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The Broken Words

An untold journey of love failure and broken heart


Copyright © 2019 niraj kumar singh

All rights reserved.

ISBN: 9781076925893
This book is entirely dedicated my first
love, the girl whom I still love and will
love till eternity.

We might have shared very less time together

but those few months were the most
beautiful months of my life and we had made
plenty of beautiful memories which I cannot
forget even if I want to.

All the events mentioned in this book

actually took place and I tried my best to
mention them with complete truth but even
then, the content might be distorted a
little bit because of my personal thought
process and extreme feeling for the girl I

As most of the times we tend to ignore

almost every mistake and negative
behavior of the front person who is
considered as our crush or love.

Almost every name of mentioned in this book

are imaginary but the characters are based
on real people from my life.

It is not at all intentioned to hurt

anyone’s feelings or believes with the
help of this book but still if something
like that happens then I deeply apologies
for that.

I got the inspiration for writing this book

just after few days from my breakup as I
always wanted to write a book but was unable
to choose any particular topic and this book
is just a gift for her.

The day I saw her for the first time

As far as I can remember we met officially for

the first time on 7th Feb 2017 in a mutual
friend Simi’s birthday celebration as she was
her classmate as well as close friend, she was
joining Simi’s birthday celebration with her
few others friends. Simi was actually my
friend’s girlfriend and I was there to attend
her birthday celebration with her boyfriend
Rohan, Mota one of our mutual friend.
We reached the celebration spot while
carrying the cake and other stuff a few
minutes late then the decided time, we
reached there and we saw all of them
waiting for us. For the first time ever, I made
a birthday card for someone as Simi specially
asked for it as a gift (frankly speaking the
card was not that good it was pretty childish
for god sake).
We organized everything as soon as we
reached the destination and then we started
the whole celebration, the celebration ended
after a while and then we basically divided
into 2-3 groups me and Mota in one, Rohan
and Simi in 2nd and all the rest of the girls in
the 3rd group. I and Mota went for a little
walk around the park and had performed a
quite short photoshoot too, we took few
selfies and then we assembled back again
after few minutes and then it was the time
for a groupie with the birthday girl and that
was the time when the tallest person of the
group was handed over the responsibility for
clicking the selfie (which was me, as I am the
lambu of my group measuring 6.2 ft-it’s quite
tall right??).
After the groupie we started the roaming
season while enjoying the park environment
and the small artificial fall beside us, we were
literally a group of mad individuals doing all
the nonsense stuff.
After that, we went for the traditional
favorite market food for girls i.e.: Gol Gappa.
After eating a few golgappe we mutually
decided that the celebration is now on the
verge to end so it’s time to return to our
respective hostels and pgs.
We hired an auto rickshaw and all of us just
got stuffed inside the auto and then the ride
started, I was actually sitting in the front
right seat unaware of what was happening
in the back seats I was completely enjoying
the auto ride in my own way.
Finally, we reached the college campus and
all the girls left for their respective hostels
and us boys went for a small treat (birthday
treat more precisely). I know you guys are
waiting for the point when I will mention how
I met her right?
Actually, we met on the celebration spot only
it was not that love at first sight kind of thing,
I used to be a really shy guy that’s why I
hardly made any conversation with the rest
of the girls.

The treasure hunt

So, after Simi’s birthday, it was the first time
we were in the same place at the same time
as weren’t friends yet and we didn’t even
think about that anytime soon.
We were there as a team for the treasure
hunt event organized by the college fest
community, it was supposed to be a heist
requiring all of our general knowledge and
modern science skills (despite being a
completely dumb guy I just joined the team
as I was really excited for attending an event
in the college fest).
I also participated in the National Innovation
Project Fair (NIPF) organized by our college
and I and my team even prepared a small but
innovative project, but because of some
conflict with my teammates, I left the project
a few minutes before the judges were
scheduled to arrive.
After leaving the project group I directly
went for the event to join my team while
holding the same NIPF id card I was really
angry at the moment but still I just tried to
remain calm and then after a few moments
the event started, the event coordinators
came to the room and then they explained
the whole set of rules for the event and the
most important rule was that we were
supposed to submit our smartphone to the
coordinators before the event starts so that
we cannot cheat in the very first stage. We
submitted our smartphones to student
coordinators and then each team was
provided with a cheat having a puzzle related
to history. As being a complete noob in
history I was just like what the hell does this
puzzle mean the rest of the teammates were
at least trying to figure out the solution and I
was like what the hell I am goanna do?? after
a while all of them turned towards me and I
was like now I am gone, they asked me if I
had any suggestion for solving the puzzle and
I just nodded nope.
At last, we just made a wild guess and as the
word suggests it was not even close to the
answer and hence, we lost the first event
After that Simi, Ana (I gave her this
nickname) and Rohan went somewhere in
the campus for other events and I just went
to my pg.
After a few days I was just scrolling my
Facebook news feed and I got a friend in the
suggestion area of the Facebook I thought
there’s no harm in sending a request, right?
So, I just sent the request and a few hours
later my request got accepted as she already
knew me as we already met previously not
personally but friendly.
We slowly started chatting on Facebook only
just like some casual friends we used to chat
about our academics and the events of the

The first time I cooked for her

Actually, it was not completely cooked by me
I just prepared the gravy of the dish.
So, after our few initial day chats, we started
to chat quite frequently and I was on a small
vacation in my hometown and was hanging
with my besties in a local restaurant eating
veg Manchurians or veg chilies in our terms,
and I sent her the picture of the plate full of
veg chilies and she was like I want to eat that
too and I was like if you want to eat that I
might be able to bring some for you when I
will be returning and she was like really can
you? and I said yup why not and she said ok
then it’s a deal and I said ok wait for me to
return. As I told her I took my words seriously
and I went to the restaurant a few hours
before my train scheduled departure and I
bought some fried ball and brought those
back to my pg.
Then I just took a nap for few hours and then
started preparing the gravy for the veg balls
to sink in and then I prepared the rest of the
dish and packed that for her and Simi leaving
few for my roomies.
I reached the college garden (sky classes for
those who are from my college) and then
called her to come and meet me, she was in
the library and she showed up after few
minutes and as soon as she arrived I just tried
to hand the parcel to her and she was like no
I cannot accept that and I was like if you are
not going to accept this I will not take that
back either and then I insisted and she
accepted the parcel. After that I returned
back to my pg and then we chatted after a
few hours and she said "it was tasty" and
I was like really??
The chatting continued for a few more days
and trust also elevated a little and we shared
our WhatsApp contacts.

The confession
The chatting continued for few more days
and our trust elevated a lot on each other
and we even started talking on voice calls for
hours me, Ana and Doraemon(that’s what I
call my best friend).
And like any other human being I started
getting attracted towards her and I talked
about my feelings for Ana with my best
friend and she was like what will you do if she
rejects, then you will even lose her friendship
and after hours of argument I and my best
friend landed on the decided that it will be
good for me if I will forget her we even made
a plan.
Basically, our plan was that I will tell her that
some girl from my hometown proposed me a
few days ago and I accepted her proposal
yesterday and then slowly I will fade out from
her life and she will assume that all of that
occurred cause of my new relationship, me
and my bestie even made up a name, decided
about the cultural and educational
background of my new imaginary girlfriend
and we were so sure that it was going to work
just as we planned. I did everything just as we
planned and I really didn’t know what she was
feeling but I remember clearly that she said
that it’s good that you have a girlfriend now
but please promise me you will never fade out
from my life as you are one of my closest
friend, she was afraid of that as the same
incident took place few years ago and she lost
one of her childhood friend in the process. And
just like a fucking emotional Dumbo I got
really upset after hearing all those words from
her, I tried my best to fall asleep but her words
were just buzzing continuously in my ears and
at least I decided to call her and confess
For the very first time I had dialed her no. after
midnight and as soon as she answered the
phone she asked is everything all right?? and
in a sad and hesitating voice, I said you
remember what I told you earlier about my
new girlfriend?? and she said yup why??
And then I told her that that’s not true and she
was literally shocked and she just asked why
the hell you lied about that?? and I explained
everything to her about my elevating feelings
for her and how I fear of falling in love with her
in future and her not falling back, she literally
was laughing after my confession and she
convinced me that nothing like that goanna
happen with us and even is not going to let
that happen and I was feeling just like a stupid
guy who confessed everything in front of his
We continued chatting frequently on different
social media sites as well as on phone calls,
everything was going quite smooth, I was over
all those thoughts and we were acting as
casual friends.

