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Name: Jarrie L.

Acop Date: 10/29/17 Score: ____________________

SMPFC Technical Examination Test

1. Provide the step by step procedure to configure the aventail application.

 Connect the unit to the Internet, make sure the proxy will be turned-off
 Open Aventail then click Next
 Enter the server address to
 Wait the server address to respond
 Choose the connection type depending on what the user is currently using. If the
user uses a RSA Soft Token or the Hard Token, choose the SMC RSA. If the user
uses a direct login that RSA will be not needed, choose the SMC HOC.
 Click Next
 Login the aventail account. If the user is a HOC type, he/she can login directly to
the Aventail. If the user is a RSA type, he/she need to put the RSA code next to
the pin and login.
 Wait until the program connects. You will receive a notification at the toolbar if
the Aventail is already connected to the SMG server.

2. Provide the step by step procedure to configure local email address.

 Make sure that the unit has been connected to the SMG server. To check that,
ping smpfclnms01. If not, try to check the IP Address, the network, and update
the host and services file located at C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc
 Open Lotus Notes, then click next
 On the user info, type either the whole name of the user (the first letter should
be capitalize. Middle initial must be typed as well) or type the AD username of
the user (contains first letter of the name then followed by the family name). On
the domain server, it must be type as smpfclnms01, and then click Next.
 Scenario 1: If the user’s name or his AD was not found on the server, it will
require putting the ID file on it. Click the Browse button and search the ID file.
After selecting the ID file it will now ask for the password of the email. Put the
password on it then click OK.
 Scenario 2: If the user’s name was found on the system. The password box will
be pop-up. Enter the password then click OK.
 When the third window pop-up, just click Finish. Wait until it finish to configuring
the email
 When the main window is now shown up, click Ctlr+O, then at the address bar,
put smpfclnms01, then click enter. Search the SMG Welcome Page folder and
open it. Click Bookmark button to create the bookmark. Name it as Welcome,
then click OK. After the bookmark was created, open the Welcome Page.
 Go to Open>Bookmarks>Favorite Bookmarks then search the Welcome page
that you created. Right click on it then click Set as default Home Page. Wait until
the Homepage will be updated.
 To open the email, Click Open then click Mail. Wait until the Inbox will be loaded.

3. Provide the step by step procedure to configure smartcloud email address. Take note
there are two ways to configure it.

Via Internet Explorer (Web-based)

 Make sure the unit is connected to the Internet and the proxy was turned off.
Make sure also that the Internet Explorer was updated to Ver. 11 onwards or use
the latest version of Google Chrome.
 Open the browser and go to
 Enter the SMG Email Address, and then click next.
 When its successfully login, it will now require to put the RSA login to it. Login
the RSA username and password including the code that the RSA Token will
generate. Then click Next.
 After login the connection type will show up. Choose IBM Smartcloud, and then
click Next.
 After choosing, it will now require the AD login. Enter the username and
password, then click OK.
 After login, the Remember Login page will shown up. Either you choose to
remember your login or not. Then click Next
 Then you’ll just go to your Inbox to check everything.

Via Lotus Notes Client

 Open Lotus Notes, then click next

 On the user info, type either the whole name of the user (the first letter should
be capitalized. Middle initial must be typed as well) or type the AD username of
the user (contains first letter of the name then followed by the family name). On
the domain server, it must be type as smpfclnms01, and then click Next.
 When the password box appears, input the password and click Next.
 Click Finish
 Upon collecting the information of the inbox, there will be a error that the .nsf
file cannot be located. Click OK and wait until the main window appear.
 Click Ctrl+O and open the SMG Address Book.
 Search the user’s name on the address book and open it. Copy the inbox server
indicated there. Paste it to a notepad.
 Click the button that named to the user and click Edit Location.
 On the Basic tab, edit the location name as Smartcloud – (Name of the user).
Check the Location Type if it’s set to Local Area Network. Set the Internet Mail
Address same as the one that indicated to the address book.
 On the Server tab, on the Home/Mail server, input the inbox server that you
copied at the address book and paste it there.
 On the Mail tab, on the Mail File Location, copy the last part of the inbox server
starting from data0 and paste it there. On the Domino Mail Domain, put SMG.
 Click OK to save everything you configure.
 Go to Open>Contacts>Advanced. On the Connections Menu at the left side
panel, click New.
 On the Basic tab, on the Connection Type, it must be set in Local Area Network.
In the Server Name, type */CLOUD/SMG. Port Type must be TCPIP. Destination
Server must be set to
 Click Save and close the Window
 Go to Replication and start the replication of the inbox. Tell the user that the first
replication must be done and the client will not be closed until the replication
 If the replication is already finish, go to Open>Inbox and check if the inbox is
already in sync.

4. Provide the step by step procedure to configure the IBM verse of smartcloud user.
 Create the password that will be using to the IBM verse at the Smartcloud(Web
 Install the IBM Verse from either Play Store or App Store
 Open IBM Verse and choose Connect to my email address
 Input the SMG email address and the password that created on the collabserv.
 Uncheck Contacts and click Next
 Check the Inbox or wait to sync the inbox.

