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Week 1

Day 1 Noting Details

Think and Tell

Look at the pictures.

1. What animal is in the first picture? How about in the second picture?
2. How are these animals similar? How they differ?
3. If you are going to choose between these animals, who will you want to be?

Find Out and Learn

Let us read the following lines of the characters in the story heard using appropriate
facial expressions.
 “Don’t move! I’m going to eat you this minute.”
 “I have to use my wits instead of my legs”
 “I could have been a good dinner for you last year. I was then very
fat and plump. But I had three babies then. Now I’m slim and not

Try and Learn

Work with your group.

Gr.1- Have a short role playing about “The Sly Fox”
Gr.2- Deliver the lines of the fox and wolf with appropriate facial
Gr. 3- Draw the scenes of the story “The Sly Fox”

Choose the letter of the word group that best answers the question or
completes the sentence.
1. How does the story open?
a. It introduces the characters of the story.
Do and b. It gives background information on the characters
Learn c. It tells where the story happened.
d. It started with dialogue between the two characters.

2. What characters does the story have?

a. Two animal characters.
b. Two human characters.
c. An animal and a human character.
d. A moon and two animal characters.

3. Which describes the setting of the story?

a. A bright day in the forest c. A rainy afternoon in the
b. A dark night in the forest d. A full moon night in the

4. Why did the wolf not eat the fox?

a. The wolf would eat the baby foxes instead.
b. The fox offered him something good and fat.
c. The wolf took pity on the fox.
d. The fox was able to escape from the wolf.

5. What could have happened to the wolf?

a. He was able to get the piece of the meat at the bottom of the well.
b. He had a delicious dinner at the bottom of the well.
c. He and the fox became good friends.
d. He drowned in the well.


 Use of appropriate facial expressions in delivering the lines of the

characters in the story helps in making the story more realistic,
creative and emotional. The listeners feel more excited to know
what will happen next and they become more imaginative.

 Noting details of a story means pointing out the characters around which the
story revolves, the place and when it happened and the series of actions that make
the story itself.

Day 2 Inferring Meaning of Unfamiliar Compound Words Based on
Context Clues, Synonyms and Antonyms.

Think and Tell

Have you experienced riding a bus?

Did you experience witnessing a commotion
in your community?
What did you feel?

Find Out and Learn

Read the following words:

backpack front door mother-in-law
newspaper back lawn editor-in-chief

How many words were combined to form new word and new meaning?
What do you call the words with two or more words that are combined together to
form a new word and new meaning?
How do compound words in column A written? In column B? in column C?


Compound words are words that are combined together to

form new words and new meanings.
 Compound words can be written as one word. It is called closed
compound word.
Ex. Backpack, overpass, notebook
 Compound word can be written as two words. It is called open
compound word
Ex. Front door, boxing ring
 Compound word can also be written with hyphen. It is called
hyphenated- compound word.
Ex. mother-in-law, hand-in-hand, attorney-at-law

Try and Learn

Read the sentences. Answer the questions that follow.

a. The sky was overcast, rain was expected because it was cloudy afternoon.
What word in the sentence hint the meaning of the unfamiliar word?

b. I have read the foreword of the book “Mother’s Wit”. What word is synonymous to
foreword? ( conclusion, introduction, content)

c. His statement was an example of falsehood. What word has opposite meaning
with falsehood? ( truth, lies, rumor)

Do and Learn

A. Box the meaning of the compound word through context clues.

1. I have read the headline of the newspaper today, it is front story written in bold
2. Mr. Mercado gives a piece of advice to his son-in-law. The husband of his
daughter wants to go abroad.

B. Underline the synonym of the compound word in the following sentences.

1. Parents provide backstop during Brigada Eskwela. (assistance, food, ideas)
2. Two weeks later,Erianne was cleaning out the small bag she carried with her
everywhere when she found a thin, black leather billfold. ( bag, jacket, wallet)

C. Encircle the antonym of the compound word in each sentence.

1. The policemen broadcast the issue of illegal logging. ( tell new, spread, hide)
2. Luisa wants to stay at the backside. (bottom, front, left)

Learn Some More

Write the compound words that mean the following.

__________________ bell by the door
__________________ ache or pain at the back of the body
__________________cake fried on a pan
__________________room where classes are held
__________________cloth to cover

 Compound words come from two or more words that are combined
together to form a new word and a new meaning.
 Context clues hint the parts of a sentence or paragraph that come before
or after the unfamiliar word.
 Synonyms are words with similar meanings.
 Antonyms are words with opposite meanings.

Write about It

Using your own understanding of the words, define the following words and compound
words. Use the compound words in meaningful sentences.
1. boxing-_____________________________________________
boxing ring- _________________________________________

2. finger-______________________________________________
finger print-__________________________________________

Day 3 Aspects of Verbs

Think and Tell

Look at these pictures.

Do you take care of your environment?

What activity do you usually do to take care of our environment?

Find Out and Learn

Read and analyze the following words.

postdate post(after) + date= after the dat
supernatural super(more than) + natural= more than the natural
- ex- president ex( former)+ president= former president
nonsense non(without) + sense= without sense
multitask multi(many) + task= many task

colorless color+ less(without)= without color
cheerful cheer+ ful (full of)= full of cheer
breakable break + able (having the quality= having the quality
to break
adulthood adult+ hood(state/condition of being)= state of
being adult

In what part of the words in set A do the syllables added? (at the beginning)
-Syllables added at the beginning of a word are called prefixes.

In what part of the words in set B do the syllables added? (at the last part)
-Syllables added at the last part of the word are called suffixes.

Say: Prefixes and suffixes change the meaning of words

Try and Learn

Study the following sentences. Then, answer the following questions.

The president continues The teachers continue to

to motivate people to take motivate pupils to take care of
care of the environment. the environment.


He continued working They will continue
with the group his father to inspire people of all
founded since 2002. ages.

Look at the sentences in tree A and B. When are you going to add –s or –es in
your verb?
Look at the sentence in tree C. What will be added to a regular verb when the
action was done already? How about in irregular verb?
Look at tree D. What modal will be added to the base form of the verb to express

Do and Learn

The following sentences are written in past tense. Rewrite them in

present and future tense on the lines below.

a. The rain fell on the green valley.

Present tense:_____________________________________________________
Future tense:______________________________________________________

b. Jane borrowed Richard’s eraser.

Present tense:_____________________________________________________
Future tense:______________________________________________________

c. The shark swam through the ocean.

Present tense:____________________________________________________
Future tense:_____________________________________________________

Learn Some More

Compose sentences using the given sets of words. Refer to the word
enclosed in the parentheses to know the tense of the verb to be used in each
Ex: Carlito, swim, beach, (present)
Carlito swims at the beach.

a. Angel, read, pocketbook, (future)

b. Pila, celebrate, Pailah Festival, last year (past)
c. Farmers, plant, rice, May ( present)



If the action is being done in the present

time, the verb is in present tense. A
If the action is done already in the past time, E F R
the verb is in past tense. C B
If the action is to be done in future time , the
verb is in future tense.

Day 4 Planning a Two to Three Paragraph Composition Using an Outline/

Other Graphic Organizers

Think and Tell

Who is in the picture?

What makes him so popular around the world?
What characteristic of a Filipino does he signify?
As a Filipino, how do you show respect to others? To God?

Find Out and Learn

Analyze the following graphic organizer. Answer the questions that follow.

Fiilipino Fiilipino
as as God-
respectful loving
person Person

calls older patterns

brother prays not
using "po" life the
"Kuya",an only for
and "opo" way God
d sister himself
wants it
shows due
kisses the respect to
hands of parents, loves his believes in
parents/gra elders and neighbors one God
ndparents people in

Based on the Semantic web, who is a respectful person and a God-loving

How do Filipinos show respect to others?
How do Filipinos show love to God?

Now, let us plan a two-paragraph composition using the details of the semantic web.

A Filipino is a respectful person. He calls older brother “kuya” and older sister “ate”. He kisses
the hands of his parents and grandparents. He is always using “po” and “opo”. He shows de respect to
parents, elders and people in authority.

A Filipino is also a God-loving person. He believes in one God. He patterns his life the way
God wants it. He loves his neighbors. And most of all, he prays not only for himself.
Try and Learn

Using the details of the semantic web, plan a two-paragraph composition.

Fresh gardens


Perfect Mayon
Magnificent Cone Wondrous Famous
Shape Volcano


Do and Learn

The outline contains a personality of a Filipino. Write a two-

paragraph composition using the following details.

The Filipinos are humans and concerned to his fellowmen.

A. Cares for himself and to his fellowmen.
B. Thoughtful, loving, understanding, helpful, friendly and charitable.
C. Ready to give a helping hand when needed.
D. Ready to share laughter to cheer up those who are lonely.


 The clustering graphic organizer shows and separates the developed

ideas from other ideas.
 The use of graphic organizers and outlines provides the
organization of ideas easy to understand, making learning more

Day 5 Forms and Conventions of Films and Moving Pictures

Think and Tell

Are you fond of watching videos?

What kind of video do you like?
What things do you notice when the video is already playing?

Find Out and Learn

Read and analyze the following terms:

a. Setting - can be used for a number of purposes

It might be used for:
• Realism - (Time and place of setting is made known)
• Atmosphere - (Reinforce desired mood)
E.g. Horror movies
 Symbolism - (Can be conveyed through setting)
E.g. a storm can represent inner turmoil

b. Characterization – a narrative might use

• Sympathetic characters- With whom the audience strongly identifies with.
They may share qualities and values.
• Unsympathetic Characters- Audience dislikes. May increase sympathy to
main character.
c. Performance/ Acting - This will also affect the way an audience responds. Elements of
performance include facial expressions, body language and delivery of lines.

d. Direction(Props, Sets and Locations) - can influence our interpretation of character as

contribute to the atmosphere of the film.

e. Camera Work/blocking - Frequent use of close-ups can encourage the audience to

identify with a character.
Wide shots can emphasize the beauty of a scene or give a sense of emptiness.
Different angles can make characters appear powerful and threatening or weak and

f. Lighting - Soft and harsh lighting can manipulate a viewer's attitude towards a setting
or a character.
The way light is used can make objects, people and environments look beautiful or ugly,
soft or harsh, artificial or real. Light may be used expressively or realistically.
• Backlighting. A romantic heroine is often backlit to create a halo effect on her hair.

Try and Learn

Watch the short film to be played. Then, answer the following items.

(“Stellar Moves: The Story of Pluto”)

1. The setting of the short film is ( realistic, atmospheric, symbolic)

2. In characterization, box the sympathetic characters and encircle the unsympathetic
characters. (Pluto and Stellar, Earth and other Planets)
3. Regarding the performance/ acting, what are the facial expressions conveyed in the
4. What kind of props, sets, locations are used in the short film.

5. Does the short film show proper blocking? Are all the characters visible in each

Do and Learn

Choose a scene from the short film. Describe only one from the listed
forms and conventions of film.

Talk About It

Answer the following questions based on the short film “Stellar `

Moves: The Story of Pluto”.

1. What is the film all about?

2. What fictional characters are used in the short film?
3. Who are the main characters of the short film?
4. How did the story begin?
5. What does Stellar wants Pluto to do after watching the TV show?
6. What did Pluto think of himself when Stellar asked him to join in the contest?
7. What did the friends do to make them ready for the contest?
8. Who among the characters had shown being impolite?
9. What did Pluto do to show love for his friend Stellar?
10. How did the story end?


Setting Characterization

Acting/ Directions Blocking Lighting




Listen and Learn!


When someone gives you something

It’s good to say “Thank you”
Say “Thank you, thank you”
“Thank you very much”

Be polite, be polite
Have good manners and be polite
Be polite, be polite
Have good manners and be polite

When you want something

It’s better to say “Please”
Say “Please, please, please, please”
“Pretty, pretty please”

Repeat Chorus

When you want something

It’s good to wait your turn
Be patient, patient
And wait your turn

Repeat Chorus

When you do something by accident

It’s good to say “Sorry”
Say “Sorry, sorry”
“I’m very, very sorry”

Repeat Chorus

Talk About It
1. What was the song about?
2. What polite words where in the song?
3. Why should we use polite words?
4. Do you use polite words?

Try and Learn

Read the story carefully.

A Letter Soup
By Pedro Pablo Sacristan

Once upon a time there was a very evil and unpleasant

crook who only ever thought about how to get money. Seeing
anyone happy bothered the crook enormously. What he hated
most was when people were polite and courteous to each
other, saying things like please and thank you, and don't mention
it. It annoyed him even more if they were smiling when they said
these things.

The crook thought all those kinds of words were a useless

waste, and weren't good for anything. So what he did was spend a lot
of time inventing a machine which could steal words. With this
machine, he planned to steal 'please', 'thank you', 'don't mention it', and
similar words people used to be polite. He was convinced that no one
would notice if those words were to suddenly disappear. When he had stolen these
words, he intended to take them apart and sell the letters to book publishers.

After he started up his machine, people would

open their mouths, intending to say kind and polite
things, but nothing came out. All those words ended up
inside the big machine. Just as the crook had hoped, in
the beginning nothing happened. It looked like people
really didn't need to be polite after all. However, after a
while, people started to feel like they were always in a bad mood, doing everything
reluctantly, and feeling like everyone else was being forever demanding of them. So,
within a few days, everyone was angry and arguing over the slightest little thing.

The crook was terribly happy with his success, but he didn't
count on a couple of very special little girls. Those girls were deaf, and
had to communicate using sign language. Now, because the
machine couldn't steal gestures, these girls continued being kind
and polite. Soon they realised what had been happening to
everyone else, and they found out about the crook and his wicked plan.

The girls followed him to his hideout on the top of a hill next
to the sea. There they found the enormous machine busy
separating all the words into letters. The crook had gone to take a
nap, so the girls crept up to the machine and started being polite
and courteous to each other.

Try as it might, the contraption couldn't steal those words, and it

started to suffer a power overload, which got more and more serious
as the girls went on communicating. Finally, it exploded; sending all the
letters it had gathered flying into the sky. These letters started coming
down, like rain, and most ended up in the sea. After that, everyone
could be polite and thoughtful again. The anger and the arguments
stopped, proving that good manners are very useful for keeping people
together in a spirit of happiness.

Seeing all those letters fall into the sea gave those two little girls an idea. A little
while later they opened a factory. Making alphabetti spaghetti soup!

Talk About It

1. Who was very evil and unpleasant?

2. What did he hate so much?
3. What was his plan?
4. What did he invent? Did his machine work?
5. What happened to the people?
6. Who were not affected by the machine?
7. Why they were not affected?
8. Where was hideout located?
9. What did the girls do to stop him?
10. If you were the girls, would you have done the same? Why?

Find Out and Learn

1. What should we remember when listening to a literary text?

2. What are the elements of a literary text?
3. What elements did you remember from the story we read?

Do and Learn
Read the story and write the elements of the literary text.


One day a fox fell into a well. He jumped and jumped but he could not
get out. The well was too deep. Soon he began to feel cold and hungry.
Suddenly there was a noise from above. A goat had come to drink
from the well. It looked in and saw the fox. “Why, what are you doing down
there, Mr. Fox?” asked the goat.
The fox was very cunning. Quickly, he thought of a way to trick the
goat. “Oh, I’m drinking,” he said.
“Down there? But there’s water in the bucket up here.”
“Yes, I know,” said the fox. “But the water down here is much sweeter.
Why don’t you come down and taste it for yourself?”
“I think I will do that.” And the silly animal jumped into the well.
At once the fox leapt on to the goat’s back. And from there he soon
jumped out of the well.
“Hey! Where are you going?” cried the goat. “What about me? How
am I going to get out of here?”
“Ah-ha, you silly goat,” laughed the fox. “Don’t you think you should
have thought of that before you jumped in?”
And still laughing to himself he ran off, leaving the poor goat in the

Try and Learn

Basing from the story read, answer the following questions.

1. Who was trapped in the well?

2. Who came passing one day?
3. What convinced the goat to go down the well?
4. How did the fox get out of the well?
5. What is the moral of the story?

Do and Learn
Read the story and write the elements of the literary text.

The Queue
by Jean Paul V. Banay

It was 9:30 in the morning at Labuin Elementary School. It was already

break time for Grade V-Coral. Children line up in a queue to go the canteen to
have their recess.
At the canteen, the children lined up in a queue waiting for their turn to
buy their food. Luke, a Grade 3 pupil rushed in front of the queue and shouted at
the canteen manager for food.
Calmly, the canteen manager said to Luke “Luke, it is not nice to shout at
people, especially when you’re at the canteen. And we should observe the rules
inside the canteen. Look at these children, they line up in a queue and wait for
their turn. You should do the same.” said the canteen manager.
After that day, Luke lined up in the queue and asked politely for food.

Identify the element of the literary text from the story you just read.
Choose your answer from the boxes below.

Character setting conflict

Plot theme

1. It was 9:30 in the morning at Labuin Elementary

2. Luke, a Grade 3 pupil
3. Luke rushed in front of the queue
4. The canteen manager told Luke about the rules
inside the canteen.
5. Following rules inside the canteen is the right thing
to do.


 When listening to story being read, we should listen carefully and pay
attention to the details of the story. In this way we can identify the
elements of a literary text.

 We could also take down notes while listening and reading.

 The elements of a literary text are the character, setting, and plot,
conflict, and theme.

 The theme is the subject of the story and what the author wants to
convey to the readers.


Find Out and Learn

Read the sentences.

1. When he had stolen these words, he intended to take them apart

and sell the letters to book publishers.
2. Those girls were deaf, and had to communicate using sign
3. The girls followed him to his hideout on the top of a hill next to the
4. It started to suffer a power overload, which got more and more
serious as the girls went on communicating.
5. The chief-of-police arrested the crook.

 What do you think are the underlined words?
 What have you observed about these words?
 What two words can we find in these words?
 Can you think of other words which are combinations of two

Study the example below:


cupcake electric fan son-in-law
bookworm fairy tale one-fourth
rainbow love letter merry-go-round
mailman report card over-the-counter

 What have you observed about the group of words?

 How are they alike?
 How are they different?

Try and Learn

Identify the compound words in the paragraph. Say if it is a one-

word compound, two-word compound, or hyphenated compound word.

A Trip to Town
by Jean Paul V. Banay

One Saturday morning, Marissa and her mother went to town to buy
supplies for the household.
They first stopped at the repairman’s shop to follow up the repair of their
electric fan. The repairman said they could pick it up on Monday.
Afterwards, they went to the supermarket to buy groceries. They bought
meatballs, tomato sauce, and pasta. Mother will be cooking spaghetti that night.
They also bought cooking oil, soy sauce, banana catsup, vinegar, salt and
pepper. They also purchased some bathing supplies, like bath soap, shampoo,
conditioner, and lotion. At the cleaning supplies section, they bought detergent
soap, fabric conditioner, and dishwashing paste.
After paying for the groceries, they went to a pizza house. Marissa ate
one-fourth of the pizza.
On their way home, they stopped over the local bakery to buy
doughnuts and cupcakes as take home for Marissa’s father and siblings.
It was a nice trip to town.

Identify the compound words used the story. Classify and write them in
the table below.

One-word compound Two-word compound

Do and Learn
A. Read the sentences below. Find the compound word and break them into two
smaller words.

1. Mary and I were sleeping in her backyard.

+ =

2. My brother and I went to watch the baseball game.

+ =

3. I love to use mint flavored toothpaste when I brush my teeth.

+ =

4. Tommy and his brother love to go down to the riverbanks to catch frogs.
+ =

5. The favorite part of my vacation was when I got to ride in the airplane.
+ =

B. Write the compound name of the following pictures. Write in on the line below
each picture.

1. 2. 3.

4. 5.

C. Place a hyphen between words that are considered as compound words.

1. The hand picked tomatoes tasted better than the ones from the store.
2. The model was ready for her close up picture.
3. The referee called a time out during the basketball’s game.
4. Beware of car chasing dog on Brgy. Linga.
5. Sally’s mother in law came to visit her on her birthday.


Compound words are two words put together to create a new word.
They can be open, closed, or hyphenated.
 Open Compound Words
dog house, ice cream, six-pack, runner-up
 Closed Compound Words
ladybug, toothpaste, bedroom
 Hyphenated Compound Words
editor-in-chief, officer-in-charge, life-saver

Learn Some More

Read the following sentences. Identify and underline the compound word. On the
line before each number, classify the compound word if it is open, closed, or hyphenated
compound word.

1. I dropped my mail at the post office.

2. The milkman delivers milk to the hospital.
3. I ate too many pancakes this morning.
4. Jordan is chasing dragonflies on the field.
5. Mary was surprised when she opened the jack-in-the-box.


Read and Learn

Read the following sentences. Answer the following questions.

1. He winked at her and she knew that he was joking.
2. She bit into the apple.
3. Peter kissed his aunt on the cheek.
4. “I’m over here.” as she waved her hands in the air.
5. The little boy kicked the stones at his feet.

a. What are the underlined words?
b. How are they similar?
c. What body parts do we use to do them?

Let’s Read More

Read the story below.

The Homecoming
by Jean Paul V. Banay

It’s Friday evening. Every member of the Flores family was excited to go to the
airport. Today is the arrival of Mr. Alfredo Flores. It’s been two years since he started
working abroad.
They rented a van to go the airport. They were happily clapping their hands while
singing. Everybody was chatting about what their father looked like now.
As soon as they arrived at the airport, they went directly to the waiting area. They
were looking left and right hoping they would see their father at the exit.
They are waiting for almost an hour now. They just tapped their feet to loose
boredom. Mother was sipping coffee she bought from a kiosk.
At last, after almost half an hour of waiting, they saw their father going out at the
south gate of the airport’s arrival area. They waved their hands in joy so that Alfredo
would notice them instantly.
They hugged their father as soon as he approached them. They were crying in

Talk About It
Read and answer the following questions.
1. What was the title of the story?
2. Who was going to the airport?
3. Why are they going there?
4. Have you noticed the underlined words? What can you say about them?
5. What do you think are these words?

Try and Learn

Look at the following pictures. Have them identify the message of
each picture. Choose from the words below.

happy stop ignore

angry sad silence please

excited bored hungry

Do and Learn
Read the following sentences and identify the body movement used. Copy the
sentences on your notebook and encircle your answer.

1. Every time I think of food, I lick my lips.

2. They listened to the music and beat their fingers on the table to the rhythm.
3. To show that he didn’t know, he shrugged his shoulders.
4. She sat down elegantly and crossed her legs.
5. In answering orally the teacher reminded them to raise their arm if they want
to answer.


Body movements refer to the actual movement of the body. It is a kind of

nonverbal communication where thoughts intentions or feelings are expressed by
physical behaviour such as facial expressions, body posture, gestures, eye movement,
touch, and use of space.
Body movements maybe implied as a verbs or an adjective.


Read and Learn

Read the following sentences and notice the difference between the underlined
 I wash the car.
 I am washing the car.
 I have washed the car.

1. What have you noticed about the words?

2. What does this remind you about verbs?

Let us study the following sentences.

1. In the sentence “I wash the car.”, wash, which is the verb, is the simple
form. The time when the action was done is indefinite or we are unsure if
it is on-going or completed. Thus, this sentence is in the simple aspect of
the verb.

2. While in the sentence “I am washing the car”, washing, which is the verb,
is in the present progressive form, which tells us that the action is on-

3. On the other hand, the sentence “I have washed the car.”, have washed,
being in the present perfect, tells us that the action has just been done
or completed.

These sentences are in the present tense, if we are to write it in past tense, we
would have.

 I was washing the car. – simple past

 I had washed the car. – past perfect
 I had been washing the car. – past perfect progressive

Try and Learn

Try and answer the following. Write the correct aspect of the verb for the
following sets of sentences.

1. walk (present)
a. Sarah __________ to school. (simple)
b. Sarah ________________ to school. (present progressive)
c. Sarah ________________ to school. (present perfect)

2. cook (present)
a. Mother __________ dinner for us. (simple)
b. Mother __________________ dinner for us. (present progressive)
c. Mother __________________ dinner for us. (present perfect)

3. water (present)
a. Francis __________ the garden. (simple)
b. Francis ____________________ the garden. (present progressive)
c. Francis ____________________ the garden. (present perfect)

4. play (past)
a. I _______________ in the plaza. (simple)
b. I _______________ in the plaza. (past perfect)
c. I _______________________ in the plaza. (past perfect progressive)

5. read (past)
a. We _______________ books in the library. (simple)
b. We _______________ books in the library. (past perfect)
c. We ________________ books in the library. (past perfect progressive)

Do and Learn

Read the following sentences. Have the pupils identify what is the aspect of the
verb used in the sentence. Write SPR for simple present, SPS for simple past, PRP for
present progressive, PSP for past perfect, PPF for present perfect, and PPP for past
perfect progressive.

1. Romina studied her lesson for the test.

2. Father rides the bus to go to work.
3. I have been cleaning my room.
4. Finn and Jake are watching his favourite TV show.
5. Jerry talks to Tom over the phone.

Read and Learn

What is an outline?
An outline is a formal system used to think and organize your ideas. You can use
it to see if your ideas are connected to each other and what order works best. Outlines
can be useful to help you see the overall picture.

There are two kinds of outlines: the topic outline and the sentence outline.
1. The topic outline consists of words or short phrases.
2. The sentence outline is done in full sentences. It is normally used when
you want to focus on complex details.

Steps in making an outline:

1. Identify the topic or the main idea.
2. Identify the main categories.
3. Create the first category.
4. Create subcategories.

Normally, use Roman numerals to write the main idea. Then under the main
idea, we indent and write the first subcategory with a capital letter. See the example
If you are to report on animals found in the farm and what they give us, here is an

I. Chickens
A. Gives us eggs.
B. Gives us meat.
C. Gives us feathers.
II. Cow
A. Gives us milk.
B. Give us meat.
C. Gives us leather.
III. Goats
A. Gives us milk.
B. Gives us meat.
IV. Ducks
A. Gives us eggs.
B. Gives us meat.

Try and Learn

Make an outline of your top three favourite subjects and under it write what
lesson have learned from it.


Think and Tell

What movies have you seen lately? Can you identify from which movie was
these pictures taken from?

If you are to make your own movie, what do you think are the things we need to
consider in making a film or moving picture?

Read and Learn

The Shooting
by Jean Paul V. Banay

The town of Pila in the province of Laguna is

famous for being one of the favourite spots to shoot
commercials because of its ancestral houses.
It was Wednesday. Julio was walking home
from school when he saw a crowd in the town plaza. He
went to see what was going on. He saw his uncle Jose
watching too.
“Uncle Jose, what’s going on here?” asked
Julio. “They are going to shoot a soap commercial
here.” answered Uncle Jose.

“You see there, that is the director, and those are his crew. One of them is the
camera man, and some of them are the lights men. They are in-charge of the
equipments.” said Uncle Jose as he pointed to the men setting up the equipments.
“Then inside those tents are the actors and actresses. They will be acting as
characters in the commercial. They are still memorizing their dialogues.” Uncle Jose
“What are dialogues?” Julio inquired.
“Dialogues are what the actors and actresses will say during the shooting of the
commercial.” Uncle Jose answered.
“Are you going to watch them shoot the commercial?” asked Julio.
“Yes, would you like to watch it too?” replied Uncle Jose.
“Yes, but first, I have to go home and ask permission from mother.” answered
“Ok, see you later.” said Uncle Jose.

Think and Tell

Answer the questions below.

1. Which town is famous for its ancestral houses in Laguna?
2. What was the event in the town plaza?
3. Who was on his way home from school?
4. Whom did Julio see watching the shooting?
5. What are the things Uncle Jose showed Julio in the set?


The forms and conventions of a film or moving picture are:

1. Lights – Lights refers to the lighting used in films can be

natural or artificial. It is used achieve aesthetical or practical
effect while illuminating the scene.

2. Blocking is the precise staging of

actors in order to facilitate the
performance of a film

3. Direction is the control of the scenes in the film. In simpler

terms, it is giving directions to the actors and the people in charge
of the set and those behind the camera.

4. Characterization refers to the

process by which the writer reveals the
personality of a character

5. Acting is the work of an actor or actress, in which a

person in theatre, film, television, and any other storytelling
medium portrays a character.

6. Dialogue is the conversation between characters in the

7. Setting or set-up refers to the time and location where

filming takes place. It can be in a studio or a location.

Find Out and Learn

Try to identify which form or convention of film is being described. Choose from
the words inside the box.

lights blocking direction acting

dialogue characterization setting or set-up.

1. The actors are positioned in front of the house.

2. The director is telling the actors what he wants in the
3. They are filming near the sea.
4. They use natural sunlight.
5. The actress made us cry at that scene.
6. “Get out, the house is on fire!!!” shouted the actor.
7. Glinda plays as the good witch.

Think and Tell
Look at the picture.
Get a partner and talk about it.

Find out and Learn

Princess Polite (Short Story)

by Jasmine Logan, Grade pr, QLD

Once there was a girl called Princess Polite but people in her castle called her Polly or Polly Polite. One day a
super star came to her castle. Polly said
“Why have you come here? And what is your name?” The super star said
“My name is Sarah Jones. I’m here to rock out on your castles stage!” Polly said
“I don’t have a stage in my castle!”
“Ooooh dear!” Sarah cried. Polly said
“I will make a grand stage just for you and I will name it Stage Sarah.” Sarah said
“You don’t have to call it stage Sarah.” Polly called for the best builders in the land to come build the stage.
The building started. It took them two years to build it! Polly called Sarah on the phone.
“It’s finished come see!” Polly said.
“Sure, I’ll be there as soon as possible!” Super star Sarah said. Sarah brought a prince with her. Polly said
“Where did you find him and what’s his name?”
“James Sammy and I met him at a wedding.” Sarah said.
“Oh how sweet!” Polly said.
“Nice to meet you Polly Polite.” the handsome prince said.
“You smell like tuna!’ Polly said.
“Oh.” He said.
“We are here to get married!” Sarah said.
“Wait, I thought we were here to see you rock out. I don’t want to marry you!” James said, “I want to marry
Polly married the prince. The rock star rocked out on the stage but was crying the whole time. She stopped
crying for a moment then she cried into a bucket it had a thousand drips in it and it went all the way up to the
top. She had to tip it out and start all over again. The prince and the princess lived happily ever after. The rock
star spent the rest of her life crying a million tears into a bucket and starting all over again and again and again
and again and again and again and again and again

1. What is the story about?

2. What happened when the superstar came?
3. Why did Sarah want a castles stage?
4. How can you describe Sarah? Polly?
5. What happened when Polly built a stage for Sarah?
6. Why do you think the handsome prince married Polly instead of marrying Sarah?
7. What have you learned in the story?

Try and Learn

Greedy Boy

There lived a twin brother called Sam and Tom! They were identical twins, even their
mother found it too hard to differentiate between them during the initial months of birth.
However, they were like two poles when it comes to everything other than their
appearance. They neither agree with anything nor do they share even one single trait!

Sam had no friends, whereas for Tom the world was friendship. Sam loved sweets
and Tom loved to eat spicy foods. Sam was mommy’s pet and Tom was daddy’s pet.
While Sam was generous, Tom was greedy!

As they grew up, their father wanted to share his fortune equally. However, Tom did not
agree and he argued that whoever is more intelligent and strong, will gain higher share of
wealth than other.

Sam agreed. Their father decided to organize a competition between the two. And they ordered the two sons
to walk as long as they can in and they should return home before the sunset. Whoever covers the longer
distance and returns home before sunset will get huge amount of wealth proportionate to the distance they
covered. They don’t carry watch to calculate time.

Both started to walk a long way during a sunny day. Sam walked slowly and steadily, while Tom urged to win
over Sam started to run instantly.

The distance they cover until mid-noon will be equal to the distance they would reach home before sunset. It
was mid-noon and Sam decided to return back as he could reach home on time.

However, Tom, with his greediness to earn more wealth, did not turn his way back home even after mid-noon.
He walked two times longer distance that what Sam was covered and decided to return back before the
sunset. He urged to return home as the Sun turned orange in the evening. Unfortunately, he could not even
make half way to home and the moon rises.

He lost the race and was defeated because of greediness!



1. What is the setting of the story? Read the part where the setting is mentioned.
2. Who are the characters in the story? Describe each of the characters.
3. Identify the parts in the selection that helped you described the characters

Do and Learn
Read the story and summarize it by filling in the semantic web below.

“Mind Your Own Business”

There was once a girl who wouldn’t mind her own business, but loved to poke her nose into
everyone else’s! She really was most tiresome.
“You don’t do this right”, she would say to other children. “You don’t do that right!” And she would
alter what they had done and make them very angry.
She would even make herself a nuisance to her teacher. “You’ve put that notice up abput homework,
Miss Brown. Oh, Miss Brown, wouldn’t be better if we had painting on Thursday instead of Wednesday, then
we’d have more time?”
“Katie, when I want you to run my school for me I’ll tell you!” Miss Brown would say, “When will you
learn to mind your own business?”
“Katie always pokes her nose into everyhting,”said William. “When my mother sent you a note
yesterday, Miss Brown, Katie opened it and read it before you did.”
“Don’t tell tales,”said Katie at once.”Miss Brown, you don’t like tale tellers do you? You always say
you don’t. Well, wouldn’t you scold William?” “I don’t like tale tellers, it’s true,” said Miss Brown. “But I dislike
even more little girls who open notes meant for other people, Katie. One day you’ll get into serious trouble
for interfering.
Katie was in her worst interfering mood one day. She had told her mother that the flowers in the vase
were not arranged at all nicely, and she had arranged them all over again. She told her father that there was
button loose in his mackintosh, and why didn’t he remember to get it sewn tightly?
She had made the cook very angry because she had gone into the kitchen to watch a cake being
made, and had felt certain she could do it better. So she had done a little mixing herself, and had upset the
bowl of flour, milk, sugar and eggs all over the table.

Learn Some More


One hot day, an ant was searching for some water. After walking
around for some time, she came to a spring. To reach the spring, she
had to climb up a blade of grass. While making her way up, she slipped
and fell into the water.

She could have drowned if a dove up a nearby tree had not seen her.
Seeing that the ant was in trouble, the dove quickly plucked off a leaf
and dropped it into the water near the struggling ant. The ant moved
towards the leaf and climbed up there. Soon it carried her safely to dry
ground. Just at that time, a hunter nearby was throwing out his net towards the dove, hoping to trap it.

Guessing what he was about to do, the ant quickly bit him on the heel. Feeling the pain, the hunter dropped his
net. The dove was quick to fly away to safety.

One good turn deserves another.


 The characters are the people or animals in the story.

 The setting talks about the place and the time that the events in the story
 The plot is made up of the events that happened in the story. It consists of the
beginning, the middle, and the ending.
 Beginning – it gives the problem faced by the main character
 Middle – it represents the actions made by the characters to solve the
 Ending – it gives the solution to the problem

Think and Tell

Look at the people in the picture.


 Who are in the pictures?
 How many of you are members of the GSP or the BSP
 What are the common activities of a girl scout and a boy scout?

Read and Learn

Read the story and analyze it.


Last year, the Girl Scouts in our district celebrated their anniversary with a journey. What
do you think is the meaning of journey? The purpose of this trip was to explore the virgin forests of
Palawan. (What do you mean by virgin?) since the forests of Palawan have not yet been touched
by loggers. Many of the Girl Scouts who went were independent girls and did not need help in
doing basic or essential things like cooking and hiking. What do you think is the meaning of
independent? essential?
Learning the meaning of cooperation helped to make their trip a success. (guess the
meaning of cooperation) By working together well, most of them learned much and enjoy the trip.
They learned the value of preserving or taking good care of our forests to avoid floods and soil
erosion. (what is the meaning of preserving?)

Talk about It
Answer the following questions.

 Who celebrated their anniversary?

 How did they celebrate their anniversary?
 What was the purpose of their trip?
 How can you descrice a virgin forest?
 Where do you think can we find a virgin forest?
 What value did the Girl Scout learn about the forest?

Try and Learn

Use Context clues to help you decide which word to use.
Choose from the words in parentheses.
1. In the Sinai Desert, there is a mountain with very fine grains of sand.
They say that when the sand slides, it produces a __________ sound that is very nice to hear.
(musical, mechanical, comical)

2. The lady announced that Jose won the grand prize. He became __________ for a while, and wouldn’t
say a word.
(noisy, speechless, disturbed)

3. Don’t throw old tires. Some people try to _________ them and earn a lot from them.
(reduce, recycle, return)

Learn Some More

Do and Learn

Read the given sentences, then choose one of the words from below that will best fit the sentence.
After this, underline the word in the sentence that gave you clue to the word you chose.

Vase knocking mailing

Morning light write

1. Every ________ I have breakfast.

2. Turn on the _____________. It is dark in this room.
3. Bring this letter to the post office for _____________.
4. I can hear someone _______________ at the door.
5. Father brought some flowers which mother put in a _____________.


To get the meaning of a word, it must be used in a context and there is a clue.When we say
context clue, it means get the meaning of the word as it is used with other words. “Therefore, the words
that precede and follow an unfamiliar word will help you get its specific meaning. The word or is a signal
that a meaning for a new word will follow.

Think and Tell

Write a sentence for each of the given pictures.

____________________________________ _____________________________


Find Out and Learn

Read the outline and answer the questions below.

I. Characteristics of Vultures

A. Large birds of prey

B. Have baldheads and neck
C. Have very good eyesight
D. Have a keen sense of smell
II. How vultures get their food

A. Do not hunt for food

B. Live on rotting bodies of dead animals
C. Have to wait for their dinner
D. Eats food left by the lion


 What kind of birds are vultures?

 Why do vultures do not hunt for food?
 What kind of outline is presented?
 What are the main topics in the outline?
 Are they subtopics given for the main topics?
 Can this outline be written in paragraph form?

Do and Learn
Write 2 paragraphs based on the outline given.
I. Why clouds are important
A. ____________________
B. protect us from the heat of the sun
C. ____________________
II. ____________________
A. During fine weather, early in the morning clouds are golden yellow.
B. ____________________
C. ____________________

Learn Some More

Write paragraphs based on the outline given below.

The Whale
I. A sea mammal well built for living in water
A. Has blubber or fat to keep at warm
B. Has few bristle of hair on its head
C. Has front links shaped like flippers
D. Gives birth to live babies

II. How the whale gets air

A. Breaths air through its lungs
B. Swims to the surface of the water to breathe air
C. Blows out stale air before breathing in
D. Will drown if cannot come to the surface to breathe

We write paragraph using an outline by writing the topics following their correct order
in the outline.

Read and Learn

A.Do you still remember what you used to do when you were small?
What are these activities that you used to do?
How do you feel when you recall these activities that you used to do?
Find out as you read the poem.


When I was a child
I used to go from place to place
Crawling with my hands and feet.
I used to play with all my toys
Tearing and pulling them apart.
Now that I have grown
I would go wherever I want
Going out with all my friends.
I would join all kinds of games

What did the author use to do when he was a child? (Write the answers on the board)
What helping verbs were used to describe what he always did when he was small?

B. Read and study the paragraph.

We usually visit my grandparents every Sunday. Early in the morning on Sundays,

mother will prepare some food to take with us. She will cook fish as well as chicken
because grandpa likes fish but grandma eats only chicken.

Talk about It
a. How does mother usually do on Sundays?
b. What helping verb was used to express what mother usually does on Sunday?
c. What do we call these activities that we always do or always did in the past?
d. How many verbs are used to express these habits?
e. What are the main verbs?
f. What do we call these verbs?
g. In what forms are these auxiliary verbs used?
h. What do we call the helping verbs used before the auxiliary verbs?
i. Do the modals remain in the same form or do they follow that the subject is?
j. When do we use the modal used to and would?
k. When do we use the modal will?

Write About It
Use each modals inside the pie in a sentence.


 Modals are verbs used with other verbs. They can express a habit.
 Used to, would - are used to express a past habit
 Will – is used to express a present habit

Try and Learn

Draw a hat if the statement is correct and an umbrella if not.

1. The use of lighting can be both artificial and natural.
2. Actors/actress tells the story in a film by portraying a character.
3. Directions are the instructions given to the actors only.
4. Dialog are the things that are said by the characters in the movie.
5. A film creates the illusion of moving images.

Do and Learn

Exercise 1

Match Column A with the desciptions in Column B.

Column A Column B
1. Things that are said by the characters in a movie A. Dialog
2. The time, place, circumstances in which a film takes place B. Directions
3. The use of various light sources C. Film
4. Instructions given to the actors and other people D.Lighting
5. Motion picture or photoplay E. Setting
Exercise 2

Using the pictures below, write a simple dialogue with Formal and Informal English.


A film, also called a movie, motion picture or photoplay, is a series of still images which, when shown
on a screen, creates the illusion of moving images due to the phi phenomenon.
The different forms and conventions of films are:
 Characterization - describe the depiction of a character in a movie
 Acting is the work of an actor or actress, which is a person in theatre, television, film, or any
other storytelling medium who tells the story by portraying a character and,
usually, speaking or singing the written text or play.
 Dialog – the things that are said by the characters in a movie; a discussion/ conversation
between two or more people
 Setting or set up – the time, place, circumstances in which a film takes place
 Direction – the instructions given to the actors and other people working on a film
 Blocking is the positioning and movement of the characters to tell the story in visual term
 Lighting - the use of various light sources, both artificial and natural, to achieve some aesthetic
or practical effect while illuminating a scene.

 Formal language is using standard English (not slang) and appropriate grammar when
speaking or writing. Informal language is the language we use when we feel very
comfortable and casual around people. For example, talking with or writing to our peers,
close friends, and family may be appropriate times to use informal speech. You may
choose to use slang or some inappropriate grammar. Informal language does not require
standard English.


Quarter 1

Week 4

Day 1 Distinguish fact from opinion

Respond to ideas and opinions after reflection

Think and Tell

Game: Pick out a strip (rolled with ribbon) with a statement stating
a fact or an opinion inside a box. Those who picked an opinion should go
to the left side; those who picked a fact should go to the right side. Pupils
who did not get it correctly should recite a poem; render a song or a
dance number.

 Boats never sink.

 Ice is cold.
 Three is not a number between two and
 All people can read.
 A kitten grew up to be a cat.
 You should brush your teeth.
 A baby cannot count one to ten
 Rich people are happy.
 Water is important to men.

Find Out and Learn

Read the sentence. Draw a if the statement tells about fact and a if it is opinion.

________1. The earth is made up of gases like oxygen carbon and others.

________2. The Sun is actually a star.

________3. ET is the friendly alien from the Outer Space.

________4. Conserving our forests greatly helps in preventing floods.

________5. The pen is mightier than the sword.

Try and Learn

Exercise 1

Read the following paragraphs. Answer the questions.

A. Jose works with animals. In fact he spends every spare moment in a neighborhood
pet store. After school he helps feed the animals and clean their cages. He spends a lot
of time training the animals so that they get along with people.

B. Jose believes that being a veterinarian and working with animals would be a
wonderful thing for him to do when he grows up. He thinks that he will become an
excellent veterinary doctor in the future.

Which paragraph expresses truth of facts?

Which paragraphs expresses a view or a belief?

How do you identify that the paragraph is true or just an opinion?

Do and Learn

Shade the if the sentence states a fact and for the sentence that states an
opinion cross it.

1. A forest is the best place to relax.

2. Christmas is the best time of the year.

3. Forest protects our wildlife; gives homes; food and water to animals and birds.

4. it is easier to wrap a big gift that a small one.

5. Malunggay leaves is good for the health

Learn Some More

Group the class into three. Give them a checklist of statement of fact and opinion. Let
them answer it and compare their works with the other group.

Fact Opinion
1. I love water.
2.Ilocanos are thrifty
3. Animals need food in order to survive.
4. Kidney transplant always saves lives.
5. Clean water is pure water.
6. Drink about 6-8 glasses each day to be healthy and strong.
7. The earth revolves around the sun once in every 365 ¼ days or one
8. Forest fire can be prevented.
9. We celebrate New Year every first day of January.
10. Trees prevent flood that can kill people and crops.


FACT is a statement OPINION is a view or

which experiences and guess which may or may
experiments have proven not be true.
to be true.

Day 2 Identify different meanings of content specific word Denotation and

connotation) (Science)

Think and Tell

Shows different pictures in the class (e.g. house‚ Group the class into two.
Let the first class identify the meaning of the word while the other group must
give their own meaning about the pictures.

Find Out and Learn

Read the paragraph and pick out 5 words give your connotation and denotation
of the words that you’ve chosen.

Ultrasonic Power

Ultrasonic power is an electronic device that drives away annoying animals from
an area. This new discovery uses high frequency sound. It forces the unwanted animals
to leave the area. While the sound is irritating to animals‚ it is not to people. It does not
cause any damage to the environment‚ too. Our household pets are also safe because
this is designed for outdoors.

Birds will not be affected. They are not affected by high frequency sound waves.

Most importantly‚ this device is environment friendly. It eliminates the need for
repellents‚ dangerous chemicals or physical attacks.

Ultrasonic power is the answer to the problem caused by stray dogs‚ cats‚ and
even rats.

Try and Learn

Ask the following questions:

1. What is the report all about?

2. What is the meaning of Ultrasonic Sound?

3. How about your own interpretation about it?

4. Which is for you the best one to use? The connotation meaning of a word or
the denotation?

5. Can you give the differences of the denotation and connotation?

Do and Learn

Listed below are Science words give the connotation and denotation of the

electricity observing reproduction energy matter

Learn Some More

Divide the class into two groups. The first group will be the Connotation Group
while the other one is the Denotation Group. Give them the same words to identify the
meaning based on their group. After doing the activity let them compare their work.


Denotation. The dictionary meaning of a word. The literal

meaning of a word.

Connotation. The emotional or cultural meaning attached to a

Day 3 Read with automaticity grade level frequently occurring content area

Gather information from various sources-Dictionaries.

Think and Tell

Let the pupils play the game.


Divide students into groups of 3. Give each group a dictionary. Let

them create the ideal student, school, class, teacher, or whatever. When they
have their creation finished, each group will explain the meaning of it with the use of the

Find Out and Learn

The teacher will give a selection to be read by the group. They must need to talk the
correct intonation and diction of each word using the dictionary.

Why the Sky is High

In the early days, when the sky was still low, two brothers named Ingat and
Daskol lived with their parents on Earth.

As their names indicate, Ingat was careful in everything he did and was
therefore his father’s right hand man. He was always helping with the work in the field
and his parent’s were very pleased with him.

On the other hand, Daskol did his work sloopily. In the absence of the daughter
in the family, the house work came, to be Daskol’s responsibility. He fetched water,
cleaned the house, and did cooking. He also did the pounding of the palay that his
father and Ingat harvested. Even in pounding, Daskol lived up to his name. Half of the
grain he pounded scattered and fell to the ground. Being naturally lazy and impatient,
he did not like the work of pounding.

One day, Daskol had to pound a greater quantity of palay than usual. He was
irritated because every time he raised the pestle, it would hit the sky. His anger added
to his strength and desire to finish the work quickly. So, he raised the pestle higher and
every time it hit the sky, the sky will be raised. In his hurry Daskol did not notice that the
sky was rising. When he finished pounding rice he looked up and discovered that the
sky had risen and it is where it is today.

Try and Learn

Study the italicized word in the sentence. Look the meaning of the word in the
dictionary. Write in your notebook.

1. The bunch of flowers will fade if you leave it under the sun.

2. The quarrel left a gulf between Percy and Yoly.

3. Let us cook our hotdogs over the live coals.

4. I want my steak to be served rare.

5. This is my first plane ride.

Do and Learn

Use the words in the box to complete the sentences. Write your answer on your

a. Pluck f. lamented
b. peering g. reign
c. stranger h. choked
d. approached i. fervent
e. gulp j. marveled

1. Alligators _____small animals for food.

2. Lisa stared at me with a __________ smile.

3. Peace and harmony should ______ in every Filipino home.

4. The children _____ flowers from the garden.

5. The dog _________ on a piece of bone.

6. The boys ________their teacher to apologize.

7. Rommel ________ the death of his pet dog.

8. The sick boy could not go down to play. He was just _____ at his playmates through
the window.

9. My pet dog barked at the ______.

10. The onlookers look up at the magnificent fireworks in the sky and _________.

Read and Learn

Let the pupils read the passage and answer the following question.

From 1943 to 1952 scientists observed the formation of the volcano Paricutin. In
February 1943‚ there was much underground activity near the village of Paricutin‚
Mexico. It caused many small Earth tremors that worried the villagers. On the February
20‚ Dionisio and Paulo Pulido noticed smoke rising from a small hole in their cornfield
near the village. The hole had been there as long as the farmer and his wife could
remember . That night hot rock fragments spewing from the hole looked like fireworks.
By morning‚ the fragments had piled up into a cone about 40 meters high. Within two
years it was more than 400 meters high. Ash from the volcano burned and covered the
village of Paricutin. Lavas flows buried another nearby village. After nine years‚ the
volcanic activity stopped.

Talk About It

1. What is the passage all about?

2. When did the scientists observed the formation of the volcano Paricutin?

3. How can you describe the scenery during the night of February 20?


Dictionary gives a word a many meanings.

We use the dictionary to select the appropriate meaning from several meanings given.
WE select the appropriate meaning of the word by knowing how it is used in the

Day 4 Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical
structures (collective nouns and verb agreement)

Revise writing for clarity-correct spelling

Think and Tell

Call 9 students and group them into 3. Give the group each envelops. Inside
on it is a group of words to be arrange to form a sentence.


Group 1 – My dogs always growl at the postal carrier.

Group 2 – Peter doesn’t likes vegetables

Group 3 – Basketball rolls across the floor.

Ask the pupils “ What did you notice in the subject?

How about the verb?

What is the relationship of the subject and the verb?

Do and Learn

Underline the collective nouns in the sentence.

1. The committee meets here every Thursday.

2. The crowd is getting angry.
3. The jury has finally reached a decision.
4. The majority rules most of the time.
5. The staff have gone their separate ways for the holidays.

Learn Some More

Give the instruction to the pupils written on the index card and perform the

Group 1
a. Each _____ a trophy for playing.
b. Something ___ very wrong here.
c. The crowd ___ getting angry.
Group 2
a. Each _____ a trophy for playing.
b. Something ___ very wrong here.
c. The crowd ___ getting angry.
Group 3
a. Each _____ a trophy for playing.
b. Something ___ very wrong here.
c. The crowd ___ getting angry.
Group 4
a. Each _____ a trophy for playing.
b. Something ___ very wrong here.
c. The crowd ___ getting angry.

Write About It

Read the sentences carefully. Fill in the blanks with the correct missing letters to
complete each word. Write the whole word on a piece of paper.
1. Any end___vor can easily be done if we work together.
2. Christians believe that Jesus Christ is the red___mer of the world.
3. The stranger looks w___rd.
4. The misch___vous child got hurt.
5. Please help me fix our l___king faucet.


Subject verb agreement simply means the subject and verb

must agree in number. This means both need to be
singular or both need to be plural.
Collective nouns can be singular or plural depending on
meaning. Here are some examples of subject verb agreement with
collective nouns:

Day 5 Determine images/ideas that are explicitly used to influence viewers

-Stereotypes -Point of view -Propagandas

Observe politeness at all times.

Think and Tell

Look at the pictures class.

What can you say about the pictures?

Is anyone of you already watched a movie?

How do you act inside a movie theater?

Do you think it is important to act correctly during watching any film movie or
even we are just watching a TV?

Emphasize the good attitudes in watching a film viewing.

Find Out and Learn

Watch the video “Bullying Elementary School” by Travis White Production. Have
the pupils have their point of view after watching the video. Let them identify the
characters that each pupils possess in the video.

Do and Learn

Answers the table by simple categorize the images/ideas came from the recent
video. Put a √ on a column.

Images/Ideas Stereotypes Point of View Propaganda

1. naughty child
2. juice
3. shoes and dress of the children
4. reminded by the principal
5. playing

Learn Some More

Group the class into four. Identify the different images/ideas. Write P if it’s use
for propaganda S for stereotypes and PV for point view. Then let them compare their
answer and talk about it.

1. 2.

3. 4.



E. Closure/ Assessment

Stereotype: to believe infairly that all people

or things with a particular characteristic are
the same.

Day 1

Think and Tell

Look at the picture.

What do you see in the picture?

Can you imitate the sounds of it?

Find Out and Learn

Analyze the following sentences identify the sound device used .

 I lie down by the side of my bride.

 Hear the lark and harken to the barking of the dark fox gone to ground.
 It's hot and it's monotonous.
 The crumbling thunder of seas.
 Try to light the fire.
 The horse’s hooves clip-clopped on the cobblestones.
 Those clucking chickens are driving me crazy!
 If you’re going to cough, please cover your mouth.
 The prisoner was terrified to hear the crack of the whip.
 We roasted marshmallows over the crackling fire.
 Despite their mother’s warnings, the children chose to chew with their mouths open.
 The rich man was so cheap that it was chilling.
 The crowd cheered when the champion hit the challenger with a chair.
 We sat around the campfire and chomped on chunks of charred chicken.
 Change the channel.
 They would have been on time, if they didn’t dilly-dally.
 He dunked the delicious donut in dairy creamer.
 There is nothing but death in the desert during the day.
 I woke up at school in a slobbery pool; though I used to be dry, now I’m drowning in
 I dreamt of a drip-dropping drain in my dream.

Try and Learn

Answer the following ;

1. Which example /sentence imitates its sound ?

2. Which sentence start with the same sound are used close together in
a phrase or sentence?
3. From the examples given by the teacher which sentence takes place
when two or more words close to one another repeat the same vowel
sound but start with different consonant sounds?

Learn Some More

Group Activity

Analyzing the sound devices used in the sentences.

The large dog said, “Bow-wow!”

Both bees and buzzers buzz.
The bird’s chirp filled the empty night air
Honesty is the best policy.
Let the cat out of the bag.
A stitch in time saves nine.
Alice’s aunt ate apples and acorns around August.
Becky’s beagle barked and bayed, becoming bothersome for Billy.
Carrie's cat clawed her couch, creating chaos.

Group 1: List down the sentences sound devices ( onomatopoeia )

Group 2: List down the sentences sound devices ( alliteration )
Group 3: List down the sentences sound devices ( assonance )


Sound Devices

What is onomatopoeia?
- Onomatopoeia is when a word’s pronunciation imitates its sound.

I could hear the crowd murmur as the news spread.

 What is alliteration ?
- Alliteration happens when words that start with the same sound are
used close together in a phrase or sentence. The sound is usually a
consonant and the words don’t have to always be right next to one
- One of the fun features of alliteration is when it becomes a tongue

She could feel her son’s sweet smell of success.

 What is assonance ?

-Assonance takes place when two or more words close to one another

repeat the same vowel sound but start with different consonant sounds.

- Example:
The silken tent.

Week 5
Day 2

I. Objectives
Use formal and informal English when appropriate to task and situation

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Formal and informal English when appropriate to task and situation

Materials: chart, pictures ,activity sheet ,meta cards

Reference: EN5OL -Ie – 3.9
Focused Skill: Speaking

III. Procedure
A. Setting the Stage
Look at the picture . Try to analyse which of them are using the formal and informal
English based on the situation portrayed .

Say: What can you say about the picture?

Can you tell something about this?
Based on their actions. Which do you think shows the formal and informal
conversation ?

B. Explaining the students What to Do

Say: Today we discuss about using formal and informal English based on their task
and situation.

Say: How do you differentiate the formal and informal English ?

 Formal English - we use it when writing essays for school, cover letters,
to apply for jobs or e mails and letters at work.

Example: represent , Finally

 Informal English – we use it with friends, children and relatives.

Example : stand for, In the end

C. Modeling

The teacher will give more sample of formal and informal English.

Refer to LM.

Say: What have you noticed about the samples of the formal and informal
English? Which of the two do you want to use ?

D. Guided Practice
The teacher will present new sample of formal & informal English.

Direction: Write F if the words state formal English and IF for informal English.

____1 . Go up ____ 4. ASAP

____2. Therefore ____ 5. negative
____3. Totally

E. Independent Practice

Group Activity
Complete the table below .

Group 1: Abbreviation
Formal English Informal English


Group 2: Letter of Expression

Formal English Informal English

Hi Robert

Truly Yours,

Group 3: Slang
Formal English Informal English

Right answer

F. Closure
When do we use formal English ? informal English?

IV. Evaluation

Directions: Arrange the words in the table below .

Example: bad - negative

Completely loaded
Smart You can call me if you need anything.
Rich intelligent
I look forward to having from you. Please do not hesitate to contact me.
Hope to hear from you soon. totally

Formal English Informal English

1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.

Week 5
Day 2

Think and Tell

Look at the picture . Try to analyse which of them are using the formal and informal
English based on the situation portrayed .

What can you say about the picture?

Can you tell something about this?
Based on their actions. Which do you think shows the formal and informal
conversation ?

Find Out and Learn

Formal Informal
establish Set up
examine look at

Formal Informal
moreover also
However but

Formal Informal
much A lot of
definitely very

Formal Informal
negative bad
positive good

What have you noticed about the samples of the formal and informal English?
Which of the two do you want to use ?

Learn Some More

Group Activity
Complete the table below .

Group 1: Abbreviation
Formal English Informal English


Group 2: Letter of Expression

Formal English Informal English

Hi Robert

Truly Yours,

Group 3: Slang
Formal English Informal English

Right answer


 Formal English - we use it when writing essays for school, cover letters, to
apply for jobs or e mails and letters at work.

Example: represent , Finally

 Informal English – we use it with friends, children and relatives.

Example : stand for, In the end

Week 5
Day 3
I. Objectives

1. Infer the meaning of unfamiliar words based on given context clues

( synonyms, antonyms, word parts and other strategies )
2. Revise writing for clarity ( correct spelling )

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Meaning of Unfamiliar Words Based on Given Context Clues

Materials: chart, pictures ,activity sheet ,context
Reference: EN5V- Ie-12 and 13
Developing Reading Power 5 p. 17-26
Focused Skill: Inferring
Value: Save the animals.

III. Procedure
A. Setting the Stage
Study the following sentences. Find the meaning of the underlined word.
What word in the sentence hints at the meaning of the unfamiliar word ?

 Attendance in the meeting is mandatory.

The parents thought it was voluntary.

 The police officer was stalwart .

He was not weak nor fearful.

Say: Can you tell the meaning of the unfamiliar word ? What groups of words in the
sentence helps you figure out the meaning of the unfamiliar word ?

 The sky was overcast and rain was expected in the afternoon.
 Thosand of years ago, primitive people discovered fire and learned to cook
their food.

Say : What words in the sentence hint at the meaning of the unfamiliar word ? What
kind of context clue is used in the sentences ?

B. Explaining the students What to Do

Say : Inference clue is a kind of context clue. In an inference clue, some kind of
information is given in the sentence to help you figure out the meaning of the
unfamiliar word.
Say: The examples use antonyms as hints to the meaning of the unfamiliar word.
An antonym is a word that means the opposite of a given word. In this kind of
Context clue the antonym of the unfamiliar word is given within the sentence or in
the next to help the reader figure out the meaning of the unfamiliar word.

C. Modeling
Directions: Read the paragraph below. Infer the meaning of the underlined words.

The shark is a sea animals whose prodigious strength and size is unequalled.
A hungry shark attacks its prey viciously. Because of this, many people fear the
animal . But the shark does not deserve such bad reputation. In reality, sharks rarely
attack human beings. The animals does so only when provoked by hunters who
invade its territory. Like any other animal, the shark resents invasion of its home.

1. The elephant is another mammal with prodigious strength Prodigious means

a. beautiful c. wicked
b. great d. unfriendly

2. Normally, the sharks’ prey are other fishes. What does prey mean ?

a. Animals who eat other animals

b. Animals that are hunted as food
c. All animals that swim
d. Animals that live together

3. When a hungry shark attacks viciously, it moves _________.

a. gently c. in slow motion

b. gracefully d. with force
4. If you deserve something, you are _____ of it.
a. worthy c. burdehed
b. ashamed d. proud
5. What does reputation mean ?
a. the way a person or thing is named
b. one’s family name
c. one’s work calling

D. Guided Practice

Directions: Read each sentence. Circle the antonym clue. Underline the word
That is explained by the antonym clue.
1. Life in the barrio is not extraordinary. It is mundane.
2. The drinks served today is sparkling but yesterday was flat.
3. The Spaniards called the Filipinos indolent but actually we are industrious.
4. The sea today is turbulent, not calm.

5. The soiled bed sheet is not clean. It needs washing.

E. Independent Practice

Group Activity

Group 1
Directions: Determine if the sentence has a context clue for the underlined word.
Write C on the first blank if the sentence has a context clue: write NC if it does not
have on the blank, write the kind of context clue used.

Refer to LM.
Group 2
Directions : Study the sentences. Find the word or word group that help
you understand the meaning of the underlined word. Write the clues on your paper.

Refer to LM.
Group 3
Directions: Study the following sentences. Select the word or word group
that has the same meaning as the underlined word. Tell the information you used
To figure out the meaning of the unfamiliar word.

F. Closure

Inference clue is a kind of context clue. In an inference clue, some kind of

information is given in the sentence to help you figure out the meaning of the
unfamiliar word.

IV. Evaluation

A. Directions: Select the word or word group that has the same meaning as the
underlined word. Tell the information you used to figure out the meaning of the
unfamiliar word.

1. The head nurse has many obligations in the hospital.

a. Uniform c. patients
b. Duties d. payments

2. The firemen looked through the debris of the burned building. They tried to
find out how the fire started.
a. Flames c. remains
b. Twisted steel d. broken doors

3. Alvin holds a grudge against me when I did not vote for him in the student
a. Feeling of forgiveness c. feeling of happiness
b. Feeling of bitterness d. feeling of encouragement

B. Directions: Read each sentence. Circle the antonym clue. Underline the word
that is explained by the antonym clue.
4. The parents were lukewarm in their response. They were not enthusiastic.
5. Mother changed the drab color into something lively.

Week 5
Day 3

Think and Tell

Study the following sentences. Find the meaning of the underlined word.
What word in the sentence hints at the meaning of the unfamiliar word ?

 Attendance in the meeting is mandatory.

The parents thought it was voluntary.

 The police officer was stalwart .

He was not weak nor fearful.

Can you tell the meaning of the unfamiliar word ? What groups of words in the
sentence helps you figure out the meaning of the unfamiliar word ?

 The sky was overcast and rain was expected in the afternoon.
 Thousand of years ago, primitive people discovered fire and learned to cook
their food.

What words in the sentence hint at the meaning of the unfamiliar word ? What kind
of context clue is used in the sentences ?

Find Out and Learn

Directions: Read the paragraph below. Infer the meaning of the underlined words.

The shark is a sea animals whose prodigious strength and size is unequalled.
A hungry shark attacks its prey viciously. Because of this, many people fear the
animal . But the shark does not deserve such bad reputation. In reality, sharks
rarely attack human beings. The animals does so only when provoked by hunters
who invade its territory. Like any other animal, the shark resents invasion of its

1. The elephant is another mammal with prodigious strength Prodigious means

a. beautiful c. wicked
b. great d. unfriendly
2. Normally, the sharks’ prey are other fishes. What does prey mean ?

a. Animals who eat other animals
b. Animals that are hunted as food
c. All animals that swim
d. Animals that live together

3. When a hungry shark attacks viciously, it moves _________.

a. gently c. in slow motion

b. gracefully d. with force
4. If you deserve something, you are _____ of it.
a. worthy c. burdehed
b. ashamed d. proud
5. What does reputation mean ?
a. the way a person or thing is named
b. one’s family name
c. one’s work calling
Try and Learn
Directions: Read each sentence. Circle the antonym clue. Underline the word
That is explained by the antonym clue.
1. Life in the barrio is not extraordinary. It is mundane.
2. The drinks served today is sparkling but yesterday was flat.
3. The Spaniards called the Filipinos indolent but actually we are industrious.
4. The sea today is turbulent, not calm.
5. The soiled bed sheet is not clean. It needs washing.

Do and Learn

Group Activity

Group 1
Directions: Determine if the sentence has a context clue for the underlined word.
Write C on the first blank if the sentence has a context clue: write NC if it does not
have on the blank, write the kind of context clue used.
1. Mother looked longingly at the fragile flower vases.
_____________ ___________________________
2. Father was in a predicament when he did not follow the odd-even
scheme traffic rule. He was in a difficult situation.
_____________ ____________________________
3. The coat smelled musty after it has been stored in the closest for so
many months.
_____________ ____________________________
4. The gullies on the hillside showed the rains had washed much of the
good topsoil.
_____________ ____________________________
5. We put up a fence on the boundary of our property.
_____________ ____________________________

Group 2
Directions : Study the sentences. Find the word or word group that help
you understand the meaning of the underlined word. Write the clues on your paper.

1. The dog yanked or pulled at the meat until it came off the bone.
2. The sunken ship contains bag of pistoles . The bags of old gold coins are
worth a lot of money.
3. The list of alternatives, that is choices, for the class trip includes a trip to the
Enchanted Kingdom.
4. The fanciful or unrealistic costumes in the play are attractive.
5. Hepatitis is a very malevolent (harmful)disease.

Group 3
Directions: Study the following sentences. Select the word or word group
that has the same meaning as the underlined word. Tell the information you used
to figure out the meaning of the unfamiliar word.

1. The damage done by the fire was dreadful ; we lost everything we have.
a. amusing c. terrible
b. unimportant d. could not be explained

2. Fatima was modest about her grades, even though it was the highest in the
whole grade level.
a. not happy c. not proud
b. not boastful d. not sincere

3. In the LRT, I was wedged between the crowd and the door.
a. offered a place c. squeezed
b. pushed against d. pinned down
4. I was outraged when I saw that big boy pushing the lame boy.
a. interested c. shocked
b. pleased d. angered
5. The politician’s plan has many drawbacks. The people rejected it.
a. advantages c. parts
b. problems d. supporters

Learn Some More

Directions: Study the paragraph below. At the end of the paragraph, write the
underlined word. Write the meaning of the underlined word. Write the kind of context clue used
to figure out the meaning of the unfamiliar word.

Malabon Zoo has an aviary or a place for keeping birds. Several tropical birds are keep
here like the toucan, myna, and cockatoo. These variegated birds look like colorful butterflies.
Although many visitors come to the zoo, the owner is apprehensive. Defraying or bearing the
cost of the aviary is heavy. The owner came up with a novel idea to help with the expenses. He
sells to the visitors souvenirs or items to remember the zoo.

Unfamiliar Words Meaning Kind of context clue used

1. ______________ _______________________
2. ______________ _______________________

3. ______________ _______________________
4. ______________ ______________________
5. ______________ _______________________

Inference clue is a kind of context clue. In an inference clue, some kind of
information is given in the sentence to help you figure out the meaning of the
unfamiliar word.

An antonym is a word that means the opposite of a given word. In this

kind of Context clue the antonym of the unfamiliar word is given within the sentence
or in the next to help the reader figure out the meaning of the unfamiliar word.

Week 5
Day 4
I. Objectives
Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical
- Conjunctions

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Conjunctions
Materials: chart, pictures ,activity sheet
Reference: EN5G- Ie- 8.3 /8.4
English for All Times 5 Language p. 36-41
Focused Skill: Speaking and Writing
Value: Honesty

III. Procedure
A. Setting the Stage
Directions : Listen carefully as your teacher reads letter of excuse from her


- Who were absent from their classes?

- Why was Joyce absent and was able to go to school?
- Did Joyce explain clearly their reasons to be excuse?Why?

B. Explaining the students What to Do

Say : Have you been absent from your class before? When was that? Why were
you absent? Tell the class when you were absent and why. Use these patterns:

I was absent last __________________.

I was absent because _______________.
(or : I missed my classes last _______________.
I missed my classes because ___________.

You have learned that related ideas or thoughts can be joined by the
conjunctions and, or, and but . Compound sentences are then built.
Other conjunctions can also be used. This is to show a clear and precise
relationship between ideas or thoughts. These are as follows :

because when if unless so

so that where although since

When these conjunctions are used, another kind of sentence is built. This
sentence is called a complex sentence.

C. Modeling
Directions: Look at how the ideas below can be combined into complex sentences. Can
you explain the meaning of each combination ?

You rest and sleep. You have a bad cold.

1. You rest and sleep because you have a bad cold.
2. You rest and sleep if you have a bad cold.
3. When you have a bad cold, you rest and sleep.
4. You rest and sleep although you have a bad cold.
5. Since you have a bad cold, you rest and sleep.

 Which sentences tell why you have to rest and sleep?