First fight as friends

It’s a universal fact that it’s really hard to
suppress growing feelings for someone who
is in frequent contact with you and the same
happened with me too.
Unlike the past few days, I again started
feeling for her and that dropped both of us
on an uneven platform due to which we got
involved in a fight and we stopped talking
that’s when both of us were still in frequent
contact with Doraemon and she knew our
whole situation, and she helped in restoring
our friendship while clearing the
misunderstandings between me and Ana.
And then again, the frequent chatting
continued and our bond grew stronger and
we became much closer than we were.

The Internals
Days passed and our internals came along,
we rarely used to study just like any other
engineering student haha!!
The internals were scheduled for two
subjects in a day with few hours break in
between and after completing the first
subject I left the examination hall a few
minutes earlier than the ending time and I
was just roaming in the campus here and
there, After the test was officially completed
I texted her where she is and she replied that
she’s in her lab. As I didn’t have anything to
do I went to meet her and she was just
revising for the next test and I was just sitting
there and teasing her continuously there
were very few other students present in the
room and she was like "hey stop teasing me
or I am goanna kill you".
As a joke I made a rough sketch of her
looking like a cartoon and named her moti,
she literally went super pissed and started
trying to snatch that from my hands as being
a tall guy I took advantage of my height and
lifted my hand as high as I can as she was
jumping just to snatch that piece of paper
and as soon as she realized that’s not goanna
happen she started tickling me and I just
went freaking like a kid and I ran away from
there and she ran just behind me I was still
laughing and she was literally fast enough to
catch me just grabbing the pillar near the
stairs and that was the moment we realized
that there were few students in the corridor
as well as near the stairs and all of them were
just staring at both of us. We felt a little
uncomfortable there all the of students
staring at us so we quickly went back inside
the lab and as she caught me, she even
successfully snatched the piece of the paper
I was hiding from her and she tore that paper
down completely.
After few moments I left the lab while
wishing her luck for the next test.

Teacher's Day 2017

It was the teacher’s day and all our classes
were suspended as we were supposed to
attend the teacher’s day celebration in the
respective rooms but instead of that, we
decided to go for a ride and some fun.
Everyone else somehow managed a vehicle
but even after owning a 2010 Fazer I was
unable to find a ride to bring her with me (as
the bike was bought with an equal
contribution among all the three of us-my
roommates and me).
Somehow, I managed to get a scooter from
my friend bander and then the ride started,
this was the first time we were traveling
together at first, we were a little
uncomfortable and then after a while, we
started talking while the ride continued.
All of us decided to go for a pizza and despite
dominos baramuda being the closest one we
decided to go for the one near ram mandir it
was around 12-15 km away but a ride of 5-8
km is not considered a ride right ?? and as
being in BHUBANESWAR we were supposed
to take the highway only which meant that I
never went to that outlet so we started
navigating via google maps and finally
reached the outlet at last.
We cleaned our hands and then sat down
and placed our respective orders. We were
supposed to wait for about 20-25 minutes for
our order and in the meantime, we started
trolling each other and taking a few selfies.
After a few minutes, our order arrives we
completed our pizzas and then headed back
towards college. While returning to college
some of my classmates saw both of us on
the same scooter so I knew that the next
day’s goanna be quite dramatics for me as
all of my classmates were going to come
and roast me down about the other day
but fortunately, they didn’t saw my face
clearly and they were in doubt and I clearly
declined as I really didn’t want to give all of
that a hype.

The accident
I needed a break from my coaching during
the Durga Puja break because I was having
some skin infections and hence I visited
nearby hospital and got a prescription for my
medicines and the rest period too, as I was
returning from the hospital to my coaching I
met with an accident near the roundabout
just before my coaching. Actually the road
was empty that day as being Sunday and I
was trying to cross the road while riding my
roommates bike and out of nowhere
someone started arriving towards me in
quite a high speed despite the red signal and
he didn’t even try to stop his bike he just
came and directly hit the right footrest of the
bike and after that he fell off his own bike
and I was just standing right at the place and
after a while I picked up the bike and reached
my coaching. As soon as the teacher entered
the class my foot started shivering in a
rigorous manner and I really started feeling
terrified and I removed my shoe from my
right foot and after a few minutes my foot
was completely swollen and I just got scared
and as soon as the break was announced I
took the bike and went to the nearest
medical store for medication the chemist
told me that I might need to use the ice pack
and he even gave me some painkillers with
the ice bag.
After that, I returned back to my pg and I told
her everything about what happened and
she was like how the hell you were driving
that you met with an accident??
She even scolded me for that and then she
suggested that I should return home for a
better check-up and it even will be better for
me if I will get some rest.
I took the train the next day to return to my
home town and there I got it all checked up
and the result came out as a hairline fracture
in one of the bones in my foot.
I got medicated and a huge synthetic plaster
over my right foot (lower part only).
And after a few days of rest, I returned back
to Bbsr on 10th Oct 2017. My roommates
were also back from the vacation and they
really helped me out a lot in my daily chores.
If I remember correctly it was 12th October
and I woke up quite late and got all
freshened up and was brushing my tooth and
suddenly Rohan came saying that what the
hell you are doing go get wear some decent
clothes Simi, Ana, Ananya, and Abhishek are
here to meet you and there were just behind
him so I just ran into the bathroom and they
went in the room while being comfortable I
asked Rohan for my clothes and then I
changed and came back in the room,
everyone was like omg how that happened
?? does it pain?? are you facing too many
problems while walking?? and then some in
general topics were introduced in the
After a few moments, everyone felt quite
hungry so Rohan and I arranged few noodle
packets and then we all together made those
noodles and had that in lunch.
After lunch all of us talked for a while and
then they left for their respective hostels and
I really felt bored in the room as everyone
used to go to college and I was all alone in
my room so one day I decided to attend the
lab and I got up took a shower and got ready
while wearing my loose trousers as it was
quite hard to wear the regular ones because
of the plaster, and then I somehow managed
to reach the college and as soon as I entered
the college gate most of the students were
staring at me as I was literally crawling
towards the lab that I was supposed to
attend. I reached the lab which was on the
4th floor on the same floor where Ana’s
regular classes were going, and believe me it
was just felt like hiking while climbing all
those stairs and as soon as I reached the
corridor the lunch already started and Ana
was just in front of her class.
I saw her standing there and she just
screamed (quite loud frankly speaking), hey
look who’s here?? and then she reached in
front of me and took me to her class and we
had a quite good conversation and when the
lunch was supposed to over I just stood up
and left towards my lab.
After a few days, I got my plaster removed on
25th Oct just a day before my birthday.

