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1. Identify Figure 1.
a. Great temple of abu simbel b. Sakara mastaba
C. Great Sphinx of Giza d. Obelisk

2. What characteristic was considered to describe

Gothic Architecture?
a. Darkness
C. Rude and barbaric b. Evil and cruelty
d. Black and white
3. A type of Roman wall facing with a net-like effect?
a. Opus testaceum b. Opus quadratum C. Opus incertum
d. Opus recticulatum e. Opus mixtum

4. Simplicity in External, richness in internal?
a. Byzantine Architecture b. Medieval Architecture
C. Gothic Architecture d. Renaissance Architecture

5. The house is a machine to live in?

a. John Ruskin b. Le Corbusier
C. Louis Khan d. Van de Rohe

6. The prehistoric tomb composed of standing

stones capped with a large horizontal slab?
a. Dolmen
C. Menhir b. Tumulus
d. Cromlech

7. In the Bahay na Bato, what do you call the space

on the ground floor used for storing the
a. Azotea
d. Sala b. Aljibe
e. Comun C. Zaguan
8. Sleeping quarter for monks?
a. Presbytery b. Refectory C. Diaconicon
d. Ambo e. Cloister
9. A wide low, pitched gable surmounting a
colonnade or a major division of a façade?
a. Tympanum
C. Pediment b. Stylobate
d. Acroterium

10. In Greek Architecture, this is synonymous to

a. Pronaos b. Naos
C. Epinaos d. Episthodomos

11. What is considered the birthplace of Italian

Renaissance Art and Architecture?
a. Sicily
d. Florence b. Venice
e. Rome C. Pompeii
12. The architect of the Paco Train Station?
a. Michael Graves b. William Parsons C. Katsiyarina
d. Daniel Burnham e. I.M. Pei

YA 13. Architecture of the curved lines.

a. Baroque b. Art noveau
C. Art deco d. Moorish

14. Architecture that reaches new heights.

a. Gothic b. Rococo
C. Baroque d. Roman

C. Westminster cathedral
15. Tallest church in the world as of now.
a. Ulm minster
b. Sagrada familia 16. Loftiest vault cathedral.
a. Beauvais cathedral
b. Winchester cathedral 17. The rebirth of the classics.
a Renaissance b. Classical
C. Ulm minster

C. Egyptian d. Romanesque
18. Cathedral having the “five Sisters Window”.
a. Westminster cathedral b. Yorkminster cathedral
C. Ulm minster

C. Romania d. Romantic
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19. Roman-like Architecture.
a. Romanesque
b. Baroque

20. The part of a mosque which is referred to as the

a. Fawwara b. Dikka
C. Patani d. Maqsura

21. It is the City In Italy that is described as vital of
social life at every level, artists who excelled
in several arts achieve high status in society, craft
guilds with both religious connotations, and is the
birthplace of Renaissance.
a. Sicily
C. Venice b. Pompeii
d. Florence

22. Who erected the entrance piazza surrounded by

284 lonic Columns to the St. Peter's
Basillica, Rome?
a. Fabianne Niclotti
C. Bramante b. Michael Angelo Bounarotti
d. Bernini
23. What do you call the period in Spanish Renaissance
Architecture where architecture
designs had a similarity to silversmiths' work?
a. Platerescue
C. Churrigueresque b. Rococo
d. Manueline
: 100
24. In French, it is called L'architecture Ogivale.
a. Gothic Architecture
C. Baroque Architecture b. Roman Architecture
d. Renaissance Architecture 25. It forms one of the
famous building groups in the world-a Cathedral,
Baptistery, Campanile
and Campo Santo.
a. Pisa Cathedral
C. Monreale Cathedral b. Winchester Cathedral
d. Manila Cathedral

26. It is a Renaissance Movement that is described as

vivid, virile, intense, free, decorative and
a. Palladian Architecture
C. Baroque Architecture b. Proto-Baroque Architecture
d. Rococo Architecture
27. How many years was the notre dame built?
a. 148 years b. 184 years
C. 182 years d. 168 years
28. What is Gaudi's work that was also called "the
a. Sagrada familia
C. Casa mila b. Park guell
d. Casa batllo 29. What did the Egyptians use to create
a perfect planar base of the pyramid?
a. Level tool
C. Dug tunnel around the building b. Ancient tool that is
equivalent to
area and filled it with water a carpenter's level
d. Flood the site with water

C. Khufu d. Imhotep
30. Architect of temple of Zeus, agrigentum?
a. Antistates
b. Porinus 31. What is an opus tesselatum?
a. Brick layout | b. mosaic
C. mural d. collage

