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Jhasmine Jhoyz G.

Ponce Grade 7 - ARMSTRONG

Weekend Routine

 I woke up at 10:00 AM.
 I ate rice instead, for I woke up late and lunch is only 2 hours away.
 After resting, I took a bath.
 I completed my assignments and works so I won’t need to worry about
them at the end of the day.
 Afterwards, I arranged and removed the dust off my own bookshelf.
 I played games on my cellphone for more than an hour.
 At 7:00 PM, my brother and I changed into formal clothes.
 Our dad arrived and gave us a ride to Ayala Malls.
 We ate dinner at Bon Chon and went to National Bookstore to buy school
supplies we haven’t bought yet.
 At last, we finally got home and sent our goobye kisses to our father.

 I woke up at 9:00 AM.
 I went downstairs to make egg sandwiches for my breakfast.
 I went to the living room to watch a movie.
 At 12 noon, my family and I ate tinola for lunch.
 I took a 30-minute rest after eating before taking a bath.
 All groomed, I returned to the living room to look after my baby cousin.
 After a while, I decided to review notes and do an advanced reading.
 At 7:00 PM, I ate dinner.
 I cleaned the remaining mess and closed the doors before going upstairs to
finally rest and sleep.
CAR and Ilocos Region Arts and Crafts
Intramuros of the North – Vigan

Calle Crisologo - Spanish colonial architecture along with its narrow, cobble-stoned
streets old spanish type houses.

Inabel - is a hand weaving technique of the ilocos that is produced using traditional
wooden rooms.

Binakol weave - represents the waves of the sea they believe that this design protects
them from bad spirits.

Burnay - is an angle is the revenger with small opening

Basi - local wine

Bagoong - fermented fish

Bolinao mats - made from bully or raffia leaves

Bamboo crafts - baskets furniture of san carlos

Saya - skirt or tapis of the southern kalinga women

Labba – a bowl-shaped basket made from rattan. width sizes that vary from 20 to 150
cm in diameter

Tattoos - it signifies a rite of passage from youth to adulthood a mark of heroism and
bravery and one's status in the community

Bul'ul - a wooden sculpture that represents the rice granary spirits

Tunod - means planting the seedlings in the soil

Kadangyann- burial cloth. Win-win b female elders

Wanes - men's traditional attire in the mountain province

Lufid - a short in narrow wrap-around skirt

Ikat - freezing method it is a process of dying and dying the threads to prepare the
pattern before they are women into the textile
architecture, textile and pottery

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