 Which tells a condition for you to rest and sleep ?

When combining two ideas into one sentence, think how they are related
To each other. Then, choose a conjunction that will clearly show that relationship.

D. Guided Practice

Directions: Can you combine the ideas in this paragraph clearly ? Use the
appropriate conjunctions and form complex sentences.

We wanted to go camping. We love the outdoors. We packed our supplies.

We boarded the bus. We sang. We would not feel bored and sleepy.

Did you come up with these complex sentence ?

1. We wanted to go camping because we love the outdoors.

2. After we packed our things, we boarded the bus.
3. We sang so that we would not feel bored and sleepy.

E. Independent Practice

Group Activity

Group 1
Directions: Go around the classroom. Ask classmates to answer the questions or
to complete the statements below. Record every answer.

Refer to LM.
Group 2
Directions : Choose the most appropriate conjunction to connect the ideas
in each sentence.

Refer to LM.
Group 3
Directions: Complete each into a complex sentence. Add another idea
appropriate to the given conjunction.
Refer to LM.

F. Closure

Use conjunctions like, because, so that, when, where, if, although, among
others, to express clear relationships.
A complex sentence is made up of two or more ideas combined using the

said conjunctions.

IV. Evaluation

Directions: Combine the given ideas into a complex sentence. Use appropriate
conjunctions like because, if, although, unless, so that, before, after, when,
were among others.

Example : I like gardening. I love green plants.

Answer: I like gardening because I love green plants.

1. I like farming. It is a man’s work.

2. I started gardening. I was seven.
3. I used pots made of small cans. I was still young for a garden pot.
4. I used animal manure as fertilizer. My plants grew healthy and robust.
5. I save some of my earnings in the bank. I can buy my favorite reading books.

Week 5
Day 4

Think and Tell

Directions : Listen carefully as your teacher reads letter of excuse from her


- Who were absent from their classes?

- Why was Joyce absent and was able to go to school?
- Did Joyce explain clearly their reasons to be excuse?Why?

Find Out and Learn

Directions: Look at how the ideas below can be combined into complex sentences. Can
you explain the meaning of each combination ?

You rest and sleep. You have a bad cold.

1. You rest and sleep because you have a bad cold.

2. You rest and sleep if you have a bad cold.
3. When you have a bad cold, you rest and sleep.
4. You rest and sleep although you have a bad cold.
5. Since you have a bad cold, you rest and sleep.

 Which sentences tell why you have to rest and sleep?

 Which tells a condition for you to rest and sleep ?

When combining two ideas into one sentence, think how they are related
To each other. Then, choose a conjunction that will clearly show that relationship.

Try and Learn

Directions: Can you combine the ideas in this paragraph clearly ? Use the
appropriate conjunctions and form complex sentences.

We wanted to go camping. We love the outdoors. We packed our supplies.

We boarded the bus. We sang. We would not feel bored and sleepy.

Do and Learn
Group Activity

Group 1

Directions: Go around the classroom. Ask classmates to answer the questions or
to complete the statements below. Record every answer.
1. I climb a mountain if………..
2. I paint when …………….
3. We study hard so ………..
4. We can learn anything fast if ……..
I play the guitar although ……………

Group 2
Directions: Complete each into a complex sentence. Add another
idea appropriate to the given conjunction.

1. It was a warm and bright day when ________.

2. Dondon and Edgar dressed up well because _______.
3. They had formed a singing group since ____________.
4. The boys had practiced for long hours so that __________.
5. They would not join the singing contest unless __________.

Group 3

Directions : Choose the most appropriate conjunction to connect the ideas

in each sentence.

1. Dona brings a waterjug ( when, where ) he goes hiking.

2. I like hiking, too, ( since, although ) it can be tiring.
3. ( When, Before ) I get very tired, I usually take a rest.
4. I began hiking 9 since, if ) I was seven.
5. You should not climb the mountain( so that, unless ) someone is with you.

Learn Some More

Directions: Complete each into a complex sentence. Add another idea appropriate to
the given conjunction.

1. They strongly believe in winning because ___________.

2. The audience was very quiet when ________________.
3. At last the time came when __________.
4. After _________, the boys continued to practice singing.
5. If _________, you should develop by using it well.


Use conjunctions like, because, so that, when, where, if, although, among others, to
express clear relationships.
A complex sentence is made up of two or more ideas combined using the said

Week 5
Day 5
I. Objectives
1. Analyze a 2- stanza poem in terms of its elements ( rhymes, sound
devices, imaginary and figurative language )
2. Distinguish among various types of viewing materials.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Analyzing a 2- stanza poem in terms of its elements

Materials: chart, poems ,activity sheet
Reference: EN5RC – I e – 6 / EN5VC – I e 6
Developing Reader Power 5 p. 35-37
Focused Skill: Analyzing
Value: Appreciate all the creatures of God.

III. Procedure
A. Setting the Stage

Presenting some lines from several poems.

Slides Presentation

B. Explaining the students What to Do

Say : Here are some lines from several poems. Can you tell the meaning of the
underlined words ? What do the underlined words describe ?

Figurative Language describes things in new ways. This kind of Language goes beyond
what words actually mean. Poets often use figurative language meanings.

C. Modeling

Directions: Read the poem.


By : Eleonor Farjeon
The night will never stay,
The night will still go by,
Though with a million stars
You pin it to the sky
Though you bind it with the blowing wind,
And buckle it with the moon.
The night will slip away.
Like a sorrow or a tune

 What do you call the underlined word?

 How did the poet describe the moon?

 Can moon really do what the poet’s suggest?

D. Guided Practice

By: Emilie F. johnson

My tree is like a duster reaching high.

Stretching forth to sweep the cloudy sky.

How the author describes the tree?

E. Independent Practice

Group Activity

Directions : Study the following lines from some poems. Identify the figurative
language used. Tell the meaning of the figurative words in everyday language.

Group 1: Group 3:
Where carts are blue
And barns are red, Slowly,silently now the moon
And the road unwinds Walks the night in her silver shoon
Like a twist of thread. This way and that , she peers and sees
Silver fruits upon silver trees.

Group 2:

They seem like animal eyes in the dark

That are stealthily searching for prey;
And the road is afraid for it wriggles its tail
And hurriedly slithers away.

F. Closure

Figurative Language describes things in new ways. This kind of Language

goes beyond what words actually mean. Poets often use figurative language

IV. Evaluation
Directions: Study the lines from poem. Identify the figurative language used. Tell the
meaning of the figurative words in everyday language.

Butterfly, butterfly,light a summer air

Dartting up,floating down,drifting everywhere

Are the fairies using you.

As an airplane for a fairy crew ?

Week 5
Day 5

Think and Tell

Directions: Study the following lines from some points. Identify the figurative
language used. Tell the meaning of the figurative words in everyday language.

1. Where carts are blue

And barns are red,
And the road unwinds
Like a twist of thread.

2. The moon like a flower

In heaven’s high bower,
With silent delight
Sits and smiles in the night.

3. My turtle is a tidy boy!

When he is tired of play,
He folds himself up carefully
And puts himself away.

Find Out and Learn


By : Eleonor Farjeon
The night will never stay,
The night will still go by,
Though with a million stars
You pin it to the sky
Though you bind it with the blowing wind,
And buckle it with the moon.
The night will slip away.
Like a sorrow or a tune

 What do you call the underlined word?

 How did the poet describe the moon?
 Can moon really do what the poet’s suggest?

Try and Learn

By: Emilie F. johnson

My tree is like a duster reaching high.

Stretching forth to sweep the cloudy sky

How the author describes the tree?

Do and Learn
Group Activity

Directions : Study the following lines from some poems. Identify the figurative
language used. Tell the meaning of the figurative words in everyday language.

Group 1: Group 3:
Where carts are blue
And barns are red, Slowly,silently now the moon
And the road unwinds Walks the night in her silver shoon
Like a twist of thread. This way and that , she peers and sees
Silver fruits upon silver trees.

Group 2:

They seem like animal eyes in the dark

That are stealthily searching for prey;
And the road is afraid for it wriggles its tail
And hurriedly slithers away.


Figurative Language describes things in new ways. This kind of Language

goes beyond what words actually mean. Poets often use figurative language


Learner’s Material


Day 1

Think and Tell

Do you feel the love and care of you mother?

What are the instances that show your mother’s tender loving care?

Find Out and Learn

A. Unlocking of difficulties

1. A dagger is thrust into her heart. The word thrust means

A. To push B. To play C. To remain

2. If you feel secure when you are with your parents, you are

A. Afraid B. confident C. angry

3. When a mother caresses her child, she _____him/her.

A. Touches B. scolds C. Reprimand

4. Sheila hurt herself when she touched the dagger. A dagger is _______.

A. A round and smooth object

B. An elongated and rough object
C. A pointed and sharp object

5. It is for the sake of a child, then, it is for his/her own________.

A. Misery B. benefit C. look out

Listen as the teacher reads the poem.

My Mother Dear
Who brought me to this world
To see the wonder works of God
And enjoy life to the fullest?

Who puts her arms around me

During chilly evenings
To make me feel warm?

Who is in great pain

When I am in sorrow
As if a dagger is thrust into her heart?

Who tell me stories at night

And caresses me as I fall asleep,
Till I dream of beautiful things?

Who is there at my side

Whenever I am sick?
She is awake all night.

Who plays with me

To brighten my day?
She never counts the hours
Till her tired body drops.

Who offers her life

For the sake of her child;
Not thinking of herself;
Not thinking of what it may take?
The woman who gave me this life,
My dearest mother, whom I love so much.

What do you think is the speaker’s tone, mood or purpose in the poem?
a. He/ She is happy.
b. He/ She is feeling loved and cared by his/her mother.
c. He/ She wants to show her appreciation to his/her

Try and Learn

Listen to the stanza read by the teacher. Then you will infer the speaker’s tone,
mood or purpose.
1. Stanzas 2 and 3
2. Stanza 4
3. Stanza 6
4. Stanza 8

Do and Learn
Listen as the teacher reads the following sentences then pupil will infer the speaker’s tone,
mood or purpose.

1. Mr. Ramirez had a dialogue with the boys. During the interview, he noticed that Arthur
answered his questions politely.
2. One of the applicants was praised as worthy of confidence by the mayor and was given
a recommendation.

Talk About It
Listen as the teacher reads the paragraph. Then infer what will be the speaker’s tone,
mood and purpose. Write your answer in one to three sentences.

“Their cheers energized him and after few more seconds, he was already on top.
“I did it! I did it! he shouted politely”.

Write About It
Infer what is the speaker’s tone, mood or purpose.

“Let’s go Anna. Don’t worry. I’m here” he said softly.


Mood is defined in poetry as the feelings or emotions that are evoked in the reader by the
poem. Conversely, tone expresses the attitude the author has towards the subject or topic of
the poem.

Inferring the speaker’s tone, mood or purpose may be done by determining the purpose of
the author in writing the poem or selection. It may be done through keen observation on the way
the speaker’s read the lines and through analyzing of the words used in the poem or selection.

Day 2

Think and Tell

Read the following words

Are you familiar with these words?
Have you heard these words before?

Find Out and Learn

Read the sentences orally. Context Clues

1. I ate my brunch at the canteen since I haven’t eaten my breakfast and lunch.
2. Elsa sends mail through her electronic computer last night but Anna read her email the
next morning.
 What do you think is the meaning of brunch? Email?

Read and observe the following words

Smassy Smart rude Smassy Unwise timid
Multiplex Multiple complex Multiplex Single simple

 What is the synonym of smassy? Multiplex?

 Can you infer the meaning of smassy? Multiplex?
 What is the antonym of smassy? Multiplex?
 Can you infer the meaning of smassy? Multiplex?

Analyze the following words

Word parts Unfamiliar word

Simultaneous broadcast simulcast
Smoke Fog smog
 What are the words combined to form simulcast? Smog?
 Can you infer the meaning of these words from their word parts?

Try and Learn

Exercise I. Look for the meaning of the underlined words through context
clues. Report the answer through singing.
1. Due to the smoke of kaingin and the fog in the mountain the farmers cannot see clearly
because of the smog.
A. Kaingin and forest
B. Fog and Mountain
C. Smoke and fog
2. Mang Juan used the hybrid seedlings of squash that gave him an enormous and giant
harvest; he was able to sell his ginormous products at high price.
A. Giant and enormous
B. Seedlings and products
C. Hybrid and squash

Exercise2. Arrange the jumbled letter to get the synonyms or antonyms of the following

Report the answer through poem.


Exercise3. Look for the word parts of the following words inside the treasure box.

Report the answer through rap.

1. Cyborg
2. Bash
Treasure Box

Do and Learn
Infer the meaning of the unfamiliar words.

1. Anna must have an analysis with her urine. She will undergo urinalysis tomorrow.
2. Everyone loves wifi for many reasons. This wireless fidelity is very useful nowadays.
3. Many of us learn to express our feelings through blogs, we can write our concern in a
web and then log it in.
4. Hospitals use intercom in every room so that every patient’s concern may be paged in
this international communication for their convenience.
5. Wireless modem is a necessity among professionals. This wireless modulator and
demodulator brings convenience wherever the needs occur.

Talk About It

Infer the meaning of the unfamiliar words by analyzing its word parts.
Example: Brunch = breakfast + lunch
1. Cellophane
2. Slithy
3. Spanglish
4. Emoticon
5. Smog

Write about It
Write another 5 unfamiliar words (blended) in your notebooks.


 Blended words are two words joined together by taking parts of both words and
combining the parts into a new word.
 Synonyms are words with the same meaning.
 Antonyms are words with opposite meaning.
 Context clues are giving the meaning from the sentence itself
 Word parts by analyzing the meaning of each word being combined.

Day 3

Think and Tell

Let us read the line.

My love is like a red red rose
By, Robert Burns

What can you say about the line?

How does his love being describe by Robert Burns?

Find Out and Learn

Read the poem orally.

Simile Metaphor

Personification Hyperbole

1. What can you say about the first poem? Second poem? Third poem? Fourth poem?
Do they use figures of speech?
2. To what word does emerald being compared in poem number 1? What word used to
compare those two words?
3. How does life being described in poem number 2? Does it use word that shows
comparison? (like or as)
4. To what living object does the sea being compared of in poem number 3? Does it
give life to an inanimate object like the sea?
5. In poem number 5 does the use of description is exaggerated or superb? How can
you say so?

Try and Learn

Exercise1. Analyze the following sentences and determine if it is simile, metaphor,

personification or hyperbole.

1. A ruby is as red as blood.

2. Life is a barren field.
3. The sea leaps all day.
4. They both took root in the carpet.

Do and Learn
Analyze the four poems. Figure out why it is classified as simile, metaphor,
personification or hyperbole.

1. Simile

2. Metaphor

3. Personification

4. Hyperbole

Write about it
Analyze the poem. Write the figures of speech that you can see. Classify them into
simile, metaphor, personification or hyperbole.



In analyzing a poem you have to remember the following:

A figure of speech is a word or phrase that has a meaning something different

than its literal meaning. It is used to add color to the language.
A figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different
kind, used to make a description more emphatic or vivid. It uses the word as or like.
Emerald is as green as grass.
It is a figure of speech that compares two unlike objects directly. It doesn’t use the
word like or as.
Life is a broken winged bird.
It is a figure of speech that is giving life to inanimate objects.
The sea is a gigantic wolf.
It is an exaggerated statement or claims not meant to be taken literally.
They arranged themselves in the window.


Think and Tell

Read the following sentences.

1. I had a good time in the party although I didn’t know those people.
2. She passed her exam because she studied very well.
3. You won’t know what to do if you don’t listen attentively.

Read the underlined words.

What is the use of these underlined words?

Find Out and Learn

Read and analyze the following sentences.

Clause 1 Conjunction Clause 2 Sentence
1. Lito got sick because He played under the Lito got sick because
rain. he played under the
2. Elsa’s although She only sells Elsa’s mother
mother vegetables for a supports her studies in
supports her living. a private school
studies in a although she only
private sells vegetables.

1. What is the conjunction used in the first example?

2. In the second example what is the conjunction use?

Example no. 1 used Coordinating conjunction. It is used to give equal

emphasis to a pair of main clauses. Let us remember the acronym FANBOYS.
( for, and, nor, but, or, yet and so)
Example no. 2 used Subordinating conjunction. It is a conjunction that used to
join independent clause and dependent clause. The most common subordinating
conjunctions are: after, although, as, because, before, how, if, once, since, than,
that, though, till, until, when, where, whether, while.
Try and Learn
Exercise I. Complete each sentence using the subordinating conjunction from the

A. I visit the Grand Canyon _________ I go to Arizona. (once, whenever, wherever)

B. This is the place _________ we stayed last time we visited. (where, when, how)
C. _________ you win first place, you will receive a prize. (wherever, if, unless)
D. You won’t pass the test _________ you study. (when, if, unless)
E. I could not get a seat, _________ I came early. (as, though, when)

Exercise II. Complete each sentence using the subordinating conjunction from the parenthesis:

a. We are leaving Wednesday _________ or not it rains. (if, whether, though)
b. Pay attention to your work _________ you will not make mistakes. (so that,
unless, or)
c. The musicians delivered a rousing performance _________ they had rehearsed
often. (though, as, once)
d. She’s honest _________ everyone trusts her. (if, so, when)
e. Write this down _________ you forget. (or, when, lest)

Exercise III. Complete each sentence using the correct coordinating conjunctions from the

a. My car has a radio _________ a CD player. (but, or, and)

b. Sharon hates to listen to rap music, _________ will she tolerate heavy metal. (but, nor,
c. Carol wanted to drive to Colorado, _________ Bill insisted that they fly. (and, or, but)
d. I’m afraid of heights, _________ I appreciate the view from the top of this building. (and,
yet, nor)
e. I have to be on time, _________ my boss will be annoyed if I’m late. (and, nor, for)

Exercise IV. Complete each sentence using the correct coordinating conjunctions from the

a. I have to go to work at six, _________ I’m waking up at four. (but, so, yet)
b. I was on time, _________ everyone else was late. (so, but, for)
c. Nadia doesn’t like to drive, _________ she takes the bus everywhere. (but, yet, so)
d. Our trip to the museum was interesting, _________ there were several new artifacts on
display. (but, for, yet)
e. Do you like chocolate _________ vanilla ice cream better? (or, nor, and)

Do and Learn

Pandora ’s Box
Pick one strip of paper and fill in the correct conjunction to be used. Use the different
color papers.
1. I need to work hard _________ I pass the exam.
2. _________ he was the best candidate, he didn’t win the
3. _________ you come back from your trip, we’ll meet to
discuss the problem.
4. They said that the movie was fantastic _________I watched
5. _________ he was very ill, he didn’t take any medicine.

Write About It

I. Write 5 sentences using conjunctions.


II. Make a short paragraph using conjunctions.



- Conjunction
- It is a word used to connect clauses or sentences or to coordinate words in the same
clause. It is a word used to connect clauses or sentences or to coordinate words in
the same clause.
- Coordinating conjunction. It is used to give equal emphasis to a pair of main
clauses. Let us remember the acronym FANBOYS.
( for, and, nor, but, or, yet and so)

- Subordinating conjunction. It is a conjunction that used to join independent clause

and dependent clause. The most common subordinating conjunctions are: after,
although, as, because, before, how, if, once, since, than, that, though, till, until,
when, where, whether, while.


Think and Tell
Look at the picture.

Ask. Class what can you say about the picture?

Why it is important to us?

Find Out and Learn

Vocabulary Development

Read the following words.






Read the selection orally.

How the sun works

The sun is a giant ball of burning, glowing gases. It is 333 400 times the mass of the
Earth and 109 times its diameter. The sun shines because of the incredible amount of energy
produced by a nuclear reaction called nuclear fusion. This reaction occurs in the center of the
sun, also called the core. Nuclear fusion works by taking the nucleuses of atoms - in this case,
hydrogen atoms - and forcing them together, creating a new element - in this case, helium.
Nuclear fusion creates immense amounts of energy which is radiated in the form of

electromagnetic radiation, which includes infrared radiation, visible light, x-rays and gamma


1. What is the punctuation mark used in the selection after each declarative sentence?
2. How about if we have to pause for a while, what is the punctuation mark used?
3. How about if we are expressing strong feeling, what is the punctuation mark to be used?
4. In asking a question what punctuation mark are we going to be used?

Try and Learn

Read the selection orally. Rewrite the selection and fill in the blanks the proper punctuation
marks for the clarity of the selection. ( . , ? ! ).


Hundreds of earthquakes occur every year__ Most earthquakes do little harm __ but a
few have killed thousands of people and cause enormous destruction __ Man has to endure
earthquakes throughout history __ Can earthquakes be detected or predicted ___ How is this
being done__


Do and Learn
Rewrite the selection to make it clear. Use the proper punctuation marks needed.

The archerfish’s water pistol is part of his body__ A narrow groove runs along his
mouth__ When his tongue is pressed against this groove__ it makes a little tube __ To shoot __
the archerfish fills his mouth with water __ Then he quickly closes his gills __ This forces the
water out of his mouth __ The archer knows how to control the water __ too__ He can make it
come out one drop at a time __ Or he can make it come in one big squirt__



Punctuation marks are symbols that are used to aid

the clarity and comprehension of written language. Some
common punctuation marks are the period, comma, question
mark, exclamation point, apostrophe, quotation mark and

Use a period at the end of a complete sentence that is

a statement.

Use commas to separate independent clauses when

they are joined by any of these seven coordinating
conjunctions: and, but, for, or, nor, so, yet.

Use a question mark only after a direct question.

Use exclamation point to indicate strong feelings or high


Quarter I

Week 7 Day 1

Think and Tell

Look at the picture.

What is in the picture?

Do you love reading fairy tales?
What fairy tales story do you know?

Find out and Learn

Choose the meaning of the underlined words from the box.

to move in quick a broad smile whisper bend or hang downward settle

1. I snuggled down in my sleeping bag.

2. James hid his face in his hands and drooped his head.

3. He muttered something under his breath.

4. OK,” he said with a grin.

5. The remaining petals fluttered to the ground.

Read and Learn
Fairy tales are greatly love by children. These are the stories that mothers read to their
children before they go to sleep. Some of these stories are funny and exciting. Let’s find out if
some of you will be affected in such a way that sometimes fairies do exist.

Tooth Fairy

Jenny snuggled under for blanket with her eyes wide open.

“I will stay awake. Oh, I want to see the fairy,” she muttered sleepily.

That afternoon in school, her milk tooth had wiggled and turned for the last time. It
fell on a page of the book that Jenny was reading. Now she had a space just as most of her
schoolmates had, right in the middle of her beautiful grin.

Before going to bed that night, Jenny put the tooth under her pillow to see whether a
fairy would take it away and leaved a surprise in its place. She wanted to stay awake, but
her eyelids drooped and closed.

The room was still quiet. Then, a tinkle, like the sound of a music box, filled the air.
Out of the darkness, the shiniest little fairy any could imagine, floated into the room. She
knelt down beside Jenny’s pillow and found the hidden tooth.

The fairy dropped the tooth into a golden purse and whispered, “Now I have another
pearl for my queen’s necklace. Thanks to you Jenny. Out of gratitude, I will leave you this
coin. It will be your reward and will bring you luck, Jenny.” The music began again, and the
fairy fluttered away.

“Wake up, Child,” Jenny’s mother bent over her.

Before she opened her eyes, Jenny reached under the pillow. She was surprised
when she felt something there. When she saw the coin, she sat up smiling.

“Mother,” she cried, “did the fairy come or was I dreaming?”

Mother smiled and said, “You want to believe that she came, don’t you? So why
don’t we just make believe that she did?”

With that thought, Jenny just smiled.

“But I saw her, Mother. I just don’t know how. I wish I didn’t fall asleep,” she said
winking at Mother. “Oh, well, I still have baby teeth anyway!”
Talk about it

1. What happened to Jenny’s tooth?

2. Why did she want to stay awake that night?
3. From out of the darkness, who floated into her room?
4. Why did the fairy take Jenny’s tooth?
5. If you lose a tooth, will you keep it under your pillow? Why or why not?
6. If you were in Jenny’s place and you found the coin under your pillow, what
would you do with it?
7. Do you believe that there is a tooth fairy? Why do you think so?


Reality refers to situations that may happen in real life.

Fantasy refers to situations that are magical or make believe and could not happen in

Try and Learn

A. Pantomiming

a. Tell you pupils to think of their fantasy dream.

b. Let them pantomime it while their classmates will guess what it is. Ask them again to think
their ambition. Let them act it out again and class will guess it.
c. Ask them also how they will achieve their ambition

B. Raise R card if the event or action is Reality and raise letter F if the action is Fantasy.

1. Blankets should be cleaned after use.

2. Through the Internet, people can play games with each other. They can do much more.
3. When the man hit pot, diamond came out.

4. A woodcutter cuts wood in the forest.
5. Computers can cook our food.

Do and Learn
Put the sentence below in proper column.

Reality Fantasy
_____________________ ________________________
_____________________ ________________________
_____________________ ________________________
_____________________ ________________________
_____________________ ________________________

1. The swan wears a crown.

2. The young girl is selling flowers at the church.
3. The volcano is erupting.
4. The girl’s dead grandmother comes to fetch her with a smile
5. The teacher is telling a story.
6. The witch stopped at the store
7. Antonio lives in the clouds
8. The park is full of children.
9. The farmer talked to the priest.
10. The genie granted Antonio’s wish.

Learn Some More

Read each sentence carefully and decide whether it is Reality or Fantasy

_____1. The butterfly flew from flower to flower.
_____2. The top of the mountain is covered with fog.
_____3. The giant carried the building in his right hand.
_____4. They planted trees in the forest.
_____5. The man hit the pot out come diamonds

Quarter I

Week 7 Day 2

Think and Tell

Show the word Mathematics

If I removed the Mathematics.
Can you still recognize the word?
There are times when we do not want to say the whole words,
so we shorten them

Read and Learn

Notice the underlined shorten words. Let the pupils guess its original word

Their company spends a lot of money on ads

Burger does not suit old people
The tourist bus broke down near Pangasinan.
The copter forces landed in the disturbed areas to stem the communal violence
There are bundles of currency notes inside the case.
Gas has become an expensive fuel for low income group families.
My uncle goes to the gym early morning.
Get me a kilo of mangoes.
This college has five labs.


Clipped words are often used in their shorten word for their convenience

Types of Clippings

1. Backclipping (Apocopation) is the loss of one or more syllables at the end of a word.
• abs (abdominal muscle)
• app (application)
• bi (bisexual)
• bra (brassiere)

2. Foreclipping (Aphaeresis) refers to the omission of one or more syllables at the
beginning of a word.
• phone (telephone)
• sample (example)
• coon (raccoon)

3. Middle Clipping (Syncope) retains the middle part of a word, getting rid of the
beginning and ending parts.
• flu (influenza)
• tec (detective)

4. Complex Clipping is the shortening of a compound word by preserving and

combining its initial parts (or first syllables).
• sci-fi (science fiction)
• midcult (middlebrow culture)
• sitcom (situation comedy)
• forex (foreign exchange)

5. Complex Clipping is the shortening of a compound word by preserving and

combining its initial parts (or first syllables).
• sci-fi (science fiction)
• midcult (middlebrow culture)
• sitcom (situation comedy)
• forex (foreign exchange)

Other examples:

Type of
Original Word Clipped Word Definition

a person who tries to find a way to

change ordinary metals into gold and
Alchemist Chemist Fore clipping
to find a medicine which would cure
any disease.

a large reptile with a hard skin that

Alligator Gator Fore clipping lives in and near rivers and lakes in
the hot

a large room containing many beds,

Dormitory Dorm Back clipping especially in a boarding school or

Soft loose clothing which is worn in

Pajamas Jams Middle clipping bed and consists of trousers and a
type of shirt.

a piece of kitchen equipment which

Refrigerator Fridge Middle clipping uses electricity to preserve food at a
cold temperature

a short written report prepared

specially for a person or group of
Memorandum Memo Back clipping
people which contains information
about a particular matter.

a motorway which you usually have to

Turnpike Pike Fore clipping
pay to use

Try and Learn
Exercise 1
Using the picture, give its original word, clipped word, and meaning and use it in a sentence. Be able to
present it to the class.

Group 1. Group 2

___________________ ___________________

Group 3 Group 4

___________________ ___________________

Exercise 2
Read the meaning of each clipped words and give its original word.

__________1. decaf = to remove the caffeine from coffee

__________2. prom = a formal dance held for a school class toward the end of
the academic year
__________ 3. croc = a large aggressive aquatic reptile with massive jaws and a
body covered with bony plates
__________ 4. mike = a device for converting sound waves into electrical energypop
(music or art ) new and of general appeal, especially among young people
__________5. prom = a formal dance held for a school class toward the end of the
academic year

Do and Learn
A. Write the word from the box that matches the bold clipped word beside it.

airplane hamburgers advertisement bicycle graduate

taxicab dormitory veterinarian laboratories statistics

May 16, 2016

M.H. Del Pilar St.
El Nido, Palawan
Dear Wally,

Last week, my family went to Manila to visit some schools Pauleen ________ applied
to. It’s strange to think that next year my sister will be a high-school grad.____________ We
took a taxi ____________ to the airport since our plane____________ left so early in the
morning. The dorm ____________ rooms were awfully small, but Pauleen was really
impressed with the science labs____________. Later on, we ate some
burgers____________ at the student union and talked to a few students.
My parents have finally decided that I’m old enough to ride my bike____________ to
Dr. Cruz’s office. He posted an ad____________asking for help a couple of days a week. He
thinks it’s great that I plan on being a vet____________one day and takes all my questions
Have you been to any ballgames? Are you keeping stats ____________ of your
favourite players? I Hope you’re having a great summer.
Your friend,


B. Give the original word of the given clipped word based on its meaning. Choose the letter
of the correct answer.
1. coke = carbonated drink flavoured with extract from Kola nuts
a. coconut b. cocaine c. cocain d. coca-cola e. choke
2. co-ed = schooling attended by members of both sexes
a. coedam b. coeddo c. coedit d. coeditor e. coeducational
3. grannie, granny = the mother of your father or mother
a. granary b. grand prix c. grande dame d. grandfather e. Grandmother
4. vet = a doctor who practices veterinary medicine
a. veterinarian b. veteran c. vetchworm d. vestrywoman e. Vegetarian
5. gent = a man of refinement
a. genealogist b. general agent c. general team d. genitals e. Gentleman

Quarter I

Week 7 Day 3

Think and Tell

Have you read a poem like this? Did you understand the meaning of the poem or what the author wants
to convey? Why? Why not?

Find Out and Learn

delight - satisfaction
bower - one who bends his head or body to show respect
fold - to lay one part over another part
duster - one used to remove dust

Read and Learn

By William Blake

The moon is like a flower.

In heaven’s high bower.
My tree is like a duster reading high
Stretching forth to sweep the cloudy sky.

Talk about it
1. How did the poem describe the moon?
2. Can the moon really do what the poet wrote?
3. Explain that poets use figurative language to create sensory images.


Figure of speech is an expression that means something different than the literal
meaning of the words. It can make one’s poetry , speech and writing more creative,
expressive and interesting

Simile states a comparison between two unlike objects but have something in
common. It contains the words like or as.

The moon is like a flower.

In heaven’s high bower.

My tree is like a duster reading high.

Stretching forth to sweep the cloudy sky.

Metaphor is a kind of figurative speech. It states a direct comparison of two unlike

things that have something in common. It does not use the words like or as.

A train is a dragon that roars through the dark.

He wriggles his tail as he sends up a spark.

Who tossed those golden coins?

The dandelions glittering on my lawn?

Personification is the giving of human qualities to animals, objects or ideas

The moon can walk in her silver shoes and can peer and see.
Washed their faces and cuddled in a row

Hyperbole is an exaggeration which is obvious, extreme, and intentional. It is used

in order to stir up a strong emotion or response in the reader.

I’ll love you, dear, I’ll love you

Till China and Africa meet,
And the river jumps over the mountain
And the salmon sing in the street.

Try and Learn

A. Direction. Based on the given picture, compose your own sentence using figures of speech

Group 1 Group 2

Group 3 Group 4

Do and learn
Identify the figure of speech used in the following sentences.
1. He has a heart of gold.
2. Dale’s smile was as bright as the sun shine.
3. Life is a journey; travel it well
4. A wicked whisper came and changed my life.
5. Men's words are bullets that their enemies take up and make use of against them.
6. He roared with the force of a thousand lions.
7. The theatre is his home.
8. There had been no rain for months and all the crops were death. Some parts of
the farm were beginning to look like a desert.
9. After a good night sleep, I felt like a million dollars.
10. Everyone wanted Ken on the swim team because he could swim like a fish.

Quarter I

Week 7 Day 4

Think and Tell

Who is in the picture?

Who do you think they are?

Read and learn

Sajid and Zarinah are just two of our many Muslim brothers and sisters in Mindanao.
Sajid and Zarinah are neighbors and over the years they have become good friends.
They live near the sea which Sajid calls “waters.
Another neighbour has a boat and the two children are allowed to use it any time they
like. They sail the boat or spend their afternoon swimming. Sajid loves fishing but Zarinah
finds it boring. She just swims or gather shells.
On Saturdays and Sundays they often have beach picnics with their friends. The boys
including Sajid make a charcoal bonfire and the girls set a picnic mat on the sand. Most of
their friends prefer fishing but sometimes they have roast chicken.
Sajid usually plays his guitar and everyone sings or dances. After every picnic they
clean up the beach and carry all the dishes and food back home. They go home before dark
or they wait for the beautiful sunset.

Talk about it
1. Who are the characters in the story?
2. What do Sajid and Zarinah enjoy doing by the beach and at the sea?
3. How do Sajid, Zarinah and their friends usually spend the weekends?
4. What do Sajid loves to do that Zarina finds it boring?


Conjunctions is a part of speech that joins two words, phrases or clauses together.

There are three types of conjunctions:

Coordinating Correlative
Conjunctions Conjunctions Common Subordinating Conjunctions

for either...or after in order that

and neither...nor before if
nor not only...but although lest
but also though even if
or both...and even though that
yet whether...or as much as unless
so as long as until
as soon as when
because where
since whether
so that while

Coordinating conjunctions also called coordinators, are conjunctions that connect two
or more equal items.
He plays tennis and soccer

Correlative conjunctions are used in pairs. They work in pairs to coordinate two items.
I didn't know that she can neither read nor write.

Subordinating conjunctions, also called subordinators, are conjunctions that join a dependent
(or subordinating) clause to an independent (or main) clause.
He reads the newspapers after he finishes work..

"So" is a small English word that can have different meanings. As mentioned in the table above,
it is commonly used as a coordinator rather than as a subordinating conjunction. There are,
however, instances when "so" may introduce purpose and in this case "so" is used as a
subordinating conjunction.
"I took my umbrella with me so I wouldn't get wet."
" I stayed so I could see you."

Try and Learn
Solve the crossword puzzle by using appropriate conjunction

1. 2 3. He must be very popular, ___ everyone in school
knows him.
3 5. John wanted to stay, ___ his sister persuaded
4 5 him to go.
6. ___ the rain, we went to the beach.
6 7. ___ I got home, my sister had already left.
8. It's too late to go out; ___, it's beginning to rain.
1. She wanted to go to the party; ___, she was not invited.
2. ___ it was cold, he went out without a sweater.
8 4. We can't buy it ___ we don't have enough money.
5. John had to go to the doctor ___ he was not feeling well.

Do and learn

Excercise 1
Combine the following independent clause to form new sentences using conjunctions.
1. Our backyard is wide. It has good soil.
2. I cultivated a garden plot. I bought seeds.
3. I planted tomato seeds last week. Nothing grew.
4. I tried again. I succeeded.
5. I would like to plant more. There isn’t enough space.

Excercise 2
Write the appropriate conjunctions (and, or, not, but, after, before, until, that, when) to join the sentences
to complete the myth.

The Rose
There once was a pretty __________ very naughty child. Her name was Rosa. She
was scornful of others, especially the poor.
One day, a beggar went to their house. He begged for a drink __________ he was
ignored by Rosa. She sent him away instead.
Just __________ the beggar left, the world darkened.
It rained hard. It thundered __________ lightning flashed.
A bolt of lightning struck Rosa’s house. The rain stopped __________ the world
brightened. Rosa was nowhere to be seen. Her parents couldn’t find her __________ they
One day, a plant sprouted in their yard. It grew __________ bore a beautiful flower
__________ was thorny. It reminded the parents their lost child. They called the plant rose, a
reminder of their lost child.

Quarter I

Week 7 Day 5

Find Out and Learn

Tell something about the picture.

Do you cook at home?

Try and Learn

Figure out the meaning of the underline word.

1. I sliced the cake into three pieces.

2. The best way to purify water at home is to simmer it.
3. Sprinkle water on the clothes before ironing it.

to scatter in small amount

to boil slightly

Read and Learn

Listen as the teacher says the steps and show you how to prepare apple and hazelnut crunch.

First, we sliced the apples. Then, we simmered them in a saucepan until they
were tender. Next, we added sugar and left the stew to cool. When it was cold, we
stirred in yogurt. We then spooned the stewed apple into dishes and sprinkled each
with crushed fruit and nut bars. Finally, we decorated each dish with apple slices.

Talk About It
What is the first step in making apple and hazelnut crunch?
How long will you simmer the apple?
After adding sugar, what will you do next?
What will you do when the stewed apple becomes cold?
What is the last step?
Why do you think we should decorate the crunches with apple slices?

Transition is a word or phrase that connects one idea to another. This connection
can occur within a paragraph or between paragraphs
Here are the commonly used transition words

Words or Words or Words or Words or Words or Words or

phrases to phrases to phrases to phrases to phrases to phrases to
help show location show location show time indicate help conclude
sequence more a piece of
ideas or information writing
sentences above above while
or paragraphs across across meanwhile besides in conclusion
around around soon furthermore finally
First behind behind then in addition lastly
Second beside beside after in fact to sum up
third... between between second
in the first in back of in back of today
place... also... in front of in front of later
lastly inside inside next
after near near tomorrow
before outside outside afterward
before long over over as soon as
finally under under before
in the now
meantime next week


Transitions may be used at various times within a paragraph to show the connections between
sentences. Here are some examples:

Example: The main character displays strength and courage throughout the story.
He showsfear and apprehension when he encounters the antagonist.
Revision: The main character displays strength and courage throughout the story.
However, he shows fear and apprehension when he encounters the antagonist.
The use of the transition in this case helps to show the contrast between the two
ideas while also connecting them.

Example: In the novel, there are many tragic events that take place.
The prince’s untimely death occurs two days before the wedding.
Revision: In the novel, there are many tragic events that take place.
For example, the prince’s untimely death occurs two days before the wedding.
The transition helps to connect the idea to the example that follows.

Try and Learn

Direction : Read the paragraph, then highlight all of the transition words used..

Ever since I moved into my own apartment last fall, I have gotten out of the habit of making my
bed--except on Fridays, of course, when I change the sheets. Although some people may think that I am
a slob, I have some sound reasons for breaking the bed-making habit. In the first place, I am not
concerned about maintaining a tidy bedroom because no one except me ever ventures in there.
Secondly, I only use my bed to sleep in, so why go to all of the effort of making it when I am just going to
mess it up again the next time I’m in my room. In addition, I find nothing uncomfortable about crawling
into a rumpled mass of sheets and blankets. On the contrary, I enjoy poking out a cozy space for myself
before drifting off to sleep. Also, I think that a tightly made bed is downright uncomfortable: entering one
makes me feel like a loaf of bread being wrapped and sealed. Finally, and most importantly, I think bed-
making is an awful way to waste time in the morning. I would rather spend those precious minutes
checking my email or feeding the cat than tucking in corners or snapping the spread. Therefore, I will not
conform to the rules on tidiness and my bed will remain unmade!

Choose the correct answer to each question.
1. Which transition word shows location?
a. for example b. below c. then
2. Which transition word shows time?
a. between b. in other words c. Later
3. Which transition word adds information?
a. in addition b. over c. Earlier
4. Which transition word compares and contrasts?
a. earlier b. besides c. Otherwise
5. Which transition word clarifies?
a. first b. besides c. in other words

Do and Learn
Complete the paragraph by filling in the blanks with the correct transition words in the box.

Meanwhile as a result of once upon a time while first

through next under beside then

(1)__________________ there lived a family of bears in a lovely wooded area. Their

home was (2) __________________some trees (3) __________________a small stream.
One day (4)__________________ the bears were not at home, a little girl came to the house.
(5)__________________, she knocked on the door. (6) __________________ even though
no one answered her knock, she entered the house. (7) __________________ she ate some
of the bears' food, and she napped on one of their beds. (8) __________________ the bears
returned home. They were surprised to see their door open. Their roars woke up the girl, and
she fearfully ran from the house, (9) __________________ the woods, and back to her own
home. (10)__________________ her experiences, she never again went into the woods

Write About It

Direction : Select a topic from the list below. Then write a short paragraph using transition words.

a sport eating healthy foods a vacation a holiday a pet


Quarter 1
Week 8


Find Out and Learn

Direction: Encircle the letter of the meaning of the underlined words.

1. The school’s foundation day is a great event for them to remember.

a. Institution
b. Celebration
c. Collection
2. The principal orders the teachers to submit their annual report.
a. Monthly
b. Yearly
c. Weekly
3. The teachers were overwhelmed at their presentation in the program.
a. Surprised
b. Bothered
c. Overjoyed

Read and Learn

Read the selection below.

Carol’s Diary

On March 3, 2003 a great event took place in our school. It was the start
of our annual foundation week. Many contests and games were held and big
prizes were at stake. My friends and I bagged the first place in the MTAP
competition for grade V pupils. We were very happy and our teachers
congratulated us for being the winner.

The next day I led the program intended for our teachers and principal.
The pupil-participants of the program showed their best in singing, dancing and
even acting. It was a tiresome afternoon but an exciting day.

On the 3rd day, we heard a mass in our school’s chapel and in the
afternoon a sportsfest was held. Being with my friends and classmates, while
participating in all the sports events is an experience. We joined the relay
contest, volleyball and badminton.

We launched the school project dubbed as “May PerasaBasura” a day

before the end of the week-long celebration. We also served the community
through tree planting and cleaning the environment.

Finally, the much awaited moment for us was the fifth day of the
celebration, the awarding ceremony was held and we received our awards and
prizes. I felt so happy and relaxed during the afternoon for I could already rest. I
thanked God because I learned many things.

(Retrieved from: Lesson Guides in Elementary English – Grade 5, DepEd 2008)

Try and Learn

Read the following events. Number them in the order of their occurrence in the story and
put your answer in the grid.

____ They launched the income generating project of the school known as

_____Carol and her friends heard the mass in the morning and participated in the

_____ A special program was given for the St. Bridget Elementary School.

_____The winners in different contest including Carol received the award from the
school’s principal.

_____Carol and her teammate bagged the first place in the MTAP Team competition.

_____St. Bridget Elementary School 15th foundation week started on March 3, 2003.

1. What do people usually write in their diaries?

2. How do you sequence or arrange the events of the story?


 Look for the main topics.

 List and identify orders of events in chronological order.
 Look for the transitional or clue words to arrange the events of the

Read and Learn

Why the Carabao has Split Hoofs

Once, Carabao and Turtle met on a way to the meadow. Turtle was very happy.
He had long hoped to befriend Carabao. He felt a big fellow like Carabao would help him
if he got into trouble. He said to Carabao.

“Let us live together. Let us hunt food together! We will be happy in our

“You slow foot! How dare you make this proposal. Live with the ants and worms.
But not with a powerful animal like me.”

“So, you do not want me for a friend. Who told you that you are powerful? I bet
you could not even win a race with me.”

Carabao snorted and walked away. Turtle followed and nagged.

“You cannot even race against me. You are a coward! I will tell all the animals
what a big coward you are.”

Don’t you do that! You want a race? A race you shall have! When do you want

“I will give you three days to prepare. The race would be long. It would cover
seven hills.”

Turtle took to his confidence his most trusted friends. He gave instructions to his

The day of the race came. At a given signal, Carabao and Turtle ran. The two
runners lost sight of each other. When Carabao reached the second hill. Turtle was
waving his arms at him.

“I am here a long time.”

And at every hill, Carabao found Turtle relaxed and much ahead of him. When
Carabao reached the seventh hill, he saw Turtle foolishly smiling. Carabao was so
angry. He kicked Turtle hard. And Carabao broke his hoof at the force of the blow. Turtle
was not hurt. His shell was strong.

Retrieved from: Developing Reading Power 6, A Support Program to Reading

By ClemenceUmaliAbadilla
Saint Mary’s Publishing Corporation, 1998 p. 174-175

Do and Learn

Determine if the sentence tells reality or fantasy. Write your answer on the blank.

__________1. Turtles helped one another.

__________2. Animals talk like people do.

__________3. Turtle thought of a clever way to fool Carabao.

__________4. A turtle’s shell is hard and strong.

__________5.Carabao did not like to be called coward.

__________6. Turtle liked to hunt food with Carabao.


Think and Tell

Tell the meaning of the underlined word.

1. Alvin is a wizard at chess. He knows a counter for every move of the player.
He has won in every chess tournament in the province.
a. an evil magician
b. a gifted person
c. an average player
2. Josef had a very special vacation in Cebu that he would not forget.
The memory would be forever imprinted on his mind.
a. found
b. erased
c. remembered
3. It is deplorable that many young children beg in the streets.
a. silly b. unfortunate c. lucky
4. Dong’s parents and brothers are slim and unathletic.
He is the only mesomorph in the family.
a. smart person
b. muscular and athletic
c. rude and fresh
5. When her deposition was taken before the trial, she swore under oath to tell
the truth.
a. testimony b. opinion c. behavior

Read and Learn

Read the poem. Notice the underlined words in the poem.

The Lark and the Wren

“Goodnight, Sir Wren!” said Little Lark.

“The daylight fades it will soon be dark.
I’ve bathed my wings in the sun’s last ray.
I’ve sung my hymn to the parting day.
So now I fly to my quiet glen
In yonder meadow – Goodnight Wren.”

“Good night poor Lark.” Said the haughty Wren

With a flick of his wings towards his happy friend.
“I also go to my rest profound
But not to sleep on the cold damp ground.
The fittest place for a bird like me
Is the topmost bough of a tall pine tree.”

Retrieved from: Developing Reading Power 6, A Support Program to Reading

By ClemenceUmaliAbadilla
Saint Mary’s Publishing Corporation, 1998 p. 54

Try and Learn

Choose the sentence that canbest describe the underlined word.

1, What happens when daylight fades?

a) The day loses color.
b) The surrounding becomes dark.
c) The day loses freshness.
d) The surrounding becomes weaker.

2. The lark has sung his hymn to the parking day.

What is the meaning of hymn?
a. The opposite of her
b. A soft whisper
c. Words of goodbye
d. A song of praise

3. The lark flies to his quiet glen.

A glen is ____________________.
a. the Lark’s home c. a far tree
b. a dark cave d. a hole in the ground

4. The lark’s home is in yonder meadow.
Yonder means________________.
a. a very far place c. in that place
b. up in heaven d. down near the sea

5. A meadow is _________________.
a. a dry land c filled with water
b. a grassy land d. a sandy land

6. A haughty person is _______________.

a. happy c. friendly
b. brave d. proud

7. A profound sleep is ____________.

a. short and restless c. deep and sound
b. frightful d. waking every now and then

8. Which describes a flick of a wing?

a. shaking of feather c. moving up and down
b. spreading out d. short moving and easy twist

9. A cold and damp ground is_______________.

a. wet c. dirty
b. dry d. clean

10. Which is the bough of a tree?

a. leaves c. roots
b. branches d. trunk

Do and Learn

Choose the antonym of the underlined word in each sentence from the box. Write your
answer on the blank provided for each number.

left rich
slow unfortunate
uselessness low-paying
failed full time
discontinuing lowly

_________1.Dr.Biyo was born on an auspicious day.

_________2. Her maternal grandmother had a heart attack, and her parents had
to rush her to the hospital.
_________3. She comes from a poor family.
_________4.Dr.Biyo knew the value of education and hard work.
_________5. Financial difficulties prevented her from pursuing medical studies.
_________6.The Talamera children excelled in school, reaping honors and
_________7. She also worked as a research assistant and part-time lecturer.
_________8. She could have stayed in Manila and have her choice of jobs.
_________9.Dr.Biyo can have her choice of lucrative jobs, but she continues to
_________10. Being a teacher is a noble profession. Being a Filipino is
something to be proud of.


Think and Tell

Tell the two things being compared. Tell in what way the two things are alike.

1. The old house leans upon a tree

Like some old man upon a staff,
The night wind in its ancient porch
Sounds like a hollow laugh.

2. And the roads unwind

Like a twist of thread

3. The moon like a flower
In heaven’s high bower,
With silent delight
Sits and smiles on the night

4. My tree is like a duster reaching high

Stretching forth to sweep the cloudy sky.

5. One day in March the boisterous wind.

Was playing with the weather.
He tossed a fluffy could around
As though it were a feather.

Retrieved from: Developing Reading Power 6, A Support Program to Reading

By ClemenceUmaliAbadilla
Saint Mary’s Publishing Corporation, 1998


 Simile is a figure of speech. It is a stated comparison between two things that are
actually unlike but have something in common. A simile contains the word like or as.

Try and Learn

Each of the following sentences contains a metaphor.

Underline the words that tell the two objects being compared in the metaphor.

1. The small town was a beehive after the discovery of gold in the nearby mountain.
2. The rich field was the farmer’s treasure.
3. After two hours, the test was an old enemy I had defeated.
4. My brother’s bedroom was the remains of an explosion.
5. The snail is a traveller who is always at home.


 A metaphor is another figure of speech.

 A metaphor makes a direct comparison of two unlike things that have something
in common.
 A metaphordoes not use the word like and as.

Do and Learn
A. Read the following lines of poetry. Tell the human qualities given to animals, objects
or ideas.
1. I heard the wind call out and say: From: A Summer Morning
“Get up my dear, it is today!”

2. The wind fitters-twitters

And laughs away from me. From: Wind is a Ghost
It laughs a lovely whiteness.

3. A leaf blows in
And lies exhausted From: Falling Leaves
On the floor.

4. Oh, Mother don’t you love the wind

It whistles flying by. From: Happiness
It makes umbrellas of my dress.
And tumbles up the sky.

5. And when the night climbs up our hill

And all the world is very still,
A little star away up high From: The Star
Is staring at me from the sky.

Do and Learn

B. Read each sentence. Decide if the figure of speech used is a simile or metaphor.
Write your answer

________1. The ball like a bullet came at me.

________2. The moon is a dancer on the silver trees.

________3. Lydia de Vega can run like the wind.

________4. Ben is so large his shirt looks like a pillowcase.

________5. Harsh words are thunder that strike at me.

________6. I jumped like a kangaroo when I won in the lotto.

________7. The broken fence looked like a smile with some teeth missing.

________8. The coral reef is an underwater wonderland.

________9. The lionfish is an underwater nightmare.

________10. The queen angelfish has dorsal fins flowing from it like trails of liquid gold.

Learn Some More

Study each line of poetry. Write on the first blank the object personified.
Opposite it, write the human quality given to the subject.
The first one is done for you.

1. The small sandpipers go to school sandpipers go to school

Upon the sandy shore;
The ocean is their teacher,
She has a fearful roar.

2. The papa bullfrog has a voice ____________ _____________
That’s very loud and deep,
The baby frogs have voices that
Can only make a peep;
And every night I hear them talk
Before I go to sleep.

3. The house cat sits ____________ _____________

And smiles and sings.
He knows a lot
Of secret things.

4. In the morning the city _____________ _____________

Spreads its wings
Making a song
In tones that sing.
In the evening the city
Goes to bed
Hanging lights
About its head.

5. High up over the top ____________ ____________

Of feathery grasses,
Grasshoppers hop.
They won’t eat their suppers.
They will not obey their
Grasshopper mothers and fathers.


 Personification is the giving of human qualities to animals, objects or ideas.


Think and Tell

1. The eyes of the cat gleamed and glared in the dark.

2. Daffodils and daisies are beautiful flowers.
3. Honesty and obedience are positive virtues.
4. Dina or Donna will attend the practice.
5. Both are pretty and attractive.


 A conjunction is a word used to connect words, phrases, or clauses in a

 The common conjunctions are and, or, and but.

Try and Learn

Read the following sentences. Encircle the conjunctions in these sentences. Underline
the words, phrases, or clauses connected by each conjunction.

1. Lincoln was a poor boy but he became a great man.

2. You may pick the package or we will deliver it.
3. Fortune makes friends, and poverty tries them.
4. The cat leaped and purred.
5. My sala is cheery and comfortable.

6. I cut the hedge and he mowed the lawn.
7. Good words cost nothing, but they are worth much.
8. John and Eric reside in Utah.
9. Wealth and contentment may never live together.
10. Jesus laid His hands upon the sick and they were healed.

Write About It

Compose your own sentences using conjunctions and, or, but.




4. _________________________________________________________________



Try and Learn

A. Write your answer in the configuration clues given before each number.

___ u r ___ h ___ r 1.more distant, remote

s ___ u ___ e ___ e ____ press between two bodies, to crush

s ___ r ___ t ___ ___ mark the surface of anything

__ a ___ k ___ e 4.a cry of a hen or a goose

Read and Learn

The Long Necked Giraffe and the Humble Pullet

There was a giraffe that was very tall. He always said, “It is good to be tall. Oh.
How good it is to be tall”.

“Oh no. It is good to be short. Honestly, it is wonderful to be short,” said the


“Let us take a walk and see, “ the giraffe answered back. They came upon a wall.
There were trees near the wall. The giraffe ate and ate leaves of the trees while the
pullet just looked and looked.

“See, it is good to be tall! I told you so,” the giraffe said to the pullet in between
big bites.

“Let us walk farther and see,” said the pullet. They came upon a very high wall.
The pullet wished she could cross the tall wall, but with her size, she thought she
couldn’t. All of a sudden, she saw a hole at the bottom. The pulley squeezed herself and
went into the vegetable garden. There she ate and scratched while the giraffe waited

“See it is good to be short,” the pullet said when she joined the giraffe again.

The giraffe remarked. “You know what I think? I think it is best to be what you

“You are right, my friend,” cackled the pullet happily.

And then they became best of friends.

Talk About It

1. Who was very tall? very short?

2. What is the best thing to be according to the giraffe?

3. What became of them?

4. Why is it good to be tall? How was this shown in our story?

5. Why is it good to be short? How was this shown?

6. Do you agree with the giraffe that “it is best to be what you are?”

If so, give examples.

7. Do you like the title of the story? Why?

If not, what title do you think is better?

Write About It

In paragraph form, give the advantages and the disadvantages of being –

a. a tall child
b. a short child


Recount Events in a Story Read

Think and Tell

Show bundle of sticks

Say: What can you say about the pictures?

Let the pupils break the bundle of sticks.

Find Out and Learn

Read the story “A Bundle of Sticks”

A Bundle Sticks

Once upon a time, an old man lived with his three sons in a village. All his three sons
were hard workers. Still, none of them agreed with each other and quarrelled all the time.
The old man tried a lot to unite them but he failed. While the villagers were surprised at their
hard work and efforts, they also made fun of them on their fights.

Months passed by and the old man fell sick. He talked to his sons to stay united, but
none of his sons heard his words. So, he decided to teach them a practical lesson so that
they would shed off their differences and stay united.

The old man called as his sons. He told them, „I will give you a bundle of sticks.
Separate each stick and you will have to break each stick into pieces of two. The one who
breaks the sticks quickly will be rewarded more.‟

All sons agreed.

The old man gave a bundle of 10 sticks to everyone of them and asked to break it
into pieces. All the sons broke the sticks into pieces in minutes.

And again they started to quarrel among themselves as who came first.

The old man said, „Dear sons, the game is not over. Now I will give another bundle of
sticks to all of you. You will have to break the sticks as a bundle, not as separate sticks.‟

The sons agreed and began to break the bundle of sticks. Unfortunately, they could
not break the bundle. They tried very hard but failed to complete the task.

All sons said to the father about their failure.

The old man replied, ‘Dear sons, See! You could easily break the single sticks into
pieces, but you were not able to break the bundle! The sticks were same. So, if you stay
united, nobody can make any harm to you. If you quarrel every time with your brothers,
anyone can easily defeat you. I request you to stay united.’

The three sons understood the power of unity and promised their father that whatever be
the problem, they would all stay together.

Think About It

Comprehension Questions.

1. Who are the character in the stories?

2. Where did the story happened?
3. How will you describe the three brothers?
4. Why did the man called the three brothers? What did he told them to do?
5. Did the three brothers break the sticks during their first try? What did happened
during the second time they tried it?
6. What is the moral lesson of the story?

Try and Learn

Give the events that happens in the story by placing it inside the box and it must
be in the right sequence.Choose from the sentences below the boxes.The group who
finish first will be the winner.

 The three sons understood the power of unity and promised their father
that they will resovlved problems together
 The old man let his sons quarelled all the time.
 There lived an old old and three brothers who alayas quarelled with each
 The old man told his sons and told them to break the sticks again but as a

 The old man told them the moral lessons of the bundle of sticks..
 The old man summoned his sons and asked them to separate the bundle
sticks and break each one of it.

Do and Learn

The teacher will ask each groups to phantomine some of the events in the
story. The group who gives the best detailt events will be the winner.

 The three brothers are all are hard working but always quarreled with
each other.
 The old man summoned his sons and asked them to separate the
bundle of sticks and break each one of it.
 The three sons understood the power of unity and promised their
father that they will resovlved problems together.


 To recount events means that to tell the details of a given events”

 To recount events effectively one must;
a. Listen or read the stories very well.

b. Be specific in giving the events in the story
c. Organize the events properly

Write About It
Recount the events in the following story. Write atleast five sentence to
recount the following events

Fight Among the Fingers

by kathavarta

Once there was a fight among the fingers. Each of them was fighting, “I am the king
of the fingers, I am the greatest, I am the most important”. All of them went to the court and
stood in front of the judge for his decision.

In the court, the thumb stood in front of the judge and said: “I am the king, because I
am the strongest and firmest. Without me no one is able to do work. Hence I am the king”.
The judge heard all that.

Next the index finger got up and said, “I am the king, because I threaten everyone. I
point to things, direct people and show things. Hence I have names like threatener, shower,
and pointer.” The judge heard all that.

Next, the middle finger got up and said, “I am the strongest and longest of all the
fingers. Hence I deserve to be the king”. The judge heard all that.

Next the ring finger stood and said, “I am the richest, because I wear a ring made of
gold, studded with all the precious gems. Hence I am the king”.

Next, the little finger stood up with eyes filled with tears and said, “I am not strong
like the thumb. I cannot threaten others. I am very small and negligible. I am very poor and
do not wear a gold ring. But when I do Namaskara, there I stand in front. I am lucky to have
the first sight (Darshan) of all the great people.”

Having heard that, the judge decided that the little finger deserves to be the king of
all the fingers.

Learn Some More

Recount the events that happened to you yesterday.

Recount Events in a Story Viewed

Think and Tell

Show a Picture of “Maria Makiling”

What can you say about the picture?

Find Out and Learn

The teacher will tell the students to watch The Legend of Maria Makiling

Think About it
Ask the Following Questions

1. Who are the characters in the stories?

2. What are the good things Maria Makiling do the the town people?

3. Why are they surprise when they see the farm of the man Maria Makiling Fall in love

4. What kind of letter did the young man received?

5. Did the Young man enlist in the army?

6. What did he do in order not to enlist in the army?

7. How did Maria Makiling took up the news when she learned that his beloved man will
get married? What did she do after that?

8. How will you describe the the mountain of Maria Makiling if you are in a plane land?

Try and Learn

Watch Again the Legend Of Maria Makilin. Give the events that happened
in the story. Place it inside the crcle.

Do and Learn

Watch the story of Of “Malakas and Maganda”. Recount the events in the story using a
series event chains.]


How to recount events effectively?

 To recount events means that to tell the details of a given events”
 To recount events effectively one must;
d. Watch and understand the stories very well.
e. Be specific in giving the events in the story
f. Recall all the major events
g. Organize the events properly

Write About It

Watch again another stories, “”The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse”. Recount the
events in the storyin atleast 5 sentences.


Clarify Meaning of Words Using Dictionaries,

Thesaurus and/or Online resources

Think and Tell

Show a Thesaurus or a Dictionary.
What is the use of the dictionary?

Find Out and Learn

Bring out your any the following a dictionaries, thesaurus or even your
cellphones. We are going to read a stories about , “Tsunamis and Earthquakes”.

Earthquakes and Tsunamis

By: Sue Peterson

Earthquakes are the sudden shock of the earth‟s surface that result in the earth
shaking and rolling. They can be felt over large geographical areas for brief moments of

time. This is a natural way for the earth to release stress. Did you know that more than a
million earthquakes shock the world each year? Let‟s look at what causes this unpredictable

There are nearly 20 tectonic plates that are along the earth‟s surface that
continuously move past each other. When these plates stretch or squeeze, huge rocks form
at their edges and the rocks shift causing an earthquake. You can visualize an earthquake
by holding a pencil horizontally in the air and applying force to both ends by pushing down
on them. Eventually, the pencil will break somewhere between the two pencil ends to
release the stress placed on it. This is exactly how the earth‟s crust reacts to produce an

The plates move and put forces on each other so the earth‟s crust breaks for this
stress to be released in the form of energy. This energy then moves at a terrifying rate
through the earth as an earthquake. A seismograph is an instrument used to record the
strength of the earthquake. It also measures how long the earthquake occurs. Other
significant terms to know concerning the topic of earthquakes include the “epicenter” which
is the point on the earth‟s surface above the source of the earthquake; “seismic waves”
which is the energy created by the quake that causes building, structures, and the earth to
move horizontally; and the Richter Scale, a measurement of an earthquake‟s intensity.

The points on the Richter Scale correspond to the amount of shaking of the earth
(ten times the amount of shaking and 33 times the amount of energy). It has been reported
that the energy released by a large earthquake may be equal to 10,000 times the energy of
the first atomic bomb and cause anxiety-ridden victims to panic. Following is a chart that
shows the types of earthquakes and the rating of each on the Richter Scale.

Richter Scale

4 Minor Earthquake
5 Moderate Earthquake
6 Strong Earthquake
7 Major Earthquake
8 Great Earthquake

If you live in a region of the world that has been known to have a history of
earthquakes, it is advised that you assemble a well-equipped safety and emergency kit. It is
also imperative to have an established disaster plan so everyone remains safe. During an
actual earthquake, it is advisable to get under a sturdy piece of furniture where nothing can
fall on you and to stay clear of glass windows and larger objects. If you are outdoors, you
need to stay far away of buildings, trees, and power lines. If you are in a car, it is important
to drive to a safe area and stay in the car until the trembles stop.

There may be aftershocks, movements after the earthquake. Check for personal
injuries and damage to your home when all movement has subsided. Depending on the
strength of the earthquake, you may be horrified and need someone for reassurance. It is
urgent that you remain calm. You may be able to reassemble some of the items that were
tossed about and repair the disorder that has occurred during this disaster at a later time.

Tsunamis are formed by the displacement of water, either a landslide, volcanic

eruption or by the slippage of the earth‟s plates, rock about 15-200 kilometers (50,000-
650,000 feet) deep that carry the continents and seas of the earth on an underground ocean
of hot, semi-solid material. Tsunamis are large ocean waves that flow straight avoiding any
winding and circular turns like most every day waves. Tsunamis travel up to 965 kph. (600
mph), thus capable of causing severe damage with their treacherous speed alone. They
travel the fastest in deeper water, yet hit near the shoreline at 48-64 kph (30-40 mph).

Let us get the meaning of the following underlined words.

1. Geographical –
2. Unpredictable –
3. Tectonic –
4. Imperative –
5. Sturdy –
6. Aftershock –
7. Subsided –
8. Horrified –
9. Urgent –
10. Reassemble –
11. Disaster –
12. Displacement –
13. Winding –
14. Severe –
15. Treacherous –

Try and Learn

Have a contest in getting the meaning of words. (teacher may give as many
words) The first group that can post the meaning on the board wins while the
other groups will find it.
Match each word in Column A with its meaning in Column B. Write
the answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. atmosphere a. genuine and original
2. autopsy b. having no trees or other
3. blush growing plants
4. authentic c. the mixture of gases that surrounds an astronomical

5. barren object such as the earth
d. to turn red in the face because of emotion,
especially embarrassment, shame, modesty, or
e. medical examination of a dead body in order to
establish the cause and circumstances of death

Do and Learn
Have the students to work “Scavenger Hunt” wherein the students will find
the word in a dictionary with the help of a clue and get the meaning of the
following words. The first group who will finish is the winner.

1. The last word in your dictionary –

2. A word with more than 3 meanings –
3. A word with five or more than syllables –
4. Open to any page what is the longest word you see –
5. Find a word you have never heard before -


Clarifying the meaning words can be done through the use of

dictionaries, thesaurus or other online materials.
Try and Learn
Clarify the following words using a dictionary, thesaurus or other online materials.

1. Dredge –
2. Lucid –
3. Seethe –
4. Nimble –
5. Loftly –

Learn Some Thing

Read a story and write at least 5 words you do not understand. Find
the meaning of words using the dictionary

Compose clear and coherent sentences using
gramatical structures: Conjunctions
- Coordinating Conjunctions

Think and Tell

Show a PowerPoint Presentation.

Find Out and Learn

Refer again to the later power point presentattions.

Teacher will read the sentences.

a. My favorite heroes are Batman and Green Lantern.

b. The gold is hidden at the beach or at the lake.
c. I like coffee, but I don‟t like tea.
d. Jose Rizal wanted reform for the Philippines, so they established the Kilusang
Propaganda in Spain.

When to Use Each Coordinating Conjunction:

Reason Coordinating Conjunction

To communicate addition and
To communicate contrast but, yet
To communicate a result/effect so
To communicate a reason/cause for
To communicate a choice or
To communicate a negative choice nor

Other Examples:

The shoes were not blue suede nor black leather.

It wasn‟t a costume party, yet many came dressed as literary villains.

I hate to waste a drop of gas, for it is very expensive these days.

 What conjunction the words in the first sentence?

 What conjunction are to be used when connect that tells a negative
 When to use the coordinating conjunction “for”?

Try and Learn
The following exercises will help you gain greater understanding about how
coordinating conjunctions work. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.

1. Would you rather have cheese _____ bologna on your sandwich?

1. For
2. Nor
3. Or
4. So

2. His two favorite sports are football ______ tennis.

1. Or
2. And
3. Nor
4. For

3. I wanted to go to the beach, _______ Mary refused.

1. But
2. Or
3. So
4. For

4. I am allergic to cats, ______ I have three of them.

1. Or
2. For
3. Yet
4. So

5. I am a vegetarian, _______ I don‟t eat any meat.
1. So
2. Yet
3. Nor
4. But

Do and Learn

Compose a coherent and clear sentence using the different coordinating

conjunctions. The group who presents the most coherent sentences will be the winner.
Remind the students to be tactful in constructing a sentence.

and but yet so for nor or


Conjunctions are words that joins two or more words, phrases and clause.

Coordinating conjunctions are used to join words, phrases, and independent clauses.

When to Use Each Coordinating Conjunction:

Reason Coordinating Conjunction

To communicate addition and
To communicate contrast but, yet
To communicate a result/effect so
To communicate a reason/cause for
To communicate a choice or
To communicate a negative choice nor

Write About It

Compose a coherent and clear sentence using the coordinating conjunction for,
nor, or, so and yet. Do this on a piece of paper.

Learn Some More

Choose a conjunction below to join each pair of sentences.

and but yet so for nor or

1. I was going to see a movie. My mother asked me to clean our backyard.

2. Toni saves money everyday. He will buy a new dress for her mother.
3. Pampilo finishes his work early. He can go to his night job.

Compose clear and coherent sentences using

gramatical structures: Conjunctions
- Suborrdinating Conjunctions

Think and Tell

Show a Picture
Study the picture very well.
Guess what is the missing word in the picture?
Clue: It is a person who is lower in rank or position.
The answer must be in plural form.

Find Out and Learn

The teacher will read the following.

A subordinating conjunction may appear at a sentence beginning or

between two clauses in a sentence.

A subordinate conjunction usually provides a tighter connection between

clauses than a coordinating conjunctions does.

Loose: It is raining, so we have an umbrella.

Tight: Because it is raining, we have an umbrella.

