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Republic of the Philippines


Sorsogon City Campus
Accountancy and Education Department

Water Pollution
We all know that ¾ of the Earth is mainly composed of bodies of water
and the rest are land masses. According to USGS, water is essential to all living
things. In certain creatures, water accounts for up to 90% of their body weight.
Water makes up to 60% of the adult human body. But today, due to our
unhealthy living, and irresponsible water usage, we encounter several problems
in accordance with the bodies of water. This results to water being polluted and
knowing the fact that we encounter such problems, we are aware that there is
something wrong happening regarding this issue. Yet, we still do not take actions
or plan to resolve this kind of problem.
Water pollution is a global concern, which is sometimes a cause for a
greater threat to our world not just only to human beings but also to other living
creatures that relies on water. Some of the causes of water pollution are the
release of toxic wastes from operating factories and other infrastructures leading
to rivers and lakes onto large bodies of water causing a direct effect on marine
wildlife. Some other causes are improper waste disposal and lack of discipline of
people which sometimes ricochet to them in a way that canals and domestic
sewages produces smelly odor and harmful microorganisms that can cause
different diseases.
Sustainable development is the belief that human civilization must
survive and fulfill their needs without risking future generation’s ability to
satisfy their own needs. Also, it is a method of arranging society for it to exist in
the long run. This entails considering both current and future demands such as
environmental and natural resource protection, as well as social and economic
equity. Water is a very essential part of living. It is also a natural resource so we
must protect or take care of it for the next generations to see a pure and clean
water instead of polluted water in the future.
We all know that everything in this earth is interconnected and every
action that we take has an effect both to us people and our surroundings. An
example is, if rivers and oceans are polluted, marine wildlife especially fishes will
not be able to reproduce and even be killed because of polluted water. Due to
this certain event, many people especially fishermen will be affected causing
them to have less catch when fishing that will result to shortage of their primary
source of income and food. This makes us realize that our earth is a finite earth
and has limited resources that we must preserve and protect to avoid imbalance
of the ecosystem. This also proves that all forms of life are important because
each specie and creatures have their own different roles in the ecosystem to
maintain the balance in nature. But everything can change in an instant with our
wrong decisions, lack of discipline, and improper usage of our natural resources.
In which because of this, we failed our role as stewards of nature.
To sum it up, we should think and consider many factors and several
things before making a decision that may either lead to us being successful or us
being harmed by our own wrong doings. We must plan for the future and take
actions to prevent water pollution and many other issues regarding nature. Unity
is also a very important factor to achieve a sustainable environment for the
entire living creatures in the world.


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