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This story is written by Jodi Picoult. This book is all about the story of thirteen-year

old, Anna Fitzgerald who sues her parents for medical emancipation when she discovers

she was supposed to donate a kidney to her elder sister Kate, who is gradually dying from

acute leukemia, a blood and bone marrow cancer. Anna was born as a savior sister

specifically so she could save Kate’s life.

Discussion director

-the one who formulate and answer the question about the story

*Nick Cassavetes

Discussion question

-formulate and answer a question about the story.

*discuss the setting of The sister’s keeper

*What is the significance of the fire?

*What type of cancer does Kate have?

Character Captain

-character and description

*Kate Fitzgerald, a frail teenage girl who was diagnosed with acute leukemia at a young

age. She is the older sister of Anna, and the middle child out of all three Fitzgerald

siblings. She sometimes finds all the attention on her stifling. One of the few times she

experiences being a typical teenaged girl is when she dates, and has her first kiss with,

a boy named Taylor, whom she meets at the hospital while undergoing chemotherapy.

Taylor also has cancer, and Kate has some of her happiest times with him, as he's one

of the only people with whom she's been able to fully relate, and to speak her deepest,

true, feelings about being sick, with. Kate also supports the feelings of her younger sister,

Anna, and is thankful for the bodily donations Anna has been made to give her throughout

her lifetime. Near the end of the novel, she is the one revealed to have asked Anna to

sue for medical emancipation because she was fed up with her mother's behavior and

wanted to die for years.

*Anna Fitzgerald, a girl who was scientifically engineered in order to be a "savior sibling"

to her elder sister, and who therefore repeatedly has to donate blood, marrow, and

eventually an organ, to her. She is thirteen years old at the time the novel takes place,

and seeks to be medically emancipated from her parents, so that she does not have to

donate anything to Kate, namely a kidney, against her will, and would thereon have the

rights to her own body. She is the main protagonist of the novel.

*Jesse Fitzgerald, the oldest child, who is dyslexic. Throughout most of the novel, he is

a delinquent teenager, but, in young adulthood, after coming to terms with his inner
emotions, he goes on to become a police officer, and is no longer rebellious, or desperate

for attention, as he was in his teen years.

*Sara Fitzgerald, the overprotective and domineering "helicopter mom" of Kate, Anna,

and Jesse. She tries her hardest to keep her oldest, ill, daughter alive and well, and

refuses to accept the idea that she is dying. Before the novel's end, Sara finally listens to

Anna about Kate and comes to terms with her choice to die, expressing remorse for her

behavior. She is the one who feels insurmountable guilt over Anna's death.

*Brian Fitzgerald, Sara's husband, who understands Anna's decision to not donate her

kidney, but also feels compassion for his wife. He becomes torn between his daughter(s),

and his wife, during Anna's emancipation trial, but ends up siding with his wife during his

testimony in court, regardless of his conflicting feelings. He also shows concern for his

son, and is the one to confront him about his troubling behavior.

*Julia Romano, the court-appointed, guardian ad litem, whose job it is to decide what is

best for Anna. She also often advises Anna regarding medical emancipation. She and

Anna's lawyer, Campbell Alexander, dated in young adulthood, before he broke her heart.

*Campbell Alexander, a lawyer who defends Anna as she tries to become medically

emancipated from her parents. He believes that she should have control over her own

body, and eventually obtains medical power of attorney over her, when she wins her case.

He personally uses a service dog, which others find "mysterious", because he does not

tell anyone why; It is later uncovered that he suffers from epilepsy, and that this diagnosis

is the reason he broke up with Julia, as he did not believe she "deserved" an unwell mate,

that she'd have to look after.

*Suzanne, Jesse, Kate and Anna's wealthy aunt, Brian's sister-in-law and Sara's older

sister of 10 years whose relationship with her is strained due to her overzealousness in

keeping Kate alive. While coming to Sara's aid occasionally due to her wealth, she is

more supportive of Anna in suing for medical emancipation.

*Judge DeSalvo, the presiding judge over Anna's case in suing for medical emancipation

Event Organizer

-Plot (diagram or paragraph)

*Anna was conceived as an allogeneic donor for her sister Kate who suffer acute

promyelocytic leukemia. Anna has donated stem cells, bone marrow and platelets to keep

Kate alive. In the end Anna is given medical emancipation via a court of law and

Alexander Campbell is given power of attorney over Anna’s medical affairs. Alexander

drives Anna home they collide with another car and have an accident. Anna is severely

injured and is taken to hospital.The doctors inform Brian and Sara that Anna is Brain-

dead and will not be able to recover. Alexander Campbell then steps in and offer Anna’s

kidney to Kate as he has power of Attorney to do so. Anna’s life machine is switched off

and her kidney is successfully transplanted to Kate who managers to live for a few more

years us a result of the transplantation. Anna’s dies and Kate’s live.

