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Group Members GROUP

Abdul Bari Latyf
Shayan YarKhan 1. Bonjour To Group 4.
Aoun 2. World’s Oceans
3. How are Oceans Crucial for Humankind?
Mohammad Ilyas
4. Oceans provide us With...
Saad 5. Humans Activities Impacting The Oceans.
Aliza Al Nadeem 6. Overview of the Current Polluted Oceans.
7. Marine Life In Danger!
8. Eco-systems at High Risk
9. Alternative Strategies
10. Another Goodbye, Yet No Action.
World’s Oceans
An ocean is a continuous body of salt water that is contained in an enormous basin on Earth’s
surface. The major oceans and their marginal seas cover nearly 71 percent of Earth’s surface,
with an average depth of 3,688 metres (12,100 feet). Earth possesses one “world ocean.”
However, those conducting oceanic research generally recognize the existence of five major
oceans: the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Southern, and Arctic oceans. Arbitrary boundaries
separate these bodies of water, but they are largely defined by the continents that frame them.
In the Southern Hemisphere, however, 60° S latitude, which corresponds to the approximate
position of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, separates the Southern Ocean from the
southern portions of the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian oceans.
The Pacific Ocean is located between Asia and Australasia and the Americas;it has an average depth
of 3,970 meters.The Atlantic Ocean is located between the Americas and Europe and Africa;it has an
average depth of 3,646 meters. The Indian Ocean is located between Southern Asia,Africa and
Australia;it has an average depth of 3,471 meters. The Southern Ocean is located between Antarctica
and the Pacific,Atlantic and Indian oceans,sometimes considered an extension of those three oceans;it
has an average depth of 3,270 meters. The Arctic Ocean is located between northern North America and
Eurasia in the Arctic,sometimes considered a marginal sea of the Atlantic;it has an average depth of 1,205
How are Oceans Crucial for Humankind?
The oceans also regulate the global climate; they mediate temperature and drive the
weather, determining rainfall, droughts, and floods. They are also the world’s largest store
of carbon, where an estimated 83% of the global carbon cycle is circulated through
marine waters. But the interaction between these two natural forces is altering, and the
exchange is intensifying. We’re seeing the consequences of this around the world. The
world ocean provides so many benefits. Here are ten things the ocean does for humans
and the planet:* The air we breathe: The ocean produces over half of the world's oxygen
and absorbs 50 times more carbon dioxide than our atmosphere.* Climate regulation:
Covering 70 percent of the Earth's surface, the ocean transports heat from the equator to
the poles, regulating our climate and weather patterns.* Transportation: Seventy-six
percent of all U.S. trade involves some form of marine transportation. * Recreation: From
fishing to boating to kayaking and whale watching, the ocean provides us with many
unique activities.* Economic benefits: The U.S. ocean economy produces $282 billion in
goods and services and ocean-dependent businesses employ almost three million
people.* Food: The ocean provides more than just seafood; ingredients from the sea are
found in surprising foods such as peanut butter and soymilk.* Medicine: Many medicinal
products come from the ocean, including ingredients that help fight cancer, arthritis,
Alzheimer's disease, and heart disease. 3
Human Activities Impacting
Our Oceans.
1. Urban and industrial development,
2. Farming
3. Mining
4. Combustion of fossil fuels
5. Stream-channel alteration
6. Animal-feeding operations
Our water resources face a host of serious
threats, all of which are caused primarily by
human activity. They include sedimentation,
pollution, climate change, deforestation,
landscape changes, and urban growth.
Oceans Affected Globally 6
Marine Life In Danger!
It is estimated that beach pollution affects more than 800 species of wildlife around the
world. More than 100,000 seabirds, sea turtles, seals, and other marine mammals die each
year after ingesting plastic or getting entangled in it. Animals can easily mistake floating
plastic for food, causing them to choke, sustain an internal injury, or starve. The ingested
plastic can then move through the food chain, eventually reaching the stomachs of
seafood-eating humans. Plastic pollution has become so overwhelming that it is even
affecting sea turtles’ reproduction rates because it alters the temperature of the sand where
incubation typically occurs. HABs are also detrimental to marine wildlife. HABs consume
oxygen when they die and decompose, creating dead zones—areas with little or no
oxygen. This not only kills off feeding sources for larger aquatic animals but also destroys
habitats. Some types of HABs also damage or clog fish gills or block sunlight for
beneficial algae and seagrasses.

Eco-Systems At High Risk.
Polluted beaches pose a serious health risk for people who come in contact with dirty water or sand. 
Ten percent of all water samples collected in 2013 from 3,500 coastal and Great Lakes beaches failed to meet
the EPA’s most restrictive benchmark for swimmer safety. The EPA estimates that up to 
3.5 million people get sick from being in contact with sewage while swimming; children are the most
vulnerable because they tend to swallow more water. Bacteria, fertilizers, animal and human waste, and trash
can cause a range of illnesses for beachgoers. The most common is an upset stomach, but 
swimmers can also suffer neurological disorders, respiratory ailments, pinkeye, earaches, meningitis, and
hepatitis. People with compromised immune systems, small children, and seniors may even be at risk of
death. Because there is a lag between contact with contaminated waters and onset of symptoms, most people
don’t even realize it was the beach that caused their illness. One study found that people can get sick without
even going into the water—contact with polluted beach sand was enough exposure to sicken them.
There is another health concern in addition to sewage contamination: Harmful algal blooms (HABs) can
also cause serious illness in humans. Several species of phytoplankton produce toxins that can cause
serious and potentially life-threatening symptoms in people who come in contact with or ingest them.
Effects can include paralysis, seizures, vomiting, and cardiovascular problems, among others.
Alternative Strategies.
On Govermental Platform. On A Civilian Platform
Water shortages will impact everything in our daily lives – Conservation and recycling programs are usually much less
from where we vacation to how we do our laundry. As expensive and less risky alternatives to building desalination
scientists and government agencies seek answers to this crisis, plants. Companies today are helping homes and business
desalination has been touted as the solution. But desalination make more efficient use of their water. By using water-
is not a silver bullet. It is exorbitantly expensive, requires efficient product choices—with no sacrifice to quality or
large amounts of energy, it is environmentally damaging plus product performance we can help conserve our most precious
it is only really viable for coastal communities. To put it natural resource. Avoiding trashing near the water-bodies is
simply, desalination removes salt and other minerals from the most likely method through which reduction of the
water. Most desalination technology follows one of two freshwater lakes, oceans and seas pollution can take place.
methods thermal distillation and membrane filtration. Based

on methods used for thousands of years, distillation involves

boiling sea water to produce steam—purified water vapor.

The steam is collected in a separate container and cooled so it 9

◎ Decades have passed and much of the population is still
engrossed in business related to their success, ignoring the
extreme risk and jeopardy they are leaving their most vital
source of energy-the water. Polluting it to the farthest
extent, they have contributed the most to climate change
which is extremely degrading for the humankind as well as
the thousands of other species habitats that will in future
get extinct due to the perilous condition they are living in.


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