Punctuation Note:

When the dependent clause is placed first in a sentence, use a comma between the two
clauses. When the independent clause is placed first and the dependent clause second, do not
separate the two clauses with a comma.

When to Use Common Subordinate Conjunctions:

Reason Subordinate Conjunction

Regarding time after, before, once, since,

until, when, whenever, while

To communicate a reason/cause as, because, since

To communicate a result/effect in order that, so that, that

To communicate a condition if, even if, unless

To communicate contrast although, even though,

though, whereas

Regarding location where, wherever

Regarding a choice than, whether

Other examples;

Once she found the perfect broach, she purchased three outfits to match it.

He wore the top hat wherever he went.

 What does a subordinating conjunction connect?

 What happen to the other clause when a subordinating conjunction is used?
 What happen when the dependent clause is place at the beginning of the
 When do we use the subordinating conjunctions “even if” and “unless”
 What are the subordinating conjunctions to be used when it communicate
a contrast?

Try and Learn

Choose from among these subordinating conjunctions to complete each sentence:

although as long as because even if so that unless

until while

1. She has decided to move to Portland _______ there are more opportunities for employment
in that city.

2. You can borrow my car _______ you agree to be very careful with it.

3. They'll have a good corn harvest this year ________ it rains a lot and prevents them from
harvesting their crops.

4. Our neighbor is going to buy a gun _________ she can protect herself from intruders who
break into her apartment.

5. _________ he can save a lot of money by taking the bus, Russ still drives his car into the
city every day.

6. Ronald is going to finish his homework _________ it takes him all night.

7. My daughter can't wait _______ she gets her new bike.

8. Stay in the car ________ I go into the store. I'll be right back.

9. It's a good idea to go to college for four years ________ it's possible to get a good job without
a degree.

10. __________ he's overweight, Tony eats a lot of food before he goes to bed. That's not

Do and Learn

Compose a coherent and clear sentence using the different subordinating

conjunctions. The group who presents the most coherent sentences will be the winner.
Remind the students to be tactful in constructing a sentence.

once because in order that even if even though than wherever


 A subordinating conjunction joins a dependent clause into an independent

 Subordinating conjunctions often begin a dependent clause. If the dependent

clause begins or interrupts the sentence, then it is separated from the
independent clause by a comma.

 Subordinating conjunctions also join two clauses together, but in doing so, they
make one clause dependent (or "subordinate") upon the other.

Write About It

Compose a coherent and clear sentence using the different subordinating

conjunctions. Use the following subordinating conjunctions below.

after since if so that although than


First Quarter – Week 10

Day I- Recounts events effectively

Think and Tell

What holiday or events do we celebrate in our country?

Tell something about the pictures/symbols of events inside the box. What events display on it?

Find out and Learn

What can you say about the illustrations of festivals and houses?
How will you describe the pictures?
Read the informative story of PAILAH festival.

Pailah Festival
Pailah Festival named after from its town's ancient name Pila, Laguna. "PAILAH" also
derived as Palay (Rice) as their major crop since Hispanic era, Isda (Fish) since the municipality
is also near in the lake, Tilapia is also one of their livelihood, Lilok Antigo (Antique Carvings)
along the district not only from the crops farming and fishing they have dependent but they also
have handicraft products to make this town also known as one of the best suppliers of native
products and wood carvings which is Laguna is famous to its talents and skills. Halaman
(Ornamental plants) they have produced a lot of supplies for different places of Manila and its
neighboring provinces for their premier class of ornamental plants.
This event were duly attended by Nayon Photographers' Club who were invited to cover the
yearly event. From manila we prepared to depart as early as 5:00 am to witness this event by
8:00 am. As we arrived we have ample time to set up and prepare our things. One you can
observe if you are in Pila is like you are travelling back in time, the old houses are well
maintained and preserved its Hispanic architectural designs, same as the church as well. This
municipality of Laguna is a sleepy town but were not affected by war for its excessive
bombardments during Japanese American battle, up to now the evident of the town is still on its
finest preservation of heritage village such as their houses, church and other structures that you
can find here.

Where does the word PAILAH came from?
Why do you think this event were duly attended by some photographers?‟‟
Why Pila, Laguna is a land of Heritage houses?
How are Pailah Festival similar to other festival?‟
In what way are these events different from the other festivals?‟‟

Do and Learn

Group 1
Make a news story about festival to recount events effectively
Present the news story to the class in the form of Newscating.

Group 2
Think of a song you know about your town.
Practice singing the song. Be ready to sing it to the class. (Example;” Halina sa Pila Magpunta”)

Group 3
Make a poster of events that important or memorable to you.

Group 4
Create simple Rap song from the story. Present it to the class.

Talk About It

 Why Pila is called “BAYANG PINAGPALA”?

 Cite some evidences, why this town is now one of the tourist attractions in Laguna?
 As you perform the group activity, do you feel the importance of the events you perform.
Share your ideas to the class


An event can be about nearly anything in personal experience/life that is significant enough
for you to want to retell it, or it can simply be a snapshot of a moment or a description of a person,
place, or thing in your life.
When recounting events choose a topic that you care about, for this will make your piece
more descriptive, emotional, and creative. Even though it is about your life, if you care about your
topic then so will the reader.

Day 2- Vocabulary Development

Think and Tell

Games: How strong is your vocabulary? Choose the correct meaning of a words
Read as quickly as possible the words in each line. Circle those that have the same or
similar meanings as the keyword.

quickly quiet fast rapid small swift

fashionable smart conservative modern plain stylish
begin start end allow go come
great noble grand magnificent grateful petty
polite charming refined sweet courteous well –behaved

Show a dictionary to the class. What do you want to know about the dictionary?
Write your answer in the KWL Chart. (I know, want to know, what I learned chart)


Expected answer Expected Answer Expected Answer

Are you a scout? What does it mean to be a scout? What good deeds have you done for
others lately?
“Sajid was a Scout”( see page 117-119)

Using context clues or a Dictionary match each word from the story in column A with its
meaning in column B.

a. having far reaching and typically
1. Posthumous disastrous consequences or complications
2. Fluvial b. assign the responsibility for doing
3. Fateful something to ( someone)
4. Submerge c. get(something) back
5. Tilt d. a flat boat for carrying freight
6. Entrust typically on canals and rivers
7. Horrible e. of a relating to a festival
8. Barge f. of or found in a river
9. Festive g. move or cause to move into a sloping
10. Retrieve position
h. occurring, awarded,or appearing after the
death of the originator
i. causing or likely to cause horror, shocking
j. cause to be underwater

1. What was Sajih greatest contribution?

2. Can you justify Sajid‟s act of giving up his life for others?
3. If you were Sajih would you also help other people ? Why or why not?

Try and Learn

The following words appear between the guide words „jaded‟ and „jaundice‟.
Put them into alphabetical order.
jasper jangle japonica jargon jasmine
jar jaguar janitor jamboree jagged
1 _____________________ 5_____________________ 9._____________________

2 _____________________ 6 _____________________ 10 _____________________

3 _____________________ 7 _____________________

4 _____________________ 8. _____________________

Put the correct words between the guide words.

mafia maharajah make malaria majestic
mahogany mallard magician

1. madden _____________________ _____________________ magnetic

2. magnetic tape _____________________ _____________________ mainly
3. Mainmast _____________________ _____________________ make-over
4. maker _____________________ _____________________ malpractice

Study each dictionary entry. Then copy the exact meaning of the italicized word nin the
sentence. Write your answer in the blank.

fade/fad/ fade, fading;1. Become less bright

2. Lose freshness or strength, wither
3. die away: disappear

a. The bunch of flowers will fade if you leave it long under the sun.
b. My blue jeans faded after they were washed several times.
c. The music start to fade as the car with the stereo drove away towards the city.

Gulf /gelf/ n. 1. A large part of an ocean or sea that extends into surrounding land
2. a very deep break or cut in the earth
3. vast difference

a. The dynamite blast left a huge gulf in our field.

b. The quarrel left a gulf between Elaine and Fatty.
c.The Gulf of Mexico is between Florida and Mexico

live/liv/ 1. Alive; having life

2. having much enemy
3.burning glowing
4.carrying an electric current
5. reside
6. of much interest now
7. broadcast taking a while

a. Let us cook our hot dogs over the live coals.

b. Never touch a live wire! You‟ll be burned or you‟ll die.
c. The live issue in our school is the need for a new gym.
d. Bill kept this live snake in a cage.

Choose the meaning of the first word as used in in the given

sentences. Write the letter on the blank.
Learn some more

rare a. not thoroughly cooked
b. uncommon

_____1. I want my steak to be served rare

_____2. The monkey-eating eagle is a rare species
_____3. That piece of jewelry is rare

hit a. to strike or knock with force

b. a very successful play, book, songs etc.

______1. The play “Frozen” was a hit for the children.

______2. The naughty boy hit his playmates with a book.
______3. The batter hit the ball so hard that it went over the fence.

capital a. capital city or town of a province

b. a letter different from lower case or small letter

______1. The capital of Laguna is Sta Cruz.

----------2. A capital letter is used as the initial letter in a person‟s name.
______3. The summer capital of Philippines is Baguio.

plane a. kind of tool to smoothen object

b. a kind of air transportation

______1. Tourist go to Boracay by plane.

______2. A carpenter uses a plane.
______3. This is my first plane ride.

Talk about it

What did you learn from the Dictionary?

When do we use the Dictionary?
What meaning should we select from these several meanings?

 It is a book contains many words. The words are arranged
 A dictionary gives an explanation of the words, meaning and
use, syllabication and stress marks.
 We can use the dictionary to clarify the appropriate meanings from
several meanings.

Try and Learn

Read the following sentence and then copy the number of the meaning of the underline word.

Model vb 1. To plan or to form after a pattern

N 2. Aperson who possess for painters,sculptors,photography
Adj. 3. Right or perfect especially in conduct
4. A type or design clothing
_____ The calendar has the beautiful pictures of a model.
_____ The pupils modeled animals in clay
_____ Gino is a model child. He is polite, kind and obedient.

Echo/ecko n. 1. A sound sent back

Vb. 2. Repeat
n. 3. A nymph in Greelk legend who pired away for love of Narcissus until
nothing was left of her but her voice
_____ “I‟m hungry”, said Julian, “Im hungry too” echoed Joseph.
_____ Echo is a pretty girl who can sing well.
_____ Sam was in the field. He shouted “Hello”. The echo came back “Hellooooo”, lo.. lo…

Park n. 1. Land for people to rest or play in

vb 2. To leave a vehicle for some time in place

______There were beautiful flowers in the park.

______The visitors will park their cars in the big yard.
______ We enjoy walking in the park.

Day 3- Oral Reading Fluency

Read grade level text with 118 words correct per minute

Think and Tell

Study the pictures below. What do they tell? Work with a partner. Discuss a short story about
the pictures. Make sure that you use a verb in their correct form.

Read the sentences correctly

-Easter is one of the many Philippine religious festivals.

- Filipinos attended the series of nine dawn masses called misa de gallo.

-Last year, my family celebrated Easter Sunday in Bulacan.

-Carolers went from house to house and sung Christmas songs for money and fun

What are the different events mention in the sentences?

Find out and learn What do you usually have during Christmas? Who gives you a gift? How
Filipinos spend Christmas? Teacher will Sing/play the song. Christmas in
our Heart by Jose Mari Chan.

Christmas in our Heart

Whenever I see girls and boys,Selling lanterns on the streets,

I remember the Child In the manger as He sleeps.

Wherever there are people,Giving gifts, exchanging cards,

I believe that ChristmasIs truly in their hearts.

Let's light our Christmas trees, For a bright tomorrow

Where nations are at peace, And all are one in God

Let's sing Merry Christmas,And a happy holiday,

This season may we never forget, The love we have for Jesus
Let Him be the One to guide us, As another new year starts
And may the spirit of Christmas, Be always in our hearts.

In every prayer and every song,The community unites,

Celebrating the birth, Of our Savior, Jesus Christ

Let love, like that starlight, On that first Christmas morn,

Lead us back to the manger, Where Christ the Child was born

So, come let us rejoice, Come and sing a Christmas carol

With one big joyful voice ,Proclaim the name of the Lord!

Try and Learn

 Sing the song confidently with the teachers

Read the words and lyrics of the song in a minute.

Do the first reading of the song in the form of story. Afterwards, read by partner.

Group I-2 Make a jingle on how Filipinos spend Christmas

Group 3-4 Choose an important events in your locality. Member of the group will
narrate, while the others will make a simulation or dramatization.
Present it to the class.

Read and learn Read the selection correctly in a minute

Hometown Hero

What makes a hero? This question can be answered in many ways. Courage in the face
of danger is one attribute. Unselfish leadership for the good of the community is another. Yet
there are many heroes who never face danger and cannot be called leaders.
These noble people go about their lives helping others for no reward other than knowing
it is the right thing to do. They do not take a day off and they put their own needs last.
Unfortunately, their heroic actions are mostly unnoticed. Maybe there is a hero like this living in
your house. What makes people do heroic things? The heroes that we study in school often
found themselves in history-making situations. Courage in wartime is an example. Other people
are natural leaders who inspire their followers to make important changes in society.
Perhaps at this time in your life, you have not met any heroes. If not, try to be one in your
own life each day. Put the needs of others first. Be kind and helpful to your friends and family. It
is not easy to be a hero, but it is a daily possibility.

1. What is “Hometown Hero” mostly about?

2. What can you do in your daily life to become a hero?

Practicing with fluency passages is an important part of to improve the ability to read fluently.
If you makes many errors while reading or the reading does not sound like a spoken conversation,
he or she needs to practice reading fluency.
Improve reading speed and accuracy with repeated readings of Fluency Practice Passages.
Students orally read passages designed for one-minute readings several times with appropriate
expression and smoothness to increase reading rate, resulting in improved focus on comprehension

Day 4 - Attitudes
Observe politeness

Think and Tell

News for the day: ask volunteers to share the thing/events they saw as they were
on their way to school.
Read the sentence below the pictures.
What good character traits shown in the illustration.

What are the standard in Silent reading?

Read the selection carefully and be able to find out the moral lesson of the story.

Fox and the Rabbit

Long long ago there were two close friends named Jaggu and
Bunny.Jaggu was a fox living in a small forest adjacent to a village while
Bunny was a rabbit living in the same forest. These two friends were so

close to each other than daily they used to share a lot of things like toys,
food items, stories and they were also spending time in the forest by
playing with other forest animals.
Though Jaggu and Bunny were close friends, yet Jaggu was short tempered and was
loosing its temper. In addition to this, Jaggu had a very loose tongue and was always involved in
fights, arguments and quarrels with her friends. This is the reason why people in the village and
Jaggu's friends as well did not like Jaggu much because it was always like a fighter cock. But on
the other hand Jaggu's close friend Bunny was very soft spoken, giving respect to the elderly
people and was always excusing others for their mistakes. And because of such a sweet nature
of Bunny, it was very much liked by its friends and even by the people in the nearby village.

One day both the friends Jaggu and Bunny talked for a long time and at
the end both of these friends expressed their wish of getting laddus prepared by
their moms. These two friends liked laddus very much just like Chota Bheem who
is very fond of laddus. Jaggu and Bunny ran to their houses and expressed their
wish of eating laddus. Hearing this their moms said, "Oh dear, even I wish I could
prepare these wonderful sweets for you. But I need to buy lot of things like gram
flour, sugar, melted butter (ghee), cardamom powder, cashew nuts and other dry
fruits for preparing laddus. And we don't have enough money right now to buy all
these stuff."In this way moms of both the friends expressed their incapability of
preparing laddus. Now these two friends again had a meeting on how to get
laddus prepared by their moms and how to enjoy eating these delicious sweets.
After a long discussion, both the friends arrived to a conclusion and went home
As it was night time, they had a sound sleep. Jaggu and Bunny woke early in the
morning as per their plan. They were determined to get laddus prepared the next day by their
moms. So after finishing off their daily chores both the friends walked towards the village to get
all the stuff required for preparing laddus. On reaching the village, Jaggu went straight to a
shopkeeper and said arrogantly, "Hey, give me some gram flour, sugar, ghee and all the other
things required to prepared laddus. I like laddus very much and want to make laddus with it. On
hearing Jaggu's harsh words, the shopkeeper was annoyed, however he kept quite and gave
Jaggu the bill in which the cost of all the items are mentioned.
On seeing the bill and the amount mentioned in it, Jaggu turned
wild and started cursing the shopkeeper. Jaggu said, "You moturam what
are you going to lose if you give me little gram flour, sugar and other
things. You cheat!, why should I give you money for all these things when
so much of these items are thrown away waste in the backyard of your
shop. Can't you be kind enough to donate little bit of these things to the
poor?" Saying so, Jaggu started using bad language and started shouting
at the shopkeeper. All the time, Bunny was trying to calm down Jaggu by
pulling him back. But Jaggu did not listen to his friend but continued with
his shout at the shopkeeper.
As there is a limit for anyone's patience so also the shopkeeper lost his patience by all
this big shout of Jaggu. So he went straight into his house, got a big wooden rod only to beat
and hit hard Jaggu. Seeing the shopkeeper coming with a big wooden rod in his had both the
friends had to run fast out of the place to save their skin. After running for a while, they rested
for a while under the shade of tree and felt sad for the failure of their plan. However, Bunny did
not lose its heart and said to his friend, "Jaggu, please listen to me, you hide yourself behind me
and don't show your face. Let me go and try out for getting all the stuff for making laddus." As
Jaggu had a great faith on his friend Bunny he simply said yes and acted as per the instructions.

This time Bunny walked slowly to the shopkeeper and said, "Namaste
Ramuchacha. Saying so, Bunny bowed down and touched his feet. The
shopkeeper was very much impressed with this gesture of Bunny and blessed
him. The shopkeeper asked, "How are doing these days Bunny?" Replied Bunny,
"I am doing good Chacha (Uncle). How about you? I heard Chachi (Aunt) was
not well. How is she now?
The shopkeeper, "oh! how nice of you Bunny to remember this. Of course, she is
recovering now. Bunny, "How are your kids Monu and Champa?" How are their
studies going on?"Shopkeeper, "They are doing good Bunny. What's the purpose
of your visit?
Bunny, "Actually Chacha, I like laddus very much and you know we don't have
enough money either to laddus or to buy all the things for making laddus at home. So, I
thought of asking help from you Chahca. Anyway, if you cannot give, I won't mind
because I know you too have to look after your family's needs and you are taking all the
pains and working hard to earn money to look after your family. I don't mind Chacha if
you are not in a position to lend me."
On listening you such polite words of Bunny, the shopkeeper was so pleased that he
was readily willing to give all the things needed to make laddus and thus he said, "Oh, Bunny,
you are such a sweet little thing and when you wanted to eat laddus, I am sure to help you out.
You need not lend all the things for making laddus from me but I can give you all these for free
as a gift. You are a little one and I am sure you don't need much of these things. Moreover,
there is so much stuff which is being eaten up by the rats and cockroaches in the night time.
And many a times, I have to even throw away some of the stuff that gets spoiled. When there is
some wastage in my shop, I really don't mind donating you these stuff to you who are so sweet
and good."

Saying so, the shopkeeper turned out to his salesman and asked
him to get all the things required for making laddus and give all those
things to sweet little Bunny. Jaggu was listening to the whole
conservation from behind the scene and felt very happy as they both can
now have laddus to eat. At the same time, he even learnt the lesson that
if he want to get help from others he should not demand help from them
instead he should request them for a help and should be polite in his
words. Jaggu and Bummy carried all the stuff required for preparing
laddus to Jaggu's home. On seeing these things Jaggu's mother felt
happy and she prepared delicious laddus and gave it to both the friends.
From this incident on wards there was a lot of change in Jaggu's way of
talking and his behavior as well. He started talking to everyone with
respect and politeness. Now everyone slowly started liking Jaggu as well.

.1. Who are the characters in the story? Describe each.
2. Where does the story happen?
3. What is the moral lesson of the story?
4. Why do we always need to be polite?

Try and Learn

Show different act of politeness.( 4 pictures one word)

____ ____L__T___NE___S___

Group Activities.
Group I – Role playing that observe politeness
Group 2- Slogan of Politeness
Group 3- Make a short story that observe politeness
Group 4- Poster making with the theme: Politeness is the Flower of Humanity

Let the pupils learn by heart the different expression of politeness;

~What should you say if you walk in front of someone? You say___( “Excuse me”)
~Moving over so someone can sit down is called? ------ (“Sharing”)
~When you ask for something you say…. .(”Please”)
~When you receive something you say… .(”Thank You”)

Read and Learn


You win an award. You walk proudly onto the stage. You make a speech. You give
the audience an idea of where you got your ideas. You talk about the people who helped
you. You also tell where you got your inspiration.
A young Amelia Earhart attended a World‟s Fair where she saw an airplane fly high
above her. Amelia always referred to that day as the start of her journey to become a pilot. In
the same way, many writers will remember the first book that gripped their hearts. Sports
stars can tell you everything about the first game they attended. Film directors remember
every scene of the movie that made them buy their first camera.
This is the way many young people get an idea of what profession they would like to
pursue. What has inspired you? Have you seen, 168 read, or heard about anything that has given
your ideas for your lifelong career? Have you met someone who has truly inspired you? You
may have already made a decision about your future. If not, you can start to think about it!
1. What is this passage mostly about?
2. According to this passage, what are some things that inspire people?

Write About It

Are you polite? Read and choose the letter of the correct answer
1. Someone you don't really like keeps following you around. What do you do?
a. Tell him/her to get lost.
b. Ask him/her to quit following you around in a nice way.
c. Secretly escape and hide.
d. Let him/her follow you around

2. You're really good in History and are taking a test on it on Friday. The coolest kid in
class asks you to give him the answers. What do you do?
a. You don't care if he/she is cool or not; you don't give the answers.
b. Give a lame excuse and say no.
c. Give him/her the answers but tell the teacher after.
d. Tell him/her you'll think about it.
3: Somebody has been asking you the same question over and over. What do you do?
a. Roll your eyes and tell the answer.
b. Tell him/her to listen more and give the answer.
c. Tell him/her the wrong answer.
d. Give the answer.
4. You are hanging out with your friends and everybody wants to do something you
don't want to. What do you do?
a. Go along with them.
b. Argue, but go along in the end.
c. Tell them they're losers and leave.
d. Give them a lame excuse and go home.
5: You're supposed to exchange papers to check an assignment. Somebody who is
ALWAYS late to exchange asks you to exchange with him/her. You already have your
paper ready to check. What do you do?
a. Say no.
b. Say sure.
c. Give a lame excuse and refuse.
d. Roll your eyes and say no.


Politeness is the practical application of good manners or etiquette. It is a culturally defined

phenomenon, and therefore what is considered polite in one culture can sometimes be quite rude
or simply eccentric in another cultural context.
Polite play adjective po·lite \pə-ˈ līt\: having or showing good manners or respect for other people
: socially correct or proper

Day 5- Attitudes
Show tactfulness when communicating with each other‟s

Think and Tell

What come first to your mind when you read this quotes or messages?
” Think before you speak”.

Where do we use these words?

Find out and Learn

Read the tactless blunt and more tactful in the graphic organizer and be able to
answer the ff. question below.

Tactless Tactful
-Stupid letter: I can‟t understand! - I should understand it, as there is
no confusing word in this letter,
could you explain it once again?
-It‟s your fault, you did not properly read - Sometimes my word is not precise;
my latest fax. Let me try again


What is the different of tactless and tactful communication?
Do you think there is careful consideration of the feelings and values of another
in a tactful communication?

Try and Learn

Teacher will act the tactful communication situation between a Principal and
Teacher or a leader of the group and a member of the class.

Do and Learn

“Think before you speak”, your friends need to go home early for some appointment. How will
you answer your friend in a positive way? Think of words that may consider her/his feelings.

Learn Some More

What will you say in the following situation? Use tactful and careful words for
consideration of the feelings and values of others.

Brainstorming/Role Playing

Group I and 2-One of your team members is regularly late for sport dance
practice for school intramurals competitions, and it affects her performance. After
another missed deadline, you're tempted to call her out at the team meeting. Although
this might make you feel better in the short term, it's insensitive – a more tactful
approach would be to speak with her privately about her tardiness.

Group 3 and 4-
It's your birthday. You're allergic to woo cloth; one of your friends gives you a
hideous sweater made of wool in front of many people. The sweater is personally knitted
for you. How will you handle the situation?

Talk about it

How tactful are you?

Indicate how frequently you engage in the following behaviors when communicating with
another person or persons. Use this scale to describe your tactfulness.
5 – I always do this.
4 – I often do this.

3 – I sometimes do this.
2 – I seldom do this.
1 – I never do this

------a.I recognize that how I say something is just as important as what I say.
____b.I analyze my communication style to determine what nonverbal messages I send and
how well they conform to the meaning I desire to get across
____c.I carefully consider whether my message would be best understood by my receiver in a
face-to-face gathering, mobile texting, or in writing
____d.I form opinions about what others say to me based on what I hear them saying rather
than what I think of them as a person
_____e .I makes a genuine effort to listen to ideas with which I don't agree.
_____f .I looks for ways to improve my listening skills.


Try and Learn

Choose the letter of the correct amnswer.

1. You're at your company Christmas gift exchange, and someone just re-gifted the same
gift you gave them last year. What do you do?
A. Nothing! It really doesn't matter, no need to cause a scene.
B. Say nothing at the moment, but talk badly behind their back the next day.
C. Corner them later and tell them off.
D. Accuse them right then and there, in front of everyone.

2. You borrowed 100 pesos from your friend last week, and you keep forgetting to pay
them back. What do you say?
A. I apologize and set a reminder on my phone.
B. Ask them to call me and remind me before I see them tomorrow.
C. Don't say anything--they might have forgotten too.
D. It's fine. We're friends, right? I'll remember eventually.

3. You're in the middle of a long conversation with a friend, and suddenly you notice that
she's not really paying attention to what you're saying. What do you do?
A. Change the subject. Maybe I've bored her.
B. Keep talking, but keep it shorter and more to the point.

C. Ask her if something is wrong.
D. Tell her to snap out of it, and continue talking.

4. You're just about to sit down at your favorite spot in the cafeteria, when someone comes
along and beats you to the chair first. What do you do?
A. Ask them to move. You always sit there.
B. Glare at them and sit somewhere else.
C. Sit somewhere else. It's not a big deal.
D. None of the above

5. Your friend, a musician, just asked you to listen to her latest song. You don't like it at all.
What do you say?
A. I don't like it.'
B. 'It's not really my style, sorry.'
C. 'It's alright. I think you can do better, though.'
D. 'I'm not really the person to ask.'!'


Day 1 Identifying Signal Words

Think and Tell

What is your favorite food?

Do you cook at home?
Do you follow the right procedure in cooking your favorite?

Find Out and Learn

Read the sentences. Select the meaning of the underlined words from
the box.

to scatter in small amounts I sliced the cake into three pieces.

to boil slightly The best way to purify water at home is to simmer it.
to cut Sprinkle water on the clothes before ironing it.

Listen to the selection to be read by the teacher.

“How to Make an Apple and Hazelnut Crunch”

Answer the comprehension questions based on the story heard.

1. What is the first step in making apple and hazelnut crunch?
2. How long will you simmer the apple?
3. After adding sugar, what will you do next?
4. What will you do when the stewed apple becomes cold?
5. What is the last step?
6. What words in the paragraph signals the step-by-step procedure in making an Apple
and Hazelnut Crunch?

Try and Learn

Listen to the teacher in reading the text to identify the signal words to
be used.

Do and Learn

Here are the given guidelines for taking tests. Fill in the blanks with
the correct signal words.

______, read the directions carefully before you start answering. If possible, read
them twice. Ask your teacher or the proctor about something you don’t understand.
_______, answer all items completely. _______, do not stay long in one number if you

cannot think of the answer right away. You might run out of time especially if the test has a
time limit. _______. Write your answers clearly.


Signal words give step-by-step direction or

sequence in a paragraph/selection.

First , next, then, lastly, finally, furthermore, next to

that, second, after that, moreover are examples of
signal words.

Day 2 Identifying Main Idea, Key Sentence, and Supporting Details

Think and Tell

Do you love to eat chocolates?

What is your favorite brand of chocolate candy?
Have you ever wondered how this yummy food came to be?

Find Out and Learn

Find out the meaning of the words in column A with the phrases in column B.

_____1.beverage A. alcoholic drink
_____2.chewable B. remove or take out
_____3.liquor C. a drink
_____4.extracted D. report of uncertain or doubtful truth
_____5.gossip E. can be grinded with a teeth

Read and Learn

Read the selection.

“Quick History of Chocolate”

The ancient people of Central America began cultivating cocoa beans almost three thousand
years ago. A cold drink from beans was served to Hernando Cortes, the Spanish conqueror when he
arrived at the Aztec Court of Montezuma in 1519. The Spaniards to the beverage home to their king.

He liked it so much that he kept the formula a secret. For the next hundred years, hot chocolate was
the private drink of the Spanish mobility. Slowly, it made its way into fashionable courts of France,
England, and Austria. In 1657, a Frenchman living in London opened a shop where blocks for making
the beverage were sold at a high price. Soon chocolate houses appeared in cities throughout Europe.
Wealthy clients met in them, sipped chocolate, conducted business, and gossip.

During the 1800s, chocolate became a chewable food. The breakthrough came in 1828, when
cocoa butter was extracted from the bean. Twenty years later, an English firm mixed the butter with
chocolate liquor, which resulted in the first solid chocolate. Milton Hershey’s candy came on the
scene 1894; the Tootsie Rolls hit the market two years later. The popularity of the chocolate bar
soared during World War I when they were given to soldiers for fast energy. M & Ms gave the industry
another boost during World War II; soldiers need candy that wouldn’t melt in their hands.

On the average, Americans today eat ten pounds of hard chocolate a year. The average Dutch
person eats up more than fifteen pounds a year, while Swiss packs away almost twenty pounds.
Chocolate is obviously an international favorite.

Talk About It

Answer the following questions.

1. Who were the first people to cultivate the cocoa beans?

2. Where was the drinking of hot chocolate a favorite?
3. When did chocolate become a chewable food?
4. Why were chocolates given to soldiers during the World War II?
5. Do you agree with the decision of the Spanish King to keep the formula for hot
chocolate a secret?
6. Should growing children like you eat too much chocolate? Why? Why not?

Going back to the selection, you will now look for the key sentence, supporting details,
and main idea in each paragraph.


o What is the key sentence of the first paragraph? in the second paragraph? in the third
o What are the sentences that give information about the key sentence of the
o What is the first paragraph all about? The second paragraph? The third paragraph?


 Key Sentence is the sentence which states the topic of the


 Supporting Details are the sentences in the paragraph which give
information related to the topic.

 Main Idea of a paragraph tells us what the paragraph is all about.

Try and Learn

Read and analyze the following paragraphs. Then, answer the items that

Paragraph 1
There are different steps in solving a problem in Mathematics. First, read the
problem carefully and find out what is asked. Next, look for the given facts, then
think of the process to be used. Finally solve for the answer.

Give the key sentence of the paragraph:


Paragraph 2
Water is used for drinking. We also use it for bathing. It is used for cooking and
washing dirty clothes. Water has many uses.
Give the supporting details of the key sentence: Water has may uses.

Supporting details:________________________________________

Paragraph 3
The second month of the year, which is February, was named after Februalia,
The Roman festival of purification. February, as we all know, is the month of love. It
is in this month that Valentine’s Day or heart’s day is celebrated. On this day, we
express our love to our loved ones. We can show our love not only during this
month but also in all months and days of the year.

Give the main idea of the paragraph:


Do and Learn

Read the following selections. Then, identify what is asked in each item by
choosing the letter of the correct answer from the given choices.

_____1. (A)There are many ways to stop global warming. (B) Choose energy
efficient appliances when making new purchases. (C) Do not leave appliances on
standby. (D) Situate your freezer and fridge away from the stove.
Choose the letter of the sentence that tells the key sentence of the paragraph.

_____2. Paying taxes is very important. It is the government’s source of income. The
taxes that every citizen’s pay go to the different services that the government
provides and the projects that it undertake. A part of the budget goes to the
construction of roads and bridges. It is the obligation and responsibility of every law-
abiding citizen of a country to pay taxes wholeheartedly and on time. Which of the
following is NOT a sentence that talks about the paragraph?
A. The taxes that every citizen’s pay go to the different services that the
government provides.
B. It is the obligation and responsibility of every law-abiding citizen of a
country to pay taxes.
C. Every citizen should pay taxes monthly to fulfill his obligation in the
D. A part of the budget goes to the construction of roads and bridges

_____3. Bicolanos take pride in their delicious pili nuts. Pili trees are abundant I
Bicol. They grow healthy there because of the cool and rainy climate of the place.
People take time harvest pili nuts. They sell them at high price. Pili is best cooked
with syrup. The paragraph s mainly about _____________________________.
A. the Bicolanos
B. the climate of Bicol
C. the pili nuts in Bicol
D. the place in Bicol

Learn Some More

Direction: Give the key sentence, supporting details and main idea of
the selection.

The root is an important part of the plant. It is responsible for getting water and
minerals from the soil for the plant to grow. It also holds the plant in position. If roots are cut
off from the plant, it would die.

Main Idea: ___________________________________________________________

Key Sentence:________________________________________________________
Supporting Details:

a. ________________________________________________________________
b. ________________________________________________________________
c. ________________________________________________________________

Day 3 Subject-Verb Agreement

Think and Tell

Have you ever experienced being teased by somebody?

How do you feel?
Who is your best friend?
Does he/she defend you while you are in trouble?
Do you think making fun of somebody is a good act?

Find Out and Learn

Choose from the words inside the box that corresponds to the definition written in
each number.
grab ______1. badly behaved
argue ______2. activity done regularly
scatter ______3. take a big handful of, seize, get
hobby ______4. give reasons typically in angry way
naughty ` ______5. throw in various directions

Read and Learn

There are times that a sentence is in inverted order. If we say

inverted sentence, it is a sentence in which the verb comes before
the subject.

Read the following selection and try to find out inverted sentences.

Lily is a thin girl. She is quiet and shy. Every time she sits at the canteen, she
is always alone. Every day, at the hallway, are Nestor’s friends. Making fun of Lily is
their hobby. In Lily’s bag are books. Carlo, one of the naughty boys, teases Lily,
grabs the handbag, passes it with his friends, and scatters all the books on the floor.
“Bamboo Stick” is what they call her. From Room 3 comes Marina. She defends Lily
and argues with the boys. In simple way Marina helps. Later on, Lily and Marina
became friends. At the canteen, they eat together. In going home, walk Marina and
Lily. They share stories, review their lessons and help each other.

Analyze how verbs agree with the subjects in the following inverted sentences.

a. Every day at the hallway, are Nestor’s friends.
v s
b. In Lily’s bag are books.
v s
c. From Room 3 comes Marina.
v s
d. In going home, walk Marina and Lily.
v s

Ask: Which comes first in the inverted order of a sentence?

What happens to the verb when the subject is singular? When the subject is plural?


 Inverted sentence is a sentence in which the verb comes before the

 The verb agrees with the subject of the sentence.
 If the subject of the inverted sentence is singular, the verb takes its s-
 If the subject of the inverted sentence is plural, the verb takes its base

Talk About It

Answer the following questions.

1. Who is a thin girl?

2. Why do you think Lily is always alone?
3. Who makes fun of Lily?
4. What does Carlo do with Lily’s handbag?
5. Who helps Lily?
6. If you were Nestor’s friends, will you do the same? Why? Or Why not?
7. If you were Marina, will you also defend Lily?
8. What kind of person is Marina?

Try and Learn

Write the following sentences in the inverted order.

1. Everybody cares about the climate change.
2. The boys go in hiking.
3. Ramon volunteers for the difficult task.
4. Nobody cares about the spoiled food.

5. Abigail attends the birthday party.

Do and Learn

Compose coherent sentences in the inverted order using the given

verbs that agree with the subjects in each item.
1. disagree the men on their plan
2. in the spelling bee join Rosa
3. come the meteor in meteorites
4. on the moon astronauts’ footprints left.
5. on a topic for a report Alexis decide

Planning a Two to Three-paragraph Composition Using an Outline

Think and Tell

What things are in the pictures?

In what kind of rocks do they belong?

Find Out and Learn

Outlining is arranging notes so that important ideas stand out and make
clear which point supports each of the important ideas.

Topics are those numbered in Roman Numerals I,II , III, etc.

The Subheadings are indicated in capital letters A, B, C, D, etc.

The supporting details are those numbered in Arabic numerals 1, 2, 3,

By connecting the details in the outline, one can form a paragraph.

Try and Learn

Read the outline. Write a two-paragraph composition using the outline


I. Sedimentary rocks - made of sediments cemented together

A. Classic or fragmented sedimentary

- rock fragments carried by wind, water and glacier

B. Chemical sedimentary

- deposits of minerals dissolved in water

C. Organic sedimentary

- shells, skeletons and other parts of plants and animals

D. Cementing materials

- calcium carbonate, silica, mud, clay and iron oxide

Do and Learn

The class will be divided into two groups. Group 1 will make a
paragraph based on the first part of the outline while group 2 will work on
the second part of the outline. The outputs will be combined to form a two-
paragraph composition.


I. Pepper - one of the earliest spices known to mankind.

A. So expensive that a pound of it was considered an appropriate gift for a royalty to

give or to receive

B. Made as payment of taxes

C. Considered rich property

II. Pepper - a tropical vine

A. Begins to bear fruit in four years

B. Produces heavily in fourteen years

C. Unripe berries produce black pepper

D. Ripe ones produce white pepper

Learn Some More

Form a two-paragraph composition using the following outline.

“Taking Care of Our Bodies”

I. The human body needs both rest and exercise.

A. Needs nourishment

B. A healthy looking body doesn’t just happen

C. A good deal of care is given to it

II. The body needs food, as the machine needs fuel as oil

A. Requires an adequate amount of basic nutrients

B. Protein, Fats, Carbohydrates and Minerals



 Outlining is arranging notes so that important ideas stand out.

 Outline can be used in writing a paragraph by using the topic
sentences and supporting details.

Day 5 Determining the Ideas that Influence the Viewers

Think and Tell

Are you familiar with TV commercials?

What is your favorite TV commercial?
Can you draw inside the box your favorite product and tell something
about it based on what you have watched in a TV commercial?

Find Out and Learn

Media uses stereotypes, point of view, and propaganda to influence

the viewers.
A propaganda is the spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the
purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person.

Stereotypes are results of incomplete or distorted information accepted as fact without

question. A stereotype is simply a widely held belief that an individual is a member of a
certain group based on characteristics.

Point of View is the angle of considering things, which shows us the opinion, or feelings
of the individuals involved in a situation. It is a reflection of the opinion an individual from
real life or fiction can have

Talk About It

What scene in the TV commercial is considered captivating?

What ideas/ images in the TV commercial are used to influence the


Did you gain interest of buying the product after watching the TV

Try and Learn

The class will be divided into four. Each group should give new name
the product to endorse. A representative from each group must explain the
ideas used to influence the viewers.

Group 1- Make a commercial about most delicious bread through song and dance.
Group 2- Show a tableau of using the best detergent bar.
Group 3- Create a poster about milk drink
Group 4- Present a short drama about the importance of brushing teeth using
a brand of toothpaste.

Do and Learn

Determine the ideas used to influence the viewers based on the

advertisement Amazing Tale Nido 3+ Nestle PH. Choose
your answer from the box.

1. Using stereotypes, the characteristic of a mother that has shown in the

advertisement was______________.
2. As shown in the point of view of the advertisement, a child must have
3. The advertisement has spread the idea that Nido 3+ contains millions of
_________________ that will help in protecting children’s tummy.
4. The advertisement of Nido 3+ left a slogan at the end part stating that
5. The advertisement is intended to persuade ______________ to buy Nido 3+ for

Laking Nido, Protektado mothers healthy tummy

Tender Loving Care fathers good bacteria


There are ideas/images in media that are explicitly used to influence

the viewers.

Stereotypes- are results of incomplete or distorted information

accepted as fact without question. A stereotype is simply a widely
held belief that an individual is a member of a certain group based
on characteristics.

Point of view- is the angle of considering things, which shows

us the opinion, or feelings of the individuals involved in a situation.
It is a reflection of the opinion an individual from real life
or fiction can have.

Propaganda - is the spreading of ideas, information, or rumor

for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a


Listen and Learn

Have you ever been to a library?
What are the things we can see inside the library?
Have you ever read any of the following?

dictionary magazines encyclopedia

How about a card catalogue? Have you used one?

Read and Learn

Read the story below. Answer the questions below.

A Trip to the Library

Mark needs a book. He does not have money. His mom takes him to the library.
Mark can borrow books for free. Mark enters the library. There are so many books.
There are books about animals. There are books about pirates. There are books
about science. Mark borrows them all.

Answer the following questions:

1. Who needs books?
2. His mom took him to the .
3. What books did he saw?
4. Which one did he borrowed?

Try and Learn
Read the article below and answer the following questions below.


Dr. José Protasio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda (June 19, 1861 –
December 30, 1896, Bagumbayan), was a Filipino polymath, nationalist and the
most prominent advocate for reforms in the Philippines during the Spanish colonial
era. He is considered a national hero of the Philippines, and the anniversary of
Rizal's death is commemorated as a Philippine holiday called Rizal Day. Rizal's
1896 military trial and execution made him a martyr of the Philippine Revolution.

The seventh of eleven children born to a wealthy family in the town of

Calamba, Laguna, Rizal attended the Ateneo Municipal de Manila, earning a
Bachelor of Arts. He enrolled in Medicine and Philosophy and Letters at the
University of Santo Tomas and then traveled alone to Madrid, Spain, where he
continued his studies at the Universidad Central de Madrid, earning the degree of
Licentiate in Medicine. He attended the University of Paris and earned a second
doctorate at the University of Heidelberg. Rizal was a polyglot conversant in at least
ten languages. He was a prolific poet, essayist, diarist, correspondent, and novelist
whose most famous works were his two novels, Noli me Tangere and El
Filibusterismo. These are social commentaries on the Philippines that formed the
nucleus of literature that inspired dissent among peaceful reformists and spurred the
militancy of armed revolutionaries against the Spanish colonial authorities.

As a political figure, Jose Rizal was the founder of La Liga Filipina, a civic
organization that subsequently gave birth to the Katipunan led by Andrés Bonifacio
and Emilio Aguinaldo. He was a proponent of institutional reforms by peaceful
means rather than by violent revolution. The general consensus among Rizal
scholars, however, attributed his martyred death as the catalyst that precipitated the
Philippine Revolution.

1. What was the article about?
2. Would you consider it as an informational text-type?
3. What other informational text-types have you read before?

Do and Learn

Take a trip to the library and ask about the card catalogue?
Have you seen a card catalogue?
What are its parts?

Look at the example of a card catalogue and identify its parts.

Choose a book from the library and make a card catalogue following the
format from the example above.


Informational texts are nonfictional writing, written with the intention to of informing
the reader about a specific topic. It is typically found in magazines, newspaper, science
books, autobiographies, and instruction manuals.

It uses special text which allows its users to easily find key information and
understand the main topic. This is done by placing a header over certain sections. It may
also use visual representation with captions which includes pictures, graphs, tables,
diagrams, and charts.

A card catalogue is a file of cards uniform in size arranged in some definite order and
listing the items in the collection of a library or group of libraries. Each card identifies a
single item.

The parts of a card catalogue are (1) call number; (2) author; (3) Title Entry; (4)
publisher; (5) series title; and (6) subject headings.

Identify if the following books if there are informational text or not. Write  for
informational text else write  if it is not.
1. newspaper
2. magazines
3. instructional manuals
4. fairy tales
5. autobiography


Find Out and Learn

Read the words orally.

1. strange 6. compass
2. alternate 7. animate
3. articulate 8. dairy
4. magnetic 9. worthwhile
5. entrepreneur 10. lawyer

How do you think we could define the following words? What could we use to define
the words?

1. Does each word only have one definition?
2. Is the given meaning precise?
3. What other methods could we use to give meanings to words?

Read and Learn

A word’s denotation is its dictionary definition. But a word can also evoke certain
thoughts and feelings. The thoughts and feelings associated with a certain word are called
the connotation of the word. Words with the same denotation can have different
connotations. Connotations can be positive, negative or neutral.

Common Connotations
 A dog connotes shamelessness or an ugly face.
 A dove implies peace or gentility.
 Home suggests family, comfort and security.
 Politician has a negative connotation of wickedness and insincerity while
statesperson connotes sincerity.
 Mom and Dad when used in place of mother and father connote loving parents.

Try and Learn

Directions: Each pair of phrases includes synonyms with different connotations. Put a +
sign on the line next to the one with a positive connotation, and a – on the line next
to the one with a negative connotation.

1. a strong reek 4. ratty clothes

a strong aroma casual clothes

2. a charismatic leader 5. easy-going attitude
a pushy leader lazy attitude

3. thoughtful response
calculated response

Do and Learn

Using your dictionary, copy the words below and its meaning on your notebook.

1. suppose 6. capillary
2. menu 7. essential
3. autumn 8. August
4. flavor 9. denotation
5. artery 10. connotation


In giving precise information on a given topic, we may do the following:

1. We must have a reliable source which is verifiable. This means that the
information that we get must be true and real, not made up or unsure.
2. We must have supporting information.

Connotations and denotations are two principal methods of describing the

meaning of words.

Connotations refer to the wide array of positive and negative associations that most
naturally carry them while denotation is the precise, literal definition of a word that might be
found in a dictionary.



Read and Learn

The Storm

The rain began early in the morning. The sky was full of dark purple clouds. Thunder
began as a soft rumble and became louder and louder. Lightning crashed every few
minutes, making the sky a brilliant white.

What is the main idea? Circle the correct answer.
A. The farms needed the rain.
B. The thunder hurt the people’s ears.
C. Lightning made the sky bright.
D. The storm was very strong.

Write three details in the story in the boxes.


Find Out and Learn

Saturday at the Carnival

James and his sister, Anna, went to the carnival on Saturday. They rode the merry-
go-round, the roller coaster and the Ferris wheel. James ate popcorn and a hot dog. Anna
drank lemonade and ate an apple. They saw many exciting shows. They were tired when
they went home.

What is the main idea? Circle the correct answer.

A. James and Anna were hungry.
B. James and Anna did many things at the carnival.
C. The merry-go-round was broken.
D. The carnival was on Saturday.

Write three details in the story in the boxes.


Do and Learn

Read the article below and answer the questions below on your notebook.

Planets in the Solar System

There are eight planets in the Solar System, and

each one is very different. Some planets, like Jupiter
and Saturn are very large. Others, like Mercury and
Mars are smaller. Jupiter has moons that are larger
than Mercury. The planets also have different
atmospheres. Uranus, Jupiter and Saturn have
atmospheres of hydrogen and helium. The atmosphere
on Venus is made up of carbon dioxide. Earth has a nitrogen and oxygen atmosphere.
Neptune’s atmosphere is mostly hydrogen. The planets also have different temperatures.
Uranus is the coldest and Venus is the hottest.

Write the main idea of the paragraph in your own words.


Write three supporting ideas to the main idea.




What is the key sentence in the article?



Read and Learn

A singular subject demands a singular verb; a plural

subject demands a plural verb. That is the simple principle behind
subject-verb agreement. Remember that singular verbs usually
end in s, but plural verbs usually do not.

Examples of correct subject-verb agreement:

1) He runs four miles every day. (singular subject; singular verb)

2) They ride the school bus in the afternoon. (plural subject; plural verb)
3) Few of the children are here today. (plural)
4) Some of the money is missing. (singular-money is singular)
5) None of the marbles have rolled out of the circle. (plural-marbles is plural)
6) One of the nails is sticking out. (one is singular)
7) The scissors are on the table. (plural)
8) Katie or three girls walk to the office. (girls is closer, so verb is plural)
9) Is mumps caused by a virus? (singular)
10) Neither the tray nor the cups were put away. (cups is closer, so verb is plural)

Try and Learn

CORRECT: The puppies are cute.
Since puppies is plural, it would sound funny to use the singular verb form, is (NOT correct):

INCORRECT: The puppies is cute.

CORRECT: The boy walks home from school.

Since boy is singular, it would sound funny to use the plural verb form, walk
INCORRECT: The boy walk home from school.

Complete the following by encircling the correct verb for each sentence.
1. Every one of those books (is, are) fiction.
2. Nobody (know, knows) the trouble I've seen.
3. (Is, Are) the news on at five or six?
4. Mathematics (is, are) John's favorite subject, while Civics (is, are) Andrea's
favorite subject.
5. Eight dollars (is, are) the price of a movie these days.
6. (Is, Are) the tweezers in this drawer?
7. Your pants (is, are) at the cleaner's.
8. There (was, were) fifteen candies in that bag. Now there (is, are) only one left!
9. The committee (debates, debate) these questions carefully.
10. The committee (leads, lead) very different lives in private.


 A cause is WHY something happens.

 An effect is WHAT happens.

As you read, be a detective. Look for clue words, such as if, then, because, since,
and so. Clue words can sometimes signal causes and effects.

On the following sentences, box the cause and underline the effect.

1. I got a tummy ache when I ate too much ice cream.

2. Anne had cake for dessert because it was her birthday.
3. Thomas was feeling sleepy because he stayed up late doing his homework.
4. Dee was hungry, so her mother made her a cheese sandwich.
5. Kevin went to dentist because he had a toothache.
6. Janice didn't eat her breakfast quickly, so she missed the school bus.
7. It was pouring rain, so the football game was cancelled.
8. Leah wasn't watching where she was walking and she stepped in a puddle.
9. Cole wasn't feeling well, so he stayed home from school.
10. Jackson didn't go to school because it was Saturday


The rule on subject-verb agreement states that a singular subject takes a singular
verb (s form) while a plural subject takes a plural verb (base form).

Cause and effect statements are two related statements. One statement, the cause,
tells us the reason on an event which resulted to the next statement, the effect, giving us the
result of the action. You can usually find sentences built this way by key words and phrases
they use: so, since, as a result of, because, therefore. It’s also important to note that the
cause is usually written before the effect is, but there are rare cases when the effect will be
written first. You should realize, however, that no matter what order you present cause and
effect in with your sentences, you cannot have an effect happen before a cause.


Think and Learn

Look at the following pictures. Could you identify from which commercial they were
taken from

Think and Tell
Arrange the puzzle to get the word being described.

- The kind of text that provide information.

Read and Learn

Talk About it
1. What is the topic of the paragraph?
2. What does cyber bullying includes?
3. Who is the writer of the paragraph?
4. What do you think is the type of informational text being used in tha paragraph?
5. How do you say so that this is a descriptive text?

Find Out and Learn

Read the paragraph and identify the type of text used.



Try and Learn

Arrange the jumbled letters to get the exact word. Answer it orally.

USECA NDA FECFET - Descriptions of events and the reasons (causes) for why the event
QESUECEN - Presents events in a sequence from beginning to end
SDPCTNEIIOR - Sensory and descriptive details

Do and Learn
A. Listen to the ff. And tell the types of informational text being used.

1. 2.

B. Read the descriptions and identify the type of informational text.

1. 2. 3.

4. 5.


Informational text are text that provide factual information to readers.


 Description- Sensory and descriptive details that help the reader visualize information. Ask
yourself: what specific person, place, thing, or idea is being described. Description shares
the who, what, when, where, why or how of a topic/subject. Clue words are such as, for
instance, in addition, also, specifically.

 Sequence- Presents events in a sequence from beginning to end, or organizes how-to text
in a series of directions. Look for steps or references to time such as dates. Clue words are
first, second, third, then, next, before, after, and finally.

 Compare and Contrast- Comparisons are used to describe ideas. Ask yourself: what is
being compared? Clue words are similar, same, alike, unlike, and different.

 Cause and Effect- Descriptions of events and the reasons (causes) for why the event
happened. Ask yourself: What happened and why did it happen? Clue words are since,
because, if, due to, as a result of , causes, leads to, and therefore.

 Problem and Solution-The text introduces a problem and presents one or more solutions.
Ask yourself: What is the problem and what is the solution? Clue words are problem, issue,
since, as a result, and idea.

Learn Some More

The Boys and the Frogs

Some boys, playing near a pond, saw a number of Frogs in the water and
began to pelt them with stones.
They killed several of them, when one of the Frogs, lifting his head out of
the water, cried out:

"Pray stop, my boys: what is sport to you, is death to us."

He wanted to save other frogs but he has a problem.

Find Out and Learn
Problem: Identify the connotative meanings of the words in the leaves in order to save
other frogs.



fact Science



1.Observe -
2. Environment -
3. Fact -
4. Weather -
5. Science –

Try and Learn

Below are groups of words which are often used to describe people. What are the connotations of
the words? Underline your answer.
1. Childlike - Youthful, Childish, Young
2. Disabled, - Crippled, Handicapped, Retarded
3. Relaxed - Laid-back, Lackadaisical, Easy-going
4. Slim - Skinny, Slender, Thin
5. Cheap - Frugal, Miserly, Economical
6. Young - Immature, Juvenile, Youthful
7. Inquisitive - Interested, Curious, Convivial
8. Confident - Secure, Proud, Egotistical
9. Lovely - Knockout, Beautiful, Stunning
10. Talkative - Conversational, Chatty, Nosy

Do and Learn
Exercise 1

Match the words in Column A with the denotation meaning in Column B.

(Using your dictionary)

Column A Column B
1. Age A. an individual animal, plant, or single-celled life form.
2. Adaptation B. the action or process of adapting or being adapted.
3. Culture C. the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual
4. Gender achievement regarded collectively.
5. Organism D. the length of time that a person has lived
or a thing has existed.
E. the state of being male or female

Exercise 2

A. Identify the connotation of the given words.

1. Home

A. suggests family, comfort and security.

B. the place where one lives permanently, especially as a member of a family or household.

2. Mom and Dad‟

A. a father or mother or parents

B. Mom and Dad when used in place of mother and father connote loving parents.

3. Pushy

A. excessively or unpleasantly self-assertive or ambitious.

B. refers to someone loud-mouthed and irritating.

B. Identify the denotation of the given words.

4. Love

A. an intense feeling of deep affection.

B. Symbol of affection

5. Hope

A. a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen

B. faith


Denotation is generally defined as literal or dictionary meanings of a word in contrast to its

connotative or associated meanings.

Connotation refers to a meaning that is implied by a word apart from the thing which it
describes explicitly. Words carry cultural and emotional associations or meanings in addition to their
literal meanings or denotations.


Connotation Denotation
 A dove implies peace or gentility.  a stocky seed- or fruit-eating bird with a small
head, short legs, and a cooing voice.
 A dog connotes shamelessness or an ugly  a domesticated carnivorous mammal that
face. typically has a long snout, an acute sense of
smell, and a barking, howling, or whining
 Politician has a negative connotation of  a person who is professionally involved in
wickedness and insincerity while politics, especially as a holder of or a
statesperson connotes sincerity. candidate for an elected office.

Think and Tell

What can you see in the picture?

What are the different parts of a book?
Tell something about each part of the book

Find Out and Learn

Let us study the glossary below.

Adolescent – a boy or a girl between the ages of 12-18 when there is a great physical
change in the body.
Aeration – the spraying of water into the air to remove unpleasant odors and tastes.
Ailerons – Movable flaps on each side of the wings of an airplane.
Air- A mixture of several gases.

Airplane – a flying machine with wings and motors

Using the glossary above, fill in the blanks with the word that has the correcr meaning.

 A mixture of several gases _________

 A flying machine with the wings and motor _____________
 The spraying of water into the air to remove unpleasant odors and tastes. ______________
 Movable flaps on each side of the wings of an airplane. _________________
 A boy or a girl between the ages of 12-18 ______________

Try and Learn
Read the glossary below.
Airport – A place where airplanes land and take off.
Air pressure – the force of air upon all surfaces.
Amphibians – animals that live both on land and water
Anopheles – a kind of mosquito that carries malaria germs.
Antennae – feelers of the head of insects and some other animals
Appendicitis – an inflammation of the appendix
Aquatic animals – animals that live in water

Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.

1. ____________ is a kind of mosquito that carries malaria.
2. ____________ is a place where airplanes land and take off.
3. Feelers on the head of insects or another animals are called ____________.
4. Animals that live both in land and in water are called _____________.
5. Animals that live in water are called _____________.
6. _____________ is the force of air upon all surfaces.
7. An inflammation of the appendix is called ______________.

Do and Learn

Exercise 1
Read the glossary below.

Fish hatchery- a place where eggs of fish are artificially hatched.
Fishery - a fishing ground.
Force – a push of a pull.
Friction – the rubbing of one thing against another
Fry – the young of a fish.

Fill the blanks with the correct words.

1. A fishing ground is called _____________.
2. A push or a pull is called _____________.
3. ___________ is rubbing of one thing against another.
4. __________ is the young of a fish.
5. __________ is a place where eggs of fish are artificially hatched.

Exercise 2
Read the glossary below.


 mahogany /ma-„hag-a-ni/ (n.) – any of the various tropical trees with reddish wood used in
 naive /nu -„ev/ (adj.) – marked by unaffected simplicity
 naphthalene /‟naph-tha-lin/ (n.) – crystalline hydrocarbon
 octave /‟ak-tav/ (adj.) – a stanza or poem of eight lines
 octopus /‟ak-ta-pas/ (n.) any of the various sea mollusks having eight muscular arms with two
rows of suckers.

Study this partial list from a glossary.

Answer the questions below.
1. How many syllables does thge word mahogany have?
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
2. What does naive mean?
A. brave B. complex C. fair D. simple
3. A stanza or poem of eight lines is a/an ________________.
A. musical score B. octave C. song D. verse
4. How are the words in the glossary arranged?
A. alphabetically B. By importance C. by topics D. chronologically
5. Which word has two syllables?
A. indefinite B. magnitude C. mahatma D. octave

The glossary is a special disctionary.
It is at the back and it is where difficult and unsual words used in the book are located.
It gives the meaning of words as used in the selections.

Think and Tell

Look at the pictures and think of a word that best describe it.

Read and Learn

1. Singular: The man in the room is making me nervous

Plural: The men in the room are making me nervous.
2. Singular: The woman in my reading club is a very good friend of mine.
Plural: The women in my reading club are very good friends of mine.
3. Singular: My chilld is playing outside.
Plural: My children are playing outside

The irregular nouns used in the sentences are:

Singular subjects Plural subjects

Man Men

Woman Women

Child Children

Some irregular nouns:

Try and Learn
Group Work
Direction: Study the word list. Then choose 5 irregular nouns from the list and use those words
in sentences.

people foot tooth leaves
wife life bacteria dwarf
cactus alumni data firemen

Do and Learn
Exercise 1
Choose a partner.
The word list contains irregular nouns. Choose two words from the list and use it in a sentence
together with you partner.

children goose half memorandum
mice self syllabus shelves
thesis wolf zero thief

Exercise 2

Compose clear and coherent sentences using the words below.

Policeman feet mouse

Fish knives

When the subject is an irregular noun, we still do not need to add an –s ending on the verb, since the subject is
still plural even though it does not end in –s.
Rule: The number of the noun (singular or plural) determines the form of the verb.

Learn Some More

Read the statements below and determine if it is influenced by stereotypes, propaganda or point
of view.
__________1. Promising happiness - Selling happiness is a concept used in ads, such as a
well-liked actor will explain why you need to buy a product in order to solve a
__________ 2. Girls are not good at sports.
__________ 3. All Americans are generally considered to be friendly, generous, and tolerant,
also arrogant, impatient, and domineering.
__________ 4. Sometimes you cannot clearly discern between anger and frustration
__________ 5. Building a mental image - A politician will present an image of what the world
would be like with immigration or crime so that the voters will think of that image
and believe that voting for him will reduce that threat.

Try and Learn

Read the statements below and determine if it is influenced by stereotypes, propaganda or
point of view.Write S – if it is stereotype, P – for propaganda, and PV – for point of view.

__________ 1. All Arabs and Muslims are terrorists.

__________ 2. Assertion - This is presenting a fact without any proof, as in “This is the best
cavity-fighting toothpaste out there.”
__________ 3. Generating fear - Fear is generated to change people‟s behavior. An ad will
show a bloody accident then remind people to wear their seatbelts.
__________ 4. “I felt like I was getting drowned with shame and disgrace.”
__________ 5. Name calling - An example of name calling would be: "My opponent is an

Do and Learn
A. Determine the factors that influenced the viewers.
1. Using slogans - If a slogan is repeated enough times, eventually the public will come to
believe it.
2. All children don't enjoy healthy food.
3. All Irish people are drunks and eat potatoes.
4. All teenagers are rebels.
5. Appealing to tradition - Good feelings are generated by the thoughts of certain goods
and actions, and are frequently included in advertisements such as: "Baseball, apple
pie, and Chevrolet."

B. Write paragraphs about the cause and effect of the television shows and socials medias to the

Factors that influence viewers.
1. Stereotypes – this is the belief that all people within the same racial, ethnic, or cultural
group will act alike and share the same beliefs and attitudes. Stereotypes ignore individual
identity. This is a type of discrimination. An exaggerated belief that can be positive or
negative but generalizes without allowing for differences.

Common Examples of Stereotypes:
Racial Profiling
One of the more common stereotype examples is stereotypes surrounding race. For
example, saying that all Blacks are good at sports is a stereotype, because it‟s grouping the
race together to indicate that everyone of that race is a good athlete.

Gender Profiling
There are also some common stereotypes of men and women, such as:
 Men are strong and do all the work.
 Men are the "backbone."
 Women aren't as smart as a man.
 Women can‟t do as good of a job as a man.
 Guys are messy and unclean.
 Men who spend too much time on the computer or read are geeks.
Stereotypes also exist about cultures an countries as a whole. Stereotype examples of this
sort include the premises that:
 All white Americans are obese, lazy, and dim-witted. Homer Simpson of the TV
series The Simpsons is the personification of this stereotype.
 Mexican stereotypes suggest that all Mexicans are lazy and came into America illegally.
 All people who live in England have bad teeth.
 Italian or French people are the best lovers.
 All Blacks outside of the United States are poor.
 All Jews are greedy.
 All Asians are good at math. All Asians like to eat rice and drive slow.
Groups of Individuals
A different type of stereotype also involves grouping of individuals. Skaters, Goths,
Gangsters, and Preps are a few examples. Most of this stereotyping is taking place in
schools. For example:
 Goths wear black clothes, black makeup, are depressed and hated by society.
 Punks wear mohawks, spikes, chains, are a menace to society and are always getting
in trouble.
 All politicians are philanders and think only of personal gain and benefit.
 Girls are only concerned about physical appearance.
 All blonds are unintelligent.
 Only anorexic women can become models.
 The elderly have health issues and behave like children.
Sexual Stereotypes
Sexual stereotypes, on the other hand, suggest that any feminine man is gay and any
masculine woman is a lesbian. Those who believe gay stereotypes may also believe that
homosexuality is immoral, wrong and an abomination.
2. Propaganda -information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or
publicize a particular political cause or point of view.

Common Examples of Propaganda

 Overstating participation - The concept of "Get on the Bandwagon" is appealing to a
huge number of people by finding common threads, like religion, race, or vocation. The
theme here is "everyone else is doing it, and so should you."
 Building false images - Presidents try to appear to be “common folks” but they really
aren‟t. Examples are Bill Clinton eating at McDonald‟s or Ronald Reagan chopping
 Creating a false dilemma - An example of false dilemma is where two choices are
offered as if they are the only two options. For example, a president saying in order to
reduce the deficit, we have to either tax the wealthy more or ask seniors to pay more for

 Misquoting - By taking a quote out of context a false impression can be given to the
reader or listener. For the film Live Free or Die Hard, Jack Mathews was quoted as
saying, “Hysterically...entertaining.". The real quote is, "The action in this fast-paced,
hysterically overproduced and surprisingly entertaining film is as realistic as a Road
Runner cartoon."

3. Point of View – it is the angle of considering things, which shows us the opinion, or feelings
of the individuals involved in a situation.
Common Examples of Point of View

 First person singular: “I had the craziest night last night! I‟ll tell you all about it.”
 First person plural: “New York was great. We went to the Statue of Liberty, we walked
around Central Park, and we ate fantastic food. It‟s our favorite city.”
 Third person: “My grandfather was a pilot in the war, and one time he survived a
terrible crash.”


Day 1

Think and Tell

Have students work in pairs. Instruct each pair to face each other. Make sure
one of them is facing the board while the other must turn his back on the board. Then on
the board post a picture of a bridge with a boy on one end of the bridge and a girl on the
other end.

Have one member of the pair tell his/her partner what you posted on the
board. His/her partner will then draw on a piece of paper what his partner tells him, without
looking at the teacher’s drawing on the board.

Use the following statements to tell something about the picture that you draw.

The picture is about _____________________________________________.

I able to draw the picture because __________________________________.

Find Out and Learn

Read the story and identify the theme, setting, characters and plot by
completing the organizer.

The Bridge of Love

Have you ever looked into the night sky? Have you noticed a broad band of
brightness across the entire sky? This band of stars is called the Milky Way. It
contains over 100 billion stars including our sun. The Chinese say that if you look into
the night sky on the seventh month in the Chinese calendar, you would see very
clearly this bridge of stars.
A long time ago, there lived a powerful king in the Land of Stars. He was
powerful. He was the mightiest ruler in the vast expanse of the skies. But the Land of
Stars was not his important treasure. His most precious possession was his own
The princess was beautiful and hardworking, loving and obedient to her
father. And she did one thing nobody else could do. She wove clouds on her loom
every day. The clouds covered the sky and gave shelter to the people from the hot

It came to pass that a handsome prince from a neighboring space kingdom
visited the king. He was smitten by the princess’ beauty. He saw how respectful and
obedient the princess was to her father. They fell in love with each other.
The Prince asked for the Princess’ hand in marriage. The King agreed on one
condition. The Princess must continue weaving clouds even after her marriage. And
the Prince agreed.
But the young lovers forgot their promise. The Princess spent days gathering
heavenly flowers. She would dress herself with jewels of all kinds. The Prince
enjoyed the company of his beautiful bride. They would play, travel, and enjoy food
and music all day long. The Prince left his kingdom to his ministers and spent all his
time with his princess. And they forgot to weave clouds on her loom.
The King got very angry. There were no more clouds to protect the people
from the sun’s bright rays. People died from heat. There were no rains that watered
the earth. Crops and animals died. With one wave of his wand, the King separated
the lovers. He sent the prince to the northern skies. He sent the princess to the
southern skies. The River of Stars separated them. The lovers were very, very, very
sad. They cried all hours of the day and flooded the earth with their cries.
The magpies, a kind of bird, pitied the lovers. So, on the seventh month in the
Chinese calendar, all magpies in the world form a bridge over the river. The lovers
would meet and all the stars in the sky would twinkle with all their brightness as the
lovers enjoy each other’s company.

The Bridge of Love

Theme Setting Characters Plot

Try and Learn

Read the story below, and then summarize the story by writing the elements of the story in
the semantic web.

Swamp Lights
Author Unknown
(an adaptation)

Jimmy pushed hard with the pole against the bottom of the swamp. The night was
pitching dark, and Jimmy was sure that he was lost. He had been so pleased with his catch
that he had lost track of time.

Just then, Jimmy heard a sharp cracking sound in the distance. It startled Jimmy and
sent a stab of fear through him. He recalled all the stories that he had heard about some
strange events in the swamp.

It was said that there were places so dark and hidden in the swamp. When people
saw these places, they would vanish without a trace. Jimmy didn’t believe these stories, but
on a night like this they seemed almost possible.

Soon, there was another flash of light, and shadows seemed to move in the trees.
Chills chased each other up and down Jimmy’s spine.

Jimmy’s boat rounded a point of land that jutted out into the water. He saw a tiny
shack perhaps a hundred feet in front of him. He saw a shutter on one of the shack’s
windows creating the crackling sound. A lantern inside the shack flooded the area with light.
That’s what made the flashes.

Relieved, Jimmy stood up, hoping that someone inside the hack could help him find
his way. Soon, a voice called out. It was a man’s voice.

In the next few minutes, Jimmy found that there was nothing to be frightened of. The
owner of the voice turned out to be a very kind man. He gave Jimmy directions on how to get
home and he accepted Jimmy’s gift of fresh fish. He also told Jimmy how wonderful it was to
live in the swamps. As Jimmy waved goodbye, he knew that he wouldn’t have missed his
swamp adventure for anything.



