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Title of short film: Soft

Director: Simon Ellis

Single Camera Drama

Genre: crime

Location: West Bridgford, Nottingham

Narrative structure:

Linear because this was sequenced with a beginning, middle and end.

Realist because this could happen in real life regardless of location.

The ending was closed because it displays in the final scenes the protagonist defending himself
against the antagonists (the gang) by attacking the ring leader with a cricket bat and the antagonists
ran away afterwards and the protagonist went inside back their residence.

Single standard because the plot was focused the protagonist. Scott was attacked by gang of
antagonists during school hours. Later that day the antagonists did attack the protagonist’s father
when he got a pint of semi skimmed milk from the local corner shop and they followed Scott’s dad
on the way back home. The antagonists taunted the protagonist and eventually both the antagonists
and protagonist fought with the protagonist victorious.

The only thing that questions me is the relationship between the protagonist and his farther because
the did not had a traditional father and son bond. Instead this clinical as the father did not ask how
the protagonist was instead orders were barked. When the protagonist asked questions to his father
the responses were either ignored or dodged. In one scene the protagonist’s dad acted more like a
mentor because the antagonists goaded the [protagonist from the outside of his residents and
antagonists father told him to ignore. It was evident that the protagonist was close with his mother
because he asked his father “when is mum coming home”.

Technical elements:
Shots: high angle, mid shot, pan, tracking, over the shoulder, extreme close up, wide and dutch tilt
Editing: transitions – dip to black, titles, rolling credits and blurred effect on the mobile phone
Storytelling: linear with flashbacks of when the protagonists father being attacked by the
Audio/sound: diegetic – dialogue, foley – open and closed doors (cupboards and fridge), car locked
with car key, cricket bat, spitting, bicycle bell, clapping, tap running, closing the wooden blinds,
beatboxing, car alarm, clock donging, non-diegetic – birds, kicking, footsteps and cricket bat hit
Special effects make up: used to create cuts, busted lips and bruising

Source of reference:

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