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B: 2,4,1,3 A: 1,3,4,2

A-B: 2-1, 1-1, 1-2, 2-1

1: no, I’ve never visited a contry but would like to travel abroad
as the city of mexico and their culture
2: the best place to visit is the of caral for it’s archaological
3: my most dangerrous experience is to entera n abandored
house where there were seizures.
4: the natural landscape that I have seen is the amazonas river
because it has a variety of forests and turbid waters
5: I always had to travel twice a year to the city of Huancayo
when the to university classed end
6: no, because i had to sabe money top lay for collage
2: I would like to see the jungle of the city of pucalpa because it
has a variety of plants animals and fish
3: yes, because the high mountains you can see the whole
natural landescape and breathe fresh air.
4: the problema in the most terrible trip was to stand three
hours on the bus for the huaico in Chosica.

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