Setting Plot

Do and Learn

Read the story below and do the activity that follows.

Juanito’s Dipper

Aling Celina and her son Juanito lived in a faraway barrio. The mother, being good
woman, brought up the young Juanito to be good and respectful. Though they were poor they
lived comfortably in a little hut at the foot of a hill.
Their barrio was located far away from any stream or river. The only sources of water
were the well the people dug and a few creeks running down from the hill.
One day, the well in their barrio ran dry. Soon many people were getting sick and
dying of thirst. The good old mother also got sick because of extreme thirst.
Juanito knew that his mother needed clean water to drink to make her well again so
he bid his mother goodbye to fetch some water. He hurriedly got a big dipper made from
coconut shell and went out to search for precious water. He went to the creeks around the
hills and found that they all have dried up.
Poor Juanito, he went everywhere but found not a single drop of water. What he saw
was a terrible sight. People were lying around weak because of thirst. He continued walking
without knowing where to go. All he could think of was his old mother who needed water.
Desperately he looked up to the heavens and fervently prayed. To his surprise, when
he looked down he saw water gushing right in front of him. After giving thanks and praising
God, he filled his big dipper with water and quickly ran to give the water to his mother. But he
heard someone calling and when he looked back, he saw a woman cuddling an infant.
"Help! My baby is dying of thirst! Please, please young man, give him even a sip of
your water to moisten his throat.
Although the water was for his mother, Juanito gave some of it to the baby, who
immediately grew strong. Juanito went on his way half-running, but unfortunately, he tripped
and fell. His dipper hit a stone and broke into pieces. The precious water was immediately
absorbed by the parched earth.
Juanito cried over what happened. Thinking of his mother, he hurriedly dug a hole in
the ground where the water seeped in while saying his prayers over and over. To his great
amazement, water gushed up plentifully and a big well was formed. And when he raised his
eyes again to heaven to give thanks, he saw his broken dipper swiftly being carried up to
heaven and becoming stars which arranged themselves in the shape of his broken dipper.
In his great joy, Juanito shouted and called the people who hurriedly came bringing
their water containers. They drank and quenched their thirst. He got a container, filled it with
water, and quickly went home. When he arrived, his mother was dying, but after drinking, she
immediately became well and got up.
“My son”, sighed the old woman, “you are such a good child.” “Mother, it was God who
in the me.”
blanks to complete the statement below.
Since then, every evening, mother and child would watch the dipper-shaped group of
stars on the face of the sky.

The theme of the story is ______________________________.
The story happened in ________________________________.
The characters were _________________________________.
The problem started when _____________________________.
It was solved when __________________________________.

Learn Some More

Group Activity
1. Group the class into 4.
2. Read and understand the group of words in the metacards about the elements of the
3. Place the group of words in the proper column.
4. Report the group output on the board.

Theme Setting Characters Plot




In the little town of Hamelin many years The people of Hamelin, Pied Piper and
ago, there lived thousand of rats. the town mayor.

Keep your promise so you’ll never regret The parents never saw their children
the result of not fulfilling it again. It was too late for the mayor and
the people when they realized that a
promise must be kept.

In Hamelin, rats lived everywhere. They Pied Piper came to the town and helped
lived in houses, barns, fields and banks of the people in getting rid of the rats. After
rivers. They ate all the food they got. They helping them, the people and the mayor
even bit babies. did not fulfil their promise.

Read and Learn

Read the selection then answer the questions that follow.

Shiro and the Gold

Long ago in Japan, there lived an old couple who had a dog named Shiro.
The man and the woman were poor and they lived a simple life. All they wanted was
enough money to buy rice for themselves and Shiro. But year after year, their
savings grew smaller. They worried that soon there would be no money for rice.
One day, the couple were working hard in their garden. Shiro ran here and
there, sniffing the ground. Suddenly, he started barking loudly while digging a hole.
“Be quite, Shiro,” said the old woman.
But Shiro kept barking and digging, so the old man went to see what the dog
had found. So he poked a stick into the hole and felt it strike something hard. He dug
a little further and discovered a small box. When the old man opened the box, he
was amazed to see it was full of gold coins- enough to buy rice for the rest of the
But their greedy neighbour heard of their good fortune and became envious.
He followed Shiro, digging holes wherever the dog sniffed, but found nothing.
Finally, the neighbour became very angry and killed poor Shiro.
The old couple cried when they learned that Shiro was dead. They loved the
old dog very much. Then one night, Shiro’s ghost appeared to them.
“You loved and cared for me”, said Shiro’s ghost, “and now I shall care for
you. Tomorrow cut down the pine tree in the garden. Mix some splinters from the
tree into a pot of rice”. Then the ghost vanished.
The next day, the old man cut down the pine tree and the old woman cooked
a pot of rice. She stirred in the splinters and peered into the pot.
“Look!” she cried, her eyes filled with wonder. “Each grain of rice is turning
into a gold coin! We shall have money to buy rice for the rest of our lives!”
The old couple smiled sadly as they thought of Shiro. Even though he had
died, their faithful dog had not forgotten them.

Talk About It

Answer the following questions:

1. Why did Shiro sniff the ground?
2. What did Shiro do to show that he found something on the ground?
3. What did the couple find buried on the ground?
4. How would you describe the couple’s neighbour?
5. Why did the neighbor kill Shiro?
6. How did Shiro show his love for the couple after he died?
7. What was the message of the story?
8. Where did the story happen?
9. Who are the characters in the story?
10. How did the story begin?
11. What is the problem encountered by the characters in the story?

12. How did the story solve the problem?
13. How did the story end?

Write About it

Write a short story following the elements of the story that you have learned. Then, share
your story to the class.



The elements of literary texts are:

 Theme- is a central message or purpose of a story. The theme of a story

is the message or the lesson given by the story to its readers.
 Setting- tells where and when the story happens and how the story
 Characters (Heroes and Villains) - are the people or animated objects
that interact in the story.
 Plot- tells the order of events

Plot has three important parts:

1. Beginning- is where the characters and setting are

2. Middle- introduction of the problem or conflict, the high
point and the winding point
3. End- it is the conclusion of the story, the conflicts are

Day 2

Think and Tell

Picture clue and dialog

Let the pupils read the dialog orally.

Mark: I can make different figures out of sand.

Reiner: May I be of help to you?
Mark: See what Kuya and I make.
Jenny: What a long tunnel! What’s inside that?
Reiner: That’s our top secret.
Jasmine: I may build a sand tunnel just like yours.
Reiner: Okay, but you must be careful while building it.

Find Out and Learn

Read the sentences below then answer the questions that follow.

Answer the following questions:

a. What Mother can do?

b. What Mark can do?
c. What Jasmine may build?
d. What she may use for drinking?
e. What are the modal verbs used in sentences?
f. When do we use can?
g. When do we use may?
h. What do these two modals express?

Try and Learn

Group 1

1. Look at the pictures below. The pictures are activities that a grade five can do in school.
2. Name other things that you can do in school.
3. Write your sentences on strips of colored paper.
4. Read the sentences in front of the class.

Group 2

1. The diagram is the activities a child in grade five may do at home.

2. Write sentences of other activities that you may do at home.
3. Write your answer on a manila paper.

may watch

Group 3

1. Look at the picture below.

2. Write two to three paragraphs using modal can and may about the activities the

children do.
3. Write your answer in a manila paper.

Do and Learn

Write sentences about the pictures using modals can or may.

___________________ ______________________

_________________________ _________________________

Learn Some More

Role Play
1. Group the class into 2.
2. Give each group enough time to make skit for role playing.
3. Present the play in front of the class.

Group 1
Your Lolo and Lola visit you at home. Tell them
47 what you can do for them to make their visit a
pleasant one.

Group 2
Talk About It

Distribute to the class strip of papers. The pupils will write on the strip of papers the answer
to each question. Call pupils to read his/her answer.

Listen to each question carefully then answers orally.

1. What can you do for mother today?
2. What may you do on a rainy day?
3. Who can always help us?
4. Who can give me a pet?
5. Who may play basketball?

Write About it

Write two to three paragraphs about the picture below using the modals can and may.



Modal verbs are used to express two different types of ability: open possibility,
generally expressed by forms of the modal verb can, and authority or
potential ability, generally expressed by forms of the modal verb may.


1. To talk about what you are able to do

Day 3

Think and Tell



Guide phrase in looking for the words.

a. group of words
b. not lacking anything
c. involving the arrangement of elements
d. characteristic to ordinary, casual or familiar use

Find Out and Learn

Read each pair of sentences. Take note of the differences between long/formal
expressions and short/informal expressions. Get a partner in reading the sentences.

Formal: May I introduce to you my teacher, Mrs. Dela Cruz?

Informal: Please meet my teacher, Mrs. Dela Cruz.

Formal: It was nice meeting you.

Informal: Nice meeting you!

Formal: Hi! I would like to join you this Saturday.

Informal: Hi! I’d like to join you this Saturday.

Formal: Was that not exciting?49

Informal: Wasn’t that exciting?
 What did you notice in using formal and informal English in writing sentences?
 When should we use formal and informal English?
 How are you going to use formal and informal English
Try and Learn

Divide the class in 2 groups.

Group 1 is group of girls and group 2 will be group of boys.
Provide each group a chart for this activity.
Read the sentences in the strip of papers. Identify formal or informal English by posting
sentences in the correct column.

Formal Informal

I am afraid your child is experiencing difficulty. How do you do?

I’m tired of this junk. Your kid is making trouble.

One grows weary in these matters. What’s up?

He checked up on his account. The cost of living increased.

The cost of living went up. He investigated his account.

Do and Learn

Change informal sentences into formal English.

1. I wanna banana. _________________________________________.

2. What’s up? _______________________________________________.
3. Could you come to my party? _____________________________.
4. If you need any more info, just drop me a line. _________________.

5. I’m sorry for leaving your class. _____________________________.

Learn Some More

Work in pairs.
Prepare 10 strips of paper with formal and informal English then distribute to the class.
Pupils will place the strips of paper in the basket.

Formal English Informal English

I have to go now. I’ve got to go now.

I was hoping that you could write me a Could you write me a good story?
good story.

I would like to remind you that we will Don’t forget our meeting tomorrow.
have a meeting tomorrow.

She will meet you in the park. She’ll meet you in the park.

Please accept my apologies for I’m sorry for breaking the glass
breaking the glass window. window.

Read and Learn

Read the dialog below then do the activity that follow.

Jose: Dad, I would like you to meet Mr. Paz. He is Peter’s dad.
Mr. Paz, my dad. His name is Ruben.

Mr. Paz: Hi! I am Victor. Glad to meet you. Peter has been talking
about you.

Ruben: It is a pleasure to meet you too. Our sons seem to enjoy each
other’s company a lot. I am glad about that.
Mr. Paz: I know! I am too.
Rewrite the dialog by changing the underlined phrase using formal English into informal.

Write About It

Study the following table of expressions for greetings and responses to these, as well as for
saying goodbyes. Using the expressions, prepare a dialog with your seatmate.

Greetings Responses to Goodbyes

Hello! Hi!
So long! So long now!
Good morning/ Good morning/
afternoon/evening. afternoon/evening.
What’s new? Not a lot. Hope to see you again.
See you again!
What’s going on? Not much.
See you later!
Not bad. Nothing. It was nice seeing you.
How are you doing?
Fine, thanks. Nice meeting you.
I’ll see you soon.
What’s up? Nothing new.
See you tomorrow.

Talk About It

Practice saying the dialog with your seatmate until you can say it confidently and with ease.
Deliver your dialog before the class.

Answer the following questions.

1. What did you do with your seatmate?
2. How do you feel while doing the dialog?
3. What did you notice when you are using formal and informal English in a dialog?
4. What expressions do you prefer to use, formal or informal? Why?


Formal and Informal English

Formal English- is associated with written standard English. It is signalled

by complex, complete sentences, impersonality, and avoidance of colloquial
or slang vocabulary.


I am afraid I will not be able to attend the meeting on Thursday.

Informal English- is characterized by simpler grammatical structures (i.e.

loosely-connected sentences and phrases), personal expression and a
colloquial or slang vocabulary. In using informal, combining words will
require knowledge of contractions.

Sorry I can’t make it on Thursday.

Day 4

Think and Tell

Look at the pictures below then complete the sentences that follow.

The picture is about ___________________________________________.

I give gift to my ______________________ because__________________.

Find Out and Learn

Read the selection below.

Time for a Redo!

Sarah stared at the mess she had made on the floor. In her disappointment
she wanted to throw everything and forget what she was doing. She knew she
should have listened to her mother when she was explaining how to wrap presents.
It was her best friend Amy’s birthday and the party was in two hours. How would she
ever get the gifts to look nice before then? The boxes she had wrapped looked like
her two-year-old brother had wrapped them. Even the card she had written and
signed looked messy.
Sarah took a deep breath. As much as she wanted to wrap the gifts all by
herself, she swallowed her pride, but still undecided, called for her mother. When
Answer the questions:
1. Who was the girl in the selection?
2. What was Sarah doing?
3. Did she wrap the gift neatly?
4. What did Sarah and her mother do to make the gift looked good?
5. What did Sarah realize after her mother helped her?
6. Are you like Sarah? Do you also give gift to your friends?
Aside from giving gift to your friends, what other things can you do to show that you value
your friends?

Try and Learn

Group Activity
1. Group the class into 4.
2. Give each group activity card with directions on what to do with the activity.
3. Activity proper.

Group 1 Group 2
Word Meanings. Write the list word Word Meanings. Choose from the
that means the same thing as each list the word that opposite as each
word or phrase. word or phrase.

1. unfamiliar _____________ 1. commendable _____________

2. sad __________________ 2. acceptable _______________
3. spread out ____________ 3. defendable _______________
4. not needed ____________ 4. formidable ________________
5. discharge _____________ 5. allowable _________________

-unnecessary -unhappy - hold -effortless

-unload -unfold -deficient -forbidden
-unknown -attack
Do and Learn

Match the words with its meaning.

Answer A B

_______ 1. again or back A. instalment, placement,

government, development

_______ 2. not (opposite of B. measurable, delectable,

something) thinkable, knowledgeable

_______ 3. state of being C. unpopular, unkind, unlucky,

unhappy, unknown

_______ 4. capable or worthy of D. repeat, resend, reply, restart,


Learn Some More

Play the “Prefix Bingo”.

1. To play, divide the class into two groups.
2. The red group compose of girls and the blue group compose of boys.
3. Each group has one large Bingo board game with affixed words.
4. Teacher will read the meaning of the words and the students will mark the bingo card.
5. The goal is to get five words in a row (horizontal/vertical) to win.

Prefix BINGO!

unkind restart passable unhappy
Prefix BINGO!
treat- lovable rematch uncork recall
recall unfit uncork repaint ment
enjoy- amaze- punish- unfold repaint unhappy tolerable
replace reset ment
ment ment able
excite- predict- treat-
lovable reapply unable tolerable replace unable reapply
ment able ment
astonish- predict- amaze-
unfold rematch rewrite passable unkind reset unfit
ment able ment
move- punish- excite-
restart rewrite
ment able ment
-not happy -
to remember from the past
- capable of being endured -a game that is played by the same people
- it means not friendly -a feeling of pleasure
- a feeling of eager interest -a game that is played
-to be told or made unknown - adorable; easy to love

Read and Learn

Read the poem orally. Answer the questions that follow.

The Heart of a Tree

What does he plant who plants a tree?

He plants a friend of sun and sky;
He plants the flag of breezes free
That unfolds its beauty, towering high.
He plants a home to heaven a nigh
For song and mother-croon of bird
In hushed and happy lovable twilight
The treble of heaven’s harmony-
These things he plants who plants a tree.

What does he plant who plants a tree?

He plants cool shade and tender rain,
And seed and bud of days to be,
And years those fade and flush regain;
He plants the glory of the plain;
He plants the forest’s heritage;
The harvest of a coming age;
The joy that unborn eyes shall see-
These things he plants who plants a tree.

Talk About It

Answer the following questions:

1. What is the poem about?
2. What does a person really plant when he plants a tree?
3. What does the message the poem want to send to the readers?
4. In the poem, what words are having prefix or suffix?
5. What do these prefix or suffix mean

Write About It

Individual Activity/Group Activity

1. Call pupils to participate in this activity.

2. Distribute a manila paper where pupils will write their answer.
3. Pupils will think and write prefixes re- and un- and suffixes. Then they will pass the manila
paper to other pupils to write the base word. They will pass to the other pupils to write the
meaning of the words. Then lastly the other pupils will write sentences about the word with
prefix or suffix.

Words with Prefix Base Word Meaning Sentence


Prefix and Suffix

Prefix- is an affix placed before a root word or base word to form a new word.
When you add prefix to the root word, you change the word’s meaning.

 The prefix -un means “not” (unhappy), “opposite” (unwholesome); “to

reverse” or “undo the result of a specified action” (unbind); “to
release, free, or remove from” (untie).
 The prefix -re means “to do again” (retell)

Suffix- is an affix placed after a root word to form a new word.

 The suffix –ment means “state of being” (treatment); “result of n

action” (development)
 The suffix –able means “capable or worthy of” (lovable)

When you add prefix or suffix to the root word, you change the word’s meaning.

Day 5

Think and Tell

Look at the picture below then say something about it.

Find Out and Learn

Read the outline.


I. Birds and their shapes and sizes

A. The ostrich is the largest bird.
B. It can weigh more than 150 kg.
C. The smallest bird, the bee hummingbird, weighs 1.8 grams.

II. Birds and their wings

A. Hollow bones for lightness in58the air and strong breasts for their wings.
B. Large birds can flap their wings slowly and float on air currents.
C. Small birds have to flap their wings harder to stay in the air.
Try and Learn
Group Activity

1. Group the class into 4.

2. Prepare an outline for each group.
3. Each group will write a paragraph based on the prepared outline.
Group 1- Outline 1- paragraph 1 and 2
Group 2- Outline 2- paragraph 1 and 2
4. Activity proper
Group 1
My Summer Vacation in Grandfather’s Farm

I. Farm animals having the time of their lives

A. Goats and cows grazing
B. Hens scratching for worms
C. Ducks swimming

II. Farmers enjoying an abundant harvest

A. Many sacks of rice
B. Huge turnout of eggs
C. Thousands of ears of corn

Group 2
Taking Care of Our Bodies

I. A healthy looking body doesn’t just happen

A. The human body needs rest and exercise
B. It also needs nourishment
C. A good deal of care

II. The body needs food

A. The body requires an adequate amount of basic
B. It also needs protein, fats, carbohydrates and minerals.

Do and Learn

Study the outline below then write a three paragraph composition about it.

My Pet Goldfish

I. My pet goldfish
A. Its name is Hagrid
B. Its name is inspired by one of the characters from the movie Harry
C. It is golden orange with a silver belly

II. Why I like it

A. It was given by my aunt as a birthday gift
B. Hagrid is a very lively fish
C. Moves its tail during mealtimes

III. Conclusion
A. He may not be a dog or a cat
B. He is my pet and I love him

Learn Some More

Distribute to the pupils strips of paper with paragraph. Instruct the pupils to arrange the
paragraph based on the outline.

The Dutch The Dutch are people of Holland

They are serious and hardworking.

I. Dutch are people of Holland They are considered the cleanest people
A. Serious and hardworking in the world.
B. Considered the cleanest people in the
world The Dutch are fond of eating, drinking
C. Fond of eating, drinking and attending
and attending parties.
Have you seen a picture of a Dutch girl?
II. Clothes of Dutch children
A. Dutch girl wears big wooden shoes called She wears big wooden shoes called
Klompers Klompers
B. Women wear flowing skirts, white aprons
and stretched cloth caps Women wear flowing skirts, white aprons
C. Men wear baggy trousers and stretched cloth caps

Men wear baggy trousers

III. Dutch children
A. They are healthy for they drink plenty of Dutch children are healthy for they drink
milk plenty of milk and take big amounts of
B. They take big amounts of butter
C. Boys are trained to steer the boats and butter.
take charge of the windmill
D. Water sports are popular with the Dutch Boys are trained to steer the boats and
children 60 take charge of the windmill.
Water sports are popular with the Dutch

Read and Learn

Read the outline below then complete the paragraph that follows.

I. Corregidor made history during the last World War
A. US Army made its last stand against the Japanese soldiers
B. Sacred with blood of Filipinos and Americans
C. Manuel Quezon before retreating to Australia established
government in the Corregidor

II. Corregidor is a national shrine

A. Open to the public
B. Can be reached by boat
C. Buses are take to take visitors in different place within the

Corregidor made history during the last World War.

______________________. Corregidor became sacred with the blood of Filipinos and
Americans who fought bravely against the Japanese.
_______________________________________. It is open to the public.
________________________________. Buses are ready to take visitors to the
different places on interest within the island.

Talk About It

Answer the following questions:

1. What is the paragraph about?
2. Why Corregidor became sacred?
3. What did Manuel L. Quezon establish in Corregidor?
4. What did he do after establishing a government in Corregidor?
5. Why Corregidor is considered national shrine?

Write About It

Read the outline below then write a two paragraph composition about it.

I. Earliest spices known to mankind
A. So expensive that a pound served as royal gift
B. Made as payment of taxes
C. Considered rich property
II. Pepper is a tropical vine
A. Bear fruits in four years
Writing a Composition Based on an Outline

 A composition should start with the introduction, proceed with

the body and end with a conclusion.
 The introduction is going to present the topic you will be
discussing and give an overview of it.
 The body will elaborate on the topic
 The conclusion will summarize the important points and/or
leave a message for the readers to ponder on.
 In writing paragraph observe indention and punctuation.
 The outline is brief and may contain phrases or keywords, but
composition must make use of complete sentences. You may
also elaborate on ideas and add details.

LM- Second Grading

Week 5 – Day 1

Think and Tell

Game: Pick out a strip with a statement stating a fact or an opinion inside
the box. Those who picked a fact should post on the right side of the board and to
those who picked an opinion should post on the left side of the board.
 All people can dance.
 Jose Rizal is our National Heroes.
 Plants and animals are living things.
 Food is one of the basic needs in order to live.

Find Out and Learn

Read the paragraphs.

a. Bryan works with animals. In fact, he spends every spare moment in a

neighborhood pet store. After school, he helps feed the animals and clean their
cages. He spends a lot of time taining the animals so that they get along with
b. Bryan believes that being a veterinarian and working with animals would be a
wonderful thing for him to do when he grows up. He thinks he will become an
excellent veterinary doctor in the future.

Which paragraph expresses truth of facts?

Which paragraph expresses a view or a belief?

Try and Learn

Exercise 1

Distinguish if the sentence is fact or opinion.

1. Mayor Rodrigo Duterte is our new elected president.

2. Sun is the center of the solar system.
3. One week is composed of five days.
4. Health is wealth.
5. We don’t need food in order to live.

Exercise 2

Group Activity
Group 1: Arrange the sentences in the table below.
1. A rescuers job must be difficult and risky.
2. Christmas is the best time in the Philippines.
3. Manny Pacquiao will resign in boxing this year.
4. We celebrate Valentine’s Day every fourteenth day of February.

Fact Opinion

Group 2: Listen as your classmates read the article below. Then read the five (5)
statements that follow. Choose the statements that are opinions. Rewrite them on
your paper.

Scientist think that dinosaurs lived millions of years ago. They are still digging
up their bones. By piercing together the bones, they can tell how dinosaurs looked.
The sizes of the bones show us how big the dinosaurs were. Scientist do not know
what color dinosaurs were because only bones have been found.

1. Scientists are still looking for dinosaurs bones.

2. Lifting the bones must be hard work.
3. Scientist who study dinosaurs are all very smart and patient.
4. The bones indicate the size of dinosaurs.
5. I think that dinosaurs were greenish gray.

Group 3: Based on the picture below reflect what is the opinion and what is the fact.


 A fact is a statement which experiences and experiments have proven to

be true. It is directly observable.
 An opinion is a view or guess which may or may not be true .It tells what
someone thinks

Day 2

Read and Learn

The Cow’s Four Stomachs

A cow has four stomachs ! It may sound unbelievable but it is true.
A cow do not have ordinary digestive system. These animals do not have
Upper front teeth. They eat grass by wrapping their tongue around it and
pulling it from the ground .They have back teeth but they cannot chew the
grass properly.
Cow swallow grass without chewing up. When it is swallowed, the grass

goes into the cow’s first stomach, called rumen. In the rumen, the grass is
broken up by some digestive juices and forms into a ball. The ball of grass is
called cud. The cow brings back the cud into its mouth. Then the cow chews
the cud into a pulp with its back teeth and re-swallows it.
After the cud is swallowed the second time, it goes into the cow’s
second stomach called reticulum. The reticulum filters the food and takes out

Out small stones or any non-food matter. Then the food goes into the
cow’s third stomach called omasum.
The orsum further filters the food. Any undigested food is sent back to the
rumen. Then the cow chews it some more. The digested food from the omasum
goes into the abomasum, the cow’s fourth stomach. The digested food becomes
a part of the cow’s body.

Talk about It

Answer the following. questions.

Which is the first stage in digesting the cow’s food?

What does the cow do with the cud in its mouth ?
What happens to the undigested food in the omasum ?
What happens to the digested food in the abomasum ?
Why Is any undigested food sent back to the rumen ?


Events arranged in order help us in different ways. It is easier to understand a story remember
it and tell it again if it is in order. The order in which things happen is what we call a sequence.
Seeing ideas in sequence can help us remember things more easily.

Day 3

Think and Tell

Look at the picture.What kind of book is this?

Are you a book lover ? Do you know what is Thesaurus? Who among
you have it? Can you describe the content of the Thesaurus?

Find Out and Learn

Read quickly as possible the words in each line. Circle those that are not
in any way related to the key word. Follow the example below.

Pretty= charming attractive beautiful
Straight = long short crooked pretty

Direction: Two words in each of the boxes are synonyms. Cross out the word which is not a

1. Slim 2. Endless 3. noisy

Slender finite quiet

plump entice silent

Direction: Read the words in each line. Circle the word that has the opposite meaning of the key

1. Fall = go rise color act cry

2. Lazy = honest brave hardworking deaf blind
3. Turn on = kill turn left turn off leave close


Group Activity using the Thesaurus

Group 1
Use Graphic Organizer in gathering relevant information.


Begin sick

Group 2.

Use Graphic Organizer .Gather two sample of antonyms and list the
relevant information.

hhhhhororo hhhhhororo

hhhhhororo hhhhhororo hhhhhororo hhhhhororo hhhhhororo hhhhhororo

Try and Learn

Using the Thesaurus . List down five keywords with the relevant


Say: What is Thesaurus?

It is a book in which words that have the same or similar meanings
are group together

Week 5
Day 4

Think and Tell

Directions : Study the examples. Try to identify the denotative and connotation.

Example #1 Jarold walked along the beach and decided to stop and take

- In the sentence above, what does the word ‘rest’ mean ?

-But class,is this a word confined to a single meaning? Can you guess the
other meanings the word reflects?

Look at this example ;

Example # 2. Emily now lies at rest in the church yard.

- In the sentence number 2, what does the word ‘rest ; mean ?

Find Out and Learn

Look at the example.

1. Dumb
a. Olivia was born deaf and dumb.
-the word dumb means lacking the power of speech
(denotation )
b. When the police questioned Carter , he acted dumb.
- the word dumb in the sentence means condition of being
stupid ( connotative )

2. Greasy
a. The detective found greasy finger prints across the lens
- Greasy means coated with oil or grease ( denotative )

b. Our neighbor Mark Parker is a greasy person.
- Greasy means unappealing or undesirable ( connotative )

Try and Learn

Exercises 1

Directions: Below are groups of words which are often used to describe
people. What are the connotations of the words?

1. Childlike, youthful, childish

2. Disabled, crippled, handicapped
3. Relaxed, laid-back
4. Slim, skinny, slender, thin
5. Cheap, frugal, miserly

Exercise 2
Directions: List atleast two synonyms that have more positive
connotations than the given word
1. Notorious
2. Fat
3. Politician
4. Fanatic
5. Reckless

Exercises 3
Directions: Read the sentences below. Can you identify the words
that have a negative connotation ?

1. Bedford is an uppity neighborhood, but the rents are cheap.

2. On my flight to Los Angeles, I sat next to this babe. She was
absolutely stunning.
3. Every morning my neighbor takes his mutt to the park. It was
barks loudly when leaving the building.
4. You need to be pushy when you are looking for a job.
5. Bob is quite vocal at every staff meeting. He always speaks.

Do and Learn

Directions: For each of the following words or phrases, list at least

two synonyms that have more negative connotations than the given
1. Child
2. Persistent
3. A large group
4. Scholarly
5. Trusting

Learn Some More

Directions: For each word listed give a word similar meaning ( sane denotation )
that expresses your approval and one that expresses your approval ( using
connotative meanings ).

Neutral Meaning Approval ( Denotation ) Disapproval (Connotation )

1. To teach
2. To fail
3. fussy
4. stern
5. candid


Denotation of a Word
To denote is to signify directly or refer to specifically. The denotation
of a word refers to its literal meaning- the definition you find in the
dictionary. In other words, denotative meaning of a word is its direct,
explicit meaning.

Connotation of a Word
To connote is to suggest a feeling or an idea in addition to literal
meaning. Connotative meaning refers to the associations, images, and
feelings that a word calls to mind in addition to its dictionary meaning.
The connotation of a word emphasizes certain characteristics of specific
information, or it reveals implied or hidden attitudes.

Week 5
Day 5

Think and Tell

Look at the pictures. What are the things in the pictures ? Describe each

Find Out and Learn

Directions: Read the paragraph below and learn how to write two or
more adjectives before a noun. Answer the questions after the

Mother is getting ready for the birthday party of Sonia, her

pretty little daughter. She will buy her two new yellow dresses for her
birthday. She also plans to bake two big brown cakes. She will
prepare five delicious dishes. Sonia will invite her classmates.

Question to Answer :
1. Who is going to have a birthday party ?
2. What will mother buy her ?
3. What will mother bake ?
4. What will mother prepare ?

How many adjectives are used ? What kind of adjectives used in

the paragraph ?

Try and Learn

Exercises 1

Directions: Give as many adjectives as you can describe the following

1. girl
2. doll
3. father
4. school
5. baby

Exercise 2
Directions: Use the following phrases in the sentences.
1. the three big girls

2. whose bag?
3. your cousin
4. these men
5. many foreigner

Exercises 3
Directions: List atleast two samples of the following;
1. Possessive Adjectives
2. Descriptive Adjectives

Do and Learn

Directions: List examples each type of adjectives;

Descriptive Demonstrative Interrogative Possessive Adj. Number


Types of Adjectives

1. Descriptive Adjective – tell us about the kind or quality of a noun or

Example: good girl, hard work, long stick

2. Demonstrative Adjective - point out nouns.

Example: this car , that road , these men , such things
3. Interrogative Adjective - ask questions
Example : which book ? , what answer ?, whose pen ?

4. Possessive Adjective - show possession. They are always followed

by a noun.
Example: my friend, her mother , your brother

5. Adjective of Number/ Quantity - tell how many or how much.

Example : six balls, many people, more water, each person


Learner’s Material


Day 1

Think and Tell

Look at the picture. Describe it.

Find Out and Learn

Read the paragraph below and learn how to write two or more adjectives
before a noun. Answer the questions after the paragraph.

Mother is getting ready for the birthday of her pretty little daughter, Sonia. She
will buy Sonia a new yellow dress and will bake two big round brown cakes. Sonia’s
mother will also prepare five delicious dishes for visitors, classmates and friends.

1. Who is going to have a birthday party?
2. What will mother buy for her?
3. What will mother bake for her?
4. What will mother prepare for her?

Read the answers you gave.

1. Pretty little Sonia will have birthday party.

2. Mother will buy her a new yellow dress.
3. Mother will bake two big round brown cakes.
4. She will prepare five delicious dishes.

In using adjectives in a series we must follow the pattern below.

pretty Little Sonia
A New yellow dress
Two Big round brown cakes
Five delicious dishes

Try and Lear

Use the following phrases in sentences.
1. The three big baskets
2. The five pretty tall girls
3. Two white horses
4. Five ripe yellow mangoes
5. Six new thick red books

Do and Learn
For each of the following sentences, choose the correct order of adjectives to fill in the blank.

1. I was thrilled to receive a __________________ book with my order.

a. big, beautiful, leather-bound

b. leather-bound, big, beautiful
c. beautiful big leather-bound

2. His clown costume consists of a red nose, oversized shoes, and a ________________

a. Size 4X polka-dotted silk smoking

b. polka-dotted silk smoking size 4X
c. polka dotted size 4x silk smoking

2. I’ve been shopping for the perfect _______________ chopsticks.
a. Japanese long sushi
b. long Japanese sushi
c. long sushi Japanese
3. He was wearing a ________ shirt.
a. dirty old flannel
b. flannel old dirty
c. old dirty flannel
4. Pass me the ________ cups.
a. plastic big blue
b. big blue plastic
c. big plastic blue

Learn Some More

Exercise I. Arrange the adjectives in order to complete the sentence.
1. All the girls fell in love with the ________ teacher.
(Handsome new American)
2. I used to drive ________ car.
(An old German blue)
3. He recently married a ________ woman.
(Young beautiful Greek)
4. This is a ________ movie.
(New Italian wonderful)
5. She is a ________ supermodel.
(Beautiful slim Brazilian)

Exercise II. Give as many adjectives as you can to describe the following nouns.
The first one is done for you.
1. Cabbages – two fresh green cabbages
2. Grass - ___________________________
3. Lamp - ___________________________
4. Sun - _____________________________
5. Fairy - ____________________________

Write About It
Exercise1. Write sentences from the phrases that you’ve done in exercise II.


Exercise2. Arrange the following adjectives in order. Then write a sentence using
your answer.
1. Japanese, big, sweet, yellow, corn
2. Red, beautiful, one, rose
3. Long , two, sharp, pencils
4. Young, pretty, lady
5. White, big, round, pillow


Two or more one – word adjectives used to describe a noun are said to be in a
series. This series of adjectives follow a certain order: number – quality – size –
shape – color – origin - noun.

Day 2
Think and Tell
Observe the picture.
What is the importance of tree?

Read the following words.

Vocabulary Words


Find Out and Learn
Read the selection below.

Trees help prevent flooding

When plants grow in an area, the roots of plants dig deep in to the soil and
create space between soil particles. When it rains in highlands, water that flows downhill
gets drained into the space created by the root system of plants. Due to this, chance of
flooding is greatly reduced. When plants are absent, especially in rocky areas, rocks
prevent water from seeping into the ground. This phenomenon is also observed in
paved roads. Since there is no room for water to seep, flooding occurs in nearby water
bodies. When a layer of water runs off a rocky surface, it reduces friction and the
following layers of water will run more freely as there is less friction. If more water is
dumped into rivers and lakes than they can handle, these water bodies tend to overflow
and the banks burst and cause flooding. If there are more trees in an area that is prone
to water runoffs, the root system of trees can create space between these rocks and
hence reduce the amount of water being dumped into lakes and rivers.


1. What particular part of the tree helps prevent flooding?

2. Where does the water in highlands flow when it rains?
3. How do trees in an area that is prone to water runoffs help in flooding?
4. Explain what is the purpose of the selection?

Try and Learn

Draw a happy face if it is an explanation and sad face if it is not an explanation.
1. Press and hold to select a word, and then drag the selection handle.
2. In the nineteenth century, which was dark and inflationary age in typography and text
designs may compositors were encouraged to stuff extra space between sentences.
3. A rock crystal is formed by volcano. The lava from volcano comes down through the
valleys tumbling rocks and minerals to a flat land……
4. The reason why crystal has different colors is because of its mineral content.
5. Crystals grow in different shape because of their atoms.

Write About It
Exercise. Distinguish if the following selection aims to explain something. Write down 5
sentences from the selection that expresses explanations.

What is an earthquake?

An earthquake is what happens when two blocks of the earth suddenly slip past one another.
The surface where they slip is called the fault or fault plane. The location below the earth’s
surface where the earthquake starts is called the hypocenter, and the location directly above it
on the surface of the earth is called the epicenter.

Sometimes an earthquake has foreshocks. These are smaller earthquakes that happen in the
same place as the larger earthquake that follows. Scientists can’t tell that an earthquake is a
foreshock until the larger earthquake happens. The largest, main earthquake is called the main
shock. Main shocks always have aftershocks that follow. These are smaller earthquakes that
occur afterwards in the same place as the main shock. Depending on the size of the main
shock, aftershocks can continue for weeks, months, and even years after the main shock!

Talk About It
Distinguish if it is an explanation. Why?

Explanation is the kind of text- type that shows how things work and why things happen.

Day 3
Think and Tell
Observe the picture below.

1. What can you say about the picture?
2. If you will do your assignment which between books or computer will you use? Why?
3. What are their similarities? Differences?

Find Out and Learn

1. What is comparing? Contrasting?
2. What are the signal words that we used in comparing? In contrasting?

From online reference we gather the following information:

1. Comparing is citing the similarities and contrasting is citing the differences.

2. In comparison we use the signal words like; similar to, alike, same as, not only, but also,
as well as both.
3. In contrast we use the signal words; different from, however, although, on the other
hand, as opposed, to more than, less than.

Figure2. Study the pattern on writing a paragraph showing comparison and

Base on the pattern let us write a paragraph about this illustration.

( )

Apples or Oranges

Apples and oranges are both fruits. They have similar shapes. Apples have
seeds as well as the oranges. They are not only sweet but also nutritious. They are both
growing from trees.

However, apples and oranges differ in their skin. Apples have thin, smooth
and most often we eat their skin while oranges have thick and bumpy skin. They are also
differ in color. Apples have red, green, yellow or even multi – colored on the other hand
oranges has only one color, orange. Not only that, apples are crispy but oranges are

Try and Learn

Write a paragraph showing comparison and contrast in the given illustration.

Write About It
Write a paragraph showing comparison and contrast about “On line references or
Books” Use the illustration to guide you.


1. Gathering information from “Online References” means collecting data through a

commercial electronic information service or the Internet.
2. Comparing is citing the similarities and contrasting is citing the differences.
3. In comparison we use the signal words like; similar to, alike, same as, not only,
but also, as well as both.
4. In contrast we use the signal words; different from, however, although, on the
other hand, as opposed, to more than, less than.
5. In writing a paragraph showing comparison and contrast you must make diagram
A for the similarities and B for the differences.


Think and Tell

Read the following sentences.
1. Philippines is an archipelago.
2. Philippines is a beautiful country.

Which sentence maybe fact? Opinion?

Look at the picture. Then read the sentences that follow.

1. Antoine de Saint Exupery is the author of the story “The Little Prince”.
2. The Little Prince is a beautiful movie that touches everyone’s heart.

Find Out and Learn

Read the following phrases.

A fact is a statement that can be verified or proven true by objective means.

We use records, experimentations or observation to verify the statement.

An opinion is a statement that cannot be verified by objective means. It can

express a person’s feelings about an idea or situation. It can also express a
judgment or a prediction based on facts. However, an opinion is valid only if
facts are stated to support it.

Go back to the sentences at the beginning.
1. Antoine de Saint Exupery is the author of the story “The Little Prince”.( fact)
2. The Little Prince is a beautiful movie that touches everyone’s heart.(opinion)

I. Let us watch the movie “The Little Prince”.

Then answer the following questions:
1. What is the story of the Little Prince all about?
2. Is “The Little Prince a children's movie”? Why?
3. What is the meaning of the line” what is essential is invisible to the eye”?
4. How does the author portray the character of the little prince?
5. What is the moral lesson of the movie?
6. How will you use the lesson that you’ve learned in your real life?
7. As a child how will you appreciate your life? Cite evidences.

Read the phrases inside the box.

Sometimes ideas from the movie influence us viewers. It is our obligation to choose what
we should adopt and what we should reject.

Try and Learn

Exercise. Here are some lines from the movie. Write Fact or Opinion then
provide evidence to prove your answer.
1. Grown – ups are really very odd.
2. It is only with the heart that one can see rightly. What is essential is invisible to the eye.
3. Antoine de Saint Exupery was a French writer, poet, aristocrat, journalist and pioneering
4. Most asteroid lie in a vast ring between Mars and Jupiter.
5. Asteroids are small rocky worlds revolving around the sun that are too small to be called

Do and Learn
Exercise Complete the lines to get the ideas being implied from the quote
below. ( “The Little Prince”.)

Before you criticize __________ reflects about your ________ actions.

Learn Some More

Exercise. Choose the statements that are Opinions. Write it on your notebook. Then
explain your answer.

1. Scientists are still looking for dinosaur bones.

2. Lifting the bones must be hard work
3. Scientist who study dinosaurs are all very smart.
4. The bones indicate the size of dinosaurs.
5. I think that dinosaurs were greenish gray.

Write About It
Write something about the quote. ( The Little Prince)


A fact is a statement that can be verified or proven true by objective means.
We use records, experimentations or observation to verify the statement.

An opinion is a statement that cannot be verified by objective means. It can

express a person’s feelings about an idea or situation. It can also express a
judgment or a prediction based on facts. However, an opinion is valid only if
facts are stated to support it.

Sometimes ideas from the movie influence us viewers. It is our obligation to

choose what we should adopt and what we should reject.

Think and Tell
Read the sentence below.
'And on a day we meet to walk the line”

1. In Mathematics what is the meaning of the word “line”?
2. If we are going to use the sentence above, what is the meaning of line?
3. Give some Mathematical words.

Find Out and Learn

Read the meaning of connotation and denotation.

Mathematics Words Denotation Connotation

Addition Process of combining two or Furthermore explanation,
more numbers. ideas etc.
Subtraction Process of deducting numbers Withdrawal, deduction
from another numbers
Multiplication Is an abbreviated process of Increase, becoming greater in
adding an integer to itself a numbers
specified number of times
Division Process of dividing numbers Separating, disagreement
into equal parts. between two or more groups

Sum Answer in addition Totality, whole

Denotation is the literal meaning while connotation is the meaning involving feelings or

Try and Learn

Exercise I. Choose the denotative meaning of the following Mathematical words inside
the box.

1. Difference
2. Fraction
3. Ratio
4. Congruence
5. Factor

 A number that will divide into another number

 Two geometrical figure of the same size and shape
 Number that can be express also in fraction or decimals
 In the form of numerator over denominator
 Answer in subtraction

Exercise II. Give the connotative meaning of the following Mathematical words. Choose your
answer inside the box.

1. Difference
2. Fraction
3. Ratio
4. Congruence
5. Factor

 Of the same value

 Not the same, in contrast
 Aspect that affects something
 Being the part of something
 Measuring the relationship

Do and Learn
Complete the table below by giving the denotative and connotative meaning of the
Mathematical words.

Words Connotative Denotative

1. Abstract
2. Numbers
3. Base
4. Identity
5. Logic


Quarter II

Week 7 Day 1

Think and Tell

Look at the picture.
Can you tell something about it?
What can you get from eating vegetables?

List the words related to the word nutrient.

_________________ _________________


_________________ _________________

Read and Learn

Read the paragraph below.

Nutrients are chemical substances present in foods that keep the body healthy,
supply materials for growth and repair of tissues, and provide energy for work and
physical activities.
The major nutrients include the macronutrients namely proteins, carbohydrates,
and fats; micronutrients vitamins such as A, D, E, and K; the B complex, and
Vitamin C. Minerals are calcium, iron, iodine, zinc, fluoride, and water.

Talk about it
1. What does the paragraph say about nutrients?
2. What are contained in the food nutrients?
3. What are macronutrients? Where can we get them?
4. What are micronutrients? Where do you find them?
5. Why are these nutrients needed by the body?


Denotation refers to the literal meaning of a word, the "dictionary definition."¨ For example, if you
look up the word snake in a dictionary, you will discover that one of its denotative meanings is "any
of numerous scaly, legless, sometimes venomous reptiles having a long, tapering, cylindrical body
and found in most tropical and temperate regions."

Connotation, on the other hand, refers to the associations that are connected to a certain word or
the emotional suggestions related to that word. The connotative meanings of a word exist together
with the denotative meanings. The connotations for the word snake could include evil or danger.

Other Examples:

The words home, house, residence and dwelling all have the same denotation, but the
connotation of each word is very different.

Denotation : Where a person lives at any given time.

Home : cozy, loving, comfortable
House : the actual building or structure
Residence : cold, no feeling
Dwelling : primitive or basic surroundings

Denotation : scaly, legless reptile
Connotation : dangerous, evil, disloyal person
Denotation : female parent
Connotation : love and respect security and warmth

The connotation of a word is often either positive or negative

What does it mean for a word to have a positive connotation?

To be associated with something good.

What does it mean for a word to have a negative connotation?

To be associated with something bad.

What does it mean for a word to have a neutral connotation?

To be indifferent, not to have a strong feeling of the word being associated with
something good or bad.
Positive Neutral Negative
home house dump
exotic foreign strange
chat talk babble
feast dinner chow
fragrance smell stench
venerable old decrepit
tune sound noise
pet animal beast

Try and Learn
Which connotation is more positive? Choose the letter of the correct answer
1. Our trip to the amusement park was _________. ( a. fine b. wonderful )
2. _________ people rode on the roller coaster. ( a. Brave b. Foolhardy )
3. We saw _________ animals in the animal house. ( a. fascinating b. weird )
4. Some of the monkeys made _________ faces. (a. hilarious b. amusing )
5. Everyone had a ________ on his or her face on the way home. ( a. smile b. smirk )

Which connotation is more negative?

6. We bought _________ souvenirs at the amusement park. ( b. inexpensive)
7. I ate a _________ sandwich. ( a. soggy b. moist )
8. Mike _________ us to go to the funny house. ( a. nagged b. reminded )
9. I didn't like the _________ on the jester's face.( a. smirk b. grin )
10. It made me feel _________. ( a. uneasy b. frightened )

Do and Learn
Exercise 1

Arrange the words in proper column as to positive, neutral and negative connotation

Group 1 Relaxed, lazy, inactive

Timid, prudent, cowardly
Mousy, modest, shy
Group 2 old, time-tested, out-of-date
Persistent, stubborn, persevering
Miserly, conservative, thriftty
Group 3 dignified, reserved, stiff-necked
New, up-to-date, newfangled
Self confident, proud, conceited
Group 4 nosy, inquisitive, curious
Unattractive, plain, ugly
Brat, child, little one
Exercise 2

Read each of the following sentences. Decide from the context whether the speaker is
showing positive or negative connotation of the topic. Then circle the best word to put
into the sentence.

1. “The sooner we move out of this ( home, dump ),” said Jack, “the happier I‟ll be.”
2. This cell phone is ( expensive, overpriced ), but I don‟t mind paying extra because
it has so many useful features.
3. You‟re lucky to have Wilma on your committee. She has lots of (original, crazy) ideas.
4. Boss Reed and his ( cronies, employees ) have controlled the politics in this
city for more than twenty years. I certainly hope the other party wins this year!
5. It was a beautiful spring day, and the ( stench, scent ) of apple blossoms filled
the whole yard.

Quarter II

Week 7 Day 2

Think and Tell

List everything you know about dogs.

List their characteristics, behaviors, etc.
Underline everything about dogs that is true all the time.
Circle everything that is true about only some dogs.

Read and Learn

All dogs are kept as our pets. They are called our domestic animals. It is a
faithful animal and is devoted to his master. Such a rare quality is found in dogs only.
All dog has four legs. It is of many colours and of many breeds. It also differs in size.
Some dogs are even kept in the pocket.

Dogs help us in various ways. Hounds or the hunting dogs kill prey for their
masters. Some dogs are tamed to tend sheep. They watch outhouses ^and keep
strangers, thieves, animals out of the house. Some dogs can also used to locate
criminals.. They are kept with police for investigation. It has sharp ears. Even a
slightest noise can disturb its sleep and make it alert. A dog recognises its master
and family members very well and can even die in order to save them.

So dog is a man's best and true friend. It is very useful to man. It readily dies
for the sake of its master.

Talk about it
Based on the paragraph what is true about dogs all the time?
What is true about to only some dogs?


A generalization is a broad statement about a group of people or things. It states

something they have in common. All and some are words signal or give us a clue to
recognize generalizations. Other clue words are the ff

– Sometimes – Always
– Never – Most
– Generally – Many
– None – Seldom

– All birds have wings.
– Many children eat cereal for breakfast.
– Everyone in Tennessee goes to the beach for
the summer.

Some generalizations are valid or true, but some are faulty or invalid

Valid means true

– Supported by facts
– Agrees with what you know about the topic
– Uses logic and reasoning
– Proven with several examples

All birds have wings.

Faulty means false.

– Not supported by facts
– Watch for key words: none, all, always, never, nobody

Everyone in Laguna goes to the beach in the summer.

Other examples. Tell whether it is Valid or Faulty

1. Girls can‟t play ball. ( Valid or Faulty )

2. Teachers are mean. ( Valid or Faulty )
3. Halloween is always scary! ( Valid or Faulty )

Try and Learn

Read the paragraph. Then answer the question.

1. All birds have wings. But not all birds can fly. Birds that do not fly are called flightless birds. The
penguin is one example. It uses its wings to swim underwater. Ostriches and emus flap their
wings when they want to scare an enemy. Rheas use their wings like rudders when they are
running from an enemy. There is even a kind of small parrot that climbs trees and then uses its
wings to parachute to the ground.

What can you say in general about flightless birds?

a. All flightless birds are large.
b. Flightless birds have different uses for their wings.
c. Flightless birds are fast runners.
d. The wings of flightless birds are useless.

2. Ants are one of the most widespread insects in the world. Ants are called social insects because
they live in colonies made up of other ants. A colony may have a few dozen or several million
ants living in it. Ants in a colony are divided into different groups. Worker ants look for food and
take care of the young. Soldier ants defend the nest from invaders. The queen ant lays eggs.
These are the three main groups in a ant colony.

What generalization can you make about ants based upon your reading?
a. All ants live in large colonies.
b. All ants work to defend the colony.
c. All ants in a colony have a job.

3. About 20% of Americans have allergies. Allergies can range from mildly annoying to deadly. An
allergy is an overreaction of a person‟s immune system to something that is harmless. Many
people are allergic to dust, pollen, or mold. Some people are allergic to certain kinds of food,
perfume, or medicines. An allergy might cause sneezing, coughing, or a rash. Sometimes, an
allergy is so severe, it can lead to death.

What generalization can you make about allergies based upon your reading?
a. All allergies are deadly.
b. Allergies can cause different reactions in different people.
c. Everyone has allergies.

Do and Learn
Exercise 1
Direction: Give an activity for each group.

Group 1. Make 5 generalization about chocolate

Group 2. Write a valid generalization about how food can be used creatively

Group 3. Write 5 generalizations about baby alligators

Group 4. Write 5 valid generalizations about fishes

Exercise 2

Decide if each generalization is valid or faulty.

_________1. All animals migrate every year.

_________2. Most children like pizza.

_________3. All boys play sports.

_________4. It always snows in the winter.

_________5. Girls can‟t catch.

Quarter II

Week 7 Day 3

Think and Tell

Look at the picture. Say someting about the picture

Find Out and Learn

Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. An electronic apparatus for analyzing or storing data

a. wedge b. computer c. pulley

2. A computer–based global information system

a. reading b. recycling c. internet

3. The term ______ refers to the communication between a residence or a

business and an Internet Service Provider (ISP) that connects to the internet.
a. Internet access b. Airlines c. International

Read and Learn

The Internet

The Internet is computer–based global information system. The Internet is

composed of many interconnected computer networks. Each network may link tens,
hundreds, or even thousands of computers, enabling them to share information with one
another and to share computational resources such as powerful supercomputers and
databases of information. The Internet has made it possible for people all over the world to
communicate with one another effectively and inexpensively. Unlike traditional
broadcasting media, such as radio and television, the Internet does not have a centralized
distribution system. Instead, an individual who has Internet access can communicate
directly with anyone else on the Internet, make information available to others, find
information provided by others, or sell products with a minimum overhead cost.
The Internet has brought ne opportunities to government, business, and education.
Government use the Internet for internal communication, distribution of information, and
automated tax processing. In addition to offering goods and services online to customer,
businesses use the internet to interact with other businesses. Many individuals use the
Internet for communicating through electronic mail (e-mail).

Companies, individuals, and institutions use the Internet in many ways. Companies
use the Internet for electronic commerce, also called e-commerce, including advertising,
selling, buying, distributing products, and providing customer service. In addition,
companies use the Internet for business-to-business transactions, such as exchanging
financial information and accessing complex databases. Businesses and institutions use
the Internet for voice and video conferencing and other forms of communication that enable
people to telecommute (work away from the office using a computer). The use of electronic
mail (e-mail) speeds communication between companies use the Internet for online news
and weather services and to broadcast audio and video, including live radio and television
programs. Online chat allows people to carry on discussions using written text. Instant
messaging enables people to exchange text message in real time. Scientists and scholars
use the Internet to communicate with colleagues, perform research, distribute lecture notes
and course materials to students, and publish papers and articles. Individuals use the
Internet for communication, entertainment, finding information, and buying and selling goods
and services.
The term Internet access refers to the communication between a residence or a
business and an ISP that connects to the Internet. Access falls into two broad categories:
dedicated and dial-up. With dedicated access, a subscriber‟s computer remains directly
connected to the Internet at all times through a permanent, physical connection. Most large
businesses have high-capacity dedicated connections; small businesses or individuals that
desire dedicated access choose technologies such as digital subscriber line (DSL) or cable
modems, which both use existing wiring to lower cost. A DSL sends data across the same
wires that telephone service uses, and cable modems use the same wiring that cable
television uses. In each case, the electronic devices that are used to send data over the
wires employ separate frequencies or channels that do not interfere with other signals on
the wires. Thus, a DSL Internet connection can send data over a pair of wires at the same
time the wires are being used for a telephone call, and cable modems can send data over a
cable at the same time the cable is being used to receive television signals. The user
usually pays a fixed monthly fee for a dedicated connection. In exchange, the company
providing the connection agrees to relay data between the user‟s computer and the internet.
Dial-up is the least expensive access technology, but it is also the least convenient.
To use dial-up access, a subscriber must have a telephone modem, a device that connects
a computer to the telephone system and is capable of converting data into sounds and
sounds back into data. The user‟s ISP provides software that controls the modem. To
access the internet, the user opens the software application which causes the dial-up
modem to place a toll-free telephone call to the ISP. A modem at the ISP answers the call,
and the two modems use audible tones to send data in both directions. When one of the
modems is given data to send, the modem converts the data from the digital values used by
computers – number stored as a sequence of 1s and 0s – into tones. The receiving side
converts the tones back into digital values. Unlike dedicated access technologies, a dial-up
modem doe not use separate frequencies, so the telephone line cannot be used for regular
telephone calls at the same time a dial-up modem is sending data.
Comer, Douglas E. “Internet.” Microsoft® Encarta® 2006 [CD]. Redmond, WA:
Microsoft Corporation, 2005.

Talk about it
1. What is the internet? the web?
2. What is the difference between the Web and the Internet?
3. What are the uses or importance of the Internet?
4. Why do government offices use the Internet? What about many companies? businesses
and institutions? media and entertainment companies? Scientists and scholars?
5. Is the Internet important? Why do you say so?

• The internet is composed of interconnected computer networks based globally that

transmits data.
• The web is the collection of documents provided by the internet.
• The internet is the computer based-global information system while the web is a
collection of information and therefore it is just a part of the internet.
• The Internet makes it possible for people all over the world to communicate with
one another effectively and inexpensively any time of the day.
• The Internet access can make information available to others, find information
provided by others, or sell products with a minimum overhead cost.
• It is a good source of information for research work.

Try and Learn

A. For schools with computer and internet access. Group the pupils into three. Assign one topic and
gather information through the internet.
Group 1 -The New Nine Wonders of the World
Group 2 - Different Groups of Vertebrates
Group 3 - Member Countries of the United Nations

B. For schools without computers:

Answer the following questions:

a. What are the uses of the internet/web?

b. How can the internet help you in your school work?

Do and Learn
Silent reading of the selection and answering the questions in a mind map.

The Beginnings of the Internet

The Internet was first conceived in the early „60‟s. Under the leadership of the
Department of Defense‟s Research Project Association (ARPA), it grew from a paper architecture
to a small network called the ARPANET. It was intended to promote the sharing of super-
computers among researchers in the United States.
America‟s military think-tank were trying to figure out an important strategic problem: how
could US authorities talk to each other in the aftermath of a nuclear attack?

Communication networks of the day were chained point-to-point, with each place on the
network dependent on the link before it. If one point in the network was blown up, the whole
network would become useless. Paul Baran, one of the US military‟s thinkers, conceived the idea
for a new kind of communications network; one that wasn‟t organized point-to-point, but instead
was set up more like a fishnet. He believed this structure could allow information to find its own
path through the network even if a section had been destroyed.

Based on the article, answer the following questions:

1. When was the Internet conceived?

2. What was the initial function of the internet?

3. What does ARPA stand for?

4. In what country did the networking originate?

5. Who thought of a fishnet-like setup?

Write About It
The need for the availability of communication prompted the thinkers to come up with a communication
system that is the Internet.

Answer the following questions.

How important is communication?

How often do we communicate?
To whom do we communicate?
Is it possible to live a single day without communicating?
How does it feel to have someone to talk to all the time?
When was the last time you talked with your friends?

With your answers to these questions, write a paragraph on:

The Importance of Communication to Man

1 2


3 5

Quarter II

Week 7 Day 4

Think and Tell

Have you experienced going in an outing?

Where did you go?
Did you enjoy?

Read and Learn

One Sunday, the Torres family traveled on a wide road. In he car were Mr. And
Mrs. Torres, Shirley and her brother, Peter. They saw many trees, high hills and
mountains along the highway. As they traveled, they noticed that the road was becoming
wider and longer. They could not wait to reach their destination.
At last, they arrived at Donna‟s place. Donna and her parents were happy to meet
them. “Your place is very nice. The air here is fresher than the city, “ said Mr. Torres.
“The trees around are are taller than those along the highway,” remarked Mrs.
“But the tallest trees are in that mountain. Is that the highest mountain in the
Philippines?” asked Peter as he pointed at the mountain.
“No, that is Mt. Arayat. The highest mountain is Mt. Apo. It is in Davao,” aswered
Donna. “Let us climb the mountain, “said Shirley.
“Come in and rest a while. I know you are very tired because you have just come
from a long trip,” said Donna‟s mother.
“We have prepared some native dishes and delicacies for you,” said Donna‟s
“Thank you. I‟m sure we shall enjoy our stay here,” said Mrs. Torres.

Talk About It
1. Where did the family go?
2. How did they feel?
3. How was the place described?
4. How did their compare the place?
5. What words used to compare the places?
6. What did the family in the story show about our country?

Rread the phrases

 Was becoming wider and longer
 Is fresher in the city
 Taller than those along the highway
 The tallest trees are in the mountain


Adjectives are words that modify a noun or a pronoun. To modify means to describe,
identify or limit.

Adjectives may be qualitative, denoting kind, size, shape, height, weight or feeling.
They may also be quantitative, indicating number.

Adjectives have three degrees of comparison – the positive, the comparative and the

When using the base form of adjectives in comparisons, remember the following:

1. Adjectives with one syllable form the comparative and the superlative degrees by
adding –er and -est, respectively.

Study the chart below.

Positive Comparative Superlative
bright brighter brightest
kind kinder kindest
fresh fresher freshest
My sister‟s skin is smooth.
Maria‟s skin is smoother than hers.
The baby‟s skin is the smoothest of them all.

2. Adjectives with two syllables ending in –y, form the comparative and superlative
degrees by changing –y to –i before adding –er or –est, respectively.

Study the chart below.

Positive Comparative Superlative
hungry hungrier hungriest
heavy heavier heaviest
pretty prettier prettiest
Maria is pretty.
She is prettier than her sister.
She is the prettiest woman in their town.

3. Adjectives with three or more syllables form the comparative degree by using more /
less and the superlative degree by using most / least before the adjective.

Study the chart below

Positive Comparative Superlative
beautiful more/less beautiful most/least beautiful
generous more/less generous most/least generous
interesting more/less interesting most/least beautiful
The rich man is generous.
The king is more generous than the rich man.
The queen is the most generous of the three.

Note that the word than in the comparative degree serves as a marker. It is used
with more or less. The article the comes before the superlative form of an adjective.

4. Some adjectives with two syllables, however, form the comparative degree by using
more / less and the superlative degree by using most / least before the adjective.
Positive Comparative Superlative
loyal more/less loyal most / least loyal
honest more/less honest most / least honest
humid more/less humid most / least humid
5. Some adjectives form the comparative and superlative degrees in different ways. These
are irregular adjectives.

Study the chart below

Positive Comparative Superlative
good better best
little less least
bad worse worst
many more most
much more most
ill worse worsy

More regular adjectives with one or two syllables form the comparative degree by adding –
er and superlative degree by adding –est. The word than is used with the adjective in the
comparative degree while the article the with the adjective in the superlative degree. If an
adjective ends in –y, the –y is changed to i before –es or –est is added.

The positive degree is the simplest form of an adjective. It is used to describe only one
person, place or thing/one group of person, places, or thing.

The comparative degree or the –er form is used to compare two persons, places, or

The superlative degree or the –est form is used to compare three or more persons, places
or things.

Adjectives with three or more syllables use more (positive) or less (negative) and the word
than to form the comparative degree. Most (positive) or least (negative) and the article the are
used to form the superlative degree. Some adjectives with two syllables, however, also use these
comparative and superlative forms.

Irregular adjectives form the comparative and superlative degrees by changing the
spelling of the word or by changing the entire word.

Try and Learn

Below is a chart showing three kinds of animals. Read the information opposite each picture, then
make your own sentences using degrees of comparisons.

Animal Length Height Speed

8 inches 1.5 inches 12 ft/hr

24 inches 18 inches 100 ft/hr

72 inches 48 inches 10, 500ft/hr

Do and Learn

Complete the following sentences using the correct degree of the adjective given in the brackets.

1. My brother‟s handwriting is ____________ (bad) mine.

2. Health is ____________ wealth. (important)
3. Blood is ____________ water. (thick)
4. Everest is ____________ peak in the world. (high)
5. This is ____________ lay I have ever heard on the radio. (interesting)
6. Susie is ____________ of all the four sisters. (beautiful)
7. The planet Mars is ____________ from the earth than the satellite Moon. (far)
8. The elephant is ____________. animal in the world. (large)
9. An ocean is certainly ____________ a sea. (big)
10. I am ____________ in cricket than in football. (interested)

Quarter II

Week 7 Day 5

Think and tell

Look at the picture. Tell Something about the picture.

What do like soccer or football? Why?

Read and Learn

Soccer and Football

Soccer and football are alike in a few ways, but have many differences. One
similarity is that there are eleven players on the field at one time in both soccer and
football. They are both popular sports in the United States and they both require the
use of a ball and a field.
The difference between soccer and football are numerous. Soccer players use
a ball shaped like a sphere, whereas football players use a ball that has two ends. In
soccer, players are trying to get the ball in goal. However, in football, players are
trying to get the ball in the end zone or through the goal posts. The rules are also very
different. In soccer, players are rarely allowed to touch the ball with their hands while,
football players frequently touch the ball. Football players are allowed to tackle, but
this is forbidden in soccer. These are just a few ways that soccer and football are
different. Nonetheless, most people agree that both soccer and football are fun

Talk about it
1. What are the two sports being compared in the paragraph?
2. From what country do these sports popular?
3. What is the shape of the soccer ball?

A comparison shows how two subjects are similar; a contrast shows how two
subjects are different. In writing you must first decide whether you will compare and
contrast or both.

When you compare 2 things you ask yourself, "How are these things alike?
When you contrast 2 things you ask yourself, "How are these things different?"
Some words that signal comparisons are: both, each, like, same, also, too
Some words that signal contrasts are: different, but, on the other hand, however

Try and Learn

Exercise 1

Compare and contrast Amanda and Maxwell wrote about three things they did last summer. Write the
things that they did on the lines below. Put the item that both of them did in the center.

Amanda’s Report: What I Did On Summer Vacation

I went on vacation at the beach last summer. My brother and I played in

the ocean and built castles out of sand. I also read lots of books last summer.
My favorite book was The Secret Garden. At the end of the summer, my mom
and dad took me to the water park and we went swimming. It was fun!

Maxwell’s Report: What I Did On Summer Vacation

I went on a car trip with my dad last summer. We drove a long way. I also read a
book last summer called The Hardy Boys. It was an adventure story. I went to
summer camp with my best friend too. I had a great time. Amanda Maxwell


Do and Learn
Direction: Write a short paragraph about the picture below showing comparison and contrast.

Group 1 Group 2

Group 3 Group 4

Write About It
Using comparison and contrast, write a short paragraph your two Favorite Subjects










Think and Tell

Ask: How do you value opinion of your classmates?

In coming to your what do you want to wear?
Do you want to wear uniform or not?

Find out and Learn

Watch: You tube:

Say: Who are in favor of wearing uniform in school? Why?

Who are not in favor of wearing uniform? Why?

Try and Learn

Issue to be discussed: Are you in favor of K-12 or not?

Let the pupils form five groups. Let each group form a small circle.
Let each member of every group share with the rest of the group members .

Do and Learn

Clarity/Conciseness: Revise the following sentences to remove clutter, eliminate wordiness, and clarify
meaning (credits to Zinsser).
(1) The bricks on our new house are red in color and in spite of the fact that they are new, the look of these
bricks is a used, beat-up appearance.

(2) Due to the fact that he hadn’t totally and completely read all the material, he lacked in the ability to do the
writing for the purpose of the class exercise.

(3) America has two main kinds of business. Americans need to pay attention to getting justice for all, and
they also need to be sure that everyone is treated alike.

(4) It is interesting to note that numerous individuals required assistance, whereas, the remainder took a pass.

(5) I was not facilitated in reading her comments she had written in my paper because of the handwriting that
was illegible and therefore could not be read.

Learn Some More

Read the given sentences, then choose one of the words from below that will best fit the sentence.
After this, underline the word in the sentence that gave you clue to the word you chose.

Vase knocking mailing

Morning light write

1. Every ________ I have breakfast.

2. Turn on the _____________. It is dark in this room.
3. Bring this letter to the post office for _____________.
4. I can hear someone _______________ at the door.
5. Father brought some flowers which mother put in a _____________


Day 2
Think and Tell

Ask: How do you take care of your body?

Why is it important to have a healthy body?

Read and Learn

Read the story and analyze it.
Read the selection then answer the questions that follows.

“Taking Care of Our Bodies”

The human body needs both rest and

exercise. It also needs nourishment. A
healthy looking body doesn’t just happen. A
good deal of care is given to it.

The body needs food, as the machine

needs fuel as oil. The body requires an
adequate amount of basic nutrients such as
protein, fats, carbohydrates and minerals.

 What is the main idea of the fist paragraph?
 How did you know these details were more important than the other details in the
 What other ideas struck you while reading the text?
 Did you notice or find any cue word that help you determine the essential idea or
 What is the title or concept?
 What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
 What are the facts that support the idea?

I. Main Topic
C. _____________________________________

II. _____________________________________
C. _____________________________________

Try and Learn

Group the class into 4. Each member of the group will look for the missing information to complete the outline.
The first group to complete the outline will be the winner.


Pepper is one of the

earliest spices known to mankind. At one time it was so
expensive that a pound of it was considered an
appropriate gift for royalty to give or to taxes.

Pepper plants were

considered rich property.Pepper is a tropical vine. It
begins to bear fruit in four years. It produces heavily for
fourteen years. Unripe berries produce black pepper and
ripe ones produce white pepper.

I. _____________________________________
C. _____________________________________

II. _____________________________________
C. _____________________________________

Do and Learn

Make an outline from the selection.

The Dutch
The Dutch are people of Holland. They are serious
and hardworking. They are considered the cleanest
people in the world. The Dutch are fond of eating,
drinking and attending parties.

Have you seen a picture of a Dutch girl? She

wears big wooden shoes called klompers. Men wear
baggy trousers while women wear flowing skirts, white
aprons and stretched cloth caps. Dutch children are
healthy for they drink plenty of milk and take big
amounts of butter. Boys are trained to steer the boats
and take charge of the windmill. Water sports are
popular with the Dutch children.

Learn Some More

Directions: Make an outline using the jumbled details about main headings and subheadings.

