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The Different activities affected by weather

Typhoon Signals
•Safety Measures during a Typhoon
•Common Ailments on Different Weather Conditions

Prepared by :
Ms. Shirley Puaso-Valera
Grade -3 St.. Francis / St.. Augustine / St. Maria Goretti
SY 2013-2014
Key Questions:
A. How does weather affect the activities on

B. Why is weather important to one’s life?

Identify activities done during certain weather

Identify the common ailments on different weather


Use communication to inform people about the safety

measures done during a typhoon.

•Show practices for safety measures during certain

weather conditions.
• Write down 5
sentences about what
you do when there is a
Picture Analysis
• List the activities that you can do during these
weather conditions.
Discussion on the result of the activity
Trio Talk

• Activity 9.2 “ Effects of Weather(p.327)

Activity 9.2 Effects of Weather (p.327)
I. Problem: How does weather affect your activities.
II. What you need: pictures showing children flying a kite , trip cancelled written on a
sign board in bus station, classes suspended written on sign board in front of the
school , family in a picnic ground
III. What to do: study each picture.
IV. What have you found?
1. Why can the two children fly their kite?

2. Why was the trip cancelled?

3. Why are the members of the family preparing for a picnic?

4. Why were classes suspended?

V. Conclusion:
How does the weather affect one’s activities?
Socialized Recitation
A. How weather conditions affect the activities
of man?

B. What government agency is responsible

for forecasting the weather in the
Many activities for the day depend on the
day’s weather. Even the clothes we wear
depend on the weather.

During stormy weather , airplanes and sea

vessels are not allowed to fly and sail , trips
to places , where typhoons hit , are cancelled

PAGASA classifies typhoons into signals for

public safety.
Weather for each Typhoon Signals
• Signal No. 1
- People in the affected area are warned of the
presence of an atmospheric disturbance.
- The wind is already strong and the clouds are
Weather for each Typhoon Signals
• Signal No. 2
- The atmospheric disturbance is now a storm.
- strong winds and heavy rain are experienced
over the affected area for the next 24 hours.
Weather for each Typhoon Signals
• Signal No. 3
- The storm develops into a typhoon
- the winds are already destructive at 120
kilometers per hour or more, and will be
experienced within 24 hours
Weather for each Typhoon Signals
• Signal No. 4
- the typhoon , with winds
raging at 185 kilometers per
hour or more
- very dangerous in the affected
- trees can be uprooted , and
electric posts may collapse
- everybody is advised to stay
within sturdy buildings for at
least 12 hours
• How to be safe during typhoon
Safety Measures during a weather disturbance
• Stay inside the house, you might be
hit by flying roof materials, broken
trees branches or falling electric
Safety Measures during a weather disturbance
• Don’t play in the floods, you might
fall into a deep hole, you can also get
sick because flood carry all kinds of
Safety Measures during a weather disturbance
• Stay out of the rain , you might
catch flu , colds , and other
Safety Measures during a weather disturbance
• Get yourself and your family sufficient
food supply.
Safety Measures during a weather disturbance
• Store drinking water
Safety Measures during a weather disturbance
• Tune in to a reliable sources of
information, such as radio and
television, regarding weather advisories
Safety Measures during a weather disturbance
• Keep calm at all times
My Favorite Attire
What do you wear on a sunny day?

Why does the boys wear hat?

Why does the girl use umbrella?

Common ailments during certain weather
1. During Summer
Ailment Condition Treatment
Chicken -An ailment that affects both young and the old
pox - often starts with fever and chills
- blisters appear in the face , arms, back, and chest

measles -Starts with high fever , cough, and runny nose

-Skin rashes appear on almost all parts of the body
-When rashes begin to dry, the skin feels itchy

mumps -cause swelling of parotid salivary glands

Swallowing of food is difficult and you cannot eat
- contagious or can be transferred from one
person to another
Common ailments during certain weather
1. During rainy days
Ailment Condition Treatment
Cough and -sneezes, has runny nose and
cold watery eyes ,if it is not
controlled, it leads to cough

influenza - Starts with chill , fever , -Bed rest

headache -Drink a lot of liquid
-Bone and muscle pains
-Highly contagious disease
-Can be transferred from one

person to another through air

Preventive Measures to avoid weather-related

- Make the body strong and healthy

Preventive Measures to avoid weather-related
- Eat a well-balanced diet
Preventive Measures to avoid weather-related
- Eat plenty of vitamin C-rich food
Preventive Measures to avoid weather-related
- Drink plenty of liquids
Preventive Measures to avoid weather-related
- Take enough rest and exercise
Preventive Measures to avoid weather-related
- Proper clothing is necessary
Preventive Measures to avoid weather-related
- Avoid getting wet during cool and
rainy season
Preventive Measures to avoid weather-related

- Dry your body right away when you get

Preventive Measures to avoid weather-related
- Bring umbrella or a raincoat
Facts about Typhoon p.332

• Earth is not only the planet with a variety

of weather conditions. Except Mercury ,
all the other planets in the solar system
have atmosphere to support weather
 The giant planets have violent weather
lasting for years. In addition, Titan, a
moon of the planet Saturn has changing
weather , too.
• Human activities are affected by weather.
Many activities of people depend on the
weather. Even the clothes depend on weather

 PAGASA delivers daily weather forecasts

through the radio, newspaper, and
• Always keep safe and be prepared for
different weather conditions.

• Be informed about the weather conditions of

the day by listening to the radio and watching
I. Fill in the blanks with the word or phrase that will
complete the sentence.(p.333-A)

II. Answer the following

1. What are some safety measures that can help
you when there is a typhoon?
2. What are some of the common ailments
during summer? Describe each.
3. What are some of the common ailments during
the day. Describe each.

III. Draw the kind of weather you enjoy most and you are
afraid of give your reasons .

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