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The oceans are one of Earth’s greatest gifts to humans, beautiful and valuable ecosystems
teeming with life that provide everything from fresh food to careers for the millions that would
otherwise be out of work. These seas that we are so dependent on may seem perfectly healthy,
but not everything is as it appears. The oceans are like a slowly wilting flower that has been
beaten down over the years and is now shedding its last petals. If something is not done soon to
fix the mess that humanity has made, then it will be too late to save some of the irreplaceable
species that make lives easier each and every day. Marine life conservation is a method that is
working to save some of those petals. This type of conservation works to save species of the
ocean and the aquatic habitats in which they reside. This essay will cover the topics of what
marine life conservation is, what will happen if action to save the ocean is not taken, and
possible solutions to the problem of pollution in the seas. While the mistakes of the past will
always affect the future, there is still time to create a better outcome, and it starts with being
educated on the issue at hand.
As you can see, the oceans' current predicament is far from good. Pollution is constantly being
pumped out into these large bodies of water, and every day thousands of animals die from it.
Whether a turtle is strangled by the plastic rings that formerly joined together bottles of soda or
inhales the sewage dumped into his home, it has the same effect. Marine life dies. Many people
are already aware of this but do not like to think of the consequences of their actions. It is
inconvenient for them, and, as a result, animals die. How many more seconds of your day would
it take to cut up those plastic rings? What about finding a more eco-friendly solution to getting
rid of waste? The answer: not very many. If you know for sure that this would save lives, human
or otherwise, why would you put it off?

There is a reason why marine life conservation is considered so important, and it is because of
how essential oceans are to the existence of every creature on this planet. Oceans are a huge
source of oxygen for organisms everywhere and are very helpful in the processes of both storing
and capturing carbon dioxide . As if providing half of the oxygen that humans breathe is not
enough, they go on to make available other essential and vital resources for existence such as
nourishment, medicines, and support for the costal economies of the world . Once a species
becomes extinct, there is not any way to bring it back.

Without the efforts of conservation, the ocean’s current predicament would already be much
worse. Today, Earth’s oceans are a dumping site for many chemicals, trash, and other forms of
pollution. When sewage dredge is dumped into the ocean, it can have a toxic effect on marine
life and seafood can become contaminated. Many species of aquatic organisms are eating plastic
pollution found in the ocean and then dying from choking, intestinal blockage, and starvation.
Anything from overfishing to abandoning waste in the oceans can result in health and economic
impacts by killing off marine life and damaging ecosystems. When farms use pesticides,
fertilizers, and other chemicals to help their crops grow, the leftovers flow into rivers close by
which then, in turn, flow into the ocean . Global warming is yet another problem for marine life
to face, and humans may have helped this process along. Global warming, or climate change, as
it is more often called in the scientific community, eradicates coral reefs, causes species to go
extinct, and, as a result, ice caps melt and ocean levels rise. Tropical storms also may be on the
rise because of climate change. The oceans cannot continue to withstand all of the negative
effects that pollution and climate change are causing, and neither can Earth. A solution to these
ever-growing issues must be found quickly.

Although pollution and global warming have already taken an irreversible toll on marine life,
there are still ways to solve these problems, or, at least, reduce the harmfulness of their results.
Anyone can make a plan to use less plastic in their household by reusing water bottles, or use
containers to store food instead of plastic bags. Education on the topic of conservation can also
keep the next generation from making the same mistakes that have been made in the past. If one
only looks hard enough, it is easy to see that there are many solutions to the problems the oceans
face. The conservation of marine life is gaining attention in the scientific world as well as with
the media, and for good reason. It is important that bodies of water are protected before it
becomes too late to fix what has been done.

The oceans do so much for mankind that the human race could not otherwise live without them,
such as providing food and livelihood for those who have no other way to get by . Marine life
conservation is important because it works to save both aquatic species and their habitats, but
without the help of the public, the work that organizations participating in this type of
conservation can do will be minimal at best. The protection of the oceans is not a topic to take
lightly and there is not any excuse for refusing to acknowledge that. Scientists have been talking
about climate change, pollution, and the affect that these two issues have on oceanic species for
years. This may be the last chance that anyone is given to do something about it.

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