Book reviewer

-Brief description of the book and the author

*the sister’s keeper a book and novel is written by New York Times best selling author

Jodi Picoult. Which is the story is poignant, uplifting, emotional ,triumphant, passionate,
heart wrenching and extremely powerful about the FitzGerald’s, a family united in their

love for each other but divided on exactly where the boundaries of family obligation, love

and sacrifice.

Art designer

-Scene portray illustrate create a poem or song

*Shay Cunliffe

Vocabulary Enhancer

-but encountered unfamiliar words and Use it in sentence.

*Compulsion-an irresistible urge to repeatedly carry out some act that seems strange

and unreasonable.

*Blotter-a record of daily activity such as orders placed and executed, securities received

or delivered, etc.

*Litigate-to try in court

*Portacath-an appliance that is installed beneath the skin. Catheter connects the port to

a vein. In this case, the mechanism is movable.

*Deposition-oral testimony is made before a public officer of the court to be used in


*granulocyte-white blood cell that are filled w/granules(little sacs of enzymes that digest


*refugee-an exile who flees for safety.

*Prognosis-a prediction of the course of a disease.

*Leukemia-excess bad white blood cells, sometimes curable.

*in vitro-made to occur in a laboratory vessels or other controlled experimental

environment rather than within a living organism or natural setting.

*Epilepsy-is a common chronic neurological disorder characterized by seizures

*Antiemetic-an agent that prevents or relieves nausea and vomiting.

*Manifesto-a public declaration or intentions.

*filament-a fine wire or thread

*distinction-a recognition of the way things differ.

*Conventional-in a accord with or being a tradition or practice accepted from the past.

*Emancipation-freeing someone from the control of another.

Passage writer

-indicates 5 or the most interesting passage in the story.

*when the Fitzgerald family is having dinner together.

*Anna was conceived as an allogeneic donor for her sister.

*Ana has donated stem cells , bone marrow and platelets to keep Kate alive.

*when Jesse, Anna’s brother, got arrested for stealing a judge’s car.

*Campbell Alexander get into a car accident.

*the doctor informs Sara and Brian that Anna is brain-dead and ask them if they have

considered organ donation.

*Anna’s dies and give up her kidney for her sister Kate.

-relates the story to a song , poem, other story, novel or story


I always looked up to you

Felt you around me every day
Probably because you were in me
Sharing your blood and organs - literally

I owe you my entire life

It can't get any clearer than that
You shared your interior being with me
It's much different than sharing a scarf or a hat

You see, suffering from the killer

Of which Cancer is its name
Meant you had to constantly save me
And I admit, that brings me shame

I don't want you fighting for me

I don't want you to live just to keep me alive
Can't I just get up and walk around like normal?
Maybe I'll learn how to grow and strive

I don't blame you for wanting

The right to your own flesh and blood
I bet having to undergo operations
Is like constantly being dragged through the mud

I'll support all your decisions

And I don't care what Mum or Dad say
Because when you step up in court on that date
Then that will be your day

No more fighting for my life

No more transplants to undergo
I may not be around anymore
But I really want you to know...

I don't blame you one single bit

I just want you to be all right
So do what feels good inside
And help me lose my fight


That's what I said to you

And I was prepared to be brave
But now it's two months later
And I'm sitting at your grave

You see after the court battle

Which you ultimately won
Something terrible happened
Which can never be undone

A car came out of nowhere

And smashed right into you
Right then and there, I knew straight away
My word had turned a dark shade of blue

I have your kidney inside me now

Plus a feeling of being cut with a knife
Because you died for me on that fateful day
And gave me the gift of life
Theme Manager

-formulate a theme and explain

“ Right versus Wrong”.

Although Anna (the main character) is a teen who is constantly trying to find her true self,

she continuously struggles between what’s right and wrong. Over the course of the novel,

Anna comes to know that she will be needed to donate a kidney for her sister’s use. She

then realizes that her sisters needs are ongoing and she doesn’t want to deal with them

anymore, therefore she plans to sue her parents. This theme is especially significant

because Anna is forced to choose between her rights or her sister’s life. It also

demonstrates the ongoing conflict Anna has versus herself, because she knows her

purpose is to save Kate. This also introduces character versus nature conflict; her sister’s

illness is uncontrollable and always remains an obstacle in her life.




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