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は Sounds as (わ) it comes after the topic in a sentence and it’s used to show contrast between
two items or ideas.

Ex. 魚を食べます。でも、肉を食べません。

To contrast this two sentences we will replace を with は and that give us.


The particle を AND が could also be replaced as は to show contrast.

が sounds as (NGA) is often refer as subject particle it can also mark the object for certain verb
adjectives. As subject particle it indicates existence. が is often used with あります and います
meaning to have or to exist.

Ex. あそこに、コンビニがあいます。

います-used for the existence of people or animals.

あります-used for the existence of nonliving things.

が can also be used to mark an object of desire.


Ex.(したいですか) 私はおちやがのみたいです。
を often refer to an object particle or an object marker because, it is usually comes after the
direct object of an action.

Ex. すしをたべます。


を it could also be used to indicates the place of movement, in addition to be in used as object
marker- in this usage it is used with verbs to describes motion. Ex. To walk, to fly, to cross, to
turn, and so on.

あるきます‐to walk とびます‐to fly

わたります‐to cross まがいます‐to turn

へ sounds え often refer as the direction particle because, it usually indicates a direction or



When the hiragana characters is part of a word it pronounce へ but when it use as a particle it
pronounce え.

へ also use for recipient of an action.

Ex. ともだちへでんわをかけました。
に often refer for the location particle or time particle because it’s mainly used to indicate a
location, time, time duration, movement or purpose.

Ex. Location particle in this に indicates existence. に often used with あります and います.

えきに けいさつさんがいます。

Along to the two main verb that express existence this particle is often used with certain verbs
such as すみます to live つとめます to work for.

Ex. ケンはロンドンにすんでいます。-ken lives in London.

ケンはぎんこうにつとめています.-ken works for a bank.



に is equivalent for in, at, and on in English.

Ex. 七時に at seven o’clock 月曜日に on Monday

に cannot follow relative time expressions

今日 today 今週 this week 来年 nextyear

で often refer as the location particle or means particle because, it’s mainly used to marks
locations, means of doing something, is made from, or a reason for something.

で as location particle-marks where an action takes place .

Ex. と今日で。会いましょう。



で it is equivalent to by, and with at English. It can also mark the material, something is made
from. It is also equivalent to with, from, or out of in english.

で is also used to mark the means of transportation.

Ex. 電車で by train バスで by bus

Instrument or tool to do something. Ex. 私はほうちょうでくだものをきります。

えいごでいってください。Please say it in English.

Something is made from is equivalent to with, from, or out of in English.

私は、木でテーブルをつくりました。I made a table out of wood.

で can’t be used with the verbs that express existence like アリマス、います、住んでいます、and
努めています The location for that verb has to be mark by に。

の often refer to as modifying particle because, we use it between two nouns, to indicates the
first noun and to modifies the second noun. One of the main of using の is showing possession.
It’s like the possessive or the word of in English.

Ex. あだちのペン。 たろうのはなしはうそです。



の this particle marks the category, origin, material or any attribute of the noun follows.

えいごのせんせい。 teacher of English

私の友達の名前はゆこうです。 My friend’s name is yuko.

と means and in English. Often refer to as connecting particle because, we use to connect two
or more elements. It can also use this particle to make a complete list of two or more nouns it
comes after every noun in the list except on the last one.

Ex. A and B Aと B A, B, and C A とBとC


Could I have hamburger, French fries, and a coke, please?

肉と魚が好きです。 - I like meat and fish.

と this particle also has a meaning of together or with it is used to show involvement that
action was than together with someone.

Ex. ジョンはようことえいがをみました。

John saw a movie together with yoko.


Tomorrow I’ll go on a date with minami.

か often refer to as the question particle because, it usually comes at the end of a sentence in
terms into it question. unlike questions and sentences in English when a statement became a
question in Japanese the word order stays the same.

Ex. ケンは日本人です。Ken is Japanese.

In question; ケンは日本人ですか。Is ken Japanese?

ケンは日本語ができます。 Ken can speak Japanese.

In question; ケンは日本語ができますか。Can ken speak Japanese?

In informal just add の at the end of sentences to make a question.

Ex. クミはえいごがわかるの。Does kumi understand English?

こにゃ、よていがありますか。 Do you have any plans tonight?

日本は初めてですか。Is this your first time in japan?

イタリりようりはおいしいですか? Is Italian food delicious?

か this particle can also indicate alternatives marker. it comes after choices. we often omit the
last ka it corresponds to or in English.

Ex. こうちゃかコーヒーがのみたいです。 I want to drink tea or coffee.

くるまかバイクでひろひろしまにいきたいです。I would like to go to hiroshima by car or bike.

こうちゃかりょくちゃかコーヒーがあります。 There is tea, green tea, or coffee.

も in this particle you can easily say “me too” or “so do I” this particle usually follows a noun
and means or also. It rephrases the particles は, が、and を。

Ex. たかしさんは、カナダ人です。 ケンさんもカナダじんです。

Takashi is Canadian. Ken is also Canadian.

これは、私のです。それも私のです。This is mine. That’s also mine.

Notice that in the second sentence we use も instead of は。

も you can also used this particle to emphasize the amount or the extent of something. You can
translate it as “as many as” or “as much as”.

Ex. ケンはかんじを 5,000 じもしつています。Ken knows as many as 5,000 kanji.

も this particle can also be use as the emphasis marker with elements other than numbers.

Ex. こどももけいたいでんわをもっています。Even children have their own cellphones.

から this particle called a starting point particle because, it tells you when or where something
begins. It means “from”.

Ex. さんじからミーテイングがあいます。There is a meeting from three.

ここからえきはちかいです。From here, the train station is closed.

から this particles also indicates materials. Also in this case you ca translate it as “from”.

Ex. ぶどうからワインをつくる。I make wine from grapes.

But, で also indicates the material something is made of or from.

The difference between them is から is only use when the material doesn’t appear to be in it’s
original state.

So when the material of nature is obvious we can use で。

But, when the product is a result of a complex process you can mark the material either with
で or から.

Ex. こめからおさけをつくります。I make sake from rice.

まで this particle marks the time or place an action ends. It’s also called the limitation particle.
It means until or to in English.

Ex. あしたまでまちます。I will wait until tomorrow.

駅までのあるきます。I walk to the station.

しけんははちじまでです。(lit.) the exam is until eight.

まで could also indicate the limit, extent, or in unexpected object. It means as far as, up to, or
even in English.

Ex. 魚が好きです。おねまでたべます。I like fish. I even eat bones.

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