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LOCATION: Church or Cell (new cells only)

TIME: 90 minutes each week
DURATION: Eight weeks

After returning from the Encounter Weekend, the new disciple is likely to
be on a spiritual “high”. It is important that during this time he/she be
taught important foundational truths, and practical keys to living as a

In the beginning, the new believer is more likely to be willing to change

and establish good patterns of lifestyle. If these changes are not made
early on, it is unlikely that the new disciple will bear fruit.

This eight week Post Encounter Class follows up and reinforces the gains
made during the Encounter weekend. The Disciple is taught the
importance of leaving the old life behind, overcoming worldliness,
developing a prayer life, how to relate to unbelievers, how to study the
Bible, sexuality and morality, the church, and knowing God’s will.

Generally, public water baptism will occur directly after The Encounter
weekend, and the following week, the Post Encounter Class should

The primary curriculum for the post Encounter class will be the
book “Strengthening My Steps”. (In this folder)

During the time the disciple is taking the Post Encounter class, it is
important that the disciple discovers a place of service.

The personal pastor should help the disciple discover some way they can
serve the church in a practical way. Some humble act or place of service
is important early in his/her development. The new believer should be
eager to serve the body of Christ.
It is also important that the personal pastor monitor and encourage
the disciple’s Church attendance and hold him/her accountable for
becoming an active part of the body at Central.

The disciple should be part of he church services, receiving the teaching

and heart of the church.

If the disciple faithfully completes the Post Encounter Class,

remains faithful to the church and the cell pastor, he/she will be
recommended for the next step: The School of Leaders

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