opportunities in

Outlook[About this section] [To Top]

Jobs in textile, textile product, and apparel manufacturing will continue to decline rapidly as
advances in manufacturing technology allow fewer workers to produce greater output, and growing
imports compete with domestically made textile and apparel products.
Employment change. Wage and salary employment in the textile, textile product, and apparel
manufacturing industries is expected to decline by 48 percent through 2018, compared with a
projected increase of 11 percent for all industries combined.
Nevertheless, some job openings will arise as experienced workers transfer to other industries or
retire or leave the workforce for other reasons. Employment projections for industry sectors are
shown in table 3 below.

Table 3. Employment in textile, textile product and apparel manufacturing by industry segment,
2008 and projected change, 2008-18 (Employment in thousands)

2008 2008-18
Industry segment
Employment Percent change

Textile, textile product and apparel manufacturing 497.1 -47.9

Textile mills 151.1 -47.6

Textile product mills 147.6 -38.1

Apparel manufacturing 198.4 -55.4

Increasing investment in technology by textile mills, and the resulting increase in labor productivity,
is the major reason for the projected decline in employment in the textile mills sector. Wider looms,
robotics, new methods for making textiles that do not require spinning or weaving, and the
application of computers to various processes result in fewer workers being needed to produce the
same amount of textile products. Companies are also continuing to open new, more modern plants,
which use fewer workers, while closing older, less efficient ones. As this happens, overall demand
for textile machine operators and material handlers will continue to decline, but demand for those
who have the skills to operate the more advanced machines will grow.
Changing trade regulations are the single most important factor influencing future employment
patterns. Because the apparel manufacturing sector is labor intensive, it is especially vulnerable to
import competition from nations in which workers receive lower wages. In 2005, quotas for apparel
and textile products were lifted among members of the World Trade Organization, including most
U.S. trading partners and, in particular, China. Although some bilateral quotas have been re-
imposed between the United States and China, the expiration of quotas in 2005 has allowed more
apparel and textile products to be imported into the United States. Because many U.S. firms will
continue to move their assembly operations to low-wage countries, this trend is likely to affect the
jobs of lower skilled machine operators most severely. It does not, however, have as adverse an
effect on the demand for some of the pre-sewing functions, such as designing, because much of the
apparel will still be designed by American workers.
Continuing changes in the market for apparel goods will exert cost-cutting pressures that affect all
workers in the textile and apparel industries. Consumers are becoming more price conscious,
retailers are gaining more bargaining power with apparel producers, and increasing competition is
limiting the ability of producers to pass on costs to consumers. Apparel firms are likely to respond by
relying more on foreign production and boosting productivity through investments in technology and
new work structures.
Apparel firms also continue to merge or consolidate to remain competitive. This trend continues to
drive down the number of firms in this industry, which usually leads to job losses, especially in non-
production areas. In the future, the apparel manufacturing sector will be dominated by highly
efficient, profitable organizations that have developed their dominance through strategies that enable
them to be among the lowest cost producers of apparel. Consolidation and mergers are likely to
result in layoffs of some workers.
Some segments of the textile mill products sector, like industrial fabrics, carpets, and specialty
yarns, are highly automated, innovative, and competitive on a global scale, so they will be able to
expand exports as a result of more open trade. Other sectors, such as fabric for apparel, will be
negatively affected, as a number of apparel manufacturers relocate production to other countries.
Textile mills are likely to lose employment as a result. The expected increase in apparel imports will
adversely affect demand for domestically produced textiles.
New technology will increase the apparel manufacturing sector's productivity, although it is likely to
remain labor-intensive. The variability of cloth and the intricacy of the cuts and seams of the
assembly process have been difficult to automate. Machine operators, therefore, will continue to
perform most sewing tasks, and automated sewing will be limited to simple functions. In some
cases, however, computerized sewing machines will increase the productivity of operators and
reduce required training time.
Technology also is increasing the productivity of workers who perform other functions, such as
designing, marking, cutting, and pressing. Computers and automated machinery will continue to
raise productivity and reduce the demand for workers in these areas.
Job prospects. Despite the overall decline in employment, job prospects for skilled production
workers, engineers, merchandisers, and designers should be fair as the industry evolves into one
that primarily requires people with good communication skills, creativity, and who are skilled enough
to operate today's high technology computer-operated machines. Further, many of the skills used in
this industry are comparable to those in other manufacturing industries, so workers may move
between industries depending on the opportunities available in their areas of specialty.
Competition is expected be keen for fashion designers, as many designers are attracted to the
creativity and glamour associated with the occupation.