My 1st birthday with her

As my plaster was removed a day before my

birthday so I was completely ready for the
party but for some reasons I was not
supposed to ride a bike for few more days (as
she suggested), so I sat with my roomie and
everyone got ready and started the ride for
the destination we went there celebrated my
birthday, took a few pictures ate lunch and
then I collected all my gift and then we
returned back.
At evening I celebrated my birthday with my
other guy friends in my pg. It literally was one
of the best days of my life "a birthday made
even charming and awesome all because of
After my birthday all went quite well and
smooth and then came to her birthday in the
starting months of the year.

Her Birthday 2K18

Just like any lover boy I too wanted to gift her
something really special and being a
complete noob in selecting gifts for girls, I
just felt helpless and at last, I decided to take
help of one of her friend (Ananya). We
chatted for hours and hours deciding and
arguing on what gift to choose, we went
from dresses to shoes and all the rest of the
choices we had but still, we were not able to
come to a common platform. At last, we both
agreed on that the best gift will be to gift her
a watch as it neither will be too personal nor
too disturbing, so we finally finalized a watch
was not that expensive either but was really
cute and pretty so I just placed the order for
The gift arrived almost 15 days before her
birthday and I made a gift box specially to
put the watch in and then wrapped the box
in the best way possible by me. I really liked
her a lot but no one knew about that other
than her. But still, I planned with Abhishek
and Ananya somehow without letting them
know about my feelings.
So finally, the day came and all of us got
ready and we assembled at a spot nearby our
college and then we went to a temple nearby
as she wanted to visit a temple and she was
literally on fast and just after the whole
worshiping, we went for the birthday treat as
we were really hungry. We finally reached
the restaurant and the placed the order and
after that all the gifting process started I was
the first one to give her the gift, the gift was
properly wrapped in a decent manner and as
soon as she opened the box with full
excitement she found a note written " a
special gift for someone special" and then
she just opened the next box to find out the
gift and what she found was really hilarious.
We were recording the whole process and
what she found inside the box was a lollipop
only with a bad tag and we were just
laughing out at that time and she started
getting angry so to calm her down I gave her
the real present and she actually liked the
gift. After that we completed our lunch and
then bought the cake and went to forest park
for her birthday celebration was, she
received other gifts by Ananya and Abhishek
and at last, I gave her the card I made for her.
After all of that, we spent some time there
and after that as soon as we found out that
the sun is going down, we decided to return
as girls were not allowed to stay after 7PM
outside the campus.
As soon as she reached hostel her other
friends took her for another birthday
celebration, they made her cut another cake
and all after that the prepared the dinner
and she enjoyed a lot, she was happy too.

The day I was drunk

I used to be a really simple guy away from all

of the bad habits but while reaching the 6th
semester I already tasted beer for the first
time which was not that a good experience
and then we went for a college new year trip
on 15th Jan 2018 where almost all of my
classmates were drinking, so even our group
decided to taste a bit and we asked the
coordinator to arrange a quarter for our
group and then we somehow arranged the
money by contributing as far as possible
because we were really low on cash that day
and he actually got one for us, at last, all of
us were drinking near the bushes and as I
was having it for the first time I got really
small pegs with a lot of cold drink still I got
really high and then all of us danced a lot on
the local songs of Bihar/Jharkhand/Odisha.
The above whole story was just to let you
guys know about how I first drank, but I
really didn’t like drinking that much because
of quite a high pricing as well as that fucking
weird taste. So one of my friends birthday
already passed a few days ago and he
decided to through a party in mid of the
March 2018 and he planned a drinking party
for all of us and we all sat down for the drinks
and we drank quite an amount of alcohol
that day, what I actually forgot that I
promised Ana that I will not drink. I made
that promise after the first time drank in Jan
We had a fight a few days ago and I was
really irritated hence I completely forgot
about the promise but unfortunately she
called me (around after 3-4 days) just after I
came back to my room and she figured out
that I am drunk and she got really mad on
that, actually she was right at her place I did
something which I was not supposed to do
but still I felt really bad for what I did.
I tried my best to convince her and it took me
a few days to convince her. It’s not like that
she stopped me from
drinking because she didn’t like people who
drink but there was a quite good reason for
that which I am not goanna write here.

The night we had our first

video call
After the last incident, everything went quite
smooth and casual but as there is a common
saying that "nothing permanent everything
changes with time". So, the same happened
with us and we reached on the verge of the
end of our friendship and we went through a
few fights too, we stopped talking and all.
After trying to calm everything down we
tried to make everything normal but there
was no outcome of that, actually that wasn’t
her decision that was my decision to either to
get committed or just end the friendship so
we actually had our first video call on 25th
July 2018 and we almost talked of hours,
telling the truth there rarely was any words
we were just staring at each other’s faces
and eyes that’s it. That continued for a few
hours and If I can remember correctly then
that way the first time ever, we so quiet in
front of each other (basically video call is also
face to face right??).

After that night we just spent a few days

without any contact and after few days we
again got in contact and again the same
thing happened I asked the same and we
again were in a fight and just like that we
spent a few more days and then came the
Independence Day and just before 14th Aug
2018 we had a really bad fight and I literally
was mad and by mad I mean really mad. I
spent the whole Independence Day evening
in "Club 39" just having some hookah and
dancing like hell. But even that was not
sufficient for me to calm down and our
contact decreased like hell.
After a few days, we again came in contact
like in a good mood and with a good
Then again, the chatting continued for a few
more days and everything started to come to
normal and she even commented on one of
my pictures of the Independence Day, the
comment goes like "hn pura masti kr rhe ho
na"-"yup it seems you really enjoyed a lot".
And one of my friends reacted to that
comment and she said to me that does she
even have a problem while you were having
fun?? After few days rakshabandhan came
and Ana used to tie rakhi to Abhishek as she
considered him as brother and I was there to
celebrate Rakhi with Simi and after the
whole rakhsahabandhan celebration and
everything we decided to go for a small ride
in the city and we actually went to the newly
inaugurated mall near "Iskon Temple".
We parked our bikes in the parking and then
went inside the mall we were just roaming
inside and out the stores just finding for
something we might like and is worth
buying, but unfortunately, we didn’t find
anything worth buying and hence we came
near out the big bazaar and stood in front.
There was a small kid with his parents and he
was really cute and was quite happy too, and
I and Ana were playing with him after a few
moments he went back to his parents.
Now we came and sat together we were just
talking about shits and suddenly out of
nowhere I told her about what my friend said
to me about her comment a day before and
she literally opened the Facebook in front of
me and she just went to my wall and despite
my rigorous request she deleted her
comment which made me feel really
disrespected and hence I went really mad
and at the time left in front of all of them
without uttering a single word and she was
like please comeback don’t create a nuisance
here, but as I didn’t go back I stayed outside
and waited for them to come outside and as
soon as they came out I asked them that if
they want to spend some more time or we
are going back.
They spent a few more minutes there and
then we rode back to our respective pgs and
That only action of her made the whole past
fight to convert into a whole new decision
and that was the day when I talked to her
and just said that you have two options
either be in a relationship or end our
friendship now only. She tried her best to
convince me that it’s not necessary to be in a
relationship we can still be close friends, but
don’t know how but I became really cold-
hearted that day. She made really clear that
she cannot come in a relationship due to
some reason which I am not going to reveal
Then I was like no that’s not goanna happen
if you cannot stay in a relationship then we
can’t be friends too. We again came in
contact on 28th of Aug 2018.

