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A Thesis

To be presented to the College of Education

City College of San Fernando, Pampanga

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Degree of

Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Mathematics

Culala, Ma. Estrella P.

Herrera, Justine D.

Juico, Daryl J.

Sudla, John Paul N.



The Problem and Its Background

According to the study, A Componential View of Children's

Difficulties in Learning Fractions by the University of Cambridge (2013),

“Pupils seemed to master the part-whole concept, whereas numbers and

operations posed problems. Moreover, pupils seemed to apply

procedures they do not fully understand.”

This procedural difficulty in learning fractions has been a problem in

teaching mathematics since the dawn of civilization. This study aims to

shed more light into the factors that make learning fractions difficult. In

view of this, a development of ways to reinforce or even rethink current

teaching methods regarding fractions is necessary especially in the

Philippine context.

To ensure the accuracy of the study, the researchers have decided

to focus on a single lesson: Adding dissimilar fractions. In doing so,

hopefully the introduction of video instructional materials lead to pupils

appreciation of adding dissimilar fractions, and the results of the exercises

will be much improved.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to assess and determine the common errors of

Grade Six (6) pupils in adding dissimilar fractions and to prepare

Instructional Materials to address the students’ common errors in the

subject. Specifically, the following questions will be answered in the study:

1. What are the common errors of the Grade 6 pupils in Adding

Dissimilar Fractions?

2. What instructional materials can be prepared to address the

common errors of Grade 6 pupils in adding dissimilar fractions?

3. What are the feedbacks of the Grade 6 pupils on the instructional


3.1. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the materials?

Theoretical Framework

The theoretical framework focuses on the concepts of the fractions

that should be emphasized in adding dissimilar fractions.

According to the study, A Componential View of Children's

Difficulties in Learning Fractions (2013) “Fractions are well known to be

difficult to learn. Various hypotheses have been proposed in order to

explain those difficulties: fractions can denote different concepts; their

understanding requires a conceptual reorganization with regard to

natural numbers; and using fractions involves the articulation of

conceptual knowledge with complex manipulation of procedures. In

order to encompass the major aspects of knowledge about fractions, we

propose to distinguish between conceptual and procedural knowledge.

We designed a test aimed at assessing the main components of fraction

knowledge. The test was carried out by fourth-, fifth- and sixth-graders

from the French Community of Belgium. The results showed large

differences between categories”.

According to the study of Josie Carreno of Yale National Initiative,

Yale University (2018), “Fractions are hard, plain and simple! Many of my

students fear working with fractions. I hear the moans and groans and see

the look of fear when I write on our class agenda that we will be studying

fractions. Not only are they fearful, but they have zero memory of what

they have learned about fractions in previous years. I hear the "we never

learned that" or "I don't remember seeing that". Sound familiar? I KNOW

they have been taught about fractions because it is part of our state and

district objectives in the lower grade levels. Through reading the research

on fractions, I found that this was a common theme. Fractions (rational

numbers) are complex; however, they are important for students to

understand. Up until now I have focused too much on the procedural way

of teaching fractions. My students do not understand how fractions work.

They are lacking in the conceptual view of fractions. I have come to

realize that I need to focus first on the conceptual view of fractions and

then I can proceed to procedural skills”.

Conceptual Framework

Input Process Output Dry - run

Test on adding Administer test Prepared
dissimilar on: Instructional Feedback of
fractions: Materials in students in
 Adding addressing the Instructional
 Adding Proper common errors Material
Proper Fractions of the Grade 6
Fractions  Adding pupils in adding n
 Adding Improper dissimilar
Improper Fractions fractions.
fractions  Adding
 Adding Mixed
Mixed Numbers

Figure 1. Research Paradigm

Figure 1 shows how the study will be conducted. The study will

determine the common errors of the Grade 6 pupils in adding dissimilar

fractions involving Proper Fractions, Improper Fractions, and Mixed

Numbers. To achieve the purpose of the study, the researchers will

administer test on three types of fractions will be conducted. The result of

the test will be the basis of the researchers in preparing Instructional

Material on teaching adding dissimilar fractions in order to address the

pupils’ common errors.


The study assumed the following:

That the results of the Grade Six (6) Pupils test in adding dissimilar

fractions are true measures to determine their strengths and weaknesses,

the response of Grade Six (6) pupils in the dry-run reflect honest

assessment of the instructional materials prepared.

Importance of the study

This study is significant to the following stakeholders:

To students

This study is significant to students especially those who have

difficulties in adding dissimilar fractions. The instructional materials

prepared in this study may address the common errors of the Grade Six (6)

To teachers

The teachers will benefit from this study because they may be

able to use the instructional material that were prepared by the

researchers in addressing common errors of Grade Six (6) pupils in adding

dissimilar fractions and it will also give them additional reference in

coming up different techniques and strategies in teaching fractions.

To education

This study is significant to education especially to the

curriculum developers of K-12 program because it may help them to

discover the common errors of the pupils in adding dissimilar fractions and

find solution through the use of instructional materials.

To the future researchers

This study provides information about the common errors of

Grade 6 pupils in adding dissimilar fractions. Other researchers can

conduct similar research in addressing the common errors of Grade Six (6)

pupils in adding dissimilar fractions using the prepared instructional


This research may serve as the basis for the possible studies

regarding the development of instructional materials to address the

difficulties of Grade Six (6) pupils in solving involving fractions.

Scope and Limitations of the study

This study focused on the Grade Six (6) pupils’ skills in adding Proper

Fractions, Improper Fractions, and Mixed Numbers. This study is limited to

determining the common errors of the Grade Six (6) pupils in adding

dissimilar fractions and preparing instructional materials that may address

the problem.

Definition of Terms

For a better understanding of the study, the following terms were

defined as follows:

Dissimilar Fraction – operationally, it refers to the three skills of pupils in

adding proper fractions, improper fractions, and mixed numbers

measured by a 20-item test.

Proper Fraction – operationally, it refers to the 6-item questions in the test.

Improper Fraction – operationally, it refers to the 7-item questions in the


Mixed Numbers – operationally, it refers to the 7-item questions in the test.

Instructional Materials – operationally, instructional materials refer to the 4

materials prepared by the researchers which are based on the results of

the test.

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