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5. Assume you have been appointed as a consultant to Samsung.

Advice the board on the

potential way forward for the firm, outlining strategies the firm could use to mitigate the
impact of the various judgements.
If I am appointed as a consultant for Samsung. The advices that Samsung should consider on
a and take up some strategies to mitigate the impacts of judgements such as Samsung should
constantly check on the products of the rivals should be done with adhering the compliance
product code from time to time to predict on critical area in order to make adequate changes in
the technology that are distinctive from the competitor like Apple. Hence, this will reduce the
reputation and financial loss for Samsung. On the other hand, Samsung need to work on risk
mitigation strategies which is consist of avoidance, acceptance and reduction/control.
Avoidance approach is to establish policies and procedures that assist the organization to foresee and
avoid high-risk situations. For instance, testing or screening of products that may have a latent
defect which may lead to unwanted and unacceptably high field failures or copy pattern issues
is an option. Screening is not 100% effective yet may reduce the risk of field failures
sufficiently. Secondly, acceptance approach. Thirdly reduction/control approach it may be wise
to stop production and shipping when product failures or the product is any uncertainty that
will cost downfall to the company after testing is crucial, even one, has a major consequence.
Acting quickly and appropriately may reduce the exposure to more failures/adverse
consequences. A little forethought and work enable more options than just a major product
recall or bankruptcy filing. Samsung should be more careful with the patent issue that might
disrupt their products and loose the reputation from the stakeholders due to bridge of copyrights
act with Apple technology.

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