The night we talked for hours

Out of anger I actually blocked her phone

calls but she really was sad and she wanted
to talk and hence Simi called her from her
phone and she insisted me that I should talk
to her she’s really down and we should at
least clear all things out. The call itself came
around midnight and we were on the voice
call for hours and for the whole time I was
just convincing her everything will be fine it
will just take some time but everything will
be all right. I repeated, again and again, the
same thing the whole night and frankly I
think I am the first guy in the history who
spent so much time convincing the girl he
loves that everything will be alright and she
will be fine as she had her friends with her.
I literally still can’t believe that I did that on
that night but after a while, I came to
understand that whatever I did that day I
did because I can’t watch her sad and crying
at all not even for a moment. After my
roommates fell asleep I asked her if we can
have a video chat for the last time and we
actually had a continuous video chat from
2AM till 7AM in the morning and we were
just talking about what we wanted to do
together like the places we wanted to visit
and how we were planning to celebrate
each other’s birthday and we even came to
a decision that we will celebrate each
other’s birthday even whatever happens
that day.
At last, after waking up for the whole night
we decided that we at least should take
some rest and both of out went for a nap.

The proposal
The last thing I can remember was that I got
a call from Abhishek asking what happened
and about what we are goanna do now??
I talked to him for a few moments and then
he talked to and about the same and then we
decided that we should have another chat, so
I made a voice call to Ana she received the
call and we again talked for few hours and
then I somehow convinced her that lets at
least give the relationship a try and after a
few moments she was like "let’s give that a
shot” and just after hearing that I just
literally got goose bumps and I told her I am
coming to the college campus and I just took
a bath, got ready and rushed to college as
soon as possible. I reached college campus
we were talking about how all of that
goanna work and as we were sitting
together her friends who were returning
from the college library started teasing us.
After few moments Simi and Anju came out
of the girl’s hostel gate towards us and
congratulated us and then they left just like
"oho sorry we disturbed you both, now we
are leaving you both alone”. Ana actually
brought Cadbury

celebration the big one and I was just

opening the package and then both of them
returned and took all the chocolates and
asked both of us to propose each other and I
was like "how the hell I am goanna propose
her, I didn’t bring any roses" and they were
like it’s not necessary to propose from roses
take these chocolates and propose each
other with this only. And we actually
proposed each other with dairy milk fruit and
nut and silk.
After all of that I returned back to my pg and
then I slept like a log for the rest of the
evening as well as night. We actually were
already sure that we are going to be
separated after college completion that’s
why I decided to give her a small gift each
and every month on the 29th day of the
month. Everything was fine, we even were
quite happy and we enjoyed each other’s
company too.
I just love to sit beside her and have a long
conversation with her on any topic in the
whole world.
But sometimes it was like we don’t even have
words to say but still, I just wanted to be with
her always.

My last Birthday with her

In October only she went to her home in the

vacations I did too but I returned back just
after the vacations were over, but she visited
her home after so many days so she just
wanted to stay there and she even had to
attend a campus drive on 27th October so it
was easier for her to prepare for the drive
from home as there was very less distraction.
And while she was at home our
communication got limited to chats only, and
I didn’t even expect her to be with me on my
But what she did completely amazed me and
at the same time made me really happy.
As far as I can remember she came back on
25th October and she already had planned
everything from her home only, she had
booked a table for two in a restaurant “The
Chef", a cake, a huge bouquet, a shirt, a
keychain and the last one but my favorite the
wallet she gave me as the intended to buy
the same wallet since few years but always
used to forget about that and the funny part
is that I never even told her anything about
that wallet.
I knew that she is back in BBSR but I didn’t
expect any celebration as she had a campus
drive to attend on the very next day, so when
she called me asked to meet her in college I
was like she might want to meet and wish me
but then she suddenly added that she needs
to purchase some article and for that we
might have to go to the town till the phone
call ended I didn’t have any suspicion
regarding her plans.
But when I reached in front of the college
gate and she came wished me and sat on the
pillion seat I asked her "where are we
supposed to be heading??" for which she
replied we are going to "The Chef"
restaurant which is somewhere near CRP at
that time I started getting suspicious about
what is happening there and when we
reached the restaurant it was literally empty
and the waiter showed us our table and then
he brought the cake and the bouquet and lit
the candles I was just there with her blowing
the candles and cutting the cake then the
first bite of the cake was for her, after the
whole cake cutting I got my gifts she asked
me to open all of them in front of her all of
them were really thoughtful as well as lovely.
But despite all the gifts she gave me the best
one was the whole surprise she planned for
At last, we had our lunch cleared the bill for
the lunch and then we left for Abhishek’s
room as there was another surprise planned
by them there another cake which was
waiting for vigorously for me to come and
chop it down.
When we reached Abhishek’s room, we saw
Abhishek, Ananya and Zeeshan sitting on the
bed and they were actually for us only, as
soon as we reached, they arranged
everything and then the whole cake cutting
ceremony took place with some photoshoot
and snacks treat.
After the celebration we (I and Ana) left for
college I left her at college gate and she
entered the campus before time after that I
came back to Ashish’s room and then I found
out that they were also going for a ride
towards my pg only, so I joined them on my
bike and as we reached their destination I left
for mine(my pg).

First Gift in relationship

As we knew that it was probably goanna end

somewhat after college so I tried my best to
prepare myself for that, but still I wanted to
celebrate my anniversary with her but as we
knew it was quite hard hence, I decided to
celebrate anniversary each and every month
and used to surprise her with small gifts.
The best one was those ocean blue earrings,
actually, I loved those from the time I saw it’s
pictured on the merchant Insta page. I just
fell in love the moment I saw those and there
were actually many more such gifts but out
of all of them those earrings were my
favorite one, I literally waited for months just
to figure who I can gift that and just after the
commitment, I placed an order for those as it
was supposed to arrive in about 20-25 days
but I was eagerly waiting for those to arrive I
just wanted to see how the looks in real life??
but fortunately, those were not a
disappointment either I loved those and
waited for the rest of the month for 29th of
the month and when it came I just got up
wrapped it with paper and just to surprise
her I gave the box to Disha as instructed her
to put that on her table when she will leave
the room, and just as planned when she left
the room after few moments Disha just went
in and put the gift on her bed and I was on
the call with her and I just asked her to go
and look in her room and she was like why??
what did you do now?? and I was like don’t
worry stupid just go inside and have a look
right. She went inside and saw the box sitting
there and she said she will call me back after
a while, and after a while, she actually called
and she said that she loved the gift and she
started insisting to know from where did I
got those earrings but I didn’t utter a word
about the merchant as who wants his
girlfriend to find about the price of the gift
But seriously man I still love those ocean
blue earrings.

