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Oas Community College

Oas, Albay


English for Academic Purposes

Name: _________________________________________________ Grade & Section:

Major:_________________________________________________ Date:___________Score:

A. For each statement below, choose what type of intelligence is manifested. Select
your answer from the list of multiple intelligences
below. Write the letters only.
a.Verbal/Linguistic f. Naturalistic
g. Body/Kinesthetic h.
b. Logical/mathematical c.
d. Interpersonal e.
________1. I enjoy playing brainteasers and logic puzzles.
________2. I enjoy team sports rather than individual sports.
________3. I am observant. I often see things that others miss.
________4. I enjoy participating in debates and/or discussions.
________5. I have a good understanding of my feelings and how I will react to situations.

________6. I notice similarities and differences in trees, flowers and other things in
________7. I can pick out different instruments when I listen to a piece of music.

________8. I can understand what others feel.

B. Read the following questions and encircle the letter of the correct
9. This is basically anything that can be used in a school or classroom. It
can include school books, newspapers, articles, textbooks and
anything that has been written by someone with experience in the
field. C. literature
A. Reaction paper
B. Academic text D. studies
10. An academic text, besides building knowledge,
contains__________________, often supported by a research of any kind or
an analysis which brings about a reflection or hypothesis in any
particular academic field, and which then can be turned into a reliable
source. C. specific knowledge
A. Specific information
B. Experience D. structure
11. An academic text has the following features, except one. What
is it?
A. Text structure C. purpose
B. Perspective D. reaction
12. Academic texts are structured in different ______________.
A. Purpose C. aim
B. Goal D. subject
13. This type of text structure features a detailed description of
something to give the reader a mental picture
A. Cause and effect C. Process/procedure
B. Description D. sequence pattern
14. This structure presents the causal relationship between an
specific event, idea, or concept and the events, ideas, or concept that follow.
A. Cause and effect C. Process/procedure
B. Comparison and contrast D. sequence pattern
15. This type of structure sets up a problem or problems, explains
the solution, and then discusses the effects of the solution.
A. Cause and effect C. problem and solution
B. Comparison and contrast D. sequence pattern
16. This text structure gives readers a chronological of events or a
list of steps in a procedure.
A. Cause and effect C. problem and solution
B. Comparison and contrast D. sequence pattern
17. It is the framework around which you construct in academic
A. Structure C. style
B. Content D. language
18. It refers to the subject, idea, or topic you are going to discuss or
focused on in academic writing.
A. Structure C. style
B. Content D. language
19. It refers to the approaches on how you are going to organize
academic writing.
A. Structure C. style
B. Content D. language
20. It can be Filipino, English or mother tongue specifics that you
can employ in academic writing which will depend on the readers.
A. Structure C. style
B. Content D. language
21. It is a type of writing that is based on analysis. It is the process
of breaking down ideas to increase the reader’s understanding.
A. Writing a Review C. writing a diary entry
B. Academic writing D. writing a reaction paper
22. The following are the different purposes in writing an academic
text, except one. What is it?
A. To provide a solution to a problem
B. To persuade reader to accept a point of view
C. To report a fact that has been taken from reliable source
D. To show one’s skill in writing
23. Which of the following statements implies the importance of
academic writing?
A. Academic writing aims to communicate
B. Academic writing aims to influence other’s thought
C. Academic writing develops skills in evaluating, analyzing,
criticizing, comparing and synthesizing
D. All of the above
24. ________________ will improve communication skills and this will
benefit college students after graduation in their field of expertise or
chosen profession.
A. Writing a Review C. writing a diary entry
B. Academic writing D. writing a reaction paper
25. It is a technique of reducing the length of a text but retaining
the main points.
A. Outlining C. Summarizing
B. Paraphrasing D. Citing sources
26. It is a technique of rewriting a text so that the language is
substantially different while the content stays the same.
A. Outlining C. Summarizing
B. Paraphrasing D. Citing sources
27. It presents a picture of the main idea and the supporting ideas
of any subject.,
A. Outlining C. Summarizing
B. Paraphrasing D. Citing sources
28. What are the elements of effective paraphrasing?
A. Has a different structure to organize
B. Has many different vocabularies
C. Retains the same meaning
D. All of the above
29. It is an intellectual crime that is mostly commited by writers.
A. Intellectual property theft C. plagiarism
B. Counterfeit D. fraud
30. How is plagiarism commited?
A. By taking ideas or words from a source and acknowledging the
source of information
B. By taking ideas or words of others without acknowledging its
C. By summaring, paraphrasing and outlining
D. By citing the source of information
31. Which of the following is not a reason to avoid plagiarism?
A. Copying the work of others will nog help you develop your own
B. Plagiarism may lead to failing a course.
C. Plagiarism is not an intellectual crime.
D. Plagiarism is easily detected by teachers and computer
32. What are the degrees of Plagiarism?
A. Technical plagiarism C. General or Common
B. Self-Plagiarism D. All of the above
33. It is a specific detail that can be proven as true based on an
objective evidence.
A. Fact C. Opinion
B. Argument D. proposition
34. It is an expression of feeling, judgment, belief, or conclusion
that cannot be proven true by an objective evidence.
A. Fact C. Opinion
B. Argument D. proposition

