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Santiago Rafael Garcia Valerio

Mr. Escoto

Grammar B408

07 June 2019

My best experience

This story is going to be about my best experience in my life. I was 15 years old, and I

had already finished Access Program. After I finished the program, I did not know what to do,

but my godmother told me about a scholarship to be in an exchange program. As soon as I knew

about that opportunity, I started to collect and look for all the requirements. I used to have all my

documents in order, so it was easy to find them. Then I had to send all my documents and two

recommendation letters. I had asked those letters to my teachers from Access Program, so the

letters were in English. Two weeks later I got a call from the U. S Embassy; they were calling to

make an appointment with me. One week later I was going to Managua, but I had been

practicing before the interview. Fortunately the interview was in Spanish; I was very nervous,

and the air conditioned was very cold. I did not what was going to happen there. Finally I passed

in to the interview, and now I can say that it was very easy. After three weeks they called me

again; I had gotten the scholarship. I was very happy and excited. I got the Central America

Youth Ambassador Scholarship. I went to the USA for three weeks. My first week was in

Washington D. C. I met people from all Central America and some from South America. I

visited the Mall and the Smithsonian Museums. We were going to have a picture in the

Capitolio, but it was having some repairs, so the picture was not good. At least we had a picture

with Mike Pompeo because we went to the Department of State. We spent our second week in
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Michigan. A storm had already started in Washington when we got to Michigan. I was staying

with a host family. It was a very kind family, I felt very comfortable with them. I had already

been in a cold place, but Michigan is much colder. Our third week was in Florida. Florida was

not cold at old, but I got sick the last week. I was sad because of that. My host family in Florida

took care of me, so I was sick like 4 days. I did a lot of activities with my family and friends

from the group. The last day had arrived, and we were very sad. We had a last dinner in a very

elegant restaurant in Miami, and the coordinator gave us a certificate. Those were my best days

ever. I have applied to another scholarship, but I did not get it. I will try again this year.

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