The fear of separation

The moth of October ended with some rare
and precious memories, and we entered in
the 11th month of the year November. As
already announced our semester exams
were scheduled to start from the 3rd week of
the month and just after the 1 st paper of the
semester exam we all got a mail that there is
a placement drive going to be held in our
college campus on 23rd November and if we
really want that job then we have to get
ourselves registered in the placement
department itself, the package was quite low
and the job location too was far distant from
Bhubaneswar (it was in Aurangabad-
Maharashtra actually) but being a non-
career I thought it will be a good opportunity
for me to start my career.
From the starting only she was against my
decision of joining that company she was like
you really deserve something better than this
and when she failed in convincing me her
friends came in the role but as I made my
decision pretty clear that I want to join that
company that means I will join the company
after that whatever will happen we will see.
The final drive day arrived and we all sat in
the drive and completed the whole
procedure, the results were supposed to be
announced after 2-3 days and on the same
day she decided to go for an outing/short
ride and we left towards town in the evening
at first we went to get few stores as we
needed to purchase some articles and then
we reached then her favorite and now one of
mine to the airport road (also known as
lovers point of BBSR). There was nothing that
good or fantastic about that place but the
only thing that separated it from the rest of
the town was that it was a little quiet place
and there is a huge roundabout in the center
with a tall statue of Biju Patnaik also known
as the father of Odisha.
We reached there and I just parked the bike
just on side of the road and then we just sat
there and started talking a few minutes
passed and one of my friends called me that
we got calls from placement cell regarding
the joining dates and they already had made
their choices, there were two openings
actually 1st in last week of Dec 2018 and the
2nd one in 2nd week of Jan 2019 and as my
phone was unreachable the placement
teacher already had shifted my joining date
in Dec 2018 and I just got the joining
confirmation from him and he stated that we
will shortly get the confirmation mail via e-
mail in 2-3 days only.
The moment she heard that now it’s finally
goanna happens and I will be leaving in Dec
for the job she just went completely silent,
she didn’t utter a single word for few minutes
she just kept staring at my face silently and
after few moments she broke that silence
with a question "tum sach main chale
I just stood silent in front of her and we both
kept staring in each other’s eyes and then
she suddenly broke the eye contact as her
eyes started getting wet for the first time I
saw tears in her eyes, you see its quite
different when we are on voice calls and in
messages but if someone starts crying in
front of you at the instance our mind freezes
and the same thing happened with me also.
I went completely blank and just stood in
front of her as a statue after few moments I
somehow managed to utter a word why are
you crying and tried to consolidate her and
then we talked for around half an hour or so
and then we decided to leave for the hostel
as it was getting quite dark.
Since that day till the day she left for her
relative’s house somewhere in mid of Dec
2018 the only question she had for me was
"tum sach main chale jaoge??" and I just had
no answer for that question as every time,
she asks that question I was actually able to
see her having some hope that there might
be a chance that I will change my mind but
Unfortunately, the bullet had let the gun, the
words were spoken and now there was
nothing I could have done.

First Hug
It had been a few days since my job letter
arrived and now it was confirmed that I am
going to join in the last week of Dec 2018.
Unlike past few days our fight’s decreased to
a huge extent may be because of the fear of
separation!!, the biggest and probably only
fear I had in the last year of my engineering
life was "what will I do if I want to meet her
or just to see her??" after college we
probably might have left with no other
Our fear kept increasing at a really high rate
each and every day and with the fear the love
also kept increasing and we became even
closer than we used to be(not physically but
emotionally), we spent hours and hours on
phone calls on sometimes on video chats as
both of us knew that it going to be really hard
for both of us to stay that far and staying the
same as we were that time so we just wanted
to make plenty of new memories.
With countable days left I started feeling
more and sadder there was a day when I was
feeling really low and was missing my dad a
lot and just wanted to give a huge hug to him
and show that how much he means to me
and how much I love him, that day I was sad
and she quickly noticed that and kept asking
about what is bothering me and why I am
sad?? I didn’t know how to tell her the? but
after a few moments, I felt like it will be
better to share it with someone than just
thinking about that.
I narrated the whole thing to her about how
I was feeling low and everything her reply
was "don’t worry just hug him the next time
you will see him" but I really needed a hug
and I just replied "can I ask you for
something??" she said "yes" at that moment
my head was exploding whether to ask her
that or not and what she will think about me
if I ask her about that?? but while
suppressing my thoughts I asked her "if it not
too much to ask can I hug you the next time
we meet??" her reply made my whole
stupid thoughts to vanish she replied, "ok,
don’t worry I will allow you to hug me the
next time we will meet".
She was supposed to leave for her relative’s
house on 13th of Dec 2018 and we decided to
go for a ride before that and we thought that
12th will be ok for that. We went for a ride on
12th only, we left from front of the college at
somewhere around the early evening and we
were just unable to decide where to go to our
favorite "airport road" or towards jatni
which had open highways and really
beautiful locality, but after giving the options
some thought we decided that it will be
better to go for airport road as soon it will
start getting dark and if we choose to go to
jatni highway we will have to return sooner,
and when we reached the destination we
found that due to some political issue that
area was guarded by patrolling jeeps and no
one was supposed to stop there hence we
had to choose another destination and we
decided to go for "Udaygiri caves" which we
actually had visited many times earlier.
We reached "Udaygiri caves" and got the
ticket and we went to the top and we sat
there for a while and suddenly we saw one of
the guards coming towards us he came to us
and said "you guys have to leave now, as its
closing time", so we just left and then we had
her favorite momos from an outlet in front of
Bhaiji(which was a quite common
destination for us for sweets and evening
We still had some time in our hands so we
decided to sit in the Info city link road and we
were just sitting there and enjoying the
beautiful sunset and we kept talking and we
really had a quite good conversation I was
really tired and nodded on her shoulder a
little bit after about an hour we decided that
if we don’t leave now it will be quite late and
she will surpass the assigned entry time in
her gate pass.
So we both stood up and I just stayed near
my bike she came and stood in front of me I
uttered few words in a hesitating voice and
the word was "can I hug you now??" and she
replied "yes you can" I just hugged her and
after the hug we stood there staring at each
other and she said I wanted to hug you since
the last point only but I didn’t know how to
tell you? for which I replied "why not you said
something about that then?" she just smiled
and then we left for college and I dropped her
in front of college about half an hour early
than the end hour and she went back to her
hostel and after that I returned back to my
pg, I was really happy that day as I had
received a hug for the first time from the girl
I was deeply in love with.

