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Money, in the form of pay or some other sort of remuneration, is the most obvious
extrinsic reward. Money provides the carrot that most people want. The lack of money can cause
dissatisfaction; its provision does not result in lasting satisfaction.

Money may in itself have no intrinsic meaning, but it acquires significant motivating
power because it comes to symbolize so many intangible goals. It acts as a symbol in different
ways for different people, and for the same person, at different times. Money can provide
positive motivation in the right circumstances, not only because people need and want money but
also because it serves as a highly tangible means of recognition. (Michael Armstrong, 2009).

Basic pay is a fixed amount of salary that an employee is eligible for in return of the work
he/she does. It does not include benefits, bonuses, or any other potential form of compensation
from the employer (, 2017).

Having a good base pay will make the worker carry out his/her duties better for the
institution he/she works for. The higher the base pay is, the more the worker is stimulated to
his/her duties. The base pay forms the groundwork for the total remuneration that an employee

There have also been studies that the salary does not affect the satisfaction of employees.
If the management wants an engaged workforce, money is not clearly an answer. In fact, if the
management wants employees to be happy with their pay, money is not the answer. In summary,
money does not buy engagement (Thomas Chamorro-Prezumic, 2013).

There have also been cases of a group of teachers protesting about their salary. For one
instance, on November 14, 2015, Teachers protests about their “meager” salary increase wherein
they wore black shirts to signify their dismay over the “meager” salary increase. A mere 24
pesos in additional finances a day for the ordinary public school teacher is not enough to justify
the daily hardships a teacher goes through (, 2015)

There are another news about teachers protesting about their salary is from California
wherein on April 6, 2017, 200 teachers filed in Santa Barbara Unified School District’s board of
education about having no salary increase for the year. The teachers who are compacting their
tightly knit budget for their daily living are pressing a file against the Board of Directors of Santa
Barbara School because of low or small salary (, 2017).

There will surely be an effect on the attitude, and productivity of teachers based on their
salary. Their salary will be the determinant on how the employee behaves on both their
workplace and on their life.

Statement of the Problem

The study aims to find out the impacts of salary on the attitude and productivity of
teachers of the Senior High School Department at Sacred Heart College.

In this research, the researchers seek to find the answers in the following questions:

1) What is the demographic profile of the teachers of the Senior High School Department at
Sacred Heart College in terms of:
A) Age
B) Sex
C) Salary Range
2) What are the effects of Salary in terms of:
A) Attitude
B) Productivity

Significance of the Study

This study entitled “Impact of Salary on the Attitude and Productivity of the Senior High
School Teachers at Sacred Heart College” will be beneficial to teachers not only on the said
department but it may be beneficial to other departments such as the IBED and the HED.
Furthermore, this study will also be beneficial to the following:

Teachers. So that they can broaden their knowledge with regards to the impact of salary to their
own attitude and productivity and they may have the insight on the necessary adjustments they
may need to take.

Students. So that they will know why their teacher’s salary will affect their own teacher’s
attitude and productivity and they may grasp why their teachers act the way they act.

Human Resources. So that they will know how important is salary to the attitude and
productivity of their employees and they may take action on it.

Future Researchers. So that they will have a reference data in conducting new researches or in
testing the validity of other findings. They may also have a foundation to start another study.

Conceptual Paradigm


▪ Infographic
▪Demographic campaign that
profile of the ▪Distributing provides insight of
respondents Survey how important is
▪Time ▪Analysis of data salary to the
▪Financial attitude and
Resources productivity of
their employees

Figure 1. The Impact of Salary on the Attitude and Productivity of the Senior High School
Teachers at Sacred Heart College

The researchers used the Input-Process-Output model to show the flow of the research.

This model is suitable since it shows the flow of the study and it identifies the various variables.

This model guided the researchers in analyzing about the said research.

