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NAME: Nathalie F.

Melendez DATE: April 25, 2019

BLOCK: 44 A90: 4th report

Generally, to finish our fesibility study and find a dormitory in manila.
Specifically, to have enough time to study and increase my average in law and tax by 10%.

 I can't devote my time in studying because there are things that I need to prioritize like
finishing our feasibility study and finding a dormitory in manila. About our feasibility
study, as of now, there are various parts that needs revision and our deadline is on friday
so there's no ample time for me to scan my notes before taking the next wce II. In
addition, as regard to finding a dormitory in manila, I and my classmates we're having a
hardtime to find a place that could cater our different wants. For example, some of us
wants to stay in a place that has a good ambiance regardless of the price while some of us
want a place that is affordable. Truly, this matter stresses us until now because it is
impossible that we could find a place that our preferences could meet. That's why, during
the last days , I can't focus on studying.

 After one day of searching for a dormitory in manila, I and my classmates finally found a
place that meets our wants. However, the problem is, it is very far to our review center
which is resa. It is approximately 2.2 kilometers away to RESA, so we need to ride a jeep
to reach our review center. Also, according to our landlord, we need to alot 30 mins for
the ride. Moreover, the place is not convenient especially when rainy season comes.

 It's been already a couple of weeks since I scan my books, that's why it's too difficult
again to go back with my study habits.

 To have enough time to study, I with my groupmates will do our best to finish the revision
of our feasibility study in a short possible period of time. To do this, I will suggest that
each member of the group will have a designated work and one member will proofread
the final paper so that the revision of our feasibility study will be efficiently done. Also, to
keep my focus in studying, I will settle first all the stuffs that I will be needing in manila
like dormitory and etc.

 the second problem which is the distance of our dormitory to our review center is
inevitable however I will take this disadvantage to practice self descipline by trying to
attend review class earlier rather than late. Also, to avoid not attending class because of
traffic and tiring heat, I will take this everyday challenge as an early training of living in
that kind of environment. Also, in case there's a sudden change of mind of my colleagues,
I decided to find another dormitory that
accepts lessee by per head basis.
 Little by little, I will set again new goals and I will manage to accomplish them.So, by
having a clearer vision, I'll be more motivated to study. Moreover, I will start this solution
by listing down the topics that needs more attention like derivatives in AFAR, revised
corporation code in Law and changes in taxation caused by train law. I will start studying
new topics like these to challenge myself and to prevent boredom. Lastly, I will make my
own notes about what I have read with regards to these topics so that if ever I forget
something, I will just refer to my notes.

Subject 1st WCE (%) 2nd WCE 3rd 4th 5th

(%) (%) (%)
Audit prob 62 61.54 66.67 70.90 70%
Audit theory 48.57 57.33 78.57 68.57 58%
AUDIT 52.29 59.44 72.62 69.73 64%
MAS 68.57 75.71 70 58.57 -
AFAR 55.71 62.86 74.29 65.71 74%
RFBT 55 61 82 57 68%
TAX 47.14 55.71 61.43 65.71 61%
Average: 55.73 62.94 72.07 62.14 66.75%

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