The silent month

After a few weeks the day finally came when
we had to board the train for (Aurangabad)
the train was scheduled to depart at 21:00
hours and we left for the railway station at
around 20:15 but still due to heavy traffic we
reached our destination 10-15 minutes
earlier the departure time and somehow
managed to board the train while purchasing
dinner and snacks.
Our train left the platform right on time and
we started our 36 hours long journey, the
next day I was supposed to meet my best
friend at one of the intermediate stations
(Raipur) she came with her mom and all
three of us had a chat for around 20-25
minutes and then I reached back to my seat
as the train was supposed to depart aunty
also brought homemade lunch for us which
was really tasty.
We arrive at our destination on the 3rd day
morning 5 AM sharp and we were tired
enough to go anywhere hence we booked a
hotel room near station and got freshened
up and took a short nap enough to get rid of
all the tiredness and then at evening we
went in the search of pg for accommodation
one hr from our company helped us in
finding the pg after getting everything
cleared we shifted in our pg the next
Everything was running quite nice and then
came the joining date we had to spend
around 8 hours in the plant only and about 1-
1:30 hours in the bus the worst part was that
we weren’t even allowed to bring mobile
phones to the plant, our communication
became really less as she was at her
Few more days passed and somewhere in the
starting of January 2019 she returned back
to hostel and till that time I had got so much
busy schedule that our conversation
converted from less to least as even if I have
got some time the locality we were staying
had a really bad network issue and hence a
lot of call drops kept occurring which
converted me from a silent guy to an always
irritated and frustrated guy, we started
fighting on very small thing most of the time
I was the one responsible for the fight and
with time our fight took a whole new face
and we stopped talking at all.
It was not like that didn’t bother me that
actually bothered me a lot but still I kept
quiet and I thought that just a few more days
are left only and then I have to return back to
college for "Gate 2019" exam and declining
all my past plans I decided to stay back and
join any other company after completion of
college only as living there in Aurangabad
was hard to survive for us but it was also
really hard for me to stay so far from her.
As her birthday was close I decided that it will
be better for me if I start selecting a gift for
her as it will chop off the last minute rush, so
I contacted some of her friends about what
kind of dresses she liked and I was like does
she like tradition dresses?? they were like yes
she do like traditional dresses and even then
it was not so easy for me to decide as in case
of clothing girls really have a huge variety I
mean while finding the right gift I even came
across about 4-5 type of Kurtis only unlike for
us boys there are only a few options like
formal and casual shirt the only options we
get in our casual shirts are whether we want
"mandarin" or "normal" caller and the length
of the shirt.
As soon as I reached Bhubaneswar I wanted
to meet her in person and clear all the
misunderstanding but then I decided to give
her a surprise on her birthday only and that
choice cost me a little bit of more trouble as
when she came to know that I am back and
I didn’t told her about that she got really
mad and at last I had to reach her and
convince her why I did so and after few
moments she got convinced and calmed
down after that day I only had few days left
in my hands for the whole surprise birthday
planning and hence I started my
preparation that night only. I visited and
booked one of my favourite place for
birthday celebration and then I prepared
few gifts for her two which consisted of few
cards and a video, on 3rd Feb I went to one
of the biggest malls in Bhubaneswar (we
didn’t have any intention of buying anything
from there just like any other bachelor guy)
and while roaming around I came across a
jewellery store and I was unable to stop
myself and went inside but was really
confused about what to purchase and then
suddenly I saw the attendant standing right
next to me I showed her Ana’s photo as well
as the dress she was going to wear on her
birthday and asked her for her opinion and
she suggested one earring and frankly I
liked that too so without wasting any more
minutes I said
I will take that and the whole process went
accordingly I paid the dues and returned
back to my pg.
Finally, her birthday came and she was quite
impressed with the video I made for her on
the auspicious occasion of her birthday.

Her last birthday with me

Finally, the day came which I was waiting

and planning for since the last few weeks,
everything was going as planned and she
really didn’t have any clue about what was
going to happen all she knew was that she
was going to get a surprise.
The actual plan was to go for the treat at 3
PM at "Country Kitchen" and Ana and her
friends were supposed to directly come to
the restaurant and I said them that I will be
joining them after sometime directly at the
restaurant, I picked Saif with me and went to
pick the DSLR and a sweet bouquet of red
roses for her.
My plan was to get a bouquet of 23 red roses
as she was turning 23 that year and the best
shop I was able to find was really hard to find
as the location marked on the google maps
was not correct and after roaming for about
1:30 hours we finally found the store and
luckily the shop was completely empty but
still it took some time in completion of my
order and I eventually got late because of
that and as soon as the order completed and
then I dropped the bouquet in Saif’s room
and then went for the treat with the fastest
way possible for me.
As soon as I reached there all of them were
like what were you doing?? you are so late
and after arrival of few of her other friends
the treat started and after that I instructed
her friends to take her to the shopping
complex nearby while I will be leaving for the
celebration spot and I took the other route
picked up the bouquet and Saif as well with
me and then reached the spot and when we
saw the decoration we were both like
shocked as the decoration was not at all as
we imagined and as a result we had a little
chat with the decorator and he understood
what kind of decoration I want and he asked
us for about half an hour of time and some
more money we paid him and left the place
leaving all the cakes and other stuff there
We went to the same shopping complex and
spent the rest of the time there only as soon
as the spot got ready, we went for quick
verification and then the whole celebration
process. At the very first I had planned few
things especially for her and after all that the
actual celebration started her friends
gathered near the table, which was fully
filled with red rose petals and small scented
candles at each corner.
After the cake cutting ceremony, we all ate
the cake till we were full and then the actual
photo session started we took a lot of photos
and videos and enjoyed a lot.
Describing exactly in her words "It was her
best birthday celebration ever till the day"
she was really happy and all the preparations
I had done had finally paid of in the form of
her smile but unfortunately her smile didn’t
last long just after few moments she went to
a corner and started crying all of us were in
shock why is she crying?? What had gone
wrong none among us had a clue at all?? So
at first her friends approached her and asked
her what’s wrong?? she stayed quiet and
then I got in front of her wiped her tears and
I asked what’s wrong for which she replied
that she is really happy but at the same time
she is sad that we will have to separate after
the college ends and while consolidating her
I made her believe that I will be there for her
always despite the circumstances.
After that the whole celebration went quite
well, she was happy at the extreme level and
after a few hours of celebration, we decided
to return as it was getting really late.

First rose day as couple

It was our first valentines week as a couple
and I had to leave for my home town the
same day but I decided that I will leave for
station after 7 PM and before that I will be
spending time with her and with that
thought I went to the college and was
waiting for her outside the college campus
but she came with her some other friends
and with that my my whole plan of spending
time her washed away, we went for a walk
till the Info city link road where she gave me
the rose and I was standing there like a dumb
guy as I didn’t bring anything for her but then
we went for some tea and snacks and then
they left and I too decided to return to my pg.
I returned back to my pg on time and had
stored that rose very securely inside one of
my notebooks suppressed under quite high
pressure, and prepared my dinner for the
journey and then left for the station on time.
I spent the rest of the valentines at my home
while preparing for the exam which was
going to take place on 9th March 2019(my
sole purpose of returning to my hometown
despite the valentine’s week) and playing
with my nice and nephews.

The Valentine's Day

While I was at home I was thinking all about
what are the options that I will be able to
spend some more time with her as entering
college campus after college hours was
banned for us day scholars and I was literally
on the hit list of the security guards too, so I
decided to join the college hostel so that I will
be able to spend more and more time with
I made all the arrangement for that like
enquiring and applying for hostel room and
as soon as I returned to Bhubaneswar on
14th Feb 2019 the first thing, I did was to
leave the luggage in my room and leave for
college to meet the hostel in charge.
I reached and met the hostel in charge and
told him a made up a story about why I was
joining the college hostel back at such a
stage as only months were left. I completed
the whole procedure required before joining
back the hostel and then shifted back to my
room quickly and at last took a bath and
while all of that was going on the time flew
like a quin jet and till the time I got changed
it was already past 4:30 PM an hence I called
her and told her that I want to meet her I
reached the main gate of girls hostel and
then gave her the news that I actually shifted
permanently to hostel and she was so happy
considering that we will be able to spend so
much time together. She even brought me a
Cadbury celebration (the big one) as she
knew about my love for sweets and

Food Fest
There is a really famous saying that when we
are having good moments in our life the time
actually flies and the same was happening
with me.
The month was on its verge to end and our
college fest was just about to start from 25th
of Feb 2019. The first two days were mostly
devoted to the Food Festival where students
have to make and sell their food items
whether it be traditional or any fast food. I
was not the part of any food stall but when I
came to know that she is participating in the
event with her friends I decided to be with
her to support and help her. I spent the next
2 evening while standing with her at her stall
and performing some smaller chores.
The food fest went quite well and they had a
really marginal profit but the best part was
that they had profited from there business
and they were happy for that too.
The food fest went quite well and we had
made a few beautiful memories.

