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GROWTH AND YIELD OF OKRA PLANT (Abelmoschus esculentus Linn.)

1.1 Background of the Study

Charcoal is a light black residue consisting of carbon, and any remaining ash, obtained by

removing water and other volatile constituents from animal and vegetation substances (Tyrone,

2017). Charcoal helps plants by increasing water absorption, drawing toxins out of the soil and

promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria and fungi (Basques Hardwood Charcoal, 2015). Okra

(Abelmoschus esculentus) is a vegetable crop from Malvaceae family. It is a tropical crop and

sensitive to cold weathers and drought. (Sathish Kumar et al., 2013). Okra is a multipurpose crop

for its various uses of leaves, flowers, stems, pods, and seeds. (Gemede HF, et al. 2015).

1.2 Statement of the Problem

This study determines the effects of different charcoal concentration on the growth

and yield of okra plant. Incisively, this study wants to answer the following questions:

1. How does charcoal affect the growth of okra plant in terms of (a) height, (b)

number of leaves, (c) fresh weight, (d) dry weight of okra plant?

2. How does charcoal affect the pH level and the N-P-K of the soil before and after

the experiment?

1.3 Objectives of the Study

Generally, the study aims to determine the effects of charcoal on the growth and yield of

okra plant. Specifically, the study aims to:

1. Identify if there is a significant difference on the growth and yield of okra plant in

different charcoal concentration in terms of:

1.1 Height

1.2 Number of leaves

1.3 Fresh weight of okra plant

1.4 Dry weight of okra plant

2. Determine the difference in soil quality parameters in terms of N-P-K and pH before

and after the experiment.

1.4 Significance of the Study

The significance of the study is to determine whether the charcoal is effective or not to

okra plant. This study will be beneficial to farmers, gardeners, and consumers of okra for

them to discover whether using charcoal is practical or not, and whether if it will produce a

noticeable difference or not. It can also serve as reference for the future researchers who will

conduct similar study.

1.5 Scope and Limitation

The effects of different charcoal concentration on the (a) height, (b) number of leaves, (c)

fresh weight, and (d) dry weight of okra plant. Climatic factors (ex. temperature and

humidity), biotic factors (animal intervention) and trace nutrients of soil (Iron, zinc, copper,

manganese, boron, molybdenum and cobalt) was not identified during the experimentation.

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