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Every great project always faces great challenges. In this section we aim at presenting the most critical
challenges that are being addressed by our team. We remain optimistic about our ability to tackle them,
better still to turn them into opportunities for expansion.

1. Logistics related Challenges

In our quest to stimulate a blockchain enforced decentralized world, we give priority and preference to
Blockchain and crypto solutions. As far as the logistics involved in E commerce is concerned, we are yet
to identify suitable logistics and delivery companies on the blockchain. We are currently searching and
discussing with a few of them that could be of some interest.

This therefore implies that at first we will have to use established logistics firms, which are mainly based
on fiat currency. It follows that we could be more exposed to fluctuations of token prices with respect to
delivery fees, and the situation does not align with our ideological aims (Crypto solutions for the real

2. Political /Legal concerns

Cryptocurrencies are yet to become mainstream. This is precisely the key reason of being of TradeNexi,
since only a massive adoption of crypto not only for speculation (Hodling) but also and mainly for real
world transactions and commerce, will ensure popular acceptance, which in turn will advocate for
political acceptance.

However, as of now the transnational trade system is very complex in particular with respect to
cryptocurrencies. Some countries are highly crypto-phobic while others are more favorably inclined
towards it. This creates a legal challenge that is currently being addressed by our team with the help of
legal consultants.

3. Technology related obstacles

One key advantage of any technologic innovation is its ease of use. This is mainly achieved via user
interfaces and design. A major problem we are trying to get over is the limited mobile web-blockchain
capability. Moreover, Dapps are more complicated than web apps which limits user’s adaptation to
them. We are committed to propose the best possible platform and applications which guarantee
optimal ease of use for the participants.

4. Competition

As an Ecommerce platform, Tradenexi is in a highly competitive environment dominated by key players

with a long history and huge market shares. Still, these major players have excluded cryptocurrencies
from their payment options, turning their back on the future of the financial system, and focusing only
on fiat. For this reason, our business model goes beyond the mere act of facilitating trade among buyers
and sellers. We have developed and are proposing Dapps and solutions such as Xcrow Pay and
Honeycomb, which will turn these competitors into partners. They will turn to our solutions when they
will be willing to extend their markets to include crypto users.

There exist a few other blockchain ventures that attempt(ed) to address the problem of the exclusion of
the cryptocurrencies from the trading environment. Most of them however are simply trying to play the
role of third party or intermediary between the major ecommerce platforms and the crypto end users.
They are more or less focusing on receiving the commands of the crypto users (based on
cryptocurrencies), convert them into fiat, make the purchase in name and capacity of the end buyers.
This creates additional problems of time delay, possibility of change in token value while the
intermediary processes the command of the end buyer. Worse still, it gives the impression that
cryptocurrencies are forever condemned to play a secondary and unnecessary role.

At Tradenexi we have a different approach and perspective. We believe the blockchain should not be
limited to the closed and obscure role of unnecessary intermediary between fiat and the buyers. We are
convinced that instead cryptocurrencies are the future of the financial system, and the world at large.
Thus, why be the intermediaries of these key ecommerce players, when we can do without them and
reshape a decentralized world?

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