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A teacher is like Spring,

Who nurtures new green sprouts,
Encourages and leads them,
Whenever they have doubts.A teacher is like Summer,
Whose sunny temperament
Makes studying a pleasure,
Preventing discontent.A teacher is like Fall,
With methods crisp and clear,
Lessons of bright colors
And a happy atmosphere.A teacher is like Winter,
While it’s snowing hard outside,
Keeping students comfortable,
As a warm and helpful guide.Teacher, you do all these things,
With a pleasant attitude.
You’re a teacher for all seasons,
And you have my gratitude!

6. You Are:
T – Talented
E – Elegant
A – Awesome
C – Charming
H – Helpful
E – Efficient
R – Receptive

7. Be A Candle
Be A Light
Be A Twinkle
Be A Hope
Be An Inspiration
Be A Great Teacher Forever!
Just the way you are to me.

13. Rarely does someone

get to influence a person’s life
in a positive way
for a lifetime,
as a teacher can,
fostering optimism and confidence,
providing knowledge that leads to success,
and being a good role model,
as you have,
and you are,
and you will
I’ll remember you always.
Thank you.

A Teacher for All Seasons

A teacher is like Spring,

Who nurtures new green sprouts,
Encourages and leads them,
Whenever they have doubts.

A teacher is like Summer,

Whose sunny temperament
Makes studying a pleasure,
Preventing discontent.

A teacher is like Fall,

With methods crisp and clear,
Lessons of bright colors
And a happy atmosphere.

A teacher is like Winter,

While it's snowing hard outside,
Keeping students comfortable,
As a warm and helpful guide.

Teacher, you do all these things,

With a pleasant attitude;
You're a teacher for all seasons,
And you have my gratitude!

By Joanna Fuchs

If I Could Teach You, Teacher

If I could teach you, teacher,

I'd teach you how much more
you have accomplished
than you think you have.
I'd show you the seeds
you planted years ago
that are now coming into bloom.
I'd reveal to you the young minds
that have expanded under your care,
the hearts that are serving others
because they had you as a role model.
If I could teach you, teacher,
I'd show you the positive effect
you have had on me and my life.
Your homework is
to know your value to the world,
to acknowledge it, to believe it.
Thank you, teacher.

By Joanna Fuchs


Students Like You

With students like you, teaching is easy

I look forward to each day;
Your wondering minds keep me on my toes;
You make teaching more like play.

Students like you make teaching rewarding;

When I go home, I'm content;
You pay attention, you learn—giving me
A sense of accomplishment.

Thank you for being the way you are,

For making my job so much fun.
I'll remember how good you made me feel,
Even when my teaching is done.

By Joanna Fuchs

Teacher Prayer

Dear Lord, bless these teachers mightily

as they seek to teach, enrich and guide
Your precious children.
Grant them abundant resources to do their job,
intelligence, wisdom, sensitivity, kindness,
and the material things that make it possible
to turn some of these tender green plants
into the strong, stable trees that will lead our nation,
to transform some of these buds into brilliant flowers
that will bring light, color and happiness
to all who encounter them,
and to give every one of them the tools
to be creative, and productive and to develop
their own kind of success in the world.
Lord, wrap Your loving arms around these teachers
who give so much of themselves to grow our youth
into creative, responsible adults.
We pray that You will immerse them
in your boundless, transcendent love.
We pray that You will strengthen and soothe them
when they have given so much of themselves
that they need Your extra attention, Your extra care.
We love, respect and admire these teachers, Lord
and we pray that you will watch over them always--
these special people who hold our children
and our future in their hands.

By Joanna Fuchs

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