As illustrated in the paradigm, the input of the study included the demographic profile of

the respondents, time, and financial resources that is used upon conducting the research. The

process variables includeds the distributinf of surveys/ questionnaires to the respondents, and

analysis of data after counducting the survey. Finally, the output of the research is an infographic

campaign that provides insight of how important is salary to the attitude and productivity of their


Scope and Limitation

This study focuses on the assessment of the impact of salaries on the attitude and
productivity of the Senior High School teachers in Sacred Heart College in terms on the
workplace only.

The main limitations are expressed as follows: the first limitation concerns the attitude
towards the amount of salary received which can pertain to a different perspective of the
respondents that affects the attitude and productivity of teachers. Second, as a teacher, a key
component to workplace ethics and behaviour is integrity, or being honest and doing the right
thing at all times. To possess a high degree of integrity is a must, as those who manage and work
primarily with money. Third is their workplace flexibility in the environment that they are
working in. As a teacher or an employee, Individuals should make arrangements about working
conditions that suit them. This helps employees maintain a work/life balance and can help
employers improve the productivity and efficiency of their job. Somehow the thoughts are
always aimed to the salary of their job which causes other individuals to resign and apply to
another institute.

The research allots at least 10 respondents which are the Senior High School teachers at
Sacred Heart College.

Definition of Terms

Attitude. A settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or something, typically one that is
reflected in a person's behavior. In the researcher’s study it refers to the way Senior High School
Teachers think or feels about their work.

Extrinsic Reward. An award that is tangible or physically given to you for accomplishing

something. In the researcher’s study it refers to the tangible rewards that are given to the Senior

High School Teachers when they accomplish something.

Intrinsic Reward. The reward is intrinsic to the person doing the activity or behavior. In the

researcher’s study it refers to the intangible rewards that are given to the Senior High School

Teachers when they accomplish something.

Productivity. The effectiveness of productive effort, especially in industry, as measured in terms

of the rate of output per unit of input. In the researcher’s study it refers to the rate that the Senior

High School Teachers can accomplish their work.

Psychological. Affecting, or arising in the mind, related to the mental and emotional state of a

person In the researcher’s study it refers to the emotional and mental state of Senior High School

Teachers regarding with their salary.

Salary. A fixed regular payment, typically paid on a monthly or biweekly basis but often

expressed as an annual sum, made by an employer to an employee, In the researcher’s study it

refers to the payment received by the Senior High School Teachers

Senior High School Teachers. A person who teaches, especially in a school. In the researcher’s

study it refers to the Senior High School Teachers (grades 11–12) in Sacred Heart College.



This chapter discusses the review of related literature and related studies lifted from

clippings, articles, encyclopedia, books, thesis, and Internet.

Related Literature

One of the main purposes of jobs is to get the pay or the salary. According to Serrano
(2016), how employees are rewarded is vital to the long term success of an organization.
Employees that are awarded handsomely are credited to do better at their jobs. Such pays are
also vital to the employees’ workplace personality which comprises of their attitude and
productivity in the workplace. The Big Five Personalities that are common in workplaces are as

Conscientiousness refers to the number of goals on which a person focuses. Employees who
focus on few goals are organized, systematic, punctual, achievement oriented, and dependable.

Agreeableness is the person’s ability to get along with others. This causes a person to be nice,
tolerant, sensitive, trusting, kind, and warm.

Neuroticism refers to the degree to which a person is anxious, irritable, aggressive,

temperamental, and moody. People with this personality are likely to have emotional adjustment
problems and experience stress and depression on a habitual basis.

Openness mirrors a person’s rigidity of beliefs and range of interests. These people are original,
intellectual, creative, and open to new ideas.

Extraversion reflects an individual’s comfort level with relationships. People high in the
personality are called extroverts. Extroverts tend to be outgoing, talkative, and sociable.

A person’s attitude is a persistent mental state of readiness to feel and behave in a

favorable or unfavorable manner about a particular person, object, or idea. According to Flores
(2016), three significant conclusions arise from the definition above and these are:

Attitudes are stable. Without strong reasons to change attitudes, the attitudes of people will
remain the same.