Earnings[About this section] [More salary/earnings info] [To Top]

Industry earnings. Average weekly earnings of nonsupervisory production workers were $525 in
textile mills, $453 in textile product mills, and $415 in apparel manufacturing establishments in 2008,
compared with $724 for production workers in all manufacturing and $608 for production workers
throughout private industry. Earnings within the textile industry depend upon skill level and type of
Wages in selected occupations in textile and apparel manufacturing appear in table 4. Traditionally,
sewing machine operators are paid on a piecework basis determined by the quantity of goods they
produce. Many companies are changing to incentive systems based on group performance that
considers both the quantity and the quality of the goods produced. A few companies pay production
workers a salary.

Table 4. Median hourly wages of the largest occupations in textile, textile product, and apparel
manufacturing, May 2008

Textile Apparel All
Occupation product
mills manufacturing industries

First-line supervisors/managers of production

$21.19 $20.05 $18.30 $24.25
and operating workers

Textile knitting and weaving machine setters,

12.42 13.27 10.48 12.21
operators, and tenders

Inspectors, testers, sorters, samplers, and

11.79 12.17 9.66 15.02

Textile winding, twisting, and drawing out

11.27 12.37 10.79 11.53
machine setters, operators, and tenders

Textile bleaching and dyeing machine operators

11.18 13.17 9.65 11.38
and tenders

Textile cutting machine setters, operators, and

10.96 11.28 9.36 10.88

Laborers and freight, stock, and material

10.87 10.72 9.60 10.89
movers, hand

Helpers—production workers 10.60 10.31 9.08 10.48

Sewing machine operators 9.61 9.75 9.03 9.55

Packers and packagers, hand 9.46 9.25 8.98 9.16

Related Careers[About this section] [To Top]
Engineers and Engineering technicians
Fashion designers
Industrial machinery mechanics and millwrights
Inspectors, testers, sorters, samplers, and weighers
Textile, apparel, and furnishings occupations

*Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor. Used by permission.

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marketing objectives -
where do you want to be?
Helping you set marketing objectives to
provide the right direction to meet your
Once you have established your strengths and weaknesses and the
opportunities and threats available through the marketing audit you can
redefine your marketing objectives and how these fit in to your business
Typically, clients marketing objectives include some or all of the following:

 Increase sales
 Build brand awareness
 Grow market share
 Launch new products or services
 Target new customers
 Enter new markets internationally or locally
 Improve stakeholder relations
 Enhance customer relationships
 Improve internal communications
 Increase profit

Developing SMART Marketing

Essentially your marketing objectives need to fit in with the overall business
objectives and drive the direction of your marketing strategy. To be
effective, any objective should be SMART.
A SMART objective is always:

 Specific
 Measureable
 Achievable
 Realistic
 Time-bound
The purpose therefore of setting SMART objectives is to clarify where you
want to be, providing a measurable objective that can be monitored and
plans developed to help meet the business goals.

Marketing objective examples

Typical marketing objectives we see clients set include:

 To increase the number of enquires from our marketing communications

activities by 15% by the end of the year
 To increase sales by 20% within 18 months
Win Marketing provides support to help clients set their marketing
objectives. This can be done through facilitating a marketing objectives
workshop where key issues can be discussed and agreed. Alternatively,
with smaller companies we work directly with Managing Directors on a one-
on-one basis to help them develop their key marketing goals and
objectives. Both approaches can help a company to agree business
objectives and marketing objectives and allow a marketing plan to be
developed to set a direction out as to how these objectives can be
achieved. Other issues which can also be discussed in a workshop include
methods of measuring success and monitoring and evaluation processes.
If you are interested in Win Marketing providing support with your business
and marketing objectives, please contact us or phone +44(0)1509 265890.

