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Where you see do yourself in next 5 years?

Many young minds believing in the theory of “Carpe Diem” find themselves in
trouble when asked a very simple question “Where do you see yourself in next
5 years?” On side of coin, you are directed to enjoy the life as it comes to you
and feel infinite in the present moment, and on the other side world expects
you to have a vision for the future. The question which made so many minds
stumble into anxiety and depression leaves me bewildered in the same box.

So 5 years hence, will drop all of us in 2024. Some of us may expect ourselves
to be well placed job under a kind boss or some may dream of being a boss.
Well, I see myself to be a little more self-aware, knowing myself a little more. I
envision myself to wake up on alarms (leaving this snooze thing), getting ready
for work a little early so as I can be a little more punctual, meeting the
deadlines and summing up the workday with a pleasant smile, reaching a
home and to be welcomed with a warmer hug from a loved one and ending up
a day with some good food. Life would be complete if the people whom today I
call my constants, would still remain my constants in 2024. These “little” things
are more than enough for me to lead a content life.

What to expect more?

Walt Whitman once quoted so nicely “Medicine, Law, Business, Engineering

are necessary to sustain life while Poetry, Beauty, Love these are what we stay
alive for.”
I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately.. I wanted to live
deep and suck out all the marrow of life! To put to rout all that was not life..
And not, when I came to die, discover that , I had not lived.

Living my life in a way I want is only what I expect from myself. Wherever this
life pushes me I will be laughing at my own atrocities and living a happy day.


Live. Laugh. Love

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