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Unit 7: Describing People

Challenge Questions: 1/25 & 1/26

 Where do you start when describing people?

 What is the difference between describing
people in the American Culture and describing
them in the Deaf culture?
 Do we use different describing adjectives when
speaking in English then we do when signing in
 What are the 5 norms to remember when
describing someone?
Describing People

 1. Gender
 2. Ethnicity
 3. Height
 4. Body type: Skinny, Fat, built, etc
 5. Eye color, Hair color, Accessories,
Norms when describing people:

 Point out the person and describe his/her most

noticeable features.
 Make sure listener understands who you are talking

 If person is present or insight: Raised eyebrows and use “SEE”

sign, in the direction of the person. Then use rule of describing.
 If not present: Raised eyebrows and sign “Know”. Then use rule
or describing and, where the person might have seen them last.

 Describe two of these people to your partner.

Your turn

 Play either “The line-up” or “Who Am I”, first.. Will play both games..
About 10-15 minutes each game.

 “The Line-up”
 Rules:
 2 people per team. 1 person is the witness the other is the detective.
 Each person has a line-up card full of pictures. The witness must use the
descriptive vocabulary to describe the person that did the crime. The
detective must figure out who the suspect is.
Who Am I

 Each person will take a card. (YOU MAY NOT LOOK AT YOUR CARD). Place in stand in
front of you so only the others in the group can see it.
 Using ASL you each take turns asking the others in your group YES/NO questions using the
5 norms. (up to three times per norm, then next person goes)
 Gender
 Ethnicity
 Height
 Body
 Hair and eyes


 If you guess and you are wrong, you loose a turn 
“The line up”

1 9
3 4 5 6
7 8

filling out your parameters
worksheet. Will be graded next class.
All documents are on my website.

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