5. We received a job order, users complain his/her computer experiencing slow and always
hang. Provide the basic isolation to address this concern.
 First is check the RAM if it’s loaded of running application. Try to close some of
the apps that not needed to be opened. Until the RAM usage lowered.
 Second thing is the HDD that may have some damage on it. Check the HDD using
the Check Disk command at the cmd (chkdsk (drive letter): /f). If your gonna scan
the Drive C and you’re inside the OS, it will needed to be restart to start the
scanning process. If there’s a bad sector, even 1kb, it will need to be replaced.
 If there’s no bad sector, try to run Defragmentation to remove some unused files
on your HDD.
 Third thing is the antivirus. Maybe there’s a virus lurking to the system that
causing the slow performance. Make sure first that the antivirus is updated and
running. Check the quarantine box if there’s some files that not yet been
removed, then removed those files. Then run a full scan to your system. If
there’s a virus detected during the scan, make sure to delete it and run another
scan for assurance and safety.
 If you already done the software part and the unit still slow, we’re now checking
the hardware part. Disassemble the CPU and clean the RAM’s using a pencil
eraser. Check the CPU chip if it’s still intact to the motherboard. Check also the
thermal paste if it’s still liquefied, if not reapply the thermal paste and make sure
that it will intact to the heat sink. Checks the motherboard if the capacitors and
chips are in good condition otherwise you’ll gonna recommend it for
replacement of the motherboard or the unit itself.

6. User asks for assistance, his/her computer encountered windows updates. But it takes
too long to finish. What are the ways to isolate and fix this problem?
 Just turn off the windows update under start menu/ctrl panel/windows
update/change setting/then select never check for updates.
 Manually turn off the unit by pressing the power button long until it shutdown.
 Try to boot the unit to safe mode or use a third party app to access the Windows
folder like Hiren’s Boot.
 When you already boot inside the safe mode or to the Hiren’s Boot OS, go to
 Rename the existing SOFTWARE and SYSTEM file there. Ex: SOFTWARE2 or
 Go to RegBack folder and copy the SOFTWARE and SYSTEM there going to the
config folder.
 Restart unit and test if it can boot to unit.

7. We received a job order; user computer unit encountered Ntldr Missing errors while the
computer booting up. What is the possible cause of this error?
 Sudden shutdown of the unit due to power loss
 Improper shutdown of the unit
 PC was infected by virus and the NTLDR was deleted
 Hard disk has a bad sector

8. User received an error on SAP Application “Logon balancing error 88: Cannot connect
to message server”. What is the main problem of this error?
 No connection to the SMG server

9. User complains that his/her computer unit won’t boot. Provide the possible cause of
this problem.
 Defective PSU
 RAM is not properly connected
 HDD is not properly connected
 Defective motherboard
 OS was corrupted

10. Provide the latest dns server of SMPFC.


11. User called asking for help on their slow network connection on-site. What are the
possible isolation to identify the slow connection.
 Ping the SAP IP address or the smpfclnms01 to check if the network is slow
 Check if the LAN cable is properly crimped. Re-crimp or replace the cable.
 Check the network settings. Check the IP address, subnet, gateway, and the
DNS’s if it’s correct.
 Check the firewall if it’s turned off
 Advise SD to address the problem on network team

12. User encountered aventail error “Invalid Credentials”. What are the possible isolation
to address this error?
 Ask the user on what kind of Aventail account he/she using either HOC or RSA
 Match the configuration of the Aventail equally on what kind of account that the
user uses.
 Try to reconfigure user soft token credential and try to reset user soft token
 Test login again. If the error encountered again, call to SD for the verification of
the account.
13. User called asking for help on their auto logged out lotus notes application. Provide the
isolation to resolve the error.
 Open the run window and type appdata. Click Enter.
 Go to Local folder and rename the Lotus or IBM folder there.
 Configure again the Lotus Notes and monitor the unit if the error will gonna re-
 If the error re-occurs, reinstall the Lotus Notes and configure again.

14. How to identify if the power supply is damage or no longer functional?

 Use a tester to check the continuity if the PSU.
 Or get a paper clip and make a U-shape. Make sure the both end coating was
peeled off so the wires will be exposed.
 Get the ATX port of the PSU. Connect the one end of the paper clip to the green
wire while the other end is connected to the black wire.
 Check if the fan is working. If it’s not working, the PSU will declare as defective.

15. Provide the step by step procedure on how to install TEM Client.
 Open the BigFix-BES-Client-
 Click Next and wait until the installation is finished.
 Go to services.msc and check if the BES Client startup type was set to
Automatic(Delayed Start)

16. We received a call that the unit was infected by Ransomware virus. What are the step
by step actions to clean up the computer?
 Check the TEM if its installed or running.
 Install the kb4012212 and kb4012215 windows updates to the unit.
 Restart unit and boot it to safe mode
 Open the McAfee and run a full scan
 If there’s a virus detected, delete is immediately. Run a scan again for assurance
and safety

17. What is the problem if the lotus notes client shows unresponsive and not responding?
 Check if the RAM usage is high. Close some apps to lower the RAM usage
 Check if the SMG network is slow. Check the network settings if the info is
 Check the system unit if old or complaint.
18. What is the problem of the computer if the error is Blue Screen of Death (BSOD)?
 The driver installed to the unit was not compatible to the hardware specs of the
 If there is an error in an application installed to the unit. You can checked it in
the Event Logs
 If the RAM and CPU usage was already exceeding to its limit usage.
 Possible hard disk problem cause of bad sector

19. What is the problem if the computer was unable to join to SMG domain error “Network
Not found”. What are the possible isolation to address this error?
 Update the host and services file in the C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc
 Check if the IP Address, subnet, gateway and the DNS is correct.
 Check the network type if its set to Work Network
 Run the ipconfig /flushdns on the cmd
 Or advice SD if there’s a problem on network

20. What is the color coding of straight through network cable?


White orange White orange

Orange Orange
White green White Green
Blue Blue
White blue White blue
Green Green
White brown White brown
Brown Brown

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