Attitudes are directed towards some person, object, or ideas. People could have specific yet
differing attitudes say on their jobs, about their immediate supervisors or on an idea presented by
a friend.

An attitude on an object or a person relates to an individual’s behaviors towards that object or

person. The attitudes of people may influence their actions. People may behave in ways
consistent to their actions.

Money is a powerful motivator to an employee. A person awarded for high performance

will most likely find the job he/she is currently working satisfying and in return, their attitude
and productivity will shoot up. According to Yip et al. (2010), money can have a powerful effect
on job satisfaction regardless of how important money is to that person. It may lead to high
motivation levels of the employee or a disastrous motivational level of the employee.

According to an article credited to Rynes, Gerhart, and Minnete (2014). They said that
money is not the only motivator and it is not the primary motivator for everyone. However, there
is overwhelming evidence that money is an important motivator for most people.

Furthermore, according to an article made by Kazim Ladimeji (2015), while it’s clear that
pay can affect motivation and that employers should endeavor to build effective compensation
strategies, it’s also clear that employers need to pay attention to intrinsic rewards if they want to
optimize motivation levels among their workers.

An employees’ purpose is to serve the company he/she works for. Employees should give
their best in order to be rewarded handsomely. According to Faller, (2015), employees
should not work only because of salary fringe benefits and other incentives; instead they should
also be willing to serve. They postulated that people in a workplace are motivated to perform by
their desire to satisfy a set of internal needs.

In the Philippine setting, according to Anlacan Jr. (2013), Filipino companies tend to give
employees far more leeway to avoid getting fired. This often leads to less productivity, although

there are also many advantages to being more conservative in this aspect, it is widely believed
that being less willing to terminate workers would encourage more loyalty.

Related Studies

According to a study of Belfield and Heywood (2008), they found that merit pay or pays
according to the worker’s productivity leads to negative satisfaction, both in general and with
regards to salaries and teaching.

According to a study of Huma Bilal (2012), there is a positive and significant relationship
between job satisfaction of university teachers’ and working condition and compensation
practice. The results of his study were positive but due to certain limitations, for example is the
certain characteristics of developing countries, social setup, and life patterns wherein people in
his country, which is Pakistan, has lower expectations in terms of facilities and resources which
results in lower significance as compared to developed countries which is like America.

According to Mark Gius (2014), most teachers believe that merit pay, with its emphasis
on testing and annual assessments discourage cooperation and create few incentives to be
creative in the classroom. In addition, teachers believe that they are being unfairly treated
because the influences of other agents in the educational process, which are the parent, students,
and other teachers, are ignored; all of the blame for the failure of the student is placed squarely
on the teacher.

A study conducted by Zeng (2016) shows that providing living wages that allow
employees to lead a decent standard of living is part of a positive exchange between employers
and employees benefitting both groups.



This chapter shows the methods and procedures conducted by the researchers in the study.

Research design, research locale, research population and subject of the study were included in

here. The data gathering instruments and statistical procedures used in the study was also

included here in this chapter.

Research Design

The study uses a survey and questionnaire to gather the relevant information to fulfill the

purpose of the study were subsumed in the descriptive method used by the researchers. It aims

to acknowledge the impact of Salary on the Attitude and Productivity of Senior High School

Teachers of Sacred Heart College.

Research Locale
The researchers conducted their study inside Sacred Heart College, Lucena City. The
selected teachers of the Senior High School Department of Sacred Heart College, Lucena City
will be the respondents.
Sacred Heart College is the oldest Catholic institution for men and women in Quezon
Province. It was founded on April 27, 1884. The school had its roots in the vision of a simple and
saintly woman named Hermana Fausta Labrador who, at the age of 26, opened a Charity School
to form the youth according to the ideals of the Catholic faith.
Furthermore, the study was done in this location because it is easier for the researchers to
establish contact with the respondents for they are their teachers. They are also the most qualified
respondents for conducting the study.

