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Student Name: Samantha Almazan

Date: 6/16/19

Artifact Description: Include in the newspaper that you are creating using your own Word
Processing software. While your newspaper will contain submissions from other writers, its
eventual design should show off your own style and creativity as the newspaper editor.

What you learned: This project reflected creativity. It also showed what students are into reality
gossip or real-life drama. It’s a great way to get to know someone and see what their interest are.

National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS)•S Addressed: 6a:

Students choose the appropriate platforms and tools for meeting the desired objectives of their
creation or communication. 6d: Students publish or present content that customizes the message
and medium for their intended audiences.

Application of Skills Learned for the Future: This project would be great for early elementary
school kids because they have a wild imagination. I plan on teaching 3rd graders and this would
could potentially be a group project to see creativity and organization. Letting them create their
own story and piecing them together on paper rather than using word processing software.

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