Kind of fossils
Location of fossils
Uses of fossils
Telling the story of the earth
Molds of plants and animals
Skeletal remains of plants and animals
Hard rocks
Layers of sedimentary rocks
Preserved bodies of parts of bodies of plants and animals
Tracing the changes of the earth’s surface
Telling the changes in climate
Holes in the mud
Prints made by parts of plants and animals
Mud or sand


Outlining is arranging notes so that important ideas stand out and make clear which point
suppots each of the important ideas.
a. The Title for the outline should ne used in the report itself.
b. Use Roman numerals I,II,III etc. to number topic from the others.
c. Use capital letters A,B,C.D, to indicate subheadings.
d. Use Arabic numerals 1,2,3 to number detail headings.
e. Subdivision of the same kind should fall under the same alignment and indention: B under A, 2
under 1.
f. A period is needed after the letter or number of ech heading but not after the heading itself.
g. The first letter of each heading should be capitalized.

Day 3

Think and Tell

(Show pictures of Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts)

Ask: Are members of Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts?
What are the activities that you enjoy most during scouting?

Find Out and Learn

Read the selection then answer the questions that follows.


Last year, the Girl Scouts in our district celebrated their anniversary with a
journey. The purpose or point of this trip was to explore the virgin forests of Palawan. Since
the forests of Palawan have not yet been touched by loggers. Many of the Girl Scouts who
went were independent girls and did not need help in doing basic or essential things like
cooking and hiking.

Learning the meaning of cooperation helped to make their trip a success. By

working together well, most of them learned the value of preserving or taking care of our
forests to avoid floods and soil erotion.

 Who celebrated their anniversary?
 How did they celebrate their anniversary?
 What was the purpose of their trip?
 How can you describe a virgin forest?
 What value did the Girl Scout learn about the forest?
How will show your politeness at all times as one of the value of Girl Scouts?

Try and Learn

Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Select a synonym for "Denotation"


2. What does "Connotation" mean?

C.Cultural defintion

3. If someone uses the term "rugrat", is this a denotative or connotative definition for the term "child"?

4. What is the denotation of "snake"?

A.An amphibian
B.A liar, cheater, or fraud

5. What is a connotative meaning of the term, "babe"?

A.A baby pig
C.Someone you're attracted to

Do and Learn

Put a check mark (/) on the left of the correct answer.

1. Which connotation is more positive?

Our trip to the amusement park was __________ ? (1 point)

2. Which connotation is more positive?
___________ people rode on the roller coaster. (1 point)
3. Which connotation is more positive?
We saw __________ animals in the animal house. (1 point)
4. Which connotation is more positive?
Some of the monkeys made __________ faces. (1 point)
5. Which connotation is more positive?
Everyone had a __________ on his or her face on the way home. (1 point)

Learn Some More

The following questions will quiz you on connotation and denotation. Some questions ask you analyze
a word and some ask you to choose whether the example is showing the connotation or the denotation
of the underlined words. Shade the small circle on the left that gives the correct answer.

1. Helen was guarded about her private life. She did not like to give anyone details about herself.
What does the word guarded suggest about Helen in the sentence above?
She was excited about her life.
She does not care about her life.
She is protective over her life.
She is bored with her life.

2. Jackie screamed and pulled her hand away from the scalding water. Her hand was bright red and
What does the word scalding suggest about the water in the sentence above?

icily cold
painfully hot
amazingly cold

pretty warm

3. Mark was sick of receiving a dozen annoying e-mails with jokes from Sally every day. He dashed
off a sloppy reply letting her know that he wasn't allowed to receive silly e-mails at school.
What does the word "sick" suggest Mark was feeling as it is used in the first sentence of this story?
fed up with

4. Look at the story from #4.

What does the phrase "dashed off" suggest that Mark did as it is used in the second sentence
of this story?
ran away
carelessly wrote

5. Benjamin was a lanky kid. He was the tallest kid in the class, and he was not a big kid. His mom
packed him a huge lunch in the hopes he would get some more muscle on his bony arms and legs.
What is the dictionary meaning of the word lanky in the sentence above?
huge and tall
tall and thin
muscular and tall
thin and short

We write paragraph using an outline by writing the topics following their correct order
in the outline.

Day 4

Think and Tell

Directions: Write on the blank the appropriate word that corresponds or related to the phrase or clause below.
Choose from the found looped words.
a. _______________- one of the parts which a thing or object is made of or composed of.
b, _______________- takes no notice of; pays no attention to.
c. _______________- proven, tested.
d. _______________- similar, having the same qualities.
e. _______________- artificially produced material or substance
f. ________________- pertaining to or related to beliefs of or ancestors.

Find out and Learn

Kaylee sets the pace for a heartfelt celebration

Kaylee Davidson will be celebrating a very

special event on Tuesday the 10th anniversary of her
donor heart. The lively youngster from Washington,
who loves to dance, run and play was just five months
old when she became the youngest child to Britain to
have a successful heart transplant. Yesterday Kaylee
was guest of honour at a party in Newcastle for her
mother Carol, 29, now vice-chairman of support group.
Heart Transplant families Together said, “I can’t
believe 10 years have gone by, Kaylee is a normal girl
and she lives life to the fullest.”

Ask: What does the clear headline of the report read?

What is the main point or evnt of the news report?
What part of the report is the main point, first par? middle part? or last part?

Try and Learn
Directions: Arrange the following sentences to form a report. Follow the format below.

Parents have the right to use what is called reasonable chastisement to

keep their children under control

So, parents may hit them, but not hard enough to cause serious injury.


A 12 year old boy won the right to go to the European Court of Human
Right in Strasbourg last week.

His stepfather beat him with a garden cane when he was nine years old.

The hearing may take two years – if the boy wins, smacking may be
banned in Britain.

Should parents be allowed to smack their children?

Title _____________________________________________
Introduction _______________________________________

Main points
1. _________________________________________
3. _________________________________________
4. _________________________________________

1. _________________________________________
2. _________________________________________

Do and Learn

The Puzzl

Oil Depots in Commercial Area

Giant oil Chevron, Petron and Shell have asked the

government fr a 10-year extension of their depots in barangay Bula,
General Santos City.
Under the city’s zooming ordinance passed in 1990, Bula was
identified as a commercial area. With the passage of the ordinance,
the oil depots were considered risks and that the oil companies were
given until March next year to relocate.

After the four groups have made the puzzle, ask:

1. What is the title of the news report?
2. What is the introduction?
3. What are the main points?
4. What is the conclusion?
5. What are the points to remember again in writing a report?

Learn Some More

Directions: On a one whole sheet of paper, arrange and write the sentences into a news report.

A. Mayor John Johnson said 60 others were affected by the disease that could have been caused
by contaminated water. Most of the victims were residents of the hinterland village of Lamidan,
Davao del Sur which is predominantly populated by Manobo and Lagakaulo natives.
B. Diarrhea outbreak in Davao del Sur, 6 dead.
C. At least six children, aged 4-6 years, have died since Oct. 29 as government officials continued
to cope with a diarrhea outbreak in several villages here.
D. Dr. Darwin Trinidad, a physician at the Manila District Hospital, said he had ordered the
municipal health office to trace the source of the disease to prevent more people from getting ill.

Reports include:
1. an account of events in the order in which they happened.
2. a reference to what people have said
3. a brief description of people involved in the story
4. past-tense verbs, because they refer to evnts that have already taken place

Day 4

Think and Tell

Ask: What can you say about the quotes?

Find out and Learn

Say: Let us watch the following video clips. Watch and carefully analyze the video clips.

 What can you say about the video clips?

 Describe the positive and negative portrayal in our government. What can you say about it?

Try and Learn
Let the groups do the following activity.
Group 1
Make a “Propaganda” on the video clips watch.

Group 2
Compose a ”Song” about the Marcos government
system and our present government system?

Group 3
Compose a poem about the video clip.

Group 4
Make your Point of View about the video clips.

Do and Learn

Watch the following video then make a simple role play about each Filipino Values.

Learn Some More

Watch the following videos then write 5 intelligent reactions about the issue on ,Who Made the
Philippines Poor?

Week 9

Day 1 - 2
Make a Stand

Think and Tell

Show a Political Map of the Philippines.

Determine the country near it.

Find Out and Learn

Place a poster in each corner of the room. Then read a statement, and tell
students to go to the corner that best describes how they feel about that statement.
Here are some examples of statements:

 The Philippines should handle alone the security of the West Philippine
Sea without any help from any other countries.
 The United States of America should provide direct assistance in the
security of the West Philippine Sea.
 The issue on the security of the West Philippine should be handle only of
the countries in the Southeast Asian Region.
 The USA should only provide military equipment for the security of the
West Philippine Sea and will not directly involve in its security.

Encourage students to voice their opinions from their respective corners.

Then have each group gathered in response to a statement work together to write a
clear statement explaining their position.

What is your opinion about your desired statements you have chosen?

Should the USA have a direct involvement in the following issue? Why or why not?

Why do the Philippines should handle alone the security of its territory?

What can you say about the USA giving military equipment for the security our
territory? Will it benefit us or the US?

Should the security of the west Philippine sea be handle by the accepting the direct
assistance of our Southeast Asian neighbors?

Try and Learn

Group Activity

The Teacher will provide certain activities to be perform or discuss in

the class after they are finish.

Group I – Statement No. 3

Make a “Brainstorming Web”

Group II - Statement No. 4

Make a “Discussion Web”

Group III - Statement No. 1

Make a Poem

Group IV - Statement 1 and 2

Make a “Venn Diagram”

Do and Learn


Group 1 and 2

Talk about the issue of the second statement.

Group 3 and 4

Talks about the issue of the third stement

The two groups will draw lots to take the pros and cons.


What did you learn on the following issues?

Write About It

Let the pupils give their opinion on the following article.

Bongbong on bilateral talks: China opened the door, we shut it

MANILA, Philippines - Sen. Ferdinand "Bongbong" Marcos Jr. perceives

the Philippines' rejection of bilateral talks with China as a wasted opportunity to resolve the
maritime dispute over the South China Sea.

"China opened the door and we shut it. The Chinese said let's talk and we snubbed
them," Marcos said during a media forum, adding that the country failed to take advantage of
the given opportunity.

READ: China to Philippines: Let's sit down and talk

According to the senator, there are only three ways to resolve the said dispute: by
war, adjudication or multilateral or bilateral agreements.

Marcos ruled out war and arbitration since the Chinese would not recognize the

"So talk, and tell them: we are not happy with what you are doing and we do not
agree with what you are doing. But the next thing you say is: how do we fix this?" the
senator said.

The Senate Committee of Foreign Relations chair noted that the Philippines will not
lose anything if accept China's invitation to a dialogue on the maritime dispute.

"We should talk to China bilaterally because it is still the best option. Our Filipino
businessmen can also help by reaching out to their Chinese counterparts and friends in
China and try to come up with a solution that will persuade both governments to, at least, sit
down and negotiate, or at most, resolve the problem outright," Marcos said.

Marcos stressed that the Philippines should not be "snobbish" in dealing with
"superpower" China. He added that he cannot see any reason not to talk with China.

"We're strategically important to any great power in Asia-Pacific, but we have to play
that role even-handedly. We have to stop thinking in terms of kakampi ko ang Chinese,
kakampi ko ang Kano. Ang kakampi mo lang Pilipino," the senator added.

The Philippines sent a delegation to the United Nations Arbitral Tribunal to defend its
stand against China's nine-dash line claim over the South China Sea.

Day 3
Make an Outline from a Selection Read

Think and Tell

Show a video clips.


Say: Class, Our lesson for today is about making a two point outline on a
selection read.

 Outlining is arranging notes so that important ideas stand out and make clear
which point supports each of the important ideas.

Things to remember in making an outline;

a. The title for the outline should be used in the report itself.
b. Use Roman numerals I, II, III etc. to number topic from the others.
c. Use capital letters A, B, C, D, to indicate subheadings.
d. Use Arabic numerals 1, 2, 3 to number detail headings.
e. Subdivisions of the same kind should fall under the same alignment and
indention: B under A, 2 under 1.
f. A period is needed after the letter or number of each heading but not after the
heading itself.
g. The first letter of each heading should be capitalized. (Tell the pupils that the
term main headings is used for main ideas and subheadings for the
supporting details in an outline.

Find Out and Learn

Have students take a tour of the selection they will be reading. Ask them to
preview the text and identify key words or clue words that will help them determine
the relevant ideas. Have look at the first and last line of each paragraph.

(See to it that the pupils follow the instructions and look at the part of text they
are asked to see.)

Look at the left part or side of the text.

Ask: Can you tell me about some of the important ideas that struck you?

Read the selection and have students reflect on how the tour text
activity supported their understanding about the selection.


There are many kinds of rocks. Generally, according to how they are formed, rocks
are classified as igneous, sedimentary or metamorphic.

Igneous Rocks

Deep within the earth’s surface exists molten or melted materials known as magma.
This molten rock material is extremely hot with temperature ranging from 749˚ to 1093˚C.
High pressure may force the magma to work its way upward to the earth’s surface through
the cracks or fissures. When these molten rock materials cool off and solidify, they form
what we call igneous rocks which mean “formed by fire.” Igneous rocks occur in two principal
forms: intrusive igneous rock and extrusive igneous rock. Intrusive igneous rocks are
igneous rocks that do not rise all the way to the surface of the earth. They hardened up
before reaching the earth’s surface. They have coarse mineral grains and crystals that can
be easily seen. These are also called plutonic rocks. Extrusive igneous rocks are formed
and solidified on the surface of the earth. They are usually fine grained, glassy or finely
crystalline in texture. Since these rocks are formed from molten materials that are expelled
by volcanic eruptions, they are also called volcanic rocks or pyroclastic rocks.

Sedimentary Rocks

There are rocks that consist of materials that were once was part of older rocks or of
plants and animal parts. These rocks were deposited millions of years ago as layers of loose
materials which become cemented together. They are called sedimentary rocks from
the word “sediments”. They are grouped into three: 1) classic or fragmental sedimentary,
2) chemical sedimentary,and 3) organic sedimentary. Classic or fragmental sedimentary is
composed of rock fragments carried and deposited by wind, water or glacier and are
cemented together. Chemical sedimentary is composed of deposits of minerals dissolved in
water. The evaporation of water causes the minerals to crystallize leaving mineral deposits.
Organic sedimentary is composed of shells, skeletons and other parts of plants or animals.
Many different substances can act as cement that bind the sedimentary rocks. Of
these, the most common are calcium carbonate, silica, mud, clay and iron oxide.

Metamorphic Rock

Rocks that have changed its appearance and sometimes its mineral composition due
to either extreme heat or pressure are called metamorphic rocks. They often show a layered
structure but some are said to be massive. Metamorphic rocks that layered in appearance

are known as foliated rocks while those that are massive are known as unfoliated rocks. All
kinds of rocks, including igneous and sedimentary, usually undergo metamorphism and
produce the so called metamorphic rocks.

Answer the following questions.

1. What are the three main kinds of rocks?

2. What are the principal forms of igneous rocks?

3. What are the three groups of sedimentary rocks?

a. What make up clastic or fragmental sedimentary?

b. What make up chemical sedimentary?

c. What make up organic sedimentary?

4. What are the 2 kinds of metamorphic rock? Differentiate.

5. What are our natural resources?

6. Why is it necessary to conserve our natural resources?

7. As young boys and girls, how can you help conserve our mineral resources?

Here is a skeleton key of the outline that we will prepare.

I. _________________________________________________

A. ______________________________________________
B. ______________________________________________
C. ______________________________________________

II. _________________________________________________

A. ______________________________________________
B. ______________________________________________

III. _________________________________________________

A. ______________________________________________
B. ______________________________________________
C. ______________________________________________
D. ______________________________________________

IV. _________________________________________________

A. ______________________________________________

B. ______________________________________________

Ask: ● What does the very first line at the top represent?
 What do the Roman numerals represent? What are found
after each Roman numeral?
 What do the capital letters represent?
 How are the capital letters written as compared with the
Roman numerals?
Say: Let us make our own reminders for writing an outline.

Lead the children to make the reminder similar to the one below.

 An outline should have a title.

 Roman numerals are used to indicate the main topic. Place a
period after each Roman numeral. Be sure that the Roman
numerals and the periods are in a column.
 Capital letters are used in subtopics. Indent the capital letters
and place a period after each. Arrange the capital letters in a
straight line too.
 All main topic heading should be divided into at least two parts.
A topic cannot logically be decided into only one part.
 All the headings should be expressed in parallel grammatical
 All the first word should be capitalized
Practice (orally by whole class. The teacher should help in preparing
the two-point outline of Rocks.)

Ask: ● What is the title?

 What is the main topic?
 Where will we write it? Make a brief description.
 What are the 3 supporting details?
 What will we write in Roman numeral II

(Continue until the skeleton is filled up.)


I. Rocks according to how it was formed

A. Igneous – hardened magma
B. Sedimentary – cemented sediments
C. Metamorphic – changed due to heat and pressure

II. Igneous rocks – solidified or hardened magma

A. Intrusive igneous rock – solidified before reaching the earth’s
B. Extrusive igneous rock – solidified on the earth’s surface

III. Sedimentary rocks – made of sediments cemented together

A. Clastic or fragmented sedimentary – rock fragments carried by
wind, water and glacier
B. Chemical sedimentary – deposits of minerals dissolved in water

C. Organic sedimentary – shells skeletons and other parts of plants
and animals
D. Cementing materials – calcium carbonate, silica, mud, clay and
iron oxide

IV. Metamorphic rocks – changed its appearance and mineral

composition due to heat and pressure
A. Foliated rock – layered appearance
B. Unfoliated – massive appearance

Try and Learn

Group 1 and 2

Treasure Hunting

a. Each member of the group will look for the missing information to complete
the outline.
b. The first group to complete the outline will be the winner.

Group 1

The Dutch

The Dutch are people of Holland. They are serious and

hardworking. They are considered the cleanest people in the world.
The Dutch are fond of eating, drinking and attending parties.
Have you seen a picture of a Dutch girl? She wears big wooden
shoes called klompers. Men wear baggy trousers while women wear
flowing skirts, white aprons and stretched cloth caps. Dutch children
are healthy for they drink plenty of milk and take big amounts of
butter. Boys are trained to steer the boats and take charge of the
windmill. Water sports are popular with the Dutch children.

The Dutch

I. Dutch are people of Holland

A. Serious and hardworking
B. Considered the cleanest people in the world
C. ___________________________________

II. ______________________________________
A. She wears big wooden shoes called klompers.

Group 2


Pepper is one of the earliest spices known to mankind. At one

time it was so expensive that a pound of it was considered an
appropriate gift for royalty to give or to receive. It was then made as
payment of taxes. Pepper plants were considered rich property.
Pepper is a tropical vine. It begins to bear fruit in four years. It
produces heavily for fourteen years. Unripe berries produce black
pepper and ripe ones produce white pepper.


I. Earliest spices known to mankind

A. So expensive that a pound served as royal gift
B. _____________________________________
C. Considered rich property
II. __________________________________________
A. Bear fruits in four years
B. Produces heavily for fourteen years
C. _____________________________________

Group 3 and 4



1. Read the selection/paragraph.

2. Discuss or share ideas with a partner.
3. Identify the main topic and subtopics.
4. Make an outline

Group 3

In some parts of the world, hundreds of people are injured or killed by

lightning strikes each year. Most death occur out in the open or under trees.
To protect yourself from lightning avoid isolated trees or tall structures. Go to
the bottom of the hill or ravine. Stay inside your house home or building. Get
out of the shower or tub.

Group 4

The skin on your lips is especially sensitive. Dry weather can cause it to chap
and even crack.Applying a moisturizer to your lips daily or as needed can
help. You can use a lip balm or skin moisturizer. The greasier the product the
A humidifier to moisten the air in your home can also help. In addition, avoid
wetting your lips. And if you’re outside for a long period of time, cover your
lips with a mask.

Do and Learn

Make an outline using the jumbled details about

Main headings and subheadings:
 Kinds of fossils
 Location of fossils
 Uses of fossils
 Telling the story of the earth
 Molds of plants and animals
 Skeletal remains of plants and animals
 Hard rocks
 Layers of sedimentary rocks
 Preserved bodies or parts of bodies of plants & animals
 Tracing the changes of the earth’s surface
 Telling the changes in climate
 Holes in the mud
 Prints made by parts of plants and animals
 Mud or sand

I. _____________________________________
A. _____________________________________
B. _____________________________________
C. _____________________________________
II. _____________________________________
A. _____________________________________
B. _____________________________________
C. _____________________________________
D. _____________________________________
III. _____________________________________
A. _____________________________________
B. _____________________________________
C. _____________________________________
D. _____________________________________

 Outlining is arranging notes so that important ideas stand out and make clear
which point supports each of the important ideas.

Things to remember in making an outline;

h. The title for the outline should be used in the report itself.
i. Use Roman numerals I, II, III etc. to number topic from the others.
j. Use capital letters A, B, C, D, to indicate subheadings.
k. Use Arabic numerals 1, 2, 3 to number detail headings.
l. Subdivisions of the same kind should fall under the same alignment and
indention: B under A, 2 under 1.

m. A period is needed after the letter or number of each heading but not after the
heading itself.
n. The first letter of each heading should be capitalized. (Tell the pupils that the
term main headings is used for main ideas and subheadings for the
supporting details in an outline.

Do and Learn
Make an outline on the following selection

Space Explorations

Pioneers in Space

On October 4, 1957, the Soviet satellite called Sputnik travelled into

space. A few months later, the United States launched Explorer 1. These early
space launches of manufactured satellites paved the way for people to explore
the space.

People in Space

By the 1960s, the United States and the Soviet Union had sent people in
space. On April 12, 1961, Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin became the first
man in space. In 1962, American astronaut John Glenn orbited earth in
Friendship 7.

Following these early years of space exploration, the Untied States

launched Apollo 11, which traveled 200,000 miles and make history.

The Moon Landing

After three days’ travel though space, Apollo 11 reached the moon’s orbit
Astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin climbed into the Eagle, a lunar
module designed to take them from the spaceship and land on the moon. On
July 20, 1969, Armstrong and Aldrin were the first people to walk on the moon.

I. __________________________________________________
A. _______________________________________________
B. _______________________________________________

II. __________________________________________________
A. _______________________________________________
B. _______________________________________________

III. __________________________________________________
A. _______________________________________________
B. _______________________________________________
C. _______________________________________________

Day 4
Revise writing for clarity
 Appropriate punctuation marks
 Transition/signal words

Think and Tell

Give a word and let the students connect a word to it.

 Transition/signal words are linking words or phrases that connect your ideas and
add cohesion to your writing. They signpost or indicate to the reader the relationships
between sentences and between paragraphs, making it easier for the reader to
understand your ideas. We use a variety of transition signals to fulfill a number of
functions. Some of these functions include: to show the order or sequence of events;
to indicate that a new idea or an example will follow; to show that a contrasting idea
will be presented, or to signal a summary or a conclusion.

To introduce an example:
specifically in this case to illustrate for instance
for example one example of this is to demonstrate on this occasion

To introduce an opposite idea or show exception:

alternatively in contrast on the other hand but
despite in spite of still instead
whereas even though nevertheless while
however one could also say yet

To show agreement:
accordingly in accordance with

To introduce an additional idea:

additionally as well as in addition again

also besides moreover equally important
and furthermore one could also say further
and then

To indicate sequence or order, or logically divide an idea:

after eventually previously next
finally first second third
at this point followed by subsequently simultaneously
at this time last concurrently ultimately
before meanwhile and then

To indicate time:
after earlier previously later
at this point finally prior to formerly
soon at this time immediately then
before initially thereafter during

To compare:
likewise like just like another way to view this
by comparison balanced against whereas while

To contrast:
a different view is even so nevertheless yet
balanced against in contrast still however
but on the contrary unlike notwithstanding
conversely on the other hand differing from

To show cause and effect:

and so consequently therefore as a consequence
as a result for this reason thus hence

To summarise or conclude:
as a result in conclusion therefore as shown
in other words thus consequently in summary

to conclude finally on the whole to summarise
hence summing up ultimately in brief

 Punctuation marks are symbols that are used to aid the clarity and comprehension of
written language. Some common punctuation marks are the period, comma,
question mark, exclamation point, apostrophe, quotation mark and hyphen.

Find Out and Learn

Teacher reads the paragraphs. Then, the students will read it by themselves. Let
them study the underlined words in the paragraph.

During [1] the early twentieth century, in addition [4] to industrialization, urban
growth and technological development, Australian society was experiencing a transformation
of the domestic ideal. Consequently [5], people were subject to an increasing array of
government and professional programs aiming to manage and regulate life, particularly [6]
family life. Some of these programs were designed to counter social changes, others were
designed to engineer them; overall [2] they each heralded a growing expert encroachment
into the private sphere.

Intervention and influence took three forms [3]. Firstly [3], techniques designed to
maximize efficiency were introduced into the home and scientific principles were applied to
its design. In addition [4], housework and parenting methods were scrutinized and subject
to unprecedented standards. Secondly [3], all aspects of reproduction attracted increasing
intervention from government and the medical profession. Thirdly [3], state, professional
and philanthropic groups began to usurp the parental role within the family through
instruction and policy. Ultimately [2], the development of 'modern' social ideals brought
regulations, intervention and ever-increasing unrealistic standards.

[1] Indicating a specific time

[2] Indicating a conclusion

[3] To indicate sequence and logically divide an idea

[4] Indicating extra information

[5] Indicating a result

[6] To add emphasis

Ask the following:

 What does the first underlined word on the first sentence indicate?
 How about the second underlined word, what does it indicate?
 What are the transition words used in the second sentence? What does each
 On the second paragraph, what are the transition words used? What do they
 What are the punctuation marks mostly used in the following paragraphs?

Try and Learn

Group 1

When you write an essay, you need to use transition words in order to connect ideas
Sequence: first, then, next, after that, thus, therefore, in conclusion, lastly, to

Directions: Read each sentence and use a transitional word to show sequence.

Example A: I went to the restaurant. I sat next to my friend.

Answer: I went to the restaurant. Then, I sat next to my friend.

1. Susan played basketball at the park. Susan walked home.


2. John and David went to the movies. They went to get ice cream.


3. The family went to the restaurant. The family went to watch a movie together.


4. First, Michael got in line for the movie. He walked inside to buy popcorn.


5. My mom told me about the great news. She told everyone else.


6. My brother couldn’t finish his test on time. He got a low grade.


Group 2

DIRECTIONS: Create an original sentence or pair of sentences using

the transitions indicated.

1. meanwhile

2. for example

3. consequently

4. without a doubt

5. therefore

Group 3

When you write an essay, you need to use transition words in order to connect ideas
Sequence: first, then, next, after that, thus, therefore, in conclusion, lastly, to

Directions: Read each sentence and use a transitional word to show sequence.

Example A: I went to the restaurant. I sat next to my friend.

Answer: I went to the restaurant. Then, I sat next to my friend.

1. I went to the theme park. I went on my favorite rides.


2. David and Michael went to a party. They went home.


3. I didn’t get in line in time for the movie. I wasn’t able to see it.


4. First, I walked to school. I went to my first period class.


5. He did not pay his taxes. He was fined even more money.


6. The man did not complete the work. He did not receive the full payment.


Group 4

Correct the following sentence using the transition words.

Transition words are used in a sentence to connect two ideas. They join clauses or

sentences together to showa difference or a connection.Use the following transition words


although as a result consequently for example

likewise meanwhile therefore

Example 1:
We arrived late at the movie; indeed, we missed the first thirty minutes.
Indeed is a transition word. It clarifies how late we arrived at the movie.
Example 2:
We arrived late at the movie; however we missed the first thirty minutes.
However is the transition word in the second example, but doesn’t make sense as it is use
d in the sentence.
However is a transition word that shows contrast, yet there is no contrast to be made. Bot
h clauses are about
being late to the movie. A better sentence with however would be:
Example 3:
We left early to go to the movie; however, we still missed the first thirty minutes.
In Example 3, however shows the contrast between leaving early and still missing the beg
inning of the movie.

Below are sentences with misused transition words. Cross out the incorrect transition

words and write a better one in the space below the sentence.

1. Tim earned an A on the test; even so, Justin also received an A.

2. The book was interesting; as a result, it was hard to read.

3. Gordon finished his chores early; meanwhile, he had time to play football.

4. Sarah’s horse is beautiful; instead, it is well-bred.

5. The sailors prepared the ship to sail; otherwise, the dock workers loaded the cargo.

6. Her sister had a cold; however, Julie’s family canceled the trip.

7. Oranges are good for you; nevertheless, they are full of vitamin C.

8. Two seats were left on the bus; similarly, most of the group had to wait for the next on.

Do and Learn

Write 5 sentences that use transitional/signal words. Observe proper punctuation marks.
Write it in your notebook.


 Transition/signal words are linking words or phrases that connect your ideas and add
cohesion to your writing. They signpost or indicate to the reader the relationships
between sentences and between paragraphs, making it easier for the reader to
understand your ideas. We use a variety of transition signals to fulfill a number of
functions. Some of these functions include: to show the order or sequence of events;
to indicate that a new idea or an example will follow; to show that a contrasting idea
will be presented, or to signal a summary or a conclusion.
 Punctuation marks are symbols that are used to aid the clarity and comprehension of
written language. Some common punctuation marks are the period, comma,
question mark, exclamation point, apostrophe, quotation mark and hyphen.

Write and Learn

Select a topic from the list below. Write a paragraph about that topic using at least three
transition words. Circle each transition word used in your paragraph.

a sport eating healthy foods a vacation

a holiday living with a disability a pet

Day 5
Determine the images/ideas that are explicitly
used to influence the viewers, stereotypes point of
view and propaganda

Think and Tell

Show a quote of Ferdinand Marcos.

What can you say about the quotes?

Find Out and Learn

Watch and carefully analyze the video clips.

 What can you say about the video clips?

 Describe the negative portrayal in our government. What can you say about it?
 *According to the video clips, what can you say about the parliamentary system? Will
it benefit our country? Give your opinions about it.

Try and Learn

Let the groups do the following activity.

Group 1

Make a “Cluster Map” on the video clips watch.

Group 2

Make a “Venn Diagram” about the parliamentary system and our present government

Group 3

Compose a poem or a song about the video clip.

Group 4

Make a simple”Role Play” about the lessons of the video clips.

Do and Learn

Watch the following video then make a simple role play about it

Try and Learn

Watch the following videos then write 5 intelligent reactions about the concept of
how Filipino speak in English and how they express it.


Quarter 2
Week 10

I. Objectives

A. Expressive Objectives
Observe politeness at all times

B. Instructional Objectives

Oral Language
Make a stand
Oral Reading Fluency
Read grade level text with accuracy., approriate rate and proper expression
Writing Composition
Distinguish amomnfg Forms (kinds and descriptions)
Fill outforms accurately(school forms,deposit and witdrawal slips,etc.)
Determine images/ideas that are explicity used to influence viewers
Stereotypes -point of view - propagandees
Observe politeness at all times

II. Subject Matter

A. Topics
1. Read grade level text with accuracy., approriate rate and proper expression
2. Distinguish among Forms (kinds and descriptions)
Fill outforms accurately(school forms,deposit and witdrawal slips,etc.)
3. Determine images/ideas that are explicity used to influence viewers
Stereotypes -point of view - propagandees
4. Observe politeness at all times

Day 1 – Oral Language
Make a stand

Think and Tell

Take a stand game.
Stand up if you are agree with the statement and sit down if you are disagree .

– Tattoos are wrong for a young like me

-I know how to handle life
– I know what true love is
- I am lucky to be a Filipino
– Graduation from High School should be followed immediately by College
– Everyone should experience to read good book, watch movie, and used Facebook anytime
– Everyone should be more environmentally conscious
– Not everyone has the right to go to school to learn
– All children should not play outdoors.
– Everyone should love and be loved.
– Competition increases performance level of children.

Find out and Learn

Make a stand in this statement.

“ A beautiful house and ugly car or an ugly house and beautiful car’’

Do and Learn

WOULD YOU RATHER game. (Teacher will prepare two corner side of the classroom for
the game)Leader or one member of the group go to one side of the room to take a stand for
their beliefs and make a short reason why the choose it.

 Would you rather be rich and ugly, or poor and good looking?
 Would you rather be stranded on an island alone or with someone you hate?
 Would you rather be the most popular or the smartest person you know?
 Would you rather be the sand castle or the wave?
 Would you rather eat a bar of soap or drink a bottle of dishwashing liquid?
 Would you rather give bad advice or take bad advice?
 Would you rather eat a stick of butter or a gallon of ice cream?
 Would you rather eat a stick of margarine or five tablespoons of hot pepper sauce?
 Would you rather eat poison ivy or a handful of bumblebees?
 Would you rather end hunger or hatred?
 Would you rather find true love or 10 million dollars?

Learn some more

Read some controversial issues flash on the projector.

Take a short Brainstorming by the group and make a stand on how you feel about the
topic. Designated areas where assigned for the group to stand:
 Stand in front of the classroom -strongly agree,
 Back of the classroom – strongly disagree
 Right part of the classroom- somewhat agree
 Left part of the classroom-no opinion

1. Is cloning or copying good or bad

2. Should death penalty be stopped
3. Should cell phones be allowed in schools
4. Are prisons the only way to eliminate crime?
5. Can curfews help keep teenagers out of trouble?
6. Is it justified not to allow a single male to adopt a child?
7. Is global warming real? and Global warming, fact or fiction
8. Gay marriages and lesbian marriages; is a crime against nature?


To make a stand is to determined effort to defend something or to stop

something from happening. The key is to completely believing in the topic yourself.
Because if you don't believe in what you're telling or writing, how can you convince
the listener or the reader?

Learn Some More

Make a stand based on the topic sentence below, “The School Uniform Question”.
Write it on your notebook and read it with confident in the class.

School uniforms should be required in public schools for three reasons.

Topic Sentence – Body 1 .First, wearing school uniforms would help make students ’lives
Topic Sentence – Body 2. Second, school uniforms influence students to act responsibly
in groups and as individuals.
Topic Sentence – Body 3. Finally, students feel equal when they are all wearing the
same school uniform

Day 2- Oral Reading Fluency
Read grade level text with accuracy., approriate rate and proper expression

Think and Tell

Practice reading silent W. silent T, Silent H

Silent W Silent T Silent H

wrote witch what
wrestling castle when
wrinkle fasten where
whole soften white
two often rhythm
wrap listen hour
wrist Christmas honest

Find Out and Learn

Give the most common words and phrases that anyone who cares about proper
etiquette that incorporate into everyday language:

 This is one of those words that can show good manners or come across as
sarcastic, based on your tone. Any time you ask for something, it's always a good
idea to add this word to soften the request.
 When someone says, "Thank you," your instant response should be, "You're
welcome," "You're certainly welcome," or some variation that feels comfortable to
you. Another way to express the same thought is, "I was happy to do it," or, "My
pleasure." (You're welcome)
 When someone does something nice for you or gives you a gift, you should
always say, "Thank you." Not doing so gives the impression that you feel entitled
to whatever it is, and that can leave a sour taste in a mannerly person's mouth.
 The phrase "may I" puts you on the same side as the person you are speaking
to. It gives the other person the feeling that you empathize, without your having
to say that. For example, when you say, "May I see that book?" you give the
person an opportunity to share what she is looking at.
 This is an acknowledgment that you are asking forgiveness for leaving the table,
coughing, or otherwise disrupting something you are engaged in.
 This phrase is interchangeable with "excuse me." Pardon me sounds more

 Some people, particularly those of us who learned manners from Southern belle moms,
would never have said, "What?" when asking someone to repeat what they'd just said. I

was always told that "I beg your pardon" was much more polite and less harsh. The
origin of this phrase makes me smile because it means to release someone from
 When you make a mistake, hurt someone's feelings, or do something that you know
you shouldn't have done, saying, "I'm sorry," is always the first thing you should say.
You're letting the other person know you regret having done whatever it was.

Words and phrases that need to be eradicated from your vocabulary:

 When I thank someone, and that person in turn says, "No problem," I cringe. Even
though it's the contemporary way of saying, "You're welcome," it seems abrupt and
makes no sense in this context.
 These words are rude versions of "yes" and "no." The proper words are only one
syllable, so why not simply use them?
 Curse words might have been used originally for shock value, but when they become
part of your everyday language, they make you sound crude and may offend people
who don't use them. I recommend not using any words you wouldn't want your mom or
grandmother to hear. If they use those words, maybe you can set an example for how to
speak politely.

Try and Learn

Read the story with accuracy, appropriate rate and proper expression.

Once there was a girl called Princess Polite but people in her castle called her
Polly or Polly Polite. One day a super star came to her castle. Polly said “Why have you
come here? And what is your name?” The super star said“ My name is Sarah Jones. I’m
here to rock out on your castles stage!” Polly said “I don’t have a stage in my castle!”
“Ooooh dear!” Sarah cried. Polly said “I will make a grand stage just for you and
I will name it Stage Sarah.” Sarah said “You don’t have to call it stage Sarah.” Polly
called for the best builders in the land to come build the stage.
The building started. It took them two years to build it! Polly called Sarah on the
phone. “It’s finished come see!” Polly said. “Sure, I’ll be there as soon as possible!”
Super star Sarah said. Sarah brought a prince with her. Polly said “Where did you find
him and what’s his name?”

“James Sammy and I met him at a wedding.” Sarah said. “Oh how sweet!” Polly
said. “Nice to meet you Polly Polite.” the handsome prince said. “You smell like tuna!’
Polly said. “Oh.” He said. “We are here to get married!” Sarah said.
“Wait, I thought we were here to see you rock out. I don’t want to marry you!”
James said, “I want to marry Polly!” Polly married the prince. The rock star rocked out
on the stage but was crying the whole time. She stopped crying for a moment then she
cried into a bucket it had a thousand drips in it and it went all the way up to the top. She
had to tip it out and start all over again.
The prince and the princess lived happily ever after. The rock star spent the rest
of her life crying a million tears into a bucket and starting all over again and again and
again and again and again and again and again and again.

Comprehension Checkup:

1. Who is the main character in the story?

2. Where does the story happen?
3. Why does the princess called Princess Polite
4. What is the request of super star when she came to Princess Polite castle?
5. Do you think it’s nice to be like Sarah? Why?
6. Why the Prince want to marry Poly Polite than Sarah the super star?

Find out and Learn

Read the story, 1st group will read the first paragraph guided by the teacher
and so on.

Do and Learn

A. Group story presentation; make a script or dialogue based in the story.

Make it sure to recite the lines with accuracy and proper expression.

B. Using Fish bowl, teacher call individual to read the story with.
Accuracy, appropriate rate and proper expression.

Day 3- Oral Reading Fluency

Think and Tell

Read the following words with /f/ correctly.

fill fold
form fund
found find
find fell
Ask: Have you experienced filling out forms? When did you fill out forms?
What forms have you already filled out? Today, we are going to study how to fill
out forms.
Find out and Learn

Show sample bio-data form to the class. What kind of form is this?
What information is asked for in the form? Let us fill up this form together.

Try and Learn

Study the different kind of forms and try to fill up the correct information


Do and Learn
Fill out this form National Achievement Test form correctly.

Learn Some more

Fill out different form by yourself.
A. Information Sheet

Name__________________________________ Grade and Section______________________

Birthdate________________________________ Birthplace____________________________
Father_________________________________ Mother_______________________________
Height_________________________________ Weight_______________________________
Complexion____________________________ Hair_________________________________
Favorite/ Likes__________________________ Dislikes________________________________
Special Talents________________________________________________________________

B. Information sheet
Name_______________________ _________________________ ______________
Surname First Name Middle
Residence__________________________ _________________________
City address Provincial address
Date of birth__________________________ Civil Status_________________________
Sex_____________ Height__________________ Weight________________________
Nationality_________________________ Occupation__________________________

C. Admission Form
Admission Form
Name_______________________ _________________________ ______________
Surname First Name Middle
Date of Birth__________________ ________________________ ______________
Year Month Day

Place of Birth___________________________ ______________________________

Town Province
Present Address_________________________________________________________
Schools Attended:
Primary _____________________________________________________________

_______________________ _______________________ ___________________
Father’s Name Occupation Educational Attainment

______________________ _______________________ ____________________

Mother’s Name Occupation Educational Attainment


What should you remember to fill out forms, what should you do to make it clean and neat?
What should you remember in giving out information?

Day 4 – Attitudes

Think and tell

Analyze the words or the ideas inside the box..

Find out and Learn

What are the words that explain stereotype inside the box?
Look at the different images of a girls, Do you think that the words describe with
them is true?

Try and Learn

Watch the video,

”Stereotype song”(

Watch the Short Video: Types of Kid at School
Do you think that the images and action of the kid in the short video will influence
Do and Learn
Divide the class into four groups and supply each student in the class with a
 Give each group one of the five sheets of paper. Ask them to list as many
stereotypes that are commonly used to describe the category of people
written at the top of paper.
 Give students three minutes to complete the exercise. Emphasize that
students should list stereotypes that they have heard, not ones that they
necessarily believe to be true.
 When they are finished, rotate the sheets of paper between groups so
that each group works on a new sheet. Have them add any unlisted
stereotype adjectives. Rotate every three minutes until every group has
worked on every sheet.

Talk about it

Discussion on the exercise, asking students the following:

 How do the stereotypes recorded by the class make you feel?

 What do you notice about the stereotypes listed? Be aware that the students may
have listed good and bad adjectives, many stereotypes for different groups, or
the same stereotypes for different groups.
 Where have you seen these stereotypes portrayed? television programs, movies,
magazines, books?
 How do you think a stereotype might cause someone to act unfairly toward
another person?


A stereotype is a thought that can be adopted about specific types of

individuals or certain ways of doing things. These thoughts or beliefs may or
may not accurately reflect reality
Day 5- Attitudes

Determine images/ideas that are explicitly used to influence viewers

Think and Tell

Four Picture one Word:


Propaganda is a mode of communication used to manipulate or influence the opinion of

groups to support a particular cause or belief

Are you exposed to propaganda in your day-to-day life? If so, what kinds? What
messages are you receiving? Tell something about the images using prior knowledge about the
issue of 2016 presidential election?
Find out and Learn

What words of praise for the product; nice words like goodness or patriotism.

 Who is the target audience? What evidence suggests this?
 How does the layout of the advertisement emphasize the propaganda technique?
 How do the font styles, colors, subtext, background colors, props and photography
techniques emphasize the propaganda technique?
 Is this advertisement effective /influence the audience like you? Why? Why not?

Try and Learn

"The Bully" - A Short Film with a Lesson

Questions: What is your ideas on bullying? How does propaganda of bullying influence
to a viewer like you?

Study the image.

The teacher will lead the students through the analysis of one image. By this point,
students should be able to respond to the analysis questions with some prompting from the
teacher. Propaganda analysis question

• What is “happening” in the image?

• What expectations are being made and about what/whom? Why do you think the
authors of the image made these assumptions?
• What is being left out entirely? (Ideas, facts, points of view, etc.)
• What facts are being misrepresented? Do you spot any outright lies?
• What do the producers of this image want you to believe? Why might they want
you to believe that?
• How does the poster use visual effects (i.e. color, lettering) in order to persuade?
• Are there people in the poster? If so, what are they doing? Are there any aspects

of their appearance that might be used to persuade?

Do and Learn

Students will rotate through two or three more images, analyzing them in
small groups. The teacher should set up the desks in groups and have groups of
students move around the room (allowing students 8-10 minutes for each image
using the same question in the guided practice)


Propaganda is a mode of communication used to manipulate or influence the

opinion of groups to support a particular cause or belief. Over the centuries,
propaganda has taken the form of artwork, films, speeches, and music, though
it's not limited to these forms of communication. Propaganda involves the
spreading of information and ideas to advance a cause or discredit an opposing
: some more

The teacher will provide students with a photocopied handout that contains two
propaganda image and the analysis questions they have been answering (by
now, these questions and the process should be quite familiar). If students can
answer these questions with confidence, they have shown that they understand
the process.

 What expectations are being made, and about what/whom? Why do you
think the authors of the image made these expectations?
 What is being left out completely? (Ideas, facts, points of view, etc.)
 What facts are being twisted or misrepresented? Do you spot any outright

Republic of the Philippines
Division of Laguna


WEEK 1 – DAY 1
Distinguishing Fact from Opinion
(Listening Skills)


Game: Pick out a strip (rolled with ribbon) with a statement stating a fact or an opinion
inside a box. Those who picked an opinion should go to the left side; those who picked a fact
should go to the right side. Pupils who did not get it correctly should recite a poem or a dance
* Boats never sink.
* Ice is cold.
* Three is not a number between two and four.
* All people can read.
* A kitten grew up to be a cat.
* You should brush your teeth.
* A baby cannot count one to ten.
* Rich people are happy.


Listen to the following paragraphs.

a. Jose works with animals. In fact, he spends every spare moment in a neighborhood
pet store. After school, he helps feed the animals and clean their cages. He spends a lot of time
training the animals so that they get along with people.

b. Jose believes that being a veterinarian and working with animals would be a
wonderful thing for him to do when he grows up. He thinks that he will become an excellent
veterinary doctor in the future.
* Which paragraph expresses truth or fact?
* Which paragraph expresses belief?


1. Read the sentences. Distinguish fact from opinion.
a. A forest is the best place to relax.
b. Forests protect our wildlife and provide homes, food and water to animals and
c. Trees prevent flood that can kill people and crops.
d. From these forests come wood for houses, telephone posts, electric light poles
and many other things.
e. Forest fires can be prevented.

Write at least 2 sentences distinguishing fact from opinion.


The group will distinguish whether the sentences are fact or opinion by pasting it in the proper
a. I love water.

b. Drink about 6-8 glasses of water each day to be healthy and strong.
c. Animals need water to survive.
d. Some plants can live without water.
e. Clean water is pure.


Directions:Read each statement and then circle whether it is a fact or opinion. Explain your
1. The fastest land dwelling creature is the Cheetah.
Fact or Opinion Explain:
2. The ugliest sea creature is the manatee.
Fact or Opinion Explain:
3. Oranges contain both calcium and vitamin C.
Fact or Opinion Explain:
4. Diamonds are the hardest substance on Earth.
Fact or Opinion Explain:
5. McDonalds sells more hamburgers than any other restaurant chain in the world.
Fact or Opinion Explain:

Direction: Distinguish fact from opinion. Write F if the sentences express fact and O if it isan
opinion on the blank before the number.
______ 1. From birth to adulthood, we grow physically, intellectually, and emotionally.
______ 2. According to many, girls mature earlier than boys do.
______ 3. I guess growing up has many challenges.
______ 4. During adolescence, boys grow to manhood and girls develop into womanhood.
______ 5. Maybe, I would look like my mother.

 Fact – is a statement which experiences and experiments have proven to be true.
- something that is known to be true or real

 Opinion – is a view or guess which may or may not be true. Clue words like think,
believes, feel, must be, must and probably, seems often signal opinion.
- the idea is based on what we think or how we feel

Republic of the Philippines
Division of Laguna


WEEK 1 – DAY 2
Compound Words
(Vocabulary Development)


Study the picture. Tell something about it.

1. What are the following pastries/cakes made of?
2. List down some ingredients in making cupcakes or pancakes/applesauce etc.


Direction: Please read orally. Follow the proper reading with accuracy,appropriate rate and
proper expression.

One Sunday afternoon, Julian, the baker is busy making cupcakes and cooking
pancakes. Celia, his helper is busy packing applesauce and strawberry jam. They will bring
these to Chinatown where anybody can buy them anytime.
Comprehension check-up
a. Who is Julian?
b. What is the work of the baker?
c. What does Celia pack?
d. When did the story happen?
e. If you were a baker what bread would you prefer to bake?


Direction: Read the paragraph. Pick out the different compound words.
Ladybird was getting ready for breakfast. She was expecting a houseguest any minute. Just as
she began heating up the frying pan for pancakes, the doorbell rang. She took the frying pan off
the stove and went to answer the door. As she opened the door, sunshine spilled in through the
doorway. The sunshine actually made the carpet look a different color. "Welcome", she said to
her houseguest. "I’m glad you could come by for breakfast." Ladybird opened the door wide.
"Come in and have a seat." she said. Ladybird went to the linen closet and pulled out her finest
tablecloth. She spread the tablecloth on the table and set out her crystal teapot beside the vase
of sunflowers. Ladybird and her houseguest sat down and had a delicious breakfast together.

1. Look for the compound words from the story.
2. Read the two words found in each word.
Sunday = sun + day
afternoon = after + noon
cupcakes = cup + cakes
pancakes = pan + cakes
applesauce = apple + sauce
strawberry = straw + berry
Chinatown = China + town
anybody = any + body
anytime = any + time


a. Write the compound word that mean the following:
_______________________ bell by the door
_______________________ ache or pain at the back of the body
_______________________ cake fried on a pan
_______________________ room where classes are held
_______________________ cloth to cover


Direction: Let’s make compound words. Write the compound word on the blank before
its meaning.
_____________________ 1. store where books are sold

_____________________ 2. marker placed between the pages of the book
_____________________ 3. a set of shelves or cabinet for holding books
_____________________ 4. person who spends much time reading a book
_____________________ 5. used to protect the eyes from the sun’s glare

Direction: Read each sentence and fill in the blank with a compound word. Choose your answer
haircut firemen stomachache
drugstore backyard cornfield

1. The ____________________did their best to save the burning building.

2. Please go to the ___________________________ for some medicine.
3. Grandfather went to the barber shop for a _____________________________.
4. We will go to the ____________________________to harvest fruits and vegetables.
5. I have ________________________maybe because I ate too much.


*Compound Word – comes from two different words that have been put together to form a
new word with a new meaning.

Republic of the Philippines
Division of Laguna


WEEK 1 – DAY 3
Synonyms and Antonyms
(Vocabulary Development)


What are the beautiful things/places

found in our province?


Directions: Read the poem with proper accuracy appropriate rate and expression. Answer the
questions orally.


by: Esmeraldo B. Pascua

How beautiful are her mountains grand

The peaceful valleys between
Her sparkling sun and cooling rains
That bathe the fertile plains –

How graceful are her stately plains

Her towering emerald trees
How pliant her rustling bamboos green
Dancing blissfully in the breeze –
How pretty her white sampaguitas
And fragrant orchids so rare
How modest and sweet her daughters
Who harvest the golden grain –

How I love her rainbow birds

Her blue skies and sparkling waves
How I love this dear Philippines
Home on this troubled earth.

a. What are found between grand mountains?

b. How will you describe the plains?
c. Explain why bamboos are pliant.
d. Compare the sampaguitas and the orchids.
e. Can you name three things you love most in our country?

Directions: Identify the words that have similar meaning or opposite meaning of each underlined
1. The grand mountains are beautiful.
a. attractive c. elegant
b. marvelous d. radiant
2. How graceful are her stately plains!
a. willowy c. delicate
b. obedient d. refined
3. How sweet and modest are her daughters who harvest the golden grain!
a. darling c. harmonious
b. pure d. fragrant
4. How graceful are her towering emerald trees!
a. brief c. tiny
b. little d. low
5. How I love this dear Philippines, home on this troubled earth!
a. peaceful c. dignified
b. restful d. gracious

Directions: Copy the words that is spelled correctly.
1. gloruious glorious gloriouos
2. resplendent resplenden rescplendent
3. verdant verdent vardent
4. plaintive pliantiv plaintive
5. boundlhes boundiless boundless

Group Activity
Directions: Make a list of 5 synonym or antonym word pairs. Use each pair in a sentence.
sad and unhappy
mistake and error
sleepy and drowsy
perhaps and maybe
Groups 1-3: Synonyms
Groups 4-5: Antonyms


Directions: Read the poem again and choose 5 of the underlined words. Give synonyms /
antonyms to each


*Synonyms – words that have similar meaning
*Antonyms – words that have opposite meaning

Republic of the Philippines
Division of Laguna


WEEK 1 – DAY 4
Text Types According to Purpose (to persuade)
(Reading Comprehension)


Directions: Answer the following questions
1. How do we write news stories?
2. What are the do’s and don’ts in writing the news articles?
3. State the reactions whether you are unhappy, delighted, disappointed or sad about
the news today


Directions: In the letter boxes, write the correct word that is descriptive of the given meaning
from the big box
apology reaction anthem leisure
news peg the news reaction issue


- (n) belief based not on certainty but on what seems true or probable


- (n) statement of news on event


- (n) way of responding to a given stimulus/influence

- (n) official patriotic song of a country

- (n) an expression of regret for a fault did
Here are the different text types:
Narrative – entertains, tells a story
Expository – facts/information
Technical – information to perform a task
Persuasive – author tries to convince reader to take a certain opinion or perform a
certain action
transition words to begin each sentence that lays out your argument as follows:
-First… -Second… -Next… -Finally…
-First of all… -Secondly… -Then… -Most of all…
-To begin with… -In addition… -Lastly…


Directions: Write a persuasive essay about the issue on segregating our trashes at home,
school or in the community

Note: Same activity from Try and Learn but use the topic about the K-12.

Group Activity
Directions: Write a persuasive essay using this format
Issue – Should animals be kept in zoos?
Essay title: Extinction and Endangered Animals

× This essay is for the issue This essay is against the issue

Reasons Examples
Animals are becoming extinct -Dodo birds disappeared in the 1500’s
Animals are losing their natural habitat -People chop down trees for lumber


Read carefully the example of persuasive essay
Keeping Your Hands Clean and Dry
Although some people don’t like using automatic hand dryers in restrooms, it may
actually be argued that motion-sensing hand dryers are a practical alternative to paper towels.
More and more businesses are investing in automatic hand dryers for their restrooms today. For
one reason, they are more sanitary than paper towels. Secondly, they are actually cheaper than
using paper towels. Lastly, automatic hand dryers keep the restrooms cleaner. I believe that our
school would benefit from investing in automatic motion-sensing hand dryers in all the
First of all, the automatic hand dryer is very sanitary. Instead of pulling on a lever that
has been touched by a large number of students, users can just stick their hands under the air
dryer. No germs can get on them because there is nothing to touch. Just think how the
attendance rate would improve. Kids wouldn’t get sick from the germ-infested paper towel
dispensers we now use at our school. This would keep kids’ hands germ-free.

In addition, if the school buys automatic hand dryers, we can save money that can be
spent on more important things. I have noticed that there is a terrible waste of paper towels in
the restrooms. Students continuously pull on the lever, dispensing towels that they do not really
need. It is annoying to find the dispenser empty. Our custodian is called several times a day to
bring in bundles of replacements, just because some kids are wasteful. All of these paper towels
cost a lot of money. An automatic hand dryer costs approximately $500, with very little
additional cost over time. On the other hand, paper towels can cost $25 a case, or about $500 a
year, since we use about 20 cases each year. After just one year, it would pay for itself. If we
installed automatic hand dryers, we would not waste paper towels, and it would save the school
a ton of money.
Finally, our bathroom is a paper towel mess! There are always piles of paper towels on
the floor. Sometimes the extras fall from the dispenser unused. Many times kids bunch their
used towel in into a ball and aim for a basket. But if they miss the target, the paper ball stays on
the floor. Sometimes the towels are even tossed to the ceiling like spitballs. Paper towels leave
so much litter in the restrooms that the restrooms are a mess – even before the end of the day!
Some people think that automatic hand dryers don’t dry their hands as thoroughly as
paper towels. People stand in front of the hand dryers for just a few seconds, and they are
disappointed that their hands do not feel dry. However, studies have shown that when people
dry their hands for at least 30 seconds, automatic dryers actually dry much better than paper
towels. It is difficult to get every part of your hand dry using paper towels. The blast of air makes
sure that your hands are completely dry … if you take a few extra seconds.
Keeping kids healthy, saving money, and helping our school stay clean are strong
reasons for installing automatic hand dryers. Every day that goes by without having them means
that we are continuing to have problems in our restrooms because we are using paper towels.
Let’s install automatic hand dryers as soon as possible!
Testing the Quality of My Reasons – Sample
Issue and Point of View: Automatic motion-sensing hand dryers should be used in all school

Weak Reasons (probably won’t convince my audience)• They are fun to use.
• They warm your hands on cold days.
• They dry your hands quicker than paper towels.

Strong Reasons (probably will convince my audience)
• They keep germs from spreading.
• They save money.
• They keep the restrooms clean


Directions: Write an essay about the DepEd lapses in declaring suspension of classes when
children are already in school during typhoon. It portrays the pupils’ experiences when they are
stranded on their way back home.

*Persuasive text – author tries to convince reader to take a certain opinion or perform a
certain action

Republic of the Philippines
Division of Laguna


WEEK 1 – DAY 5
Composing Clear and Coherent Sentences Using Appropriate Grammatical Structures


Directions: Analyze the positions of the mouse in the picture using prepositions

Directions: Study the chart of preposition, the meaning and the use of it.

Preposition Meaning Examples

above higher than, or over The sun is above the clouds.

across from one side to the other It's dangerous to run across the road.

- following something - The boy ran after the ball.

- later than - I'll phone you after lunch.

- in opposition to - Stealing is against the law.

- in contact with - The sofa is against the wall.

along from one end to the other They are walking along the street.

among surrounded by Peter was among the spectators.

- in a circle - He walked around the table.

- near, approximately - It costs around 50 euros.

- earlier than - The day before yesterday.

- in front of - He bowed before the king.

behind at the back of Passengers sit behind the driver.

below lower than His shorts are below his knees.

beneath under The pen was beneath the books.

beside next to The bank is beside the cinema.

in the space separating two

between Mary sat between Tom and Jane.

by near, at the side of The restaurant is by the river.

close to near The school is near the church.

down from higher to lower She pulled down the blind.

for what is intended I bought this book for you.

where something starts or

from The wind is blowing from the north.

in at a point within an area The pen is in the drawer.

in front of directly before The child ran out in front of the bus.

inside on the inner part of The bird is inside the cage.

into enter a closed space He went into the shop.

near close to The school is near the church.

next to beside The bank is next to the cinema.

off down or away from He fell off the horse.

in a position touching a
on The plate is on the table.

move to a position on a
onto The cat jumped onto the roof of the car.

opposite facing, on the other side Eva sat opposite Tom at the table.

- move from a closed space - He got out of the taxi.

out of
- without - She's out of work.

opposite of inside,
outside The garden is outside the house.
on the outer side

- above/across - The plane flew over the Atlantic.

- on the surface of - She put a sheet over the furniture.

past beyond She drove past the supermarket.

round in a circular movement The earth moves round the sun.

through from one side to the other The Seine flows through Paris.

The virus spread throughout the

throughout in every part of

to in the direct of / towards On the way to the station.

towards in the direction of The child ran towards her father.

under beneath, below Water flows under the bridge.

underneath beneath There was dust underneath the rug.

towards or in a higher
up She walked up the stairs.


Directions: Choose the appropriate preposition to complete each sentence. Choose from the
word bank below
across to about around near

1. The boy runs _______ the street

2. After the movie, we’re going ____ Vincent’s house.
3. The people are concerned ______ the pollution.
4. There is a new shopping center _____ our house.
5. The two toddlers played _____ the house.

Directions: Write 5 sentences using prepositions


Group Activity through a Game
Preposition Scavenger Hunt
1. Make a long list of prepositions.
2. You can then do a preposition scavenger hunt.
3. Have one of your group mate step out of the room for a moment and hide something in the
classroom, such as a piece of candy or some other desirable object.

4. When he/she returns, the other pupil can direct him to the hidden object using only
For example, they can tell them that the hidden object is "up, down, around, against, aside, by,
under" and so on.
5. Use prepositions only until the pupil finds the hidden object.


Directions: Read the short paragraph below. Underline the prepositions.

Vashni is walking on the grass. Vince is walking on the foot-path.A boy and a girl are running
across the road.It is not safe.They should look right and left and then cross the road.They are
going to school.They are late for school.They are all in a hurry.The school begins at half past
seven.The children are in the class room.They are putting their bags on desk. They are sitting
on their chair. The teacher in coming into the class room.The children are looking at the
teacher.She is writing on the black board.She is writing with a piece of chalk. Zia is late.He is
walking into the class room.

Directions: Use the appropriate preposition for each sentence.
1. I drew a line _____ the paper
2. The city was _____ power for several hours.
3. I hid the ball _____ the table.
4. I hurried _____ the stairs and into my room.
5. The audience were all standing ____ the performance.


*Prepositions - are words which show the relationship between a noun or a pronoun
object and some other words in the sentence

Republic of the Philippines
Division of Laguna


WEEK 2 – DAY 1
Identifying Conclusions
(Listening Skills)


Directions: Sing the song
“Every single cell of my body is happy
Every single cell of my body is well. (2x)
Thank you Lord, I feel so good
Every single cell of my body is well. (2x)”


Directions: Look at the picture. Listen as the teacher reads the paragraph. Answer the following
questions in paragraph form.

1. What kind of accidents usually happen to commuters of LRT?
2. How can we avoid getting hurt or meeting an accident on the LRT?
3. What safety precautions should be observed?


Directions: Draw conclusions
1. My friend did not come to my party.
Thus, _____________________________________________________
2. I did not study for my test.
Therefore, _________________________________________________
3. I prepared well for the basketball game.
Thus, _____________________________________________________
4. My parents said I did well in school.
Therefore, _________________________________________________
5. I saved a lot of money.
Thus, _____________________________________________________

Directions: Choose the appropriate conclusion
1. It was my turn to bring candy to our club meeting. I put different types of candy bars into a
bag. I put 10 Snickers bars, 15 Milky Way bars, and 5 Three Musketeers bars into the bag.
When I got to the meeting, each person had to pick a candy bar without looking.
You can guess that .
a. No one picked Milky Way bars
b. Three Musketeers bars were picked the most
c. Three Musketeers bars were picked the least

2. Yoshi was in her room reading a book. Her mom called her to come downstairs and help. As
Yoshi entered the kitchen, her mom handed her a pile of plates. Yoshi put them on the table and
went to get the silverware and glasses.
You can conclude that it is .
a. dinnertime
b. bedtime
c. time for school

3. Sam and his brother Tim each have their own rooms. Sam likes to make his bed every
morning, but Tim never makes his bed. Sam folds all his clothes before putting them away, but
Tim leaves all of his clothes on the floor.

After reading the sentences above, I can conclude that Sam is very messy. Which clues
from the story most likely helped me draw that conclusion? Check ALL that apply.
a. Sam and Tim have their own rooms
b. Tim leaves all of his clothes on the floor
c. Sam likes to make his bed every morning
d. Tim never makes his bed


Directions: Draw conclusions from each situations
Group 1 - Lucy was furious about her spelling grade. She kicked her desk and ran out of
the classroom.
Group 2 - Jessie is going to read a story about a hungry lion and a hungry lamb who
become friends. While reading, Jessie concludes that the lion is …
Group 3 - "O Captain! My Captain!" what has the trip been like for the sailors?
Group 4 - The wind blew through the rigging as the boy watched the clouds roll in. As
the waves grew bigger and bigger, he decided it was time to head home. What is the boy
Group 5 - Shanay had never seen so many fish before. She looked around at the huge
tanks and could see hundreds of fish, crabs, shrimp, and all other amazing creatures completely

surrounding her. She never thought she could feel like she was completely underwater, yet still
be completely dry.


Directions: Read the given paragraph and answer the following questions.

Directions: Draw a conclusion from the text read by your teacher

*Drawing conclusions refers to information that is implied or inferred. This means that
the information is never clearly stated. • Writers often tell you more than they say directly. They
give you hints or clues that help you "read between the lines."

Republic of the Philippines
Division of Laguna


WEEK 2 – DAY 2
(Vocabulary Development)


Directions: Form words using three cards as for prefix, root word and a suffix.


Directions: Group the words having the suffix or prefix. Write it on the table below
Prefix Suffix

untoward kingdom
employment supermarket
interact action
attendance pre-school
heroism renew

Directions: Name the prefix of each word. Tell the meaning of the base. And use it in a
Prefix Base Word Meaning Sentence


Directions: Make new words. Add a suffix to the base. Write the new word.


Group Activity
Directions: Add prefix and suffix to the base to form a new word.
Group 1: humble, able, stable, active, human
Group 2: hunt, govern, operate, paint, write
Group 3: employ, perform, engine, appear
Group 4: correct, write, agree, possible
Group 5: word, grade, spell, join


Directions: Use the following words in a sentence
1. rewrite
2. superstar
3. invisible
4. action
5. acceptance

*Affix - an additional element placed at the beginning or end of a root, stem, or word, or
in the body of a word, to modify its meaning.
*Prefix – letters/syllables added before a word
*Suffix – letters/syllables added after a word

Republic of the Philippines
Division of Laguna


WEEK 2 – DAY 3
(Oral Reading Fluency)


Directions: Pick out the errors and determine how to fix them.

At the start of school Dora was afrad of her new Teacher. Mrs. Davis
seamed nice, but she had so manny rules for the class to folow. Scare
someone to pieces. As the school year cotinued, Dora begun to understan
how the Teacher come up with the rules The rules were their so students
would be respecfulof theyselves and each other. By the end of the year,
Dora though Mrs. Davis was the best Teacher she evere had!


Directions: Listen to the teacher as he/she explains the tips in proofreading

Directions: Underline the errors

Directions: Apply the proofreading marks to correct the paragraph.


Group Activity
Directions: Write a faulty paragraph or short story. Exchange works with other groups and


Directions: Proofread

*Proofreading - examining your text carefully to find and correct typographical errors and
mistakes in grammar, style, and spelling

Republic of the Philippines
Division of Laguna


WEEK 2 – DAY 4
Text Types – Problem-Solution
(Reading Comprehension)


Directions: Tell to the class the latest news you have heard/watched.


Directions: Read and analyze the passage below. Take note of the problem solution text

“In the early 1800s, the United States needed room to grow. The problem was most
people lived in the East. The cities were crowded. New land was expensive. Young families
couldn’t afford to buy farms.
Then, as a solution, the United States government purchased land from France. The
government also acquired land from Mexico. Soon the country stretched all the way to the
Pacific Ocean. People looked to the setting sun with outstretched arms and said, “Go west!”
Settlers rode in wagons or on horses. They followed long, dusty trails across hot plains for
thousands of miles. There was no shelter. People slept in tents on the ground. They had to
watch out for wild animals like wolves and snakes. The trip west could take months.

Then a railroad was built that stretched from the East Coast almost to the West Coast.
The railroad made travel faster. More people poured into the new lands. The settlers quickly
built small towns where the farming, fishing, and mining were good.”


Directions: Place in the graphic organizer, the problems and solutions present in the selection

Directions: Write an example of a problem and the solutions. Follow this format






Group Activity
Directions: Choose one Problem-Solution text from one of your members and act them out in
the class.


Directions: Analyze and read the text
“The type of government created after the American Revolution included the ideals of
protecting individual liberties while at the same time preserving the collective order of society.
To that end, a government based on combining popular consent, separation of powers, and
federalism was created.”

Directions: Write a problem-solution text with regards to the present situation of our country.

*Signal words provide hints that help you make sense of what you are reading.

Republic of the Philippines
Division of Laguna


WEEK 2 – DAY 5
Prepositional Phrases


Prepositional Phrase Poem Game
Directions: Pick only one prepositional phrase that inspires you (this will be provided by your
teacher.)Write a short poem that uses this phrase creatively in the first and last lines. You
cannot simply repeat the first and last lines. The game helps the you become familiar with
different ways to use a prepositional phrase. When you complete your prepositional phrase
poems, read the poems aloud.


Directions: Listen and identify the prepositional phrase to be read by the teacher.


Directions: Fill in with the correct prepositional phrase

Directions: Write a sentence using the following prepositional phrases
1. about the book
2. over the river
3. on Tuesday
4. by the chair

Directions: From the prepositional phrases studied, write songs/ poems containing them.
Read/perform it to the class.


Directions: Underline the prepositional phrases in the poem below and the poem on the other
side of the sheet.

A Fire-Truck

Right down the shocked street with a siren-blast

That sends all else skittering to the curb,
Redness, brass, ladders and hats hurl past,
Blurring to sheer verb,

Shift at the corner into uproarious gear

And make it around the turn in a squall
of traction, The headlong bell maintaining sure and clear,
Thought is degraded action!

Beautiful, heavy, unweary, loud, obvious thing!

I stand here purged of nuance, my mind a blank.
All I was brooding upon has taken wing,
And I have you to thank.

As you howl beyond hearing I carry you into my mind,

Ladders and brass and all, there to admire
Your phoenix-red simplicity, enshrined
In that not extinguished fire.

