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1. Present Simple (+, -, ?

+ -
1) The sun ___________ (to set) in the west. 1) I ___________ (not like) the food they
2) We ___________ (to produce) lasers for serve at that restaurant.
cosmetic surgery.
2) Jim ___________ (not work) on Fridays.
3) They ___________ (to move) into their new
3) My friends ___________ (not leave)
home next week.
4) I always ___________ (to study) hard for usually so early.
exams. 4) I ___________ (not want) to go with you!
5) Ben ___________ (to go) to football practice 5) She ___________ (not play) tennis.
every Tuesday. 6) The train ___________ (not leave) at 9
6) I ___________ (to believe) that all people AM.
can live in peace. 7) Birds ___________ (not like) milk.
7) Mark and Sara ___________ (play) squash 8) An astronaut on the International Space
twice a week. Station ___________ (not have) a lot of
8) Every year his family ____________ (go) to free time.
Europe for two weeks. 9) Astronauts ___________ (not work) all
9) Tammy and Jen ______________ (to take) a
day on Saturday.
Pilates class on Wednesday mornings.
10) An astronaut ___________ (not have) the
10) Tony usually _____________ (to try) to call his
mother in the mornings. same schedule every day.

? +\-\?
1) What _________ they ___________ (do) in 1) Ana _______________ (not watch) TV.
the evening? 2) Peter ______________ (not study) French.
2) How _________ you ___________ (spell) 3) Javi ______________ (watch) TV.
that in English? 4) Antonio ____________ (play) computer
3) Where _________ John and Martin games.
_________ (go)? 5) Luis Miguel ______________ (not read)
4) What time _________ I _________ (get) magazines.
up? 6) Everyone ____________ (make) mistakes.
5) What _________ she _________ (do) after 7) Winter _____________ (not come) after
school? spring.
6) When _________ Mary _________ (start) 8) _________ you ___________ (like) my new
school? bike?
7) _________ María _________ (listen) to 9) _________ she __________ (walk) to
music? _________ Beatriz ____________ school?
(tidy) her room? 10) Pedro __________ (speak) English very
8) When ________ your brother __________ well.
(surf) the internet? 11) My dog ____________ (bark) very loudly.
9) Who _________ you ____________ (play) 12) _________ Sara ___________ (read) in
football with? bed?
10) What _________ your sister __________ 13) _________ babies ___________ (sleep)
(do) on Saturday? during the day?
14) Eva ____________ (try) not to disturb.
2. Write the correct preposition (at\on\in\from…to):
1. She works __________________________night.
2. The meeting is _________________________Wednesday afternoon.
3. I sleep _____________9:30 ____________the morning ____________Saturday.
4. I work _________Monday.
5. Class starts ___________ 8:30___________ the morning.
6. We study ____________night.
7. The library is open ___________eleven o’clock______________ night.
8. I have lunch ___________12:00___________ 1:00 every day.
9. She goes to bed____________ 1:00 a.m.____________ Friday and Saturday.
10. We have a break _____________10:30 _____________10:45 _______________the morning.

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