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QUESTÃO 1 O gênero textual apresentado é:

a) poem b) recipe c) comic strip d) letter

QUESTÃO 2 Associe:

a) blanket ( ) vovó

b) barn ( ) cobertor

c) Gramma ( ) fumando

d) smoking ( ) celeiro

QUESTÃO 3 Answer the questions: ( Responda às questões)

a) Should the boy get his blanket back? (O menino deveria pegar o cobertor de volta?)

( ) yes, he should ( ) No, shouldn’t

b) What is the boy thinking? ( O que o menino está pensando?)

( ) He is thinking about his Gramma is cheating him.

( ) He is thinking about his Gramma isn’t smoking behind the barn.

c) Do they have a barn in their house? (Eles tem um celeiro na casa deles?)

( ) Yes, they do. ( ) No, they don’t.

QUESTÃO 4 Traduza as seguintes frases:

a) Gramma isn’t cheating. ____________________________________________

b) She’s not sneaking a few puffs out. ___________________________________

c) Gramma’s smoking behind the barn. ___________________________________

d) We don’t have a barn. _______________________________________________

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