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Lesson Reflection

Date: 17/06/2019 Term: 2 Week: 8

Learning area/Lesson topic:

Create and interpret simple grid maps to show position and pathways (ACMMG065)

Brief overview of the lesson and lesson objectives:

Students were introduced into the lesson through showing students a range of different
maps. The class were then introduced to the activity and instructed they would be creating
a map of the school. The teacher then modelled to the students how they were to create
the map. Students were given the requirements to the task and instructed to go into the
school in their groups to complete the task.

Key strategies, theories or pedagogies in the lesson:

So students could check the accuracy of the maps they had created I gave the students the
option to check the map using goggle maps. This allowed for the students to realise the
importance of scale and the orientation of a map. I also looked to engage the students in
the lesson by allowing the students to work around the school.

Lesson reflection:

To begin the lesson, I began with introducing the students to different sorts of maps and
highlighted the different things that are used. I found the examples I used didn’t model the
level of work I had expected from the students. I then moved onto the activity and
explained how I wanted them to create their maps. However, I felt I wasn’t explicit enough
with my instructions which meant when it came to completing the task students were
unable to accurately make their map. If I could have done the lesson again I would have
been more explicit with my instructions being sure to tell the students to consider the size
of their maps. I would have also been more sure to asked for the requirements for their
maps maybe putting each requirement on the board.


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