32. What was the prototype of the pyramid?

a. Menhir b. Dolmen
C. mastaba d. stepped pyramid

33. Who is the chief architect of the pyramid?

a. hemiunu b. imhotep
C. djoser d. khufu
34. Who started the great hall of karnak?
a. Amenhotep III b. Seti
C. Ramesses II d. Horemheb

35. What is a sarassenic architecture?

a. Consisting chiefly of mosques and tombs and
characterized by decorated surfaces,
bulbous domes and horseshoe, pointed and multifoil
arches b. Combination of basilica and symmetrical central
plan. It features soaring spaces, and
sumptuous decoration, marble column, and inlay, mosaics on the
vaults, and inlaid stone
pavements C. Forms in which lightweight triangular or
polygonal facets consisting of either skeletal struts
or flat planes, largely in tension d. Grand tall designs,
buttresses, pointed arch, vaulted ceiling, gargoyles,
decorative style
and ornate

36. What is the warm room in Italian bath?

a. sudatorium b. tepidarium
c. caldarium d. laconicum

37. What is the sweating room in Italian bath?

a. sudarium b. frigidarium
C. tepidarium d. caldarium
38. What is the name of the bedroom of the Italian
a. atrium b. Vestibulum
C. cubicula d. tabernae

39. What is the name of the Italian house

surrounded by open space?
a. domus
C. insulae b. villa
d. agora

40. Architect of legislative building

a. Antonio Toledo b. Juan Nakpil
C. Juan Arellano d. Pablo Antonio

41. Architect of meralco building

a. Jose Maria Zaragoza b. Carlos Arguelles
C. Tomas mapua d. Fernando ocampo
42. Form follows function and its basis for its
organic design
a. Louis Sullivan
C. Toyo Ito b. Frank Lloyd Wright
d. Zaha Hadid
43. Works of Atoni Gaudi which people called
"stone quarry"
a. La sagrada familia
C. Palace guell b. Casa mila
d. Casa batlo

44. Work of Antoni Gaudi with undulating façade

a. La sagrada familia b. Casa mila
C. Palace guell d. Casa batlo

45. Architect of Notre-Dame-Haut Ronchamp,

a. Louis Sullivan b. Frank Lloyd Wright
c. Le Corbusier d. Zaha Hadid

46. Who designed the New York's Daily News

a. Welton Becket b. Raymond Hood
C. Louis Sullivan d. William Van Allen
47. Gothic Means?
a. Barbaric b. Uneducated
C. Massive d. Monumental
48. What do you call an ancient stone figure having a lion
body and human head?
a. Sphinx b. Uktena
d. Obelisk
C. Djinn

49. What kind of style flourished during 1925-1939?

a. International style b. Modern art
C. Art novoue d. Art deco

50. It is a raised stand from which the gospels or epistles

were read.
a. Podium
C. Pulpit b. Ambo
d. Choir
51. Identify what architecture is figure 2.
a. Gothic Architecture b. Byzantine Architecture
C. Fantastic architecture d. Moorish architecture

52. Identify what architecture is figure 3.

a. Byzantine architecture b. Moorish architecture
C. Islamic architecture d. Baroque architecture

53. Design by living men for living men.

a. Robert Mailart b. Erich Mendelsohn
C. Richard Nuetra d. Charles Renee Mackintosh

54. Humanism
a. Michael Graves b. Adolf loos c. Minoru Yamasaki d.
Otto Wagner
55. Identify what architecture is figure 4.
a. Art novoue b. Modern c. Art deco d. High tech
56. God is in the details.
a. Le Corbusier b. Louis Khan
C. Louis Sullivan d. Ludwig Mies Van De Rohe

57. Architecture is the reflection of the past

a. Otta Wagner b. Micheal graves
C. Kenzo Tange d. I.M Pei

+ 58. Where is Agora built?

a. Greece b. Rome
C. India d. Babylonia

59. Identify figure 5.

a. Agora b. Acropolis
C. Temple of Zeus d. Erechtheion

60. What is the meaning of ASTM?

a. American Society of Tested
Materials b. American Society for testing and
c. American Society for Tests and
Materials d. American Society for Testing

61. Identify figure 6.

a Thin shell structure b. Geodesic
C. Modern structure d. Fantastic

62. Identify figure 7. .

a. Thin shell structure b. Geodesic structure
C. Modern structure d. Fantastic

63. Part of Michael Angelo's work

a. Piazza b. Dome
C. Façade d. Portico


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