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 About the author: Kristian Cashore

 Author born in the United States of America,
 Kristin Cashore is known to the general public thanks to her works written within
the genre of fantasy for young adults.
 In fact, his first book, Graceling -published in 2008-, achieved an interesting
success by being nominated for such important awards as Andre Norton or William
C. Morris.
 In 2009, Cashore won one of the great prizes of fantastic literature, the

 Chapters or pages read during this week:

All Requested Text

 Summary of the reading:

In the beginning, Kai knew that the waters rose, but he did not worry. While he was flooding he
was fishing. Hi boy, said a young nobleman, but Kai got on his knees. Then the young noble asked
him to come to the safe area, but Kai insisted on not leaving this place since he was fishing. The
name of the Noble is Meren, Kai apologizing for leaving the bank where he kept fishing. The
bank seemed to collapse. The water was about to reach them and they decided to flee, but they
could not cross the Nile. Then they went to a higher place and elaborated a plan to get out of
that place, but they only stayed on the island until the level of the water. Then since they were
together they began to know more, is where Kai is known as a bricklayer, teaching him as the
specialty he makes when making a brick-based construction. He also mentions that his work is
hard to work. I was thinking and it was interesting what Kai said. Then Meren lowers his look of
embarrassment and mentions that it is not important as Noble is. then they kept waiting until
the water level went down. Meren quietly thought that they would be rescued, plus meren had
turquoise and amethyst jewels in his hair. Ka then looked at a trunk but at the same time thought
it was a crocodile, so Meren would make the decision to go, although he already said that his
father would be angry. Kai saying that you have done, Meren said that his father is often angry
even the water was high. Meren asks him if it was Pharaoh you would be interested in the ivory
and gold or in the food of his farmers. Kai also mentions that they should not pay a lot of taxes,
since it is a necessity for the harvest. Then after that answer Meren had good ideas to offer
himself as a good pharaoh realized that he was carrying a Kai bag and thinking that it was food
he ordered that it will show it. Then in the bag there were stone carvings in the shape of a bird
and crocodile, a fish and a man. made by Kai. Meren taught him how to read and write the
hieroglyphics and also, Meren showed him when he climbed a tall tree a big ship, Kai was
shocked by the color he showed, then Kai and Meren became friends counting that one day it
would be pharaoh and also that he will continue teaching him to write and read .Then the ship
came to the rescue where Meren goes to the palace of the faron and Kai will be left in a port
where he would leave on his own way home. Arriving home Kai told the story to his parents and
brothers, but they did not believe him so he did not import continued making bricks and learning
the hieroglyphs that Maren taught him, then one day a man of good presence approached him
was called Pepy and came in the Pharaoh's ordines to ask him to be his assistant, told him to go
to his workshop tomorrow, so His father believed all the history that told him. Learning with the
teacher Pepy Kai became more talented as artisan and worker, managing to do very fine things,
carving statues, tombs. Then with the time passed Meren turned pharaoh and learned the Good
attitude of the one who once told him kind ideas for the farmers and their assistants. He
promoted the arts and good works. Then Meren was attacked by a terrible disease that the
doctors could not cure, so ere and all Egypt laments the loss of his pharaoh the artisans came
making the tombs and statues for his pharaoh. Kai stem images in his coffin with beautiful details
where the tree where he was that time was the only salvation to get out of the flood and also in
his salvation the ship that was once rescued.


Drecrees:Order , Ordinance,Decree.
Commoner: Plebelan,Pleb.
Carved: Sculpture,Statue.
Disappoint; Let down , fall,
Displayed: Unfolded , outspread.
Laughed: Earnest ,Severe , Serious .
Approached: Come near ,Draw near
Board: Panel , Table .
Rattled: Rattled
Crafts: Craftsmanship , Handicrat.
 They have not been strengthened for a very long time .
 The water is rising slowly.
 I´m sorry, my lord, but you can see that it was too dangerous to risk crossing the
lower land.
 Well, we may as well sit down, now that we must wait for rescue.
 It´s very hard work, lord Meren.
 Sometimes it feels as though we can´t possibly work fast enough.
 They could see the pharaoh´s palace on the horizon along.
 You must be very important even for a noble.
 I would be more interested in the farmers.
 You would make a very fine pharaoh.
 The view is not much different up here .


 Kai
 Meren
 Pepy

 As a way of reflection, people with a positive attitude are in a good way, can help you
shape that way of thinking, be it humble or good economy, if you have the way to deliver
a good attitude, that favors how to be a better person to others, you should take
advantage of their assertiveness.

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