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 Budgeting and Getting Finance

 Do you set a budget for holidays?

 What is a balanced budget?
 If you were to cut your budget, which entries would you consider?
 What sectors have been more heavily affected by budget reduction in your country over the last year?
 What could you do in order to slash your food budget?
 Are you on budget at present?
List 5 hobbies that can generate income

What are venture funds?

Fill in the blank with the correct preposition

I’m calling to complain __________ one of your employees who was very rude.

Due __________ our current situation with our online system, all our shipments will arrive three days later.
Sorry for the inconvenience.

Thank you __________ your quick response regarding the raw steel you received.

I don’t know what the issue is. __________ fact, I’m sure that the issue is with shipment and not the financing

__________ behalf of our president, I would like to apologize for the vice-president’s behavior at the meeting.

Have you ever had to complain about something? What? Have you ever received a complaint about something?

What factors would you consider in order to expand sales?

List 3 ways to maximize productivity without increasing stress levels

How could you boost your efficiency?

What costs would you cut to increase income?

Fill in each blank with the best response

He __________________________ a manager when he was 25.

has become
was becoming

__________________________ the details of the proposed merger.

Let's to discuss
Let's discuss
Let's be discussing
The day .......... terribly. Luckily there .......... very little traffic

a) took care of a) was

b) announced b) existed

c) finished c) had

d) began d) turned over

What time did the meeting finish?

a) Only ten minutes. He was in a hurry.

b) About ten minutes ago. It was dreadful, endless arguments.
c) He didn't say exactly but he said it would be late afternoon.
d) I'm sorry. I didn't realise that it was confidential.

Where did you stay the last time you were in London?

a) Only ten minutes. He was in a hurry.

b) At the Novotel. It was excellent value for London.
c) At least fifteen minutes.
d) Tuesday, I think.

Why didn't you tell me that Harry had called?

a) Only ten minutes. He was in a hurry.

b) Sorry. it completely slipped my mind.
c) He didn't say exactly but he said it would be late afternoon.
d) I'm sorry. I didn't realise that it was confidential.

Where did we buy that last computer?

a) Only ten minutes. He was in a hurry.

b) Some small independent shop, I think.
c) At least fifteen minutes.
d) Tuesday, I think.

Which day did he say he was coming?

a) I'm sorry. I didn't realise that it was confidential.

b) At least fifteen minutes.
c) About ten minutes ago. It was dreadful, endless arguments.
d) Tuesday, I think.

What time did he say he was coming.

a) I did. Can you put him though on my phone?

b) Only ten minutes. He was in a hurry.
c) He didn't say exactly but he said it would be late afternoon.
d) At least fifteen minutes.

Why did you tell him that?

a) I'm sorry. I didn't realise that it was confidential.

b) Only ten minutes. He was in a hurry.
c) About ten minutes ago. It was dreadful, endless arguments.
d) At least fifteen minutes.

How long did he stay?

a) I did. Can you put him though on my phone?

b) Only ten minutes. He was in a hurry.
c) Sorry. it completely slipped my mind.
d) Some small independent shop, I think.

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