C. Write FACT if the sentence states a fact and OPINION if the sentence

states an opinion. Write the answer on the blank provided.

35. Exercise is the only sure way to lose weight
36. Alexander the Great is one of the military leaders in world
history. ___________________
37. Babies generally start to talk between 18 and 24 months of
age. ___________________
38. Italian is an easier language to learn than Spanish.

A. Increased awareness of the dangers of a high fat diet have led to a rise in
the sale of fresh vegetables in the local supermarkets (Chen, 1997, p.62).

B. According to Chen (1997), Increased awareness of the dangers of a high

fat diet have led to a rise in the sale of fresh
39. From the box above, which of the sentences is using an integral way of citing
A. AC. A and B
B. BD. none of the above
40. From the box above, which of the sentences is using a non-
integral way of citing sources?
A. A C. A and B
B. B D. none of the above
41. It is an exact duplication of the author’s words as they appear in
C. Quotation
original source. A.
B. Paraphrasing D. Summarizing
42. It is an integral and non-integral way of citing the source.
A. Reporting C. Quotation
B. Paraphrasing D. Summarizing
D. Identify the forms of citation used for the following passage.
Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains. Many a man believes
himself to be the master of others who is no less than they, a slave.
How did this change take place? I do not know. What can make it
legitimate? To this question I hope to be able to furnish an answer.
(Rousseau 57)
43. In an essay examining the relationship of humanity and society,
Rousseau asserts that “man is born free, and everywhere he is in
chains” (Rousseau 57).
A. Paraphrase C. Quotation
B. Summary D. Reporting
44. Rousseau suggests that, although they come into the world
uninhibited, human beings find themselves universally oppressed.
(Rousseau 57)
A. Paraphrase C. Quotation
B. Summary D. Reporting
45. In his essay, “The Origin of Civil Society,” Rousseau questions
his observations of humanity, which indicate that a person’s free
nature and his or her actual social status are in conflict.
A. Paraphrase C. Quotation
B. Summary D. Reporting
46. When you use the work of another writer, you must provide
documentation in all of the following cases EXCEPT when
A. You replicate the exact words of the author, within quotation
B. You use the exact ideas of the writer but change the wording
C. You write your thoughts or reflections after reading the author’s
D. You use the writer’s organizational plan or examples
E. Below is an example of a reference using the Harvard System (APA Style).
Answer the next questions. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

Borg, Erik (2003). 'Discourse Community', English Language Teaching (ELT)

Journal, 57, 4, pp. 398–400
47. What part of APA format are the encircled word or words?
A. Name of the authorc. Title of the Book or article
B. Name of the Publisherd. Page Number
48. What part of APA format are words in the box?
A. Name of the authorc. Title of the Book or article
B. Name of the Publisherd. Page Number

F. Write Reaction if the statement states the purpose/form of a reaction paper and
write Diary if the statement states the purpose/form of a
Diary Entry.
49. It reflects on one’s experiences
50. It helps readers process their own experiences
51. It identifies significant events in one’s own life
52. It informs and amuses readers
53. It is often used the rhetorical devices of description and
Narration to prove a point ____________________
54. It does not endeavor to persuade others to understand

G. Match Column A with Column B. Write the letter on the blanks

Column A Column B
_____55. It examines how sexual identity influences the creation
And reception of literary works. A.
Biographical criticism
_____56. It examines the literary work through its structure,
content, mechanics, style and language used. B.
Feminist Criticism
_____57. It begins with the simple but central insight that is written
by actual people. C. Gender
_____58. It examines literature in the cultural, economic, and
political context D. Historical
_____59. It implies the recurrent universal pattern, underlying most
literary works. E.
Sociological Criticism
_____60. It is concerned with the impact of gender on writing and
and reading. F. Formalist
G. Mythological

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