What is a Functional Organization Structure?

February 3, 2019 by Fahad Usmani
Your working style depends on the type of organization you’re working in. The type of
organization dictates your role, responsibilities, working culture, and just about
everything else.

In a functional organization, you will have a static role, while in other types of
organization structures, you may have dynamic roles.
In a functional organization structure, you will report to the functional manager, while in
other types of structures, you will report either to the project manager or multiple
In a projectized organization structure, you report to the project manager, whereas in
a matrix organization structure, it depends on the type of matrix. Your working style,
career growth path, and reporting system are all dictated by it.
Functional Organization Structure
A functional organization structure is a hierarchical organization structure wherein
people are grouped based on their area of specialization. These people are supervised
by a functional manager with expertise in the same field. This expertise helps him to
effectively utilize the skills of employees, which ultimately helps organizations in
achieving its business objectives.

People are classified according to the function they perform within the organization in
this kind of organization structure. The organizational chart for a functional organization
structure shows the president, vice president, finance department, sales department,
customer service, administration, etc.

Each department will have a department head who will be responsible for the
performance of his section. This helps the organization control the quality and uniformity
of performance.

These various departments are sometimes referred to as “silos.” This means the system
is vertical and disconnected. The communication flows through the department heads to
the top management.

Here, all authority (i.e., budget allocation, resource allocation, decision making, etc.)
stays with the functional manager. Usually, the position of the project manager does not
exist in this type of organization structure. Even if this position exists, the role of the
project manager will be minimal, and he will need permission from the functional
manager to fulfill his requirements. The project manager may have the title of a
coordinator or an expediter.

The functional organization structure is suitable for an organization which has ongoing
operations and produces standard products or goods, such as manufacturing industries.

Advantages of the Functional Organization Structure

The following are a few benefits of the functional organization structure:

 Employees are grouped by their knowledge and skills, which helps achieve the highest
degree of performance.
 Employees are very skilled. Efficiency is achieved because they are experienced in the
same work and they perform excellently.
 Their roles and responsibilities are fixed, which facilitates easy accountability for the
 The hierarchy is apparent and employees don’t have to report to multiple supervisors.
Each employee reports to his or her functional manager, which reduces the number of
communication channels.
 There is no duplication of work because each department and each employee has a
fixed job responsibility.
 Employees feel secure, and therefore, they perform well without fear.
 Since there is a sense of job security, employees tend to be loyal to the organization.
 Employees have a clear career growth path.
 Cooperation and communication are excellent within the department.

Disadvantages of the Functional Organization Structure

The following are a few disadvantages of the functional organization structure:

 Employees may feel bored due to the monotonous, repetitive type of work and may lose
enthusiasm for the job.
 Conflicts may arise if the performance appraisal system is not properly managed. For
example, an employee may feel demoralized when a lower performing employee is
 A highly-skilled employee costs more.
 The departments have a self-centered mentality. The functional manager pays more
attention to his department; he usually doesn’t care about other departments.
 Communication is weak among the departments, which causes poor inter-department
coordination. This decreases flexibility and innovation. Moreover, there is a lack of
teamwork among different departments.
 Employees may have little concern and knowledge about events outside their
department. This causes obstacles to communication and cooperation.
 The functional structure is rigid and adapting to changes difficult and slow.
 Delays frequently occur in decision making due to bureaucratic hierarchy.
 Generally, the functional manager makes decisions autocratically without consulting his
team members. This may not always work in favor of the organization.
 When the organization becomes larger, functional areas can become challenging to
manage due to their size. Each department may start behaving like a small company
with its facilities, culture, and management style.
 Functional departments may be distracted by departmental goals, and focus on them
rather than the organizational goal.
The functional organization structure helps organizations run their business and earn a
profit. This type of structure suits organizations intended to produce some product or
service on a continuous basis. Here, employees feel secure, perform well, and tend to
be highly skilled. The project manager often does not have any role in the functional
organization, and even if he exists, his role will be minimal.

This concludes the post on functional organization structure. If you have something to
add, you can do so through the comments section below.

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