Richard Wilbur

Directions: Underlinethe prepositional phrase in each sentence. Circle the preposition.
1) The strange man parked his car next to the tall trees.
2) The confused foreign exchange student walked through the school halls.
3) My cousin Jesse wore a bandage on his nose to cover the wound.
4) Our crazy dog escaped and wandered all around the neighborhood.
5) Your little brother had surgery and must stay in the hospital.

*A prepositional phrase begins with a preposition and ends with a noun or pronoun.
Other words may be in between the preposition and the noun or pronoun, which is also
known as the object of the preposition.
Some prepositional phrases are used as adjectives. They describe nouns.
Other prepositional phrases are used as adverbs. They describe a verb and answer the
questions how, why, or when.


Third Quarter/Week 3

Day 1

Think and Tell

Do you go to church every Sunday?

Listen to the story “ Hearing Mass” then answer the following questions

Hearing Mass
One Sunday morning, Father, Mother, Teresita, and Marivic went to mass.
Marivic could not wait any longer for the mass to end. During consecration, she began to
cry loudly. Everybody turned to look at her.

Answer the following question.

1. How did Mother feel when Marivic started to cry in the church?
2. If you were Mother and Father, what would you do?
3. What should Father and Mother do with Marivic next time they go to mass?

Find out and Learn

Based on the story that you listened to what evidence proved that Marivic could not wait
any longer for the mass to end.

Try and Learn

Listen to the story “ The Big, Pink Bundle of Joy” then answer the following questions.
support your answers‟
The Big, Pink Bundle of Joy

Mother has been here for five days. She could hardly wait to bring the big, pink
Bundle of joy to the children. Mother held the pink bundle lovingly to her bosom while
father called for a taxi.

Answer the following question

1. Where were father and mother?
2. What evidence support your answer that father and mother was in the hospital?
3. Why were there? Support your answer.
4. Where were they going? Give evidence to your answer.

Do and Learn
Individual activity

1. Listen to the story using tape recorder.

2. Based from the story listened to answer the following questions and provide
evidence for your answer.

The Ferris Wheel Ride
Myrna was scared to ride on the ferris wheel. One fiesta day, her cousin asked her
to ride on the ferris wheel. When the ferris wheel turned around, Myrna felt dizzy. She
couldn‟t look down. She felt as if she was falling.

Answer the following question then provide evidence to your answer to support

1. What do you think did Mryna wish?

2. Did Myrna enjoy her ride on the ferris wheel?
3. What would Myrna do next time?

Learn Some More

Group Activity
Listen as the teacher reads the story. Based from the story listened to, the pupils will
create their own question. Your answer must provide an evidence to support understanding.

A Bookworm
Vicente is a bookworm. He likes to read about almost everything. He likes
to read adventure stories, nature stories, fairy tales, and biographies. Whenever
he gets hold of a book, nothing could stop him from finishing it. He overworks his
eyes by reading. He reads even when the light is dim.
Write About It

Listen as the teacher reads the selection and answer the following questions.


Insects are found anywhere. They are either harmful or beneficial.

The butterfly and the bee are beneficial. They help pollinate the flowers.
The dragonfly is also a helpful insect. It eats other insects that destroy plants.
Ants, flies, cockroaches, aphids, termites and mosquitoes are insect
pests. They destroy our crops and homes, cause illnesses, and kill our plants.
They are harmful to men, animals, and plants.

1. What word ells where insects can be found?

2 .Write three beneficial insects.
3. Provide evidence that dragonfly is also a helpful insect.
4. Name two things which insects destroy.
5. Copy the letter that tells what insects may cause.

a. floods b. illness c. rain d,tsunami

In providing evidences you provide reason or opinion based upon information you read,
hear or interpret visually.


Third Quarter/ Week 3

Day 2

Think and Learn

Read the following pair of words.

small – big ugly – pretty

shining – sparkling thick – thin
Compare the set of words written, What can you say about the pair of wo

Find and Learn

Distribute each letter to the pupils.
Arrange the letter and give the meaning of the word.

(lovely) LYVELO ______________1. beautiful

(elegant) GEELTAN_____________2. graceful
(adaptable) EAAADPTLB___________3. pliant
(fragrant) TRANFRAG____________4. sweet
(shining) NIIHGSN______________5.sparkling

What can you say about the pair of word?

Give the meaning of the word lovely, elegant, adaptable, fragrant, and sh

Try and Learn

1. Let the pupils read the poem “ My Native Land” ( Observe prop

My Native Land
How beautiful are her mountains grand
The peaceful valleys between
Her sparkling sun and cooling rains
That bathe the fertile plains-

How graceful are her stately plains

Her towering emerald trees
How pliant her rustling bamboos green
Dancing blissfully in the breeze

How pretty her white sampaguitas

And fragrant orchids so rare
How modest and sweet her daughters
Who harvest the golden grain-

How I love her rainbow birds

Her blue skies and sparkling waves
How I love this dear Philippines
Home on the troubled earth.

1. Identify the words that have similar meaning as the underlined words.
1. The grand mountains are beautiful.
a. attractive b. marvelous c. elegant d. radiant
2. How graceful are her stately plains.
a. willowy b. obedient c. delicate d. refined
3. How pliant are her rustling bamboos green!
a. wavering b. obedient c. yielding d. loosening
4. How pretty are her white sampaguitas.
a. lovely b. cheerful c. ample d. considerable
5. How sweet and modest are her daughters who harvest the golden grain!
a. Darling b. pure c. harmonious d. fragrant

Identify the antonym of each of the underlined words.

1. How peaceful the valleys between her sparkling sun and cooling rains.
a. violent b. disturbed c. noisy d. troubled
2. How graceful are her towering emerald trees!
a. brief b. little c. tiny d. low
3. How pretty are her fragrant orchids so rare.
a. Frequent b. repeated c. periodic d. common
4. How sweet and modest her daughters are!
a. Unchaste b. boastful c. grand d. excessive
5. How I love this dear Philippines, home on this troubled earth.
a. Peaceful b. restful c. dignified d. gracious

Do and Learn
Match the word at the left with their antonyms at the right. Then use each word in
a sentence. Write the letters of the answer on a piece of paper.

1. dependent a. ordinary
2. start b. independent
3. unwise c. end
4. special d. conserve
5. waste e. sensible
Learn Some More

Choose the antonym of the underlined word. Write the letter of the correct answer.
1 The poor child who has not eaten nor drunk water for days looks sick and wan.
a. pale b. strong c. weak d. sickly
2 Sisa‟s husband was a vagabond. He had no work and seldom came home.
a. wanderer b. provider c. tramp d. nomad
3 Only God can reward you for your kindness for we are poor.
a. honor b. prize c. punish d. present
4 The boys laugh out loud as they splash each other with the chilly water.
a. Cold b. icy c. warm d. frozen
5 Blood oozed from the wound on his forehead.
a. Bleed b. sweat c. weep d. zip

Read and Learn
Read the poem “My Native Land”

Write About It
Look for the meaning of the underlined word in the sentence. Write it in your notebook.

1. Winnie aggravates and annoys everyone.

2. Fredo is so absentminded that he forgets where things are.
3. The twins work steadily without stopping until they finish.
Look for the antonym of the underlined word.
4. Manny Pacquiao is a rich man but before he is poor.
5. My mother always wants to buy cheap clothes and my father „likes expensive clothes.


Synonym are words with the same meaning.

Antonym are word with opposite meaning.


Third Quarter/ Week 3

Day 3

Think and Tell

1. Show a picture of an eyebrows.
2. In what part of our body can you see the eyebrows?

Find and Learn

Read the story “ The Eyebrows” with accuracy, appropriateness and proper expression.

The Eyebrows

Eyebrows are part of the face which serve two purposes for beauty and
Eyebrows make the face look more beautiful by calling attention to the eyes.
They make the eyes look healthier and brighter.
Eyebrows do not only beautify the face but also protect the eyes from sweat.
without the eyebrows, drops of sweat may run into the eyes and blur the sight. Sweat
itself is a waste product and should be rid off.

Answer the following question.

1. The part of the body mentioned in the selection are the ___________.
a. eyelashes b. eyelids c. eyebrows
2. This part makes the face look_______________.
a. beautiful b. sad c. sleepy
3. Aside from beauty, they also serve as _______________.
a. communication b. conservation c. protection
4. They call attention to the ___________.
a. nose b. eyes c. cheeks
5. They make them look___________.
a. Uglier b. healthier c. funnier

Try and Learn

Let the pupils read another story “ A Visit to the City” with accuracy , appropriateness and
proper expression.

A Visit to the City

Mang Tibo had not visited the city lately. Everytime he came to the city, he
would writehis son to pick him up in the station. Because he wanted to surprise his
son, he did not write him about his coming this time.
Mang Tibo was surprised to see the many changes in the city. When he got
down the bus, he did not know where to go.

Answer the following question:
1. What happened to Mang Tibo?
a. He got lost.
b. He enjoyed looking around
c. He took a walk around the place
2. What should Mang Tibo have done?
a. gone to the nearest radio and TV station
b. gone back to the province at once
c. look for a policeman and asked for help
3. What was Mang Tibo likely to decide
a. Never come to the city again.
b. Never leave the province.
c. Never come to the city without asking his to meet him.

What have you noticed while you are reading the story?
Is it proper to read the story with accuracy, appropriate and proper
In what part of the storydid the author use accuracy, appropriateness and proper
Do and Learn
There are short paragraph written on a flashcard then choose one and read it with accuracy,
appropriate and proper expression.

Learn Some More

1. Group the pupils into five.
2. The leader of the group will choose one short story provided by the teacher.
3. Let all the members read it with accuracy, appropriate and proper expression.

Read and Learn

Read “Counting the Rain” with accuracy, appropriate and proper expression.

Counting the Rain

I love counting the rain, Mother
As they patter and as I see
Do not all the great men like Rizal
Count rain, too, when still young like me?
See the numerous dropping rains
How hard it is for little brains.
And I recall the children’s riddle
About the old man’s countless canes.
How I love the fast falling rain
Like a thousand pounding pestles
And the little rushing water
Down the stream to see it nestles.

Write About It
Read a short story with accuracy, appropriate and proper expression and answer the following

Air Pollution

Today, in most cities smoke and exhaust fumes fill the air and endanger the
health and well-being of the people. Smoke and exhaust fumes contain harmful by-
products from gasoline burned in cars and from factories.
Air pollution or smog is a serious problem in some cities. Smog consists of
smoke and exhaust fumes mixed with fog.
To control air pollution, smoke ordinances have been passed. Smoke-belching
Vehicles are checked and factories are required to reduce fumes emanating from them.

Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Smoke and exhaust fumes are usually abundant in______________.
a. Cities b. farms c. towns
2. Pollution is not good for our____________.
a. Health b. mind c. spirit
3. Smoke and exhaust fumes contain much___________.
a. Oxygen b. water vapor c. harmful gas
4. Air pollution can make us __________.
a. Active b. sleepy c. sick
5. When gasoline is burned, by-products are given off such as_________.
a. Oxygen and nitrogen
b. Carbon dioxide and water vapor
c. Smoke and exhaust fumes


Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.


Day 4

Think and Tell

What image have you seen?
What is written inside the arrow?



Find and Learn

Let the pupils read a short story.

Jose Rizal owned a horse when he was studying in Madrid. When

his allowance did not come one day, he did not have enough money for food.
What problem encountered by Jose Rizal?

Is there a possible solution for his problem?

What solution can you give?

Totoy needs a new school bag. He did not have enough money to buy
the bag. Then he heard that their neighbor was looking for a baby –sitter
for her little child. She was willing to pay a few pesos to the baby-sitter.

What is Totoy‟s problem?

Do you think Totoy solve his problem?
What did Totoy do to solve his problem?

Try and Learn

For each Passage below, write the problem and solution in the correct column.

Passage Problem Solution

1.Jonh didn‟t know what to take to
to school for Show and tell. He
asked his mother for an idea
. She suggested to take the
ribbon his dog won at the
pet parade.

2.Emiily knew she had to get to
school on time, but her mother
said she couldn‟t drive her. Emily
decided to leave early and walk
to school.

3.Mrs. Anderson wanted a fresh

pineapple for her cake. The store
near her did not have any fresh
one, so she went to another store
and bought it there.

4.Robert was afraid the flooding

river would reach his home.
His parents were away, and he
was watching with his little sister.
He saddled his horse, and he and
His sister rode to the top of the

Do and Learn
Read the following passage.Answer the following questions.

Jenny‟s family moved to a new city. She felt lonely because she had to leave her
friends. She used to love playing soccer in the park with them. She was known as
the greatest goalkeeper. At her new school, she overhead some of the girls
complaining. They were upset because their soccer team didn‟t have a
goalkeeper. If they didn‟t find one soon, the team wouldn‟t be able to complete.
Jenny couldn‟t believe her ears. She could be the goalkeeper. She found the
coach and asked if she could try out for the position. The following Saturday the
team won the game. Jenny blocked, won the game, and became the hero. Jenny
was no longer lonely; she had many new friends.



What problem does the character have?

What did Jenny bear?
Why was this so important to her?
What did Jenny do?

How did this solve her problem?

Learn Some More

Group Activity
Each group will pick out one story provided by the teacher.
Then do the following:

Learn Some More
Group Activity
Each group will pick out one story provided by the teacher.
Then do the following

Read and Learn

Read a short story and determined the problem and solution.
The town officials requested the government to undertake cloud seeding operations.
The leaders responded immediately. Men were fielded out and started cloud seeding to include
rain. Soon the rains started falling.

Write About it

Write the problem and solution based on the short story.

1. The young man is kind-hearted. One day, he heard a little boy crying outside
his window. The young man found out that the child was being teased by the
bigger boys. The young man went out.


2. Jose Rizal owned a horse when he was studying in Madrid. When his
allowance did not come one day, he did not have enough money for food.


3. Totoy needs a new school bag. He did not have enough money to buy the bag.
Then he heard that their neighbor was looking for a baby-sitter for her little
child. She was willing to pay a few pesos to the baby- sitter.


4. Jun and Jerry started arguing over the new toy. Jun wanted to keep it but Jerry
disagreed since he wanted to keep the toy for himself. Mother came to the
scene and advised the boys to share the toy train. But the boys went with the
quarrel. Before they knew it, mother was back holding one of the slippers.


5. The dogs were playing wildly in the yard. Father drove them away. However,
The dogs ran towards the patch of vegetables where they continued lunging at
each other.



Third Quarter/Week 3

Day 5

Think and Tell

Let the pupils read the following sentences.
Can I ask question please?
May I borrow your book?

At the end of the lesson you will be able to use can and may as modal auxiliaries in
asking permission and making request.

Find and Learn

Read the following sentences.

Can I ask a question ? Could you take a message ?
Could I ask a question ? Would you carry this for me?
May I ask question? Can you take the message?

What is the use of can? Could? May?

We use can, could, and may to ask permission to do something.

How about the use of could you? Would you?

We use could you and would you as a polite ways of telling or asking someone
do something or request.

Try and Learn

Look at each picture. Complete each sentence by writing may or can on each blank.

1. I_________ a letter to my friend.

2. You_______ go home now.

3. I_______ help my teacher.

4. I_______ sing our national anthem.

5. A dog ______ barks if he sees a stranger.

Do and Learn

These are the activities a child in grade five may do at home. Make your own


May Watch tv.


Read books

1. _____________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________

Learn Some More
Group 1 and 2 will write sentences using can and may.
Group 3 and 4 will write sentences using could you and would you


Asking Permission Asking Permission

Asking Permission Asking Permission

Asking Permission Asking Permission



Request Request

Request Request

Request Request

Read and Learn

Read the poem “Kitten”
Holy ( censored), that ball can bounce!
Get the(deleted) out of here,
This string is great!
Son of a (removed), I can run so fast!
No (banned) way,I just broke that plate!
What the (edited) , did you see me jump!
Well (forebidden) Me, I’m caught in a jar
Mother (bleep) , I showed that lamp!
Oh (out) No, There goes your guitar!
I can climb your legs!
No (blocked) lie,
I can distress your floor!
For sakes, Isn’t my life grand!
So sad I’m a kitten, For six months more!

Write About it

Answer each question carefully.

1. What can you do for mother today?
2. What may you do on rainy days?
3. Who can always help us?
4. Who can give me a pet?
5. Who may play basketball?


Third Quarter/ Week 4

Day 1

Think and Tell

Read “Mood Poem”
I love my friend
He went away from me.
There‟s nothing more to say.
The poem ends
Soft as it began
I love my friend.
The mood in the poem is sad.What clues in the poem can you use to
determine the mood?

Find and Learn

Read Antonio‟s Diary ( See Lesson Guides in Elementary English 5 p.18-19 )
Ask the pupils the following questions:
a. Who is Antonio‟s friend? Francisca
b. Is she blind like Antonio? No
c. When do they meet? every Saturday afternoon
d. Where do they meet? at the park
e. What would Francisca do whenever she sees Antonio coming? Shouts
in her high voice ( write the answer on the board )
f. What would she say? “ Hello, Antonio! Let‟s go!” ( write the answer on
the board )
g. What emotion or mood do the words and action of Francisca indicate?
Excitement, eagerness ( write the answer on the board )
h What would they do in the park?
walk around the park and Francisca would describe everything she
sees to Antonio
i. How would they walk around the park?
Hold hands and talk about things Francisca see ( write the answer on
the board)
j. What emotion do these actions indicate? Friendliness ( write the answer
on the board )
k. Which action of Antonio tells us that sometimes he feels sad about being
blind? When he cries
l. What does Francisca do when she sees him crying? Hold him tight and
tell him that her eyes are big enough for the two of them.
m. What is Francisca‟s mood feeling as she holds his hand and tells him
about her eyes? ( compassion )
n. Could you say that Antonio and Francisca are close? Why/ Why not?
Yes, they are close because they like to spend time together, talk about
things and console each other when one is lonely

What helped us in guessing Antonio‟s and Francisca‟s mood?

( their actions and what they say )

So how can we tell the mood of a person or a character in a story?
( through his /her actions and utterances/ statement )

Try and Learn

Show picture of the following situation. Identify the mood of expression in the following

- A girl crying over her dog run over by a car

- A snake crawling towards the girl
- A mad dog approaching an old woman
- A lady with a wide grin

Do and Learn

. Infer the mood of the person presented in each situation.

1. Tina saw the thin ragged beggar and gave him/her last peso.
2. Clara groped in the dark. She touch something slimy and hairy. She
shrieked and could not move.
3. Ana felt like walking on air, and that everybody loved her trophy from the
4. Tony was going to the city for the first time. He couldn‟t sit tight. He
pointed at the new things he saw.
5. Aling Pinang looked at her colorful garden. Her plants were all flowering
and it was a sight to see.
Learn Some More
Group Activity

Divide the pupils into 4 groups. Distribute to each group, strips of

cartolina with a mood written on each strip. ( Have a list of suggested
moods) ( happy, sad, afraid, disappointment, surprise )

Tell each group member to get a strip of cartolina without showing what
was written on it to the other group members.

Tell each member to act out or make facial expression to describe the
mood written on his/her strip of cartolina while the rest of the group
members guess what that mood is. Each member will take his turn.

Read and Learn

Read the following activity. Identify the mood of expression shown in the following

Mang Simon, a fisherman, uttered silently, “ Where will I get the money for my
children. School will soon open, but everyday I catch small numbers of ifsh.”_________
He thought of dynamite fishing asa way to help him increased his catch. His wife
reminded him of the violations he may commit. So, he got his nets and said a prayer
before he rowed his boat.”_______________.

Write About it

Infer the mood of the person who said each sentence.

1. “Today is the day I‟ve been waiting for”.
2. „I hate you so much!”
3. “We won! We won! the game!.
4. “Your dress is so pretty.”
5. “I can‟t thank you enough for the help you‟ve given me.”


Third Quarter/Week 4
Day 2

Think and Learn

1. What are the following pastries/cakes made of?

cupcakes strawberry
pancakes blueberry

Find out and Learn

Read the following words.

Sunday = sun + day

afternoon = after + noon
cupcakes = cup + cakes
pancakes = pan + cakes
applesauce = apple + sauce
strawberry = straw + berry
Chinatown = china + town
anybody = any + body
anytime = any + time

These two different words that have been together to form a new word isa called
a compound word.

Can you draw out the meaning of a compound word? ( you can try to combine the
meaning of short word?
- cupcakes - cakes shaped likes cup
- pancakes - cake fried on a pan
- applesauce - sauce made of apple
- Chinatown - town of the Chinese
- anybody - anyone
- anytime - at any moment

Try and Learn

Read each sentence and fill in the blank with a compound word. Choose your answer

Haircut firemen stomachache

drugstore backyard cornfield

1. The ________________did their best to save the burning building.

2. Please go to the ______________ for some medicine.
3. Grandfather went to the barbershop for a _____________.
4. We will go to the______________ to harvest fruits and vegetables.
5. I have _____________ maybe because I ate too much.

Do and Learn
Write the compound word that mean the following:
____________bell by the door
____________ache or pain at the back of the body
____________cake fried on a pan
____________room where classes are held
____________cloth to cover

Learn Some More

Each group will do different activities.

Group 1
Box the correct compound words:
 Part of the day between noon and evening
afterglow afternoon
 Air transportation
airport airline
 Paper that tells the news
newscast newspaper
 Ground or place for playing
playmate playground
 Paper with a rough surface
` sandpaper sandstorm

Group II
Choose and give the meaning of the compound words.
1. One lazy afternoon , Greggy the young dog was relaxing at the
entrance of his doghouse.
2. He was about to daydream when Dave, the Dalmatian came by to
invite him for some outdoor games.
3. Greggy accepted it and asked permission from his grandmother,
she said it was okey but reminded him not to stay outside after dark.

Group III
Write the compound word on the blank before its meaning.
____________ = a store here books are sold
____________ = marker placed between the pages of the book
____________ = a set of shelves or cabinet for holding books
____________ = a person who spends much time reading a book
_____________ = use to protect the eyes from the sun‟s glare

Read and Learn
Read the following:
applesauce -- sauce made of apple
footstep -- steps of the foot
Chinatown -- town of the Chine
hometown -- town where one‟s home
newsstand -- place where newspaper are sold

Write About it
Give the meaning of the following:

1. seaweeds________________
2. sandcastle________________
3. fishnet___________________
4. swimsuit _________________
5. fingernails________________
Compound words are made up of two different words that have been put together to form a
new word.


Think and Tell

Look at the boy in the picture.

Do you know someone who is blind?

How do you feel for him/her?
Would you like to have a blind friend? Why?

Find Out and Learn

Read the sentences and identify the mood of the person presented in each situation.

a. Francisca always shouts in her happy voice.

b. She said, “Hello, Antonio! Let’s go!”
c. My eyes feel nothing except my tears.

Try and Learn

Identify the mood of the person presented in each situation that the teacher will read to you.
1. Tina saw the thin ragged beggar and gave him her last peso.
2. Clara groped in the dark. She touched something slimy and hairy. She shrieked and
could not move.
3. Ana felt like walking on air and that everybody loved her as she went up the stage to
receive her trophy from the judges.
4. Tony was going to the city for the first time. He couldn’t sit tight. He pointed at the new
things he saw.
5. Aling Pinang looked at her colorful garden. Her plants were all flowering and it was a
sight to see.

Do and Learn

Infer the general mood of the situations that teacher will read to you. Choose your answer from
the words written on the board.

anger sadness disappointment


1. “It breaks my heart to see very ill,” said Auring to her sick daughter.
2. Mang Pedro raised a wooden stick and shouted at the two boys to get out of his
3. Yoly’s brother was playing with other children in the park. After a while she could not
see him anymore. She tried to look for him everywhere but she could not find him.
4. Lightning flashed followed by a terrible thunder. Sara closed her eyes and covered her
ears as she sat on the chair.
5. Ramon had always topped his class since Grade One. Now, mother was expecting
another gold medal. Awarding came but Ramon was not called.

Learn Some More

Exercise 1

Infer the mood of the person who said each sentence.

1. “Today is the day I’ve been waiting for.”
2. “I hate you so much!”
3. “We won! We won the game!”
4. “Your dress is so pretty.”
5. “I can’t thank you enough for the help you’ve given me.”

Exercise 2

Read each set of expressions and decide what mood or feeling is reflected or described.
1. It was the time of harvest. Hundreds of rice stalks lined Hamaguchi’s fields. It had
been a fine harvest, and tonight down in the village everyone was having a good time.
A. anxiety B.boredom C. contentment

2. Hamaguchi rose to his feet and looked out at the sea. The sea was very dark and
strange to see, it seemed to be running away from the land.
A. curiosity B.anxiety C. excitement

3. The bell ringer in the temple in the hill saw the flames and set the big bell booming.
The people down the beach turned and began to climb the hill. If Hamaguchi’s rice
fields were afire, nothing would keep them from helping them.
A. anger B. helplessness C. curiosity
4. When the sea went back, not a house was left below the hillside or along the shore.
The whole village had been swept away. The village people stood silent and their
tears fell.
A. grief B.cheerfulness C. despair

5. Then the people woke, as if from a dream, and understood. Hamaguchi had made
himself poor to save the village people, and they bowed their foreheads to the ground
before him.
A. gratitude B.sympathy C. sympathy


- What helped us in inferring speaker’s mood?

 (through their actions and what they say)

- How can we tell the mood of a person or a character in a story?

 (through his/her actions and utterances/statements)


Think and Tell

Study the picture. Tell something about it.

What are the following pastries/cakes made of?


List down some ingredients in making cupcakes or pancakes/applesauce, etc.

Find Out and Learn

Read the paragraph.

One Sundayafternoon, Julian the baker is busy making cupcakes and

cooking pancakes. Celano, his helper is busy packing applesauce and
strawberry jam. They will bring these to Chinatown where anybody can buy

Look for the underlined words in our story. Write the two words found in each word.
sunday = sun + day
afternoon = after + noon
cupcakes = cup + cakes
pancakes = pan + cakes
applesauce = apple + sauce
strawberry = straw + berry
Chinatown = China + town
anybody = any + body
anytime = any + time

These two different words that have been put together to form a new word is called a
compound word.

Can you draw out the meaning of a compound word? (try to combine the meaning of
short word)
cupcakes - cakes shapes like cups
pancakes - cake fried on a pan
applesauce - sauce made of apple
Chinatown - town of the Chinese
anybody - anyone
anytime - at any moment

Try and Learn

A. Write the compound word that means the following:
_________ bell by the door
_________ ache or pain at the back of the body
_________ cake fried on a pan
_________ room where classes are held
_________ cloth to cover

B. Box the correct compound words:

1. part of the day between noon and evening
afterglow afternoon
2. air transportation
airport airline
3. paper that tells the news
newscast newspaper
4. ground or place for playing
playmate playground
5. paper with a rough surface
sandpaper sandstorm

Do and Learn

Exercise 1

Give the meaning of the compound words in each sentence.

1. One lazy afternoon, Greggy the young dog was relaxing at the entrance of his doghouse.
2. He was about to daydream when Dave, the Dalmatian came by to invite him for some
outdoor games.
3. Greggy accepted it and asked permission from his grandmother, she said it was okay but
reminded him not to stay outside after dark.
4. Dave first introduced his other playmates to Greggy, who gave each of them a warm
5. Then, all of them began playing “tag” and raced each other downhill. Everyone was having
lots of fun that they didn’t notice the sunset and the darkening sky.

Exercise 2

Let’s make compound words. Write the compound word on the blank before its meaning.
_________ 1.a store where books are sold
_________ 2.marker placed between the pages of a book
_________ 3.a set of shelves or cabinet for holding books
_________ 4.a person who spends much time reading a book
_________ 5.used to protect the eyes from the sun’s glare

Learn Some More

Read each sentence and fill in the blank with a compound word. Choose your answer below.

haircut firemen headache

drugstore backyard cornfield

1. The __________ did their best to save the burning building.

2. Please go to the _________ for some medicine.
3. Grandfather went to the barbershop for a ________.
4. We will go to the ________ to harvest fruits and vegetables.
5. I have ________ maybe because I ate too much.

Read each sentence and box the correct compound word.
1. Daylight begins at early morning.
2. We put all our toys in the playroom.
3. I got sunburn when we went to the beach.
4. The teacher told the students to underline the correct answer.
5. We have P. E. in the afternoon.


Compound word – comes from two different words that have been put together to form
a new word with a different meaning.


Think and Tell

Answer the question at the center.

What are the

beautiful things
found in our

Distribute each letter to pupils. Ask them to rearrange the letters and give
the meaning of the word. They will stand in front with the letter. (Encourage the
pupils to give other meanings of the given word).

(lovely) LYVELO __________ 1.beautiful

(elegant) GEELTAN __________ 2.graceful
(adaptable) EAAADPTLB __________ 3.pliant
(fragrant) TRANFRAG __________ 4.sweet
(shining) NIIHGSN __________ 5.sparkling

Find Out and Learn

My Native Land

How beautiful are her mountains grand

The peaceful valleys between
Her sparkling sun and cooling rains
That bathe the fertile plains –

How graceful are her stately plains
Her towering emerald trees
How pliant her rustling bamboos green
Dancing blissfully in the breeze –

How pretty her white sampaguitas

And fragrant orchids so rare
How modest and sweet her daughters
Who harvest the golden grain –

How I love her rainbow birds

Her blue skies and sparkling waves
How I love this dear Philippines
Home on this troubled earth.
- Esmeraldo B. Pascua

Answer the following questions:

a. What are found between grand mountains?
b. How will you describe the plains?
c. Explain why bamboos are pliant.
d. Compare the sampaguitas and the orchids.
e. Can you name three things you love most in our country?

Identify the words that have similar meaning as the underlined words.

1.) The grand mountains are beautiful.

A. attractive C.elegant
B. marvelous D.radiant

2.) How graceful are her stately plains!

A. willowy C. delicate
B. obedient D.refined

3.) How pliant are her rustling bamboos green!

A. wavering C.yielding
B. obedient D.loosening

4.) How pretty are her white sampaguitas.

A. lovely C.ample
B. cheerful D.considerable

5.) How sweet and modest are her daughters who harvest the golden
A. darling C.harmonious
B. pure D.fragrant

Identify the antonym of each of the underlined words.

1.) How peaceful the valleys between her sparkling sun and cooling
A. violent C.noisy
B. disturbed D. troubled

2.) How graceful are her towering emerald trees!

A. brief C.tiny
B. little D.low

3.) How pretty are her fragrant orchids so rare.

A. frequent C.periodic
B. repeated D. common

4.) How sweet and modest her daughters are!

A. unchaste C.grand
B. boastful D.excessive

5.) How I love this dear Philippines, home on this troubled earth.
A. peaceful C.dignified
B. restful D.gracious

Try and Learn

Exercise 1

Choose a partner. The word list contains words that maybe a synonym or
an antonym of the key word. Choose the correct word to complete each set.
Number 1 is done for you.

correct joy false

alive freezing many
dead sadness unfamiliar
same known wonder
opposite gift ordinary
punishment work relief
economical extravagant

KEYWORD Synonym Antonym

1. true correct __ false____
2. happiness __________ __________
3. abundant __________ __________
4. lifeless __________ __________
5. identical __________ __________
6. famous __________ __________

7. surprise __________ __________
8. reward __________ __________
9. rest __________ __________
10. thrifty __________ __________

Exercise 2

Study the word list. Then read the sentences that follow. Choose a word
from the list that can take the place of the underlined word. Write your answer in
the blank before each sentence.

announced pleaded yelled

demanded revealed mumbled
cheered commented sobbed
uttered named

_________ 1. Miss Luna declared the winner of the contest during the meeting
of the group.
_________ 2. “Give me back my book,” Pepeordered.
_________ 3. “Please, give me another chance,” the girl asked the teacher.
_________ 4. The basketball fans rooted, Hurray for Sonny.
_________ 5. Nora cried loudly when Mother did not allow her to join the picnic.
_________ 6. Girlie said something which made me feel good.
_________ 7. “Why must I always do the dirty work?” snapped Mario.
_________ 8. The policeman identified the suspect in the robbery.
_________ 9. Ronnie stuttered so we did not understand him.
_________ 10. Nobody spilled the secret.

Exercise 3

Correct Spelling of Words Learned in the Lesson

How will you remember the words used in the poem you listened to?

Copy the word that is spelled correctly.

1. gloruios glorious gloriouos

2. resplendent resplenden rescplendent
3. verdant verdant vardent
4. pliantive pliantiv plaintive
5. boundlhes boundiless boundless
6. beutiful beautiful beautifull
7. toilssome toillsome toilsome
8. fertille fertile fertile
9. peacefull paeceful peaceful
10. stately statly steely

Do and Learn

Exercise 1

Listen as the teacher reads again the poem “My Native Land”. Then
answer the questions that follow.

1. What bathes the fertile plains?

A. grand mountain C.cooling rain
B. sparkling sun D. cool breeze

2. How does the bamboo dance?

A. gracefully C.peacefully
B. blissfully D.stately

3. What word best describes the orchids?

A. pretty and white C.fragrant and rare
B. modest and sweet D.lovely and colorful

4. What is referred to as the golden grain?

A. corn C. wheat
B. palay D.beans

5. How does the author feel towards his country?

A. ashamed C. embarrassed
B. proud D.passive

Exercise 2

From the word box, select the synonym of the underlined word in each
sentence. Write the letter of the correct answer.

a. invisible f. reddened
b. rescued g. governed
c. vanished h. killed
d. slowly i. spacious
e. triumphant j. forefathers

_____ 1. Our ancestor fought valiantly for our freedom.

_____ 2. The victorious team was recognized during the assembly.
_____ 3. The players’ faces blushed with the unexpected recognition.
_____ 4. The injured climber was saved by his companions.
_____ 5. The water vapor disappeared in the air.
_____ 6. Atoms are unseen with the naked eye.
_____ 7. Criminals who commit heinous crimes are executed through
lethal injection.
_____ 8. Our new residence is roomy and attractive.

_____ 9. The kingdom is ruled by a kindhearted king.
_____ 10. The crowd’s panic gradually subsided.

Learn Some More

Exercise 1

Spell the following words correctly as I say them twice and use in

1. peaceful
2. sparkling
3. rustling
4. blissfully
5. fragrant

Exercise 2

Listen as I read the poem “Little Garden Friends”. Be able to answer

some questions about the poem.

Little Garden Friends

1. My little snail upon the sand

2. With your shell you look so grand;
3. When I hold you in my hand,
4. How I wish you can stand
5. Oh, croaking Mr. Frog
6. Do you hop instead of jog?
7. Ever hopping over dew and fog,
8. Over stream then on the log.
9. Oh, little grasshopper green and bright,
10. You jump so high with all your might,
11. Jumping everywhere to left and to the right,
12. You keep playing day and night
13. Look at the cute birdies in the tree,
14. Waiting for mommy to set them free,
15. While they flap their wings for all to see,
16. Truly they are loved by you and me!
– Adapted from “Hey Garden Friends”

1. Who seems to be talking in the poem?

A. child C.frog
B. snail D.grasshopper

2. What animal looks so grand inside the shell?
A. frog C.grasshopper
B. snail D. bird

3. What animal hop over dew and fog?

A. bird C. ant
B. snail D. frog

4. What animals are waiting for their mommy to set them free?
A. snail C.snake
B. bird D. frog
5. How long does the grasshopper jump?
A. once a day C.three hours
B. the whole day D. three hours a day


 Synonyms – are words that are similar in meaning.

 Antonyms – are words that are opposite in meaning.


Think and Tell

Which four-legged amphibian has a hard shell for its protection? (turtle)
Tell something about the turtle.
Are turtles good for a pet?

Unlocking Difficulties
(Through contextual clues and pictures)
 We can identify an animal by the kind of tracks it leaves on the
A. marks left by a person, animals
B. trail taken by a vehicle
C. a symbol or clue
D. a rough road

 Father and mother wait for me at the porch when I come home
A. stairs
B. hallway
C. covered passage
D. roofed shelter before the entrance of a building

 Children waving flag is the sight that greeted the Secretary of

Education when he arrived.
A. become apparent to the eye
B. receive or acknowledge
C. salute formally
D. welcome

 One dark night, Rose opened the window and to her delight,
hundreds of fireflies were hovering around the mango tree.
A. enjoyment
B. satisfaction
C. entertainment
D. great pleasure

 The slow turtle scrambled into the water.

A. mixed indiscriminately
B. blended thoroughly

C. stumbled slowly
D. move awkwardly

Find Out and Learn

Tell the pupils that they are going to read a story entitled “Turtle Tale”. Remind
the pupils to follow the standards for listening. As they listen to the story find out the
answer to this question:

How did Paeng guide the newly hatched sea turtles to the sea?

Ask the pupils the following questions:

a. Who are the characters in the story?
b. Where did Paeng and Delia love to play?
c. What does their mother want them to do at sun down?
d. What did Delia see in the sands one day?
e. Whose tracks were they?
f. Why did the children decide to give up with their investigation?

Try and Learn

1. Here are some sentences taken from our story. Let’s read them.
 They loved to play in the beach so much that they would often
forget the time.
 The mother turtle must have covered them with sand to keep the
eggs warm.
 But house lights shine much brighter than the moon and the stars
so, the turtles followed the house lights.
 If they do not reach the sea as soon as they hatch, they could die
from loss of water from their body.

2. Give possible causes to the given effect.

1. She bagged the gold medal.
2. He became thin and needed health care.
3. The crowd at the airport greeted and cheered her.
4. The stray cats scattered the garbage.
5. The fire truck rushed through the highway.

Give possible effects to the given cause.

1. Lisa ate a lot of food last night.
2. Geri listens very well to the teacher.
3. During an earthquake a building collapsed.
4. They always eat a balance diet.
5. Lita graduated as class valedictorian.

Do and Learn

Practice A
The teacher will read some clauses and phrases. The pupils will clap their
hands if the phrase is a Cause and stomp their feet if is an Effect.

so we switched on the light (stomp)

She is very beautiful (clap)
William Tell split the apple into
two with an arrow (clap)
Because it is very warm (clap)
I did not do my homework (clap)

Practice B
The pupils will show off their flags. The red flag signifies Cause and the
white flag signifies Effect. The teacher will read some sentences. If the first part
of the sentence is a Cause the pupil will raise his/her red flag, if the second part
is the Effect the pupil will raise his/her white flag.

1. The people are celebrating because there was a fine harvest. (WF)
2. The man committed a crime therefore he was punished. (RF)
3. There was a sudden crashing sound so everyone ran. (RF)
4. Since summer is just around the corner, the plants are
starting to bloom. (RF)
5. There is a solar eclipse when the moon casts a shadow
on the earth. (WF)

Learn Some More

a. Numbered Heads Together

Divide the class into smaller groups. Leader assigns a number to each
member. The members of the group will work together to agree on the answer.
The teacher randomly calls on one number. The pupils from each group with the
number called by the teacher answers for the group.

Listed below are some causes. Complete the sentence by giving possible
cause or effect.
1. When people do not use overpass.
2. If people do not follow traffic rules.
3. Everybody looks happy.

4. Bring your raincoat and umbrella.

b. Analyzing Cause and Effect

Read the passage and perform the activity after that follows.

From 1943 to 1952, scientists observed the formation of the

volcano Paricutin. In February 1943, there was much underground activity near
the village of Paricutin, Mexico. It caused many small Earth tremors that worried
the villagers. On February 20, Dionisio and Paulo Pulido noticed smoke rising
from a small hole in their cornfield near the village. The hole had been there as
long as the farmer and his wife could remember. That night hot rock fragments
spewing from the hole looked like fireworks. By morning, the fragments had piled
up into a cone about 40 meters high. Within two years it was more than 400
meters high. Ash from the volcano burned and covered the village. After nine
years, the volcanic activity stopped.

1. Copy the phrase that shows the cause of tremors near Paricutin.

a. underground activity
b. smoke coming from a hole in the ground

2. Copy the sentences that show effect of the eruption of Paricutin.

a. A cone more than 400 meter high was formed.

b. Ash buried the village of Paricutin.
c. People resumed their normal lives in the area.
d. Scientists learned a lot about how volcanoes are formed.


 A cause brings about an event but it can also be a thing or

a person. The cause answers the question why or what caused it
or what the reason was.


Day 1

Think and Tell

Let us predict and fill the chart to answer each question.

East West North South


Find and Learn

The Owl and the Dove
One day, a dove met an owl. “Where are you going?” inquired the dove, “I am moving west”, said the
owl “But why? Don’t you like to live here anymore?” asked the dove. “It’s not that, but the people here
dislike my hoot,” replied the owl, “So, I want to move west.”
“If you can change your tone”, said the dove. “It will be alright. But if you can’t, even if you move west,
you will be taking your troubles with you, for the people there will dislike you the same.

Learn some more

Cooperative Group Activities
Group 1- Play the role of the dove and the owl.
Group 2- Draw the eyes of an owl and write their advantages.
Group 3- Draw a dove and write the words that symbolize it.


Day 2

Think and Tell

Let’s us look at the picture of Mangyans.

Find out and Learn

In an old forest in Mindoro Oriental lies a small reservation for the Mangyans, one of the most
interesting ethnic groups. The Mangyans used to live near the sea until they were driven on land by
Christian settlers. Some Mangyans found sanctuary on the rugged slopes of Mt. Halcon. Others
discovered new habitats near Lake Naujan. But more than 300 families came to Paitan. This place is
sheltered by mountain ranges near Victoria. It is halfway between the capital Calapan and Puerto Galera
, which is famous as one of the most beautiful natural reservations anywhere.

Try and Learn

Translate the following words into Tagalog and Mangyan.
Tagalog Mangyans
Sources of Living


Day 3

Think and Tell

Identify what country is in the picture.

Find out and Learn

Read the selection orally.

One day, the giant left his daughters to hunt for food. Before leaving, he instructed them not to
leave their caves until his return. Minda, however was a head strong girl. After the father was gone, she
ventured outside the cave. The waves in the shore and seashells fascinated her. Soon, she was far out in
the water. A great billow flying her out into the open sea. Her shouts for help fetched her two sisters
who rushed to rescue her. As none of the three sisters know how to swim, they were all drowned in the

When the giant returned and could not find his daughters, he went up and down the island
looking for them. His tears were confirmed when he saw bits of their clothes upon the water and so he
dived to the sea to look for their bodies. When exhausted, he rested upon the shore and fell into deep
sleep. The warm sun upon his face awakened him the following morning. When he arose, he saw three
island in the sea where there were non before. He then knew that those islands were his daughters.

Do and Learn

Group Activity

Group I – Draw Luzon and the crops raised in it. Label them

Group II – Draw Visayas and the products raised in it. Label them

Group III – Draw Mindanao and the basic foods develop there. Label them.

Talk about it

What happened to the 3 sisters?

How are the 3 islands called today?

Do and Learn

Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. What is known as the most beautiful marine reservations in the Philippines?

a. Puerto Azul b. Puerto Galera c. Puerto Real

2. Where did the Mangyans find sanctuary?

a. At the peak of Mt. Apo

b. Along the Sierra Madre

c. On the slopes of Mt. Halcon

3. Manyans live until dawn by

a. Near the city

b. Near the sea

c. In town

4. Describe Mangyan

a. Brave

b. Literate

c. Timid and friendly

5. What have Mangyan adopted?

a. Christian logs

b. Foreign customs

c. Lowland names


Day 1

Think and Tell

Tell the meaning of the underlined phrase in each sentence through contextual clues.

1. The rich man wears a quilt robe. The paddled coverlet garment was made by a famous stylist.
2. Cover your bared stocky body with a towel. It is not used to cool air exposure. You might get old.
3. When the boy was caught telling a lie; he quivered with shame. His trembling body stopped only
when his parents came.
4. Hey, stop having a freakish dream. It is not becoming to you. Be realistic.

Find out and Learn

Listen attentively to the selection.

Find out the different feelings of the character while playing the role of a king.

Once I Was a King

It was a school play. I was assigned to do the role of a king, the partner of the queen. I
was tickled by the thought that I’ll wear a quilt robe, which quickly changed my fashion that day.
With the robe, I suddenly had a stocky body, a physique, which I fond unique. It was so thick that I
perspired profusely like a fried chicken. I decided to quit and to quiver with shame. I felt so thirsty
that I asked for water to quench my freakish dream.

Try and Learn

Write Afraid, Ashamed, Doubtful, and Proud or satisfied before each blank.
____________1. I was tickled by the thought that I’ll wear a quilt robe which quickly changed
Fashion today.
____________2. With the robe, I suddenly had a stocky body, a physique which I found unique.

____________3. It was so thick that I perspired profusely like a fried chicken.

____________4. I decided to quit and to quiver with shame.

____________5. I felt so thirsty that I asked for water to quench my freakish dream.

Do and Learn

Read the paragraph and understand. Then give your own point of view.

In several ways, noise can be harmful. Loud noises may damage a

person’s hearing. Noise has also caused people to become tired and nervous.
It makes work unpleasant and burdensome. Today, concerned people are
doing something about noise pollution.

Learn some more

Read the passage below. Tell the purpose of the author: Support your answer.
a. to describe d. to persuade
b. to entertain e. to give facts
c. to explain

Women: They smile when they want to scream

They sing when they want to cry
They cry when they are happy
And laugh when they are nervous.

A point of view refers to the manner of viewing things or
attribute about something.


Day 2

Think and Tell

Match Column A with Column B. Write the letters of the correct answers.

A. B.
____1. did not commit a. confined
____2. contained b. framed
____3. set up for charging c. refused
____4. trash d. trampled

Find out and Learn

Listen attentively to the selection

“Within my Fold”
Every refuse expressed willingness to go. It was midnight the dump tracks would arrive to dispose them
in the landfill.
Most of them were asleep now. Only the broken picture frame and the tattered newspaper
could not find asleep yet.
“How are you, Mr. Frame? “Ask the newspaper? “Can’t you see, I’m sad,” he retorted
I’m s- sorry. A-are you? But why” The picture frame sighed and looked across the room. He fixed his
eyes on a wall.
“You know” he began, “the world isn’t at all a park to stroll in. Conflicts arise and before you are
aware, you’re involved.”
“I cannot understand,” said the newspaper.
“It’s a long story,” the frame paused.
They framed me at first and then, they hanged me. The newspaper looked up frowned a bit and
sounded “Ah.” He wanted to investigate further but the frame centered.
“How about you, Mr. Newspaper? “My life has been spent in busy streets,” he said.
“Are you not exhausted? I mean…? The frame gestured what he meant.
“There have been times, you know. Who is not? Based the newspaper. But if there was
something that sustained me, it’s the principle to stand unblemished no matter what”.
The newspaper continued, “I have been a witness to history and the outcries upon generations
of heroes. People grab me eagerly only when scandals, violence, disasters, political rifts or bickering
arise. Sometimes, Mr. Frame, I also feel trampled upon.
Why am I used to display the controversial, the hypes and pretenses, the incandescent pictures,
the poison letters, the propaganda…. Those greedy and deceiving advertisements”

“So life to have been that bad?”
“Of course not at all that bad. Softy ideas have been contained in my pages. Those opinions I
have borne are clear and decisive, even inspiring , the sports, leisure, lifestyle, the movie guides and
even the horoscopes. All of them have helped me maintain my balance against all odds”.
The frame hold, “tell me some more, I’m interested,” he answered.
The door opened, the dump trucks had arrived. “Ready for loading, men, A man shouted. Every
trash knows, it is time to be buried in landfill.

Learn some more

Cooperative Group Activity

Group I – Play the role of the newspaper
Group II – Play the role of the picture frame
Group III- Read the part of the newspaper.

Talk about it
Pick – out and write the part in the dialogue between the newspaper and picture frame that seems;
1) caring 4) inspiring
2) enthusiasting 5) struggling
3) frustrating

A point of view refers to the manner of viewing things or
attribute about something.


Day 3

Think and Tell

Find the meaning of the given italisized words inside the parenthesis.

1. The former drug addict allowed himself to be nailed on the cross as an atonement for his sin
(real remuneration), sacrificial payment, window gift, worthy reward)
2. The child feel the caress of her mother through her love (breaking touch, gentle touch,hard
touch, sizzling touch)
3. I need some help to handle the rifts of my present situation (conflicts, order, organization,
4. Children should simulate the correct examples shown by their elders (deny, hate, irritate,

Find out and Learn

Is there a difference between the celebration of Christmas in the city and the celebration in the
province? Fill up the chart.

Celebrating Christmas
In the province In the city

Read and learn

Celebration of Goodness
It is always a wonder that in spite of the technological advancement and crisis sweeping the
world, Christmas remains a holy celebration. Families in all walks of life have so much to enjoy, although
financial constraints spare only a few. Children are under fully enjoying their carolling. And didn’t you
notice, they see magic amidst the problems of everyday living? Even the streets are filled with music
and the air has just become smoother and cooler in its caress.

The streets are teeming with motorists and pedestrians, making police visibility almost zero.
Sidewalks are flooded with fruits and a lot of cheaper merchandise including pirated CD’s. Flower
vendors abound in useless duplication, shop after shop, corner to corner, trips to the provinces are fully
booked, air, land and sea transport facilities are busy with homecoming frenzy. Many broken families
are healed. Many wounded get healed and forgiving comes almost very easy. There are more needs for
Christmas then in the balm that initiates the healing process. It is the season of love, the season
of hope. People hope that the space will reign on earth in spite of the rifts that tear families,
communities and even governments.
At Christmastime, hearts are willing to open. They anticipate better things. With these, they
become cheerful in their quest for better things that they really deserve. Their positive energies are
contagious and there is a welcome hero for a prospering country like ours.
Christmas is rare. And though we wish for it, it surely can’t happen every day. It is a gift for us.
We are lucky to have shared the of cherubs singing praises to Jesus.

Write about it
Find out if each statement is a FACT or Opinion. Back-up your answer with specific examples
or reason.

1. It is always a wonder, that in spite of technological advancement and crisis, Christmas rename a
holy celebration.
Answer: ______________________________________________________________
I write so because _______________________________________________________________
2. Children are under fully enjoying their carolings .
Answer: ______________________________________________________________
I write so because _______________________________________________________________

3. Reunions we held left and right.

Answer: ______________________________________________________________
I write so because _______________________________________________________________

4. Christmas is a season of hope and love.

Answer: ______________________________________________________________
I write so because _______________________________________________________________

5. The streets are teeming with motorists and pedestrians making police visibility almost zero.
Answer: ______________________________________________________________
I write so because _______________________________________________________________

A point of view refers to the manner of viewing things or
attribute about something.


Day 4

Think and Tell

Tell something about the picture.

Find out and Learn

Read the paragraph silently. Find out the different purposes of the writers and writing articles.

Sunset in Manila
It is a pleasant afternoon as I sit on the rail. The sunsets, with a burst of colors. The sea whispers
softly but only few among the bystanders stop to appreciate the beauty that generously speaks before
their eyes.
Many of us look but do not really see. We only fail to see, but also fail to hear and respond to
the beauty in our midst. Our mind feverishly works for money and in the process, we starve our souls.
If we would really look around , the sky hovers above us like God’s protective mantle and the
trees beckon us to leave our minds in adoration to God just as they shoot their trunks towards heaven.
The birds welcome the morning, the wind murmurs the sweetness of God’s love or sarcasm out God’s
justice; the brooks bubble gently, the ocean roars mightily of God’s power. Touch a leaf, trace the
design, feel the petals or step on the grass. With these touches, God touches our hearts.

Try and Learn
Read each sentence. Determine the purposes of the author. Write Describe, Entertain, Explain,
Persuade or Enlighten before each statement.

__________1. The sunsets, with a burst of color.

__________2. We not only fail to see, but also fail to hear, touch and respond to the beauty in the west.
__________3. If we would really look and the sky hovers above us like God’s protective mantle.
__________4. The birds welcome the mornings the wood murmurs the sweetness of God’s love.
__________5. Touch a leaf, trace the design, feel the petals or step on the grass.
__________6. God touches our hearts.

Do and Learn

Group Activity
Group I
Write a paragraph about nature that aims to describe. Describe the amazing things in nature.

Group II
Write a paragraph about nature that aims to entertain. What aspects in nature serves to
entertain people.

Group III
Write a paragraph about nature that aims to persuade. Give suggestions on how to protect
Mother Nature.

A good paragraph is more than just one sentence after another.
The sentences must be related and by the sequence develop the
thought that one wants to express.

Each paragraph aims to describe, entertain, explain,

persuade, or give factual information.


Day 5

Think and Tell

Tell something about the pictures.

Find out and Learn

Compare and differentiate the two pictures.

Do and Learn

Write the limitations of a poor man.

Name the advantages of a rich man.

Limitations of Poverty Advantages of Wealth


A Photograph is worth a thousand words through which a

complex idea can be conveyed with just a single still image.

Third Quarter
Week 9 Day 1


Listen to the story played by the teacher using cassette or cd. Then write
something (opinion/ emotion) about what you have heard from the story to the met
cards given.

‘‘The Eyebrows’’
Eyebrows are part of the face which serves two purposes – for beauty
and protection. Eyebrows made the face look more beautiful by calling attention to the eyes.
They make the eyes look healthier and brighter. Eyebrows do not only beautify the face but also
protect the eye from sweat. Without the eyebrows, drops of sweat may run into the eyes and
blur the sight. Sweat itself is a waste product and should be rid off.


Listen to another story as the teacher plays it using a cassette or cd. Then let the
students give the point of view on what they have heard orally.


Magnet attracts objects made of steel, iron and other metals. The discovery of the
magnets and the many things that have been made out of it had brought many discoveries and
useful things. The magnet makes possible the compass that was used and still being used by
travelers, pilot, sailor, boy scouts, soldier, engineers and others. The magnet W/C makes use of
electricity has made all types of electric and industrial motor.

What is the importance of magnet?

What can you say about magnets?


A story will be heard from a cassette or cd. Write your own point of view that
you can find the story heard. Write your answer on the metacards given by the

Group Activity


Listen to the story which will be rear by the teacher. Then the students will
write or answer orally the point of view they found n the story heard.

Purifying Drinking Water

There are different ways of purifying water for drinking purposes.

Distillation is one. Distilled water is made by evaporating and then condensing the
water vapor from the boiling water. Bacteria are removed by passing water through
a filter. Adding chemicals to the water also makes it pure. But the best way of
purifying water at home is by boiling it. When water is boiled, the bacteria in it are
surely killed.


To be able to get the point of view of a story we should……

1. Listen very well to the selection or story
2. Jot down some important ideas/points that can be found in the given story
3. Focus on the story on the given story
4. Try to put your put yourself as one of the character in the story


Each group will make their own role play and as they present their work the
other group will give their point of view about what they have presented.

Group activity 1 Sleeping Beauty

Group activity 2 Pinocchio

Group activity 3 Cinderella

Group activity4 Little Red Riding Hood

Third Quarter
Week 9
Day 2

Observe Accuracy, Appropriate Rate and Proper Expressions

In Choral, Echo and Shadow Reading.


Who among you are the members of your church choir? The teacher
will let the students to sing Hello!! Hello!!Observe how your classmates sing.

(Hello, Hello)

Hello, Hello, Hello,

Hello, How do you do
I’m Glad to be with you
And you, and you and you!!
Tralalalalalalalala!! 3x


Watch a video showing a reader theater. Be a keen observer. Observe

how the performer on the video pronounced the words, observed the rate or
speed of delivering the words and proper expressions shown in the video.

After watching, make your own reader theater, observe proper speed or
rate in reading and use the proper pronunciation and expressions.
(Group activity)


Each group will be given a task to be performed in the class showing

proper speed or rate in reading and the proper pronunciation and expressions.

Group 1- choral singing

Group 2- Speech
Group3- Poem Recitation
Group 4- Monologue


 Speaks with an appropriate volume for the audience to hear.

 Employs clear enunciation.
 The play is presented efficiently and keeps listeners' interest throughout.
 Uses non-monotonous, vocal expression to clarify the meaning of the text.

Read the envelope containing task card and present in the given

A. Choral singing
B. Reader theater
C. Echo reading

Third Quarter
Week 9
Day 3



Think and Tell

What reading materials do you have at home? List down the reading materials
that can be found in your home.


1. 1. 1. 1. 1.
2. 2. 2. 2. 2.
3. 3. 3. 3. 3.
4. 4. 4. 4. 4.
5. 5. 5. 5. 5.

Find and Learn

Listen as the group leader read a news .List down /jot down the important
facts from the story heard on the manila paper provided by the teacher which will be
used in your reporting.

Try and Learn

Arrange the following sentences to form a report. Follow the format


Main Points




4. ________________



2. ________________

3. ________________

Classes from preschool to secondary levels will be suspended in all affected areas.Alert
is up for all those living near rivers and coastal areas.

Evacuation is advised to those in the danger zone because of possible floods and
landslides due to the amount of water typhoon Pablo is set to release.

A powerful typhoon will be entering the Philippine Area of Responsibility on Monday,

June 15. PAGASA said, typhoon Pablo will pass trough parts of Visayas and Mindanao
tomorrow at 8:00 o’clock in the morning and will possibly leave the country on Tuesday
evenings. According to PAGASA, typhoon Pablo is a signal No.2 typhoon.

1. List down important informations correctly from what we have heard,
read or watched is an important skill to learn.

2. When organizing information from secondary sources include answers to

wh- question: who, what, where, when, why and how.

Learn some more
Arrange the following sentences to form a report. Follow the format given.

Parents have the right to use what is called reasonable chastisement to keep their
children under control.

Parents may hit them but not too hard enough to cause serious injury.


A 13 year old boy won the right to go to the European Court of human Right in
Strasbourg last week.

His Stepfather beat him with a garden cane when he was nine years old.

The hearing may take two- years if the boy wins, smacking may be banned in Britain.

Should parents be allowed to smack their children?


Think and Tell

Write the emotion you have felt or your opinion about the different situation you
have watched on the videos

Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

Video 4

Try and Learn

Encircle the sentences that express strong emotion or opinion in
the news given.

Having a Ball

Students from nine schools in New York City competed in the Colors of the
Rainbow ballroom dancing finals on Saturday, June 20. The fourth and fifth graders
shook their hips, twirled around and sashayed across the stage. In the end, students
from P.S. 128 danced away with the top prize. P.S. 128 are in the neighborhood of
Washington Heights in Manhattan.

The school has participated in the ballroom program for four years. This was its
second trip to the finals. Last year, the school won silver. This year, the students won a
first-place trophy that towered over their heads. ―The children worked so hard,‖ says
Lissette Ureña, a fifth-grade teacher at P.S. 128. ―We practiced after school three times
a week.‖ Former ballroom champion Pierre Dulaine started the Dancing Classrooms
program in 1994.

It brings ballroom dancing to nearly 35,000 students in 14 cities around the
country. In 20 lessons over the course of 10 weeks, kids learn a variety of dances,
including the tango, foxtrot, rumba and swing. ―This program isn’t just teaching dance,‖
said Dulaine. ―We are teaching confidence and teamwork.‖ In the end, Dulaine
comforted the children who did not win first place. ―Does it make you a bad dancer if
you don’t win the big trophy?‖ He swung his hips back and forth—of course not! ―Can
you still shake it?‖ The children laughed and shouted, ―Yes!‖



Listen to the story read and write your opinion or emotion about it on
the cartolina strips given by the teacher.

Do you still remember your summer vacation? Construct your own
paragraph using the particular kind of sentences expressing your own opinion
and emotion.

Write a 3-paragraph Feature Article


Give the benefits that we can get from the COCONUT.






Are you familiar with the garlic? What can you say about the garlic.
Write your answer in a paragraph form. Be familiar with the proper punctuation
marks to be use.






What can you say about an apple? Write a paragraph about it or your
favorite fruit’.


Here are some steps to follow to help you write a good feature story:

1. Get the reader's attention quickly. ...

2. Organize your story carefully. ...

3. Use short paragraphs and vary the lengths of sentences for effect. ...

4. Write with strong verbs and nouns, but go easy on adjectives. ...

5. Don't be afraid to use offbeat quotes. ...

6. Write tightly.


Arrange the paragraph into its proper sequence to form a 3-
paragraph feature article

Apples are obtained from medium-sized tree belonging to

the Rosaceae family. The apple tree is thought to have originated in
nutrient-rich mountain ranges of Kazakhstan. Today, it is being cultivated in
many parts of the world including the US as an important commercial crop.

Delicious and crunchy, apple fruit is one of the most popular

and favorite fruits among the health conscious, fitness lovers who firmly
believe in the concept of ―health is wealth.‖ This wonderful fruit is packed
with rich phyto-nutrients that, in the true sense, indispensable for optimal
health. Certain antioxidants in apple have several health promoting and
disease prevention properties, and thereby, truly justifying the adage, “an
apple a day keeps the doctor away.”

Apple fruit features oval or pear shape. Its outer peel comes in different
hues and colors depending upon the cultivar type. Internally, its crispy, juicy
pulp is off-white to cream in color, and has a mix of mild sweet and tart
flavor. Its seeds are bitter in taste, and therefore, inedible.

Hundreds of varieties of apples that are meant to be used either as

table fruits or dessert and cooking apples grown inside the US and
worldwide. Cooking apples tend to be larger in size, crispier, and tarter than
dessert types.

Fourth Quarter
Week 10 Day 1


Listen to the a poem played by the teacher using cassette or cod. Then
write something (opinion/ emotion) about what you have heard from the poem to the
metacards given.



Listen to another story as the teacher play it using cassette or cd. Then
let the students give the point of view of what they have heard orally.

The Boy and the Tree


A story will be heard from a cassette or cd. Write your own point of view that
you can find the story heard. Write your answer on the metacards given by the

Group Activity


Listen to the story which will be read by the teacher. Then the students will
write or answer orally the point of view they found n the story heard.



To be able to get the point of view of a story we should……

5. Listen very well to the selection or story
6. Jot down some important ideas/points that can be found in the given story
7. Focus on the story on the given story
8. Try to put your put yourself as one of the character in the story


Each group will make their own role play and as they present their work the
other group will give their point of view about what they have presented.

Group activity 1 Sleeping Beauty

Group activity 2 Pinocchio

Group activity 3 Cinderella

Group activity4 Little Red Riding Hood

Fourth Quarter
Week 10
Day 2

Observe Accuracy, Appropriate Rate and Proper Expressions

In Choral, Echo and Shadow Reading.


Who among you are the members of your church choir? The teacher
will let the students to sing Hello!! Hello!!Observe how your classmates sing.


Watch a video showing a reader theater. Be a keen observer. Observe

how the performer on the video pronounced the words, observed the rate or
speed of delivering the words and proper expressions shown in the video.

After watching, make your own reader theater, observe proper speed or
rate in reading and use the proper pronunciation and expressions.
(Group activity)


Each group will be given a task to be performed in the class showing

proper speed or rate in reading and the proper pronunciation and expressions.

Group 1- choral singing

Group 2- Speech
Group3- Poem Recitation
Group 4- Monologue


 Speaks with an appropriate volume for the audience to hear.

 Employs clear enunciation.
 The play is presented efficiently and keeps listeners' interest throughout.
 Uses non-monotonous, vocal expression to clarify the meaning of the text.


Read the envelope containing task card and present in the given

D. Choral singing
E. Reader theater
F. Echo reading

Fourth Quarter
Week 10
Day 3



Think and Tell

What reading materials do you have at home? List down the reading materials
that can be found in your home.


1. 1. 1. 1. 1.
2. 2. 2. 2. 2.
3. 3. 3. 3. 3.
4. 4. 4. 4. 4.
5. 5. 5. 5. 5.

Find and Learn

Listen as the group leader read a news .List down /jot down the important
facts from the story heard on the manila paper provided by the teacher which will be use
in your reporting.

Try and Learn
Arrange the following sentence to form a report. Follow the format



Main Points




4. ________________



2. ________________

3. ________________

Classes from preschool to secondary levels will be suspended in all affected areas.Alert
is up for all those living near rivers and coastal areas.

Evacuation is advised to those in the danger zone because of possible floods and
landslides due to the amount of water typhoon Pablo is set to release.

A powerful will be entering the Philippine Area of Responsibility on Monday, June 15.
PAGASA said, typhoon Pablo will pass trough parts of Visayas and Mindanao tomorrow
at 8:00 o’clock in the morning and will possibly leave the country on Tuesday evenings.
According to PAGASA, typhoon Pablo is a signal No.2 typhoon.

1. List down important informations correctly from what we have heard,
read or watched is an important skill to learn.

2. When organizing information from secondary sources include answers to

wh- question: who, what, where, when, why and how.

Learn some more

Arrange the following sentences to form a report. Follow the format given.

Parents have the right to use what is called reasonable chastisement to keep their
children under control.

Parents may hit them but no to hard enough to cause serious injury.


A 13 year old boy won the right to go to the European Court of human Right in
Strasbourg last week.

His Stepfather beat him with a garden cane when he was nine years old.

The hearing may take two- years if the boy wins, smacking may be banned in Britain.

Should parents be allowed to smack their children?


Think and Tell

Write the emotion you have felt or your opinion about the different situation you
have watched on the videos

Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

Video 4

Try and Learn

Encircle the sentences that express strong emotion or opinion in
the news given.

Having a Ball

Students from nine schools in New York City competed in the Colors of the
Rainbow ballroom dancing finals on Saturday, June 20. The fourth and fifth graders

shook their hips, twirled around and sashayed across the stage. In the end, students
from P.S. 128 danced away with the top prize. P.S. 128 are in the neighborhood of
Washington Heights in Manhattan.

The school has participated in the ballroom program for four years. This was its
second trip to the finals. Last year, the school won silver. This year, the students won a
first-place trophy that towered over their heads. ―The children worked so hard,‖ says
Lissette Ureña, a fifth-grade teacher at P.S. 128. ―We practiced after school three times
a week.‖ Former ballroom champion Pierre Dulaine started the Dancing Classrooms
program in 1994.

It brings ballroom dancing to nearly 35,000 students in 14 cities around the

country. In 20 lessons over the course of 10 weeks, kids learn a variety of dances,
including the tango, foxtrot, rumba and swing. ―This program isn’t just teaching dance,‖
said Dulaine. ―We are teaching confidence and teamwork.‖ In the end, Dulaine
comforted the children who did not win first place. ―Does it make you a bad dancer if
you don’t win the big trophy?‖ He swung his hips back and forth—of course not! ―Can
you still shake it?‖ The children laughed and shouted, ―Yes!‖



Listen to the story read and write your opinion or emotion about it on
the cartolina strips given by the teacher.

Do you still remember your summer vacation? Construct your own
paragraph using the particular kind of sentences expressing your own opinion
and emotion.

Write a 3-paragraph Feature Article


Give the benefits that we can get from the COCONUT.






Are you familiar with the garlic? What can you say about the garlic.
Write your answer in a paragraph form. Be familiar with the proper punctuation
marks to be use.






What can you say about an apple? Write a paragraph about it or your
favorite fruit’.


Here are some steps to follow to help you write a good feature story:

7. Get the reader's attention quickly. ...

8. Organize your story carefully. ...

9. Use short paragraphs and vary the lengths of sentences for effect. ...

10. Write with strong verbs and nouns, but go easy on adjectives. ...

11. Don't be afraid to use offbeat quotes. ...

12. Write tightly.


Arrange the paragraph into its proper sequence to form a 3-
paragraph feature article

Apples are obtained from medium-sized tree belonging to

the Rosaceae family. The apple tree is thought to have originated in
nutrient-rich mountain ranges of Kazakhstan. Today, it is being cultivated in
many parts of the world including the US as an important commercial crop.

Delicious and crunchy, apple fruit is one of the most popular
and favorite fruits among the health conscious, fitness lovers who firmly
believe in the concept of ―health is wealth.‖ This wonderful fruit is packed
with rich phyto-nutrients that, in the true sense, indispensable for optimal
health. Certain antioxidants in apple have several health promoting and
disease prevention properties, and thereby, truly justifying the adage, “an
apple a day keeps the doctor away.”

Apple fruit features oval or pear shape. Its outer peel comes in different
hues and colors depending upon the cultivar type. Internally, its crispy, juicy
pulp is off-white to cream in color, and has a mix of mild sweet and tart
flavor. Its seeds are bitter in taste, and therefore, inedible.

Hundreds of varieties of apples that are meant to be used either as

table fruits or dessert and cooking apples grown inside the US and
worldwide. Cooking apples tend to be larger in size, crispier, and tarter than
dessert types.




Think and Tell

Look at the following faces below:

Do you know who‟s in the picture?

a. What can you say about the pictures?

b. What emotions each pictures expressed?
c. Can you imitate them?

Find and Learn

Directions: Listen as the teacher reads the short story. Answer the comprehension
check- up that follows the story.