Population and Sample

The study was conducted inside Sacred Heart College, Lucena City since they have the
qualities of a teacher in providing the data needed in the study.
The criteria for selecting the 10 respondents were:
(1) Male and Female
(2) 20 years old and above
(3) Graduate of BSED or any similar courses with teaching proficiencies
(4) Willing to participate

Research Instrument
The tool used in gathering the information needed in the study was an interview

questionnaire which was formulated by the researchers based on the impacts of pay to the work

attitude and work productivity of employees.

The interview questionnaire is composed of two parts. The first part deals with the

demographic profile of the respondents, which includes the gender, age, and pay grade range.

The second part of the questionnaire is the questions that needs to be answered which includes

impacts of pay to the (A) Workplace Productivity, and (B) Workplace Attitude.

Data Gathering Procedures

The researchers provided an interview guide questionnaire in order to obtain the primary
data needed in the study. After providing a questionnaire, it will be consulted to the research
adviser to give comments and other recommendations for the development of the instrument.

Subsequently, the researchers will conduct the study after the validation and finalization
of the questionnaire. The researchers will then do the utilization of the sets of questionnaire
through giving out the survey questionnaires to the respondents in order to get the data needed.

After receiving back the survey questionnaires, the data collected will be tailed, tabulated,
and interpreted in order to arrive at the findings, conclusions, and recommendations that will be
discussed in the succeeding chapters.

Statistical Treatment

The researchers used the Percentage formula to answer the demographic formula of the

respondents and the sub-problem number one and Weighted Arithmetic Mean formula to answer

the problem number two and its sub-problems.

P= f
x 100


P= Percent

f= frequency

n= total number of respondents

Weighted Arithmetic Mean(WAM)

∑ fw
WAM= Weighted Arithmetic Mean
∑ = Summation of the product of the frequency and weight
N = Number of response per item

For the interpretation of the responses, the four-point scale indicated below will be used:

Range of Weighted Mean Verbal Description

3.26 - 4.00 Strongly Agree(SA)

2.51 - 3.25 Agree(A)

1.76 - 2.50 Disagree(D)

1.00 - 1.75 Strongly Disagree(SD)




In this chapter, the gathered data were presented, analyzed, and interpreted. It presents

the data gathered through the questionnaires and intended to answer the various questions in this


I. Demographic Profile



40% 20 years old to 24 years old

25 years old to 29 years old
30 years old to 34 years old
35 years old and above


Figure 1 shows the age of the respondents. It shows that 40% of the respondents are 20

years old to 24 years old while 20% of the respondents are 25 years old to 29 years old. The

respondents with the age 30 years old to 34 years old and 35 years old and above both have 20%.


50% 50%

Figure 2 shows the sex of the respondents. It shows that 50% of the respondents are male

and the other 50% are female respondents.

Salary per month


Php 5,000- 9,999

10% Php 10,000 - 14,999
Php 15,000 - 19,999
Php 20,000 and above

Figure 3 shows the monthly salary of the respondents. 70% of the respondents receive a

salary ranging from 10,000 to 14,999 while the 20% of the respondents receive a salary of

20,000 and above. The remaining 10% of the respondents receive a salary of 15,000 to 19,999.

II. Effects of Salary on the workplace attitude and productivity

A. Workplace Attitude 4 3 2 1 WAM Verbal Rank


1. I feel motivated to do my work based 1 7 2 0 2.90 Agree(A) 4

on my monthly salary.

2. I am inspired to use more teaching aids 3 5 1 1 3 Agree(A) 3

rather than just speaking in front of the

3. I am in good terms with my co- 4 5 1 0 3.30 Strongly 1

teachers. Agree(SA)

4. I am in good terms with my students. 2 7 1 0 3.10 Agree(A) 2

5. I am more patient with my students in 3 4 3 0 3 Agree(A) 3

terms of their attitude inside the

The table above shows data from respondents about the impact of salary towards attitude.

