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Cherry Mae A.

Fuentes Humanities (Ethics) MW 9:00 – 10:30

BS Math -3 February 19, 2018

Love, in one of its essence, has no boundaries. However, for the sake of formality,

especially in business ethics, we should somehow put boundaries on it. It is imperative to say

that romantic relationships nowadays are becoming a common feature especially in working

industry or, perhaps, a workplace as more employees become involved. This relationship could

be between employees of same level or a supervisor and his or her colleague. Workplace is a

venue in which employees invest more time and thus, as a result, this is where employees

develop their feelings, and later then, they make a fertile disposition for such unions. As a matter

of fact, employees sometimes grow and develop strong attachments with their co-employees

which would lead in a disposition from mere friendships to strong intimacy. Moreover, co-

workers spent together at the office and these allow their fellow co-workers of common interest

to get to understand and know well on each other. However, on the level of face value, this kind

of relationship may, perhaps, look naïve and harmless, but on the other hand, in reality this is a

source of ethical problems in the workplace in such, would lead to, both, frustrations for the

workers involved and disappointments.

Moreover, mutual affection is not the result of all relationships as such. Some of these

were just being forced by corrupt and filthy bosses in whom they use their authority to

manipulate the vulnerable employees, especially women. In the case of other love affairs, on the

other hand, romantic relationships in the workplace are filled with moments of joy, happiness,

tension, conflicts and etc.

Conflicts in romantic relationship are inevitable and these can be shown in several ways.

For instance, a supervisor is dating his/her colleague, and as a consequence, there is a possibility

of conflict of interest between the supervisors’ professional performance and the need to please

his/her lover. Furthermore, conflicts can also arise in a condition in which the boss may

misinterpret the gestures coming from female colleague. In such a case, the worker may seem

interested in having a relationship with the boss because the boss was caught by the smile of her

girl colleague. Perhaps, the girl is simply cheerful and kind who, in fact, is not interested in

getting into a relationship. At this condition, the boss is convinced that the girl really wants the

boss, and so, the boss asks the girl colleague for a date. In response, however, the girl appalled

that her boss has misunderstood her and she now feels uncomfortable around him. Moreover,

relationships in the workplace affects not just only for the lovers but also from their co-workers.

At the beginning, perhaps, the lovers may not notice this; however, the effects of this relationship

have widespread consequences.

Ethics, on the other hand, is the “art and science of moral actions” and so, romantic

relationships in the workplace uphold real ethical concerns and, thus, should not be encouraged.

Indeed, both, romance and work should never be found in the same place. However, if this

happens, it is imperatively wise to remain good conduct and, by all means, avoid wrong doings

while at work. In addition, by all means, your contacts from each other must remain professional

and the relationship must never hinder with your work. To alleviate the negative effects of

romantic relationship in the workplace, some organizations have notions with policies when it

comes to dating and relationships.

In some organization, a romantic relationship is acceptable if one of the dating lovers is

from the other department. Perhaps, this is a good precaution, in the sense that it will help
prevent further interferences in the workplace and the flow of the work. Though workplace

relationship may cause conflicts and difficulties, perhaps, it is not also good to have a total ban in

relationships either. And so, for Christians, as what Jesus said from John 13: 34, we should “love

one another”. Definitely, those that are inappropriate must be banished, but relationships that are

genuine should be allowed to grow, however it must be under clear corporate guidance in order

to moderate their hitches.

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