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10 Small Healing Products Essential for

Traveling Anywhere, Especially With Kids!

(fitting in a neat little pouch!)


Going on a family vacation is the most exciting part of our year! A break
from school, a break from work. But the preparation for a family vacation
carries its own weight and stress with it! We spend a ton of time and
money to make sure everything will be perfect for our family, a memory
we will never forget! Do we have enough clothes, what are we going to
do with the animals, the mail, the lights, the medicine!

Maybe you travel for work. Nothing like being sick the night before
your big meeting!
Having traveled with my kids for years, now 22 & 16, we have had some
close calls with sickness! We make sure our arsenal pouch is always
packed when leaving the country!” Getting stuck on cruises when
Norovirus attacked the ships, stomach viruses hit resorts,
and being prepared for Mexico for the “just in case,” moments, these
five products will keep you, and your kids healthy and happy, even if
everyone is getting sick around you!
From physical dis-ease to emotional tantrums, fears and unhappiness -
carry your healing arsenal arsenal pouch, and your travel is a guaranteed
good memory, and will only take 6 inches of packing space!
The first is a homeopathic remedy called Arsenicum Album.

Fantastic for stomach issues, food poisoning, nervousness, restlessness,

anxiety. 30C is a good potency and can take 3-4x daily. (5 balls) For
children, give one dose and decide on next dose, as needed.
The second product I always carry with me is Acidophilus.
In fact, my kids started taking this daily in pre-school. When everyone else
was sharing stomach viruses, my kids stayed healthy. It was an “ahhhhh”
moment for me! Helps with stomach aches, digestion, nauseau. We even
take when not feeling so great or feel like we are getting sick.

The third is GSE (Grapefruit Seed Extract) by Nutrabiotic.

Its a natural antibiotic. It has helped us for toothaches, infections,

sickness...anything that is contagious. Its like taking an antibiotic and really
helps right away usually. I usually mix it in thick drinks like orange juice or
chocolate almond milk where the bitter flavor is hidden. Do not mix in
grapefruit juice and that is what the product is made of and will be too
potent. I dont give to young kids, but keep it for us adults. The minute we
start to feel like we may be getting ill, we take it a few times daily.

My fourth is Nux Vomica, Homeopathic Remedy.

I travel with this for overindulging. Eating too much, drinking too much.
30c in your arsenal and take as needed.
My Fifth is Emergency Remedy or Rescue Remedy.

For many issues - when the kids are acting out because they are tired, or
fifighting. When a tantrum is being thrown. If they are fearful to try
something, if they need any kind of calming, I will put in a bath, they
can take orally, or on their wrists. Calms us all fairly quickly. Adults
may need to take a few times, not always!
My Sixth is Calendula gel

Great gel for burns, scrapes, rashes, cuts. Heals quickly. Never put
over stitches as it works so quickly it will heal right over stitches!
My Seventh & Eighth is Zinc and Vitamin D

I always carry this for when it feels like a cold or flflu may be coming on.
Taking one of each daily when you feel something coming on will cut it
off in its tracks.
My Ninth is Belladonna Homeopathic Remedy

When a fever comes on quickly, this will rid it quickly. 30c. Give a dose to
kids a couple of times daily. When fever goes down, you can stop.

And my Tenth, of course is Your Aspirin/Pain Reliever of Choice

I take a bunch of each of the above and put in the plastic snack bags to
save room and mark each bag. You can fifind all these products at your
local health food store. And dont forget .... To enhance your positive
qualities and reverse the negative.... for yourself and
your children, and even your pets!

About the Author

Amy D. Cohen, BFRP, is a Flower Remedies Practitioner who focuses on emotional health.
Flower remedies help to reverse our negative emotions, thought patterns and negative behaviors.
Amy travels all over the world to bring the most powerful and profound remedies to is in the US.
She is an accredited teacher for Australian Bush Flower Essences and received certifification from
Bach Flower Remedies. She is also a member of the Bach Flower Registered Practitioners
worldwide and one of six registered practitioners in the State of New Jersey. Amy also studied
homeopathy for three years with NY School of Homeopathy affifiliated with School of
Homeopathy in England. She is currently creating natural products to help target specifific
emotional issues to bring us back into balance. She maintains a consulting practice in New Jersey
and does telephone consultations worldwide. She can be emailed at; or skype amy.c.50 or phone at 800-474-1667.

All material and information presented by Strongest Minds is intended to be used for
educational or informational purposes only. The statements and products are not intended
to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any condition or disease. Please consult with your own
physician or health care practitioner regarding the suggestions and recommendations
made by Strongest Minds.

Copyright 2012, Strongest Minds

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