The respondents strongly agree that they are in good terms with their co-teachers. Most of them

agree that they are more motivated to do their work with regards of their monthly salary. Also

the respondents agree that it is better to use teaching aids rather than just speaking in front of the

class. Same as the two they agree that they are more patient with their students’ attitude and the

respondents are in good terms with their students.


B. Workplace Productivity 4 3 2 1 WAM Verbal Rank


1. I accomplish my duties as a teacher efficiently 2 5 3 0 2.90 Agree(A) 3

based on the salary I receive.

2. I am more effective in teaching my students 2 7 1 0 3.10 Agree(A) 1

based on the salary I receive.

3. I am more efficient in teaching my students 1 8 1 0 3 Agree(A) 2

based on the salary I receive.

4. I often feel sluggish in teaching my students 0 2 7 1 2.10 Disagree(D) 5

because of the salary I receive.

5. I can’t meet the objectives of my syllabus 1 2 5 2 2.20 Disagree(D) 4

based on my salary.

The table above shows that the respondents agree that they accomplish their duties as a

teacher efficiently based on the salary they receive; they also agree that they are more effective

in teaching their students based on the salary they receive. They also agree that they are efficient

in teaching their students based on the salary they receive. Most of them disagree that they feel

sluggish in teaching their students because of the salary they receive, and they also disagree that

they cannot meet the objectives of their syllabus based on their salary.



This chapter deals with the summary of finding, conclusions, and recommendations

based on data gathered, presented, analyzed, and interpreted in the previous chapter. These are

based on the sub-problems set by the researchers regarding the study.

Summary of Findings

Based on the analysis made on the data gathered, the following findings are derived:

 Most of the respondents are 20 – 24 years old. This means that most teachers that

responded to our study are newly graduates. This could also account to the low level

salary range because typically new graduates starts as a low earning professional and

tends to work their way up as they grow older.

 The effect of salary to most teachers’ attitude is positive. They feel motivated to do their

own duties as a teacher. They are seemingly inspired if they knew that they are ought to

receive a higher form of remuneration. Most of our respondents have good ties with other

teachers. This shows that teachers also value their connections with other teachers. They

can also use their own salary as a way to create more teaching aids that will easily

explain the topics that they are discussing. This means that a part of a teacher’s salary is

used for the benefit of their own students.



Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions are made:

 The effect of salary to most teachers’ productivity is mostly positive. They are effective

and efficient in accomplishing their duties as a teacher in the workplace. This means that

teachers are always on schedule and they perform their duties well as a working

professional. They also perform their job better when they receive their salary. They

disagree that they feel sluggish in teaching their students based on their salary wages and

in some times they cannot meet the objectives of their own syllabus. This means that

salary really has an impact to the productivity of teachers on teaching their students.

 The researchers also concluded that there really is an impact to teachers’ attitude and

productivity based on the salary they receive. The impact to them may be positive or

negative; nonetheless they are performing their duties well.


Based on the conclusions made, the following recommendations are offered:

 Since most of the teachers were 20-24 yrs. old. The researchers recommend to survey

teachers who have more teaching experience.

 Since the total population of the research is only 10. The researchers recommend the

future researcher to gather data on a much larger scale, namely gathering data from

different schools and different departments.


 Since the set of questions are only limited to A. & B. which is consist of 5 questions each.

The researchers recommend to give additional question that will further deepen the

knowledge of understand about the topic.



 Serrano, Angelita; Flores Marivic (2016) Management of Human Behavior in an


 Faller (2012) Human Behavior in Organization

 Ladimeji, Kazim (June 24, 2015)

 (2017)

 Faller (November 1, 2015)

 Prezumic, Tomas Chamorro (April 10, 2013)


 Leddy, Chuck (October 29, 2013)

 Smith, Jacquelyn (November 10, 2013)

 Rynes, Sara; Gerhart, Barry; Minette, Kathleen (2014)

 Yip, Peter; Goldman, Anat; Martin, Andrea (2010)

 Bryson, Alex; Buraimo, Babatunde; Simmons, Rob (October 12, 2010)

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