The next day was quite a busy day as I was

supposed to be coordinating an event on

First time as a coordinator

For the very first time in my life I took

responsibility of coordinating an event in the
college fest and I was the only student
coordinator for that event so I reached all the
staff coordinators for their ideas and
suggestions regarding the event and the only
suggestion they had for me was that go and
find out who coordinated the event last year
and ask him/her for the tips but I decided to
go with my own ideas and hence I planned
everything according to me and even had
prepared a chart with all the required
information and contacts.
At night I was chatting Ana and she said that
she will be joining the event with her other
friends the next morning, as the event was
supposed to be starting on 8:30 AM but no
one showed up until 10 AM, not even the
staff coordinators and after they joined me I
called her for which she replied that she will
be there in half an hour but the whole event
ended after few hours around 12 noon but
there was no sign of her nor her friends and I
was super angry because of that as this was
the very first time I was coordinating
something and I wanted her to attend that.
But because of what happened I went hyper
and she was all convincing me and after a
few arguments, I got convinced and then we
went for a small couple as well as a single

Cultural Fest
February ended with some sweet as well as
some sour memories and with the starting of
March the first two days were complete
entertaining for us as 1st and 2nd March was
the last two days of our college fest which
meant that there are few cultural programs
and event were going to take place in the
evening hours.
We got all dressed up and met near the stage
I was wearing my regular full shirt with
mandarin collar, a jogger and black sneakers
the only good thing in my whole outfit was
my hairstyle (you guys got that right?? if you
got that give it a smile) and she was wearing
what they call a half hungry or something
and a white top with a milky white sneakers.
She was looking really cute and pretty.
We took a few photos together and with her
friends and then the function was almost
about the top end so we returned back near
the stage. She asked me if I could wear a
black shirt the next day event but the black
shirt, I had was really big but the only thing I
knew was that she asked me to wear a black
shirt that’s it and the very next morning I
went to the tailor and got my shirt altered
enough that I could wear that but when I
returned back to my room I found out that
none of my joggers or chinos are pairing with
it so I decided to go for a completely black
I took my bike and went to the newly
inaugurated mall purchased a pair of black
chinos and returned to my room asap but still
there was something missing and hence I
went out again in the evening and bought a
tie golden one to be more precise, my plan
was to purchase a white one as I was
planning to combine the outfit with white
sneakers but unfortunately because of lack in
availability anywhere I had to purchase the
golden one.
At first, I dressed completely casually and
went near the stage and met her I really can’t
explain how pretty she was looking in that
black saree with golden borders but despite
that, I didn’t compliment her I really don’t
know why and that’s something I regret till
We were in the sky classes having a photo
shoot thanks to Saif for that as he was the
photographer, I expressed her about one of
the gifts that was still pending from her
birthday she asked what is that?? For which
I replied just close your eyes and stay still at
first, I didn’t utter a single word and stood
still every time she used to open her eyes, I
used to say just close your eyes then the gift
is on its way come-on can’t you wait even for
few more minutes?? But eventually she
started getting irritated and at last, I gave
her the gift which was a "Forehead kiss" for
her and a hug.
After the hug, she said she knew that
something like that was going to happens for
which I replied: "you are a genius that’s why
you know everything".

Interview Day

After the college fest we rarely have

anything to do so I spent most of my time
watching my favorite television series on
repeat mode whereas she was studying and
preparing for future off-campus drives and
interviews and fortunately one of the
pending results of her off-campus written
test arrived and the interview was scheduled
in the mid of March 2019, the interview was
going to start at 10AM so we reached there
before 10AM and she went inside the
campus instructing me to leave for the hostel
whereas I decided to stay back and wait for
her as I thought it will take maximum 2-3
hours so I rode my bike to the nearest temple
which actually was situated above a small
hill and parked it there. I spent the rest of the
time waiting for her call while enjoying a few
of the episodes from my favorite series and
having some snacks once a while, I kept
waiting for her call and unlike I thought it’s
been 5 hours and there was no sign of her so
I called her but she didn’t respond and after
a few hours she replied in SMS "Sorry, the
phone was in my bag due to which I didn’t
know you were calling. The technical
interview is over whereas we have to
undergo the last stage which is HR interview,
so you better return to the hostel." I thought
if that’s so I must return back to hostel as I
was really hungry hence I returned to my
hostel had lunch freshened up and returned
back to the auditorium at around 7:30PM
and then I called her phone was busy after
few moments she called back and said sorry
I was talking to my mom and then she said "I
got the job" and I am outside the campus and
leaving to get a cab for which I replied stay
where you are I am near the campus gate I
will come and pick you up she said ok and she
explained the exact location. I reached the
location and when she saw me she came
near my bike and screamed out of happiness
"I got the job”, she was really happy at that
moment if compared than even happier than
she was on her birthday as she has achieved
the biggest milestone of her life by a getting
a job and she also had made a move towards
her complete freedom.

We returned back to the hostel while having

some snacks and sweet in the meantime. I
was really happy for her as all of her prayers
finally came true.

Placement Treat
It’s just been two days since she cracked the
interview and we were again on a local ride
our plan was to at first meet few of her
brother who was studying another college
and then heading back to our favorites place,
but nothing happened as we planned.
Her brothers took quite a time to come
outside college campus where we were
waiting for them and when they arrived the
only thing, they kept repeating was that we
want a treat and after few friendly and
smiling arguments she agrees for the treat
and on their demand, we went to a nearby
cafe. It was a quite small but nicely
maintained cafe, so without wasting any
time all of us made our demands in front of
her and she placed gave the order to the
waiter and for the whole order to complete
we were supposed to wait for about half an
hour and while waiting for our order they
had a quite arguing conversation just like
any other siblings in the world whereas I just
stood out of that conversation and was using
my phone, the order came and we started
eating we even took some photos and by the
time we were outside the cafe it was already
late enough that we had to cancel the other
plan and hence we directed our root directly
to college from airport road.
Few more days passed by and Holi came we
celebrated Holi simply and formally till the
evening but when we (me and Ana) were just
sitting near the college canteen she and her
friends started throwing gulal on me so I
stood up for myself and took the revenge by
pouring half of the gulal packet over them it
was quite hilarious.

Last lunch together

Just like any other student she also had made
few prayers in front of god for her job and as
she had got few supporting friends they had
vowed that she will visit a few specific
temples if she will get that job and as God
heard them so now she was supposed to visit
those temples and that’s exactly what we did
we went to the near one first worshiped all
the Gods and Goddess statues and returned
back near our college, now it was time for
lunch as it was already past noon and both
of us had empty stomach. We decided to go
for the traditional meal, there’s a dhaba near
our college which provides quite a variety of
good and tasty meal so we opted for that
and placed our order the chef said our order
will be ready in few minutes and in the
meantime we were both just talking and I
was continuously teasing her and suddenly
she got a call that she has a parcel to receive
and the delivery guy is standing in front of
our college gate so she left for that. In the
meantime, I noticed that the kids of the
owner were playing just outside the dhaba so
I reached out to them and started playing
with them after a while I bought few lollipops
for them, myself and for Ana too (just to
tease her just as I did on her birthday in
She returned with a parcel in her hand saw
me playing with the kids as soon as she
returned, I immediately went back to our
seat and she was like "you really love to play
with kids, don’t you??" and I nodded a yes for
We had our lunch together and went back to
our respective hostels.

Last trip with friends

We had our last semester exam on 27th
March 2019 and after that our engineering
life officially ended (at least mine did as she
had some practical’s and seminars to
attend), so just like every other college and
universities that last day is supposed to be
the shirt day and hence all of us bought
different markers and vent for our farewell
where we heard the last speech from our
respective H.O.Ds and we got our mementos.
After the whole official farewell started our
shirt ceremony all of us started writing thing
and messages on each other’s shirts with our
name or some nicknames to get identified.
One of my favorite messages on that was
from my favorite teacher SURAJ sir he wrote
"Help others and always keep smiling" and
after that, he quoted "always help everyone
near you just the way you helped me and
keep smiling".
She was the last one to write a message on
my shirt and I had saved a spot, in fact, the
whole front left side for her message, she
wrote: "Best of luck for your future and stay
as you are".

