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2016 photos of pluto

2.july 2015 historic flyby of pluto
3.dwarf planet 3bn miles away smaller than our own moon
4.pluto largest member in kuiper belt
5.apollo missions took 3 days to reach moon and approx 300 days to mars horizons mission would reach moon in 9 hours
7.2006 new horizons launch
8.gaint mountains of ice
9.zircon rock in australia helped us date age of earth.
10.the first person to measure distance between sun and earth was aristarchus 250BC
11.discovery launched hubble tscope in 1990
12.hubble uses 8ft mirror
13.hubble was launched with a flaw in a mirror 2012 curiosity landed on mars gael crater 2015 cassini captures enclaedus mysterious moon of saturn just 300 miles 1977 voyagers were launched 12 year journey
17.cassini launched on 1997
18.Titan is the largest moon of saturn
19.ganymede is largest moon of jupiter,it is the biggest in ss larger than planet
20.cassini plunged into saturns atmosphere in sept 15 2017
21.curiosity looking for martian history mount sharp in search of its biological
22.huygens probe went into titans atmosphere 2005
23.methane cycle on titan cause tempr is -200 degrees probably existing beneath the surface of enceladus cause scientists have
observed kms huge fountains of saline water coming out from beneath the surface

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