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Consecrate a fast; call a solemn assembly.

Gather the elders and

all the inhabitants of the land to the house of the LORD your
God, and cry out to the LORD.
Joel 1:14

Why Fast?
As we begin the second half of 2015, let us take time to thank God for His
faithfulness and seek Him in prayer.

Fasting is a time to humble ourselves before God, listen to His voice, and realign
ourselves to His will. As we consecrate ourselves as a church, we can expect God
to move mightily in our midst.

Let’s continue to believe God for breakthrough and that we will honor Him in
everything we do this year.

Prepare for the Fast

• Maintain a thankful heart throughout the fast. Be prepared and open to
receive direction from God.
• Prayerfully and thoughtfully fill out the prayer points page. Ask the Holy
Spirit for guidance.

Practical Tips
• Commit to a type of fast. Do not decide on a day-to-day basis. Commit before
the fast and be determined.

• Gradually prepare your body for the fast. Start eating smaller portions and
meals before you begin your fast. Avoid food that is high in sugar and fat.
Two days prior to the fast, eat raw fruit and vegetables only. Consult a
physician if you need to.
Answered Prayers
Which of your prayers has God already answered in 2015?
What are your 2015 highlights so far?
Honor God
in our Work
Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord

and not for men, 24knowing that from the Lord you
will receive the inheritance as your reward.
DAY You are serving the Lord Christ.

Colossians 3:23,24

Proverbs 12:24 • Proverbs 13:4 • 1 Corinthians 10:31
Ephesians 6:5-9 • 1 Thessalonians 4:11,12

e can honor God in our work when we serve diligently and heartily.
God does not want us to be careless, lazy, or apathetic in what we
do—our work, studies, business, career, or in our service to
other people.

To work heartily means to work with enthusiasm, diligence, and cheerfulness.

It means to work from our soul, so that whatever we do, we do it with a genuine
attitude coming from our character. We do not serve to make a good impression
on others or to put on a show.

Though our jobs may be boring or

mundane at times, God wants us to look
at our work as an opportunity to honor
and glorify Him. Since we are working for
We should always
the Lord, not for people, we should always serve with eagerness
serve with eagerness and excellence. and excellence.
What a difference from trying to get by
with as little effort as possible! With this
perspective, no work is a heavy burden.

Whatever job God has called us to, He wants us to serve Him with it. Serving
the Lord at work gives dignity to what we do. We may be studying, preparing
a report, doing a sales call, or leading a business meeting; our Master, our
President, our God, whom we ultimately serve, sees what we do and how we
work. Therefore, we put our whole heart into our work so we can honor Him.
How does the Bible compare the slothful and the sluggard with the diligent?
What are the benefits of being diligent?
Proverbs 12:24

Proverbs 13:4

How should we work and aspire to live?

Ephesians 6:5-9

1 Thessalonians 4:11,12

What’s one specific way you can honor God through your work? How can you
work heartily and with excellence? Share this with your Victory group.

Write one of your faith goals for your studies, work, career, or business.
Pray that when you accomplish this goal, God would be glorified.
Honor God
in our Relationships
Love one another with brotherly affection.
Outdo one another in showing honor.

DAY Romans 12:10

Ephesians 4:32 • Ephesians 6:1-3 • Philippians 2:1-11
Colossians 3:12-17 • Hebrews 13:1-4

he Greek word for “love” (philadelphia) in this verse means the mutual,
brotherly, and familial love. Christians are to love members of the family
of God like they would their own physical families.

And how should we show that reciprocal love to others? By outdoing one
another in showing honor, respect, and kindness. This attitude stands in contrast
to the world’s way of putting and promoting one’s self and advancement
before others.

As followers of Christ, we should give

due recognition to other people instead
of seeking glory for ourselves. We should
not be envious or jealous of other people
We should outdo one
when they receive praise or recognition. another in honoring
Instead of outdoing others in selfish fellow believers.
and self-promoting ways, the Apostle
Paul says we should outdo one another
in honoring fellow believers.

The Bible exhorts us to think of other people as better than ourselves.

So whether it is our family, friends, classmates, officemates, or fellow believers,
we can honor God in our relationships as we treat people with love, respect,
kindness, and concern.
What attitude should we forsake and what attitude should we have with regard
to our relationships with others, according to Philippians 2:1-5?

In what way should we treat others according to the Scriptures, so that we will
bring honor and praise to God?
Ephesians 4:32

Colossians 3:12-17

Hebrews 13:1-4

Make a decision to honor your parents whether at home or in public.
What can you start doing to honor them this week?

How can you speak encouraging and kind words to those in your family,
Victory group, and workplace this week? How can you outdo someone in
showing honor?
Honor God with
our Good Deeds
Beloved, I urge you as sojourners and exiles to

abstain from the passions of the flesh, which wage

war against your soul. 12Keep your conduct among
DAY the Gentiles honorable, so that when they speak
against you as evildoers, they may see your good
deeds and glorify God on the day of visitation.

1 Peter 2:11,12

Psalm 37:1-6 • Matthew 5:14-16 • Galatians 6:9
1 Timothy 4:12 • Titus 3:14 • Hebrews 13:16

e are to honor God through our lifestyle because God is as
concerned about our conduct as our conversation, and about our
behavior as much as our beliefs.

The Apostle Peter identifies Christians as sojourners—temporary residents and

foreigners in this world. People who have a different faith from ours normally
observe how Christians behave. Because of our faith, we will be persecuted
and spoken against. So Peter exhorts us to live properly among unbelievers so
that even if they bring false accusations and do ill against us, they will see our
exemplary lifestyle, which will honor God—and we can lead them to God.

We have heard the popular saying,

“Actions speak louder than words.”
This saying is especially true in our If our conduct matches
conduct as we live with non-Christians.
We can’t preach to them if they do not
our faith, it will be easier
see that we practice what we believe in. to win others over.
But if our conduct matches our faith,
it will be easier to win others over.

Peter’s advice sounds like what Jesus said to His disciples in Matthew 5:16:
“. . . let your light shine before people, so that they can see your good deeds and give
honor to your Father in heaven.”
Read Matthew 5:14-16. To what are Christ’s followers compared? Why should
we let our light shine before others?

Why should we keep on doing good to other people?

Hebrews 13:16

Galatians 6:9

Titus 3:14

Who are you praying to preach the gospel to? What can you do to show him or
her kindness this week?

In what ways can you set a good example in your home, campus, office, or
neighborhood so that other people can see the light and the love of Christ in
your life?
Faith Goals
what are you believing god for the rest of the year?
What will you continue to pray for?
Salvation • Restoration of Relationships • Financial Breakthrough
Healing • Personal Breakthrough • Victory Group Growth
My prayer partner, , is believing God for . . .
Salvation • Restoration of Relationships • Financial Breakthrough
Healing • Personal Breakthrough • Victory Group Growth

1 2
Fasting Options Fasting Options
Water only Water only
Liquid only Liquid only
One meal only One meal only
Others: Others:
Prayer meeting to attend: Prayer meeting to attend:

Fasting Options
Water only
Liquid only
One meal only
Prayer meeting to attend:

For prayer meeting schedules, visit


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© 2015 by VICTORY®
All rights reserved.
Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), Copyright © 2001 by Crossway,
a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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