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The oceans are one of the most important resources for the mankind.

The life itself started in a

great ocean , Where chemicals ,primitive germens and another elements colided to créate it.

Is our responsability like specie to care and protect the oceans, we can do it trought many forms.
Of which i Will mention some .

1. Use less plastic products:

Plastics that end up as garbage in the oceans and contribute to the destruction of the habitat,
in addition to trapping and killing thousands of marine animals per year. To limit your impact,
bring reusable water bottles with you, store your food in non-disposable containers, carry
your own cloth bag or other material when you go shopping and recycle whenever possible.

2. Help to take care of the beaches:

Whenever you enjoy swimming, surfing or just relaxing on the beach, always clean up your
waste. Explore and appreciate the ocean without interfering with wildlife and never remove
rocks or coral. Go even further by encouraging others to respect the marine environment or by
participating in local beach cleanings.

3. Do not buy products that exploit marine life:

Some products contribute to the damage suffered by fragile coral reefs and marine
populations. Never buy objects like coral jewelry, any article from turtles, as well as shark

4. Stop using the oceans and local beaches as bathrooms

by all it is known that local beaches and even some oceans are used as public toilets, there is
no culture of respecting the ecosystem and the health of both the marine environment and
other people. we must generate proposals so that the government in turn places adequate
spaces for the disposal of these excreta.

5. Educate yourself about oceans and marine life:

All life on earth is connected to the ocean and its inhabitants. The more you learn about the
problems that this vital system faces, the more you want to ensure your well-being. Then,
share that knowledge to inspire others.

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