The Donkey

A donkey found the skin of a dead lion. He put it on and frightened all the
animals but did not make a sound. One dog was suspicious; the donkey tried to roar to
frightened the dog but brayed instead. When the dog heard the donkey braying, he
laughed and laughed.

Comprehension Check – up:

a. Why do you think the dog laughed and laughed at the donkey?
b. Was the donkey able to frighten the animals? Why?
c. Show the facial expression of the following characters :
 The dog was suspicious
 The dog heard the donkey brays
 The dog laughed and laughed
d. Restate sentences heard on your own words.
e. What values do you observed when listening to a story?

Try and Learn

Directions: Restate the sentences heard on one‟s own words and give the
emotion/feelings and the facial expressions expressed in the sentence.

a. His mother became worried when she didn't hear from him for two days.

b. David is quite shy so he doesn't like talking to people he doesn't know. _______

c. A year after being fired from his job, Alan is still very bitter. He has a lot of
resentment towards his former boss. __________

d. Even though I am accustomed to traveling for business, I still get homesick if I am

away from my home for more than a week. __________

e. I am absolutely furious!! I cannot believe that my dog chewed my favorite shoes.

Now they're ruined! ____________

Do and Learn
Directions: Look at the flashcards your teacher will show. Read the sentence/s
silently. Can you repeat the sentence/s in your own words? Restate the sentence/s in your own
words. Call someone to tell what is the emotion has been expressed in the sentence/s and ask
him/her to show the appropriate facial expressions expressed in the emotion.

1. Cats are so curious that they often get into trouble. Once, my cat fell into the
bath tub because she wanted to know what was inside!

2. When Dave found out that the plumber charged him double the normal amount to
fix his toilet, he felt cheated.

3. After his grandmother passed away, Ken was so grief-stricken he couldn't get
out of bed.

4. When Emily has a lot of work to do and feels stressed, she becomes very tense
and cannot relax.
5. Our friend Lily makes us feel disappointed when she has a party but doesn't
invite us.

Learn some more

Directions: Follow the directions carefully.

Group Activity

Each group will choose their leader. The leader will pick one folded paper. At the
signal of the teacher, the leader will read what is written on the paper three times to her
group. The members of the group will restate the sentences heard from their leader in
front of the class showing on their face the appropriate facial expressions expressed in
the sentence/s. The group with correct statement and facial expression will win.

Read and learn
Directions: Listen as your teacher reads the sentences. . Think what is the
emotion been expressed. You will ask to restate or repeat the sentences heard in your
own words and show to the class the appropriate facial expression expressed in the

1. Even in hard times when I don't have a lot of money, I stay hopeful and believe
that next month will be better.

2. When I see that puzzled look on your face, I know that you didn't understand my

3. Wow! I'm really impressed that Ashley can speak 7 languages, whereas I only
speak one!

4. Ugh! I don't have anything to do. I'm so bored!!

5. After Kylie had her heart broken by her ex-boyfriend, she felt so down and blue.
She is very sad.

Talk about it
Restate the sentences heard on one‟s own words. Draw appropriate facial
expressions after the sentences.

1. Grandpa was very proud of me when I got a promotion at work. He took me out to
dinner to celebrate.
2. I'm a little doubtful about whether to get married or not..
3. We are delighted that you will be coming to visit us. It will be so nice to have you

4. After waiting in line for an hour at the bank, the woman grew impatient and left.
5. They were shocked to learn that their beloved neighbor, Miss Ann, had stolen their

Write about it
Directions: Listen as your teacher reads sentences . Restate the sentences in
one‟s own words. Identify five ( 5) feelings or emotions stated on it then draw the appropriate
facial expressions expressed . Write the name of feelings/emotions below your facial

below .




Listening is very important, when you listen well, you can repeat what you heard
on your own words . You can associate facial expressions on the feelings/emotions been
shown in the sentences.

We should always observe politeness at all times.




Think and Tell

Look at the picture below.

lights dark

Examine the definitions of lights and dark below. What other words can you give
for lights and dark?


- The natural agent that stimulates sight and makes things

- Provide with light
- Of little weight; something very light


- With little or no light

- The absence of light in a place

Find and Learn
Directions: Study and analyze the meaning of denotation and connotation.

Connotation vs. Denotation

• Have you heard these words before?

• Can you use your word-decoding super powers to figure out what they might mean?

 Denotation is the literal or “dictionary definition of a word or phrase.

 Connotation refers to the subjective cultural or emotional meaning that goes

along with the literal definition.

• Denotation is typically neutral.

• Connotation is usually qualified – i.e. people generally refer to a phrase having a
positive or negative connotation.

EXAMPLE: the words “light” and “dark”

Denotation : The natural agent

that stimlates sight
and makes things

Of little weight,
something very
light LIGHT

Provide with

The absence
With little or
of light in
no light


What is the denotation of the word “snake”?

What is the connotation of the word “snake”?

Try and Learn

Directions: Below are examples of denotative and connotative meanings of words.
Choose inside the box the word being referred by the denotative and connotative
meaning. Write your answers on the first column.

Shark hot crazy

chick dead cool

Word Denotative Meaning Connotative Meaning

High temperature; heated Extremely attractive; angry

Low temperature Popular „acceptable

Absent of life and/or animation Unusually quiet setting

Young bird Girl or woman

Insane; mentally unstable Wild and exciting

Predatory fish Highly skilled

Do and Learn
Group Activity

Directions: Form a small group with 5 members.

Look at the chart below.
Complete the chart by placing the right words on proper column
When your teacher scream “Go” it will be each group‟s job to sort the words
into a list of 5 pairs pupils need to accurately complete the “Connotation
and Denotation Chart” by correct identifying the word in each pair. The
first team who sings their team‟s yell will be given 1 point and with all
correct answers will be given 4 points.






- feathered animal with wings - serpent
- freedom - devil
- canine animal - house
- ugly - safe
- color
- sad

Learn some more

Directions: Define each word using a dictionary. Read the word in context. Then,
decide if the word has a positive or negative connotation.


1. Cheap Low in price, not The guy I want on a date Negative
expensive with was so cheap!
2. Economic The guy I want on a date
al with was so economical
3. Hideous My mom wore a hideous
outfit to the movies.
4. Pleasing The room was decorated Positive
in a pleasing way.
5. audacious My brother is audacious
because he will try
6. vocal The dog next door was
vocal at night long.
7. yapping The dog next door was
yapping at night long.
8. sender Katty was sight for her
height and age.
9. skinny Kelly was scrawny for her
height and age.
10. blue Anna feels blue because
her favorite pet died.

Read and learn
Directions: Read the chart below. What are the connotation meanings of the colors?
Write the correct answer on the blank.







Talk about it
Directions: Answer the following questions:

1. What is denotation?
2. What is connotation?
3. Using Venn‟s Diagram, compare the two words-denotations and connotation.
4. Give examples for denotation then call some to give the connotation

Write about it
Directions: Identify the meaning of words if it is a connotation, write C, and if it is a
denotation, write D. Write your answer on the blank.
1. Blue
_____ a. Mommy, please buy me a blue bike.
______b. Linda got low score in her test. She is blue.

_____ a. Lito saw a big snake in their backyard.
_____ b. Mario is a snake. He betrayed his best friend.

______a. The weather is very cool.
______b. I like your jacket. It is very cool.

______a. Linda goes with different man that‟s why she is being called cheap.
______b. The dress in the store is cheap.

______a. Rats lived in a dark places.
______b. Rats! I left my pocket book in the car.


Denotation refers to the literal meaning of a word, the "dictionary definition."

Connotation refers to the associations that are connected to a certain word or the
emotional suggestions related to that word.




Think and Tell

Do you know these words? TEXT TYPE

Can you give the meaning of these words?

The phrase „text type‟ is a way of classifying and defining different types of
language interaction, both spoken and written. It refers to the purpose of a text and the
way it is written.

Find and Learn
Directions: Study and analyze the charts below.

2. What are the types of text?

What is text structure?

Read the examples below:

Try and Learn
Directions: Below are eight different text types and the purpose of those texts, but they
are mix up. Decide what the purpose of each text type is and connect it to the correct
text type to the left. Match the items on the right to the items on the left.
Explanation To relate past experience or
events, either real or

Narrative To persuade the reader to

agree with the writer‟s

Discussion To instruct the reader how to

make or do something.

Argumentative (Exposition) To explore more than one

side of an issue/To inform
and persuade.

Report To show how things work

and why things happen.

Procedure (Instruction) To present a record of

information after careful
observation and analysis.

Recount To entertain through telling a


Description To help the reader create a

picture of scenes, events,
people, etc....

Do and Learn
Directions: Group Activity
1. Form a group.

Look at the sentences below, identify their text type. Write on the second column the
types of text being identified on the first column. Write your answers clearly.

2. Read orally your answers with your group.

Explanation Narrative Discussion Argumentative


Report Procedure Recount Descriptive


Text Text Type

1.Advertising has a great impact on

children and therefore advertisements
should be designed carefully so that
children do not adopt inappropriate values.
2.The nervous system works through a
complex network of neurons. These are the
basic functioning cells of the nervous
system and conduct electrical impulses
between the central and peripheral nervous

3.To produce “fole gras” (which literally

means “fatty liver”, workers ram pipes
down male ducks‟ or geese‟s throats two or
three times daily and pump as much as 4
pounds of grains and fat into animals‟
stomachs, causing their livers to bloat to up

to 10 times their normal size. Many birds
have difficulty standing because of their
engorged livers, and they may tear out their
own feathers and cannibalize each other
out of stress..
4.So he sat down, opened a drawer, took
out of it a woman‟s photograph, gazed at it
a few moments, and kissed it.
5.Swallowing air when eating is often done
unconsciously and may cause frequent
belching during or after meals. To avoid
swallowing air, make sure you slow down
when eating, try not to “slurp” drinks, and
avoid talking while chewing.
6.Yesterday, I fell over while walking in the
hills and went to see the doctor, who
bandaged my knee and gave me a tetanus
7.There are various ways to overcome
deteriorating eyesight. One possible
avenue is to undergo eye surgery.
However, before making this decision,
patients should consider several factors
such as the cost of the surgery, their state
of health and the associated risks.
8. Major programme requirements that
were identified by the directors include the
need for better tools to tract and evaluate
clients‟ performance over time.
 Copyright ©2012-2013 UGC ICOSA PROJECT, Hong Kong

Learn some more

Directions: Match the examples of particular texts on the right with the text types on the
left by connecting them to the correct text type.

1. Explanation A recipe
2. Narrative A school textbook about volcanoes
3. Discussion A fairy tale
4. Argumentative(Exposition) A biography
5. Report A travel article
6. Procedure (Instruction) A newspaper editorial
7. Recount An article outlining the pros
and cons of having a cochlear ear
8. Descriptive A summary of a teacher‟s teaching
evaluations for the year

Read and learn

Directions: Read and analyze the paragraphs. What type of text is the paragraph?
Write your answer on the blank before the number.

_________1. Representative democracy involves leaders receiving votes from the

populace after a period of campaigning for the office. Competition between candidates,
coupled with free and open speech, is necessary for this system of government to be

_________2. The type of government created after the People Power Revolution
included the ideals of protecting individual liberties and freedom of speech while at the
same time preserving the unity and cooperation of the countrymen. To that end, a
government governs by the people, a Democratic country was created.

_________3. A proposed bill first goes to a committee to be reviewed. The second step
in the process is for the House or Senate to debate the bill, making necessary revisions.
The last step in the process of a bill becoming law is after both houses of Congress pass
the bill, it goes to the President to be signed into law.

_________4. Some customers like the conveniences offered by big banks including,
computerized banking, multiple branches, and a large network of ATM machines. Other
customers prefer small banks that often times offer more personalized service and are
better connected to their communities.

________5. As a result of being hospitable of the Filipinos, foreigners visit our country
and leaved, they always commend how hospitable Filipinos are. We Filipinos are very
welcoming. We always try to make people comfortable on our own turf. Filipinos are very
warm people, and are very friendly and nice. We take out the best dinnerware that we do
not use, we give the house a cleaning twice the amount of effort we give on most days,

Talk about it
Directions: Recall the chart of text type. With your seatmate, study the chart
below. Think what is missing. Complete the chart by supplying the missing parts .
Compare your work with your classmates.



7 8

Write about it
Directions: Give the meaning of the following text type. Write your answer on the box
opposite of the words.


NARRATIVE It tells a story










The phrase “text type” is a way of classifying and defining different

type of language, interaction, both spoken and written.

It refers to the purpose of a text and the way it is written.

Different text types are:

1. Narrative
2. Discussion
3. Explanation
4. Recount
5. Exposition
6. Response
7. Procedure
8. Description
9. Information Report




Think and Tell

Look at the picture. Answer the following questions:

1. What do you think the boy is doing?

2. Why do you think the boy looks dizzy?
3. What do you think the reason/s why the boy cannot
think or write properly?

Find and Learn

Directions: Study this sentence.

The product was rated poorly because it was below the standard.

What happened? The product was rated poorly. That is the effect.
Why did it happen? It was below the standard. That is the cause.
What kind of sentence according to structure is the sentence above? That is a compound

Here is another sentence.

The guests stopped talking when the president entered the hall.

What happened? The guests stopped talking. That is the effect.

Why did it happen? The president entered the room. That is the cause.

Connectors such as because, for this reason, that is why, so, therefore, for, and since can be
used to show cause-and-effect relationships.
A cause-and-effect relationship describes something that happens and explains why it happens.
The effect tells us what happens. The cause tells us why it happens.

What kind of sentence according to structure? That is a compound sentence.

Compound sentences are made up of two simple sentences connected by a

coordinating conjunction. These conjunctions are also known as FANBOYS:
F - For
A - And
N - Nor
B - But
O - Or
Y - Yet
S – So

A cause-and-effect relationship describes something that happens and

explains why it happens.

The effect tells us what happens. The cause tells us why it happens.
Compound sentences show cause and effect relationship

Another example:
My daughter got sick so we had to cancel our trip.

My daughter got sick

We had to cancel our trip. Two sentences connected with conjunction so to
form a compound sentence.

My daughter got sick so we had to cancel our trip.

Cause conjunction Effect

 Give your own examples of compound sentences that show cause and
effect relationship.

Try and Learn

Directions: Encircle the two ideas expressed in a compound sentence then underline
once the cause and twice the effect.
a. The dog barked at me because she was hungry.
b. It was my mom‟s birthday today so I make her a card.

c. She didn‟t sleep well last night so she feels weak today.
d. All her clothes were dirty because her mother did not washed their clothes.
e. Arnold dives in swimming pool and his head bump near the side of the pool.

Do and Learn
Directions: Do the following activity.

A. Read the following sentences carefully. Identify which group of words tells the cause and
which one tells the effect. Then, copy the sentences on your paper. Underline the cause
once and encircle the effect.

1) The policeman issued a violation ticket to the driver because he drove through a red light
2) Michael came all the way from Australia to help his fellow Filipinos in their Bahay Kalinga
3) The farm lands were dry and hard, for there had been no rain.
4) The fire spread fast due to the strong winds that hit the valley.
5) My mother loves green salads so much that she brought all the bottled dips in the

B. Write the correct word that signifies cause-and-effect relationships. Choose between so
that and because.

1) The people should vote for the right candidate ______________ the country could be
more competitive and developed.
2) Our waters become polluted ________________ of too much garbage thrown into them.
3) Everybody is busy including the candidates _______________ of the coming elections.
4) Pupils should study hard ________________ their parents would be proud of them.
5) There will be an achievement test _______________ the DepEd could measure the
knowledge learned by the pupils.

C. Match the effect in column A to the cause in column B. In column C, write the matched
sentences to form compound sentences.

A Cause B Effect C Compound sentence

1. Marissa was happy a. it destroys the lungs.
because b. they met a car accident.
2. The teacher got mad c. she recited her piece well.
because d. he broke the window glass.
3. Shirley won in the e. she placed first in class.
Oratorical contest

4. Smoking is bad because
5. Rosemarie‟s parents died

D. Write at least five (5) compound sentences. Underline the cause once and the effect

Learn some more

A. Directions: Encircle the two ideas expressed in compound sentences then

underline once the cause and twice the effect.

1. The dog barked at me because she was hungry.

2. It was my mom‟s birthday today so I make her a card.
3. She didn‟t sleep well last night so she feels weak today.
4. All her clothes were dirty because her mother did not wash their clothes.
5. Arnold dives in swimming pool and his head bump near the side of the pool.
6. Tara didn‟t understand the homework assignment, so she asked a friend for
7. The students tried to prepare for the test but they didn't realize how difficult the
test was.
8. We needed some groceries for the week so we went to the supermarket.
9. It was raining so hard outside so I put on my raincoat.
10. The horse jumped at the lake because she feel dirty.

Read and learn

Directions: Match the cause to its effect. Write the correct letter on the line.

Effect Cause
___ 1. Sue covered her ears because... jumped into the pool.
___ 2. Louie bought a cake because... b.she forgot it in the microwave.
___ 3. The waiter dropped his tray of food c. the siren on the fire truck was very loud.
___ 4. Paul did his homework at night because... d.he was hot and thirsty after running
___ 5. The popcorn mom madeburned because... e. it is his mom‟s birthday.
___ 6. Ian received his blackbelt in karate because... f. he had soccer practice after school.
___ 7. Julie‟s mom brought Julie to the doctor g. he passed the final test.

___ 8. The dog was all wet because... h. he tripped on a napkin and fell.
___ 9. The milk was sour because... i. someone took it out and left it on the
___ 10. George had a drink because. . j. she had a fever.

Talk about it
Directions: Complete the following sentences. You may use a word or a group of words as
signals for cause-and-effect relationships.

1. The clouds were turning dark, _______________ we started packing our picnic baskets.
2. Road blocks were set up by the military, ______________ they could catch the
3. Tourists flock to Boracay ____________they are amazed of its white sand
4. The diligent son worked in the morning and studied at night ___________ his father died
three years ago.
5. The economy of the country is improving _______________ dedicated government
officials worked hard.
6. The wind blew and the papers were scattered on the floor.
7. He opened the box and a letter fell into his hands.
8. The rain stop and the rainbow appeared in the sky.
9. Maria steps on a banana feeling and she fell on the ground.
10. Juan accidentally broke the flower base, his mother got angry.

Write about it
Directions: Do the following activities:

Activity 1: Read the compound sentence silently.

Write five (5) compound sentences. Underline once the cause and twice the effect .
Encircle the conjunction used in the sentence.


Cause is the reason why something happens.

Effect is the result or what actually happens.

Connecting words such as because, for this reason, that is why, so, therefore, for
and since can be used to show cause-and-effect relationships.

Compound sentences are made up of two simple sentences connected by a

coordinating conjunction. These conjunctions are also known as FANBOYS:
Compound sentences show cause and effect relationship




Think and Tell

What is inferring? What is target? When we say “audience” , to whom do you
refer it?

Find and Learn
Directions: Study the charts below:

Try and Learn
Directions: Look at the pictures. Infer who the target audience is.






Do and Learn
Directions: Infer the target audience of the following pictures.

Use the following data:

Target audience: _______________________

Age: _______________________

Gender: _______________________

Interest: _______________________





Learn some more

Directions: Infer the target audience. Match the words in column A to the words
in column B.


1. Seminar/Training Workshop of Teachers in Math a. Carpenters

2. How to Make a House b. Bakers

3. Making Pastries, Cakes and Breads c. Teachers

4. Snow White and the Beast d. Men

5. Wrestling e. Little boys and girls

Talk about it
Directions: Answer the following questions:

1. Why is it important to know the target audience?

2. What are key aspects you should consider in choosing your target audience?
3. Why do we need to consider those aspects?
4. If someone ask an advice about what movie/s a 3-6 year old should watch,
what are you going to advice?
5. You are invited to read a short story in a kindergarten class, what story are
you going to read to them? Why?

Write about it
Do the following activity.

1. Think of a commercial or TV Ads you like. Answer the date below:

Name of commercial/TV Ads : _________________________

Target Audience: __________________________
Age: __________________________
Gender: ___________________________
Interest: ___________________________

2. Watch a television commercial at home or find an ad in a newspaper or

Then , write one paragraph describing the ad, making an inference about who
the target audience is, and explaining why they think this.


 Inferring means guessing or speculates.

 Target means a place, thing, or person at which an attack is
 Audience means a group of people that participate in the media
in several different ways.




Think and Tell

A. Directions: Study the emotions expressed in the pictures below. Can you
imitate the expressions?

B. Directions: Look at the picture below. What is the vet doctor told to the child?
Can you restate the words? What is paraphrasing?

Takecare of
your pet. Give
your cat
Yes doc., I vitamins and
will take care proper foods.
of my pet.

Find and Learn
Directions: Listen as the teacher reads the short story. Answer the comprehension
check-up that follows the story.

Once upon a time, there was an island where all the feelings lived: Happiness,
Sadness, Knowledge, and all of the others, including Love. One day it was announced to
the feelings that the island would sink, so all constructed boats and left. Except for Love.
Love was the only one who stayed. Love wanted to hold out until the last possible
moment. When the island had almost sunk, Love decided to ask for help. Richness was
passing by Love in a grand boat.

Love said, “Richness, can you take me with you?” Richness answered, “No,
can‟t. There is a lot of gold and silver in my boat. There is no place here for you.”
Love decided to ask Vanity who was also passing by in a beautiful vessel.
“Vanity, please help me!” “I can‟t help you, Love. You are all wet and might
damage my boat,” Vanity answered.

Sadness was close by so Love asked, “Sadness, let me go with you.”

“Oh . . . Love, I am so sad that I need to be by myself!”
Happiness passed by Love, too, but she was so happy that she did not even hear when
Love called her.

Suddenly, there was a voice, “Come, Love, I will take you.” It was an elder. So blessed
and overjoyed, Love even forgot to ask the elder where they were going. When they arrived at
dry land, the elder went her own way. Realizing how much was owed the elder,

Love asked Knowledge, another elder, “Who Helped me?”
“It was Time,” Knowledge answered.“Time?” asked Love. “But why did Time help me?”
Knowledge smiled with deep wisdom and answered, “Because only Time is capable of
understanding how valuable Love is.”

Comprehension Check – up:

1. Who are the characters in the story?

2. What are feelings/emotions shown in the story?
3. Why all the feelings cannot helped Love?
4. Who helped Love? Why?
5. Restate sentences heard on your own words.
 Love asking helped to Richness
 Richness answered to Love
 Vanity‟s answered to Love
 Sadness‟ answered to Love
6. What values do you observed when listening to a story?

Try and Learn

Directions: Restate the sentences heard on one‟s own words and give the
emotion/feelings and the facial expressions expressed in the sentence.

1. His father became worried when he didn't hear from him for three days. ___

2. Juan is quite shy so he doesn't like talking to people he doesn't know. _______

3. A year after being fired from his job, Marvin is still very bitter. He has a lot of
resentment towards his former boss. __________

4. Even though she is accustomed to traveling for business, She still get homesick
if she is away from her home for more than a week. __________

5. Junie is absolutely furious!! He cannot believe that his dog chewed his favorite
shoes. Now they're ruined! ____________

Do and Learn
Directions: Look at the flashcards your teacher will show. Read the sentence/s silently.
Can you repeat the sentence/s in your own words? Restate the sentence/s in your own words.

Call someone to tell what is the emotion has been expressed in the sentence/s and ask him/her
to show the appropriate facial expressions expressed in the emotion.

1. Dogs are so curious that they often get into trouble. Once, my dog fell into the well
because he wanted to know what was inside!
2. When Daniel found out that the plumber charged him double the normal amount to fix
his toilet, he felt angry.
3. After his grandmother passed away, Don was in anguish he couldn't get out of bed.
4. When Emma has a lot of work to do and feels strained, she becomes very tense and
cannot relax.
5. Our friend Lilia makes us feel upset when she has a party but doesn't invite us.

Learn some more

Directions: Follow the directions carefully.

Group Activity

Game 1- Guessing Game: Each member in the group will take part in showing
the facial expression without saying the name of feeling or emotion being expressed.
The other members of the group will guess the name of emotion/feeling shown true
facial expressions. At the signal of the teacher, the guessing game will start.

Game 2 – Restate the sentence heard. The group will fall in line. Each group will
choose their leader. The leader will pick a folded paper and read silently what is written
on it. After reading what is written , he/she will whisper it to the first member in the line.
Then the second will whisper it othermember behind him/her until all the members in a
group having heard the sentence being whispered. The last member will go in front of
the class to restate the sentence heard and shows on the facial expressions expressed
in the sentence. The group with correct statement and facial expression will be given a

Read and learn

Directions: Listen as the teacher reads the short story about emotion. As the teacher
reads the story, listen to the emotion being expressed then show what is the facial expression/s
shown by the character.

Emotion Story


It was Joan‟s birthday. All her friends came to her birthday party. They
gave her lots of presents. They all ate birthday cake. Joan jumped upand down and clapped her
hands. And she looked like this [showhappiness face].”

Joan went to feed her pet gold fish. But it was not swimming. It was not
even in the fish tank. Joan‟s fish had died. Tears came to Joan‟s eyes. She walked slowly over
to a chair. She didn‟t want to talk to anyone.

Joan built a block tower. But then a boy came and knocked Joan‟s tower
down on purpose. Joan yelled at that boy and hit him. She clenched herfists and stomped her
feet. She yelled really loud.


A big mean dog started growling and chasing Joan. Joan screamed. She ran
away as fast as she could. She looked back to see if she was beingchased. The dog ran after
her, barking.Disgusted Joan took a big bite of an apple. It tasted awful. It was rotten inside.
She spit it out as fast as she could and threw the apple on the ground. She did not want to touch

(Widen, S. C. & Russell, J. A. (2003). A Closer Look at Preschoolers’ Freely Produced Labels for Facial
Expressions.Developmental Psychology, 39, 114-128.)

Comprehension Check – up:

1. Who had a birthday?

2. What is Joan‟s feeling when all her friends came to her birthday? Show
Joan‟s facial expressions.
3. What happened to Joan‟s fish?
4. What is Joan‟s feeling when all her fishes died? Show Joan‟s facial
5. Who knocked Joan‟s blocks?
6. What did she feels? What is her facial expressions?
7. Who chased Joan? What did she feel? What are her facial expressions?

Find and Learn

Directions: Listen as your teacher reads the sentences. . Think what is the
emotion been expressed. You will ask to restate or repeat the sentence/s heard in your
own words and show to the class the appropriate facial expression expressed in the

1. Even in hard times when I don't have a lot of money, I stay optimistic and believe that
next month will be better.
2. When I see that confused look on your face, I know that you didn't understand my
3. Wow! I'm really fascinated that Allen can speak 7 languages, whereas I only speak one!
4. Ugh! I‟ve done lots of things today. I'm so tired!!
5. After Veah had her heart broken by her ex-boyfriend, she felt very sad.

Talk about it
Directions: Restate the sentences heard on one‟s own words. Draw on a piece of
paper the appropriate facial expressions stated in feeling/emotion in the sentences.
1. My Dad was very proud of me when I got higher grades in our class. He took me out to
Jollibee to celebrate.
2. I'm a little doubtful about whether to go to Manila or not..
3. Mother was very delighted that you will be coming to visit us. It will be so nice to have
you here.
4. After waiting in line for an hour at the SM counter, the woman grew impatient and left.
5. They were surprised to learn that their beloved neighbor, Miss Anna, had stolen their

Write about it
Directions: Listen as your teacher reads the sentences. Restate the sentences
in one‟s own words. Identify five (5) feelings or emotions stated on it then draw the appropriate
facial expressions expressed on a piece of paper . Write the name of feelings/emotions on top
of the your facial expressions.




Listening is very important, when you listen well, you can repeat what you heard
on your own words. You can associate facial expressions on the feelings/emotions been
shown in the sentences.

We should always observe politeness at all times.




Think and Tell

Look at the picture below.

What is in the first picture? Second picture?

What is the difference between the two pictures?

 Denotation refers to the literal meaning of a word, the "dictionary definition."¨

For example, if you look up the word snake in a dictionary, you will discover
that one of its denotative meanings is "any of numerous scaly, legless,
sometimes venomous reptiles having a long, tapering, cylindrical body and
found in most tropical and temperate regions."
 Connotation, on the other hand, refers to the associations that are connected
to a certain word or the emotional suggestions related to that word. The
connotative meanings of a word exist together with the denotative meanings.
The connotations for the word snake could include evil or danger.

Find and Learn
Directions: Study and analyze the meaning of denotation and connotation.

Connotation vs. Denotation

• Have you heard these words before?
• Can you use your word-decoding super powers to figure out what they might mean?

 Connotation refers to the subjective cultural or emotional meaning that goes

 Denotation is the literal or “dictionary definition of a word or phrase.
along with the literal definition.

• Denotation is typically neutral.

• Connotation is usually qualified – i.e. people generally refer to a phrase having a
positive or negative connotation.

EXAMPLE: the words “light” and “dark”

The natural agent
Denotation : that stimlates
sight andmakes
things visible

Of little
very light
with light

The absence
of light in
place With little
DARK or no light


Try and Learn
Directions: Below are examples of denotative and connotative meanings of
words.Choose inside the box the word being referred by the denotative and connotative
meaning. Write your answers on the first column.

chick hot cool

shark dead crazy

Word Denotative Meaning Connotative Meaning

Insane; mentally unstable Girl or woman

Low temperature Popular „acceptable

Predatory fish Unusually quiet setting

Young bird Extremely attractive; angry

High temperature; heated Highly skilled

Absent of life and/or animation Wild and exciting

Do and Learn
Group Activity

Directions: Form a small group with 6 – 7 members.

Group 1: Complete the second column by giving the denotative meaning/s of

the first column.
Group 2: Complete the third column by giving the connotative meaning/s of the first
Group 3: Use in the sentence the words in the first column using denotation.
Group 4: Use in the sentence the words in the first column using connotation.






Learn some more

Directions: Give the denotative and connotative meaning of words. You can use
dictionary to find the meaning of words.


1. Cheap
2. Economical
3. Hideous
4. Pleasing
5. audacious
6. vocal
7. yapping
8. sender
9. skinny
10. blue

Read and learn

Directions: For each pair of words and a phrase, list the one that is positive in the
“positive connotation” category, the one that is negative in the “negative connotation” category,
and the phrase that is a more neutral definition for both words in the “denotation” column. The
first two are done for you.

1. gaze, look steadily, stare
2. fragrance, odor, a smell sensed by the olfactory nerve
3. brainwash, persuade, influence one way or another
4. delayed, not on time, tardy
5. somewhat interested, nosy, curious
6. lazily, without haste, leisurely
7. ask of someone, demand, request
8. gathering, a large group, mob
9. slim, skinny, less than average build
10. discuss with others, debate, argue
11. observe, watch, spy
12. a young age, youthful, immature
13. not having a care, irresponsible, carefree
14. unique, not commonly found, strange
15. find, detect, snoop
16. inexpensive, fairly priced, cheap
17. isolation, privacy, having an opportunity to be alone
18. assertive, firmly confident, pushy
19. extravagance, generosity, giving much

Positive Connotation Denotation Negative

1 gaze look steadily stare
2 fragrance a smell sensed by the olfactory nerve odor

Talk about it
Directions: Answer the following questions:

1. What is denotation?
Denotation is ______________________________________.

2. What is connotation?
Connotation is _____________________________________.

3. Using Venn‟s Diagram, compare the two words-denotations and

Venn‟s Diagram



4.Give examples for denotation then call some to give the connotation

Write about it
Directions:Choose four words from the table above. Write a sentence in which the
word appears, the word‟s part of speech, its denotation, and positive or negative connotations
associated with it.


1. WORD: fragrance
SENTENCE USING THE WORD: The candle maker chose a pleasing, spicy fragrance
for the Holiday-scented candle .
DENOTATION: a smell sensed by the olfactory nerve

2. WORD: _______________________________
PART OF SPEECH: _____________________________

3. WORD: _______________________________
PART OF SPEECH: _____________________________

4. WORD: _______________________________
PART OF SPEECH: _____________________________
SYNONYM WITH NEGATIVE CONNOTATION: ______________________________

5.WORD: _______________________________
PART OF SPEECH: _____________________________
 (Reference: Google Search-Denotation and Connotation Exercises)



Denotation refers to the literal meaning of a word, the "dictionary definition."

Connotation refers to the associations that are connected toa certain word or the
emotional suggestions related to that word.




Think and Tell

Do you remember this chart? What is this chart all about?

What is text type?

The phrase „text type‟ is a way of classifying and defining different types of
language interaction, both spoken and written. It refers to the purpose of a text and the
way it is written.

Find and Learn
Directions: Study and analyze the chart below.

What are the types of text?

What are the features of text type?
What is text structure?

Read the examples below:

Try and Learn
Directions: Column A are the meaning of text type and Column B are the text
type.Match the items on the Column A to the items on Column B.

To relate past experience Explanation
or events, either real or
To persuade the reader Narrative
to agree with the writer‟s
To instruct the reader Discussion
how to make or do
To explore more than Argumentative
one side of an issue/To

inform and persuade. (Exposition)

To show how things work Report

and why things happen.
To present a record of Procedure (Instruction)
information after careful
observation and analysis.
To entertain through Recount
telling a story.
To help the reader create Description
a picture of scenes,
events, people, etc....

Do and Learn
Directions: Form a group. Look at the sentences below, identify their text type. Write on
the second column the types of text being identified on the first column. Write your answers
clearly. Read your answer.

Text Text Type

1.Advertising has a great impact on

children and therefore advertisements
should be designed carefully so that
children do not adopt inappropriate values.
2.The nervous system works through a
complex network of neurons. These are the
basic functioning cells of the nervous
system and conduct electrical impulses
between the central and peripheral nervous

3.To produce “folegras” (which literally

means “fatty liver”, workers ram pipes

down male ducks‟ or geese‟s throats two or
three times daily and pump as much as 4
pounds of grains and fat into animals‟
stomachs, causing their livers to bloat to up
to 10 times their normal size. Many birds
have difficulty standing because of their
engorged livers, and they may tear out their
own feathers and cannibalize each other
out of stress..
4.So he sat down, opened a drawer, took
out of it a woman‟s photograph, gazed at it
a few moments, and kissed it.
5.Swallowing air when eating is often done
unconsciously and may cause frequent
belching during or after meals. To avoid
swallowing air, make sure you slow down
when eating, try not to “slurp” drinks, and
avoid talking while chewing.
6.Yesterday, I fell over while walking in the
hills and went to see the doctor, who
bandaged my knee and gave me a tetanus
7.There are various ways to overcome
deteriorating eyesight. One possible
avenue is to undergo eye surgery.
However, before making this decision,
patients should consider several factors
such as the cost of the surgery, their state
of health and the associated risks.
8. Major programme requirements that
were identified by the directors include the
need for better tools to tract and evaluate
clients‟ performance over time.
 Copyright ©2012-2013 UGC ICOSA PROJECT, Hong Kong

Learn some more

Directions: Match the examples of particular texts on the right with the text types on the
left by connecting them to the correct text type.
1. Report A recipe
2. Discussion A school textbook about volcanoes
3. Narrative A fairy tale
4. Argumentative(Exposition) A biography
5. Explanation A travel article
6. Descriptive A newspaper editorial
7. Recount An article outlining the pros
and cons of having a cochlear ear
8. Procedure (Instruction) A summary of a teacher‟s teaching
evaluations for the year

Read and learn

Directions: Read and analyze the paragraphs. What type of text is the paragraph?
Write your answer on the blank before the number.

_________1.A proposed bill first goes to a committee to be reviewed. The second step
in the process is for the House or Senate to debate the bill, making necessary revisions.
The last step in the process of a bill becoming law is after both houses of Congress pass
the bill, it goes to the President to be signed into law.

_________2. The type of government created after the People Power Revolution
included the ideals of protecting individual liberties and freedom of speech while at the
same time preserving the unity and cooperation of the countrymen. To that end, a
government governs by the people, a Democratic country was created.

_________3. Representative democracy involves leaders receiving votes from the

populace after a period of campaigning for the office. Competition between candidates,

coupled with free and open speech, is necessary for this system of government to be

_________4. Some customers like the conveniences offered by big banks including,
computerized banking, multiple branches, and a large network of ATM machines. Other
customers prefer small banks that often times offer more personalized service and are
better connected to their communities.

________5. As a result of being hospitable of the Filipinos, foreigners visit our country
and leaved, they always commend how hospitable Filipinos are. We Filipinos are very
welcoming. We always try to make people comfortable on our own turf. Filipinos are very
warm people, and are very friendly and nice. We take out the best dinnerware that we do
not use, we give the house a cleaning twice the amount of effort we give on most days

Talk about it
Directions: With your seatmate, recall the chart of text type. Differentiate each
text type to one another by giving their meaning. Share your answer to the class.


1. Narrative
2. Description
3. Recount
4. Exposition
5. Information Report
6. Discussion
7. Explanation
8. Procedure

Write about it
Directions: Give the meaning of the following text type. Write your answer on the box
opposite of the words.


NARRATIVE It tells a story









The phrase “text type” is a way of classifying and defining
typeof language, interaction, both spoken and written.

It refers to the purpose of a text and the way it is written.

Different text types are:

1. Narrative
2. Discussion
3. Explanation
4. Recount
5. Exposition
6. Response
7. Procedure
8. Description 60
9. Information Report



Think and Tell

Look at the picture. Answer the following questions:

1. What happened to the boy?

2. Why do you think the boy fell on the ground?
3. What do you think the reasons why the boy fell on the ground?

Find and Learn

Directions: Study this sentence.

The product was rated poorly because it was below the standard.

What happened? The product was rated poorly. That is the effect.
Why did it happen? It was below the standard. That is the cause.
What kind of sentence according to structure is the sentence above? That is a compound

Here is another sentence.

The guests stopped talking when the president entered the hall.

What happened? The guests stopped talking. That is the effect.

Why did it happen? The president entered the room. That is the cause.

Connectors such as because, for this reason, that is why, so, therefore, for, and since can be
used to show cause-and-effect relationships.
A cause-and-effect relationship describes something that happens and explains why it happens.
The effect tells us what happens. The cause tells us why it happens.
What kind of sentence according to structure? That is a compound sentence.

Compound sentences are made up of two simple sentences connected by a
coordinating conjunction. These conjunctions are also known as FANBOYS:
F - For
A - And
N - Nor
B - But
O - Or
Y - Yet
S – So

A cause-and-effect relationship describes something that happens and

explains why it happens.

The effecttells us what happens. The causetells us why it happens.

Compound sentences show cause and effect relationship

Another example:
My daughter got sick so we had to cancel our trip.

My daughter got sick

We had to cancel our trip. Two sentences connected with conjunction so to
form a compound sentence.

My daughter got sick so we had to cancel our trip.

Cause conjunction Effect

 Give your own examples of compound sentences that show cause and
effect relationship.

Try and Learn

Directions: Encircle the two ideas expressed in a compound sentence then underline
once the cause and twice the effect.
a. The baby cries loud because she was hungry.
b. It was my friend‟s birthday today so I make her a card.
c. She didn‟t sleep well last night so she feels weak today.

d. Marina‟s clothes were all dirty because her mother went to the province to
visit her mother.
e. Arnold step on a banana feeling and he slipped and bumped his head on the

Do and Learn
Directions: Do the following activity.

A. Read the following sentences carefully. Identify which group of words tells the cause
and which one tells the effect. Then, copy the sentences on your paper. Underline
the cause once and encircle the effect.

1. The policeman issued a violation ticket to the driver because he drove through a red
light signal.
2. Michael came all the way from Australia to help his fellow Filipinos in their
3. The farm lands were dry and hard, for there had been no rain.
4. The fire spread fast due to the strong winds that hit the valley.
5. My mother loves green salads so much that she brought all the bottled dips in the

B. Write the correct word that signifies cause-and-effect relationships. Choose between
so that and because.

1) The people should vote for the right candidate ______________ the country could be
more competitive and developed.
2) Our waters become polluted ________________ of too much garbage thrown into them.
3) Everybody is busy including the candidates _______________ of the coming elections.
4) Pupils should study hard ________________ their parents would be proud of them.
5) There will be an achievement test _______________ the DepEd could measure the
knowledge learned by the pupils.

C. Match the effect in column A to the cause in column B. In column C, write the
matched sentences to form compound sentences.

A Cause B Effect C Compound sentence

1. Marissa was happy a. it destroys the lungs.
because b. they met a car accident.
2. The teacher got mad c. she recited her piece well.
because d. he broke the window glass.
3. Shirley won in the e. she placed first in class.
Oratorical contest

4. Smoking is bad because
5. Rosemarie‟s parents died

D. Write at least five (5) compound sentences. Underline the cause once and the effect

Learn some more

6. Directions: Encircle the two ideas expressed in compound sentences then underline
once the cause and twice the effect.

1. The dog barked at me because she was hungry.

2. It was my mom‟s birthday today so I make her a card.
3. She didn‟t sleep well last night so she feels weak today.
4. All her clothes were dirty because her mother did not wash their clothes.
5. Arnold dives in swimming pool and his head bump near the side of the pool.
6. Tara didn‟t understand the homework assignment, so she asked a friend for
7. The students tried to prepare for the test but they didn't realize how difficult the
test was.
8. We needed some groceries for the week so we went to the supermarket.
9. It was raining so hard outside so I put on my raincoat.
10. The horse jumped at the lake because she feel dirty.

Read and learn

Directions: Match the cause to its effect. Write the correct letter on the line.

Effect Cause
___ 1. Sue covered her ears because... jumped into the pool.
___ 2. Louie bought a cake because... b.she forgot it in the microwave.
___ 3. The waiter dropped his tray of food c. the siren on the firetruck was very loud.
___ 4. Paul did his homework at night because...d.he was hot and thirsty afterrunning
___ 5. The popcorn mom madeburned because... e. it is his mom‟s birthday.
___ 6. Ian received his blackbelt in karate because... f.he had soccer practiceafter school.
___ 7. Julie‟s mom brought Julie to the doctor g. he passed the final test.

___ 8. The dog was all wet because... h.he tripped on a napkin and fell.
___ 9. The milk was sourbecause... i.someone took it out and leftit on the
___ 10. George had a drink because. .j. she had a fever.

Talk about it
Directions: Look at the pictures. Discuss with your seatmate what is being shown
in the pictures. Write a compound sentence about the picture and tell what is the cause and the

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

\Write about it
Directions: Do the following activities:

A. Directions: Complete the following sentences. You may use a word or a group of
words as signals for cause-and-effect relationships.

1. The clouds were turning dark, _______________ we started packing our picnic baskets.
2. Road blocks were set up by the military, ______________ they could catch the
3. Tourists flock to Boracay ____________they are amazed of its white sand
4. The diligent son worked in the morning and studied at night ___________ his father died
three years ago.

5. The economy of the country is improving _______________ dedicated government
officials worked hard.

B. Read the compound sentence silently. Write five (5) compound sentences. Underline
once the cause and twice the effect. Encircle the conjunction used in the sentence.


Causeis the reason why something happens.

Effectis the result or what actually happens.

Connecting words such as because, for this reason, that is why, so, therefore, for
and since can be used to show cause-and-effect relationships.

Compound sentences are made up of two simple sentences connected by a

coordinating conjunction. These conjunctions are also known as FANBOYS:
Compound sentences show cause and effect relationship




Think and Tell

Look at the picture below. What is inferring? What is target? When we say
“audience” , to whom do you refer it?


Find and Learn

Directions: Study the charts below:

Try and Learn
Directions: Look at the pictures. Infer who the target audience is.






Do and Learn
Directions: Infer the target audience of the following pictures.

Use the following data:

Target audience: _______________________

Age: _______________________

Gender: _______________________

Interest: _______________________





Learn some more

Directions: Infer the target audience. Match the words in column A to the words
in column B.


1. Seminar/Training Workshop of Teachers in Math a. Carpenters

2. How to Make a House b. Bakers
3. Making Pastries, Cakes and Breads c. Teachers
4. Snow White and the Beast d. Men
5. Wrestling e. Little boys and girls

Talk about it
Directions: Answer the following questions:

1. Why is it important to know the target audience?

2. What are key aspects you should consider in choosing your target audience?
3. Why do we need to consider those aspects?
4. If someone ask an advice about what movie/s a 3-6 year old should watch,
what are you going to advice?
5. You are invited to read a short story in a kindergarten class, what story are
you going to read to them? Why?

Write about it
Do the following activity.

1. Think of a commercial or TV Ads you like. Answer the date below:

Name of commercial/TV Ads : _________________________

Target Audience: __________________________
Age: __________________________
Gender: ___________________________
Interest: ___________________________

2. Watch a television commercial at home or find an ad in a newspaper or

Then , write one paragraph describing the ad, making an inference about who
the target audience is, and explaining why they think this.

 Inferring means guessing or speculates.
 Target means a place, thing, or person at which an attack is
 Audience means a group of people that participate in the media
in several different ways.


Day 1

Think and Tell

Look at the pictures. Tell what emotions doe each pictures shows.

Find and Learn

Read the short selection carefully

Mang Carding’s Catch

Mang Carding is known for being a good fisherman in their town. One
morning he went to the river to catch fish. With determination he threw his fishing line
onto the river and patiently waited for his catch. Suddenly he felt a tug on his line. His
heart beat faster as he positioned his feet firmly on the ground. He pulled the line with
all his might hoping to see a big fish at the hook of his fishing line. He stared at his
catch with disappointment.

Answer the following questions

1. Where Mang Carding did goes one day?

2. What do you think did Mang Carding catch?
3. How did Mang Carding feel about his catch?
4. .What do you think did Mang Carding do?
5. If you were Mang Carding what will you do after seeing
what was in his fishing line?

Try and Learn
Show the proper gesture for the following sentences

1. Mang Carding went to the river.

2. He threw his fishing line onto the river.
3. He patiently waited for his catch.
4. Suddenly, he felt a tug on his fishing line.
5. He pulled his line excitedly.
6. He stared at his catch with disappointment.

Do and Learn
Pass the message………

Group 1 - Our team won the championship !

Group II – No, You don’t have the permission!
Group III – Oh, I didn’t see you come in!
Group IV – I can’t figure this out.

Learn some more

The teacher will give a sentence about the following pictures. In your
own words restate what the teacher said.

1. 2. 3.

4. 5.

Read and learn
Listen as the teacher reads the story. In your own words write 5 sentences you heard.

The Fox and the Stork

The fox and the stork used to be friends. They were always together – until one day. The
fox told the stork to come to his house for dinner. The truth was that fox wanted to play a joke
on the stork.
When the dinner time came, the fox put the soup on the shallow container before the stork. The
fox easily slurped it., but he stork could only wet the end of her long bill. The poor stork went
home as hungry as when she came.
The fox apologized to the stork for not liking the soup. Soon the stork invited the fox to
dine with her at home.
So the fox visited the stork. The stork served their dinner in a jar with a very long neck
and a narrow mouth. The fox could only leak the outside of the jar.

Talk about it
Based from the story “The Fox and the Stork “answer the following questions. Give your answer
through gesture
1. What did the fox do one day?
2. Why did he invite the stork for dinner?
3. What did the stork feel after the dinner?
4. Did the stork liked what the fox do to him? What did he do?
5. How did the fox feel after their dinner?.

Write about it
Listen to the teacher as she reads the following sentences. Restate the sentences in your
own word by writing it in your paper.

1. The grasshopper is hopping and dancing all day.

2. The ant is working and saving food.
3. It rained all day.
4. The grasshopper has no food to eat.
5. The grasshopper realizes that it is important to save food for the rainy day.


To restate a sentence heard you must listen carefully and

remember the main points .


Day 2
Think and Tell
Look at the pictures

What does the girl doing?What does the boy doing?

Find and Learn

Read and study the following sentences

1. Science explains many of our questions, and it creates wonderful things too,
2. Some scientist study languages, but they don’t speak all the languages.
3. All scientists are working to improve people’s lives, but not all of them succeed.
4. I have to study, or I will fail.

Answer the following questions:

 How many ideas made up each sentence?
 What little words are used to connect these ideas
 Would the connected parts be complete by themselves?
 When connected parts give similar ideas, what connector is used?
 When connected parts give opposite ideas, what connector is used ?
 What connector is used when there is a choice to be made?

The conjunctions that make up FANBOYS are for, and, nor, but, or,
yet, and so. Each of these words has a different use.

1. He is sad, forhis parents are fighting

2. I was in the library and Jimmy is in the classroom.
3. He doesn’t know how to write nor does he know how to read.
4. He can sing well but he doesn’t know how to dance
5. I’ll go to Lily’s house or I’ll go shopping.
6. Dulce was the oldest of the girls, yet her accent was the most prominent.
7. Laura didn’t go with her parents so she just cleaned the entire house.

Try and Learn
Create a compound sentence by combining the two simple sentences below
with the connector and, or, but

1. Terry likes hamburgers. Jenny likes egg.

2. Make sure to sleep well. You will not wake up on time.
3. Gardening is a wonderful hobby. It is not expensive.
4. Jason plated the garden. Susan planted the seeds.
5. Ramon and Joseph love to garden. They are very busy with athlete

Do and Learn
Circle the correct conjunction that completes each compound sentence
1. I have fifty dollars, (yet/ and / so) I still can’t afford the new video game.
2. I didn’t study hard enough, (yet/ and / so) I didn’t pass my latest exam.
3. You are a new student, (yet/ and / so) you have to learn the class routine.
4. Do all your homework, (and/ or/ but) else you will fall behind.
5. Always respect your elders, (yet/ and / so) you may earn their trust.

Learn some more

Complete the sentence by using the appropriate conjuntions to form a compound

1. The computer crashed ___I lost all my works

2. My husband was working, ___I went shopping.
3. I like chocolate ice cream ___ don't have it very often.
4. I am on a diet ____still want a cookie.
5. He did not take the money, ___ it was not the right thing to do.

Read and learn

Read the short paragraph and find all and the compound sentences.


In the early days when the sky was still low, two brothers name Ingat and
Daskol lived with their parents on earth.
As their names indicate, Ingat was careful in everything he did and was
therefore his father’s right hand man.He was always helping with the work in the field and his
parents were very pleased with him.

On the other hand, Daskol did his work sloppily. In the absence of a daughter
in the family, the house work came to be Daskol’s responsibility. He fetched water, cleaned the
house and mother did the cooking. He also did the pounding of the palay that his father
harvested. Daskol lived up to his name being natural lazy and impatient, he did not like the work
of pounding.
One day, Daskol had to pound a greater quantity of palay than usual. He was
irritated because every time he raise the pestle, it would hit the sky. His anger added to his
strength so he raised the pestle higher. Every time it hit the sky, the sky would be raised. In his
hurry, Daskol did nit notice that the sky was rising. When he finished pounding rise, he looed up
and discovered that the sky had risen, and it is where it is today.

Talk about it
Connect the correct independent clause using the correct coordinating conjunctions
(and, so, for, nor, but, yet)
A. B
1. I did something wrong. A. They did something for us.
2. My parents are busy. B. I apologized.
3. Henry stayed home. C. I’m also a singer.
4. I am an athlete. D. Did they study for the exam
5. They didn’t do their project E. He is sick

Write about it
Complete the sentence to make a compound sentence

1. Their new house is small but _______________

2. Her mother cooks dinner and _______________.
3. They were all hungry so ___________________.
4. She did not cheat in the test for ______________.
5. Should we start our class now or _____________.

A compound sentence contains two independent clauses. You can combine two simple
sentences together with a comma and a coordinating conjunction to make one compound
The conjunctions that make up FANBOYS are for, and, nor, but, or,yet, and so. Each of these
words has a different use.

for-means because and-means another, addition

nor-means not, but-shows contrast ,
or-means a choice yet-shows contrast
so- gives result


Day 3
Think and Tell
What is the difference between the two?

house home

Find and Learn

Using the picture give the denotative and connotative meaning of the following words

red rose



Try and Learn
Read the following words. Tell whether if the given meaning is a denotation or

1. family – group of related individuals

2. bird – a feathered animals with wings
3. childish - immature
4. unusual - bizarre
5. underweight – scrawny

Do and Learn
Give the connotative meaning of the underlined word.

1. I recognized the familiar smell of my roommate’s cooking.

2. Sometimes my thin friend annoys me.
3. Kevin interest in car turns into a hobby.
4. My old laptop has finally died.
5. Tom showed pride after winning the prize
Learn some more.
Find the denotative meaning of the following words

1. overweight - ( chubby, obese, weighing more than normal )

2. appetite - ( a strong desire, hunger, craving )
3. broken – ( defeated, fractured, beaten
4. fresh – ( clean and pure, impertinent, disrespectful )
5. vigor – ( determination, good health, passion

Find the connotative meaning of the following words.

1. short – ( tiny, little, fleeting )
2. height - ( measurement from base to top , violence )
3. slim – ( thin, skinny, slender )
4. dumb – ( stupid, lacking the power of speech , mute )
5. greasy- ( coated with oil, unappealing )

Read and learn

Read the short poem, find the words showing denotation or connotation

My mistress’ eyes are nothing like the sun;

Coral is far more red than her lips’ red;
If snow be white, why then her breasts are dun;
If hairs be wires, black wires grow on her head

Write about it
Decide whether the following is an example of denotation or connotation.

1. If the sun comes out, the snow will melt.

2. He has a good self-esteem.
3. Let us be a happy family and love one another.
4. Last year, I have a blue Christmas.
5. With a heavy heart, she called his number.


Denotation refers to the literal meaning of a word, the "dictionary definition."¨

Connotation refers to the associations that are connected to a certain word or the emotional
suggestions related to that word.


Day 4
Think and Tell
Look at the pictures below

Arrange the pictures in order when they happened

Find and Learn .

1. Vocabulary Development

Arrange the jumbled letters to form the word describe

a. andlnerow - owner of a big track of land

b. nneaxed – added to
c. owntpolepe - people living in a town

2. Read the story carefully

Have you gone to Pasay City? What are some of the places of interest in
Pasay City? We are going to study further about Pasay, which is now a city

Pasay City is considered the gateway to the Philippines by air. The Ninoy
Aquino International Airport lies within its confines. Within its limited area of only 19
square kilometers live 386,702 residents. Squezzed into it are five colleges and
universities, seven flying schools and public and private hospitals.
Pasay has had a long and colorful history. In per Spanish time, Rajah
Soliman named it after his daughter, princess Pasay. A greater part of Pasay formed
part of Nanayan, now St. Ana , a trading upstream along the Pasig River.
In 1727 Pasay was annexed to malate to provide easier access to the
Malate Parish. It was also at this time that Pasay was named Pineda, a Spanish
landowner of the place who provided protection for the town people. At that time
marauding brigands attacked and victimized many residents.

Pasay has grown by accretion. On October 12, 1903, the Municipality of
Malibay, earlier created on Feb. 2, 1889, was annexed to the Municipality of Pasay.
Then ,on January 1,1942 Pasay was incorporated into greater Manila.
After the Second World War . In 1945 , Pasay reverted as a Municipality of Rizal
On August 16,1947, it became a city by virtue of Republic Act No. 183 and
was renamed Rizal City . But three years later in 1950, it reverted to its former name
Pasay City.
Pasay City celebrated its 130th anniversary on December 2, 1993, as a
pueblo or town, for it was on this day 130 years ago when civil and ecclesiastical
authorities allowed the residents to manage their political and religious affairs. Now
Pasay City contributes much of the country’s proeperity and progress.

Comprehension check up

1. Who is the Rajah in the story?

2. What is considered the gateway to the Philippines by air?
3. When was the Pasay annexed to Manila to provide easier access to Malate
4. In what year was Pasay incorporated into the greater Manila area?
5. When was Pasay reverted as municipality of Rizal province?
6. By virtue of Republic Act No. 183 when was Pasay renamed Rizal City ?
7. In what year was Rizal City reverted to its former name Pasay City?
8. When did Pasay City celebrate its 130th anniversary?
9. How are the details in the selection arranged?

Try and Learn

Based from the selection read have the pupils finished the timeline by arranging the
events that occurs in Pasay City. Write

Pre- Spanish Time – Rajah Soliman named the town after his daughter Princess Pasay.


February2, 1889

October 12, 1903

January 1, 1942


August 16, 1946


December 2, 1993

Do and Learn
Arrange the following events according to time order

1. My friend is a candidate for first honor

---This year he has been a consistent outstanding pupil.
---When he was in grade three, he topped his class.
---Last year he was number one in his class.

2. The grade five level pupils would go on a field trip.

---The teacher checked the attendance before they boarded the bus.
---The bus reached the destination at 9 o’clock in the morning
--- The pupils assembled early in school

Learn some more

Arrange the following events according to time order.

1. The Comelec proclaims the winning candidate.

2. Rodrigo Duterte filed his candidacy for president.
3. The Board of Election Teller transmitted the election return to central server.
4. Filipinos casted their votes through VCM.
5. The Comelec organized a presidential debate

Read and learn

Read the nursery rhymes that shows chronological order of what happened.

Jack and Jill

Jack and Jill

Went up the hill
To fetch a pail of water,
Jack fell down
And broke his crown
And Jill came tumbling after.
Up Jack got
And home did trot
As fast as he could caper,
Went to bed
To mend his head
With vinegar and brown paper

Talk about it

The Lion and the Mouse

Once when a lion, the king of the jungle, was asleep, a little mouse began running up and
down on him. This soon awakened the lion, who placed his huge paw on the mouse, and
opened his big jaws to swallow him.
"Pardon, O King!" cried the little Mouse, "Forgive me this time. I shall never repeat it and I
shall never forget your kindness. And who knows, I may be able to do you a good turn one of
these days!”
The Lion was so tickled by the idea of the mouse being able to help him that he lifted his
paw and let him go.
Sometime later, a few hunters captured the lion, and tied him to a tree. After that they
went in search of a wagon, to take him to the zoo.
Just then the little mouse happened to pass by. On seeing the lion’s plight, he ran up to
him and gnawed away the ropes that bound him, the king of the jungle.
"Was I not right?" said the little mouse, very happy to help the lion.

Comprehension Questions
a. Why does the King lion awaken?
b. Why did the lion did not eat the mouse?
c. What happened to the lion one day?
d. Who saved him from the hunters?
e. How did the mouse save the lion?
f. What lesson did you get from the story?

Write about it
Arrange the following events according to time order then write your answer in a
form of paragraph
Life Cycle of a Butterfly
 The pupa will turn into a an adult butterfly
 A butterfly starts life as a very small, round, oval or cylindrical egg.
 They form themselves into a pupa.
 The egg hatches, the larva will start his work and eat the leaf they were born

Text – type (structure and language}
Time –order – it gives information in order of occurrence.
Critical words, first, second before, after, finally, the, next, earlier.


Day 5
Think and Tell

Show pictures. What can you say about the pictures? What are they?

These are some of the visual media that we use to convey information or messages

Find and Learn

Vocabulary development
 visual
 media
 social media

Watch the video under this link
The importance of visual content

Answer the following questions:

 What is the importance of visual media to everyone?

 What are the different visual media that we can use ?
 What is the importance of using visual media?

Try and Learn

Read and Understand

Generally speaking, there are five main functions of the visual arts: ceremonial, artistic
expression, narrative, functional, and persuasive. To these can be added “beauty,” in effect, the
desire of the artist to simply create something beautiful with little or no thought to any
significance beyond that objective.
The ceremonial purpose of the visual arts is to celebrate or acknowledge an event or era, or to
contribute to a ritualistic activity, such as a dance celebrating one of the season or a people’s
flight from captivity or hunger. One of the more common forms of ceremonial art is quilting, in

which the patterns employed have some symbolic importance, or the use of ceremonial garb by
Native Americans participating in a Pow Wow.
Artistic expression refers to the desire or need on the part of the artist to express his or her
emotions or feelings regarding a particular subject, including his- or herself. Many abstract
artists, for example, Jackson Pollock and Mark Rothko (although the latter rejected that
categorization) are assumed to be expressing emotions or beliefs through their art, which lends
itself to multiple interpretations and references to the known state of the artist’s being during the
period in which the individual work of art was created. Pablo Picasso’s art was known to be
heavily influenced by his emotional state during specific periods of his life.
The narrative purpose is to tell a story or relate the history of one’s people. Again,
quilting is a classic form of the use of visual arts to communicate a story. The African American
community, in particular, uses patterns and colors in quilting to convey the history of slavery and
emancipation. Film, another form of visual art, is frequently used to tell a story, such as with
Steven Spielberg’s film about the Holocaust, “Schindler’s List,” in which he used black and white
photography to provide a documentary and more somber “feel” to the film, while incorporating
rare color footage to illuminate a detail and lend significance to the item or individual in
question. David Lean used footage designed to simulate Russian winters in his film “Dr.
Zhivago” that highlighted the enormous expanse of Russian plains covered in deep snow.
Functional visual arts refer to structures or tools that are actually used in day-to-day
activities yet are designed to be aesthetically pleasing in addition to being functional.
Architecture is the most prominent of the visual arts to incorporate functionality in designs.
Major architects like Frank Lloyd Wright, I.M. Pei and Frank Gehry are well-known historical
figures for their success in combining art and function. The buildings for which architects are
commissioned to design obviously have to serve a function, whether it is as a museum, hospital,
house, or theater, yet are expected to be unique and challenging. Functional art can also be
quite small, such as the coffee maker or fruit peeler designed to look futuristic while also
performing their intended functions.
Persuasive art is intended to convey a message. Advertising for television, billboards,
magazine, and other visual media is a form of persuasive art, in that images are selected and
manipulated in order to convey a message or subliminally influence a consumer’s decision. A
common form of persuasive visual art is propaganda posters and cartoons intended to denigrate
a particular category of people, such as a racial or religious minority, or to foster emotional
reactions among viewers for or against a particular political cause. During the Cold War, the
Soviet Union used propaganda to convince its own people as well as others of the
righteousness of its cause and the moral and political depravity of U.S. policies. Nazi Germany,
under the authoritarian hand of Joseph Goebbels, used propaganda posters and newspaper
editorial cartoons to demonize Jews and facilitate the inculcation of a culture of genocide.
Tobacco companies use this form of visual art to associate cigarette smoking with masculine
virility and feminine mystique and power.
A final purpose of the visual arts can be considered the conveyance of beauty. While
each of the major practitioners of expressionism had his own “back story,” much of the art
produced by the French Impressionists like Claude Monet and Pierre-August Renoir simply
represent beauty for its own sake. While some expressionist painting, like that of Georges
Suerat and Vincent Van Gogh, is more closely tied to the emotional states of the artists, much
was intended to beautify the surroundings.

Do and Learn

Use this picture of an advertisement in discussion

1. What feeling or emotion does the picture shows?
2. What do you think is the purpose of the advertiser in putting that graphic in her
3. Does the poster attract attentions to costumer? In what aspect?
4. What idea does the poster or advertisement want to give to people?

Learn some more

Infer what is the purpose or message it gives

1. What feeling or emotion does the picture shows?

2. What do you think is the purpose of the advertiser in putting that graphic in her
3. Does the poster attract attentions to costumer? In what aspect?
4. What idea does the poster or advertisement want to give to people

Write about it
Observe the picture. Try to figure out the message its message

1. What is the image’s main message?

2. What time period is the postcard image from?
3. What are the symbols in the image?
4. What do they convey and to whom?.
5. Who and how are people depicted


The main functions of the visual arts/ media are: ceremonial, artistic
expression, narrative, functional, and persuasive .


Day 1
Think and Tell

Do a message relay using the tongue twister below

I scream, you scream,

we all scream
for ice cream

Find and Learn

Vocabulary Words
Find the meaning of the words in column A from column B
A. B
1. beak edge of a glass or container
2. half-dead b.a large container
3. pitcher c. very tired
4. brim d.the hard pointed part of the bird
e. no life

Read the short selection carefully then answer the questions below:

The Crow and the Pitcher

A crow, half-dead with thirst, came upon a pitcher
that had once been full of water. When the crow put its beak into
the mouth of the pitcher, he found that only very little water was
left in it, and that he could not reach down enough to get at it.
He tried so hard to reach the water, but could not. But then,
a thought came to him. He picked up one stone and dropped
it into the pitcher. He looked another and dropped it. He did this
again and again until the water came to the brim, afterwards,
he drank and drank.

1. How did the crow feel that day?
2. What did the crow see?
3. Why did the crow drink the water from the pitcher
4. How did the crow make the water come to the brim?
5. What did the crow do when the water in the pitcher come up?

Try and Learn

Try to tell the following sentences in your own words.

1. A crow, half-dead with thirst, came upon a pitcher that had once been full of water.
When the crow put its beak into the mouth of the pitcher
2. He found that only very little water was left in it, and that he could not reach down
enough to get at it.
3. He tried so hard to reach the water, but could not. But then, a thought came to him.
4. He picked up one stone and dropped it into the pitcher. He looked another and
dropped it.
5. He did this again and again until the water came to the brim, afterwards, he drank
and drank.

Do and Learn
Read the paragraph carefully . Choose 5 sentences you like most and restate it in
your own words.

One man bought a beautiful house with an orchard. Nearby an envious man lived in the old
house. He was constantly trying to ruin the mood of his new neighbor: he threw garbage under
his gates and made other nasty things.
One day the man woke up in a good mood, went out onto the porch and saw a bucket of
slops there. The man took this bucket, poured out the slops, cleaned a bucket, put the most ripe
and delicious apples there and went to his neighbor. The neighbor heard a knock at the door
and gleefully thought: “Finally I got it!”
He opened the door expecting for a quarrel. However the man gave him a bucket of apples
saying:The one who is rich with something, shares it with others..

Learn some more

Teacher will tell something about the picture. Listen carefully and write down at
least 2-3 sentences you remembered.

Read and learn
Read the short election then answer the questions below

The Donkey and the Sponges

A man drove his donkey to the seaside and purchased there a load of salt. The man and
the donkey went home at once. While crossing a stream, the donkey stumbled and fell into the
water. He lay there for some time until he regained his energy. Upon arising, the donkey was
delighted to find that he had lost his burden. After that, the donkey again had a chance to cross
the same stream, but this time he carried a load of sponges. Remembering what happened
before; he stumbled intentionally and again fell into the stream. The donkey was surprised when
he found out that, his load became many times heavier than before

1. What was the donkey’s burden on his first journey?

A. a load of salt
B. a load of hay
C. a load of sponges
2. Why was he delighted after falling into the stream the first time?
A. His burden became heavier than before.
B. His burden was removed by his master.
C. His burden became lighter than before.
3. What happened the second time he crossed the stream?
A. He purposely fell into the water.
B. He accidentally fell into the water.
C. He fell into the water with his master.
4. Why was the donkey sorry in the end?
A. His burden was changed.
B. His burden became heavier than before.
C. He lost his burden.
5. What is the lesson of the story?
A. Obedience is always rewarded.
B. Doing work the easy way is not always the best way.
C. Look before you leap.
Talk about it
Read the short paragraph and answer the questions below

Scientists found out that Mercury’s atmosphere is very hot. Venus is hot too. Mars and
Pluto are too cold and their atmosphere is made up of too much carbon dioxide just like those of
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. The planet Earth on the other hand has atmosphere
which is made up of oxygen. Earth also receives enough light and rays from the sun which
makes the planet fit for life.

Choose the letter of the correct answer

1. What is the selection about?
A. The Atmosphere of the Planets
B. The Gases in the Atmosphere
C. The Atmosphere of the Earth

2. A person who studies the planet’s atmosphere is called ___________.
A. scientists
B. poets
C. inventors blood 9
3. What makes the other planets too cold?
A. enough carbon dioxide
B. too much oxygen
C. too much carbon dioxide
4. What gas makes up the Earth’s atmosphere?
A. carbon dioxide
B. oxygen
C. nitrogen
5. What makes the planet Earth fit for life?
A. enough light and rays from the sun
B. less heat light and rays from the sun
C. no heat and light rays from the sun

Write about it
Listen to your teacher while reading the following sentence then restate it in your own

1. A rich man in a certain town once owned a dog and a cat, both of which were very useful to
2. The dog had served his master for many years and had become so old that he had lost his
teeth and was unable to fight anymore,
3. The dog was a good guide and companion to the cat who was strong and cunning.
4. The master had a daughter who was attending school at a convent some distance from
home, and very often he sent the dog and the cat with presents to the girl.
5. One day he called the faithful animals and bade them carry a magic ring to his daughter.


To restate a sentence/ statement heard you must listen carefully and

remember the main points .


