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Earth and Life Science

Summative Exam 1 SET A

I. Multiple Choice. Choose the letter/s of the correct answer.(20pts)
1. A large part of Earth’s fresh water can be found ____.
A. In the ocean C. Frozen in the glacier and ice caps
B. In the seas D. In the biosphere
2. Photosynthesis is an example of an interaction between biosphere and the ____.
A. Atmosphere B. Hydrosphere C. Geosphere D. Litosphere
3. Which best describe the earth’s four subsystem?
A. Independent from one another.
B. All part of the atmosphere.
C. All are connected to one another.
D. One cannot exist without the other.
4. All forms of water that falls from the atmosphere to the Earth in solid or liquid form is known as _____.
A. Precipitation C. Rain
B. Weather D. Hydrosphere
5. Freshwater is important for life on Earth because ___.
A. Without freshwater sources people will get sick
B. We need water to grow food
C. The biosphere need water
D. All of the above
6. All are part of litosphere except?
A. Mountain C. Coral
B. Rock D. None of these
7. Which shows the relationship between atmosphere and geosphere?
A. Watershed C. Volcanic gases
B. Nitrogen D. Mountains
8. Which shows the relationship between atmosphere and hydrosphere?
A. Rivers C. Lakes
B. Rain D. Stars
9. What is cosmic microwave background/radiation?
A. Energy released and an important evidence of Big Bang Theory.
B. Energy that is emitted from the Sun.
C. Energy used in the laboratory to sterilize equipment.
D. Energy that is released by the fusion of hydrogen nuclei in the center of the stars.
10. Which geologic subsystem is comprised of all the waters on Earth, including surface and atmospheric water?
A. Geosphere B. Atmosphere C. Biosphere D. Hydrosphere
11. Select the three important pieces of evidence we have for the Big Bang.
A. Cosmic Background Radiation (CBR)
B. The fact that we have multiple universe to compare and study.
C. The abundance of hydrogen, helium and lithium found in the universe.
D. Hubble’s law (the expansion of the universe).
12. The four fundamental forces that emerged right after the Big Bang are _____.
A. Gravity, quarks, atoms and dark matter.
B. Gravity, Strong nuclear forces, weak nuclear forces and electromagnetism.
C. Gravity, electrons, atoms and electromagnetism.
D. Gravity, dark energy, hydrogen and helium.
13. Our sun formed, like any other star from ____.
A. A collision between two massive planetary objects.
B. Empty space
C. The collapse of a cloud of matter under the pressure of gravity
D. A black hole
14. The age of solar system is _____.
A. About 13.8 billion years old C. About 4.6 years old
B. About 3.8 billion years old D. About 4.6 billion years old
15. What are the terrestrial planets?
A. Jupiter, Earth, Mars, Venus
B. Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Earth
C. Uranus, Neptune, Mercury, Mars
D. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars
16. Planet X is a small, terrestrial planet that has one moon, liquid water, and a thin atmosphere. What is planet
A. Earth C. Uranus
B. Mars D. Neptune
17. Which subsystem contains all living organisms of Earth, including those on land, water and air?
A. Geosphere B. Atmosphere C. Biosphere D. Hydrosphere
18. What separates inner and outer planets?
A. Meteors C. Asteroid Belt
B. Stars D. Kepler’s Belt
19. All are factors for a planet to become habitable except?
A. Atmosphere C. All of these
B. Energy D. None of these
20. If 70% of Earth is water and only 3% of Earth's water is fresh. What percent (%) of earth is fresh water?
A. 210 % C. 21 %
B. 18.25 % D. 2.1 %
II. Modified True/False. Write True if the statement is True but if it’s False, change the
underlined word/s to make the statement True. (30pts)
1. Hydrogen and Oxygen are the first two elements formed in the Big Bang.
2. The sun is derived from the remnants of the supernova and was considered as a third-generation star.
3. Silicon is the most abundant element that you can find in the universe.
4. Mars is considered to be the Earth's twin planet because it has a very similar size and mass with the
5. Sun-star hypothesis involves a star much bigger than the Sun passing by the Sun and draws gaseous
filaments from both out which planetisimals were formed.
6. Most planet rotates progade which mean they rotate clockwise in their orbit.
7. As you move farthest from the sun, revolution of the planets become faster.
8. Much of the mass of the Solar System is concentrated at Jupiter while angular momentum is held by
the outer planets.
9. The universe is mostly made up of baryonic matter as a source of anti-gravity.
10. Red shift is best explain by the colors of the stars, stars with red color are nearest to earth.
11. Gaia Hypothesis said that the biosphere is a self-regulating system that is capable of controlling its
physical and chemical environment.
12. The term "biosphere" was popularized by a Russian scientist,Vladimir Vernadsky.
13. Stratosphere is a layer in the atmosphere where ozone layer is located.
14. The most abundant gas in the atmosphere is oxygen.
15. According to the Steady State Theory, the universe is continually expanding and cooling.

BONUS (3pts) : What is the scientific name of Earth’s moon?

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