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1.- Look at the picture. Write a, an, or some.

- Some meet.
- A chocolate.
- A melón
- An Apple.
- Some bread.
- An orange.
- Some potatoes.
- Some tomatoes.

2.- Complete the conversation with a, an, some, or any.

A.- What´s for lunch? Is there any pasta?
B.- No, there isn´t any pasta. But there´s some rice in the cupboard.
A.- Good. And do we have some meat or fish?
B.- Yes, we have some chicken and some fish.
There´s a green pepper and an onion, too, but there isn´t any salad.
A.- No problem. We can buy some salad at the market.

3.- Make sentences. Add a, an, some, or any.

a.- There isn´t any cheese on this pizza.
b.- Do you have any tomatoes?
c.- There is some milk in the fridge.
d.- We don´t have any yogurt.
e.- There are some mushrooms in the shopping bag.
f.- Is there any wáter?

4.- Complete the questions with How much or How many.

a.- How many cups of coffee do you drink every day?
b.- How much sugar do you put in your coffee?
c.- How much time do you spend online every day?
d.- How many e-mails do you send every day?
e.- How many rooms are there in your home?
f.- How much water do you drink every day?
g.- How many brothers and sisters do you have?
h.- How many jewelry do you wear?

5.- Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

a.- There isn´t much cheese in the fridge.
b.- I drink a little of tea every day.
c.- My friends don´t send me many messages.
d.- I don´t take much sugar in my tea.
e.- It´s good to eat lots of fish every week.
f.- I have lots of cousins.
g.- Do your children eat a lot of fruit?
h.- I drink a few glasses of milk every day.

6.- Look at the picture and complete the sentences with quantifiers.
a.- There are lots of cups.
b.- There isn´t much cake.
c.- There are a few bottles of water.
d.- There´s a lot of pizza.
e.- There aren´t many potato chips.
f.- There´s a little salad.

7.- PDF
A.- What is the email about?
= Option B: A place Tory and Farah can visit together at the weekend.

B.- Are the sentences true or false

- Farah is arriving tomorrow. FALSE
- Tory looked on the internet for information about places to visit. TRUE
- Harewood House has a lot of things you can see and do. TRUE
- There are only things to see inside the house. FALSE
- Tory booked the tickets for Harewood House. FALSE

C.- Choose the correct options to complete the sentences.

-. Harewood House is = A. Close to Tory´s house.
-. In the house, you can see things from = B. A lot of different countries.
-. Some wallpaper in the house is = B. Chinese.
-. In the house, you can also see = A. Paintings.
-. The gardens at Harewood House are = B. Big.

8.- PDF
A.- Read the hotel website quickly. Tick the four types of information that
are on the website
-. Different types of rooms at the hotel
-. A special guest who stayed at the hotel
-. Meals
-. Public transport

B.- Are the sentences true or false?

-. The first week in July is fully booked. TRUE
-. A single room costs 30 euros. FALSE
-. You can see the sea from the hotel. FALSE
-. A famous artist was born in the hotel. FALSE
-. There is a bathroom in every bedroom. TRUE
-. You have to pay extra for breakfast. FALSE
-. You can eat all meals at the hotel. TRUE
-. There is free internet connection at the hotel. TRUE
-. The bus stop is 10 minutes walk from the hotel. FALSE
-. The staff are friendly. TRUE

C.- Match the words with the definitions.

-. En suite = a room with a bathroom
-. Check-in = when you arrive at the hotel and get your room key
-. Fully booked = no rooms available
-. Daily = every day

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