Day 2
Think and Tell

Look at the pictures

Give a sentence from the pictures. Combine your sentences into one sentence

Find and Learn

I have here two columns of sentences Notice the difference between the simple and
compound sentence.

Simple Sentence Compound Sentence

1. Kevin and Patrick are good 1. Kevin and Patrick are good
neighbors neighbors and they have become
They have become the best of the best of friends.
2. Kevin loves fishing 2. Kevin loves fishing but Patrick finds
Patricks finds it boring it boring.
3 They go home before dark. 3. They go home before dark or they
They waited for the beautiful sunset waited for the beautiful sunset.
4. Kevin usually played his guitar. 4 Kevin usually plays guitar and
Everyone sings or dances everyone sings or dances.

Try and Learn
Study how each coordinating conjunctions are used in the following examples

For - Explains reason or purpose (just like “because”)

I go to the park every Sunday, for I love to watch the ducks on the lake.
And - Adds one thing to another
I go to the park every Sunday to watch the ducks on the lake and the shirtless men playing
Nor - Used to present an alternative negative idea to an already stated negative idea
I don’t go for the fresh air nor really for the ducks.
But - Shows contrast
The soccer in the park is entertaining in the winter, but it’s better in the heat of summer.
Or - Presents an alternative or a choice
The men play on teams: shirts or skins.
Yet - Introduces a contrasting idea that follows the preceding idea logically (similar to “but”)
I always take a book to read, yet I never seem to turn a single page.
So - Indicates effect, result or consequence
I’ve started dating one of the soccer players, so now I have an excuse to watch the game each

Do and Learn
Choose the most appropriate conjunction to go in the blank.
1. Please bring me a towel, _____ I can dry the dishes.
A. but B. not C. so
2. Take you clothes and shoes to your room, _____ put them away.
A. and B. so C. yet
3. Our teacher does not allow cell phones in class, _____ does she use hers during class.
A. or B. nor C. yet
4. Mom bought a new shelf for my room, _____ I now have a place to put my trophies.
A. yet B. so C. but
5. You can turn your paper in during class, _____ you can email it to Mr. Harris by
tomorrow morning.
A. so B nor C. and

Learn some more

Use the coordinating conjunctions and, nor, so or to complete each compound sentence.

1. Please bring me a towel, _____ I can dry the dishes.

2. Take you clothes and shoes to your room, _____ put them away.
3. Our teacher does not allow cell phones in class, _____ does she use hers during class

4. Mom bought a new shelf for my room, _____ I now have a place to put my trophies
5. You can turn your paper in during class, _____ you can email it to Mr. Harris by
tomorrow morning.

Read and learn

Read each sentence in the paragraph. Identify the compound sentence

The girl scouts of Julian Felipe elementary School camped for three days. One night,
they told stories after supper.. Then they went back to their tents and they fixed their beddings.
The school leader visited each tent and the campers were very happy for that.. The next day the
girls got up early and all of them jogged around the campsite. Their breakfast afterwards was
simple but it was nutritious.. Next, the girls prepared for the hije and uphill and down the

Talk about it
Tell something about the picture using compound sentence

Write about it
Form a compound sentence from the simple sentences given.Use or, and but to combine each
pair of sentence

1. School can be fun.

It is exciting.
2. The Science experiments need time and patience.
They are interesting to perform.
3. In, Physical Education we can learn many kinds of dances.
We are also taught different ball games.
4. Our Music teachers teach Filipino songs
Sometimes we learn foreign songs.
5. Mathematics seems challenging


A compound sentence is made up of two or more independent clauses usually joined by

the conjunctions and, or and but. And expresses addition, or tells choice, and but shows contrast.
Other conjunctions that may be used are yet, so and for. Yet means but at the same time, so means
therefore, and for means because.
A comma is usually used before the conjunction in a compound sentence


Day 3
Think and Tell.

Look at the picture, what can you say about the development of the baby?
Are they in a chronological order

Find and Learn

1. Vocabulary Words
Use a dictionary to find the meaning of the italicized word.
a. Her mother saw Rhona at a distance already unconscious.
b. A cat knocked down a lighted kerosene lamp.
c. Rhona hurriedlybrought her brother and sister on the ground.
d. Rhona’s mother accidentallybroke a drinking glass.

2. Have you heard of Rhona Mahilum?Read the story of her tale of courage and

One day when Rhona and his brother and sisters were sleeping, a cat
knocked down a lighted kerosene lamp, and soon the house started burning. RHona
hurriedly brought her brother and sisters out of the house one by one. She drew watr
from the well and threw it onto the fire. Then she rolled on the grass when her clothes
and hair caught fire.In another place away from the home, Rhona’s mother
accidentally broke a drinking glass. Then, she sensed that something wrong was
happening in their house.. Rhona’s mother found her children sleeping on the grass
except Rhona. Her mother saw Rhona at a distance unconscious. Her mother walked
for many hours to bring her to the hospital where she was treated.. Officials and
citizens in Rhona’s hometown and province heard of her
brave deed. They helped the family.

3.Comprehension check up
a. How the fire started in Rhona’s house?
b. How Rhona save her brothers and sisters?

c. How Rhona caught fire and saved herself and half of their house from burning?
d. How Rhona’s Mother sensed what was happening to their house and children?
e. How Rhona’s mother saved her daughter’s life?

Try and Learn

Arrange the following ideas in order. Then write it in a form of a paragraph.

_____After paying, wait for your name to be called

_____Fill out the registration form.
_____Present your receipt to claim your ID
_____Go to window and get your registration form
_____Pay the registration fee at the cashier.

Do and Learn

The events in the stories below are not in the correct order. Arrange them in sequence to
make a short story. Write them in paragraph form.

1. A Boy Scout Hero

 Arturo saved a widow and her child from the storm.

 Arturo’s family went to the school for shelter.
 The scoutmaster praised Arturo for his bravery.
 A strong typhoon began.
 The boy scouts left for the jamboree.

Learn some more

2. Early Peoples Covering

 They simply dried newly stripped animal skins and wore those with their hair
 The earliest people had no covering other than their skin.
 Finally they rubbed fat into the skins, thus making rough leather which was
better than untreated skin.
 The men used leaves of plants as clothes to keep out heat and animal skin
to keep out the cold.
 Later they scraped off the hair and hung the skin in the smoke of fires

Read and learn
Rearrange the following sentences to form a good story. Write them in paragraph form.

 They applied the iodine test and discovered which part stores starch. (5)
 The pupils opened up the corn grains and examined the different parts. (4)
 The class wanted to know the parts and uses of the corn grain. (1)
 The teacher divided the class into four groups. (2)
 The pupils drew the corn grain showing the endosperm, cotyledon and embryo. (6)
Each group brought materials for the experiment. (3)

Talk about it
Read the short selection then arrange te events according to time order

The Best Treasure

A certain farmer had several sons. He wanted them to become farmers. When
the farmer was dying, he called his sons and said to them. “Boys, I am about to leave you. I
have hidden my wealth in the vineyard. Search for it, it is all I have to give you. His sons
thought that their father had buried a treasure in the vineyard. When the father died, the sons
dug in the vineyard, to search for the treasure. They did not find the hidden wealth, but they
had fine crops of grapes.

___ a. His sons thought that their father had buried a treasure in the vineyard.
___ b. He wanted them to become good farmers.
___ c. They did not find the hidden wealth, but they had fine crops of grapes.
___ d. A certain farmer had several sons.
___ e. Their father had hidden his wealth in the vineyard

Write about it
Read and understand the following sentences. Arrange them in a logical order to make a story.
Rewrite them in paragraph form. Give a title to your paragraph.
 They become nymphs and live underwater.
 After a few days, the eggs hatched.
 Finally, they become full-grown dragonflies.
 First, the dragonfly lays egg on the water.
 As the nymphs grow, they shed their skin many times

The order in which events happen in a story, or how ideas are arranged in a composition is
called sequence of events or ideas. This helps you understand what you are reading. It is
important to note time signals such as In 1985,
five years after, first, next , or finally.


Day 4
Think and Tell
Look at the pictures of a thin and a fat girl

Describe the girl in the first picture/second picture

The girl is fat
The girl is chubby.
The girl is skinny.
The girl is scrawny.
Which of the words fat and chubby fives a positive connotation? Negative connotation?
Which of the words skinny and scrawny gives positive connotation? Negative

Find and Learn

Have the pupils watch a video clip about positive and negative connotation

What is a positive connotation? Negative connotation

Try and Learn

Study the following sentences and give the positive and negative connotation of the word.

1. I recognized the familiar smell of my roommate's cooking.

negative connotation: stench
positive connotation: aroma
2. Scrapple is an inexpensive meal.
negative connotation: cheap
positive connotation: thrifty

3. We stopped for lunch at a diner in West Virginia.
negative connotation: greasy spoon
positive connotation: café or bistro
4. My parents are committed conservationists.
negative connotation: tree huggers
positive connotation: environmentalists..
5. My old laptop has finally died.
negative connotation: decrepit
positive connotation: venerable

Do and Learn
Think of a Positive and negative connotation for the following word

Positive Connotation Negative connotation


Learn some more

Tell whether the following word is posite or negative connotation

1. childish
2. stingy
3. economical
4. headstrong
5. fun-size
6. difficult
7. determine
8. self- focused
9. firm
10. underweight

Read and learn
Read other example of positive and negative connotation Try to use it in a sentence.

Talk about it
For each pair of words and a phrase, list the one that is positive in the “Positive
Connotation” category, the one that is negative in the “Negative Connotation”

1. slim, skinny, less than average build

2. fragrance, odor, a smell sensed by the olfactory nerve
3. a young age, youthful, immature .
4. assertive, firmly confident, pushy
5. hobby.avocation,obsession

Denotation Positive connotation Negative connotation

Write about it
Choose the correct word to complete each sentence.

Negative connotation

1. He made me feel ____( uneasy. , frightened )

2. Some of the makeup were ______ (annoying, amusing)
3. Mike ____ or to go on the ride. (nagged, reminded)

Positive connotation
1. Our trip to the amusement park was ____ (fine, wonderful )
2. We saw _____ animals in the zoo. ( fascinating, weird )
3. Some of the Monkeys were _____ (hilarious, funny )


When you look up a word in the dictionary, you will find its literal (denotative)meaning.
However, the emotions and associations connected to a word is known as its
connotative meaning. Depending on our experiences, certain words have
apositive, negative, or neutral connotation.

104 Day 5
Think and Tell

Look at the poster, what message the poster gives?

Is this picture considered a multimedia? What element of multimedia is present in the


At the end of the lesson yu will learn the different element of multimedia and how
it contribute to the meaning of the text.

Find and Learn

Read the short story

The Greatest Treasure

Once upon a time, the greatest treasure in the world was hidden in a chest. The
chest was locked and was inside a cave that could only be found with the help of a map.
A monkey found the key to the chest in a tree, an elephant managed to move a boulder which
stood in the way, and a snake found the map under some stones. All of them tried to find the
chest on their own, without success. An owl realized this and gathered the animals together to
work as a team. The animals took his advice and, after many adventures and difficulties, they
managed to find the chest.
When they opened it, there was just one single piece of parchment inside. It said that if they had
gotten this far then they had already found the greatest treasure in the world: that of friendship.
The animals realized this was true, and they happily
remained friends for life.

Watch the video of the story The Greatest Treasure
Try and Learn
Study the following


Text is the basic element of multimedia. It involves the use of text types, sizes, colors and
background color. In a multimedia application, other media or screen can be linked through the
use of text. This is what you call Hypertext. To produce an effective multimedia program there
are three things that need to be considered. They are:
*The position of the text on the screen.
*Length of the message
*And legibility of the text.

Graphics make the multimedia application attractive. They help to illustrate ideas through
still pictures.
There are two types of graphics used: bitmaps (paint graphics) and vector (draw graphics).

A multimedia application may require the use of speech, music and sound effects. These
are called audio or the sound element. There are two basic types of audio or sound: analog and
digital audio.

Video provides a powerful impact in a multimedia program. In multimedia applications, the
digital video is gaining popularity because of the following reasons:
Video clips can be edited easily. The digital video files can be stored like any other files in the
computer and the quality of the video can still be maintained. The video files can be transferred
within a computer network it allows non-linear editing in any part of the video. However, these
digital video files are large in size. Transferring these files can take a long time especially when
using the Internet.

Animation is a process of making a static image look like it is moving. In multimedia, digital

animation is used. Digital animation can be categorised into two broad area: 2D (2 Dimension)
and 3D (3 Dimension) animations.

Source :

Do and Learn
Complete the table
Evaluating the Attributes of Different Multimedia Elements of a Webpage

Webpage URL:

( Use the same video. )“ The Greatest Treasure”

Multimedi Attributes Values Comments / Remarks

Eg. Text Font size 8 Too small and the text cannot be read
clearly. Suggested to change the font
size to 12

Learn some more

Tell what element of multimedia is associated with the pictures

1. 2.

3. 4.


Talk about it
Read the information below

Write about it
Analyze how the following elements of multimedia contribute to the meaning of the
text. Match column A to column B

A. B.
1. text A. It makes the static image like moving
2. graphic B. It gives a powerful impact
2. animation C. it gives message that can be read
4. video D. It makes the presentation attractive
5. sound E. reinforce the understanding of
Information presented



Day 1

Think and Tell

Read the story entitled “The Bug Collection” by: Andrew Frinkle

Peter had to do a bug collection for school. He was

required to get several different Orders of bugs, and at least one
Species of each of those Orders. Orders were groups of similar
bugs, and Species were specific examples. There were 29
different Orders of bugs in the world, but most bugs came from
four common groups, while the others could be quite rare.

He knew if he could catch about ten Species of bugs

from four different Orders, he’d get a good grade. So, he went outside with his bug net and
caught a Yellow Cabbage Butterfly almost right away! That was a member of the Order
Lepidoptera, which included all the butterflies and moths. He caught several more butterflies
and moths over the next few hours, including a swallowtail butterfly and a moth almost the size
of his hand that had been hiding on a tree, blending in. He’d have to look it up in a book later to
see what kind it was.

The second Order he found was Orthoptera. This was the group of bugs that included
grasshoppers and crickets. He caught a black cricket under the rose bushes, and then snagged
a big fat green locust flying through the yard. It was hard to catch that one, because it flew so
Hymenoptera was the next Order he found, but it wasn’t that hard. There was a whole
anthill filled with fire ants by the back porch, and there were black ants in the driveway. Then he

found a dead wasp in a spider’s web near the barn. Those were both in the same group of
After that, it got harder. He got down on his hands and knees and crawled through the
grass, eventually finding a ladybug. Those were in the Order Coleoptera. He didn’t find any
other beetles, though. He did find a spider, but that didn’t count. Spiders were Arachnids,
creatures with eight legs. Insects were only supposed to have six legs. Regardless, he could not
keep the spider for his collection. He saw a dragonfly, but it was too fast, and that meant he
didn’t have a member of Order Odonata.

He got lucky and found a walking stick before he gave up for the day. That was a rare
member of the Order Phasmida, which included camouflaging bugs like leaf bugs and stick
bugs. It seemed like he’d get a pretty good grade after all!

Find and Learn

Use the information in the story to answer the questions below.

1. What does Peter have to collect for school?

A. leaves
B. bugs
C. flowers
D. rocks
2. TRUE OR FALSE: An insect Order is a group of similar insects?
A. True
B. False
3. TRUE OR FALSE: An insect Species is a group of similar insects?
A. True
B. False
4. What was the first insect Peter caught?
A. a wasp
B. ants
C. a ladybug
D. a cabbage butterfly
5. What was the last insect Peter caught?
A. a dragonfly
B. a spider
C. a walking stick
D. a swallowtail butterfly

Try and Learn
From the story you have read,
list all the key sentences and supporting sentences

Key sentences Supporting sentences

Do and Learn

( Developing Reading Power p. 226)

Group 1 - Graphic Organizer

Group II – Read the story correctly with proper phrasing, intonation, pronunciation
Group III –Restate the story in your own words

Learn some more

Graphic organizersengage students with online content by helping to apply learning, organize
ideas, classify information, sequence events, or compare and contrast.

Balloons Brainstorming Cause & Effect Circles Story Character Map
Web Map

Compare Concept Map Dear Tim & Description/ Experiment

Moby Prediction Observations

Flowchart Ideas Details Item Description Knowledge & KWL Chart


KWS Chart Main Idea Moby Alphabet Observation Paragraph


Pause Points Predictions Story Map Story Mountain Story Pyramid

Storyboard Synonym & The 5 Ws Tim’s Shirt Venn Diagram

Antonym Pairs

Read and learn
Read the story carefully and correctly.

The Structure of the Flower

The lower and outermost part of a flower are the sepals.

They are usually green. They look like leaves. They form the protective
covering of the flower when it is still a bud.

Above the sepals are the petals. Petals often have bright
colors because they attract insects. Growing just above and within the
circle of petals are the stamens. Each stamen has a long stem like part
called filament. At the top of the filament is another which is filled with
yellow or reddish dust-like grains called pollen.

The innermost part of the flower is the pistil which has

three parts – the stigma, the style and the large base called ovary. Within
the ovary are small structures called ovules. Seeds develop from the
ovules. ( Grade 5 Lesson Guide p. 204 )

Write about it
Make a graphic organizer out from the story you have read.

Remember Graphic organizers engage students with online content by

helping to apply learning, organize ideas, classify information,
sequence events, or compare and contrast.


Day 2
Think and Tell

What do you see? What are they doing?

Find and Learn

1. Watch the soundless video clip your teacher will show you and retell to the class
what you have watched.

Answer the following questions:

 In your opinion, is your classmate’s retelling of the video correct?

 What made you say so?

2. Watch again the video with sounds this time.

Answer the following questions:

 After watching the video clip with sounds, is your/your classmate’s retelling of
the video correct?
 If so, what are the CUES that made you/your classmate retell the story

Try and Learn
List the verbal and non-verbal cues you have seen in the video


1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

4. 4.

5. 5.

Do and Learn
Go to your group and make a script of a short skit (dramatization) of a
news broadcasting good for 5 minutes.

Learn some more
Watch again another broadcasting video and list/draw the verbal and
non-verbal cues in the boxes, but this time using the elements of

Watch and learn
Match the multimedia cues to the appropriate text related to news clips.







Write about it
What have you learned today?



Multimedia is content that uses a combination of different content forms such as text, audio,
images, animation, video and interactive content. Multimedia contrasts with media that use only
rudimentary computer displays such as text-only or traditional forms of printed or hand-produced
The Five Multimedia Elements: Text, image, audio, video, and animation are the five multimedia
elements. The first multimedia element is text. Text is the most common multimedia element.
Multimedia can be recorded and played, displayed, dynamic, interacted with or accessed
by information content processing devices, such as computerized and electronic devices, but can
also be part of a live performance.


Day 3
Think and Tell

What do you think the pictures are all about?

Find and Learn

Read the article entitled “Saved by a Hero”

- English Basics and Beyond 5 (pp. 394-396)

Try and Learn

List the emphasized words in the article below and try to give their possible meaning.


1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.

Do and Learn

Your teacher will show you a dictionary. Read, browse and pass it on!

Learn some more

A dictionary is a collection of words in one or

more specific languages, often alphabetically
(or by radical and stroke for ideographic
languages), with usage of information,
definitions, etymologies, phonetics,
pronunciations, translation, and other

Read the chart below. These are examples of positive and negative connotations:

Read and learn

Go to your group.

Let us visit the library and look for denotations!

 List all the primary and secondary sources of information where you find the denotations
you are looking for.
 Study how the dictionary works.
 Use the dictionary in finding out denotations.


1. Infrastructure - ________________ - ________________

________________ ________________
________________ ________________
________________ ________________

2. Acute - ________________ - ________________

________________ ________________
________________ ________________
________________ ________________

3. Philosophy - ________________ - ________________

________________ ________________
________________ ________________
________________ ________________

4. Federalism - ________________ - ________________

________________ ________________
________________ ________________
________________ ________________

5. Apprehension - ________________ - ________________

________________ ________________
________________ ________________
________________ ________________

Talk about it

Brainstorm on whether it is apositive or a negative connotation. Use a primary or secondary

sources where you have seen it.

Eager hustle anxious melancholic

luxurious vengeance justice outstanding
clever meticulous fragile

Write about it
A. Choose five words from the connotations above. Find its denotation
and write a sentence using it.






B. Define each word using a dictionary. Read the word in context. Then
decide if the word has a positive or a negative connotation.


Day 4
Think and Tell

Match the cause to its effect:

 Then join the two sentences you matched to form a complex sentence.


Find and Learn

Color the boxes with the same color to match the cause and effect and complete
the complex sentences.

Try and Learn

Learn some more

Read and learn

The Lion and the Mouse

Once when a lion, the king of the jungle, was asleep, a little mouse began running
up and down on him. This soon awakened the lion, who placed his huge paw on the mouse,
and opened his big jaws to swallow him.
"Pardon, O King!" cried the little Mouse, "Forgive me this time. I shall never repeat it
and I shall never forget your kindness. And who knows, I may be able to do you a good turn one
of these days!”
The Lion was so tickled by the idea of the mouse being able to help him that he lifted his
paw and let him go.
Sometime later, a few hunters captured the lion, and tied him to a tree. After that they
went in search of a wagon, to take him to the zoo.
Just then the little mouse happened to pass by. On seeing the lion’s plight, he ran up to
him and gnawed away the ropes that bound him, the king of the jungle.
"Was I not right?" said the little mouse, very happy to help the lion.

Talk about it
Comprehension Questions

Answer the following questions orally in your class.

a. Why does the King lion awaken?

b. Why did the lion did not eat the mouse?
c. What happened to the lion one day?
d. Who saved him from the hunters?
e. How did the mouse save the lion?
f. What could have happened if the mouse did not help him?
g. What lesson did you get from the story?

Write about it
Write another possible ending for the story below.


Complex sentence- a sentence containing a subordinate clause or clauses.

A cause is WHY something happens. An effect is WHAT happens


Day 5
Think and Tell

Review your previous composition. Check for clarity and spelling


Find and Learn

Exchange your work with your seatmate and check each other’s

 Underline words you find out spelled wrong

 Put question marks on sentences/ paragraphs you do not understand or is
not clear
 Use only a pencil

Learn some more

Read and Learn

Learn some more

Do and Learn

In checking your seatmate’s work, here is a checklist:

Name of seatmate:_______________________________________________ Date: ______________

Checklist for Clarity YES NO

1. The sentences are meaningful.
2. The grammar usage is correct.
3. Uses precise/ direct descriptive words.
4. Clear pronoun references.
5. Uses the right words.

No. of misspelled words: _____

Talk about it

 Explain to your seatmate his/her mistakes after you have checked the
 Make sure to politely address him/her.
 Make sure that both of you agree that a change is a must.
 Give some of your suggestions for a better result.

Write about it

 Rewrite your own composition after the correction checking.

 Make sure to correct all possible words you need to correct.
 Write legibly.



Day 1
Think and Tell

Let us take a look again at the different text types:

Did you notice the differences of each from one to another?

Find and Learn

 Choose from the text type boxes the reading materials/articles

you are interested in.

Try and Learn

 Read your chosen selection silently.

 Take note of the message of the selection you have chosen.

Learn some more

Do and Learn
Summarize the selection you have read in this page.
 don’t forget to write the title of your selection!

Read and learn

 Read another selection from the text type boxes…

 And make another summary…

Talk about it

 Now this time, go ahead and share to the class your reaction to the
authentic messages of the text.

Write about it
 Write here your reaction to the selections you read.

Reaction to selection 1:

Reaction to selection 2:



Day 2
Think and Tell
 Review the following topics we had:

A cause is WHY
An effect is WHAT

Find and Learn
Look at the cues below. Write a cause and effect complex sentence
describing each.

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

Try and Learn

Go to your groups and simulate

the news you have written
complex sentences (Cause and
effect) a while ago.




Do and Learn

 Practice with your group

 See example videos
 Remember to use cues and complex sentences
with cause and effect.
 Present your simulation broadcasting to the
 Explain your presentation.

Learn some more

Read and learn



Day 3
Think and Tell

Do you know how to cook? Have you ever read a cook book? Read
the recipe in the cook book aloud.

 Are there words difficult to understand?

Find and Learn
 Search the following words’ denotations/connotations using the dictionary:

minced sauté diced


Broth cube simmer

Sweet style grated


____________________- ____________________________________________________________

____________________- ____________________________________________________________

____________________- ____________________________________________________________

____________________- ____________________________________________________________

____________________- ____________________________________________________________

____________________- ____________________________________________________________

____________________- ____________________________________________________________

____________________- ____________________________________________________________

____________________- ____________________________________________________________

Try and Learn

Answer the following questions:

1. Do you recall the title of the recipe?

2. What are the main ingredients in the recipe?
3. Why is measurement important in cooking?
4. Were the instructions clear?
5. What do you think will happen if you did not
Understand the words in the recipe?

Do and Learn
 Find the cooking terms and encircle it!

Learn some more
Now it’s your turn!

1. Got to your group.

2. Go the TLE room.
3. Prepare the materials and ingredients.
4. Follow the recipe.
5. Present to the class your product.

 Here are some words you can be familiar with:

Read and learn

Try practicing these
words when cooking:

Talk about it

Write about it
 Try to rewrite the recipe you have read by recalling the
ingredients and the process.
 U





Day 4
Think and Tell

Where do you think the boy is?

Have you ever been into the library?

Find and Learn

Almost all schools
have library.
It is where we
find books.

Today, we will visit the library.

What Library resources are you
interested in? Color them.

Try and Learn

Try to list down the books you had already read below.

Write on the left the books that have original authors and on the right the books
that were retold or rewritten.

Books with Original Author Books rewritten or retold


Come on! What are

Do and Learn you waiting for? Let’s
read some books in
the library!

Learn some more

these are things we should remember:

Read and learn

 Why not read some of these!

 List your own primary and secondary sources.

Talk about it

The Librarian is the one whom we borrow the books in the library.

Write a conversation on how you would ask the Librarian and her response.


Write about it
Write a three-paragraph descriptive essay on your self-
selected topic based on your primary source.



Day 5
Think and Tell

Have you ever seen these? _____________

Where? ______________________

What do you call these?__________________________

Find and Learn
Do you remember these?

Guess the name of the commercials below.

______________________________________ _________________________________

_____________________________________ ________________________________

Watch and Learn

 Watch the advertisements your teacher will show you.

 Remember the guidelines in watching a movie:

1. Do not make noise.

2. Pay attention to what you are watching.
3. Sit properly.

Do and Learn

After watching the video , write or draw the images/ideas inside the TV that made
you want to buy the product.


Learn some more
 Propaganda is a form of
biased communication, aimed
at promoting or demoting
certain views, perceptions or
 Point of view is a specified or stated manner of consideration, an
attitude how one sees or thinks of something.
 Stereotype is a thought that can be adopted about specific types
of individuals or certain ways of doing things. These thoughts or
beliefs may or may not accurately reflect reality.

Read and learn

Talk about it

Write Give examples of the three below:

about it


Day 3

Think and Tell

Look at the group of words (clauses). Tell whichclause has a complete thought and can
stand alone and which clause cannot stand alone.
 We ran home
 Because it’s getting dark
 After the exam
 We played at the plaza
 Let’s take a walk
 Before we see a movie

Find and Learn

Read and study the following sentences

1. I shall not go home unless mother comes back.

2. I like you because you are so friendly.
3. Susie will return the books after her class.

Answer the following questions:

 How many clauses are there in each sentence?
 Whatkinds of clauses are there in each sentence?
 Which is the independent clause in each sentence?
 Which is the dependent clause in each sentence?
 What word connects each independent clause to the dependent clause
in each sentence?

The words that signal each dependent clause are unless, because and after.

Try and Learn
Combine the independent clause with the dependent clause to form a
complex sentence. Make the necessary changes. Observe
capitalization and correct punctuation marks.

1. Hobbyists make money.

Because they can sell their crafts.
2. That entertain them.
They love to read books.
3. If you want to learn more about hobbies.
Join a hobby club.
4. After the exhibit.
The members of the club had a celebration party.
5. Some persons like to collect diaries.
That are kept by famous people.

Do and Learn
Use the appropriate conjunctions (because, so that, when, where) in combining the
pairs of sentences to make complex sentences.

1. I like farming. It is very challenging.

2. I started gardening. I was seven.
3. I used of pots made of small cans. I was quite young to work on a
big garden plot.
4. I used animal manure as fertilizer. My plants grew healthy.
5. I bring the pechay harvest to the market. I can sell it to earn some

Learn some more

Underline the most appropriate conjunction to connect the ideas in each sentence.

1. Dondon bring a water jug (when, where) he goes hiking.

2. I like hiking, too, (since, although) it can be tiring.
3. (When, Before) I get very tired, I usually take a rest.
4. You should not climb the mountain (so that, unless) someone is with you.
5. A fellow scout or classmate can help (if, where) you are hurt.

Read and learn

Read the short paragraph and find all the complex sentences.

Outdoor life is exciting. We went camping and hiking because we love the
outdoors. When we went to a rainforest park one time, we rode on a big bus. We made
sure that we were safe in camp so we brought our tents and supplies. On the bus, we
sang songs and watched the fields we passed. Although we were tired, we enjoyed
pitching tents, cooking our food, and hiking to a nearby hill.

Talk about it

Connect the independent clause to the dependent clause using the correct
conjunctions (and, so, for, nor, but, yet)


1. You will enjoy hiking more. A.Although I got so tired from

a ten-kilometer hike.

2. I was not absent from class. B. If you hike with a group.
3. Dondon and I go hiking on the C. Because we love nature.
4. I like you. D.Though he was away.
5. She remained faithful to him. E. Because you are kind.

Write about it

Complete each sentence with a dependent clause.

1. I cannot find a clock _______________.

2. I saw a man _______________.
3. I remember the place ___________________.
4. Margareth is sick ______________.
5. She fails the test _____________.


 A complex sentence is composed of one independent clause and

one or two dependent clauses.

 An independent clause is a simple sentence by itself. It gives a

complete meaning. It can stand alone.

 A dependent clause does not give a complete thought. It cannot

stand alone. It depends on an independent clause to complete its

Prepared by:

Santa Cruz Elem. Sch.
Santa Cruz District

4th Quarter
Week 9


Listening Comprehension
Summarize information from various text types.

Oral Language
Use verbal and non-verbal cues in a TV Broadcast.

Vocabulary Development
Identify different meanings of unfamiliar words.
(denotation and connotation) (Mathematics)

Reading Comprehension
Make generalization

Oral Reading Fluency

Observe accuracy, appropriate rate, proper expressions and correct punctuations in dramatic,
readings and presentation.

Study Strategy
Conduct short research projects on a self-related topic.

Use complex sentences to show problem-solution relationship of ideas.

Writing Composition
Compose a three-paragraph descriptive essay on self-related topic.

Make connections between information viewed and personal experiences.

Show tactfulness when communicating with others.

II. Subject-Matter

A. Topics

1. Literature
a. “Black-out or Brown outs” (Improving Proficiency in Reading I, p.44)
b. “The Jellyfish Journey“ by Josefina V. Suarez, Ed. D.
(New Dynamic Series in English 5, pp. 49-50)
c. “Hickory, Dickory, Dock “(Poem)
d. Idioms, Connotations & Denotations
e. Tongue Twisters

2. Language
a. Compound words
b. Verbal and Non-Verbal Cues in a TV Broadcast
c. Descriptive Essay
d. Contextual Clues

B. Materials
 short listening Selection
 short oral reading selection
 printed vocabs on meta cards (Word Bank)
 prediction table (board/chart)
 tongue twister chart
 activity sheets
 film (via power point)

C. References
K-12 Curriculum Guide (English 5)

Day 1

II. Subject-Matter
1. Listening to a selection (Black-out or Brown-out)
2. Summarizing the Selection listened to.

References: Improving Proficiency in Reading I,p.44

K-12 Curriculum Guide in English 5 EN5LC-Iv3.13,

Materials: chart, meta cards ,activity sheets, film

III. Procedure

Setting the Stage

A. Using hands, the teacher acts-out each of the given things and asks the pupils to identify.
1. rain drop 3. lightning 5. earthquake
2. thunder 4. flash flood

Ask: What are those identified things?

B. Form compound words by matching Column A and Column B.

A. B
1. brown- ______________ a. load
2. construction-______________ b. outs
3. over- ________________ c. material
4. motor- _______________ d. spread
5. wide- ________________ e. vehicle

Think and Tell:

Teacher reads the situation aloud.
Situation: While watching “Probinsyano”,suddenly there was an electric interruption that
shot off the lights, television, electric fan, refrigerator and other household appliances
in your neighbor’s home.
Ask: What is that event called?

Find-out and learn

Ask: When a brown-out in your own house occurs what will you do?

Try and learn

Ask: When electrical interruptions/failures occur in the entire province, will you consider it
brown-out? If no, then what is it?
Why does black out or brown-out occur?

Do and learn
Ask: How does black-out affect a province or city?

Fill- up the prediction chart.

People Work Household Appliances

Ask the pupils to explain the answers.

C. Modeling the pupils

Teacher reads the selection clearly and slowly. Pause once in a while to ask questions.

Black-out or Brown-out
We use the term black-out to mean a widespread loss of electric power. This usually
Happens during uncontrollable situations such as when lightning or tree branches hit electric wires
during storms. It also occurs after a total electric shot down due to an overload on the units that
generate electricity.
Brown-outs on the often hand, are confined only to certain small areas. They are
sometimes scheduled and announced in advanced by an electric company when it is necessary to
save energy or enable its crews to perform maintenance work. But brown-outs can also be caused
by fires, floods, man-made accidents such as a vehicle hitting an electric post or late getting
entangled with power line or construction-materials falling on these lines.

Comprehension Questions
How is black-out different from brown-out?
What may cause black-out and brown-out?
Which between black-out and brown-out is more disturbing? Support your answer.
How can we prepare ourselves to any of them so that we will not be fully affected?

III. Guided Practice

Group the class into three. Then, distribute the activity sheets.
Group I: Role play 5 activities of family members during occurrence of a brown-out.
Group II: Act-out the usual 5 reactions to brown-out in your house.
Group III: Pretend to be government agencies that will respond to call in case, a brown-out
extends longer.

Ask the pupils to present their outputs in the class.

IV. Independent Practice

Write a paragraph-summary of the selection listened, to containing the following;
1. difference between black-out and brown-out
2. causes
3. effects

5 – 3 complete ideas with a title
4 – 2 complete ideas with a title
3 – 1 complete idea with a title
2 – 1 incomplete idea with a title
1 – 1 incomplete idea without a title
0- no idea at all

REMEMBER: A paragraph is consists of an introduction, body and conclusion. The first sentence is

V. Evaluation

Choose the best answer in each item.

1. Brown-outs happen ( anytime, at night, at noon, in the morning ).

2. Black-out occurs in (a duplex, a house, an urban, a neighbor,)

3. Brown-out is caused by a ( fight, lightning ,graduation, party)

4 . (Appliances, Houses , People, Roads) are mostly affected as their work are delayed

5. It is safer to ( break-out, leave –on, ignore, turrn –off) the household appliances.

Day 2

I. Objectives
1. Value facts/factual things to find reality.
2. Use verbal and non-verbal cues.
3. Perform an oral activity using denotations and connotations.

II. Subject-Matter
Verbal and Non-Verbal Cues
Connotations and Denotations K -12 Curriculum Guide in English 5

References: EN5OL- IV; -4 EN5V-IVh 20.1, 20.2

Materials: charts, metacards.
III. Procedure
Setting the Stage
Tell the compound word that fits each sentence. Select the answers below the sentences.
1. The policeman tries to stop the heavy car with an ___________.
2. The people in the neighborhood did not sleep well owing to the warmth and darkness brought by
3. Empty small or big containers in the backyard to avoid the ____________dengue viruses.
4. A lot of ___________ riders had met on ____________.
5. The carpenter needs a ____________ for building a house.

brown-out construction-material overload

motor-vehicle widespread

Think and Tell

Read the sentences aloud.
a. The farmer is very fond of Ram, the black sheep.
b. Father is angry with Roy, the family’s black sheep.

Ask: Do the two sentences convey similar ideas?

If not, what is the difference?
What kind of word is black sheep in the first sentence?
What kind of word is black sheep in the second sentence?

Find and Learn

Identify the denotative and the connotative words.
a. Impossible! It rained cats and dogs.
b. It rained cats and dogs during typhoon Yolanda.

a. This is a sketch of human body. Please paint a heart of gold.

b. Here is Mr. Rico who gives money to the needy. He has a heart of gold.
Differentiate denotations and connotations.
What does each of them mean?

Do and Learn
Complete the sentences with the given connotative words. Select the answers below.
1. You can’t go through this street. It’s a ____________.
2. The cruel leader dictates the people with an ____________.
3. When the speaker forgot his line, he created __________. The audience didn’t notice it.
4. The love story was ___________. It characters acted unrealistic at all.
5. When caught, the thief showed-out his ____________that the policeman didn’t believe,
thinking that he was only bluffing them.
corny crib crocodile
iron hand ad lib dead end

Fill in the blank with the correct denotation. Use the same choices found above.
1. In the lake, the crocodile lost its young. To my amazement, it gave out ______________.
2. I have strong teeth so I could eat ______________ foods.
3. Children love to watch robots moving their _______________.
4. The baby is put in a ______________.
5. If the old sick man isn’t cured, it could be his ______________.

Learn some more

Find the meaning of the following connotations by matching Columns A and B.
A. B.
______1. ad lib a. forceful discipline
______2. corny b. old fashioned
______3. dead end c. additional remarks
______4. crocodile tears d. insincere grief
______5. iron hand e. street without outlet
Talk about it
Discuss the meaning of the given connotations and denotations. Ask the pupils to use them in
sentences. Teacher may use non-verbal expressions for further understanding of the lesson.

* Denotation expresses literal or real meaning.
* Connotation expresses concealed meaning.
Evaluation: Write Denotation or Cooontation on each blank.
______1. When the naughty boy was scolded by his mother he shed crocodile tears.
______2. The mason seems to have an iron hand while shaping up a bolo.
______3. Your jokes are too corny, it didn’t make me laugh at all.
______4. The river had finally reached its dead end; the water dried –up,fish and plants all died.
______5. When necessary, create an ad lib to make your part very realistic.

Home Activity
List down 5 connotative words with their meanings. Use them in sentences.

Day 3
I. Objectives
1. Realized that the end does not justify the means.
2. Define vocabulary words through context clues.
3. Read the selection with comprehension.
4. Write the main idea of the selection read.

II. Subject-Matter:
Developing Vocabularies (Contextual Clues)
Reading a Selection: “The Jellyfish Journey”
Giving the Main Idea of the Selection read.

New Dynamics Series in English 5pp. 49-50.
K-12 Curriculum Guide, EN5RC-IVg- 2.12
EN5F-IVg- 2.9
Materials: chart, metacards, pictures activity sheets

III. Procedure
A. Setting the Stage
Ask the pupils to read repeatedly.
Then instruct then do recite without reading it.

Tongue Twister
videotape the videography
of videos.
B. Contextual Clues:
Analyze the sentences. Underline twice the word or words that mean (s) the underlined
vocabulary in each sentence.
1. There was rejoicing in the palace yesterday.
The king got married a beautiful woman.
2. Trials are test of patience. They are the spices of life.
3. The kings wife requested for a monkey’s liver.
4. Timothy is a mischievous boy. He always makes his teachers angry.
5. Juan is a silly boy. He does things that shows lack of good sense.

Check the pupils’ answers. Draw a line to match Column A with Column B.
A. B.
1. rejoicing a. test of patience
2. trials b. makes his teachers angry
3. requested c. celebration lasted
4. mischievous d. respond to wife’s wish
5. silly e. lack of good sense

Explaining the pupils what to do.
Our reading selection for today is “The Jellyfish Journey”
Can you think of words, compound words, or remarks that we may associate to animals?
Example: yellow chicken
Anticipated answers:
black sheep lion-hearted crocodile tears dog tags monkey business
Show pictures of a jelly fish,dragon and monkey
Find out the different blended traits of the characters in the selection.
Which among the two of you is going to be defended and be cast out?


Once upon a time, the king of the dragons who was an old bachelor took it into his head to get
married. His bride was a young dragonette just sixteen years old- lovely enough to become the wife of
any king. The wedding caused much rejoicing. The fishes both great and small came to offer gifts to the
newly wedded pair. For many days there was feasting and merriment.
But alas, even dragons have their trials. Before a month has passed, the young dragon queen fell
ill. The doctors gave her every medicine that was known to dragons, but none helped her. At last, they
said that there was nothing more to be done. She would probably die. But the sick queen said to her
husband, “I know of something that will cure me. Get me a live monkey’s liver and I shall get well at
“A live monkey’s liver!” exclaimed the king. “What are you thinking of, my dear? You forgot that
we dragons live in the sea, while monkey’s live on land far away among the forest trees. A monkey’s
liver! My darling, you must be mad.”
The young queen burst into tears, “I have asked you for only one small thing,” she whispered,
“and you won’t get it for me. I wish I had stayed at home with my own m-m-m-mama and my own papa-
The dragon king did not like to have it thought that he was unkind to his beautiful young wife.
So he sent for his trusty servant, the jellyfish, and said: “I have a rather difficult task for you. I want you
to swim across the land and persuade a live monkey to come here with you. Tell the monkey how much
nicer everything is here in Dragon Land than where he lives, so that he will be willing to come. What I
really want him for is to cut out his liver to use as a medicine for the queen.”
So the jellyfish started off on his strange errand. In those days, he was just like any other fish,
with eyes and fins and a tail. But he had little feet also, so that he could walk on land. It did not take him
many hours to swim across the country where the monkeys live. Fortunately there happened to be a
monkey jumping about among the branches of the trees near the place where the jellyfish landed.
“Good morning, Mr. Monkey,” said the jellyfish. “I have come to tell you a beautiful country
where the weather is always pleasant. There are plenty of ripe fruits on the trees, and there are none of
those mischievous creatures called men. Will you not get on my back and let me take you there?”
The monkey thought it would be fun to see a new country. So he jumped on the jellyfish’s back,
and off they started across the water. When they had gone about halfway, he began to fear that there
might be some hidden danger. It seemed rather odd for jellyfish to come so far to carry a stranger home
simply to see the country.

“My Jellyfish, why did you think of coming for me?”
“My master, the king of the dragons, sent me to get you,” answered the jellyfish.
“He wants to give your liver as medicine to the queen.”
“Oh, that’s your little game, is it?” thought the monkey, but he kept his thoughts to himself, and
only said, “Nothing could please me better than to be of service to the king and queen. But I left my liver
hanging on a branch of that big tree where you first saw me. A liver is heavy to carry about so I generally
take mine out and play about without it. We shall have to go back for it.”
The jellyfish agreed that there was nothing else to do. The silly creature did not see that the
monkey was only fooling him in order to save his life and his liver.
When they reached the shore again, the monkey bounded off the jellyfish’s back and was up the
tree in less than a minute. Then he said: “I do not see my liver here. Perhaps somebody has taken it
away. I will look for it. Go back and tell your master what has happened. He may become very anxious if
you did not get home before dark.”
So the jellyfish started home. When he told the king of the dragons what happened, the king
was so angry and said: “Away with this fellow. Take him and beat him to a pulp. Do not let a single bone
remain unbroken in his body.”
The officers seized the unfortunate jellyfish and beat him as the king had commanded. That is
the reason why, to this very day, jellyfish have no bones.
When the young queen found she could not have the monkey’s liver, she made up her mind to
get well without it.

Modeling the pupils

Teacher reads the selection by part.
Teacher asks the pupils to read after her.
Teacher pauses once in a while and asks questions.

Comprehension Questions:
1. Tell the most remarkable traits of each character.
2. Why was the jelly fish sent by the king for an errand?
3. How did the jelly fish persuade the monkey to go with him? Did the jelly fish succeed?
4. If you were the monkey, what would you do to serve yourself?
5. What became of the jelly fish after being punished?
6. What does this story want to covey?

Guided Practice
Cooperative Group Activity
Group I- Draw the dragonette and write her characteristics.
Group II- Draw the jelly fish and write its characteristics.
Group III- Draw the monkey and write his attempts to escape his death.

Independent Practice
Pick out the best answer in each sentence. Write the letter of the answer.
___1. The king dragons wife was:
a. active, bright but stupid
b. lovely, young but spoiled
c. tall, slender but healthy
d. ugly, obese but nice
___2. When the dragonette fell ill, she requested a
a. beef’s liver
b. cow’s liver
c. monkey’s liver
d. pork’s liver
___3. The jelly fish had persuaded the monkey in exchange to an offer – to have
a. bananas, trees and house
b. food, mountains and park
c. country, fruits, men
d. zoo, swamp, pen
___4. The monkey was able to escape his death by;
a. drowning the jelly fish in water
b. fooling-out the jelly fish by dishonesty
c. giving the jelly fish, bananas
d. running to the mountain to hide
___5. When the jelly fish failed to bring a monkey’s liver, he was
a. beaten to pulp
b. cooked into food
c. driven from the sea
d. smash to death

Ask: What is the story about? What is the main idea of the story?

REMEMBER: The main idea is the point of view or general perception of the reader about the
reading material.

Home Activity:
In a paragraph, write the main idea of the selection,” The Jellyfish’ Journey”

Day 4
I. Objectives
1. Be tactful at all times
2. Use the complex sentences to solve the cause-effect relationship of ideas
3. Write a three paragraph descriptive essay

II. Subject-Matter
Using complex sentences
Writing a three paragraph descriptive essay.
References: Growing in English 6 (Reading) p. 177
K-12 Curriculum Guide
EN5G-IVh 1.9.2, EN5WC-III h- 2.28

Materials: chart,metacards, spelling booklet

III. Procedure

A. Setting the Stage

Put-out your spelling booklet.

1. patience 4. rejoicing
2. celebration 5. silly
3. mischievous

Think and Tell

Identify the cause and the effect.
1. Because its raining, the pupils open their umbrellas.
2. That was the same day when the rainbow appeared.
3. Victor, whose words are inviting, won the contest.

Ask: Which one is the cause and the effect in each sentence?
Distinguish the dependent clause, the independent clause and the conjunction.

Find-out and Learn

Here are some sentences from the selection, “The Jellyfish Journey”.
Underline the independent clause, box the dependent clause and circle the conjunction.
1. Before a month has passed, the young dragon fell ill.

2. Tell the monkey, how much nicer everything here in Dragon Lands so that he will be
willing to come.

3. When he told the dragon king what happened, the king got angry.

4. The officer beat the jellyfish, that’s why the jelly fish have no bones.

Ask: What composed the independent clause?

What does it tell?
What composed the dependent clause
It is complete in ideas?
What is connected by conjunction?
What kind of sentence does each form?

Try and Learn

Underline once the cause and underline twice the effect.
1._________ Math problems are difficult.
_________ Rinalyn was worried and unhappy.

2._________ The sea waves were too rough.

\ _________ The fisherman did not go out to the sea.

3._________ Cananava area were flooded for 3 days.

_________ Poor drainage and improper waste disposal in other area.

Do and Learn
Use a conjunction to connect the 2 sentences to form a complex sentence.
1._____ The girl turned off her TV set.
_____ She kept her mind in her work.
2._____ She is not getting enough sleep.
_____ Claudia spends much time watching TV at night.
3._____ Mabini was .
_____ He was the brain of the Katipunan.

Ask: What is a complex sentence?

How do you form a complex sentence?

Learn some more

1. What are the possible causes why many animals are in danger of becoming extinct?
2. If people have made many changes in the environment, what will be its effect?

Match the cause and its effect. write the letters only.
A. B.
____1. because the air is not moving a. a giant hole was cruelled
____2. when you rub them together b. your hands get warm
____3. because the lights are c. forest fires
____4. because a meteorite fell d. the building is dark
____5. because some people are careless e. there is no wind

Home Activity
Complete this outline. Then develop a paragraph

My Success in Studying

A. Causes of success in studying

B. Effects of success in studying
C. If you became successful, how will you share it to others?

My Success in Studying

Day 5

I- Objectives
1. Be tactful in the observation and in giving analysis.
2. Use .a picture of a place under a storm or typhoon
3. Write a reaction to the given film relevant to personal experiences.

II- Subject-Matter
Viewing film (any short educated film will do)
Writing personal rea ctions to the viewed film.

Any educated film
K- 12 Curriculum Guide p.78 EN5VC- IV; - 2.4
Materials: pictures film

III Procedure

A.Setting the Stage

Have you had an experience about a storm ? What were your feelings reactios/
that you had been afraid of? What were those things that caused your fear?

Do you think your neighbors had the same feelings or reactions?

What about other people who were not beset by a storm, what could be their
feelings or reactions?

Think and tell

Teacher shows a picture of a place (rural) under a storm

Ask: Is the place in order? Is the situation normal? Why?

What happens to the people, to the houses,to the nature/?
Why do storm, flood,and,typhoon occur? Can they be controlled by man?
Who are affected? Can people do something in order that they will not be
so much affected?

Do and learn
Cooperative Group Activity
Group I- Name 5 disasters.Write harm and distructions that each brings.
Group II- Draw the most destructive disaster that you have witnessed in your place.
Identify the elements in your output.
Group III- Name all agencies of the government, people, private corporations that
may help the victms of calamity

Ask each group to present their work.

Try and learn

If one had been a victim of a disaster,what do you think would be his insight?
Should he lose hope? Why?

Learn some more

Ask the pupils to see a pleasant film that shows the beautiful aspect of life
Ask them to observe proper behavior while watching the film.

Talk about it
What is the film about? What does it show?
What can you say about the characters?
How did they face their life? Who were with them?
What did they do to make their life happy and contented?
Would you like to be happy and contented? How?

Write about it
Ask the pupils to write a three –paragraph descriptive essay about the topic:

Light After Darkness


Essay is a writing composition that deals with a subject from a limited point of view.

4th Quarter
Week 10


Listening Comprehension
Summarize information from various text types

Oral Language
Use verbal and non-verbal cues

Vocabulary Development
Identify different meanings of unfamiliar words

Reading Comprehension
Make generalization

Oral Reading Fluency

Observe correct pronunciation and proper expressions in dramatic readings and

Study Strategy
Conduct short research projects on a self-selected topic
Use complex sentences to show problem-solution relationship of ideas

Writing Composition
Compose a three paragraph descriptive essay on self-selected topic

Make connections between information viewed and personal experiences

A. Literature
1. “ The Best Treasure” ( Improving Proficiency I p.10)
2. “The Monkey’ Heart “(New Dunamic Series in English 5,pp.266-267)
3. “ Cinquain Rose “(poem) (English Matter 6,p325)
4. Portion of the Selection,”Make an Impression ”(English Matter 6.pp335-338)
5. “ Life ‘ Inconsistencies”(English Matter 6pp284-285

B. Language
1. Summarizing Information
2. Vocabulary Development
3. Sounds: br gr cr dr pr/
4. Making Conclusion/ Generalization

Improving Proficiency in English I p 10
New Dynamic Series in English 5,PP 266-267, 284-285, 325,
K-12 Curriculum Guide in English 5, EN5LC –Ivj-3.13

C. Materials
Listening selection (printed on a small illustration board)
Oral reading selection (Chart/ Board/Power point)
Poem (chart/Board)
Short Stories ( for Comprehension)
Vocabularies( meta cards)( Word Bank)
Idioms (word cards)
Activity sheets

II- Subject-Matter
Listening Selection: “The Best Treasure” (Improving Proficiency I- p. 10)
Summarizing information listened to.

References: Improving Proficiency I- p. 10 K- 12 Curriculum Guide in English 5

EN5LC-IVj – 3.13
Materials: chart, meta cards, pictures

III- Procedure
Setting the Stage
Find the word that best fits each meaning below.
1. A place where vines grow
2. To loosen the soil
3. A buried wealth
4. A plant product
treasure vineyard cultivated crop

Ask: What for you is the most important thing that your parents could give you?
What do you consider treasure in your life?

Explaining the pupils what to do:

Today, you are going to know the best treasure in the life of a farmer. Find out what is
that best treasure that the selection considers.

Modeling the Pupils

Listen attentively as the teacher reads the story;

“The Best Treasure”
A certain farmer had several sons. He wanted them to become good farmers.
When the farmer was dying, he called his sons to him and said, “Boys I am about to
leave you. I have hidden my wealth in the vineyard, search for it. It is all I have to give

you.” His sons thought that their father had buried a treasure in the vineyard.
When looking for the treasure, until, they had dug everywhere. They didn’t find hidden
money, but they had cultivated the vines so well that they had a fine crop of grapes. The
best treasure is what we get from hard work.

Comprehension Questions:
1. What did the farmer want his sons to become?
2. How did he keep his wealth?
3. Why did the father give the sons a hard work in looking for the hidden wealth?
4. Were they able to find the hidden treasure?
5. When they dug in the vineyard, did they find the treasure?
6. What is the best treasure?

Guided Practice
Complete the sentences with the accurate word or words heard from the selection.
1. The story told that the farmer had _______ sons.
2. He wanted them to become good ________.
3. When he was dying, he told that he would leave them his __________.
4. When he died, the son looked for the _________.
5. They didn’t find any money but they found-out that the legacy of the father was
the ____________.
Wealth several treasure
farmers product of hard work fisherman
Independent Practice
Select the letter of the best answer.
1. From the selection, a certain farmer told about the
a. fine crops of grapes at home
b. hidden wealth in the vineyard
c. plan to work abroad sooner
d. severe sickness being suffered

2. While not directly stated, it can be reasoned from the selection that the;
a. dying father left a legacy
b. father had raised big crops
c. hidden wealth was the vines
d. sons were his big problems

3. When the father died, the sons
a. dug the vineyard
b. ignored the legacy
c. gave the vine to other
d. not interested to it

4. The selection is about

a. cultivated crops
b. father and son
c. hidden treasure
d. industrious men
5. The selection made us realized that
a. hidden wealth could be found easily
b. there are things heavier than money
c. the product of hand labor is immeasurable
d. money is the most valuable thing

Closure/ Assessment
Summarize the selection listened to in 5 sentences.

Home Activity
Identify and write in your notebook the things in your house that you consider

Day 2
I- Objectives
1. Observe politeness at all times.
2. Pronounce the letter, word, phrase and sentence correctly and articulately.
3. Express each character’s part emotionally and realistically.

II- Subject-Matter
“ Rose “(poem) English Matter p.325
A portion of the selection “Make an impression”
English Matter 6 p. 235- 238
Decoding Consonant Clusters br, gr, cr, dr, pr
Words used in

References: English Matter 6 pp. 235- 238

K- 12 Curriculum in English 5
EN5OL- IVj- 4 EN5F IVj – 1.6, 1.3, 1.7, 1.4

Materials: charts, meta cards,picture of a Rose, activity sheets

III- Procedure
A. Setting the Stage
Pretend that you are in a less-traveled road and you find a rose flourishing by the
Say the words: lush, tender, swaying, brimming, blushing, inspiring, temptation

Read after me.

Sweet Rose
lush, red, tender,
swaying, brimming, blushing
inspiring, temptation in me

Ask the pupils to read by group,

later, by individual pupil.

Think and Tell
Read the statements:
That rose stands- out among the short grasses because of its tall stem.

Ask: What is the meaning of stand out?

What are the clues that help you get the meaning of the given word?

Find out and Learn

Give the meaning of the underlined words. Write the clues to get their meanings.
1. Blooming flowers are a spectacular sight to see. The rekindle admiration and
aesthetic need for beauty
2. Some mountaineers wantonly destroy nature. They never care for plants and
animals You could say they are totally destructive.
3. Nature is cyclic. Seasons come and go repeatedly. Natural process appear,
disappear, then, reappear again and again.
4. Along the wayside, one can notice the vegetation creeping robustly in the infinite
5. Dinosaur and other prehistoric creatures are extinct. You can only see them in
books now.
Ask the pupils to give each word and its meaning.
blooming wantonly cyclic vegetation extinct

B. Explaining the pupils what to do.

Read these correct clusters words correctly.
/br/ /gr/ /cr/ /dr/ /pr/
brag regrets cried drive pray
brief degree cruise dropper pride
brand agree credible drama prince

Ask: How is each consonant clusters pronounced?

C. Modeling the pupils

These are statements taken from the selection, “Make an impression” Take note of the
pronunciation, emotions and necessary gestures.
Group I, read after me. Read with proper expressions.
The next morning, I was enthusiastic to rush to the place of our appointment.
One, two, three, four and five hours went by. Not even a shadow appeared. I wrote a
letter. I tried to hold back my frustrations. I called. The maid said, she didn’t know
where her employers were.
“Dear friends,” “I began, maybe I misheard our meeting place or did you come and was I
not around? Don’t forget that I desperately need you. I know you do not want me
waiting for nothing. Still, if help is underway, below is my number. Feel free to call,
Sincerely.” and I signed.

Ask: What emotions are involved?

Group II, read after me. Read with proper expressions.
Suddenly, someone called my name, “Mr. Fernandez, Mr. Fernandez,” came the
voice. What’s the matter with you? You didn’t come to see us for quite a long time
already. good I saw you tonight.”

I glanced at that familiar face , the wife of that person from whom I was borrowing
money. I smiled sweetly. “What’s up?” “Well she said, “my son has a problem in
his research class in college and feared he might fall his defense.” I could feel the
pleading of a woman as if she were talking to a savior. .

Ask: What emotions are involved?

Group III, read after me with proper expressions.

I remembered my son. Did he not need help, to? What had these people done at the
time when I needed help the most? And she still had the nerve…!
“Please help us,” she appealed. Our relatives would despise our family once he flunked.”
I smiled again and began to walk.
“Name your price, please? I looked at her once more and I smiled, “I’m so sad to hear
that.” I said sincerely.
Thank you! she said. In fact, your friend, I mean my husband, is waiting for you at home

“Thanks”, I said. “my boy has just been discharged from the hospital and he needs me by
his side. I pray that God will solve your problem.” And I walked away fast to catch a ride.

Ask: What emotions are envolved?

D. Guided Practice
Onced you have learned the expressions. you will put gestures in your utterances. You
will be given 5 minutes to prepare your part.

After 5 minutes

E. Independent Practice
Pick-out and write the parts that express;
1. security 3. fear 5. confusion
2. relaxation 4. curiosity

F. Closure/ Assessment
Write secured, relaxed, afraid, curious or confused, before each statement/speech.
_________1. The next morning I was enthusiastic to rush to the place of our appointment.
_________2. “Dear Friends”, I began,” I may misheard our meeting place or did you
come. and I was not around.
________3. “You didn’t come to see us for quite a long time already. It’s good I saw you
________4. “My son has a problem in his research class in college and feared he might
fall his defense.”
________5. “I pray that God will solve your problem.”

Home Activity
Use blooming, wantonly, cyclic, vegetation and extinct in sentence.

Day 3

I- Objectives
1. Be tactful in communicating with others.
2. Read the selection with full comprehension
3. Make conclusions/ generalization

II- Subject- Matter

Life’s Inconsistencies (English Matters (Reading) 5 p. 296-297)
(English Matters 6 pp. 284-285)
Making Conclusion

English Matters 6 pp. 284-285
K- 12 Curriculum Guide in English 5
EN5RC-IVg – 2.12, EN5F-IVi 1.6, 1.3, 1.7
EN5RC- IVg- 2.12, EN5F- IVi 1.6, 1.3, 1.7

Materials: chart, pictures of opposing things

III- Procedure
A. Setting the Stage
Tell the meaning of the underlined vocabularies.
1. People get rid of inconsistencies or the irregular reasons of the government
2. Hold your temper. You should know when to control your anger.
3. The victim doesn’t want to hear the unfairness or prejudice of the court.
4. After all these years, should have shown his contentment about life. Her
satisfaction will make us happy.
5. Listen to the authorities’ warning .Their admonition will help you a lot.

Think and Tell

Are you aware of everyday situations that seem to contradict?

Read these statements and react.

1. It was Saturday. The weather was very bright when suddenly, the rain fell.
2. The official told that laborer’s wager will be After a day, he elaborated that there
will be no budget. So, there will be no increase in salary.
3. The judge accused the person guilty due to solid evidence provided. After a week,
the judge acquitted the accused one.

Ask: What are inconsistencies?
Find out why inconsistencies happen?

Find out and Learn

Group the class into 3. Ask each group to read certain part. Pause once in a while to
answer the questions.
Life’s Inconsistencies
Are you becoming more and more like this world that has misplaced priorities
and confused values? If you look at the world behind you, you will find out that we have
taller buildings best shorter tempers. We have wider freeways best narrow view points.
We spend more but have less. We buy more but enjoy it less. We have more
acquaintances but fewer funds.
We have more conveniences but less time. We have more degrees but less
judgment. We have more experts and insult ants but more problems. We have more
medicine but less wellness.

What are inconsistent in the paragraph?

taller buildings - _______________
wider freeways- _______________
buy more- ______________
more acquaintances- ___________

What do we gain but loss?

more conveniences- ____________
more degrees- ________________
more experts- _________________
more medicine- ________________

We write more but learn less. We plan more but accomplish a little. We have
learned to rush but not to wait. We have bigger incomes but lower morals. We have
more effort but less success.

Do you agree that we have reduced our values for material things?
What should be done as a number of the family to avoid problems at home?

Try and Learn
Evaluate the conclusion given below. If you think the conclusion is justifiable give
additional proof to strengthen the claim. If not give reasons to reject them.

1. We spend too recklessly.

Evidences: __________________________________________________
2. We drive too fast.

3. We read to seldom.
Evidences: ___________________________________________________

4. We have more efforts but less success.

Evidences: ___________________________________________________

5. We have less communication.

Evidences: ___________________________________________________

Do and Learn
Out of many inconsistencies what will be your generalization?

What is conclusion? What is generalization?

Read the following. State your conclusion.

Schools were closed. Streets were flooded.
Lightning flashed and the thunder roared.
Fallen trees were thrown on the ground.
What occurred? State your conclusion.
Here are different speeches:
Teacher’s asked, “Will you attend the party?”
The teacher asked if I would attend the party.

Ask: Which one is the duet speech?
Which one is the induct speech?
Make a generalization

Learn some more

Read the sentences. State a generalization for each group of sentences.

a. The Philippines is a proper noun

The country is the Philippines

b. The first flower is white

The two flowers are red

c. The mouse eats cheese

The mice eat cheese

Ask: How do you make a generalization?

Read the sentences. State a conclusion for each group of sentences.

a. Danny often forgets the things that his mother instructs him to do.
b. Mang Pedro is a farmer. It is his usual habit to go to the farm in the to plan the
c. Diego goes home from school at seven pm. He sleeps night and wakes up at 2 am
to review his past lesson.

Ask: What is generalization?

What is conclusion?

Conclusion is a statement expressing the end result of a judgment.
Generalization is a statement expressing the principle or law governing situation.

Evaluation: Write Conclusion or Generalization for each of the given sentences.

_________1. The Santos family is a very sensitive but approachable member of society.
_________2. Light travels in a straight line.
_________3. Water exerts force an object.
_________4. Plants die in the of water.
_________5. When clouds get heavy, rain forms.

Day 4

I. Objectives
1 Realize that courtesy is tantamount to politeness.
2. Use complex sentences.
3. Predict outcomes

II- Subject –Matter

Using Complex Sentences ( Lesson Plan in English 6,PP92-95)
Predicting outcomes

References: Lesson Plan in English 6 pp. 92-95

K-12 Curriculum Guide In English 5, EN 5G-IVh-1.9.2

Materials : chart ,sentence strips, pictures, sentence strips

III. Procedure
A. Setting the stage
Identify compound sentences in the paragraph.Read them aloud.

Josefa Llanes Escoda was a great social worker t. She was among the first Filipina
to engage in social work.She planned projects for the welfare of women and children
and she succesfullycarried them –out.
What conjunctions were used in each compound sentence/

Combine the sentences to form compound sentences.

a. Those heroes were usually unnamed.
. They were recognized by their friends.
b. Most of those heroes were unknown.
We will never forget them.
c. They fought the enemies peacefully.
They raised their arms violently.
What does each compound sentence tell?

Think and tell

Show a picture of Filipinos.What traits of Filipinos are being shown in the picture?
How do Filipinos show their hospitality?

Find-out and learn
Study how the ideas in the two sentences below can be combined(in sentence strips)

A Filipino family is united .

The members support each other.

1. Our family is united because the members support each other.

2. Our family is united if the members support each other.
3. Our family is united when the members support each other.
4. Our family is united since members support each other.

Can you explain the meaning of each combination? Identify dependent

and independent clauses. What conjunction support them?

Try and learn

How many ideas or thoughts are expressed in each sentence?
What words connect these ideas in sentence 1? In other sentences?
Which sentence speaks for a reason?
Which tells of a condition? What words introduce these expressions?

Do and learn.
Combine ideas in the paragraph to form complex sentence.
Mang Tino moves his house. He will tend a new farm.Now, he needs
a helping hand from the fellow villagers. his wife invites the men in the
barangay. Willingly,they heed a request . Together, they carry the house
on their shoulders using poles. They reach Mang Tino’s new farm. They
partake of some food such as coffee, pancit and suman.

How are complex sentences formed?What words/ conjunctions join two

or more ideas that are related?

A complex sentence is composed of a dependent clause and an
independent clause supported by a conjunction.

Guided Practice

Identify the complex sentence in the sentence that predict outcomes.

1. The Spaniards watched Marcelo H. Del Pilar closely because a Spaniard priest
accused him.
2. Many great Filipinos who risked their lives became heroes.
3. Jose Rizal continued writings and came up to two meaningful books.
4. His enemies betrayed him thats why he was captured.
5 Even though he died, people love and honor him.

Independent practice

Use the appropriate conjunction to connect the ideas

1. Traders trusted them______ they, our forefathers,never cheated intheir
trade and commerce.
2. They never ran away______ the traders left goods with them for several
3. They did not order goods ______ they needed them.
4. They did not get goods_______ they could not pay them.
5. Our courageous ancestors did not hesitate to fight invaders ______
their weapons are weak.

Make a complex sentence by adding another idea using the given conjunctions.
1. I am proud of being a Filipino because ________________.
2. Let us be warm and hospitable when_________________.
3. Perhaps you can be as great as our heroes if _____________.

4. Let us practice self discipline until ___________.

5. We must study harder so that ___________.

Home Activity
Gather information about a Filipino trait and write a paragraph report using complex


Day 5
I. Objectves
1. Realize that strong imagination aids keen observation.
2. Gather information using imagination
3. Write a paragraph for a purpose.

II. Subject Matter

Using Imagination to gather information
Writing a Paragraph for a Purpose

References;English Matter 6 Reading Series

K-12 Curriculum Guide in English 5 EN5-VC-2.4

III- Procedure
A. Setting the Stage
Have you heard of the Dalton Pass, the cliff-hanging highway, the sky way?
How do you feel upon hearing them? Have you seen them? If not then let’s use our
imaginations to experience them,

Read these words:

gh ough
height though
might dough
fright thought
bright brought

Can you see them in your imagination?

Think and tell

What images can you create out of these things?
1. Curves 2.Lines 3.Varied Scents 4.Wrinkles 5.Clouds

Find and learn

Express the created imaginations in sentences.
What is your purpose in forming them?

Try and learn
Every author has a purpose in writing his/her story.
What could be the purpose of the author in writing the following?

1. I agreed to his argument.I slept late for several days.I felt very dizzy.
2. Christ is absolutely original and absolutely unique.
3 When judging a persobeforen, you’re wrong even when you’re right.
4. The decision to give what we didn’t receive is always an available option.

Do and learn

Cooperative Group Activity : Explain the purpose of the author in writing each of the
given statements:

Group I: A political ad destroys the image of the politician .

Group II An internet disturbs the learning pupils.
Group III A resolution protects the rghts of the unborn.

Ask the pupils to present their out-puts.

Learn some more.

Draw a smiley Face before a wholesome advertisement and an angry face before an un
wholesome one.
______1. A hot dog commercial featuring someone who bullies little boys.
______2. Father and son game in a commercial on cookies.
______3. Two women bitterly arguing over saucy and crispy fried chicken.
______ 4. A commercial on diapers featuring the children.
______5. A cigarette commercial showing jolly sportsmen.

Cite wholesome advertisements. Give examples of unwholesome advertisements Which

between the wholesome and unwholesome one gives influence to different kinds of people?

In writing we should always always have a purpose

Home Activity
Paste 2 pictures in your notebook, , wholesome1 and unwholesome.
Write an advertisement on the two pictures..


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