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Student Name: Isabella Henkel

Date: June 16th 2019

Artifact Description: Celebrity Gossip Newspaper: Creating a gossip newspaper through

a word processor.

What you learned: You know how I said the Web Launchpad was the most tedious project
I’ve worked with yet? I lied. I’m a liar. This newspaper was the bane of my existence for a
good couple of hours, the lack of functions I’m so very used to from programs such as
photoshop making me feel like I was slinging rocks at a screen for a good couple of hours.
Once again, however, it was a very rewarding experience to see the fruit of my labor and
come out of this with a few new tricks up my sleeve. It’s giving me more of a chance to
grow and learn with word processors and using them more for just essays, and it was a
really fun project to work with despite it being difficult. Once again, the drawing tool came
to my rescue.

National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS)-S Addressed:

Standard#5 Educators design authentic, learner-driven activities and environments that

recognize and accommodate learner variability.

Standard #5b Design authentic learning activities that align with content area standards
and use digital tools and resources to maximize active, deep learning.

Application of Skills Learned for the Future: This would be a really fun and engaging
activity for high schoolers, which is the grade level I do intend to teach when I’m older. It’d
be a great way to implement what they’ve learned about the English language and culture,
and give them a creative writing outlet to display what they’ve learned. It’d also be
interesting to see this twisted for specific lessons, such as creating gossip catalogs for
Romeo and Juliet or outrageous stories with other fictional book characters.

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