The last day of the college ended with so

many memories and messages on our shirts
and with the rise of next day we planned a
sudden ride for a place called "Dhauli Giri"
it’s actually a huge Shanti stupa over a hill
beside pipli village. So we arranged bikes and
left college premises in early evening but
because of the sudden plan few of the friends
were left behind and we had to wait for them
to arrive that took a huge part of the time
from our planned ride and hence we reached
our destination quite late it was almost dark
as most of the street lights were shining
bright showing us our path and hence the
stupa was also closed for tourists due to
which we sat there near the temple and then
left after about one and half hour. On our
way back we had her favorite momos and
then we reached to college quite late but still
as being the last few days no serious actions
were taken against any of us.

The last journey

She was supposed to take a train directly to

her home town and I was supposed to return
back from another train the next day but
both of us didn’t get any available seats in
the respective trains and she was changed
her plan while rerouting her journey via her
relatives house as there were a lot of trains
departing from that place for her home town
on a daily basis so I suggested her why not
both of us travel together and I will take a
bus from railway station only and reach my
home in 3 additional hours for which she
agreed and I forgot to say that her brother
was also traveling with us. I got a call in the
morning on the day our train was supposed
to depart that can you please come in front
of girls hostel I have something for you I went
and received the gift and packed it as it was
in my backpack as it would have been quite
weird to open that gift in front of her brother.
We booked an auto and loaded our luggage
in it and then left for the railway station and
reached there about 2 hours earlier than the
departure time and hence we spent the
leisure time in roaming in the nearby malls
and having a pleasant dinner. After the
dinner we came back to the platform
brought our luggage out the cloakroom and
arranged it near a bench where one of my
classmates was also waiting for the same
train and then we spent the rest of the time
just in teasing each other. The train arrived
and we almost threw all of the luggage
inside our coach and then arranged it
accordingly after the train left the station.
After a while, her brother went to sleep and
we stayed up for a while, meanwhile, she
asked me to open her gift that she gave me
in the morning but I replied that no it’s not
the right time for that and I reached out to
my birth and took a nap while listening to my
I woke up at somewhere past 2 AM and saw
everyone was in deep sleep so I thought it
might be a good time to open the present I
opened the present really carefully and what
I saw inside was really special, she made a
memory book for me with my picture in front
inside the heart and then there were few
messages. I started reading each and every
page and on the 3rd page only she had put a
letter for me when I started reading the
letter, I was quite happy cause of that pretty
thoughtful gift but after 1-2 line I started
getting serious and after almost half the
front page I got tears in my eyes and the time
I managed to complete the whole letter I had
surpasses any of my record my whole face
went wet and the tears were just dropping
down from my cheeks instead of my eyes but
still after that I didn’t stop I kept reading the
pages the more I read the more I cry I had to
wipe my cheeks several time. I actually have
a serious problem which no one knows about
not even my parents whenever I am really
sad and have tears in my eyes my nostrils
automatically start closely making me
suffocate for a while and the only option I
have in that condition is to breathe through
my mouth and the same happened that day
also I started feeling suffocated and hence it
took me more than an hour to complete the
whole book of around 40-45 pages even
after the book ended I kept crying somehow
I packed the book back and hide it inside my
backpack reached down sat on the opposite
birth she was sleeping on and was just crying
continuously. I never had cried so much not
even when my grandma left us in 2008 and
she was my favorite and I loved her a lot I just
sat there and cried for hours just staring at
her face and crying until the first rays hit the
coach we were in and then
I suddenly realized that now everyone will
wake up so I went near the basin washed my
face properly climbed back on my birth and
took a nap.
The station came and we unloaded our
luggage and she just said good-bye and left
with her uncle and I was supposed to go the
other way so I got booked an auto and
reached the bus stand bought a ticket and
left to my home town.
As soon as I reached my home I informed her
and when she replied the only question I had
for her was "now are we going to break
up?? is this the end" for which she replied
"no don’t worry we still are in a relationship
and we will figure other things out another
day", after reading her reply I was really
happy and then spent the rest of the days
really happy but then one unfortunate
incident took place.

The day we separated forever

It was 11th April and somewhere around 11

PM we were having a fight and just like the
previous one this one too was because of my
faults and my insecurities, we had a really
bad fight and then I got irritated and left the
phone at it is after few moments I got around
5-6 messages continuously which made me
look at my phone and all of them were from
the same person and the no. was not saved
so I read the messages and immediately
figured out it was Simi who once called me
her brother was now blaming and cursing me
to an extreme extent and after all of that I
replied to her but as we cannot convince
anyone or make someone believe something
if they already had made their mind so I
finally blocked her and decided to sleep.
Around midnight Ana called me and asked
me to switch on my mobile data, I did as she
asked and she said that Simi was texting and
threatening her too and for that I told her
don’t worry it’s a regular thing for her she
will do nothing and then I slept as the other
day I had to wake up early in the morning
around 4-4:30 AM. When I woke up in the
morning my whole world was just torn apart
Ana the girl who once said that I am the one
who supported him in her worst situations
had texted me:
1- "Because of you now my whole life is just
screwed and bringing you in my life was the
biggest mistake I had done in my entire life"
2- "I am seriously regretting that"
3- "You ruined my whole life"

4- "Never even try to contact for the rest of

your life".
After reading those texts it felt just like
someone just sucked each and every drop of
blood from my body and left me to die.
That morning the Morning Araga of Chatt
Puja was scheduled and as my mom was on
fast she was responsible to perform all the
rituals and many of our neighbors were
supposed to arrive and hence there was not
a chance that I can let my sadness get
reflected on my face, not even a single
percent, I spent the rest of a few hours
smiling and pretending to enjoy in front of
After all the rituals ended, I checked and I
was blocked from each and every place she
could have blocked me.
I had not even a clue about what is
happening there, so I decided to ask that to
her only hence I replied to her text and she
replied "Simi had contacted my parents in
the night and God knows what she told them
but know they know everything about us so
please just leave me alone forever".
I was shocked to the bottom of my heart but
had no other choice than accepting the fact
that everything is now over.
(For those who don’t have any idea about
what Araga is??
Araga is a ritual of worshiping Surya Deva
while holding few baskets loaded with fruits
and other food items that can be consumed
after wards.
It can only be performed by the person
who’s on fast)
About Author
Rebelnato is the virtual name of
the author of this book. He is
making his debut in the marvelous
world of authors/writers with
this book. He has a B.Tech
degree. He is a recent graduate
and is pursuing his dreams.
Special Thanks
A special thanks to all of those who
helped me in making my life better
and build so many beautiful memories
in my B.Tech life.
A special thanks to Ana also as she
never judged me for anything, that
being the stupidest thing anyone ever
could have done or my childish
behavior or all of those weird and
sometime completely kaddish
ringtones and everything else for
what most of the people use to judge
me but she never did and she even
never attempted to change me for any
cause not even once. I was really
lucky for having such a sweet, cute,
pretty and understanding girlfriend.
Thanks to Swarnali, Shweta, Saif,
Rachna, Komal, Sagrika and everyone
else who helped me in rectifying my
mistakes and reviewing the book for
me in the initial stages.
Thanks to my Di (elder sister) for
supporting me in completing and
encouraging me in publishing this

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